Sculpt Sexy Legs for your Cocktail Dress!
Sculpt Sexy Legs for your Cocktail Dress!
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
Hope you had a fantastic weekend! Here is your new “Sexy Sculpted Legs” Workout to help you tone those hot leggies of yours up for the holidays!
This one requires no mat, just shoes to make sure you get the support you need while lunging and jumping around. I really like this routine because it was heart-pumpin’ cardio the whole way through. Please give it a try. I made the music louder in this one so that you can hear and be more motivated to exercise to the beat.
Also! This marks week 2 of the “Cassey’s Favorite Things” Giveaway! This week’s prize is another cool electronic gift…the Logitech Ultimate Ears Boom Wireless Speakers!
As you know, music is a huge part of my life and it is the essence of POP Pilates. So having music that sounds like it fills the room and just pumps with the beat of my heart and runs through my veins like liquid sound…well…it’s kinda necessary. Since we’re talking about music anyway, here is my current playlist that I’m using for my POP Pilates classes that I’m teaching at Equinox:
Do you like any of these songs? Any songs I should know about and def add to the list?
These speakers are amazing and I want you to have them too. Not only will they make your workout so much better, I bet you could also use them to play music for a house party. They seriously are super loud and have a surround-sound feel. They’re also bluetooth so you can turn it off and on with your phone and adjust the volume up to 50 ft away!
Soooooo…wanna win one? Here’s how!
– Text “BLOGILATES” to 96035 from your mobile phone between Dec 9th and Dec 15th and you will automatically be entered.
– It’s only open to US residents.
– Winner will be announced here on Dec 16th, 2013
As of now, I know that AT&T phones are getting an error message, so please check back later. I will give you an update on the situation!
If you wanna get this for your fam or friends as a gift, you can see all of it’s features at
Good luck!
Also, congrats to last week’s “Cassey’s Favorite Things” giveaway winner “mikkilov3” – you win the FitBit Flex and the LG Tone Bluetooth Stereo Headset! Please send an email to to claim your prize.
I wanted to share with you how proud I am of your hard work on the 12 week #newbodymakeover challenge! Look, some of you have already lost weight!
Congrats guys! Amazing!! The #newbodymakeover isn’t just about losing weight, it’s about transforming your whole life towards how you’ve always wanted to live it. Healthy, happy, and strong. Please share with me below how you’re doing. You should be seeing progress either in numbers or by how you feel. If you aren’t changing something, please be honest with yourself, be honest with our community here, and tell us why.
Here’s a meal from the #newbodymakeover plan – garden scramble! Mmmmm!!! Look at those nutritious and delicious colors!
Your week 3 password for the 12 week meal plan will be revealed tomorrow on facebook. So be sure to like my page at to get your next set of clean meals. By the way, if you’re just reading this and wishing you could join, it’s not too late at all! You can see week 1 and week 2 meal plans by clicking on those links. Or if you prefer to get all 12 weeks at once plus the pretty Blogilates Fit Journal, click here.
Also, I want to thank you guys for being patient with your orders. With Black Friday and the backorder of the Fit Journals, shipping has been intense. We’re shipping day and night and working into the wee hours of the early morning to get your packages out. I am deeply sorry if you are concerned but I assure you that there is nothing to worry about! Your order has either already shipped or will ship very very soon. However, if you want any status updates, you can email with your full name and order number.
Oh and before I leave you, I wanna share with you the new Pop Danthology Mashup of 2013! I remember loving Dan Kim’s 2012 version.
<3 you!
Dress: Keepsake the label from Planetblue
Shoes: Aldo
Necklace: Fossil
Keep the Heat Shrug from Beyond Yoga
Cami, my own from years ago
Shorts from Body Language Sportswear
Shoes are Nike Flyknits from Roadrunner Sports
25 thoughts on “Sculpt Sexy Legs for your Cocktail Dress!”
There are 25 comments posted by our users.
Cassey thank you for fixing the issue with the contest for AT&T users! Thanks agai. for making the entry so easy–I don’t have Facebook or Instagram. I’m feeling so good about the challenge and the meals. m enjoying trying new things–I loved the spaghetti squash and making my own sauce! And the dressing for the quinoa edamame salad was soo good! I still have some struggles and challenges but I’m determined and can’t wait to see my results at the end of these 12 weeks. You are such a beautiful and wonderful inspiration, Cassey! Please keep doing what you’re doing!!
I’m still having trouble as an AT&T user
Watch the video and there’s a number at the end of it, it’s like 4830 something, that is the one that is for at&t
Who else spotted Cassey in the Youtube Rewind? With Glozell! OMG, I remember the picture from Instagram where she was filming the shot, it is awesome! Hahaha laughed so hard on the part with the horse mask hihihi. Love you Cassey <3
I am not seeing week 3 meal plan password on Facebook.
