Tony Horton does POP Pilates! And a tribute to my dad :)
Tony Horton does POP Pilates! And a tribute to my dad 🙂
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
Hey guys!
We’re kicking off this week with a new series I’ve been working on called “LEGENDS of FITNESS” where I invite fitness celebs to take on and experience the wrath of POP Pilates! This week’s torture victim, ahem, I mean celebrity guest, is the one and only Tony Horton himself – creator of P90X!!!
Please do the above video with us for good laughs and total body toning. I took Tony through a series of my favorite moves and he held up pretty well. You should show this video to your boyfriends and husbands because:
1. They will feel more comfortable doing POP Pilates with a guy in the video. (Not just any guy either…it’s super human TONY HORTON!)
2. They will understand that what we do isn’t easy – this stuff attacks your muscles and it WORKS.
3. POP Pilates is for EVERYONE. Not just girls 🙂
Hopefully, they will choose to join you for your next Blogilates session with me. Or…will they be too afraid?
If you want to add a bonus video to your Monday workout list on the #reJUNEivate calendar, try this special collab I did on Tony’s channel featuring WEIGHTED CARDIO!
We used a medicine ball for this quick and intense cardio routine. If you don’t have that, use a dumbbell, a bag of rice, a text book, or something you can grip onto making sure it won’t drop on you! Cuz…that would be the worst… Any weight between 4-10 lbs is recommended.
We’re also doing a giveaway on both the Blogilates Channel and the Tony Horton Fitness Channel – so be sure to check out the end of the video to see how to enter and win an autographed yoga mat by the both of us, or a P90x3 set also signed by us!
I had a great time filming with Tony at his gym. He’s such a funny guy – it’s no wonder he is such a superstar! I found out that he originally moved to LA to be an actor and then worked for a while as a stand-up comedian! I think it’s such a great talent to be able to make people laugh…ESPECIALLY when they are dying and are in so much pain from a workout! What relief!
Also, this past weekend was Father’s Day!!
Me and the fam went out to brunch and had Dim Sum on Sunday to celebrate my dad! He looooooves chinese food so this was a natural choice. We definitely WENT TO TOWN and ordered anything and everything we wanted to make sure his belly and soul were fulfilled! Can someone say #YOLOmeal!?
Before we ate, I initiated a special kind of cheers where each of us had to go around and say one positive word that described my dad. I think it was a very nice and slightly odd and unexpected thing to do, but I may continue this tradition moving forward when we celebrate another person! I suggest you try it too!
Just want to say thanks to my dad for always pushing me and my lil sister Jackelyn to be the best we could be. He taught us how to play tennis when we were wee babies and then we ended up being Varsity tennis team captains in high school. He taught us math, physics, and biology when we had questions. (Why do all dads seem to know this stuff!?) He even coached us in public speaking when I used to shake uncontrollably (yes like an earthquake) in front of my class. Ah, but you should also know that my dad is a hardcore Asian dad who wanted us to get the best grades, excel in sports, and get into the top colleges.
This last characteristic of his ignited our tough times, our disagreements, and our terrible yelling fests.
I remember when I couldn’t stop crying, when my heart felt like it was being ripped a part, and when he told me that I shouldn’t pursue fashion design because I wouldn’t make any money and how I should stop teaching Pilates because it wasted my time for studying. He told me this over and over and over again until I almost believed it. There was so much anger and negative feelings from both sides – my dad wanting me to follow a traditional medical career path – I on the other hand, wanting to follow my dreams of being creative.
This push and pull to satisfy both sides brought our father-daughter relationship to a dangerously sensitive, rocky, and horrible place where no one could say anything without offending the other. I did not want it to be this way. It was not a good place to be. But it stayed like that for a few years. I moved cross-country in hopes of leading a new life.
It wasn’t until Blogilates started to show signs of being something successful that my dad finally gave in and realized that I didn’t have to be a doctor to be secure. Then he started to lighten up and tried to figure out what was going on. He started watching my YouTube videos. He started to engage in social media. He even asked me to friend him on facebook…
He became more and more obsessed with Blogilates…and with you guys! It’s cute and weird all at the same time.
You can see him on the facebook wall sometimes answering your questions in his Confucius-like ways. (He really likes to philosophize. If you ever get in a conversation with him, good luck getting out! Haha. But he will engrain magnificent ideas in your head.)
