The “Perfect” Body

The ā€œPerfectā€ Body


When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see? Or do you stare at yourself, pinching your fat away, lifting up your butt, pushing in your boobs, wishing you looked like a VS supermodel? It’s hard to be content with the shape of your body when people are constantly telling you how fat you are, how much weight you need to lose, how much weight you need to gain…literally what do people want? The body shaming, the mean comments, the cyber bullying – all of this messes with us…and it hurts.

Since I’ve started YouTube, I’ve definitely been attacked here and there. I’ve learned how to deal with it by growing a thicker skin. Within the past few months though, it’s gotten really negative online. It’s actually been terrible. Not just comments, but people making full on videos trash talking my body and my techniques as a certified fitness instructor.

You may not know it, but when things get bad, IĀ try my best to hold back my tears and tighten my mouth so that I don’t frown. But sometimes, it gets to be too much. So I break.

In this video, you will experience what it feels like to be constantly bombarded with outrageous negativity. You will see what it looks like to have your self esteem stripped away. You will read real comments left by real people. You will see me struggle with my ownĀ appearance. So what if I changed? What if I had a slimmer waist and a bigger butt? Would everyone be happy then? What if I lived in a world where I could photoshop my body in real life? Would I be happy then? Please share this video to battle body shaming and cyber



Herself – Cassey Ho Body Double –Ā Arika Sato


Director – James Chen Visual Effects – James Jou Makeup Artist – Caroline Esparza Hair Stylist – Kristina Gibson Producer – Emily Conti Director of Photography – Garrett Shannon 1st AC – Danny Neal Key Grip – Patrick O’Keefe Gaffer – Ed Rehr Production Assistant – John So Production Assistant – Nohe Roche Talent Producer – Catherine Sawin

444 thoughts on “The “Perfect” Body”

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    1. Erin Woodbury says:


  1. hayley says:

    this video is seriously amazing. you should know how many girls out there appreciate this message, me included šŸ™‚

  2. Jasmine says:

    Your blog post is missing now šŸ™

  3. Healing Hacker says:

    Great video. Thanks for sharing

  4. Lisa Edwards says:

    I LOVE this VIDEO! You encourage me so much! I watch you on my amazon firestick. First time seeing this video, but you are beautiful in and out and you encourage us to give and do our best, revealing our best self. Thank you! You are everything I need! thanks…

  5. tara desroches says:

    I know I wish it could be that easy to change those areas that disgust me. But if it really was that easy, I would have never known what it feels to feel physically and mentally strong (in progress). To feel bang on in those cute little clothes and be able to give advice to friends and family on living a healthy lifestyle. Your clip on “The Perfect Body”, made me tear up. Your so right Cassey. I struggle constantly to avoid dwelling on those negative self talk thoughts, cause we all deserve self love. Being in a past unhealthy relationship that exposed me to the adult entertainment world in my teen years somehow brainwashed me to thinking this ideal look is what’s truly beautiful. Its been a lifelong battle for us all, but as long as you are your own cheer squad you can accomplish anything. Love u Cassey keep being a power girl.


  6. Liva says:

    cassey you are amazing no matter what!!!
    I look very much up to you and I hope you keep being amazing you
    you make me happy everyday with you pilates training and positive mind
    you are fantastic and you have changed my life so much

  7. Marina Doshkevich says:

    You have a very pretty body. I am personally really not into the whole big ass thing. I like how slender people look. If I had a choice, i would make my legs longer, my breasts smaller, my neck longer, but no way to do that. I keep it in m ind when I choose my clothing. You look very nice. No need to change anything.

  8. Theresa Corbin says:

    This post really hit me hard. I am a blogger too and have had a horrible time with cyber bullying and stalking. I have used your videos to workout for a while now and am motivated by your outlook and feel better about my body every time I do a quick burn, 5 minute, or an on fire video. I know it’s impossible to be impervious to the comments of people who sit in dark places filled with self loathing, typing nasty things. I know all the advice in the world won’t heal the hurt. Just know that what you do helps so many people. The trolls can’t stand that, so really they are a testament to your success. <3

    1. Marina Doshkevich says:

      If you are a blogger, and your blog is public, you have no right to complain about negative opinions. Not paying attention to criticism is stupid. Best thing is to listen to what people say, and if their comments hurt you, that means you should probably change something about yourself, because ty are probably correct.

