Hey guys!!!
Today’s new video features moves that you can do in the car! I thought this would be appropriate since many of us will be driving home for the holidays and will have nothing to do in the car. I hate sitting around…it makes me so exhausted. And not the kind of exhausted you feel after killing a workout…the kind where when you do nothing and all you wanna do is eat and sleep and eat and sleep and not move. The bad kind.
But no worries! I’ve got the perfect workout for you to keep your muscles moving and active while sitting!
This is your ULTIMATE Roadtrip Workout Challenge!
For every hour that you’re sitting in the car, you will need to:
– Finish 600 ml of water (Make sure you have a refillable water bottle!!!)

(Which is your fave color? Click here to get one!)
And do the following exercises:
1. Chiseled chest squeezers
– 9 and 3 x50
– 11 and 1 x50
– 7 and 5 x50
2. Quad pulses x50
3. Butt pinchers x50
4. Dance CARdio (1 song)
5. Ab holds x10 sec (5 times)
6. Calf stretchers x50
7. Seated knee highs x50
8. Triceps dips x20
9. Bulgarian squats x20 ea leg
Repeat til you get to your destination!
That’s right, you will be drinking a ton of water. Why? To stay HYDRATED!!! Super important while traveling. Also, this will force you to take bathroom breaks and give you a moment to stretch and do exercises 8 and 9. Watch the vid and you will see how and why I planned out your whole 1 hr routine this way. It works perfectly 🙂
If you’re not driving, then on the #NovemBURN calendar, I want you to do the
Whoa Whoa Workout instead for today’s routine. That workout features many new moves and attacks the whole body!
Good luck guys and have a FANTASTIC start to your week! OH! And get excited and get ready for the 12 Week #
NewBodyMakeover! I saw a bunch of you already got your
Fit Journal! Woohoo!

The meal plan will be released very very soon…as in…November 26th!!! The password will be released for week 1 meals on that day on YouTube. So make sure you’re subbed to my channel to get it!
Fit journal peeps, you will get a personal email from me with the full 12 week plan. And just as a reminder, for everyone who got the journal presale, we are currently shipping day and night and working hard to get you your order ASAP! You may start the 12 week #newbodymakeover on Dec 1 or Jan 1 depending on your schedule and you don’t have to wait til you get your journal to begin either. You will have the December Workout Calendar and the 12 Week Meal Plan to work off of. I’ll let you know on the 26th what you should write down to begin. MAKE SURE you take a before pic. It is time to transform. We must document the beginning of your journey!
Okay…see you soon! And let me know in the comments what we should call our December Calendar…
<3 Cassey
Shoes: Franco Sarto wedge boots
92 thoughts on “Exercises you can do in the car!”
There are 92 comments posted by our users.
Ahh can you bring those water bottles back? PLEASE!! Their so awesome but their are only the green one left and I wanted to get a couple of the other ones.
Are these water bottles still available? I looked on the shop page and I don’t see them there anymore, all I can find is the detox ones and regular ones without the ball. I really wanted to get one (or two)!
I’m doing a road trip across the country and I know I won’t feel like working out after driving all day–this is PERFECT! Thanks Cassey!! 🙂
How about #Beastember for the December calendar? Can’t wait for it to come out!
Hi Cassey!
I watched your video on exercises for the road and it got me thinking– I am a business student and sitting at a desk for hours at a time for internships makes me feel like I’m wasting sooo much time that I could be spending getting fit. Also, I tend to get pain in my upper back, neck, and shoulders after sitting/typing for so long. Are there any (minimally noticeable) exercises I can do at my desk? Thanks for your help!!
How about De-Stress December?
Is it possible to de-stress and decimate jiggle at the same time? Absolutely! At least, I think so. Loving your workouts, keep them coming!
