What’s holding you back from reaching your goals?
What’s holding you back from reaching your goals?
Hey POPsters!
Today I asked you on facebook what you thought was holding you back from reaching your goals and you guys knew EXACTLY what it was. I was very happy to see the community open up – you guys were honest and genuine with yourselves. I am very proud of you.
You see, the first step in achieving your dreams is acknowledging you weaknesses. You need to identify it and own up to it. Sometimes, it is really hard to do this because we all think we’re fine just the way we are, and we all choose to settle in one way or another. But settling…and being semi-happy with yourself just aint gonna cut it. Not for me at least.
If you want the body of your dreams, if you want to be sitting in that boss chair one day, if you wanna be driving that nice hardtop convertible in 3 years…you’ve got to fight for it. And it isn’t going to be easy, but let me tell you, if you put in the time, if you put in the effort, the heart, the dedication, the undying passion to move forward…the journey makes you stronger, it develops your character, and YOU WILL GET THERE. I promise you. YOU WILL GET THERE. It is possible. Always always always.
Life just works that way.
So if you haven’t shared your weaknesses with the Blogilates Community yet (you can read your fellow POPsters comments here), then please tell me right here in the comments below! I want you to be honest with yourself and share with the world…with the universe…what you know you need to attack! Don’t make it hard on yourself. Just tell me what the problem is, in the next exercise, we will come up with a way to deal with it!
Good luck and can’t wait to read your answers 🙂
<3 Cassey
PS – Are you guys ok if we start the Vegan Challenge on Monday? Also, Nicky says that we should do it for 2 weeks to see a dramatic change in the way we feel and look. He wrote me an email today and said that if done correctly, some people may lose up to 10 lbs or even more. I am not looking to lose more weight or anything (you guys know I just recently did for my bikini comp) but I am looking to explore the different diets that are out there. I just finished a high protein diet so I feel like I need to flush my system a bit. I am excited to be eating fruits, nuts, veggies, tofu, and grains! Yippee!!
Anyway, I will make it optional for you guys to choose 1 or 2 weeks, but I am going for 2. Let me know also if you’re ok starting on Monday. To go vegan, you just need to cut all meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. We will have a meal plan so I can ensure that you’re getting the right nutrients and complete proteins that you need.
66 thoughts on “What’s holding you back from reaching your goals?”
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For me, it’s a little complicated. I’m a dialysis patient. So, my kidneys have packed up. I have a regular schedule of dialysis treatments. 3 times a week. The economic situation being what it is, there are tonnes of IT grads out there who are normal, so getting an IT job for me is virtually nil as 1) I’m a little outdated compared to the many, many fresh grads out there. 2) Many potential bosses don’t take too kindly to my dialysis schedule, they want someone who can work full-time.
All I can do, is try to get my online business in cross-stitch up and running, here, check it out! :
Or, start writing! I have always wanted to be a writer. Since I’m unemployed anyway, I have all the time in the world to write! What’s holding me back? : Lack of inspiration and procrastination.
But I’ve started sending out short stories to various publishers though. I really hope something gets accepted soon!
I’ve said it on the youtube comments, but what’s holding me back is depression. I guess I have no valid reason to be depressed anymore, since everyone says that my life is great… I just don’t feel it. I feel like there’s no point to doing anything… Anywayyyyys, sorry to get all emo on you, haha. But Cassie, if anyone could give me some inspiring words to move past this it would be you. Everything you say is full of so much wisdom and caring and strength. I love this new motivational stuff you’ve been doing!
Btw, I also have the same weakness with nuts. I bought a giant bag of walnuts from costco a few weeks ago and the bag is almost gone now! Uggh, but anyway I’ve made the decision that I’m just not going to buy nuts anymore. Can’t eat them if they’re not around!
Also I’m really excited about the vegan challenge. Can’t wait to see what meals you come up with. It should be pretty easy for me because the only things I’ll have to stop eating are chicken, eggs, and whey.
Procrastination and cravings. I always wake up believing I will exercise and then it just keeps getting pushed back until I do it at night or go to sleep without working out. The cravings screw up my eating 🙁
Is the song in the video Blue Moon? I’m not completely sure, but whatever the song is, I’m pretty sure it’s played in Selena.
