ABC Abs Workout
ABC Abs Workout
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
I just made a new ab workout that seems like child’s play according to the title but OOOOOOO boy, just you wait!! This one is an attack for the upper abs and a killer for the lower abs. In this routine, I am going to have you draw out all 26 letters of the alphabet with your arms and then with your legs. We also play a little word game so make sure you challenge yourself mentally as we do this workout. I seriously couldn’t find any foods that started with X and a few others that you will see when you watch. Go ahead and click play, send it to a friend and challenge them to see how many letters they can get through before actually collapsing.
Hope you love it! Sweat Happy!
PS: Get ready for the May Calendar!!!
91 thoughts on “ABC Abs Workout”
There are 91 comments posted by our users.
OMG! I Just started with beginner’s 2.0… some days harder then others but this workout nearly killed me! Abs of steel required to do these!
SO I was all good with Day2 UNTIL the ABC lower ab workout. HOLY COW! ! ! I had to pause after letter 13 nearly every second one because I was burning. This is super hard D: But gotta push through it <3
OMG I’M DYING nice though for abs for sure
how many days of the victoria secret model workout til we start to see results??
yikes! this is tough for a beginner!
So nice post…….
Ahhh love it!!!!
OMG! I’m feeling the burn, but its not crazy I need a fire extinguisher, it is more of a mellow low burn. Love this place!!!
Cassey you are such an inspiration to so many girls and you have a rocking bod no matter what any one says! 🙂
Oh my god I did this today as part of the 2nd day of the Beginner’s Workout Calendar alongside Pop Pilates for Beginners: Ab Time and I DIED. I definitely couldn’t do this workout properly and was a little confused with Cassey as to what she was doing with her hands and legs (I didn’t understand that you had to DRAW the alphabet with your hands and legs lol) so if I seriously couldn’t do something after trying really hard, I’d stop and pause the video a little bit (2 seconds or something) and then continued to feel the burn. Loved it though, I mean my abs feel like they’re on a fire but it’s a good kind of burn 🙂 Can’t wait to do more. Warning: Laughing hard after doing this video is not recommended as your abdominals will hate you for it. Lol! 🙂
This might be a little late but X for eXtra dessert!!!! 🙂
XINOMAVRO GRAPES start with X. 🙂 I looked it up online lol.
Hey Cassey,
Any suggestions on how to avoid low back when doing exercises like this one? I find that anytime I am doing a workout like this, I end up with pain in my back instead of in my ab muscles. Suggestions?
She answered this question on her FAQ page. 🙂 She says:
What this probably means is that you are over-arching your back as you are performing moves involving your legs and lower abs like the Double Leg Lift. Try to eliminate that arch by curving in the opposite direction. Pull your belly button to your spine and press your low back into the mat. If you still cannot avoid the arch, place your hands together underneath your tailbone. You could also place a rolled towel or small pillow beneath your tailbone to give you support until your abs are strong enough to pull themselves to the floor. This will take time.
If your spine hurts as you are performing moves such as Rolling Like a Ball, simply grab a thicker mat with more cushioning. If all else fails and it excruciatingly painful, STOP! You do not want to hurt yourself. The move may not be for you! There are other exercises you can try that won’t put as much pressure on your back.
I think you look great in this video!
i can’t believe that anyone would comment about your weight. I follow your blog and videos religiously and never gave it a second thought! you are amazing. your post addressing the comments was so honest and refreshing. when watching your videos, it’s easy to think that you are a superhuman – with never ending energy, constantly craving all things green, amazing metabolism, perfect genes. i LOVE that you are human like the rest of us — and you own it. i really appreciate your honesty, bravery and all that you do for your popsters 🙂 i’m a HUGE fan of all that you do!
Might’ve been Youtube comments also, maybe personal e-mails, instagram, twitter or whatever other comments. Besides, even if it is just one comment: that’s rude enough. She felt hurt and nobody should hurt another human being, be it physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally. So please don’t be so childish to imply that Cassey should not feel what she feels. I find it very brave when people own up to their feelings and share them with others. It helps ourselves and other people around us grow if we acknowledge how we feel and try to transform negative in to positive. Where the negativity came from does not really matter in that sense, it matters that you care enought about yourself to see your true feelings and deal with them.
From what I read from Cassey’s blog post it might have been one or several comments that gave her a reality check about something she already was struggling with. It was that struggle rather than just the comments that she wanted to address.
