12 Things Only Girls Who Work Out Will Understand

Hey guys!

Sooooo I used to think that it was just me who had to deal with these random struggles, but the more I talked to my friends, the more I realized that there was one thing in common….

We work out.

And maybe you don’t LOVE to work out, but you kinda like it enough to do it pretty often 😂 And because you’re committed to the fit life, there are a few things that you just have to accept. Some of them are proud badges of hard work, other things are just weird phenomenons that only make sense when you realize it’s because you just crushed your morning workout. Then…. then, it all makes sense.

To play along, keep a score of which ones apply to you! And then comment below with your final number and which one resonated the most!!!

1. Taking off a sweaty sports bra

I mean. If you sweat even a little bit, THIS THING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO REMOVE!!!! Amirite?!!!!

2. Sitting down

After doing a millllliooooooonnnnnnnn squats, trying to do any version of squats again after that is SO MUCH HARDER THAN IT LOOKS.

3. Going up the stairs

I don’t remember this being that hard…. but a good ‘ol leg day will 100% humble me.

4. Not being able to finish an updo without taking a break

The grand plan was to have a ponytail today but ummmm I think I’m just gonna go with…. not.

5. Laughing

Why is everything extra funny today?!! Because I would prefer that today be a sad day… I did 100 too many double leg lifts yesterday and every giggle is making me want to curl into a ball.

6. Sneezing


7. Getting out of bed

You know you went hard in yesterday’s workout when getting out of bed today feels like its own workout.

8. Walking downstairs

Maybe we just eliminate all stairs for a week??!

9. Peeing all the time

Sorry but not sorry for TMI but anyone else kinda get excited when their pee is clear?! Now THAT’S hydration!

10. Hungry all the time

Not mad about this one but I love how meals make me feel like I’m actually fueling my body for movement! It’s sooooo cool (and I’m not mad about getting to sneak in a few more healthy snacks).

11. Never have clean workout clothes

This is how I justify buying all my new workout clothes. It’s not that I should do laundry more often… it’s that I’m actually out!

11. Never know when to wash hair

This is like the BIGGEST internal debate ever. Like, do I save my hair and do a big wash after tomorrow’s workout? Or do I wash it now and then do a recovery day tomorrow? OR WHAT?!! Why can’t I decide?!!

Let me know what your score is and which one you relate to the most in the comments below!!!

27 thoughts on “12 Things Only Girls Who Work Out Will Understand”

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  1. Magdalyn says:

    I can relate to walking up and down the stairs, sneezing, laughing, sitting down and taking off a sweaty sports bra.

  2. Irene says:

    So true. 🤣🤣

  3. Lucy says:

    I have all!

    1. blogilates says:

      Hahahah awesome!!!

  4. Della says:

    Hey Cassey, first of all really like your blog! But I was wondering if it was normal not to feel sore after doing the same workout for a couple of times… does it mean I should switch it up? Thanks!

  5. Detti says:

    1 and 11 😀

  6. Great piece of writing with immensely informative contents! I really liked the writing style and the whole process of the story building. Waiting for more posts! Cheers!!

  7. LexyA says:

    Oh my gosh! I love this! 10 out of 12 for me! Think the one I identified most with was never knowing when to wash my hair, closely followed by not having enough workout clothes! Thanks, Cassey, this is so much fun.

  8. Rosselle P says:

    Great post! Always a big fan of you and watch almost every video on your Youtube. I have to say that setting the same “new year resolution” is the biggest challenge for me for doing the same thing every year but actually achieve none!

  9. Omg peeing all the time is a THING!

  10. Bella Cuellar says:

    You don’t need to worry Cassey because you have someone on your side!I have the same things like you do! I am always Hungry when I am working out, and being sore other things, I might have something that will help you with soreness! When I workout I really try to stretch as possible because it helps relax and prevents from soreness! Anyway just a little thing that might just help you out cause it works for me! And keep on being beautiful!☺️

  11. eve says:

    all are true but 11😁🤷‍♀️

  12. Nutripure says:

    Haha that’s so true ! The first time I watched one of your full body videos, you said “tomorrow, you won’t be able to sit”. I was like “yeah sure…”. The morning after… I can assure you you were right !

  13. cholloloco says:

    La verdad es que este artículo es muy interesante y me ha servido de mucha ayuda para saber más y conocer mejor mi cuerpo

  14. McKenzie says:

    All of these are so much worse now that I have a newborn!! Picking him up, switching sides to nurse, and then having to stand up while holding him?? All of my muscles are dying after a workout!!

    1. blogilates says:

      Hahaha omg!!! You are superwoman!!

  15. cindy Fuentes says:

    I love you’re videos now i am starting to be more confident and feel better than a month ago. You are the best thank you for everything, and you inspired me to start a gain

  16. Deya Chakraborty says:

    9 out of 12

  17. Stephanie Sasso says:


  18. Lorena says:

    11 🤭🤭💪

  19. Ana says:

    Woah. I thought I shouldn’t feel these things and I was doing something wrong!

  20. RachelMarona says:

    Hahah YES!! Hungry ALL THE TIME! Its actually my FAVORITE thing about working out! i love good food! Now I can just eat and enjoy more of it <3

  21. JAH says:

    I relate so hard for most part, except for one thing….pee isn’t actually supposed to be clear. It’s a sign of overhydration or another health issue (like with your kidney function or something). Overhydration is definitely a concern because that means your body may be losing electrolytes. The perfect urine color is a straw yellow.

  22. Jacqueline Middleton says:

    I Feel you big time on all twelve items. So seriously, i have been following along with the December bootcamp calander through the blogilates app and I am dying everday but Fridays ( we stretch!!), i live in a townhouse and the up amd down the stairs thing is killer especially after butt day. I am literally shaking all the way. But the hair thing is even more serious for me and timing is everything. I definitely can’t do my hair the day after we do arms so i would have to suffer 😩 😫 and take breaks to get through wash day! Thanks for all the great workouts and motivation 💪!! Oh and P.S. my daughters and i love the sugarpum collection and your new designer bags are awesome!

  23. Tandi says:

    Absolutely all relatable…the washing hair got me coz that was me last week…then my arms were so sore it was a struggle to put shampoo in hahahhaha Thanks Cassey