Anyway, what’s holding me back? As far as fitness is going, I’m doing fairly well (I’m 5’3 and have lost 26 pounds since February). I’ve been eating fairly clean and low-carb (I’ve always been a sort of health nut, my portions and sugar intake were just a little high) and have been working out pretty consistently (I did take a month break, but started again this week. I do your vids before doing Insanity). Taking photos along the way REALLY help. I may not be able to see a whole lot of difference in the mirror, but when I look at the pictures… I can tell exactly where I’ve lost fat/toned up. It’s really motivating and keeps me going! Also, having clothing goals (I had this fitted dress that I bought from F21 online, but never fit into, and was finally able to fit into!) really helps… and, of course, an inspiration board!
However, as far as life goals… Fear of the unknown holds me back. I just graduated with my BA and have taken a year off. It’s really difficult to get back into it… I miss college life and going out into the real world is intimidating. I’m planning on applying to jobs abroad, so that I can travel… I feel like when I travel, I’m less lethargic/more outgoing/myself. I’ve saved up enough for the flight/to start off… just need to jump into it.
Anyway, thanks for this post! It made me realize that I should stop procrastinating and put my life first.
Also, I highly recommend reading The Happiness Project. I feel it runs along the same lines… overcoming obstacles to achieve goals and happiness. It’s also been a strong motivating factor in my life recently…. to break out of habit and start living a life full of intention.
Hmmm, I would like to say it’s my financial situation, my family responsibilities, my job, etc. I have a very successful friend who would tell me that those are all excuses and I am what’s holding me back.
Well for me its always, for whatever situation, fear, the what if. Like I get into a midset that right now everything is OK but to do something different, whatever it may be, that is a what if, and well that could go wrong when I am just OK without changing. I see the issue, I know how to change it, but Im lacking courage :/
my flabby stomach gets to me. I cannot het rid of it. I blame me on the 2 kiddies but they are now 10 and 7. Since Sept 2011, I have gone from 138 to 122 (size 10 to size 4) by eating less and eating healthier. I also did pilates but am now mainly doing elliptical and some weights because I am focusing on just fat burning for now. I am happy with my size,except for the protruding tummy. I have been doing lots of cardio in the elliptical. sweating lots trying to burn fat but it seems the tummy will be the last to go. I have heard that for some, they can never achieve the flat tummy after having children. Some bounce back quickly. Is the just impossible for some to have a flat tummy after pregnancy with all the extra skin?
This is holding me back: sugar. Sugar is my eminmy, my biggest weakness. I work out a lot, lost weight and totally stopped smoking- I can feel a huge diffrens in my body. It’s just that I don’t SEE it. My fat is still covering up my muscles… It’s driving me carzy not beeing able to see the results of my hard work. BUT yesterday was my first day without sugar in many months- so I’m getting there. My goal is to live without sugar i 22 days (at least) so I can look super fabulous on my birthday 😀 You have been a major support! Looking forward to start with the vegan diet on monday. Question: Could it be a health issue to start eating all vegan when you’ve been an vegitarian your entire life? /Swedishgirl
The thing thats holding me back is RESULTS! i have lost weight but i still feel….blah! im like seriously THE WORST critic of myself :/ i’ll basically NEVER think im thin enough :/ i had a child n he was fairly large so my skin streched SO fare its not even funny! so i have strech marks all over n loose skin (TMI sorry) on my stomach 🙁 so i feel ugly n fat alll the time! plus i’ve always just had large hips n NO tooshie! lol I kno i cant just wake up in the morning n have a body like u Cassey! lol but thats wut i WANT! is to see nice toned arms…flat abs..a lil booty..small toned thighs n legs! n it annoys me that i feel like im NEVER or CANT get to that point! i also pri dont eat as clean as i should…so u kno that has something to do with not looking the way i want! lol i try tho!!! i really do! 🙂
habits. habits are what hold me back. There is something comforting about having a routine. it’s something that you can expect to happen every day, and in a world full of constant change, habits and routine are something that can keep us stable, or so our minds tell us. the problem arises when we develop unhealthy habits, such as coming home from a long day, and eating a tub of ice cream everyday. we trick ourselves into thinking this is what keeps us going in this world when in reality, it’s only what slows me/ anyone else down, and can possibly drive us to the death. it’s that little requirement of the courage it takes to make our habits good. because what is good, is not easy, but we must remind ourselves its worth it.
ps. i have a nut problem too 🙂
It’s kind of funny/sad because moving to LA is MY goal. I’m not gonna lie, I partially watched this video just so I could see 3rd street in the background. This has been my goal for 3 years and I want it so bad I can TASTE IT. I don’t go longer than a few minutes without thinking about it, envisioning myself there, what my life would be like, etc.