Back when I was in college when this whole thing with my dad was happening, I honestly thought he was the most inconsiderate, negative, and close-minded person ever. Now looking back, I know that his intentions were good (he wanted me to be financially secure) but he just had the worst delivery techniques.
I know my dad is reading this and dad, I didn’t want to write this to make you look bad or feel bad in any way. In fact it is quite the opposite. I wanted to let everyone know how much you’ve changed. Yes you were stubborn but now you’re passionate. Yes you were demanding but you only want us to bring out the best in us. You’ve turned into a worldly, loving, and outstanding father who cares for me, my sister, and my mom dearly.
Our relationship has come full circle and now my dad actually helps out with Blogilates. Can you even believe it? Who would have thought that YouTube would bring us back together again!? Thank you internet gods! Thank you for healing our broken relationship. Thank you so much.
If any of you guys are dealing with something similar, here is my advice to you:
One thing I know to be true is to be honest with your heart. When I was so confused, terrified, and lost about what to do next, I listened to my deepest desires and just flowed where it felt good. I had no idea what was going to happen and what I was supposed to do! I just stopped doing things that made me unhappy and started taking risks to take me closer to what felt right. It wasn’t all fairytales. Oh no. It was a battle. An uphill battle with numerous unexpected challenges along the way. But what you’ve got to know is that YOU have the power to sculpt your own destiny. So BELIEVE IN YOURSELF even when no body else thinks you can.
In the end, your parents just want you to be safe and to be happy. Once they see that that’s happening, they’ll lay off your case 😉
So dad – even though we’ve had our rough years, I am thankful everyday for the chance to talk to you on the phone in agreement, in positivity, and not in anger. We’ve come a long way. I cherish this and hope we will continue to better understand one another and support each other’s dreams in the future.
Happy father’s day dad.
Much love from me and all POPsters!
<3 Cassey
38 thoughts on “Tony Horton does POP Pilates! And a tribute to my dad :)”
There are 38 comments posted by our users.
You are such a beautiful family guys! always so happy, I love it 🙂
To all Popsters,
I am Cassey’s Dad – Charlie Ho
I thought it would be a good opportunity to make the picture complete by sharing the Dad’s side so that the reflection will brighten everyone who reads it.
Many of you already knows parents do want to see their children’s life to be financially secured with an assumption that it will lead to happiness. In reality, after experiencing many ups/downs, and challenges, I have learned that the best thing that you can help others to be secured and happy is to allow them to find their own way. Being poor does not translate to being unhappy nor being financially secured does not equate to full happiness. The happiness comes from being enlightened of knowing who you are from day to day ; ; and nurture it so that the inner seed will have a chance to grow into its own form ( a tree, a flower, a herb,…..etc). This is the best way for one to ascend to heaven which is called ” happiness” – freedom of the mind with unlimited & and multidimensional opportunities to grow.
Furthermore, if things do not work out we need to alter our way of thinking and pursue a different approach so that the mind can maturely transform into a higher level of conscousness.
Be who you are at all times. We inspire each other from the principles embedded in our life circumstances.
Your experiences shall be the lessons-learned to others. Let’s continue sharing the lessons !
Such a nice message
Wow, really loved the weighted workout! You guys are so much fun. 🙂 Thanks for sharing that with us, Cassey.
I’m glad to hear that things with your dad have resolved, and it all came back together in the end.
You’re a wonderful inspiration, thank you for sharing even such personal things with us. 🙂
Why is your sister biting her purse?! You all look so happy in that picture, it’s so great to hear that your Dad saw the good in following your dream. I know too many people who succumbed to what their parents wanted of them and are horribly unhappy. – Shana (
Awesome!!! Loved the cardio workout with Tony Horton!
Beautiful words about your dad <3
I love your new serie btw, haha, I laughed so much! X''D It wasn't very hard, but it was fun 🙂
Aaaalso; I know you're a busy-busy woman, but can I ask you for another cardio warmup routine? It is sooo fun and I use it as warm up at least three times a week! (Hehe.. gotta love my cardio) I haven't spoken to other popsters about it though, what do you think?^^
More dudes doing pilates, please! Haha Tony was hilarious, but he also illustrated how awesome pilates moves are, since even a fitness guru had some trouble! I’ll have to coax my boyfriend into trying this video with me.
