Winners of Day 5, 6, 7 of #POPsterPresents & Day 1 of WeightTraining App!

Winners of Day 5, 6, 7 of #POPsterPresents & Day 1 of WeightTraining App!

Hey POPsters!!!

Thought I’d hold the suspense and tell you who won for the past few days all in one post. Muahaha. I know. I’m the best right?

Let’s cut right to the chase…

DAY 5: The winner of the Train Like a Beast Look like a Beauty Nautical Pull over is…

@MazNapoli, congrats!!! Woohoo! Just tweeted you!



The winner of the DAY 6 Call Me Lady Wallet giveaway is…

Ivori Murray! I also noticed your enthusiasm on all of my social networks! Thanks for being such an involved and passionate POPster!

Screen Shot 2013-01-08 at 3.01.36 PMThe DAY 7 winner of the POP Pilates DVD is…

Congrats Teresa!!! I love seeing your tweets! Great fridge pic. I love looking at fridge pics because it’s really like a reflection of your stomach!


And that’s not all guys!!!! Remember the massive giveaway I surprised you with yesterday because you downloaded the WeightTraining app and did my Perfect Pilates Body routine? Well to see if you’re 1 of the Day 1 winners, CLICK HERE. The iPad Mini winner will be announced on Wed! Woot woot! So download the app if you haven’t already – there’s still chances to win!

Love you all!


PS – ready for HIITilates #2? What should it be focused on?


67 thoughts on “Winners of Day 5, 6, 7 of #POPsterPresents & Day 1 of WeightTraining App!”

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  1. Arwyn says:

    Wow, I won! I haven’t had the chance to do more with the app since I am recovering from a case of the flu and sinusitis (boo!), but I really like the exercises. Thanks, Cassey!

  2. Mailene says:

    Yey! Convinced 2 friends to try the January calendar! 😀

  3. Amy says:

    Jessica, I would recommend stretching after your workout, when your muscles are warm. I have heard you can tear your muscles by cold stretching. If you like to stretch near the beginning, try Cassey’s Warm up workout first. Hope this helps!!

  4. Pustekuchenfee says:

    Today it reads “Repeat one of the Cardio Crazies”. Should i repeat only one video, e.g. a) Lolo Legs ( January 11) or the whole Cadio Crazy day? THank you.

  5. Jessica says:

    First of all, thank you SO much for keeping me motivated throughout January! I’m feeling so amazing and energetic, it’s awesome! Even those days where I just can’t bring myself to work out, I’ll watch a video, smile cause you’re smiling, and then push my way through to the end with a huge grin! (Of pain…)
    Also, I’ve been wondering – and if any of you POPsters could help that’d be great! When on earth are you supposed to stretch in a workout? I do your stretching video before a workout, but I’ve heard that it’s actually a bad idea to stretch before you work out from various sources – what do you recommend?

    Love you! <3

    1. Sara says:

      It’s best to do dynamic stretching before you workout, like the video on crazy cardio days. Then do static stretching after the workout when your muscles are still warm.

  6. Maggie says:

    Thank you so much for all of your great workouts, especially the HIIT workouts. It’s helped improve my stamina, especially when I thought I was in shape last year. Each day I do your workouts, it gets a little bit easier to complete them. I agree with everyone else. A HIITilates with lots of cardio and abs 🙂 I’ve been doing really well on the JaNEWary calendar, and now I’m really trying to get flat abs.

  7. Christina says:

    Hey Cassey! Enjoying your workouts as always, let a few friends know about you and the awesome things you do for our bodies! I’m super glad to be able to do a blogilates workout instead of going outside in the -20C Canadian blizzard we’ve been having. I can’t wait to see more inner thigh workouts, maybe an idea for Hiitlates 2?
    Christina 🙂

  8. Sabrina Bilsborough says:

    I love your videos.. but i still haven’t gotten to your HIIT video yet but i can’t wait to try it and am looking forward to sweating with it. your such an inspiration to me i can’t wait to see what video will be up next week.

  9. Nelli says:

    Yay, Cassey!! Omg, these giveaways have motivated to work even harder! I have been working out almost evey day since Jan. 1st and your workouts are my absolute faves!I just couln’t imagine another instructor. Your energy is what makes killer pain just a teeny weeny bit more bearable.

    Off to download the new app! So excited to try it out!

    You have made me fall in love with fitness! Thank you for that!!

  10. PopsterEmily says:

    Hi cassey! Im one of your biggest fans! You are my go to girl when i need a good workout and i just love how you motivate us and have so much enthusiasm throughout all your videos! Love you so much!

  11. Zoë says:

    Cassey; I just want to thank you so much. I haven’t kept up with a calendar this closely& far into the month until now. I’m so unbelievably proud of myself& my body for pushing through and keeping up with the workouts. We all love you so much. Keep being an inspiration! Xx.