I honestly am not sure what’s holding me back. On the surface it feels like I’m just waiting for money to come to me (I just started my own business a few months ago and am waiting for the clients to start coming in). It feels like I’ve done/am doing everything I possibly can so it feels to me like the Universe just hates me and doesn’t want to see me succeed.
I need to give this some thought. I guess there’s always more I could be doing…I hustle pretty hard but maybe I’m not hustling enough.
I am cool to start the vegan challenge monday. Sorta excited too.
Husband thinks it’s silly. I think he’s silly.
my problem is that i’ve lost my motivation. i took a break for a week and it all went downhill from there and i dont know how to get back on track. i’ve been trying but i haven’t been able to. i’m also really lazy and one slip-up from me means that i’m off the track and it’s harder to get back on.
The fact that I’m about to graduate college and have never felt more overwhelmed than I have this year definitely holds me back. I have so much on my plate already that I automatically assume that working out would feel like a chore, let alone going vegan (again). Hopefully once I finally graduate (June 10th!!!) I’ll be able to relax a little and focus on the good things!
Here is what’s holding me back: I over think and over analyze everything. Then when I don’t see the results I want in a month I normally change my workout/diet.
I think alcohol is probably what has kept me from reaching my weight loss/fitness in the goal in the past and it is definitely something that I know I need to work on and find a balance with. I started your 90-day clean eating and fitness routine this week on Monday (loving it!), but I have some plans this weekend with friends and I know alcohol will most likely be involved at some point. I guess I really need to figure out a balance between when I can indulge and when I really shouldn’t.
What’s holding me back?
Honestly, it’s fear. I’m scared I won’t “make it.” I want to have my own business one day and I know having doubts or fear isn’t going to cut it. I overcame a lot a year ago and knowing that I could get through that gives me confidence that I can make it, I just need to have more of a plan in place to feel better about it.
The thing holding me back is time and energy. I love working in the theatre, and theatre is what I want to get in shape for, getting in early and leaving late does not bode well for working out. Also finding time to precook items for the week, is difficult to do. I would rather sleep than wake up early enough to work out, and when I do wake up early, I can’t muster the energy.
No self-control with baked goods :/
I can workout like a mad woman, but try keeping me away from cookies…good luck!
I think I would like to have Jennifer Aniston’s booty!
What’s holding me back?
I have no patience. I expect immediate results and when I don’t get it, I give up. I give up so easily which leads to me thinking I’m a failure when I don’t reach my goals ;|
I have a love/hate relationship with foood! Ughhh.
What’s holding me back from my goals:
I get jealous very easily. It’s hard for me to be happy for others when they do something good or fun because all I can do is compare myself to them and think about why I deserve it more.
I’m also impatient. I find it difficult to let time take its course and to wait for the things I want.
These make me seem like such a bad person!
LOVE eating vegan… having a meal plan will make it that much easier to stick to it for a length of time! Monday sounds great, can’t wait! 😀
hmmm…whats holding me back?
Well, for one, grazing is really what gets me. I like to have little tastes of everything throughout the day and at meals. (however, I do also have full meals. I don’t just graze and eat nothing else.)
Second, eating at night. I always want to eat at night. It doesn’t matter whether it’s nuts, yogurt, cereal, unhealthy, or healthy. I love to eat at night.
So I guess snacking is my biggest object that is holding me back.
Starting the vegan challenge Monday sounds so awesome! Excited to try it out!
I’ll try it for as long as possible! hahaha
I would love to the vegan challenge! Count me in for the full two weeks , just post a shopping list and I’m there! I’ve been thinking about going vegan for a while now and doing a group challenge like this is the perfect motivation and thing I need to keep me in check; Cassey you’re amazing!
My weakness is myself, I know that. I have previously fallen victim to a binge-purge-restrict cycle that resulted in 5 months of bulimia that meant I lost a stone, but once the eureka moment of what I was doing to my body hit and I was able to stop, I piled back on the weight plus a little bit more. Despite trying healthily for the last 2/3 months I just haven’t been able to shift it, and I know I fall prey to emotional eating (mainly from exam stress but also because my family works a lot leaving me home alone the majority of the time). I’m working on it though!
Keep up the good work Cassey!!
Right now I am so unsure about what I want to go back to school for. I am 24 yrs old and still can’t make my mind up. What is holding me back is the fear of not knowing if it is the best choice of if I will commit to it and then not like it.
I am definatly on for the vegan challenge starting monday!! I can’t wait!
