The SCISSOR SIT-UP + Why I Love Group Fitness
The SCISSOR SIT-UP + Why I Love Group Fitness
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
Hey guys!
Hope you are enjoying the extra long weekend and remembering those who served our country today. It was so nice driving to class this morning because there was NO TRAFFIC!!! I left 10 minutes later and got to class 3 min earlier. I was so happy 🙂
Now, listen up! I have an exciting new POP Pilates move for you. It’s called the “SCISSOR SIT-UP”. Imagine doing my sideways scissors along with a, well, sit-up in between. Yah. It’s amazing is what it is. TRY IT! And challenge your friend to do the video too. See if you can finish without stopping!
One thing to keep in mind is – do not look at the ceiling when you do this. You will strain your neck. Look forward through your thighs and lift with your chest and your abs. As you get stronger and stronger, you will know how to use your body the way you want to.
To date, I’ve been teaching group fitness for 7 years now and doing Pilates for 11 years. Crazy huh! Wow. I remember how nervous I was the first day I taught. I think I might have even been shaking the first time I put on a microphone and stepped in front of a full room of 40 people at 24 Hour Fitness in Whittier.
I didn’t know what to expect.
They had EVERYTHING to expect.
But after more and more practice, I became comfortable and I began to create a relationship with my students. I wasn’t just the teacher who came in at 6:00pm on Tuesdays to put them through a Pilates workout – we were friends and we looked forward to laughing and sweating together. Pilates class was my “healing place” throughout college. As you know, I went through some rocky times with my parents and my career path. We cried, yelled, and argued a lot. I mean, A LOT. They kept telling me to quit my job as a Pilates instructor and just study. They told me like, 1000 times.
Oh my goodness, what would have ever happened if I listened…
Between heavy schoolwork from science classes, my job as an Resident Advisor, and just the college experience in general…life was very hectic.
There would be days where I’d be so sad I didn’t want to get out of bed. But of course it was my duty to come to class and teach. So I’d take a deep breath, walk in, force myself to smile, and start teaching. You know what? After the first 10 min, I’d be all bubbly and happy. By the end, it was the best day ever. We all felt that way. That’s the magic of exercise.
Pilates took me through hard times in Boston too when I was having a toxic experience at my first corporate job out of college. But my 6:30 pms twice a week at The Boston Sports Club in Watertown saved me. Not only did I make great friends, but my class also began to get popular, and people really were loving my non-traditional style. It was here that I started to really live and breathe the POP Pilates that you see right now.
Today I’m at Equinox in LA. When I first started, it was a little difficult to adjust to my students’ style and see what they wanted from me. Classes dwindled here and there and then filled up here and there. It was only semi-consistent. And as an instructor, you begin to question yourself…whether you’re good enough…whether you’re giving them a great workout, pushing too hard, or boring them to death. It’s a game of Marco Polo until you find each other.
Though I’ve been teaching for a while, it doesn’t mean I can stop learning. NO ONE SHOULD. I constantly strive to bring new moves to class. Change up the playlist often. Have crazy energy. Talk to all of my students. Touch them. Adjust them. Make sure everyone feels good and happy. I love it when classes are full, the music is loud, and people are just WORKIN’ IT!
My students (you guys) allow me to have the most wonderful job in the world and all I want is for you is to have a good time too. I love group fitness because of how it makes me feel. Whether I am teaching it or taking a class, the energy in the room is unmatched. Everyone is there with one common goal of getting fit while having fun, and I am there to make sure that happens. Kind of like the host of the party!
Throughout my career, my directors have always told me that people don’t come to a class for the class, they come for the instructor. So I know that it is my ultimate duty to be a rockstar for my students every time we meet. Because what if one of them had a bad day? I want to be the one to make them smile and forget their troubles. (At least for 1 hour.)
…Hmm, this went longer than I thought it should!
I just wanted to say I love teaching. I never want to stop. I can’t EVER imagine life without group fitness. My sister Jackelyn also started teaching a a young age and she’s pretty much doing it full time now. We’re kind of fitness junkies…I remember when we were younger and didn’t have a gym membership, we would sign up for the “Butts & Guts” class at the local community college in the summer and take it for a semester. Oh man. Those were the days…
How many of you want to be a group fitness instructor one day? How many of you are interested in doing something related to health and fitness? Let me know if you have any questions!
Hope you have an AMAZING start to your week!
Love you so much,
<3 Cassey
104 thoughts on “The SCISSOR SIT-UP + Why I Love Group Fitness”
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Hi Cassey! I’ts nice to see your video about the scissor sit-up and I would like to try it on my own. And about you being a group fitness instructor, continue it. I’m sure there will be more students that would be learning more from you.
Dear Cassey,
I just wanted to say that, although I really like your workouts, motivation, encouragement, positive attitude and just blogilates in general, I have to say I don’t agree with you on this point. You are a very influential person and that kind of position demands alot of responsibility. As a young teen myself, I just think you need to be careful about what you write to girls regarding their parents. Our parents are a special gift to us meant for us to respect and honor. Okay, so obviously I’m so glad your doing pilates today however, I don’t think you needed to share the fact to the world that your parents didn’t agree with you and you were glad you didn’t listen to them. Of course I don’t understand the whole situation and don’t know both sides of the story, I’m simply asking for you to refrain from putting something online that may potentially lead girls down the wrong kind of road. We never know how someone may take what we said at one time and use it for the wrong reasons. Honestly, a lot of girls could take what you just said and think they never need to listen to their parents advice. That could be very dangerous…our parents our much wiser than us and most of them time we should listen to our parents. So basically, I am not the one to say if you were right or not, just remember that there are many girls looking up to you and you need to take care what you write.