Love to all <3
Hurt so good the next day, doing it again tonight:) P.s I looked up a list of foods that start with x and this came up from live strong just for future reference 🙂
I am shocked that people would say things like that. It’s sad. I honestly don’t have a clue what they are talking about! I understand what you mean about the Asian families because I have Aunts that say those things to me. You are beautiful inside and outside so I would not let anyone discourage you. Tha k you for all the you do:)
I am trying to figure out how in the world somebody is able to tell that you have gained weight, and why on earth they care. You are obviously physically fit, you look great, and for someone to be following up on you that closely, especially people that don’t know you personally, says much more about them than you. You post workout videos to give us the tools help us feel better about ourselves….why on earth would they want to make you feel bad about yourself? You shouldn’t be ashamed, as I’m sure you are still a knock out in a bikini.
So I was laying down like a lazy bum while watching this… I could have done it with you but nope! I’ll work out later. But I was just thinking that if you did this but tweaked a bit… if you do the superman pose (is that what it’s called?) as I am right now… I pull my legs off the ground, bring my arms extended all the way forward, interlocked and pointed index finger, and do the alphabet like that! Feels great on my shoulders and it’s an excellent stretch for the back. I suggest you try!
Cassey I just wanted to say I think you’re amazing! I loved your blog today and your honesty. You trained for a competition and now training is over and you’re settling into a more maintainable routine. No one should comment negatively about that. I’m not Asian but i do have friends who are and i hear about their issues with their families being hard on them and I’m sorry that on top of dealing with the pressure to be thin in society that you also deal with that within your family. We all♥ you and think your amazing! Thank you for all you do!
You’re still the best Cassey! Your weight doesn’t really matter. What’s important is how you’ve inspired million girls across the planet to start living healthy and achieve their weight goal. We <3 you! 🙂
I took a look at the video and I have to say; you look great. You seriously look really healthy, sexy, happy, and strong. I think our bodies like to hold onto a bit of fat. It makes us feel relaxed and I think it helps us keep our energy up in harder workouts. Its all about keeping things balanced. Too much of a good thing is never good. Too much body fat of course is damaging, but too much working out is too. Also too much eating clean is damaging to our brains – we need chocolate sometimes 😉
I think body fat is not only natural but needed. We need it to be healthy. I love your work outs and I think your a fabulous beautiful person and I’m glad you wrote this.
Meant to write this comment on your latest post!
I was going to say something, but Carolyn, I’ll say you nailed it.
Cassey looks healthier here, and I don’t think you have to be “bikini competition” thin to be perfect. I personally have gained weight since lifting heavier, but I’ve noticed something – my energy levels are up, I feel great, and I am actually ashamed of ever thinking that the scale had to be low for me to feel beautiful.
Healthy eating is great, yes – but obsessing over everything will never make you happy.
Carolyn, I couldn’t agree more! Thank you for posting a very insightful comment.
Cassey, I love your workouts because you are fun, encouraging and beautiful – and your weight has got nothing to do with that.
I can really relate to what you wrote about being self-conscious of your body and feeling like a failure because you’ve gained some weight. I used to feel that way all the time. As a result, I kept eating and working out to a minimum (I used to think even the muscles made me look fat). I was very skinny at that time but it definitely didn’t make me more beautiful because I had no glow, no shine and no positive energy to give to other people.
Today I am working out with you 6 days a week and I feel strong, happy, sexy and beautiful. Your strength, positive energy and lovable personality is admirable and I can truly and honestly say that it is thanks to YOU that I managed to wreck myself out of crazy eating habits and started working out and loving my body for what it is.
I want to thank you for that Cassey and I want you to know how much good you have done to me and to other people by running this blog. I think you look fabulous in every video regardless of how much or how little body fat you had at that time because your wonderful personality always shines through. Like you always say, beauty comes from the inside!
Gummy Bears……my weakness
Hi Cassey! I am a 15 year old ballet and modern dancer. I am 5’7 and 1/2″, weigh 116-120, and take class six days a week two or more hours. I have a ton of muscle in my legs because of pointe work, but not everywhere else. I am wondering if I follow your calendar if I will just gain muscle tone, or if I will lose weight as well? I wouldn’t change my diet, because I already eat organic, almost all vegetarian and more fruits and veggies than carbs. Thanks for your repy! I want to gain muscle, but it would be unhealthy for me to lose weight. Thanks! Esme.
im exactly the same! i can’t lose any more weight because im 15 and im really tall but i want to tone up more. i have a flat stomach and good thighs but there is that 1cm layer of fat i want to lose so do i need more strength and hardly any cardio?