Hi cassey! I just wanted to say that some starbucks red drinks or foods contain a bug extract tHat isnt completely vegan (anythig containing charnooba i think *thats the beetles name*) also honey isnt vegan. It comes from bees! But this challenge seems awesome!
Love you!, irene
Lack of discipline and perseverance
I recently did a vegan diet challenge for 2 weeks and lost 4lbs! You can do it! It really works and, if done right, is very healthy! Make sure to eat lots of veggies, fruits, and fortified foods with vitamin B12 (not found in a vegan diet). If you plan on continuing the vegan diet like I am, make sure to take a vitamin B12 supplement.
Good luck!
What’s holding me back is fear. I know this is really dumb, but every time I want to go to the gym, I chicken out because I think about how everyone in there seems to know what they are doing and a lot of them are really fit. I don’t know how to use a lot of the machines and I was ignorant of proper gym etiquette (wiping down the machines etc). I know that no one pays attention to other people while they are working out, but I fear that people will be judging me because I have no idea what I’m doing, am not in shape, and don’t have “real” workout clothes. Seeing this in writing makes me realize how dumb this sounds outside my head.
I think I’m also afraid of change. If I did work out hard enough to achieve the body that I want, will people start treating me differently? Will I get noticed by guys more? Will that give me the confidence boost I so desperately need? And what if it doesn’t?
If anyone has answers or concrete steps I can take to conquer these fears, please let me know 🙂
Oh yeah, also I love junk food and have a huge sweet tooth! I try to eat healthy stuff when it’s available, but as a college student, a lot of times what is on the go and cheap isn’t very healthy…
Kristin: i would say go to a gym with group x classes. You will find people of all sizes there. And everyone is so busy concentrating on themselves they wont notice you. Or i would recommend insanity if u can workout at home. I know a few people who lost a lot of weight that way.
Binge eating/emotional eating.
Eating too much.
Not always eating the healthiest choices.
Not believing I can reach my goal(s) (working on it)
Buying unhealthy foods to have in the house.
I’m looking forward to the vegan challenge meal plan! I don’t know if I’ll do it for the full 1 or 2 weeks but I want to add more vegan and vegetarian meals into my diet and the meal plan will be very helpful. Thanks!!
What’s holding me back: Lack of confidence.
Maybe a lot of people who know me in person will be surprised when I tell them this because I always show them my humorous and something crazy.Like when I told my teacher,she was shocked and confused about that because I once dressed like a drag queen with a shiny green wig on my school’s sports day.She thought I was much braver than others.But actually,I really don’t have a lot of self confidence.I dressed like a drag queen just in order to get others’ attention.And when I played the role,I just enjoyed the role instead of being ME.I don’t have confidence that I will do the right thing when it comes time for me to make decisions either. I always ask friends for advice,when what I really want is validation for doing what I already think I want to.And I’m afraid people might see me as overly pessimistic.
Lack of confidence seems to live in every corner of my daily life.
What’s holding me back:
– Boredom: I’m still looking for a job and the boredom of having not so much to do is tough because I’m more likely to snack. I try to fill up my time with applications, crafts even learning a new language, but sometimes it just creeps in there.
– Eating disorder: I used to have an eating disorder and I find it hard to balance wanting to lose a few pounds and going overboard into unhealthy eating patterns again.
I won’t be able to start the challenge on Monday, but will be able to do the following Monday!
I think what’s holding me back are:
– Lack of time (40 hours/week work + 10 hours/week commute time)
– Paranoia (I used to be very, very skinny and remember all the nasty comments I received in high school about my size)
– Fear (of the unknown!)
– Mental and Emotional Disconnect (If you’re mind wants you to do the workout, but your body/heart/emotions are saying “Nuuu D=” … they will typically win-out)
Now that I know that, I know what to work on! And I’m kinda geeked about the vegan challenge. I eat a very vegetarian diet typically due to lack of funds for most forms of meat, but I love my dairy – have to have my feta cheese! I’m definitely going to give this a try and do my best!
Quick question – Will you be able to have the diet plan up by Friday/Saturday for shopping time? Definitely will need to shop before starting on Monday!
I would say that being busy with work and school can hold me back. Also, and this may be really stupid, but I hate losing boob fat. I love how working out effects the rest of my body, but my boobs get smaller as well and it really bothers me, especially when my friends tease me about it. I don’t know though, I like to think the toned up body might be worth the cost =)
I don’t think it’s really stupid! 🙂 I have the same feeling! But, I’ve only had boobs for, like, 4 years (I didn’t develop until middle of college – talk about awkward!), so I’m a little afraid of loosing that. But I’m more than happy to lose the other fat!