A committed fan of blogilates
I have to say I disagree with what you are saying Lori. Just because she is saying that she is glad that she didn’t listen to her parents about this, doesn’t mean she is saying that we should never listen to our parents. Personally, I think that it has to your decision not your parents about what you want to do in life. Now if you said you wanted to be a hobo then I can definitely understand why your parents would be upset but in this case I think Cassey made the right choice. I have so many friends right now that want to go into a certain career but are to afraid to talk to their parents because their parents already have a career in mind and they don’t want to disappoint them.
hi Cassey,
thanks for sharing this beautiful post, you are such an inspiration to me and I know I say it all the time but one day I want to visit it you and join one of your classes. I work to your monthly calendar immaculately every day I also run and cycle and yes one day I would love to teach pilates and I will eventually do it : ))
love you cassey
roberta xxxxx
Wow, I was just skimming through my emails and saw this one about being scared to teach. I actually teach my first class TODAY! I am a certified personal trainer and health coach, who also happens to be an introvert lol. I’ve always had stage fright, but I absolutely love your statement, that people don’t come to the class for the workout…..they come for the instructor. I will be teaching an adult recess class. It’s about letting loose and losing those inhibitions. I guess that’s what I have to lose as an instructor too. People aren’t there to judge how you talk or walk or laugh…or maybe they are, but the bottom line is, it doesn’t matter. You have a duty as an instructor, to deliver a fun and challenging escape for these individuals, even if it’s only for an hour. Thank you for this post!!
Hi cassie! I really want to thank you for all of these all the pictures and videos are very useful! I want to ask; i just want to burn my butt’s fat and have inner thighs.(by the way i want to lose 5-7 kgs) I am eating clean and started to do your inner thigh and butt exercises everyday. Do you think that works in one or two weeks? To see the results earlier what do you recommend? Thank you so much…
Hi Cassey!
I am currently getting my certification as a health coach, and am reeeeaaallly buckling down my fitness journey because I see myself combining my career as a health coach with fitness instruction! I keep telling myself that I need to wait to become a certified instructor until I am able to push through all of the reps (mainly on your Pilates videos and in body pump) but, it feels like its taking forever! lol. My question is, SHOULD I wait until I can get through all the reps? I’m curious at what level of fitness many are at when pursuing an fitness instructor certification.
What do all of you Pop Pilates peeps think?
P.S. THANK YOU for making it possible for me to start my fitness journey as a broke stay at home mamma with two little boys 😉 Even though I’m at the gym almost everyday now, I always have to have my POP Pilates time at home!
Cassey I know this doesn’t belong here but the newetter sent me the password and the mail of the May calendar instead of June, maybe you’re still trying to make it work but I wanted to tell you just in case xD
Wow, look at that class! It’s amazing how even males are inspired to do Pilates. It goes to show that your determination inspires all of us. 🙂 And I wouldn’t mind doing something related to fitness since I looove to work out, create exercise routines, and teach people. I’m not certified right now, and it’s def. something I would consider but I’m pursuing other things at the moment.
Hi Cassey, I have a pageant coming up in August and I need to get into the best possible shape that I can by then. Which means I only have 8 weeks to really push it. Any recommendations on which of your plans I can follow (meal and workout). Would be greatly appreciated 🙂 xoxo
I want to be a fitness instructor so bad (I’m only twelve) ! But, I don’ know where to start!
Thank you sweet Cassie! You are always so inspiring, so smiling, so full of energy and I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate so much your job and the way you do it. In the last few months I’m having more than a bad day and working out with you is helping me a lot not to think about my problems. Like others said you are really changing my life: you are changing my body and most important, some kind of change is happening in my mind too! I used to be so dark but now my life is literally full of colors thanks to you 😀 Love you Cassey, keep going on <3
Actually my dream is to be a fitness teacher, i want a career a little bit like yours with a YouTube channel and working in a gym 🙂 I hope i will get there. Thanks for your video you are my everyday inspiration! Your instagram, blog and YouTube channel are amazing! keep going
Cassey, you are the only instructor that I feel I can do this journey with! I love your motivation and it’s been difficult for me to stick with a type of fitness for more than a few months. Your combinations of HIIT workouts and Pilates really help me to stay motivated, no matter how much it burns! I’m not fat by any means, but I’m not incredibly thin either. You’ve taught me not only to love fitness, but to love my body and that’s was a great instructor does! I’m a music teacher and I constantly try to inspire my students every day to enjoy life and possibilities outside of their comfort zone. Thank you for all you do for us! It never goes unnoticed. 🙂
Come to Canada for some group fitness. We would love to have you up here!!!
Hi Cassey!!
I’m an opera singer and have been doing Pilate’s for a year now. I absolutely love it!! I’m considering taking it to the next level and becoming an instructor between auditions. I love your energy and I’m curious where you started? I feel like there are so many options that I’m not sure where to start!! You’ve inspired me to change my body and I want to help others do that. Thanks so much!!!
I love Pilates Casey. And it’s soley down to you. Never stop. Please. 🙂
How old should you be to start teaching group fitness!? I love taking classes at my gym and I’m 16:)
I’m planning when I go to college to be a nutritionist, and continue to work on improving my body and helping others with theirs. (I’m only 14 but I know what it’s like to be too big ,and to small)
Hey Cassey!
This is exactly what I needed to motivate me to book my first class as a zumba instructor. I have been subconsciously putting it off because I am so nervous to mess up as a zumba teacher my first time. This is just what I needed to read! I became AFAA group fitness certified in February when I started your pop pilates because I was so motivated by these different facets of fitness! Even with a broken arm I passed my certification so anything is possible ladies and gents! Thanks for the new body, Cassey!
