Dear Cassey: I’m working so hard, but not seeing results.

Dear Cassey,

I was wondering if you have any tips to stay motivated with diet and exercise, especially when you’re not seeing the results you wanted to see. I know it takes time, but on the days/weeks I feel like I’ve done my very best and I don’t see any results, I feel very discouraged. It makes me think, “what’s the point?” and kind of makes me want to revert back to my old ways like snacking on chips instead of snacking on healthy alternatives or stop exercising.

I know I shouldn’t compare myself since everyone’s body is different but with technology advancing, it’s difficult not to. For instance, on TikTok, I’ve seen a couple of girls who just so happen to have the same height and starting weight as me and seeing them do their monthly transformations is inspiring and makes me feel motivated but then when I start eating healthier, working out, etc. and I’m not seeing similar results, it’s very discouraging.

Also, I was wondering if you have any tips regarding binge eating/emotional eating or if you have any resources that you recommend checking out. I’ve been struggling with this a lot, ever since I was a kid honestly. I’ve noticed that whenever i’m stressed or sad or both for that matter, I just want to eat everything in my sight. Right now, if I’m getting in these “moods,” I try to at least binge on healthy foods like an apple with peanut butter but even I know that too much of a good thing is not always the best. I want to really learn how to step away from this bad habit.


Disappointed But Determined 

blogilates dear cassey comparison motivation results body image

Dear Disappointed But Determined,

Wow. I can literally feel your frustration as I read your question.

It’s amazing that even though you’re feeling down and feeling defeated, you’re still reminding yourself that comparison is only going to hurt you in the long run. Would it help to take a little social media detox? If you don’t want to stay off of TikTok completely (it’s so entertaining!), maybe delete anyone you follow who is showing their weight loss journey, etc. I know that seeing their results motivates you to some extent. But I think overall it’s making you feel like you’re not doing something right.

Here’s the other thing – if you don’t know these people personally, then their TikTok most likely doesn’t paint the whole picture of their weight loss journey. I think it’s safe to say that anyone who tries to lose weight goes through a ton of struggles and feels like their results aren’t good enough at some point. Who knows, these girls might be doing more than they’re saying, or stretching their results a bit. Remember, it’s a snapshot.

Now, as for YOUR journey goes, it’s exactly that. YOURS. Getting results is never going to be quick, and it takes a lot of dedication and consistency. Are you struggling to stay consistent over the long run? Or, are you changing your diet every couple of weeks when you don’t see the results you want? I know it’s soooo difficult to be patient, but trust me. Give yourself a few months of consistent hard work, and you’ll see it.

In the meantime, be super mindful about small changes you ARE noticing along the way. Is it easier to get through a certain workout than it was a couple weeks ago? Do you feel more confident when you hold a plank than you used to? Is your mood better on the days you workout and on the days you eat healthier? Those changes ARE results! Your body IS changing! Journal those changes and remind yourself often that you’re doing amazing things for your body, even if they’re not the big results you’re waiting for just yet.

As for emotional eating, let me just start by saying I know it’s hard. So, so, soooo hard. Food is a quick fix for a lot of us when we’re feeling uncomfortable, whether it be from stress, depression, or even just feeling exhausted. I  think it’s awesome that you tune into how you’re feeling and try to choose healthier foods when you start to reach for food for comfort. But you’re totally right that bingeing on ANY food isn’t a habit that makes you feel better.

If you feel like leaning on food is a habit you can work on, maybe try my free habit tracker. With this tool,  you can write down how often this is happening, how you’re feeling when it happens, etc. Physically seeing it and thinking it through helps!

If you feel like you need more support, I strongly encourage you to talk to your doctor! They can direct you to the best place to get to the root of the problem and take care of yourself! There are also tons of great resources available on the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) website, like a screening tool to help you take the best steps!

I hope this helps! Please know this – you are 100% NOT alone, and I KNOW you can do this!

PS – If you have a burning question you want to ask me, I’m taking questions via text at 510-692-4556. Currently this only works for US and Canada. If you’re outside of those countries, you can leave a question below.