Oh my Cassey… I am sitting in my shop…hoping no one comes in, because I am crying!!!
It is great that you and your dad could sort this out and although my story is a bit different, it has the same “lesson” as such. We need our parents.
I was blessed although to have parents that ALWAYS stood by me. We didn’t have much money, so they probably knew they couldn’t support me so much financially as they could emotionally. I am also an artist and designer. Have been doing art and fashion design since I was 7 and studied Surface Design. But I got that pressure from people around me….
I unfortunately ( due to personal circumstances ), failed my last year..after being one of the best students in my previous years. I couldn’t afford to re-do my year. And although every one told me how I NEED MY PAPERS TO MAKE IT. I knew I only needed passion and perseverance.
So 5 years later I have my own shop, and my own fashion accessory label ( which I started with my lovely mom)…It is completely different from what I thought I was going to do , but I love every moment of it.
We are still not completely secure financially, but we have each other and that helps us to keep on keeping one….living our dream.
Oh…..and after never being able to keep with an exercise for more than a week. I have been doing Blogilates for more than 3 months now. Thanks Cassey.
Be Blessed.
It was the same with my dad. He started to make me feel that my decisions where not right and I started to feel that I was not able no make decisions, or to be a responsible person. He used to say: “you’re going to fail”. I always try to do things but it’s hard when you feel scared to fail. Now I’m studying an education grade and starting to have good results and he is starting to finally trust me, but our relationship still have a strong lack of confidence… You are so inspirational Cassey, thank you for every thing you do, opening your life for us like this… You deserve the best.
Hi Cassey! I want to start by saying that I loved the workouts today. I can’t believe I actually did all 5 of them! I am a new popster and I am loving it so far! I teared up a little while reading this because I can so relate to this . My parents always wanted me to do something in the medical field. I also wanted the same but then I realized 2 years later that it wasn’t for me. I told my parents I wanted to change my major and you won’t believe what happened. I cried every single day after that. My dad did not talk to me till I told him I wasn’t changing my major anymore. I was so depressed for the next 6 months after that. I finally decided if I didn’t do something now I would have to regret it later. I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I have the skills. I have goals in life. I believe I can accomplish so much. My parents are entrepreneurs, they are financially stable so why not me? I can do it too! I told my mom(she’s easier to talk to) that I was going to change my life this time. I took her to my college, made her speak with my adviser and decided to tell my dad about it. My dad finally gave in an agreed to let me do what I want to. I still see disappointment in my parents eyes and I still haven’t graduated from college but I know one day I will make them proud.
I am going through the exact same thing right now. I can’t even bare to look at my parents. It pains me too much to know that I will be alone and they will never support me. I don’t feel loved at all and I’m spiraling deeper and deeper into depression.
Cassey’s story is such an inspiration, and I hope I can say the same one day, and maybe you too.
It’s so wonderful of you Tony!!
My dad passed away in 2013 before Father’s Day, so the past two Father’s Days have been really hard. I teared up reading about your dad, because mine was the same hardcore Asian dad. He worked so hard and everyone he met loved him. It’s nice to know that you’re spending everyday showing that you love your family. Thanks for the post. I loved reading it.
Aww… Very well said Cassey, this melted my heart and then somehow ignited it lol :’)
It’s interesting. My parents are also huge on financial security. Actually, they (especially my mom) have tried to discourage me from being a doctor! On the basis that it takes huge amounts of debt to get there, and I have to pay for my own education after college. But I’ll make it work. I’ll follow my dreams, just like you did =)
Such an emotional post, loved it! so glad you followed your dreams and became my inspiration
Beautiful post. I was tearing up, while smiling :’)
Love you Cassey!
“I remember when I couldn’t stop crying, when my heart felt like it was being ripped a part, and when he told me that I shouldn’t pursue fashion design because I wouldn’t make any money and how I should stop teaching Pilates because it wasted my time for studying.”
This made me tear up when I read it, because I went through the same situation and it brought back all those feelings of anger, frustration, and despair. However, during my time in college, a lot of misfortune hit my family and I chose to take the path my parents had hoped for me so that I would be less of a burden on them and be able to help support them sooner. Although I don’t entirely regret my decision nor do I hate what I’m doing now, I still feel a yearning for something more. I’ve always had a passion for video games and a desire to put smiles on other’s faces. I’m extremely lucky that my current career allows me to work on products for gamers as well as work with wonderful people who are passionate about the same things as I am. I just wish I had a more direct relationship with the community.
