Zoodles and Fall Fashion!
Hey guys!
I’m currently boarding a plane to NYC and I’m trying to get this blog post up before I go!
So first of all, happy first day of fall!
Time for changes in the atmosphere, in our seasonal produce, and of course FASHION!!! Tweed skirts, cozy sweaters, boots and scarves. I cannot wait! So for my new cheap clean eats episode today I did a little fashion pairing for you. I hope you like it because if you do…I will do more!
Here are your recipes!
Raw vegan zoodles (1 serving)
– 1 medium zucchini
– 8 cherry tomatoes
– 1/2 TBS pine nuts
avocado pesto sauce (2 servings)
– 1 avocado
– 1 small lemon
– dash salt
– dash pepper
– 1 packet stevia
– 1 c water
– 8-10 basil leaves
Directions: 1. To make the sauce, blend all of the avocado pesto ingredients until smooth. 2. To make zoodles, chop off the ends of a zucchini and then put it in a spiralizer.3. Begin turning the handle until your whole zucchini is spiralized! 4. Then place noodles onto a plate, other half of the sauce on top, sprinkle with pine nuts and cherry tomatoes. You can also add extra pepper on top too. Nutrition Facts: zoodles (1 serving) cal- 81.7 fat- 3g carbs- 13g protein- 2.9g avocado pesto sauce (1 serving) cal- 155.9 fat- 13.5g carbs- 13.4g protein- 2.4g
4 c butter lettuce 8 pecans 1 TBS goat cheese 1 1/2 TBS dried cranberries 2 strips turkey bacon 1/2 fuji apple 3/4 c of diced butternut squash
Directions: 1. Do salads really need directions!? 2. Ok fine. 3. Put butter lettuce in a bowl and decorate with the ingredients listed: pecans, goat cheese, dried cranberries, diced and cooked turkey bacon, diced apple and roasted butternut squash. 4. To make the butternut squash from the video, sauté butternut squash in coconut oil with salt and paper to taste for about 15 min. It should get a tiny bit blackened on the edges. Nutrition Facts: cal- 309.7 fat- 17.3g carbs- 33.3g protein- 11g
PUMPKIN FRENCH TOAST• 2 ezekiel bread slices • 1/2 c canned pumpkin • 1 egg • 1/2 c almond milk • dash cinnamon • 1 packet of stevia
Directions: 1. Mix the egg, almond milk, canned pumpkin, cinnamon, and stevia in a bowl til smooth. 2. Then dip the bread slices in there until fully covered. 3. Spray your pan with coconut oil on medium low then place bread slices on for a few min or until it begins to get crispy. 4. Flip! Once both sides are crispy, you can serve with maple syrup and diced apples! Nutrition Facts: cal- 299.4 cal fat- 7g carbs- 45.2g protein- 16.1g Also! Because it’s now officially LEGGINGS SEASON, I designed a 3 min Turbo Pilates challenge for your legs! Give it a shot! My shirt is from my new tank top collection and you can find that here. My leggings are from ALO Yoga.Hope you enjoyed the new cheap clean eats video! Please let me know if you like the fashion stuff. I would love to do more if you’re interested of course! Love you so much and happy fall! Love, Cassey
18 thoughts on “Zoodles and Fall Fashion!”
There are 18 comments posted by our users.
Thank you! I really need to get back to cooking!
You are so inspiring! Great work
The zoodles were amazing! I brought them to work and people were commenting how good they look too!
Great recipes lady! REALLY loving the fun loving video you made. Can’t wait to try the french toast.
YAY for fall!
Tracy Dugan
Great fall recipes, Cassey! I love zoodles–but I’ve never tried the pesto! And I have to try the French toast too!
Need a spiralizer!!
That pumpkin french toast is calling my name. Loving all of these fall things! Especially the salad – there’s been so many wonderful fall baked goods being talked about, it’s nice to find a lighter option! Thanks so much for sharing.
Latest Post – Get Cozy: 4 Easy Tricks To Makeover Your Bedroom For Fall
I’m trying to start eating healthy, but i’ts really hard. But these videos are helping me so much and i’m trying to make them least 5 times in a week. I feel so much better.
That’s great!
Awesome recipes here, can’t wait to try them all! Happy Fall!
i looooooove your recipes and your workout videos! you are AMAZING !!! You are our fitness idol, even here in Greece.. much love
LOVE the fall-themed recipes and the fashion tie-in. So fun! The outfit totally reminds me of Clueless. Good times. haha
Pumpkin season is my favorite season–I totally love it. Sweaters and scarves are the best part!
Hi Cassey!
Love you page 🙂 and that pumpkin french toast looks great!
Hi Cassey! Awesome vid! Maybe I could give the pumpkin french toast a try sometime. 🙂
For my part, “Fall” reminds me of “Mid-Autumn Festival”, a Chinese holiday which is celebrated during the 15th of August in the Lunar Month (It falls on Mid August or September in the Western Calendar). Mooncakes and Pomelo are popular treats during the Mid-Autumn Festival (also called Mooncake Festival), however, Mooncakes are relatively high in calories and loaded with sugar. I’d like to suggest on making “Sugar Free Pomelo Jam” and “Guilt Free Mooncakes” for us Asian brothers and sisters across the globe to make and share with the family-minus the guilt, maybe?
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you and your family, Cassey!
Zhong Chiu Jieh Kuai Le 中秋節快樂!
Melanie Ong from the Philippines
Well, even though I’m not a fan of “unitaskers”, it looks like I need to get a spiralizer. If there’s one thing I miss, it’s big plates of spaghetti, so zoodles looks like a nice compromise 🙂
Hey Cassey!
Your food videos are always great, but I was wondering if you could make a video of ‘packed lunch’ or ‘quick meals’ that I can whip up before heading out in the mornings? I don’t always have time to make these meals which makes it a little discouraging!
Heya, great video as always. I was wondering what is the name of the artist and song that plays in the background, it begins at 2:07. Video in question is, Fit Fall Foods! Vegan Zoodles, Amazing Salad & Pumpkin French Toast!
Love the meals! They are also quick and easy to whip up, but definitely leave room for dessert! 😀
Loving the autumn time as well! Can’t wait to get cozy for propper autumn although the weather in Copenhagen is pretty much autumn already!
Pumpkin makes it all better anyways! 😀