54 thoughts on “Dear Cassey: I’m working so hard, but not seeing results.”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Dear Cassey,

    I’ve been working very consistently to change my lifestyle into a healthier one. I’ve reduced my sugar and carb consumption and increased all the the good protein and fats. Ive lost about 14 pounds in 13 weeks. I eat around 1300 to 1400 cals a day and do cardio 5 – 6 times a week. In the past 2 weeks I’ve noticed a steady plateau in my weight. I’ve tried so many things but cant seem to break it. I’ve thought about going into resistance training and building muscle but cant really go to the gym because of the whole quarantine thing. Can I increase my muscle mass and TONE up by doing bodyweight exercises alone? How about pilates? Thanks!

    1. alishavasa says:

      Hi I had this exact same question.pls help

    2. Rita says:

      Is it possible that you have reached that phase where your body is used to a diet low in calories, your metabolism is slower and your body starts to storage most of what you eat? When you eat a diet low in calories your body thinks that there isn’t a lot of food and, in order to survive, storages fat.
      Try to eat more calories (1800, for example) two days of the week. This way your body will not think that there is lack of food and will stop the survival mode.
      Hope it helped

  2. Marilyn Poh says:

    Dear Cassey,
    I don’t feel “beautiful”, and i dont know how to. My friends always tell me i look very “proportionate”, but thats only because they dont see all the bulging tummy and thigh fat. I’m trying to be as healthy as possible, i workout and eat as clean as i can, but nothing good is happening. Girls my age wear nice crop tops and tight dresses, but i can’t bring myself to put on one, because i know what i will see in the mirror. I’m trying really hard to motivate myself, and to keep going even though i see no results, and i dont know how long i can last anymore. Comparing isnt good, i tell myself, but i still find myself thinking about how i dont fit in my friend group, who are all small sized, skinny and really pretty and cute girls. I keep on trying to be consistent on working out and eating healthy, but after a while, i dont see any results, so i stop trying. Im not trying to lose weight or anything, im very happy with my weight. Its all this fat on my stomach, thighs, arms and face. I feel so fat when im standing next to my friends. I often get compared with my cousins and friends, who are really slim and pretty. My family doesn’t know any of this, because i struggle to tell them, knowing that they’ll probably just laugh at me and brush it off.

    Trying not to quit

  3. Bianca Barnard says:

    Dear Cassey,

    I am struggling so much with my weight. Last year i had a knee operation and i hit my lowest low emotionally.. I wasn’t able to lift up my leg on my own for 2 months and i could not bend it further than 90° without feeling like it was going to break off.. When i could finally exercise again, i started slow and got back into the swing of things. I’ve been exercising consistently 5days a week for at least an hour over the past 5 months and i try my very best to make sure i get my calorie deficit, but it’s not working. I keep on gaining weight instead of losing it. Do you have any advice on how to stay motivated? Non of my family members understand why i want to lose body fat or exercise and that paired with my disappointment every time i step on the scale to see if i made progress is making it really hard to stay motivated..

    I know these things take time, but i don’t know how to get out of the disappointed rut i am in..

    ~ Failing, but always trying

    1. Eury says:

      Dear Cassey,
      For the past years, I have been so insecure about my body figure and my looks. I have been doing some workouts and I always eat healthy for months but I still can’t see any results. I’ve been losing hope but I’m still trying to continue my healthy lifestyle. Do you have any tips on how can I lose weight effectively?

  4. Rachel says:


    I had a baby 7months go and I’ve just lost all strength and flexibility. I’m a first time single mom and I’m also struggling to lose the weight I put on. It’s really getting me down. Do you know a way I can improve my strength and flexibility in a fast time?

    1. Jennifer Siepert says:

      I had a baby almost 9 months ago. I taught POP Pilates my entire pregnancy. I started teaching again 4 week post partum. After birth I lost just about all strength and flexibility and I am STILL trying to get back to where I was. I get closer every day. No matter where you’re at, where you were, each person is different and there isn’t always a quick way. Give yourself TIME and PATIENCE. There’s no magic pill. You are awesome, and you will get there.

  5. Kristin says:

    To all of the women commenting on this post (especially the young girls), I am sending you so much compassion. We live in a harsh world with unrealistic beauty expectations. Please know that your body is perfect as it is. Your worth has nothing to do with your appearance. Your appearance has nothing to do with your health. You were not made to exist for someone else’s pleasure or acceptance. A smaller body will not make you more worthy of love or happiness. Losing weight will not make you a more empathetic, smart, or successful person.