Look what I found: http://www.vegancoach.com/index.html! A vegan coach named Sassy…and the first recipe is buckwheat pancakes—I feel you two, or at least you and this diet, were meant to be.
I think Monday might be cutting it kinda close since we don’t have a grocery shopping list already? I think I’ll give it a try based on the recipes provided because I can’t do the soy/tofu, not good for my hormones.
On another note, I think what’s holding me back is realizing that it can be exhausting being in the “weight loss” mode for so long (I’m down over 50lbs). I am REALLY looking forward to the day where I can maintain and there’s no pressure to drop an inch here or drop a few lbs there you know?
Being overworked and exhausted all of the time- I work everyday form 11 am – 9 pm, and my only break is really my lunch break. I don’t really get breaks in between class and I am constantly teaching for 8 hours a day. The hours are long, and often I’m starving by the time I get off work. What I’ve begun to do, is overeat at lunch to the point where I’m stuffed and can barely move, and then I’m still hungry. I have been trying to do some youtube workout videos, or go jogging a few times a week, but I think the amount I eat is too much.
I stress eat because I’m exhausted and it feels like my only reward during the week. I also drink a lot on the weekends.
There are several things holding me back, time being one of them. I work two jobs and I am taking classes while I’m home from college for the summer. Sometimes the easiest things to eat on the go aren’t all that good for you. I think I’m getting better at making sure there are healthy and easy things for me to eat on the go in the house. The second big one is my family — my mom and I are super into healthy eating, but somehow my dad and sister always manage to sneak junkfood into the house. Also, when cooking dinner for a group of us it doesn’t always turn out to be the healthiest meal.
I look forward to the vegan challenge! I am definitely in for two weeks! I’ve always wanted to try a vegan lifestyle and now that I have a group of people to do it with, its the perfect time! I think I will face the same difficulty with time since I will most definitely have to be preparing my own meals separate from the rest of my family’s.
Overeating, that’s what is holding me back. I’ll be stressed about work so I’ll comfort eat, then not get to bed til late so I don’t have time to workout in the morning coz I sleep in!! Aaaah cycle of disaster!
What’s holding me back is food, it’s a simple as that I love all kinds of food even bad food. Don’t get me wrong I’ve come along way and I am pretty ok with where I am. I would just like a little more control when it comes to eating and I would like to be a little less crazy about it too. When I say crazy I mean I am constantly having a battle with myself when I eat and I think about it constantly. I just over eat sometimes to deal with stress or any kind of emotion for that matter even if I am bored. So that is what is holding me back my love for food
I’d love to try it starting Monday–to the post that said its too early, that gives us the weekend to shop.
As long as I can still have my soy milk (or do I have to switch to almond?) and cereal, I think I’m set! I’ve been feeling a little skeeved out by chicken lately anyway, but fish I’m going to miss.
Courtney, you can keep drinking your soymilk, but you might want to see if your cereal has milk or whey protein in it. Dairy pops up in the most unexpected places!
I definitely want to try the vegan challenge but I hope I don’t lose weight either, I lost about 15lbs. with your 90 day meal plan and am fine with that 🙂
Thank you so much Cassey!! <3
Whats holding me back is time, i get so busy with work and family that sometimes i just dont have time to workout and eat clean. Take this week for example, i worked out on Sunday last as my nephew went into hospital so didnt have time after that. I really need to plan my meals more. I am happy with my body in general, just need to tone up my obliques and backs of legs.
I’ll start the vegan diet on Monday but can you release the shopping list by Saturday?
Sometimes i think i have a workout disorder, i can train hard every day for a week but then some days i dont do anything and end up feeling this overwhelming guilt. 🙁
Oh and as far as the vegan diet goes, these websites seem to have really good food listed! Hope they help!
Casseeyy, omg I started tearing up when I saw this post of yours, I KNOW EXACTLY what is holding me back, and that is lack of motivation and my undying love for food.
I feel like no matter how much I workout it just doesn’t help and that makes me cry every time. I look at your body and that motivates me to a certain extent, that if you can do it then so can I, but I’ve been trying Cassey, I really have and I just can’t seem to loose the fat on my thighs or get the flat stomach I’ve always wanted, this makes me sad and rotten and I start hating my body, and I lose motivation and the will power to work harder, in the end I just start stuffing my face with food.