I love to do workout.. i am crazy .. i just love love loveee to do it,, i cant spent a day without doing exercise. its always revolving around my mind,, i am like addicted to it!
i get attracted to colours, i like colorful things, i saved money from my College lunch and bought dumbells pairs, ankle weight, yoga mat , aerobic stepper .. i belong to a place where i cant get sports good easily 🙁 i am having so much issue for the payment ..
i keep my self towards healthy life style.. i have achieved my goal and i am maintaining it and improving it 🙂
i like to teach exercise,, i am helping my some relatives you can say i am teaching 5 ladies of different age and weight .. my goal is to take them where they want to 🙂
love you <3
Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and passion with all of us on YouTube! I just started doing Blogilates two months ago and it has become the best part of my morning – really gearing me up with energy and a positive attitude as I head to work! I never skip it! I’ve always enjoyed cardio and eating healthy, but your videos give me that strength training that I’ve been missing and the encouragement to eat clean for the day ahead (which can be quite tough in Singapore)! Thanks for helping me get in shape for wedding season (I’m about to be maid of honor and since doing Blogilates I’ve lost 9 pounds!). I hope you continue as I plan to make this a healthy life habit!
Thank you!
-Maggie, Singapore
Hi Cassey, I love blogilates and have always loved to work my abs best. However recently I’ve become motivated to really tone my legs; specifically my calves. I would like leaner muscular calves (not too bulky) and find it difficult to work them as most of the leg workout are for thighs, or inner thighs. So could you please compile some the best calf moves (besides the classic calf raise) in a short video or gif, I would find it really helpful especially since your videos are always so motivating 🙂
Many Thanks,
Hi Cassie!
Thank you so much for doing what you do! Your videos are awesome and effective and I never thought I could have such a defined midsection! You are so awesome and energetic and I always feel better after doing your workouts, so a million thank yous!! 😀
I’m a junior in high school and I’m thinking I might want to have a career in the fitness industry. Do you have any tips on what I should do if I wanted to maybe teach fitness classes or be a personal trainer??
I am an aspiring pilates instructor. I first started taking pilates classes when I was 16 and fell in love. The only thing is they are expensive so I’d take them when ever I had some extra cash or at the local city college . I am a Lil lost on where and how to go about getting certified to become a pilates and group fitness instructor. Any ideas? What’s the best way to go about doing this? There are so many options and different programs. Any help would great. Thank you
So I am new to your blog, but I have been using your youtube videos for a while! I’m in a fitness group on Facebook and have been shouting your name to them because I am loving these workouts. There is one video I have done a ton of times because I wanted to keep trying it until I could make it the whole way through without stopping or altering. I finally made it! Thanks for all you do!
Cassey! I’ve been following you on YouTube since summer 2011. I had a talent show and coronation in October to get ready for and I found you by googling “intense ab workout,” and thank God I did, seriously because you changed my life forever! I immediately subscribed and tried to do your workouts as often as I could. I actually ended up winning the pageant. I felt so beautiful and elegant in my gown. I got comments like “your dress hugged you well in all places” and it was just the perfect night….! Okay well, it’s 2014 now and I am still a loyal follower of yours in every social media there is possible. I’ve actually developed this extreme interest in becoming a fitness instructor. I just do not know where to start. I’m in a university majoring and minoring on things that have nothing to do with health or fitness but are still very important things I want to graduate with. I am thinking of graduating and moving to where my boyfriend is stationed, get a job, and get certified somehow… and that’s the question, should I go and get a master’s in nutrition… How exactly do I become a fitness instructor. And then once I become it how do I become efficient in the English language to, I imagine it’s hard to come up with things to say in the middle of a workout to keep your audience entertained. I do have a lot of questions, it doesn’t just end here. I am really trying to figure out if becoming a fitness trainer is for me. Love your optimism, Cassey(: LOVE YOU!!!! <<<3 I truly appreciate all of your hard work and dedication to us[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[=
Dear Cassie and the popilates community,
Thank you so much for the inspiration and love through fitness. It’s truly become a lifestyle and breath of needed fresh air away from career woes.
If I could write more I would, but I figured I’d keep this one short and sweet.
Hope you all seize the day and keep beasting it out.
Cassey if i wouldn’t find u on Utube, i will be the girl who would eat chips, drink soda, watch whole day TV and do absolutely no excersice! At the age of 13 i found YOU on utube and fell in love with ur vids. Slowly i got use to doing sports on daily basis. Now I am almost 15 and i love PILATES, FITNESS. I am eating healthy i cut out sodas….and my goal is to be a fitness instructor, because of YOU CASSEY. YOU ARE SO SO INSPIRATIONAL, MOTIVATIONAL. Any time i feel bad i go to check out which workouts from your calender you planned for me and started to workout i feel much better.
LOVE YOU CASSEY <3 <3 <3 u changed my life!
Great post, Cassey!
I am so happy you didn’t listen to your parents, because without you and pop pilates, my life would be less perfect than it is now. I gained so much self- confidence and endurance, I smile a lot more and I am happy:)
Also, as I have to decide what to do after school now, I really thought about becoming a fitness instructor, at least in my free time. But actually, I don’t know where to start. Can I do this formation while I am studying? I’d really like to do it in an english speaking country to improve my skills…that’s my dream right now!
You are an amazing inspiration!
I’m currently studying to become a personal trainer. And the reason therefore is you, Cassey. With you inspiring personality you brought my attention to how good it feels to be fit and healthy. If everything turns out the way I want it, I’ll get my certificate in August. I’m already teaching/training friends and colleagues and it makes all of us happy (and fit 😉 ). Thank You Cassey.