    There are ways to care for your mental and physical wellbeing without centering appearance. I am a fan of Cassey’s (she seems like such a fun, caring person), but I have found her recent content highly triggering. Here are some body-positive resources and role models who are doing amazing work and have changed my life for the better. Please take care and be gentle with yourself.

    @katiesturino (fashion)
    @glitterandlazers (fashion)
    Body Kindness with Rebecca Scritchfield
    Love Food with Julia Duffy Dillon (she also has extensive resources on her website)
    Food Psych with Christy Harrison
    Intuitive Eating, By Elyse Resch & Evelyn Tribole
    Health at Every Size, By Linda Bacon
    Body Positive Power, By Megan Jayne Crabbe
    Anti Diet, By Christy Harrison
    Body Kindness, By Rebecca Scritchfield

    1. ninortabartuma says:

      Love this comment! It’s so supportive and makes me happy to read. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration! <3

  6. Anna says:

    Hi Cassey. Are the 30 day challenges suitable for a 12 year old girl? Thanks.

  7. Cathy C. says:

    Hi Cassey,
    I’m a 30 y.o. and have been struggling and stressing out through my life because of these things:
    1. Unhealthy eating habits embraced within my family (“you need to grow up so go eat your pork” etc.). I am super grateful to my family as things have never been easy for us, but honestly… I wish someone taught me how to eat healthy and love myself as a teenager.
    2. Comparing myself with others. I was growing up with my cousin who went to a dancing school was very slim besides, her body type’s very different from mine. So, on one side, I was constantly comparing and hating my legs to hers. On the other side, I wanted to be “the good kid” and would take her portion whenever she’d refuse it because of her dancer diet. Years went by – and I am still comparing my body to my friends’ bodies.
    3. I might have orthorexia because it’s been 5 years since I began to work out on a regular basis and alternated my diet. Now it feels like all around me is revolving around food, like, in the mornings I usually plan on what I’m going to eat and I need this plan so much I’m putting pressure on myself if I don’t follow it, and then there’re cool restaurants I wanna go to or recipes on the Instagram I’d love to do… I’d also stuff myself with superfoods and, in general, it looks like I’m trying to eat more to be healthy hoping it’ll make me as skinny as these Insta fit girls. I think I’d finally consider myself “fit” if only my “banana rolls” (the underbutt fat) went away, but literally nothing seems to help with me to slim down in this area.

  8. Sayalee says:

    Does your arm tonning exercise will help me to reduce arms fat? I do not want biceps .I just want slim arms.Please guide me.

  9. Sayalee says:

    Does your arm tonning exercise will help me to reduce arms fat? I do not want biceps .I just want slim arms.Please guide me.

  10. Camille Kropf says:

    Loved this. Thank you so much to the person who asked the question, and thank you Cassey for answering it! I’m struggling a lot with this too (is struggling with consistency though!)! So thank you for the encouragement and for the knowledge that I’m not alone 🙂

  11. Nina says:

    Regarding the emotional eating, there are many books on this topic and there’s one called Stop Eating Your Heart Out which may be good to check out; I have yet to read it. It’s not just about breaking bad habits, it’s about tapping into the reason for these habits as they are linked to emotions and self-image perceptions that need to be changed. Best of luck! :)))

    1. Thank you for sharing that book!

  12. Sashaaax says:

    Dear Cassey,
    I struggle with my self esteem and, although I am slim, I always feel like I’m not good enough. Im only 14 but I’m always dieting and exercising. I have grown up in a house where the female members of my family are constantly trying to lose weight and I suppose that has made me dread putting on weight. Watching tiktok videos and scrolling through my Instagram I am surrounded by photos of almost perfect girls and that always gives me a downer.
    I also have skin that is ok on a regular basis but as soon as I put makeup on I flare-up. Without makeup and surrounded by constantly heightening beauty standards, I tend to look in the mirror and hate what I see.
    Do you have any advice on how to help with my struggle to be happier with myself, and how to stop feeling such a compulsion to diet and eat less, which may end up resulting in eating disorders. I used to hear stories of girls falling into these eating disorders and think ‘that’ll never be me’, but I’m scared of what I might become.
    Love you Cassey! Your such an inspiration and I would be thrilled if you replied! Xx

  13. Katherine Loh says:

    Using mental coping techniques might also help keep you motivated! The Beck Diet Solution by Judith Beck is about changing your mindset so you can be consistent on any reasonable diet and exercise plan. It was a game changer for me!