I know – not to lose weight but to get toned! 🙂 hopefully Cassey replies! 😀
I loved this new Ab routine so much I did it again the day you posted it naming video games ^-^
Hey Cassey!
First of all, just want to say how much I love and appreciate all you do for us popsters. I apologize if my comment is offensive, but its something I’ve been wondering about for a while. It seems like you have gained some weight in the past few months, is this true or is it just the camera angle or something? I know that some people bulk up before they cut weight and get that more defined look, so it might just be a matter of where you are in your fitness journey. But, if you have gained weight.. is there any specific thing you could attribute it to? More caloric intake, too many yolo meals, not the right healthy foods (like carbs, fats, etc…) not working out enough?
Again, really sorry if this offensive. Definitely didn’t mean for it to be, you are still so badassly fit it’s insane!
Wow, I think that was offensive, Cassey, you look great. Don’t even pay attention to the above comment. Also, I love this video, thanks so much for all you do and your creativity. It’s so refreshing. It’s been hard for me to change my lifestyle and I’ve really been on track with your videos, and I am starting to see a difference in my muscle tone. Keep up the great work, and I will keep up mine!!!!
Worry about your own weight Evey and don’t comment on other people’s. That is just rude and offensive.
Honestly, why would it matter AT ALL if she gained weight? What difference does it make to you and your life?
Even if Cassey somehow gained enough weight to be like 200 pounds, I would still work out to her videos because she comes up with awesome, fun workouts. Some of the toughest classes I’ve taken have been with instructors who don’t have the ‘perfect’ body themselves. It’s ridiculous that we think people in the fitness industry need to be completely ‘perfect’. They’re human too!
Seriously, if you saw Cassey like she is now and had never worked out to her videos would you try them?
Yes. I just recently discovered Cassey, and was inspired by how absolutely beautiful she is inside and out. Her body is also incredibly fit, toned, slender, and healthy. I, quite frankly, never saw what she “used” to look like until today, but I can say she (although still beautiful inside and out) looked unhealthy and deprived of food that the body absolutely needs to survive. I am glad to see she looks as though she’s putting her health first. For the record, I WISH I had her body!
It seems we are now living in a world where individuals are applying their own body dysmophic disorders to the bodies of other people.
As a doctor, I can say that Cassey’s body is a picture of health and fitness and an example to us all. Janet’s comment suggests that a healthy body is not what she’s looking for.
What the eff. Gain weight…. are you joking me? This girl is PETITE! When will we stop worrying about other people’s bodies and start focusing on our own? Clearly the answer is never. Cassey… you do not need to lose a single pound… heck, you could gain 5 lbs and still look fantastic.
R u friccen serious! Who gives u the right to make judgement on Casseys body? She looks amazing in this video! Just as amzing as he always has!!! SHE should not be made to feel like she has to explain weight gain to you when she looks absolutely amzing!!!
I’m new to blogilates, and I want to see the May calendar, but it says that I need a password to access it. Does anyone know how I can get the password? I can see the April calendar fine, though.
In the top right hand corner there should be a box that says, “Join my FREE newsletter”. Enter your information there and this month’s password should appear in your inbox shortly afterward 🙂
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Yeah! What a great blog you have published. I like it and i will share it to others.
I actually didn’t like the workout so much because my hip flexers (right word?) were dying. any ideas how to prevent that? I know, keeping the legs not completely straight helpswith the one movement but I feel like I’m having some “serious”problems with this. anyone who knows my situation??
I haven’t done this particular video but YES I get it! In certain ab stuff my hip flexors hurt so much, worse than the burn I’m meant to feel in my abs… anyone know why? Is it weak ab muscles and / or poor form and I’m putting the “weight” in my hip flexors?
Maddy & Ann-Kathrin, this happens to me a lot and it is due to a weak core, so your hip flexors end up carrying most of the weight. As your core gets stronger, you won’t rely on your hip flexors as much and it won’t be so painful. Bending your knees is the best way to prevent pain while you’re building up your core!
Huh…I never thought about what Sara said. I also have hip flexor problems, but I feel like my core is relatively strong. However, I also have tight hips, so I know for me, stretching them out helps…and also finding ways to release whatever emotional tension has built up in there (because that’s where I carry a lot of emotional stress). So…yoga to open the hips and a lot of happy baby poses.