You are the reason I am who I am today cassey. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have had a love for health and fitness like I do now. Every time I think of my future career, I think of you, my fitness inspiration. I want to be you. I want to live your life and be as wonderful as you! I look up to you!
Cassey, I just found your blog 2 months ago and love your positive energy and attitude! You make working out so much fun and you are so inspiring! I’m so glad you were brave enough to follow your dreams.
This post really speaks to me Cassie! <3
For some reason, one of my biggest fears has always been taking a group fitness class. But at the beginning of this year, I made it one of my new years resolutions to finally try it. There's been this class at my local gym called BodyPump that I've always been interested in, and back in January I finally signed up. I've been taking it every Saturday since then (: I love it so much and I don't know why I was ever scared! It's so much fun! And my instructor is amazing, we really connected. Falling in love with that class has made me want to become a fitness instructor when I go off to college in the fall. And even here, doing your videos at home, I admire your spunk and motivation and I really hope I can be like you one day if I ever do become an instructor, you're an inspiration to all of your students, including myself, and I think all future fitness instructors out there could learn a lot from you! (:
My only problem is, I have no idea to go about starting my journey as a fitness instructor. How did you first get involved? I'd love to know more about it!
Love you Cassie, thank you for everything that you do <3
Hi Alex 🙂
I’m at university right now studying sociology and political science and i too just like you wanna start teaching classes and i have no idea how to get started either 🙁
But glad to know im not alone 🙂
Good luck !! xoxo
We can do this together! (:
Hi Cassey,
I am from the Netherlands and I just wanted to let you know that here as well you are famous!!! I have told so many of my friends about you and many of them have started doing your work outs as well, they love it just like I do! Many study programmes are in English here and therefore I study with people from all over the world and at the end of this year, they will take your work outs back to their home countries: England, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Japan, Australia… I think soon you will rule the world!!! 😉
Also, I am so grateful for your strength to pursue your dreams! And I think it must take some sort of bravery to make your videos the way you do, they are very personal and this can make you vulnerable as well, but for me and many others you have made working out FUN! You are the most motivating fitness instructor I have ever come across, so keep up the good work and thank you so much!
Cassey, this is PERF! I love group fitness classes and it’s true what you said–people go to the classes for the instructor. I take a lot of classes and take mental note of which teachers teach at what time and aim to go to my favorites always. My favorite instructors have not only bubbly personalities but they’re usually also the ones that push the hardest. It’s really important that if I’m having a busy day and I manage to squeeze in an hour of class, that I can get as much done there as possible.
But there have definitely been moments when I go into class feeling awful (sometimes even on the verge of tears) but after class, I feel infinitely better. 😀
Hi Cassey! Wow this blog post was written at just the perfect time. I fell in love with your youtube channel when I was a junior in high school and when I got to college I fell even more in love with getting fit thanks to my campus rec center. I started taking all sorts of group ex classes and starting working out 6 days a week doing multiple types of classes. Now I just got my Zumba license and have an audition tomorrow at the rec center! I’m so nervous but also really excited. I’ll be channeling your bubbly energy when I get in front of my future employers tomorrow and show them my routines! Thanks Cassey for all the inspiration!
Dear Casey:
Did you ever had one of those days, back in College, when you were struggling about what to do with your life, and try to do something that makes you happy instead? Today was one of those days for me, and I must tell you that reading this post of what you did to stick on what you believe it was good for you, despite your parents disapproval and anything else agains you it make me feel so much better, really.
This is my last year in College, and I like my mayor, but sometimes I feel like something is missing. While I do a work out video or join a fitness group or just walk or run for hours I get the feeling that life is amazing and perfect. Thats when I totally understand how hard is to push yourself to the limit and how wonderful it feels when you achieve it. Blogilates have changed the way I saw exercise, it made me love and appreciate my body, and work hard to keep it healthy. I realized that eating disorders, diets and other stuffs were hurting my body. Now I feel strong, positive and happy in my own skin.
I know life might push us to different situations so we can see what can we do with that, and if we succeed, we move forward.
Maybe I just wanted to say thanks, for following your instincts, not listen to your parents 😉 and giving us (your loyal students) the opportunity to be with you in this life.
Thanks, a lot.
I recently became Zumba certified in april this year and it is taking me a bit of time to get my first routine together. I want it to be perfect because I know nerves will be high on my first class day as a group fitness instructor. This blog is such a kick-in-the-butt to get me moving and finish my first full routine. I actually became AFAA certified in February with a broken arm! I called and asked if I could still take the class and the guy laughed at me and said “yeah, right”. That was my motivation to prove them wrong and still show that you can work out your muscles without lifting weights and doing push-ups. I was so giddy when I found out I passed! So thank you for this blog because I know my first class won’t be perfect, just like my AFAA certification class. As a post-grad girl, I found that I wasn’t 100% happy with my job and breaking my arm was a pivotal point for me because it was a break from my job and I was able to focus on fitness! What an awesome journey and escape fitness can bring us all in all facets of our lives. Thanks, Cassey!