  9. Staci says:

    I’d rather have a trainer AND a positive role model than just a trainer. At the end of the day you can lay down your head and know you’ve done GOOD for your followers. I can’t imagine the garbage that goes through their minds at the end of the day. We reap what we sow on this planet. May you continue to fall asleep in peace.

  10. Callie Martin says:


    That was a wonderful video about body image! The best part was the very end, when you started becoming the you before all the changes. So much more beautiful, so much prettier than what you had changed into to fit the stereotype created by people’s jealously and hurt. A beautiful reminder to be who we are, and live to our true, authentic purpose, in our real, gorgeous bodies!


  11. Victoria Lynne says:

    Cassey you are so beautiful and you have an amazing body!. I can’t believe how jealous some people get, so they get mean instead I bet not one of them looks half as good as you. You shouldn’t feel self conscious at all. Ignore what they say they don’t know anything.

  12. Elizabeth Vang says:

    Hi Cassey,
    I just want to say you had inspire many people. You even inspire me. I know what you had been through. I have been call fat before, But ever since i watched your videos I’m starting to gain confidence. I just want to say thank you so much. Your like my role model!

  13. Kellie Miller says:

    Hi Cassey
    I have been living with this my whole life with every boyfriend ive had even my own mother. I find it very hard to get motivated even more so since ive had underactive thyroid for 10 yrs now the weight just doesnt move and its so easy to give up. Some helpful tips to get started keep motivated would be so appreciated. To hear that people are negative towards you is sad people like me look for people like you for inspiration and hope that we will look our best and be healthy again but most of all help others to be inspired at what we will/have achieved. Keep going strong

  14. Kristin says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I absolutely love your videos – I’d been having a really hard time getting motivated to work out, and finding your site did the trick! I’m already experiencing much better mental health and I’m enjoying working up a sweat again šŸ™‚ thank you so much! Also, I know how much body shaming sucks and I think you’re beautiful and an inspiration to so many people. Keep doing what you’re doing – people hating comes from their problems, not yours. You are amazing!


  15. Stevie Raye Bruce says:

    Hi, Cassey, I’m a long time POPster who just loves your channel and the amazing effort you put into all of your videos and it hurts me too to see the negative comments you have been receiving. As you said in your body shaming video, people can be cruel, and I just think it’s so amazing that you have provided this safe zone on the Blogilates YouTube channel where we can all support each other. You don’t just tell people what to do. You help us, you inspire us, giving so many AMAZING workouts, meal plans, and helping us look cute on the way to reaching our fitness goals we didn’t even dream were possible until you came along. Please don’t give in to the hurtful comments. Your POPsters need you!

  16. Sara says:

    Hie cassey, i have looked at this video many times and like you, i was bullied for my body and i never understod why people acted like they did. People that don’t even know you attack you with words and they think that’s ok to do. People shouldn’t judge your videos and training before they themselfs have tried it.
    Me, myself and I LOVE your workouts and have nothing but positive thoughts about it šŸ™‚

  17. I am both a trainer and group fitness instructor. People target us non stop about our physical appearance. I believe that all the negative people may need more good nutrition and fitnes in their life so that they can join the happy and healthy club with us!!!!!!!!

    Follow me on Instagram @shanikalynn

  18. Youngmi says:

    When I watch your videos, I always think, “She is so STRONG!”. I admire your strength and it motivates me to work out and hopefully one day be able to do all your workouts without looking a fish flopping around on the ground. I find it discouraging that the internet has given people a way to be cruel to each other for no reason and without consequences. I wonder, does it make them feel good about themselves knowing that they’re hurting someone they don’t even know? What makes people act that way? It’s easy to imagine that you’re not only super strong physically but emotionally as well and that with your positive attitude, any negativity that comes your way just slides right off. Thank you for your honesty and for sharing the good and the bad. It’s a good reminder that everyone is human and deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. Thank you for being an example to those of us who want to be strong, confident, and positive people. Go Cassey!