Thank you for sharing this Cassey. It reminds me that you shouldn’t feel pressured to walk a path you’re unhappy with, and that all parents ultimately just want their children to be happy. c:
Maybe you can try connecting to the community on the side. Maybe something as simple as a blog! Or even a YT channel 🙂 When you’re ready, follow that yearning feeling.
I loved reading this post about your dad because I can totally relate. My parents have always had high expectations of me and wanted me to have a career where I would make lots of money and have something for them to brag to their friends about. Now that I’m older and they see that I can take care of myself, they have realized that being happy is much better than having a high earning job.
Anyway, I think it’s so amazing that you got to shoot a video with Tony Horton! Can’t wait to try it! I’m sure it’ll be challenging!
It is only me or someone olso cant go to blogilates shop?? I founding : The store you’re looking for no longer exists.??
I love what you wrote about your dad. Hope it will be the same with mine, ’cause the beginning is very similar !
Both workouts were great! I’ve done a few rounds of P90X and still use his vids here and there and I was so thrilled to see your collab this morning. So thrilled that after completing my 30 day workout ab challenge for the day (ugh) I went and did them both. And thanks for sharing such a personal story about your dad. I’m so glad you both of you were able to accept each other and work through what sounds like a very rough patch.
What a great story about following your passion and your daddy. He sounds amazing!
and watching Tony try to do Pilates was hilarious!
Love you girl!
How sweet. I am so thankful you and your father are in a good place now! I think most people, if not all, have rough spots with their dads.
OMG that was an amazing workout! It totally killed me! Thanks so much Cassey and Tony!! <3
Did these fun workouts and I’m not gonna lie, I got sweaty! Tony sent me!
WOW! Now that’s the first time I read about your family. Never knew your had hard time in the past cause you always make it seem like you came and live in heaven. I’m truly touched, my eyes got teary. I hope one day me and my family will make up just like you.
I’m an Asian too and I know what you mean when you say they want you to become a doctor. Even though mine don’t want the same thing but the problem remains the same. You inspired me a lot and always do, this story came perfectly with my condition, I’ll start my journey like you and whenever anything happens I’ll remember you.
You are truly perfect, not helping me in workoout only, but in how to deal with life too.
I know I always say this but I love you a lot. If I ever see you I”ll give you a really tight hug <3
Yes, times weren’t always easy! But I smile through everything. Glad you know a little more about me now 🙂 I hope you and your family the best too. Just be open.
This brought a smile on my face! 😀 and currently doing Monday’s workout vids 😀 getting pumped!!
Such a great post! Love your idea about sharing positive words! Definitely a great tradition to keep! 🙂
That was beautiful Cassey, thank you. I can really relate to that as I went through something similar with my dad. I am a writer and I am only starting to make a little bit of money out of it. Until less than a year ago, my dad couldn’t accept my choice of listening to my creativity because he was afraid, just like your dad, that I wouldn’t be financially secure. He pushed me to become a teacher but I didn’t want to. Even if I don’t mind teaching as a temporary job or just a few hours a week, it is not my passion and I couldn’t dedicate my time and energy to a degree in that field !
Now, things are a little bit better, as we finally took the time to openly talk about it last summer. But I can still feel his doubts every now and then.
I’m really happy that you managed to heal your relationship with him and that you got to share your passion with him, I know my dad and I will get there eventually.
Though I’ve been a popster for two years, I had never written a comment on your blog or on facebook… I’m just not used to do that kind of things, but this post hit really close to home! Thank you for your hard work Cassey, your smile always brightens my day.
I am so happy you openly talked to him about it. I know it’s really really hard. Stay strong and know what you want. Your family will eventually support 100%.
That may sound like a stupid question but are photos which are posted on blogilates app somehow shown on facebook? Thank you 😉 I wouldn’t like people from school ect to see it haha
It’s such a wonderful tribute to your dad, I’m glad you finally succeeded in inspiring him as much as you’re inspiring all of us POPsters.
Much love from France! 🙂