I don’t know what to do, sometimes I’m so depressed that I just want to cry, I look at my friends and they all have perfectly toned bodies and I’ve been working so hard these past couple of months but my body just won’t get where I want it to be…
Maybe it’s because I’m just looking at the desired result and comparing that to my body instead of seeing how far I’ve come, and maybe that causes the lack of motivation.. I don’t know, I just don’t think I can do it anymore.. I’m so depressed.. 🙁
Whats holding me back: my mom… I used to have an eating disorder and although I have been okay for a couple years now, she is still worries about me and my health. I workout to be strong and confident, but she gets upset when she thinks I workout too much and eat clean.
What’s holding me back:
– Lack of confidence in myself
– Being so unbelievably busy all the time with uni, work, everything. I really want to achieve the best I possibly can, but it all weighs me down and stresses me out, which causes me to lose motivation and procrastinate.
– I really want to eat healthier and more balance meals, but because I live at home and don’t have much free time I just eat whatever mum cooks for me. (I never ever eat fast food or soft drink though, so I’d say I’m relatively healthy).
– Things have been pretty tough after breaking up with my boyfriend earlier in the year. This makes it harder to get motivated.
I’m keen to try the vegan challenge 🙂 and I’ll try to get my mum into it too! If I could stick with it for a week, I’d be pretty happy 🙂
I think Monday would be too early because it doesn’t give us the chance to go shopping for the needed groceries before the challenge starts, or will you be giving us the grocery list/meal plan before the weekend already so we can buy the things on friday or Saturday?
I’ve been vegan for nearly eight years but still think this challenge would be great for me as I can compare and learn from the meal plan to make sure my diet is more balanced. I think after all this time I’ve become a bit complacent about my diet and stopped really focussing on getting everything I need.
I’ve been considering going raw vegan for a little while but think it might be too difficult. I’ve increased the raw food in my diet though and have been feeling better.
Eating. I work out every day and usually eat clean..but on weekends I indulge in Pizza, fast food, CHOCOLATE (biggest weakness), lollies… I haven’t had any “bad” food for only 3 days and that’s good for me. I’m doing the vegan challenge with you Cassie!!!
Monaday is too quick for me because im going away for the weekend and im back on monday,so is it okay if i start on tuesday after i do my shopping??will it be online the meals plan?and could you please reply to my last comment that i left underneath your post ‘mother’s day’ please its important to me!<3
what’s holding me back?
-my emotional/stress/boredom/comfort eating habits. I am a very emotion person and a VERY emotional eater.
-i binge at night regularly and it’s SO hard for me to discipline myself to stop
-i am living in France and the cheese, sweets, bread, and chocolate are taking a toll on my body! I am only here for another 2 months so part of me says live it up while i’m here, but the other part of me says there’s never a right time to do something difficult, START eating clean NOW!
-i think i have an addiction to eating food.
What’s holding me back: my thesis. It’s been two years of procrastinating and it’s literally eating me from the inside. I can’t enjoy anything or start anything without feeling guilty that I haven’t finished my thesis yet. I don’t ride my horses, I don’ t go to the beach, I don’t excercise as much as I want and I don’t cook or eat the way I want. I don’t know if it makes any sense… Anyway, a while ago I decided that I ‘ll finish it by the end of May, so good luck to me!
As for the vegan challenge, I’m in, I was thinking about doing it on my own when I saw your post! Nice timing! But, what are the rules? I can stop eating meat, but I ‘d like to be able to drink milk. And are we allowed to cook or are we going raw? I ‘d like it if it wasn’t too extreme… I work 6 hours a day, I have my thesis to finish and a farm full of animals to take care of, I don’t think I could go raw…. Anyway, it’d be nice to see a post with what we’re supposed to eat!
Thanks for everything, Cassey! You’re the best!
Not interested in going vegan, but I love trying out new recipes. What is holding me back? My fear of failure. I am so afraid of sucking, or of not being good enough that I just don’t try. Being fit is not one of those things I’m afraid of failing at though 🙂
What’s holding me back from my goals are :
– my parents, who really don’t understand that a healthy balance between friends, food, exercise & work is important in my life
– my emotional eating
– my lack of self confidence
– my fear of the unknown
What about honey and stuff like that? I mean, honey is also an animal product…
Some vegans eat honey, and some don’t. I happen to eat honey, because it supports the world’s bee population. Bees are disappearing, and that has terrible consequences for the rest of the planet’s creatures.
I’m totally in for the vegan challenge! Although I’m already a lacto-ovo vegetarian, I’ve been thinking about going vegan for quite a while now… I still eat way too much dairy, I think I’d be leaner if I didn’t.