  19. Glen says:

    Cassey you are an inspiration! I think it is disgusting that these “keyboard heros” do that sort of thing. Everyone has their own opinion yes, but they don’t need to be making videos about it and just shaming people. That is what I hate about the fitness industry. I think good on you to anyone who is out there giving it their best. Keep up the good work Cassey.

  20. Maaike says:

    Hi Cassey,

    Just wanted to say I really love your workout videos. I started doing the beginners calender about three weeks ago and after almost three weeks I can already feel the difference. I feel so much fitter and relaxed, it’s amazing. And I actually enjoy your workouts. That’s a first for me! I can totally relate to what you say in this post. First people told me I was to fat. Now I have lost over 65 pounds, bij eating healthy and a lot of excercising and running, and people are telling I’m to thin. But I’m happy and healthy so I try not to listen to the naysayers…

    Please keep up the good work! And if you ever visit Holland you’re more than welcome for a drink šŸ™‚

  21. Mariana says:

    Dear Cassey,
    I just discoverd your blog (by accident when I stumbled upon a youtube video of yours). I was shocked by this post. When I saw your workout video I thought “wow, finally a real person with a real body, the sort of body I want to have. This person can be the “role model” of what I want for myself and what I believe I can achieve”. When I saw you I saw a truely healthy body. I have a totally different body type than yours but I could immediatly see that I also wanted the lean and defined body you have. For me this is much more inspirational because when I see a skinny instructor with a 6 pack and all muscles super worked out I actually feel intimidated and immediatly think “I will never be like that! I don’t want to be like that! If I work out really hard is this what I will look like?”. So thank you for being you, just as you are.


    1. Liss says:

      Took The words right out of my mouth, healthy beautiful body i envy. I hate excercise so working out too someone that is healthy and What i want is great. Tried working out too a muslebursting dude, and i wanted to kill him, totally demotavating…. You go Cassey do What males you happy!

  22. ValƩrie says:

    Wow that was so touching … You are a beautiful, wonderful, inspiring and generous person. You change my life every day. I’m happier since I “met” you and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one feeling like that. Thank you SO much Cassey. You always say that you love us, I hope you know that we love you too. Don’t listen to the sad little people who wrote that.

  23. Martina says:

    HI Cassey šŸ™‚
    I just gotta say that for me i really like training to your videos cause you have a body that is healthy and not to thin but just beautiful.

    I cant get thin as supermodels my body is not built that way but with you i can slim it and be happy with my body and thats enought as long as im happy XD so THANKS SO MUCH FOR THAT XD

    Greetings from Sweden šŸ™‚

  24. Claudia says:


    What about this resource for your career It really works!…

  25. In any public place you appear, people (sad and hated people I think) enjoy bullying other people. They don’t mind if it’s about fitness, food, if you are a girl or a boy… they just attack and there are some people not strong enough and really suffer bullying. All my support for them.

  26. M says:

    Wow, I actually love this video, because everything is so clear… A lot of girls think they need to change their body and aren’t happy with their body, including myself. These mean comments are terrible and not really helping people, it’s just so mean.. You are one of my biggest inspirations during my body transformation! It makes no sense, you just have a healthy body and people are just jealous, because they can’t do it!

  27. Charlotte says:

    Today, a man have posted a lovely project with the tag #fitwithoutabs talking about how women can be fit without showing any abs. So I thought I would share it with you. Here is the english version:

  28. Cassie says:

    It makes me so sad to see that people believe looks are everything. It’s hard to disregard those hurtful comments. I still can’t shake off the fact that whenever I try to comment something happy and positive on Instagram, I get reported for no apparent reason. I can’t believe it’s such a negative environment out there. I don’t know what to do.

  29. Ankita says:

    Hey Cassey! You are so so beautiful and such an inspiration to girls like me everywhere!!! This video honestly spoke a lot to everyone because it shows how everyone has insecurities and how no matter what you do, society will always make you feel bad for looking a certain way.. But for every negative comment someone says about you, someone else is thinking the exact opposite šŸ™‚ We love you Cassseeyyy!!!!