  12. Bethany says:

    unfortunately i got sick over the last days and am starting to get a sore throat! when i did cardio it kind of hurt my throat to breathe so i’m taking a break from blogilates until i get better (which is soon hopefully)! your blog is like one of my daily sites that i always click on, just like facebook and twitter 🙂 i like all of the content and food photos you post! i like reading the articles that you post too, those are really interesting to read, make me think :)!

  13. Amy says:

    Hey Cassey!! Just wanted to say I am trying to keep up with the calendar but my ankle has been giving my a lot of trouble! I’m slightly behind! But I love your workouts!!! PS can’t wait to see the Stair Climber workout. You almost killed me last week with the Treadmill one!

  14. Sarah Kester says:

    Just wanted to say that your workouts and positive energy really help motivate me! I actually look forward to working out now, because I always know that after using your vids, I’ll be in a happy, healthy mood 😀 thanks girl!

  15. Kimberlee says:

    I LOVE your workouts! I have struggled with weight all my life and have always disliked working out until I started following your workout calendar. Pilates is the best! Can’t wait to send you before and after pics once I lose weight 🙂

  16. Megan Elizabeth Lewis says:

    I feel like a lot of people chose Inner Thigh Insanity as their fav video including me! 🙂 love that video

  17. Janet says:

    Hi Cassey! Thank you so much for your workouts. You are the only one who can keep me motivated enough to KEEP GOING with your workouts- no matter what!

  18. Zoe says:

    Just discovered your website–love your workouts and your adorable clothes, bags and accessories! More for back and inner thigh workouts please!

  19. Carly says:

    I would be so happy to win something from Blogilates! Doing this day by day 🙂

  20. Carly says:

    Always a blast working out with you! I wish you would get in more small sizes of the cropped sweats…so cute.

  21. Sabrina says:

    That’s so great for the winners! ^^ Thank you for this amazing giveaway. By interacting and helping and always being their for your fellow Popsters, you are THE best trainer I’ve ever known. You go, Cassey!

  22. Nicole S. says:

    Did she post anything today?

  23. Caroline G says:

    I love your workout plans and meal plans. I’m trying to call it my “healthy eating plan” instead of diet, so I can change my eating to something healthier in the long run. I work in a hospital, so I am always around patients that end up in the hospital because they don’t treat their body well and I don’t want that to happen to me! Your workout videos are very fun and even though I’m a beginner, I am enjoying it very much even when I can’t perform all the moves. I just modify them a bit and still get a great workout!

  24. Mirela says:

    Did you post something today on your blog?Because on my computer doesn’t show anything…I mean it shows that the last time you posted on the 8 th of January…

    1. Taylor says:

      That’s what I see too!

  25. Fit Missy says:

    Just came across this site – very cool! I like it!

  26. Caroline says:

    Oops. somehow my previous comment didn’t appear 🙁
    I forgot what I said, but mainly, you are the best teacher Cassey!
    You explain really well and make it easier for me to understand! <3
    You really encourage me to work out everyday and stay in shape!

  27. Caroiine says:

    Oops. somehow my previous comment didn’t appear 🙁
    I forgot what I said, but mainly, you are the best teacher Cassey!
    You explain really well and make it easier for me to understand! <3
    You really encourage me to work out everyday and stay in shape!

  28. María José says:

    Hi! I’m going to start your calendar today! I’m excited to do this! I really love your workouts.
    Thank u so much Cassey ♥

    PD: I’m from Spain n I don’t speak English well, sorry.

  29. Adrianna says:

    Congrats to everyone!!! : ) Today is going to be a good day!!! ITS FRiday!!!! YAY!!!!
    PS you should also to a “Good Morning” work out routine for all those people that may have to get up at 6 to do your videos…. maybe easy going at first then picking up the pace later in the vib.

  30. Ness says:

    Hey Casey
    Thanks soo much for helping me keep in shape.
    I Love you videos sooo much i even did them on my birthday (11th)

    Thanks soo much
    Nessy 😛

  31. Natalie says:

    i’m on a day 5 friday #jaNEWary <3 just love it thank you

  32. Anne says:

    When is your new vid coming out? 😮

  33. Heidi says:

    I would love to see more abs and obliques for hiitilates!!!

  34. Ness says:

    Thank you sooo much
    because of your cal me maybe squats and ab all nights videos i have now made the first rowing crew at my school.

    Thank you soooo much Casey ( the prizes idea is a wonderful idea)
    Nessy 😛

  35. I just did your HIITilates video #1 yesterday and can’t wait for #2!! Thighs please 🙂

  36. Lauren says:

    I love your videos,I’m doing them every night! I have a quick question, I managed to tweak a muscle in my back.I kept working out the next day but as it still hurts do you think I should carry on and hope the exercise loosens it up or have a rest day? I just feel so lazy not doing the workouts in the evening as I am a final year university student so I spend my days sat down writing essays! Any advice would be appreciated 🙂 Thank you so much for all you videos and all your wisdom, you have helped me feel so much more confident in myself! 🙂

    1. Janneke says:

      Having a restday should not mean you shouldn’t do anything. You might just can go for a walk or some jogging. Or do some beginners video’s from Cassey so you don’t have to miss her! 😉 Good luck with your back!