  14. Radhika says:

    Hi Dani, although I am only a year older than yourself, I want to give you information about what worked for me. I personally like resistance training (Pilates is a form of that) and running. And as for food, I eat relatively clean on the week-days with 3 meals a day and up to 3 snacks depending on how active I am. On the weekend I let myself eat meals that I have been craving, it can sometimes be somewhat healthy foods like sushi/pho or sometimes burgers this makes me feel like the long journey that is weight loss is more enjoyable and sustainable! As for building confidence, it is something I struggle with myself but I have been working on it by journaling and celebrating my small wins and complimenting myself, I also unfollowed all the people that I compare my body to on social media which has helped tremendously!

    Hope I have helped and wish you success with overcoming your issues!

  15. Dani says:

    Hey Cassy, I’m a 15 year old girl who struggles with her body. I mainly struggle with confidence issues and binge eating (which has gotten better! At my worst I was also over exercising and I would often eat so much that I would make myself sick). I weigh about 130lbs and I dislike the way I look. When I look in the mirror I hate what I see. I worry about what people think about me and I think social media plays a part in this. In todays society I need social media to contact friends, but I get caught up with scrolling too much, what should I do? I really want to get more toned up and lose fat, but I’m a very active person who exercises everyday and I have recently been eating very healthy and have been avoiding binge eating. Do you (or anyone) have any tips on how to build my confidence and how to lose fat (i.e. what are some good foods to eat? what foods should I avoid? what are some of the best exercises?).

    1. Radhika says:

      Hi Dani, although I am only a year older than yourself, I want to give you information about what worked for me. I personally like resistance training (Pilates is a form of that) and running. And as for food, I eat relatively clean on the week-days with 3 meals a day and up to 3 snacks depending on how active I am. On the weekend I let myself eat meals that I have been craving, it can sometimes be somewhat healthy foods like sushi/pho or sometimes burgers this makes me feel like the long journey that is weight loss is more enjoyable and sustainable! As for building confidence, it is something I struggle with myself but I have been working on it by journaling and celebrating my small wins and complimenting myself, I also unfollowed all the people that I compare my body to on social media which has helped tremendously!

      Hope I have helped and wish you success with overcoming your issues!

      1. Dani says:

        Hey Radhika, thanks for the tips! I’ll try them out! I already do a lot of pilates #thankscassey:)), but I think incorporating a little bit more running would be beneficial as well. How often do you run? I should also probably unfollow some of those people and start journaling more as well!

    2. Zay says:

      Hello there sweetheart Dani…
      You are 15yrs old my darling… i want you to fastforward your life by 10years and ask yourself if these same people you allow to put you down or compare yourself to will ever be in your life or benefit you in any way in 10years? The answer i can guarantee you is “NO”… before you want to change your body… ask yourself why… and if your answer is even a slight indication to pleasing people… youll never be happy with your results.
      You are young and beautiful… enjoy your youth… it doesnt last trust me…lol. embrace your unique sense of being. Embrace yourself and love yourself by letting go of these unnecessary expectations you have placed on yourself.
      I am proud of you that at such a young age you are taking steps to maintain your health. Well done.
      At 15… you lose weight fast. Its 80%good eating and 20% fitness… your eating must be good wholesome foods and eat well. Dont starve or eat less… eat better in the right portions. And let exercise be your place of retreat… to get fitter, stronger and let go of all your worries.
      Actions done to please anyone has no value. Live for God and please Him by being a wonderful person and embrace yourself before the change… so that the change never becomes your reason of self love… love yourself anyway… you perfectly you

      1. Dani says:

        Thank you Zay! This honestly made me think… I guess I haven’t really thought about life in that way, and I’m glad you brought that to my attention. <3

    3. Emily says:

      Hi Dani! My advice would be to try and focus on the parts of yourself you DO like – the way you are to your friends, other skills you have, your work ethic etc rather than something like appearance which is really hard to control. You can also focus on what your body DOES for you – lets you play sports or swim, moving around without help, keeping you healthy etc. Losing fat probably won’t be the solution you think it is – you’l get there and just find something else that doesn’t match someone’s deceptive social media standard. Also reducing calories or over-exercising will make your body crave food!! I would recommend the book The Fuck-It Diet which discusses binge eating and diet culture.
      Regarding food: eat whole foods, mostly plants (veges, legumes, fruit) and don’t worry too much about what you have occasionally. Avoid highly processed foods anything that has ingredients that you don’t know what they are or how they are made, but again, 20% of the time it’s ok to just enjoy your food and have fun.
      Those are some of the things I wish I could tell my 15-year-old self. You have so much awesome life ahead of you – don’t waste it trying to fix something that isn’t broken. xxx

      1. Dani says:

        Thank you so much Emily! I apreciate your advice and I will try to incorporate it into my life! I’ll definitely check out that book as well!