  30. Jenny says:

    Hi Cassey, just wanted to let you know, that your “perfect body” video just came on German television šŸ™‚ It was a show about remarkable people, who help others via the internet. They said smth. along the lines of: “This American fitness instructor shows us that sheā€˜s not perfect and has haters, too, but we,re supposed to love ourselves just as we are, because beauty is not the same for everyone and haters always gonna hate, so just ignore them.”
    Thought you’d be happy to see, how far your word has spread! I’m excited or you šŸ™‚

  31. Danika Maia says:

    I love this video so much and you know that because I responded to your email with it (and you actually wrote back, thank you!) But the thing I take away most from this is that most of those bodies you see on Instagram and VS sites are photoshopped and it’s getting so obvious the more apps there are, the more people think they are geniuses for figuring out the “clone stamp” on photoshop – it just annoys me that people rave about other people’s perfect bodies when they aren’t – they are edited, models are edited, everyone is edited these days (including myself!) I’ve seen those videos trashing you (mostly vegans and fruitarians) and it didn’t make a single difference to me. Yes they are skinnier but so what – I wouldn’t enjoy life if I only ate mangos and bananas, sorry, there’s more to life than thigh gaps!! Keep doing what you’re doing.

    1. Kimberly says:


      My friends in the office told me about your blog, and I have been watching it ever since. I think you are fun and inspirational. I can’t believe how you get me to work so hard in such a short space of time!

      Sweetie, forget those stupid people. Bullies are really just cowards wearing a very poor disguise. You are beautiful, imaginative and you keep me looking forward to another exercise post. That’s a gift! Don’t give up and don’t give in.

  32. Pingback: Weekly sparks
  33. This was very touching and inspiring, thanks šŸ™‚

  34. Arnaud says:

    Great video but honestly don t even worried about what others say. Just enjoy and love what you do. And more importantly love urself šŸ˜‰ as a man point of view you are gorgeous šŸ™‚

  35. Ronnie says:

    I do not usually comment, actually ive never commented here before but i feel the need to after reading what you have been going through! i think its so sad that people are capable of being so cruel to one another, and the fact that youve become victim to this is just sad and ridiculous! Youre passionate about what you do and youve helped make the lives of so many people better! do not let the negativity of a few stop you from seeing the beauty you hold both inside and out!
    your popstar

  36. Aitana says:

    I’ve been following Cassie for about two years now. She has inspired me to be who I want and work for what I want. She’s amazing because she’s never given up on herself which inspired me to not give up on myself. I may use my own techniques now for working out, and go to the gym, using the machines but I still have her on my email and still some of her challenges or whatever she has set out for us. I absolutely love her and she just doesn’t understand how much good she has done for me in my life even though I feel like I’ve met her trough YouTube. Cassie, thank you for inspiring me for two years and pushed me with everything. My goal is to meet you one day! Love you(

  37. reka says:

    Cassie darling…ur my inspiration and you are totally gorgeous….I simply love the total dedication and love with which you share exercises for all of us..keep going girl ..ur amazing

  38. Jami O says:

    Thank you for this powerful message!

  39. Christina says:

    I had never heard of you before (I’m not overtly into fitness), but your video is beautiful, your blog is beautiful, and YOU are beautiful. Don’t ever let the trolls get to you. You don’t need to change. x

  40. Hannah says:

    I was talking about wanting to lose weight today with a group of friends and several of them reccomended you, told me how amazing you are and how much you motivate them. People can be so cruel but they will always be looking for someone to put down, I wonder if they are happpy with their own bodies, though I’m sure they can’t be happy with their personalities.

  41. Sine says:

    Hi Cassey,
    First of all: Awesome video with a beautiful message. You really hit a very present issue at this moment in time right in the centre. Thank you for that, really.
    Secondly, I have a boyfriend who is almost losing his mind trying to find out who made the second piece of music in the video (not the intro) as he thinks it is truly amazing. If you could give a reference, that would be great šŸ™‚
    Thanks a lot again, take care you beautiful woman!

  42. Brandy says:

    Cassey, the sad part is that I can believe with absolutely no problem that people have and continue to say these ugly things to you. People think that since you have made yourself a bit of a public figure that gives them the right to be ugly and the anonymity of their computers gives them the courage. I challenge every one of them to walk up to your face and say their hateful comments in person. Oh…and my friend Maria and I are offering to be your short, fat, bodyguards!! šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

  43. Angie says:

    So excited to see this video talked about on Good Morning America this morning! Still creating a buzz!