  37. Amelia says:

    Cassey, I would absolutely love a workout vid to help slim wide hips. My sister & I have “child bearing hip” as she like to call them. The only way I’ve ever de-widened (is that even a word?lol) my hips before is to run at least 6mi a week so a workout would be super duper helpful. I dislike it whenever I go to buy jeans because my hips are so wide that I have to get bigger sizes just to go over them, but when I do that the jeans are at least 2 or 3 sizes too big at the waist. Help! Please (:

  38. Hanna says:

    Guys, am I the only one who struggles going through a 2nd round on the cardio days?? It’s really hard for me!
    I sometimes am just not alble to do it… what about you?

    1. Ivori Rose says:

      Yes, those Cardio Crazy Days are intense, so I complete one round in the morning , then, complete the second round at night.

  39. Sarah says:

    Congrats winners!
    Since I’m already subscribed to the newsletter how do I enter for the giveaway today (9th)?

    1. Amelia says:

      You should be good to go… I think she will just randomly pick from whoever is signed up for the newsletter (:

    2. Ivori Rose says:

      Thank you !
      If you are subscribed to the newsletter, you are already entered to win for Day 9 =D

      1. Sarah says:

        Thanks for the answers, Amelia and Ivori! 😀

  40. Roos says:

    I’m trying to get active with the calendar challenge but when I get home from work I’m so tired and I don’t do it 🙁 but when I look at your blog I get so inspired and motivated and then I actually do some vids!

  41. Iuliana Ionica says:

    For HIITilates> maybe many standing abs&obliques moves combined with cardio!!! Greets!

  42. Iuliana Ionica says:

    I love the first HIITilates and all of your workouts.
    i would like to make a suggestion, not neccesarily for HIITlates, but I would really appreciate it if you could do a Yoga&Pilates workout in the future. I am constantly looking for good Yoga videos on UTube, but you are simply motivating and fun. I came to the idea yesterday, after doing one hour Pilates with you and at the end stretching with your Video @Amaying Streching for Legs@ The video is so good and the music also. I am sure you could create more such videos combing stretching, yoga and POPPilates.

    Greets and many thanks!

  43. Iuliana Ionica says:

    Dear Cassey,

    I love the first HIITilates and all of your workouts.
    i would like to make a suggestion, not neccesarily for HIITlates, but I would really appreciate it if you could do a Yoga&Pilates workout in the future. I am constantly looking for good Yoga videos on UTube, but you are simply motivating and fun. I came to the idea yesterday, after doing one hour Pilates with you and at the end stretching with your Video @Amaying Streching for Legs@ The video is so good and the music also. I am sure you could create more such videos combing stretching, yoga and POPPilates.

    Love you and thank you for your hard work!

  44. Conny says:

    yes, pleasepleaseplease abs! or maybe a total core workout for abs/obliques/lower back :]

  45. Andrea Marin says:

    Abs or something like the call me maybe squat challenge! LOVE that one! And I’m starting to see changes in both my legs and abs so I’m super excited! 😀

  46. doryxna says:

    I add to the long list of request for abs! I’m always in the gym looking for new things to try. Can’t really bring in paper plates to that cancels one video out. Your moves are very different from the traditional workouts and that’s why my muscles will never be bored! Your videos stimulate muscles in a different way!

  47. Briana says:

    quiet cardio is always helpful in college, but I also loveeee muffintop meltdown so maybe another corset type workout for total abs?

  48. Stepha says:

    Congrats to the winners! I all about the thighs and booty, so I vote that for HIITilates part 2!

  49. Ivori Rose says:

    Congrats Teresa and @MazNapoli

  50. Sabrina Shields says:

    HIITilates #2 – I need help on the saddlebag area!

  51. Kimberlysun says:

    All my hopes for winning something are like… Gone 🙁

    1. Ivori Rose says:

      They shouldn’t be ; there are many more day of giving from Cassey.

  52. Mailene says:

    I agree with the girls, abs please! I am starting to see the line forming on my soon to be abs so I am excited and pumped! <3

  53. Gina says:

    Butt, butt, && more butt please 😀

  54. KJ says:

    How about another quiet cardio? HIITilates for small spaces and mat-less dorms? I’m about to move to London to study abroad!

  55. Maria says:

    Why are all the winners white washed & not from the southern area? Ijs.

    1. Ivori Rose says:

      I’m from the South. What do you me by “white washed ” ? Is that a racist term ?

  56. Ivori Rose says:

    OMGEEE ! I won the super fabulous wallet !!

  57. Denielle says:

    For HIITilates #2: please focus on abs!! I have a cruise wedding to prepare for in May! Wanna look amazing for my hubby-to-be in a new bikini!

  58. Hannah says:

    HIITilates #2- focus on Abs please! I am working toward Victoria Secret Abs!