Cassey, thank you SO MUCH for what you have done for me. I started with the beginner’s workout calendar but I didn’t do it everyday, just whenever I wanted to. Then I came back from Italy (where I had a ton of pastas that were full of refined carbs) and I weighed 150lbs. Mind you, I am 15 (16 in September) and I’m about 5’3” tall, so it sort of really pushed me towards toning up and losing weight. There were some discouraging moments where I gained the 3 pounds again, but it made me more determined to lose the weight. My mind set was that even though I wasn’t participating in the DietBet, I would still try and achieve the goal of losing 4% of my weight. My mom was the one who was always telling me that I was fat, and I should try to lose weight, and I ignored her because I was comfortable with it and it didn’t bother me. But ever since I started working out everyday, she’s been really encouraging and telling me to really just focus on feeling better and more energized everyday. I’ve even gotten my family to eat a bit better JUST to accommodate me 🙂
I just started my fitness journey this month, and tried my best to check off each video. I’ve had days where I just wasn’t in the mood for it because I had gone through a long day at school, but I still try and do at least a half hour every day. I’m going biking every weekend now to get even more cardio in and to burn off all that fat and show the muscles that you’ve helped me to earn. It’s only been a month and I’ve lost about 8lbs but that doesn’t even matter anymore. I can feel my quads, calves, biceps, triceps but most importantly; my abs and my back muscles are really starting to come in. I feel so confident right now, and as hard as some days may be, I try my best to push through the workouts and sweat it all out.
Thank you Cassey for your positive outlook and the way you encourage us through your videos, I’m sososo glad that I’ve started this journey, and I really want to be able to live this lifestyle forever.
P.S. It’s sort of hard for me as a Chinese person who gets homecooked Chinese meals to really AVOID all those carbs or red meats sometimes, do you have any suggestions? Maybe just a cheat meal once a week or something?
nice article I also was suffering from excess weight, but I found the solution in this Product
I recently got into blogilates and I love it!! I try to get everyone to do it! I am getting into it so much that I would like to study and become an instructor. I worry that I am too old for that though. I know I am 28 but is that too old to start??!!
I can’t believe you used to teach in Watertown! So close to where I live now. After my first full year out of college I’m not totally happy with my current career path and health and fitness is something I’m passionate about but I just don’t think I have the personality to teach. So for now I’m exploring my options and trying to figure out where to go next!
As good as it is to listen to your parents, I’m glad you didn’t! POP Pilates has made exercise fun again. Thanks!!
Actually, Cassey, you are a big reason why I am now studying to be a Certified Personal Trainer. I am leaning more towards a specialization in Yoga, but Pilates is definitely a big part of fitness for me. Thank you for the inspiration! =)
Hi Cassey! I love reading about your journey as a group fitness instructor! You’re an inspiration not only to me but many others out there! I recently started going to spin and hot yoga classes regularly again and absolutely love it! There’s something about being surrounded by other people while working out that is just so amazing! I’m not sure if I would like to get a teaching certification but we’ll see what the future holds!
I really love fitness, and a secret part of me wants to become a personal trainer… but it wasn’t until reading this that I thought that maybe group instructing a fitness class would be the most amazing thing to do!!
Hi Cassey! I love your workouts! I saw you mention in a video that you also do weights. Can you recommend a regimen that won’t bulk and compliment pilates? Thanks!
Am I the only one who found that kitty super cute? 🙂
I’ve been teaching poledancing (the actual sport, nothing to do with stripping, saying just to clear myself) since last November, even tho I started only in last July! (Tho, I’ve been doing rhythmic gymnastic for 11 years when I was younger, and that has helped a lot in poledancing.) I feel the same way you do: if I’m giving enough, teaching clear enough, coming up with new exciting moves to train, do I inspire them to train more and harder, inspiring them to come to class again? Because I teach basics, there’s always new people who have just started. What If they get scared about how hard it might be, because of moves what I thought, and don’t come back?
So how do you get over the fear and learn to be a better teacher and learn to love teaching? Don’t get me wrong, I like teaching a lot but I’m sometimes my insecurities make me really nervous before and while teaching and kind of ruins my mood.
So Cassey, do you got any tips for me?
Dear Cassey,
I am going to be 22 in summer (or in the end of it since my zodiac is virgo). I have been working out for the past 6 years now and I was going to gym regularly with my dad. Now I am doing blogilates calender since Janaury and there are some things I am so proud and happy about.
I have a spine issue and my doctor told me that I will probably never be able to touch my feet again while standing because my bones are hard now and not the “soft” as back when I was a child and I danced (ballet for 2-4 years and hip-hop for one year).
Today I found out while stretching and just leaning forward, preparing to wave to my feet as I always do when I come down with straight knees with many inches between my fingertips and my toes… suddenly I realized: My fingertips were touching my feet. They really did. My mind slowly started to recognize it. They were touching. When it made “click!” in my head and I was sure I started to dance and laugh and even cry because I am so happy! =)
There may be things I can’t do now, but I am sure I will get there one day. I will get to where I want to be! You inspire and I love your tumblr account with all those nice pictures and some positive quote here and there… Last week you posted something with “Never give up things that make you smile” and I started to draw again. It’s been a while. my fingers need to get used to it again, but they will.
a big thank you to you, Cassey!!! 🙂
good luck to you and to every POPster out of the world! Even if you think something is impossible, it can become possible!!
love, Kathy
The same thing happened to me!!
My doc said 3 if my spine disks are badly hurt. She said I might need a spinal operation or it can get worse and i might lose feelings from my legs. She said Pilates can help sometimes as it helps to build core and support back. It seemed impossible. Mine was bad. She said I will take years if I try it naturally (Pilates way/other excercised). I have not being able to touch my feet or the floor for as long as I can remember (I’m 30), but this spring after my fear for not being able to use my legs again it motivated me. And Google god sent me Cassey!! I did the beginners calendar (2-3) days a day! I swore and cried and got angry for not being able to do things. I finished it in 1.5 weeks! And started regular April calendar… At least an hour every single day. And a month in and I had my docs appointment. She almost fainted! In a month I had gone from not being able to touch under my knees to touching my feet!!! I was so proud. She said she honestly thought I will not be able to see it. When she first saw me I was tottally unable to bend! Like a stick! Hahaha she told me I dont need to go and see her again. All I need is to continue with blogilates!!! My years of prebooked appointments were cancelled and I might be able to even fall pregnant again one day! Thanks Cassey!! You changed my life <3
Hi Kathy,
So good to hear you’re improving your flexibility! My boyfriend has a similar issue with his spine and he cannot bend his back properly. Therefore I was wondering if there are any videos from Cassey that benefit your back’s flexibility in particular? He is not interested in doing the whole calendar, but he’s very interested in which exercises helped you!