  44. Caitlyn says:

    Wow, Cassey, this is such a powerful video and you should
    be so proud of yourself for achieving your goals.
    You are an inspiration, not only for your body, but for the
    way you behave and handle it all.
    Keep on going like this and hopefully everyone will realize
    that you can’t make yourself seem bigger by making other people small.

  45. Courtney says:

    I love you!

  46. Wow, just wow. Powerful!
    I have tears in my eyes, that’s just the truth!
    Thank you for doing this!!

  47. Millie says:

    Your video inspired me so much! I’ve been following your blog, fitness tips and workouts since I was in high school (I’m in my second year of college now) and you’ve done noting but help me fight my body image issues through the positive messages you send. You may not know it but you inspire sooo many people across the world, I mean I’m all the way in Kenya yet you still make a huge difference in my life from where you are. In all honesty I still have a few body image issues, but I’ve gotten better over the years (PS I’m nowhere near “fat”, I currently weigh 56kg at 175cm, my weight has fluctuated from 50kg to 58 since I was 16 and I’m now 19) despite the fact that many people don’t see what I complain about. Some even encourage me to keep slimming down, which doesn’t help. To see that you, the epitome of perfection in my eyes, have some doubts about your body thanks to haters, breaks my heart. You are strong and inspirational to so many of us out here, please don’t let any negativityget in the way of what you do! Much love from Kenya Xx

  48. Kim says:

    I have stopped in to say 1) I just found out about you on my local news station 2) I am so sorry you are bullied… I watched your videos and signed myself up for your newsletter… you may be just what I am looking for, for motivation… Thank you and for your age etc.. you are body perfect Cheers have a fabulous day

  49. Allison Cook says:

    I first saw this video on Facebook and immediately shared it! This is such an important message for women of all ages. I sometimes get caught up in the way that society thinks I should look, but as long as I am healthy and I like what i look like, then who cares? I love that this video explains to women that no one has the “perfect body,” and things you see in magazines are mostly likely not realistic. Thanks for this video!

  50. Liz` says:

    Cassey- you are truly beautiful inside and out. you have an amazing soul and kudos to you for having the courage to put yourself out there on the internet. I have always loved your videos because you are a genuine person who puts up **FREE** videos for us all simply because you love it and want to help others. You are nothing but sweet and encouraging. It breaks my heart that some people still have something negative to say. Haters gon’ hate, no matter what, they will find something to say. You have affected so much change in the lives of many. And I have self-esteem problems, but your videos have helped me be a lot more self-accepting. I have struggled with ED and body issues for a long time and I think .. finally after many years I am coming to peace with them. thank you so much for showing us your TRUE self and not being a photoshopped, unattainable images we always see. Personally I’m a perfectionist so I always want to be perfect and look like the magazine cover. For awhile I thought this was actually real. Thank you so much for focusing on the REAL reasons to work out– and not just the superficial ones. And for posting these all for FREE!!! I mean, your videos materials etc are worth so much money and I am truly thankful that you offer this all to us for free. It shows what a great person you are. Love you Cassey, keep doing what you’re doing. I truly commend you on this video and I was really happy to see you trending on FB. you are a great inspiration. I wish more fitness gurus would be like you!! it is all about loving yourself in the skin you’re in!! Love you Cassey!!! thank you so much, and for putting this video up. XO

  51. TXJoe says:

    I just saw your video. I think your body looks nice, very feminine. The people who encourage women to have the body of a teenage boy are the ones with an issue; they’ve lost touch with with reality and the differences between boys and girls. Personally, as a man, I have no interest in hard bodied women, nor am I interested in teenage boys. I’m sure the girls who encourage the six pack, etc. etc., are not out looking for soft feminine shapely men, well, the reverse holds true for men, we don’t sit around and say to each other hey, let’s go look for girls built like boys; that just doesn’t happen. Thankfully.

  52. FreshGuru says:

    Embrace your beauty! It is amazing how people will make negative comments without asking themselves why? It is time we trained our minds as well as our bodies. Negative comments that you read can only be diffused by you- much like an ocean take them in and then send them rolling along. I love body diversity! And your video was very cool.

