Waist Shaper Workout Printable!
Hey guys!!
If you’re looking for a quick way to shape your waist, then stop being a prisoner to the crunch! You need to work your ENTIRE CORE!! This means in addition to your abdominals, you need to work your obliques and your lower back as well to help cinch everything in. Try out this super fun “Waist Shaper” routine. It’s a quickie – so shouldn’t take too much time to do each day!
If you’re not sure how the moves are supposed to look, please watch this video and follow along!

10 thoughts on “Waist Shaper Workout Printable!”
There are 10 comments posted by our users.
I’m ready considered anything to solve my waist problem.I have two children. When my Second children were born I am facing some big problem to my waist. three-month have passed my problem is increased so I’m very afraid to my fitness. In this time I know something about shapewear. Then I used corset in my workouts and get perfect fitness. It’s very informative and knowledgeable post. Some Info Here: https://jessicamiller1011.wixsite.com/waistcincherplussize
This is my ever seen printable. My waist Line size is 30 and hips are 37. Can I slim my figure?? Informative and lovely workouts video. Some info also are great here: http://www.waistshaper.jimdo.com
Hey Cassey, I’m 15 and weigh 125 and i’m not over weight but I would really like some tips on how to get a smaller waist, bigger butt, and toned arms. Please email me!! Love you’re videos<3
how do you get it to print?
How many times should I be repeating this workout???
Great one! Thanks!
I love printables! Thank you!
I miss the days when you used to make works so hard that you can talk like food baby! Do something like that again,Cassey:)
Oops! I think there’s a typo in the first line, not “shape your waste” but “shape your waist” xD
Hello Cassey! Do you think you could create another 30 days challenge, this time for obliques? I would really like to target this area and I love your challenges. 🙂 Love xxx Julie