This is a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it. This really motivates me 🙂
It’s so cool how I was just debating this a while ago! I have been thinking about being a fitness instructor for a while. I’d love to teach Pilates most of all, just like Cassey, as well as Zumba, yoga and maybe barre. I just don’t know where to start.
However, I’m worried I won’t be able to financially support myself. The second I feel like I can do it, I hear my parents and older people tell me that I won’t make money to keep up. I guess I’m scared to take the leap.
Cassey, you’ve inspired me to better myself physically and mentally and I’ve never even met you. I dealt with the same toxic corporate environment and left that job for my old retail job where it was laid-back, fun and with friends (although I don’t want to stay there forever lol). Everyday after 5, I’d rush home and do the calender. My office job left me mentally sick and tired, I hated pushing bad news onto the customers we serviced and teaching about fitness and nutrition feels like the opposite, it’s inspiring and it feels amazing.
Any tips on getting certified? Who knows, maybe I will take the chance and do it 🙂
Where do you start to get certified? Local college…studio…pilates certification school?
You are so inspirational. Before I found out about you I literally HATED working out and would occasionally watch cardio videos to at least get my heart pumping, but after that I was done. Then I was introduced to you and now I LOVE working out. Whenever I’m feeling sad or insecure with myself, I work out and suddenly I feel like a whole new person. So, thank you for being such an amazing instructor and making your videos to help us all out. 🙂
Cassey, I just had to write and tell you how much I adore you and your vids. I’ve been doing Pilates for about 10 years now but I love your workouts the most of any Pilates workouts I’ve tried. I do a few of them 5 days a week and I’m 18 weeks pregnant with my second. My first born is a 3 year old little girl and she loves to watch your vids with me and try some of the moves. We both love your workouts! Thanks for keeping us fit,happy, healthy, and strong! I am having a very easy pregnancy thanks to keeping active with your workouts. You are the best! Keep up the good work!
Hi Cassey, I love blogilates and I have always loved working my abs the best. However recently I’ve wanted to tone my legs more, specifically my calfs. I realise most people tend to work their thighs and almost all of the leg workout videos focus on thighs, so I was wondering if you could comprise a series of exercises specifically targeting the calfs (besides the classic calf raises)? A calf workout video would be great as all your videos are super motivational! Thanks so much, It would help a lot 🙂
My regular gym is the 24 hour fitness in Whittier!
I LOVE pilates. Like many people on this blog – its my sanity. Its ‘me time’ and makes me feel good. Thanks and keep up the good work Cassey!
Pilates keeps me sane and I actually love doing it. when I am upset everyone says “go do your pilates with Cassey” so it is definitely a part of my life. I would love to be a pilates instructor in the future! I just have to get the rollover down….
know that feeling to well 😉
being a pilates instructor is what im studying for and im so excited. i started doing pilates 3 years ago and fell in love because of the way we feel after 10min. pilates is my therapy and i always find myself feeling better about myself and life after a workout. i dont know that ill be as big as you, lol, but i hope that i make it and get a career out of it and i also teach others about healthy nutrition. i dont have support from family or friends, but your post gives me so much hope and reminds me i only need myself. thanks cassey!! 🙂 <3
I just wanted to thank you for sharing this post, Cassey! A bit more than a year ago, you inspired me to become a better, fitter, happier person. All of that because a friend recommended ”this girl’s Miley Cyrus workout, she’s awesome!!”. And when I found your channel, the Spring Fling workout stood out to me. I did it and you were so bubbly, positive and full of life that it made me want to continue. Now, I’m waiting to receive my manual by mail to start studying to be a Fitness Instructor. I can’t wait! My work life has taken a toll on my health and mind, and this is the change I need because fitness has always brought me peace and happiness. I hope I can inspire people like you do. You’re such a beautiful human being, Cassey, Thank you again!
Cassie….the most important part of this entire post was the honesty you showed us all and explained that your life was and isn’t perfect…..we seem to think that fitness instructors have the perfect body…perfect life….and we forget that people like yourself started from nothing and worked hard as heck to achieve your goals even though your parents were not very support….
It makes us feel your human and go through everyday challenges like we do….so thank you…
BTW, your fantastic….xoxoxo
Hey Cassey! LOVE this post with all my heart!!!
I teach yoga, fusion, barre, and Pilates classes and whoa, everything you said is so very true!! In fact, I have a class today that I am leaving because we just do not vibe – funky energy that just needs a better match with the instructor. I thought for awhile “oh gosh, what did I do? Do I totally suck?” but honestly, it’s just meant for someone with a different style. I love that you are so honest about – and that you kick butt with non-traditional Pilates moves, something I think so many people are looking for!
You rock!!
PS love the gaze cue – constantly telling students to look at there thighs and forget about the ceiling!
Cassey, I find this post inspiring and motivating as I embark on my dream of training youngsters on fitness. In my small village, there’s no fitness club or training center, but in informal chats with the young women it’s apparent that they have a strong desire to improve their health and fitness levels. For some, it’s about being more attractive physically. For others, it’s staying healthy and able to do their household chores and other work more effectively.