  16. Anniebelle says:

    Hey holly. I am also a 16 year old student trying to improve my overall health and loose a little weight. I know how you feel cause I have the same problems but trust me hard work and determination can get us through this. It is super hard, but know your not alone. I’m in the same place as you are.
    Never give up

  17. Holly says:

    Thank you for such a sincere reply, Jessica! Maybe I was too stressed just because of the beauty standards…..but I’ll try to be happy with myself, so that I can go on having a healthy mind and body! I loved noodles and spicy, salty food (for as you know, a lot of instants are like that…) but I’ll start enjoying some healthy slow food! I may have been too impatient. Nothing dramatic can happen within just a week, right? 😀 Thank you so much for your advice and I will trust the process I am going into as you said. Sorry for replying so late! maybe time difference lol

    1. Jessica says:

      Of course Holly! I hope it gave you some comfort in knowing that you have so much time to achieve the goals you want for yourself. You’re going to be just fine, I have faith in you! Good luck girl, I hope you have success in your health and fitness journey.

  18. J says:

    Hi Cassey, are you planning on having a sale anytime soon on your shop? I’m currently on a 90 Day Challenge of my own and have been wanting to get one of your yoga mats but the price is just too out of my range, especially during this time. You inspired me so much with your journey that I wanted to start my own and it’s been such a rewarding experience! Sending you lots of love.

  19. Holly says:

    Can anybody pls help me out? I’m a 16yr student and I’m so angry with myself. Whenever I try to lose my weight, my fragile mental just tells me that I should give up. cuz I live in Korea I don’t use the unit may be different 🙂 I’m 54kg 155cm. And this diet thing just gives me so much stress since all of my friends are so slim. What can I do to possibly hang on to my mental and keep on going with this? Also, is there a way to lose weight easily besides adjurvants?

    1. MartaxSofia says:

      Hi! I’m 19 and basically the same measurements as you (56kg, 156cm) and you need to reteach yourself nutrition and cuisine instead of trying to do a diet. Your food is your diet, not your diet is your food! I have a problem with eating while bored and giving in to that mindset is what makes me feel unsatisfied. I always gain weight and volume with stress so you need to remember to take of yourself psychologically too! Find something you like, is it’s yoga do yoga or hiits or pilates, if you like chicken try to learn more ways to cook it, stop with the pale lettuce salads and find something that’s satisfying and nutritional and cook it, eat it!
      Also if whoever you’re around has a slimmer figure and shame you or make you feel pressured because of it, maybe they shouldn’t be around you… Find the right crowd for you!

      1. Holly says:

        OMG Thank you so much for your advice! That’s a good idea, I was always interested in cooking but maybe the menus were always so unhealthy 🙁
        Maybe I’ll try finding some exercises that I can enjoy anytime anywhere! Also, following your tips, I shall keep my friends (I don’t know why my closest friends are so thin!) but I’ll stop comparing and meet some friends who will start a healthy diet with me. I thank you so much for your kind words! It’s a BIG help.

    2. Jessica says:

      Hi Holly! First off, I’m so proud of you for wanting to better improve your health at a young age. The most important thing is that you shouldn’t compare your own journey to anyone else’s, including your friends. You don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors and just because someone is “slim” does not mean that they’re healthy.

      Everyone has a different body type and your progress is your own. If you’re eating healthy and getting enough nutrients every day in addition to working out, you will see the results over time! Have faith and trust the process. I know it’s hard to keep going when you’re not getting the results you want but remember that there is no deadline to a healthy lifestyle. You have so much time and ultimately, this should be a lifestyle change, not just a quick fix so it’s important to develop long term habits…that means you have to patient with yourself and with your body. Be kind to yourself! I’ve found that the more positive I am, the more I’m willing to workout and eat healthy. Working out and eating healthy should not feel like a chore and if it does, than maybe you should do more research to see what would work best for you. Celebrate all of your successes and be proud of how far you’ve come on this journey. Also, I’m Asian myself and I know that in traditional beauty standards, being “skinny” and “slim” is everything so please don’t get too caught up in that. As long as you’re healthy and strong, that’s the most important thing you can do for your body. Sending lots of love your way and good luck!

