Getting to know the people behind the brands
Getting to know the people behind the brands
Hey POPsters!
This week has been kinda crazy. As most of you know, I am in LA right now. Somehow booked the first half of my trip with meetings and stuff. They’ve been fun though! I love LA – I grew up in the valley as a kid (“yeah, like totally!!!”) and also went to Whittier College. I’m in the SF Bay now so I like to just call myself a California girl. Uh-oh, does anyone else hear Katy Perry ringing in their ears?
So this trip is related to the secret I wanted to tell you guys about when I announced YouTube Next Trainer last week. If you’re on facebook, you probably got a snippet of what this may be about. I am in talks with a really cool production company that reps some of the biggest YouTubers you know. That is all I will say right now. I can probably tell you tomorrow or early next week what ends up happening. But either way I feel very very fortunate to have the opportunity to discuss my channel with them.
It’s been kinda crazy all the stuff that has been happening these past few weeks. I guess when you really pour your heart out into something and are TRULY passionate about what you’re doing, it pays off. Maybe you don’t see it in the beginning but eventually you will. Life is fair like that. Same with you guys on the 90 day challenge. Put your 100% into it and you will feel the benefits and see the changes as you begin to embrace healthy living.
ANYWAY!!! Let’s get to this trip shall we? So I flew in Wed and went straight to the studios for a few hours. Saw super huge green screens, an army of video editors sitting in a dimly lit room with their headphones and macs, people filming on roofs, recording studios, costume shops, makeup rooms with those hollywood style light bulbs – like all the stuff you imagine when you think movie production. It was really cool.
Then afterwards I met up with the owner of Miracle Noodle for dinner. No we did not have zero calorie noodles for din…haha. We went to a Japanese restaurant in Santa Monica and had some awesome cuts of fish. I used to stay away from raw fish, but now I feel like it’s one of those things that forces you to think about every bite. Perfect for times when you need to catch up with someone and don’t want to completely inhale your meal before the convo’s over!
really cute mini lime…had to take a pic!
We bounced a million ideas off each other and kept talking and talking about everything from internet marketing to staying up late looking at web analytics to almost dying while eating blow fish. Whenever I talk to Jonathan I learn so much about being an entrepreneur. His drive and business savvy really fascinate me. It’s inspiring. I love Miracle Noodle as a product, but when I am able to truly get along and connect with the person behind the brand, it affirms my love for them even more. Truly successful entrepreneurs are the ones that align themselves with their brands and live the lifestyle they promote.
That’s why today I made sure to meet up with the Body Language Sportswear team! They have a very lovely retail store in Sherman Oaks.
As you guys know, I am a super huge fan of their pants and capris. I’ve only been talking to them through phone and email so I thought it’d be fun to drop by the store.
So get this…remember when we first did the giveaway with BL? I had NO IDEA that the people behind the brand were actually a husband and wife Hollywood power couple! Umm yeah! I found out about this AFTER THE FACT. I felt so oblivious.
Erica Franco and Matt Cedeno are the owners of the company and are actors/models. You may have seen Matt on Days of Our Lives as Brandon Walker. He also was on Desperate Housewives and had a series of El Pollo Loco commercials where he flipped chicken as “El Caliente”. For some reason, I can CLEARLY remember those commercials years later. Haha. Erica is a model and has worked with brands such as Coke and Budweiser. Stunning couple!
Ahh! Look at fitness fashion heaven! I have arrived!
The BLSportswear team and me!
Matt, Erica, my BF, and I talked for like 2 1/2 hours about business, clothes, bags, travel, acting, blogs, manufacturing…omg everything!!! I felt like we had such a great conversation and we were both constantly learning and sharing new things with each other. We were bouncing ideas like crazy and the chemistry was awesome. I love these guys. Matt and Erica are super nice and down to earth. We even talked about the possibility of having some of my bags in their store! BL and oGorgeous embody the same feminine, fashionable vibe and I think their clothes and my bags really complement each other.
Ended my day at Veggie Grill (my new fave restaurant) with a Thai Chick’n Salad. MMMM so good. Now I am working on uploading all of my bag pics to AHHHHHH I cannot wait to debut!!!! If I get everything done on time, you’ll have a blog post tomorrow introducing it all…tomorrow will be a busy day too. Meeting with a buyer! Gotta prep the bags to look their prettiest. It will be my first ever vendor visit sitting on the other side of the table. For those of you that are just joining, I once was on my way to being a fashion buyer myself.
Time to get back to work. Hope you had a fantastic day! BTW, I made sure to get my workout in this morning! There should be NO EXCUSE to not work out when you’re traveling. I headed down to my hotel’s gym and did my sprints. Then I was set for the rest of the day. Felt great and energized!
Sorry for the non fitness post but thought it’d be cool to share with you guys what I’m up to when I’m not teaching classes or making YouTube videos.
<3 Cassey
12 thoughts on “Getting to know the people behind the brands”
There are 12 comments posted by our users.
Gosh that bottom picture is just full of beautiful people! 😉
So interesting seeing how far you are going with everything! That couple is GORGEOUS though! I looove her dress.
this is so awesome!!!! i always learn fun facts w u!!! did not know bl was in sherman oaks!!! im in burbank!! yahhyyeee!! now i dont feel bad i didnt win,,lol i can go down & buy my gear<3
cassey im so proud of uu!!! you're doin what you love & having a blast!
perfect inspiration..between u & bex i think im off on the right start of my fitness attackk & my motivation! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!
Love it!
You are following your dreams and making them happen! I love that you’re making tangible connections with brands you like and trust. I’m on that path too – where I am working on connections that feel good and also help drive my business 🙂
Love it!
You are following your dreams and making them happen! I love that you’re making tangible connections with brands you like and trust. I’m on that path too – where I am working on connections that feel good and also help drive my business 🙂
Cassey this is awesome! I am soo excited about the bags can’t wait to see them! SEEEE you are big time, not just small time stuff! Thank God for youtube and you!
So great to hear from your adventures in LA and that you are meeting all these people and seeing these places. I’m really excited for you and hope the best of success with everything that you do! Being an entrepreneur myself i relate to your dinner with the miracle noodle man, isn’t it just a great feeling talking to someone whose products or services that you like, it makes me really motivated and i look up to these people, they are human that worked and are working hard for something they believe in… I am in a position right now where i want to expand, try out something new aswell. i have my baby (business) up and running well and i have started brainstorming with myself on new ideas for future challenges…. This post gave a bit more of an energy-boost on top of your videos i worked out to today. Thank you Cassey, you are young and passionate, working hard for what you love, you have the whole world and can totally make everything you want out of it!! That goes for everyone by the way, everything is possible!!
cool, what’s your website?
hi Cassey, i’m in the hotel business now and have a more modern type of hostel up running for fellow travelers from around the world. it’s great fun, the website is
this is my baby business where i have been able to set all i like into 3 floors. i love design, interior etc… from being a nobody, within a year this business made it to top1 in my city and state thanks to the wonderful customers of mine.
now i’m in a planning state for what to make in the future, i would really love to start up a brand of shoes and accessories… i love creating!! 🙂
thank u cassey for sharing your whole life with us again. it’s truly inspiring and I learn from everything you do lol. can u write a book already? i’m ready to buy it LOL.
uhhhh book??? hahaha