I don’t see myself getting rich from this, because most of my students will be unable to spend much on this. But I do see myself leading a classroom atleast half as big as the one in your photo, and leading some motivated young ladies along the path to better health and fitness… one they will hopefully continue to walk along even later, when they are married, move to different towns or find jobs.
You have motivated me to get started on my dream. Thank you!
I would love to teach fitness! I will someday, I believe. Right now my priority is homeschooling my daughter, who is 12 and will be in the 7th grade in the fall. When we are through highschool I will start to teach in my spare time. I have always thought this would be a great way to make a little extra money while having the accountability for my own fitness. I LOVE to workout. It always makes me feel better! I really appreciate your enthusiasm. I can tell you really love it and genuinely care about your audience.
This post is really inspiring! My goal for when I get older is to become either a group fitness leader or a personal trainer. I’m really scared to start, but the thought of helping people get into shape and have fun is really exciting! The only problem is that I have a really quiet voice and so It might be hard to motivate people but I’m going to work on that! But first my goal though is to gain a lot more muscle than I have now and have better form. I’m really excited though!
I’m not as much interested in becoming a fitness instructor as I am following my passion and building an online community like yours. I know you work so hard and it definitely pays off. I’m trying to trust in the process but I still could use some help. I would be honored to have you as a mentor. Do you have any advice on building your audience or following your dreams. Thanks for all you do!
Actually, I’m not as much interested in becoming a fitness instructor as am wanting to follow my passion like you of starting an online community. I’m trying to remember to trust in the process but it gets difficult at times. I know you have worked so hard to get where you’re at and would love to follow in your footsteps. I would be honored to have you as a mentor. Any advice on growing my audience and making my dreams a reality? Thanks for all youdo!
I’m over 55, just started getting back into health and fitness and my college age daughter recommended your workouts. Young adults’ passions are often whims and they never follow through. That’s why parents are cautious about them, for good reason. However I’m happy you stuck with your passion and continued with persistence and determination.
Althouh I struggle through your workouts, I enjoy them and am glad my daughter recommended you. I’m glad you posted what you did today and good luck to all the other up-and-coming instructors 🙂
@blogilates Cassia how did you become a fitness trainer? Is there a program?
I’m 26 and have battled with college. My parents and society said “you aren’t going to succeed without at least a bachelor’s degree”… so I went to school on and off for 5 years, got an associate’s in liberal arts because I couldn’t find a specific career path to follow, and have been dabbling in different things since. I’ve worked at a YMCA and almost got my pilates certificate while working there, but then my husband joined the Navy, and it’s been hard to do anything since we are moving all the time. This year, however, we’re moving to Spain and I’ve signed up for a Yoga Teaching Training retreat over there hosted by a school out of Massachusetts. I’ve been doing yoga, pilates, and general fitness (running, weight training, circuit training) for pretty much my whole life, and now I’m going to do something with it to help others. Yoga has helped me find strength and has improved my mental health, so I would love to pass that on to others. With the yoga school being so intensive (20 days of meditation, vinyasa yoga sessions, and classroom work), we will be able to teach a class before even leaving the retreat, so I’m hoping that will help with some of the nerves. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! What an inspiration <3
Cassey I am so glad you made this post!!!! I have wanted to become an instructor ever since I was in high school in the Health and Wellness Club and learned yoga. Currently I am a full time teacher at a public school and when I’m not there I’m working at Athleta. All day and every day I am inspired to become an instructor. I have always wondered one thing, do I have to have a degree or a certain background?? Can I just sign up to become certified in a type of class?
I’d love to teach PiYo one day.
Thanks for constantly inspiring me.
Thank you for sharing, Cassey! I love your approach to fitness. It isn’t just you screaming at me to do a crunch lol well not always 😉 But I can tell you truly care about your students. Your videos make me feel like how I used to when I was able to work out with my best friend back home. I am always smiling and laughing when I workout with you! I hope to go to one of your classes one day. I will be in DC until Nov then I’ll be in San Diego so please do a class in either of those places. 🙂 take care!
Caeey, I am so happy you posted this! Your posts help me reflect on my own life. I, too, had exercise help me through some tough times. For awhile, I became too obsessed with it though and everything but counting calories and working out took the back burner. Today, I have a healthier relationship with fitness. I am currently in school to become a teacher and work as a teacher. I have considered and am still thinking about a career in fitness as a second job. I have considered personal training and group fitness.
This is a really inspirational post. Thankfully I never had to suffer parents not understanding my career path, but I can imagine your story really helping other people realise that their journey through life is their own and no one else’s. I wonder though, what do your parents think of your career now? I hope they’re proud of you! (My weight loss blog:
Hi Cassey!
Thanks for the beautiful message. It just came in time. I am 34 yera old lawyer. I never ever liked my studies or my profession. When at 28 I had my baby my gyno sent me to pilates classes. That was it. A click at first time. Then it took some more time to realise this is what I want to do for life. This year I took to personal trainer/ pilates trainer classes and now I have my first teaching experiences. I am so much happier and fulfilled. Hope to get better and better and bring more passion into it every time, just like you.
Hi Cassey!
You just encouraged me so much! I barely get along with my parents and i went through a phase of depression. And then i found your channel and your personality and the workputs just make me smile. That’s why i wanna start teaching pilatey – cause it helped me so much. I dont think my parents will like the idea but i know that there are people out there – like you Cassey – who encourage me to do what i love. So thank you so much for that! xoxo
I’m 16 and I really want to become a health coach. My dad is pushing me to study buisness in college, but I don’t know how to tell him that I want to study health and nutrition. Thank you cassey, your always so inspiring and my role model.