Hello Cassey,
First of all thanks so much for your website- I love it, especially the calendars! Secondly, I purchased the fit journal on November 18 and still haven’t received the meal plan, either. I received a receipt and the purchase shows on my bank statement, but I never received an e-mail welcoming me to the 12 week body makeover (like some popsters did) or the meal plan. I tried the chat/e-mail on the fit journal purchase page, but they just sent me an e-mail about how the journal will be sent soon- nothing about the meal plan which is what I asked about! I am really excited to start on December 1st. Thanks 🙂
can u check your spam? It’s a large attachment.
I bought the fit journal and have not received the meal plan? What steps should I take to make sure I get it? Best wishes.
Well popsters, good luck for the body makeover!! We can do this <3
We're warriors!
Dazzling December? 😀
Just got the {VEGAN!} meal plan, but I thought it came with a grocery list?
got mine too:) I just made the grocery list myself…
How did u guys get the password I didn’t order a food journals && idk the password for the meal plan
Julia: Yeah, I figured I would just make my own, but I thought I read/heard somewhere that it came with one..must have been mistaken. Heh, oh well!
Luz: I think you can find it on Cassey’s twitter or facebook. If not, I can email it to you if you want.
My email is if you haven’t found it yet just email me and I can send it to you 🙂
Great info. Lucky me that I discovered your blog by chance. I have saved as a favorite for later! Keep sharing
I’m signed in for the 12 week meal plan, but I haven’t ordered the Journal. Do I still get the meal plan? I’m totally confused…
HI Cassey. I received the e-mail saying that I am now a 12 week #NewBodyMakeover Meal Plan Member, since I purchased the fit journal, but I have not received the actual meal plan itself at all last night, which was the 26th.// I am really excited to receive the meal plan and participate in the challenge but I do not have any e-mail 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 Please I hope that I get it soon and anybody else who bought the fit journal ahead of time. I even checked my spam. Thank You.
Same here 🙁 I’m anxious since I haven’t received the meal plan yet.
Same here!
Does anyone know if you still get the passwords if you haven’t purchased the book?
I don’t have a youtube account(or Facebook or Twitter) but I am signed up to blogilates…
Hey Cassey,
I’ve got the fit journal and confirmation email, but I still haven’t received the letter detailing the 12 week meal plan yet! You said it would be out today for all the pre-order people but I haven’t gotten the plan yet. When should I start worrying?
Love you <3
I love the travel workout. I am new to working out and I also commute almost two hours to work. I feel, almost tired like, after sitting in the car for that long. This is a great way to get moving while commuting.
Did anyone else get the meal plan yet? I know you have to be subscribed to her channel, but how do you get messages from her? I tried to check my messages and it says I need to have a channel in order to receive any messages… I really don’t know if I’m anything wrong or if I’m the only one who hasn’t received it yet.. Please let me know if you’ve got it and if so, what did you do?? (besides be subscribed)
Decemburn 🙂
Cassey! I just noticed you’re wearing a FitBit! 😀 I love mine – totally motivates me to take an extra walk or run!
Ahh where’s the meal plan, when is it coming out!?
<333 thanks!
Love you Cassey! Got my fit journal which is beautiful, but where’s the 12 week plan? It should have been emailed to me today. Getting super anxious, please post, instagram or youtube this concern.. it seems like I’m not the only one!
Hi Cassey,
I ordered my fit journal on November 18th and have not received shipment confirmation. I did notice that it now says the fit journal is on back order. How do I know if my order is on its way or on back order?
I ordered mine on the 15th and still nada.
I have never been so excited to check my mail!! I feel like christmas has come early 🙂 Thank you for creating such an awesome product!
You come up with the coolest, most insane and seriously awesome workouts vids Cassey! New follower here. Where have I been all this while?!! 😀
Do we have to pay for the 12 week challenge?
Hi Cassey! I am looking forward to starting the 12 week body makeover. Thanks for putting this together for us.
Waiting in Texas. I am so excited to receive the meal plan today. Also can not wait for my journal to arrive in the mail. How much longer do we have to wait today? It is 1:20 CST, checking my emails every hour.
Anxiously refreshing my inbox waiting for the meal plan to arrive its 7pm in England so its all i could think about all day… Can’t Wait!!!