      1. Holly says:

        I’ve apparently failed on leaving a reply on the right place…. I’m so embarrassed!! omg please look up, I’m so sorry…..

    3. Anniebelle says:

      Hey holly. I am also a 16 year old student trying to improve my overall health and loose a little weight. I know how you feel cause I have the same problems but trust me hard work and determination can get us through this. It is super hard, but know your not alone. I’m in the same place as you are.
      Never give up

      1. Holly says:

        Hi Anniebelle! Thank you for your kind reply. Alright, let’s do our best to get ourselves into shape!

        1. Sashaaax says:

          Dear Cassey,
          I struggle with my self esteem and, although I am slim, I always feel like I’m not good enough. Im only 14 but I’m always dieting and exercising. I have grown up in a house where the female members of my family are constantly trying to lose weight and I suppose that has made me dread putting on weight. Watching tiktok videos and scrolling through my Instagram I am surrounded by photos of almost perfect girls and that always gives me a downer.

          I also have skin that is ok on a regular basis but as soon as I put makeup on I flare-up. Without makeup and surrounded by constantly heightening beauty standards, I tend to look in the mirror and hate what I see.

          Do you have any advice on how to help with my struggle to be happier with myself, and how to stop feeling such a compulsion to diet and eat less, which may end up resulting in eating disorders. I used to hear stories of girls falling into these eating disorders and think ‘that’ll never be me’, but I’m scared of what I might become.

          Love you Cassey! Your such an inspiration and I would be thrilled if you replied! Xx

  20. Valentina Castano says:

    I love you Cassey so so much, you can’t even imagine!! The way you think and your positivism, always keeps me motivated to be my better self. Ill always be grateful with you. Thank you very much Cassey, you have no idea in how many peoples heart you are and how many lifes you have change!! Your energy is just unique!!

  21. Swapna says:

    Hey cassy
    I’m a beginner to excersice,
    But I do it regularly it’s been almost 2-3months I don’t see the proper results
    I have been exercising almost the whole body work out
    Please help me out how can I improve

  22. Thais says:

    Hey Casey, I need your help. My weight is 79 lb and my height is 4′ 9” and it is really hard for me to gain more weight. I want to develop more muscles and I have tried for years but I see no results. When I go shopping, all clothes are too big for me and it is horrible. I am 21 now and I still look like a 12 year old girl. I am a college student from Peru and I hope you can help me and give me some advice.

    1. PopStar123 says:

      Thais, if you want to gain more muscle you will need to start weight lifting. I do weightlifting along with pilates but I need to consume a lot of calories protein because I workout a lot. If you don’t want to eat too much food maybe just do pilates less often and pair it with some weightlifting. Cassie has some weightlifting vids too or just go to body building websites

  23. Anita says:

    I’ve struggled with binge eating ever since I stopped doing cheer 2 years ago. But recently, I was watching some TedTalks on building good relationships with food and I came across one called “The Mindset for Healthy Eating” by Gillian Riley. I really recommend those that struggle with food restrictions to check this video out because no joke, it changed my life in that 15 minutes. I know having problems with food are hard to deal with, but through time and knowledge, you will be able to get through it!

  24. Weezie says:

    Hey Cassey, last year I did a “6 week challenge” with a personal trainer, she gave me a diet plan and a workout plan and I stuck to it completely and lost over 6% of my body weight, I felt amazing and looked pretty good (if I do say so myself) but I kinda went back to eating “normally” after those 6 weeks. I really want to find a diet plan or something I can stick to but I love food so much and I just don’t know how to create permanent eating habit changes! Maybe I should just move way more and then I can eat more of what I love, I don’t know. Any advice would be so welcome…I love your videos! 💖

  25. Tess says:

    Dear Casey… I’m young in the teens and I love myself. I’m totally okay mentally, (having to do with my faith) but I am over weight. I can’t exactly tell my mom to go to Whole Foods and get all the healthy food everyone else gets. I eat pretty healthy for a teen, a lot healthier then I used too… and my sister is so healthy and is teaching me the right ways to get in shape. I’m not terribly overweight and I’m thankful, but I’d like to feel good in a swimsuit. I play soccer and I’m pretty good at a lot of sports. I go on runs every day, I used to lift weights at our school weight room under supervision for soccer, but I’m not seeing results. I want to be able to wear a swimsuit confidently and not put on a cover up or t shirt. Do you have any advice for 14 years olds trying to lose weight/fat?