Hi Cassey!
Please could you put up the new calendars a day early so those of us in a different timezone can use it at our own time!
Thanks! xx
Hey Cassey! I loved this video. When is the new calendar coming out? I live halfway across the world and I need to start tonighht! 🙁
Love you.
Thanks for the new ab workout! It’s fun & challenging. Love it!!!
sore abs! but i was wondering, is it okay to work out first thing in the morning without eating? I have classes early, and I don’t have time to eat and let it settle before working out. Can I on an empty stomach or should I wait until later?
I’d say go ahead and try it. If you feel fine through the whole workout–keep doing it! If you feel dizzy or weak just wait til later in the day and after a meal. I much prefer working out first thing in the morning since I don’t have to worry about settling my stomach. I also don’t feel hungry until much later in the day, though, and everyone’s different. But you’re not going to hurt your body by working out on an empty stomach, as long as you eat enough by the end of the day.
I love it, I had so much fun that I even forgot that I was working out.
And my ans really were dying ! It’s so hard to find all those foods, I knew hardly half of the letters.. Really bad, that means practise practise practise…
Uhm know, because tomorrow I will start my second month of following the blogilates workout calender, April was the start, May will be the killer.
Hug to you Cassey !
Hey Cassey! Are you going to put up a May workout calendar?
Hello there Miss Cassey 😀 I don’t know how many people experience this but I live in Australia and all of your workouts and schedules come one day late. Is there any chance you could put your videos a day early so that people on this side of the world can get them on time? Love always Molly xoxo
Hey Cassey! Just thought of an AWESOMESAUCE shirt slogan!
“Once a Popster, Always a Popster!”
What do ya think?! I would totally wear this shirt!
<3 Sarah
Or what about a “Hardcore Popster” t-shirt?
I vote for “Hardcore Popster”!!
I like those! What about “Popster’s keep it Positive” This is fun more people should play!! haha
Haha ya I like that one too! Anyway, we need a Popster t-shirt!
yea ur right! we do need one!
or “Proud to be a POPster” 🙂
Popster Partay!!! 😉
Super excited for May calendar!!! 🙂 gonna hit hard till summer!!!
April nearly killed me though so proud I didn’t stop and I just finished this, so much fun I did the game with you all the way. Love your vids as always and your editing is soo you
I had no idea an ab exercise could make me sweat this much… sooo good though, omg. Cassey, I love your efficiency!
This was fun!
here’s a healthy X-“food”: Xylitol (a natural non-caloric sweetener made from birch bark)
omg xylitol! how did I not think of that?! haha love that stuff
This sounds like such a cute and fun workout. But, having done many Blogilates workouts before, I’m pretty sure it’s not going to feel too cute and fun when I’m doing it. 😉 Thanks for the workout!
Wow, this looks fun!! I love getting new ab workouts to do, so I can’t wait to try this onee 🙂
Oh, man, I was secretly hoping this would be the May calendar up early! Lol. But I guess a KILLER ab workout is just as awesome 😉
Me too!! hahaha, How did you put your picture in your avi?
I’m trying to do this but my tail bone really hurts because it’s pressing against the floor – what can I do? :/
Hey Florence,
I know that problem! It helps me to put a small towel under my butt 😉
I tried this and I was able to get through the whole workout 🙂 Thanks Lena!! x
Can’t wait to try! You’re so creative, Cassey!
Foods for X — Xanthan gum, which is a commonly used additive to gluten-free flour for coeliacs?
And I’m starting the 90day challenge and calendar tomorrow. Wish me luck!
OMG!!! This video is so so so much fun….and you don’t even notice the burn 😀 LOVE IT! <3
yolo G: guacamole?
healthy food x: X-cat-ik chillies
yolo x: xtreme candy
took a google search to find the healthy food x!! it is a hot yellow chilli pepper 🙂
Love this – serious ab work here!!!
please share new workouts a little bit earlier cassey! by the time you share them it’s either too late for me to workout or even tuesday here already 🙁
Oh Cassey! You are really soooo creative! It was too late for me doing that video yesterday as I am in another time zone but I’ll try it today plus all the other workouts on the calendar.
I’m in her same time zone, she actually put the vid up on Tuesday :/
Agh!! Yesterday I has serious Cassey withdrawal when she didn’t put the vid up on time 😛
How fun! And killer.. but fun! 😀