Please advise
Wow, this meal plan/ workout calendar is awesome. I’ve lost 4 pounds so far, my husband is down 8 (just following the meal plan with me, no workouts…lucky guy.) Telling my inner child “no” has been the key to success- following the meal plan with no unplanned cheating and working out consistently. I have a lot of weight to lose but this is the first time I feel like I can sustain the healthy eating/exercise combo without losing my mind! Thank you Cassey for this gift, getting healthy is the best thing I could do for my family and myself!
Was just wondering what songs you used specifically in this workout? I loved them and they kept me super motivated!
Do I have to follow Cassey’s meal plan to see significant result? As long as I eat clean, it should be showing the same result right?
This looks like a fun workout! I’m going to try this. Thanks for sharing, Cassie!
xoxo Zoe
You should add Jesse McCartney’s songs “Back Together” and “Tie The Knot” from his EP “In Technicolor, Pt. I!” Super upbeat songs! They definitely push me through a workout. 🙂
Can’t wait to try this! Love your blog!
xx Chloe
Thank you Cassey, this is just what I needed. I’ve been sticking to the diet plan and doing the daily workouts for the New Body Makeover and I’ve lost about 5 lbs so far. Having Cassey’s encouragement and that of all you POPsters makes me feel like I’m not doing it alone. I don’t think I would have made it even this far without this great program. I feel confident I can make it the whole 12 weeks and I look forward to the results.
I’m not allowed to go with the meal plan, ’cause I’m underage and live still at home. So my parents don’t like it. But I’m doing the exercises, though.
Now I’m sick, having fever so I have to skip yesterday’s and today’s workouts.
Do you think that I should skip them or do them back?
And I just get out of hospital week ago.
Cassey, you’re such a inspiration and I love your workouts!
I have been there so I would do the best you can food wise. And don’t worry about the days you missed if you were sick. Let yourself recover and then start again.
Hi! I need help! Can I still lose weight by just doing the workouts and not eating according to the meal plan?
I am starting the plan in January, because I’ve been doing the workouts since August, and I don’t see a big difference. As Cassey usually says, 80% it’s about the food, 15% workout, and 5%genes. I hope I helped you :*
Cassey, more ring workouts please. I can’t be doing the same workouts with it over and over again. Maybe just a video explaining more moves we can do with the ring. Thanks 🙂
I just wanted to ask for the same workouts, using pilates ring, when I saw your message 🙂
Yes I agree. I am getting a ring for xmas and cant wait to use it. Xx
Overall the challenge has left me feeling pretty awesome! However, I think my butt may be getting smaller and am wondering if anyone has any tips on how to work those muscles without losing them their shapeliness. I want to keep working out but I really don’t want to lose my booty!
I think the running last week gave me runners knee (I thought only long distance runners got it, though?) :/ The back/outside of my knee started hurting (ITBS) during my run on saturday, and it got worse when I went to the cardio videos, with all the jumping. It mostly only hurts when I go down stairs or if I bend and straighten both legs while standing (I haven’t tried running again, yet, because I’m trying to rest it so I can run tomorrow).
Should it stop hurting by tomorrow, or does it need more rest?
I’m not a professional but in the past year I’ve gone to physical therapy for issues with my IT band. I think to play it safe you should rest another day, but what is probably most important is that you keep up with your stretching. I would really try to stretch out your calves, quads, groin, and glutes three times a day, even if it is just for like 20 seconds.
I hope this helps!
Get a foam roller (like $15-$20) and google foam-rollier exercises for IT band. Best thing ever.
My mom says I’m already looking thinner! Though I don’t think I’ve lost any weight (I didn’t measure myself on day 1 unfortunately). The food is amazing by the way Cassey (yummy Tuna Salad ^_^), and I end up feeling full but light after every meal (which is an amazing feeling). Week 1 I was super exhausted because of all the cooking after I got home, but this week I got smart and cooked all my meals for the week yesterday. I haven’t received my journal yet but I’m being patient and writing everything down on another notebook. Everything is going amazing and I’m sure everyone’s feeling amazing. Thank you for being such an awesome “Trainer” Cassey, and thank you for everything you’ve done for all of us POPsters. I hope I get to meet you one day and thank you face to face, you really deserve it. Have a good night everyone and happy exercising and eating healthy!
Michell ^.^
You replied to me last about the error message, but my carrier is Sprint. So it’s AT&T and Sprint having problems. :/