Ahh it’s now 7.30 am on the 27th which I believe is 11.30pm PST… Not much longer now I hope!!!
Cassey, I love everything you do and this is a fantastic idea but some of these moves can be VERY dangerous if you’re driving on a highway. As someone who works with patients who have been in accidents, when you’re on the road your FULL attention should be on the road. Things like the bicep curls which ask you to move your hands from the agreed upon safe standard of 3 and 9 on the wheel, as well as pulling your body towards the wheel can cause some less-experienced drivers to accidentally jerk the wheel. At a high speed (like the highway), this could be all it takes to lose control of your car. I think this is a wonderful idea, but I’d rather see people doing it while they’re parked, at a rest stop, than while actually driving.
I’m sorry, I love this idea, and perhaps I’m a bit paranoid from the work that I do, but the thought of some less experienced drivers (or people with a little less control in their muscles even) doing some of these moves makes me very very nervous.
That being said, thank you for all that you do, Cassey! You’re an incredible inspiration!
Hey Cass. I completely agree with you.
Hey Cassey!
Nice idea I will do a few exercises the next time! It would be really helpfull if you make a vid about exercises in the office. I’m sitting all over the day and it feels like my body is rusting ^^
JINGLE BLAAAAAST!!! 😀 (name for december calendar lol)
I’m so excited it’ll throw me off my chair 😀
ahhh whenabouts does the meal plan get sent? I’m in England so I’ve got no idea when to expect it 🙂
I’m in Canada and I haven’t gotten my email either!!! I’m sitting here refreshing my inbox over and over!!!
Same, my heart speeds up every time I open up my email haha!
This is great! So perfect for the loads of traveling many people will be doing this month. I do a lot of sitting anyways though (desk day job)- are there any movements I can discreetly do at my desk?
Totally understand what you mean by the “bad kind of exhausted”, Cassey. I myself have “discovered” it : whenever I come back from work I have the same feeling , I even named it ” The Sleepy Energy ” , because it is something that forces you to feel so sleepy although you actually aren’t. The strange thing is as soon as you encourage yourself and go do some cardio or any kind of exercise instead of sleeping and eating you will immediately WAKE UP. So, if anyone of you has this “Sleepy energy ” feeling when you get back from work, just go exercise and don’t give up to that “Sleepy Energy”, it is like your enemy and exercising is the weapon to kill it 😀 😀
OMG, I’m checking my mail every 5 seconds (though I know there is a time difference between europe and the USA) to see if I got the meal plan. And my package with the journal in it is stuck in a sorting facility in CA according to the tracking number. Going crazy here!!!!!!
checking my mails every 10 minutes.. crazy too 😀
you should do a workout for the back seat!!! thats where ill be during road trips
LOVE this, genius idea! Thanks Cassey!
Hey Cassey, in the beginning of this video you can see your whole license plate number as you load the car when it is the camera angle from above…
DANCEmber all the way.
I’m with the Decemblast group! We did a lot of dance this month already. And is it just me or are you guys slacking some this week? I feel kind of bad that I am, but for three months starting sunday this diet plan will have me kicking butt so I’m kind of taking time off from so much exercise but I’m still eating good
Cassey , this one takes the cake hahha:) great idea!!
Are you going to have black friday discounts or sale?
love you 😀
Hmm i’m not sure if i could do that workout on a train.. I’ll have to wait until i view the video to see :p
SO excited to get my fit journal and meal plan. Checking the mailbox way too frequently.
Ideas for the Calendar:
Thanks Cassey <3<3
Love decembeast!
I think decembeast is a good idea! =D We will need to be in beast mode for this meal plan!
It’s my BIRTHDAY tomorrow, meal plan in my email will be a perfect gift from you. Can’t wait : ) By the way, I am still waiting for my journal which I ordered few weeks ago. I got the dvd but not journal. Ordered both same day. Thanks
I wonder if it comes through the mail or something else.