  53. Gentle at heart says:

    I understand how this hurt , some people think they are perfect and think the “imperfect” don’t have choice , the gym and the exercises are just for they and they never think about health before do this only about the “perfect” body , you are amazing and you have a bright beautiful smile , I love they so keep health and with your exercises and be happy , I am so happy you think that way , I will follow your blog and maybe try to exercise too.

  54. Dani says:

    Awesome video! I love that Cassey took these comments to a positive level by showing people that some of us are focused on the wrong thing when it comes to fitness! Spread the word that we should love our bodies and respect what we’ve been given!

  55. Ed says:

    I have only been following for about 2 months, but your videos have aboslutely helped get me motivated. I have already begun to see the results of my work outs. Thank you!!

  56. Tonie Valesano says:

    You are an Angel! You share all of your wealth of information! You care. Thank you for impacting my life.

  57. Jenny Francis says:

    Beautiful video, beautiful message.

  58. Mariam says:

    I LOVE YOU CASSEY! The haters are gonna hate! They are just jealous at how far you have come and I wish I was as strong as you! What you do for us is phenominal. You put your problems behind you to deal with ours, and that what makes you so special. I will always follow you and what you eat because you make me so happy. I have changed mentally and physically and feel so much better. I could never thank you enough šŸ™‚

  59. Kaitlyn says:

    Cassey, I really enjoyed the “the perfect body” video…I struggle with severe body image issues and it’s people like you who help people truly feel beautiful from the inside out. Ive been doing blogilates for the past couple years and it is turned me into a more positive person in numerous ways. I can’t thank you enough i hope to follow your footsteps in the future, you have inspired me to live a healthy life and to feel beautiful in more ways than one.

  60. Alicia Wise says:

    Do you seriously get comments like that?? Cassey you are GORGEOUS! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! You are “beautifully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Unfortunately the more successful you become the more haters will be hatin’. You are literally the only fitness instructor I keep coming back to for inspiration for the past 2 years. I have always loved your positivity and how your workouts make me die! (:
    I know it’s hard, but don’t believe that crap other people talk about you because what they say isn’t true in the slightest. You make a difference to me and so many other popsters.
    With love,

  61. Ryan Larsen says:

    Great site. You provide a realistic point of view for real people to feel good about themselves and to look amazing. Great job and I hope you have continued success.

  62. Lisa Swanson says:

    What an incredibly moving video. As a trainer myself, I have struggled for years with feeling like I need to be perfect in order to be a trainer. Being open and real, with our own struggle and doubts as well as our triumphs and celebrations is what makes us good trainers and able to connect with others. Bravo Cassey for being so open and vulnerable. You should be very proud. And on a side note, your body is awesome, really! Keep up the good work!

  63. thank you cassie for making such a courageous and consciousness-raising video! keep up the great work.

  64. Maria says:


    I started following Blogilates in 2012. Since then, I’ve done at least one video every day. Your optimism and encouragement is unmatched, and your workouts are hard as hell. Seriously, I’ve made lots of gym men do these workouts and they often can’t get through the video. Sure, you also happen to be a beautiful woman with a rockin body (okay that part didn’t just “happen” – you obviously work for it). But your success on Youtube has come from your amazing attitude and your skill as an instructor. You don’t make videos so people can critique your body, and it is wildly unfair that your putting yourself out there to help OTHERS has resulted in an attack on you. I hope you know those people are unhappy with themselves. I hope they can learn to love themselves… interestingly enough, they would be wise to start by triumphing through one of your videos! I know it’s impossible to ignore the negative noise. But I hope all the comments on this video have helped drown it out, at least a little.

    Stay beautiful, stay inspiring, and thank you for all that you do.

  65. Divya Tomar says:

    haters gonna hater aners gonna aint..
    I FREAKIN LOVE U cassey..ur my inspiration coz of u instead of downing myself i’ve learned to overlook the negative and focus on the positive of any situatuion. am working hard to get my ideal body not DAT ideal body..
    i love so sooooooo much..
    just outta the blue u ever think about sporting a pixie..