Hey Yurika,
Sometime’s i can get really hesitant to tell my dad stuff, even if it is something trivial because i don’t want him to be disappointed in me. Your Dad will be disappointed that you don’t want to go into business, but if you are really passionate about studying Health and Nutrition then gather your courage and tell him. Tell him that you want to make an impact on people’s live and help make the world Healthier. The world in general isn’t as healthy as it should and could be. And you want to be apart of the movement to change that. Casey here is doing just that and I know that you can too! my dad always tell me that if you love to do something (and it’s legal)(LOL) Find a way to make a career out of it.A lot of people spend their whole lives trying to find what they love to do. You found your’s already so do it!
Im training to be an Essentrics instructor. I taught two different excercises in the last two weeks to practice and get use to the idea so yes, I can totally relate to that kitten… Cant wait to teach a full class though. Thanks for sharing your experience, you have always inspired me and made me realise that I actually AM a sporty person and that I can even be a teacher. Thanks for all your amazing video’s and building a community the way you do, you are a very special person Cassey.
I’m a pharmacy undergrad and I’m about to enter my final year! I’ve been following your workout calendar for more than a year and I love how strong my body is getting! I’ve made up my mind to get certified as a Pilates instructor after graduating and I’m excited about it! In your opinion, is it recommended to get certified for both mat and reformer? Or is having a mat certification enough?
I’ve always heard that it’s better to have both so you are more knowledgeable but it’s expensive to get certified for both in one go. (But if the price is no problem, go for it!) Or you could get certified for mat first then advance to reformer.
It’s so cool how I was just debating this a while ago! I have been thinking about being a fitness instructor for a while. I’d love to teach Pilates most of all, just like Cassey, as well as Zumba, yoga and maybe barre. I just don’t know where to start.
However, I’m worried I won’t be able to financially support myself. The second I feel like I can do it, I hear my parents and older people tell me that I won’t make money to keep up. I guess I’m scared to take the leap.
Cassey, you’ve inspired me to better myself physically and mentally and I’ve never even met you. I dealt with the same toxic corporate environment and left that job for my old retail job where it was laid-back, fun and with friends (although I don’t want to stay there forever lol). Everyday after 5, I’d rush home and do the calender. My office job left me mentally sick and tired, I hated pushing bad news onto the customers we serviced and teaching about fitness and nutrition feels like the opposite, it’s inspiring and it feels amazing.
Any tips on getting certified? Who knows, maybe I will take the chance and do it 🙂
whoops, wrong box sorry lol.
I’m a mom, so I never advocate not listening to your parents. But … I AM SO GLAD YOU DIDN’T LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS! Where would we be without YOU and your fabulous, strenuous, body changing workouts! Thank you Cassey!
Hey Cassey, have you ever thought about doing a coruse were we can come and learn how to teach your style of POP Pilates! I would totally come over to the states just to get my Pilates instructor certificate from you! Xx
I’m totally headed towards a health career! Medicine, to be more specific! I’m working on my med school apps right now, and I’m really excited to see what happens!
I’m only 15 but I’ve recently started to consider doing something related to Health and Fitness because of you! <3 I am also Asian though, so my parents are pushing me to get a secure financial career like a doctor or pharmacist… We'll see. 🙂
I’ve been seriously considering becoming a Pilates or yoga instructor 🙂 I have such a great time doing your workouts (even though they’re super intense!) and I also love yoga…both make me so relaxed and happy 😀 One of my instructors last semester (and also this upcoming semester) told my class to find other hobbies/careers to focus on since the average burnout for anyone working foodservice is about 5-10 years, depending on the job. Obviously, teaching yoga and/or Pilates wouldn’t be a side job, but since food and fitness go together like pasta and sauce, it just makes sense to get into something like teaching a fitness class (especially since my diner is going to be mainly clean, healthy and organic dishes…with some vegetarian and vegan options-I’ll be working on the menu for a while since I’m not opening it for a couple years) 🙂 Thank you for being such a lovely inspiration for fitness and healthy recipes! 😀
Have you thought about writing a book? I read this and really like your style! 🙂
I totally agree! I have been a group fitness instructor for about 4 years! I absolutely love it! I’ve been teaching Piloxing for around 4years, certified in basic mat pilates since late last year, and currently also teach Pure Barre. I love all forms of fitness, and nothing gets me more excited then the beads of sweat coming off my clients! I know that whatever happened that day I will always leave class feeling amazing, and it’s probably why I am such a happy person in general. My love for fitness found me when I was going through a major life change. So much stress and nowhere to release it besides the gym, I was quickly becoming a fitness junkie! It wasn’t until my friend who also taught fitness basically pushed me into getting certified for Piloxing, did I find what was truly missing in my life.
I say to anyone on the fence of becoming an group fitness instructor to just GO FOR IT! What are you waiting for?! In the end it was only me that was holding myself back from a world of sweat and happiness.
I am 16 and will be crafting the workouts for and teaching a bootcamp class for teens for 4 weeks this summer! I am so nervous to be in front of everyone, but you are my inspiration! Love you Cassey!
good luck!
You are amazing Cassey! Love you!
This is such a perfect post, Cassie. I am training to become a fitness instructor in 12 days and I am so nervous. I only recently discovered my love for it and am hardly even HALFWAY where I would ideally like to be but the excitement and passion are atill fueling me and I can only hope it will resonate in class. I don’t have much of a history as a teacher and my history with fitness and health is spotty as well but I have come such a long way from where I was. I hope I am half of the instructor that my amazing predecessors are. Thank you for being such an inspiration!
good luck!!