Cassy, do international shipments (To Canada) get shipping emails too? I ordered my journal on Nov. 12, and have yet to receive an email.
I believe everyone gets their emails tomorrow!
I’ve got an epic flight from UK to Australia coming up, can you gimme some moves Cassie, that won’t get too many weird looks from my fellow flyers?
Loving this gym bag and I’ve been looking for a cute gym bag for a while
DANCEtember. But i don’t like dancing lol
When your Fit Journal is being shipped, will you receive an email or anything to let you know?
Hey 🙂 I’m so excited about the 12 week meal plan. Can’t wait to open my Cassey-E-mail tomorrow 🙂 I have ordered my Fit Journal on 12 Nov. and I live in Germany .. I hope it will be delivered in the first week of December. 🙂
I live in Germany too! I hope it gets here soon!:)
Shipping from USA to Germany takes too long :(( ^^
I’m sooo exited to begin the 12 week body makeover, i hope that my fit journal gets hear by dec 1! 🙂 I’m also little bit scared. I really hope that i can do this!
Awesome workout! I have to do this on my next roadtrip.
I have a few questions:
♥️ Does 1 cup of tea count as 1 cup of water?
♥️ I ordered a fit journal on the 14th of November, but I haven’t got an e-mail about the shipping yet. Haven’t you got my order, or am I just too impatient?
definitely going to try this! couldn’t help and stop and pause to see the gas prices. crazy! over here in TX it was 2.93 last week…
In Maine right now it’s about $3.50 and thats an improvement from it being over $4 this past summer! It’s really is crazy.
wow!! i cant even imagine paying that much after living here.. but its crazy how each state is different.
Geesh that’s cheap as! Here in Australia we would be dreaming if we had prices like that.. take advantage!
Wait… Are these gas prices PER GALLON!? cause in England (and I just did a conversion) gas is $9.60 per gallon on a good day
I’m not travelling anywhere, but i’m doing these when i get seats on busses, or at home on the computer 🙂
Also you should call it Decemblast, maybe?
OMG Decemblast
I’m with this one! Decemblast for the win!
Really sad Cassey! Ordered a water bottle along with my fit journal.. well I received the bottle and the piece of paper saying that I’m officially part of the challenge but NO JOURNAL! :-((( really hoping it gets here by Dec 1!!!
When did you put in your order? I ordered mine on Nov. 18th. If you go to the shop it now says “on back order”.
Dancember please:)
Love your videoes <3
I am pumped!
Though I DO know that I will cheat a little during the holidays, so my plan is to work out extra hard on those days to compensate the extra bad food (bacon wrapped cocktail hot dogs anyone??)
Anyway I’ll try to make a weekly update about how the meal plan is going on my blog, so if anyone is interested to do that with me, you can contact me via email.
Mu husband is scarred we’re only going to eat salad and he asked me to pack on ramen and hot dogs for him… just in case…. pfffttttttt weakling…..
What’s your blog? That’s a cool way to keep track of your progress!
So excited for the 12 week meal plan and transformation!!! I am waiting eagerly to hear when my Fit Journal has been shipped, but I can’t wait to get it and see the beautiful creation you have made, Cassey! So thankful for your love and thoughtfulness this holiday season! <3<3
First of all, it’s like you read my mind, for holidays I’ll be going to my grandma’s and the drive there takes approximately 7 – 8 hours, so now I’ve got something to do haha.
And second, first I had trouble ordering the fitness journal and now that I’ve finally gotten through with the order, it has been more than 7 days and it hasn’t been even shipped yet. I’m worried whether it’ll arrive in time or not. 🙁 Anyone else having this problem too?
Yes, my transaction cleared on Nov 16th (ordered the 15th) and I’ve yet to receive a shipping confirmation email or the meal plan email.
I’m so excited to begin the 12 week meal plan *. *!!
Pleaseee cassey release the pw earlier for those who lives in Asia and middle east and we start our 26 before urs.. haha 🙂
Thank you Cassey love you <3