  66. Amy Cater says:

    Cassie, I just wanted to thank you for your website and workout videos. I have been working out with your videos for about 2 – 3 years. Recently, I had the opportunity to take my first class with a personal trainer at a local gym, I was able to keep up with the more experienced people in the class and I am 45 years old!! I know that it was all due to your workout videos. I will definitely continue working out with you!! Please keep posting videos and healthy living advice!!!

  67. Annie says:

    If you had asked me what I would have wanted to change about my body two years ago, I would have been able to name at least five things in an instant. Even though I was blessed with a naturally tiny waist, toned abs and a big, yet firm bubble butt, I was never happy with my body. I thought my boobs were too small, my inner thighs were not toned enough, my shoulders were too bony… and the list goes on and on. But what happened within those two years that made me reconsider my attitude? I got pregnant and now am a proud mother of a one year old, sparkling little boy. I decided to breastfeed, so losing weight after giving birth was super easy. My husband is a US Army soldier with a really busy job – he is literally gone ALL THE TIME. I really do not have much time to myself at all. I do not have any family living close by and the only friend I trusted with my son recently moved away. So after struggling through busy days, one thing I look forward to at night -if I am not too tired, which unfortunately often is the case- is working out with Cassey! She puts hard work into creating the best possible workouts for women like me. I usually only have enough energy to complete one or two videos. Three on a good day. But the results are amazing. So even though my breasts are saggier now and my abs are not as toned as they used to be… I am an overall happier person. I love myself more than I ever did before. I am grateful Cassey spreads her positive energy through her videos, even though putting herself out there puts her in a vulnerable position to bullies and negative, shallow people. Cassey, you are beautiful in every single way and I am thankful for everything you have done for all of us Popsters out there.

  68. Aly says:

    I hate this. I hate how people make fun of this beautiful woman. I hate how people say nasty things because of jealousy. No ones perfect, but who can be when we all live in a world of differences? What is normal? “Normal” does not exist. We are all different. We all have different body types. We all have different faces. Even twins have differences. So, what is all of this judgement about? Desire. The judgement is over desire. People have a tendency to desire what they do not have, instead of striving for it. Well, you know what? That is pathetic. It is okay to want something, but why complain and torment others if you refuse to work for what you want? Is it fear? Are you afraid? Is it low-self-esteem? Whatever it is, I hope you realize that you will never accomplish something when you live in a world of empathy with out self-discipline.

  69. Michael Clark says:

    You look fantastic, be proud of yourself. All these ballooned up asses, fake breasts on women, guys looking like they are about to explode with giant upper bodies all juiced up are ridiculous. You make them all look stupid. Keep doing what your doing. Good people, non haters will follow you.

    Mike in Maryland

  70. Jenna says:

    This broke my heart. You’re perfectly and wonderfully made no matter what size your butt is or how big the or small your thighs are. Powerful legs have large thighs. People have become so used to photoshopped images that a woman’s REAL body, no matter how thin, is no longer “enough” of anything! The only opinion that truly matters is your own. Are you healthy and strong? Do you feel beautiful? Then you are perfect!

  71. Samah says:

    This video really got to me. You are gorgeous, Casey! No need to change anything!! We live in a society that tells how we should look like and how we should be and its just wrong. Be who you are and whatever you feel. Skinny doesn’t mean happiness, big butts and big boobs don’t mean that a women is pretty. Self confidence and taking care of yourself, that will lead to happiness and understanding. Great video, keep up the good work!

  72. Karinska says:

    This video made me cry. You are so beautiful, on the outside and on the inside. I feel so lucky that I found your videos and comunity. It has made a huge inpact on my life! Knowing your videos is only a click away, seeing you smiling face always putting out a positive vibe. Helping me create a healthier lifestyle, and for free!! You are truly an inspiration to me.
    I get that everybody feels insecure at times, but it really bothers me that people trash others based on apparence. Its so easy hiding behind the keyboard, judging others. I hope you won’t let these people inpact you too much. We are so many popsters who loves you just the way you are! Lots of love from Sweden!