    1. Emily says:

      Your attitude is awesome Tess. Confidence comes from YOU, not from what you look like. I say just fake it till you make it – just wear that swimsuit confidently until you own it.

  26. Sharon says:

    Great post! Digital detox is always great, and so is being transparent with friends who support you. In my opinion, the most important results are not the ones that can be seen. It’s the little things; our struggles, our trial and errors, but also the small victories that make it all worth it. 🙂

  27. Sushma V says:

    Dear Cassey , I am an Indian who is a vegetarian. I have heard that you have to eat eggs and chicken to tone and lose weight faster . I am 20 and I have overcome many health issues in my weight loss journey . I am at a point where I have not lost weight or has any visible fat loss for a long time . I have changed my workouts , I workout for all the days in the week and being in dental school I also eat healthily . Its been 4 years since I gave up ice cream and pizza … but I still haven’t lost much weight and fat loss . Please help !! Any advice ?
    Thank you so much for your patience in listening to this confused and frustrated and sad 20 year old girl
    Sad and Disappointed

    1. Jessica says:

      Hello! I know I’m not Cassey but I hear your struggles and I’ve been there too. I’ve been a vegetarian off and on for several years and have also struggled to lose weight. When you’re vegetarian, your options are already limited so it can be challenging to know what else there is you can do. There are numerous reasons why your current routine may not be working for you so I highly recommend that you talk to your doctor. I know that can be a hassle but it’s best to get professional advice, especially since you have a restricted diet. From there, you can find out what you need to improve on and where to go from here.

      What I will say is that I don’t think that being vegetarian puts you at a disadvantage. Eggs and chicken are high in protein, which helps you build muscle but you can still get those nutrients in other foods. Tofu, tempeh, oats, nuts, etc. are all high in protein. You just have to do your research and you’ll see that you have more options than you think. If you’re working out every day and not seeing any weight loss, maybe it’s time to switch up your workout. Sometimes our bodies get used to routine and changing it up can help you achieve your goals. Ultimately it comes down to making sure you’re getting the right nutrients and working out consistently! Consistency is key! You will see the results over time as long as you’re listening and responding to what your body needs.

  28. Confused teen 🤷‍♀️ says:

    Hey Cassey, I am someone who has been following your workout videos over the past few years and I was eating healthy alongside working out, I was able to see a major change with the summer sculpt challenge last summer and was able to see a change for the first time! However, after the summer challenge I ended up binge eating due to stress from applying for university. Now I decide to try the summer sculpt challenge again, because it is convenient as the workout is all in one video, but the workouts aren’t making my muscles sore even though I challenge myself in the workout. I am just really confused with why the workout are no longer effective anymore and what can I do to change it. I would really appreciate some input on this. Do I continue? Or do I try finding other videos? If so which videos could I follow?

  29. Emily says:

    I really like the idea of having a digital detox! I could always do with spending less time hunched over my phone.
    I loved the ‘Toned at Home’ arm workout this week – I can’t wait for the next one!

  30. Newbie says:

    Hi Cassey!
    I love your workout videos and started your 28 day summer sculpt, I am almost done with the 28 days (yeaahh!!) so I figured after this I will try your workout calender. The only thing is that in your calender you only work on one muscle group a day, with the the 28 day summer sculpt I love that you target more areas during one workout. Is there any way that I can switch some of the video in your calender that I always work on 2 muscle groups per day? Thanks!! A newbie trying to get in shape

  31. jesudivine says:

    I totally relate to this POPster but you know what ? Stay on track. On September I started going to the gym, but I didn’t really change anything about my diet. January came and nothing really visible could be seen on me (I did loose 3kg but it didn’t show really much). I started cooking my own meals at every lunch, diner, snacks and all and then I started melting. Consistent Hiit since March (the things lockdown do to you …) helped as well. Maybe you could try to change that routine of yours ? Try incorporing some new workouts you wanted to try, try new fun and healthier recipes !

    We’re all in this together, you sure are not alone, don’t worry. take care !