  73. Deana Lawson says:

    First of all, you are beautiful just the way you are. Secondly, I was almost brought to tears by your video. As a young girl into my teens I struggled with self esteem so much it almost consumed my life. My weight was not even close to being an issue but there was always someone who had a comment. Going into high school I weighed all of 80 pounds. I have always been top heavy(first bra size was a 36c). I remained that size for about a year and then to feel accepted I made teenage mistakes and got pregnant with my first child. After he was born I still struggled. I actually got to 100 Pounds and stayed there for a couple of years. Having my first child and being a single parent was not easy especially having depression and self esteem problems already. In the two or three years that followed I got married and had two more kids. Two years after the third child, my husband and I separated. I got really depressed and got to my lowest adult weight ever,85 pounds. I am now 42 and am not afraid to tell you I weigh 160. While I do need to lose weight and be at the suggested healthy weight for my age, I would not go back to size 00 again. Not only was it too small but I looked dead. Pale skin and dark circles.
    We as humans should not judge people by what they look like on the outside. All of that does not define who we are. You can be the most beautiful person in the world and still be ugly if the inside is ugly. I’ve known plenty of people that were considered gorgeous by looks but ended up the ugliest people I have ever met. Your looks can be taken from you in so many ways but that does not change who you are.
    I do not think you should change anything about yourself. You are fine just the way you are. Beautiful

  74. TheRodMD says:

    If given the choice, I’d happily choose the original “her.” Quite female. Alluring hips/waist/chest. How much thigh-gap is enough… two, maybe three fists? Computer-generated for the self-focused, unhappy with themselves and with everyone/everything around them. Bitter. Pathetic. Sad. Justice, eh?

  75. Ash says:

    I think Cassey really should do a video about the dangers of working out when you’re sick or exhausted!

  76. Ksenia says:

    Love your message, Cassey. So courageous!
    Beauty is the light you have within.
    And no hateful comments should block it from shining.
    None of these online haters would have the courage to say those hurtful things to your face.
    And ultimately, any criticism anyone has for others, is just a reflection of their own issues with accepting themselves.

  77. Fleur says:

    You have a really beautiful and unique body, be yourself and don’t let people change you! Love your inspiring video!

  78. Nataly says:

    Cassey, I just saw you video on fat shaming, and I posted a comment there, but I really want you to see it, so I’m posting it here as well:
    Please, focus on the ones who love you!! You are absolutely gorgeous, and so inspiring!! I’ve changed my life because of you. After being the worst version of me for some time, I found your videos, and I’m becoming definitely the best version of myself. You encouraged me to workout, eat better and think positively. Right now I do your video workouts and some yoga at least 5 days/week. I’m so, so happy. Please, don’t listen to crappy people. You’ve changed so many people’s lives!! You’re nothing less than amazing!!

  79. Sydney says:

    I saw your video through a link on my FaceBook. I just wanted to say you are an amazing person to put yourself out there with all the people on the internet waiting to tear you down. Not because of you, but because of themselves. Your body is beautiful and real in comparison to the photoshopped “miracles” that are all the rage. More people will love you than hate you and those that tear you down aren’t worth the time it takes to read their insults. You are an inspiration to me and the girls I workout with. Keep up the good work and positive attitude.

  80. Megan says:

    You’ve inspired so many people to love their body ESPICALLY me.
    It’s so hard to ignore the negative in life but I’ve learned to deal with it by trying to see it from the negative
    persons perspective; they could be going through so many different struggles we are unaware of and taking it out on you. Instead of seeing them as a mean person , trying seeing them as a broken heart because something, someone, somewhere made that negativity grow in them NOT YOU.
    Like T-Swift said: Haters gonna Hate šŸ™‚

    Love Megan.

  81. Dianna says:

    Just saw you on, WHAAAAT!! you rock! šŸ™‚

  82. Lyle says:

    Don’t do it. You’re perfect just the way you are.

  83. Hester says:

    Just a respond from a Dutch girl: you probably look better than all those people who leave you bad comments. Just because you have the discipline to work out every day and they don’t. Don’t let them get to you, you know better. I’ll send my support from The Netherlands to you!

  84. Garth Turpen says:

    I just saw the perfect body video and havent read anymore comments than what was in it. These people making the comments are so stupid that they shouldnt even be taken seriously.. I do an advanced Pilates class every week with my gf and I would challenge any of them to last 30 miinutes in there. People have no idea…

    Nice job making this positive video.

  85. Really you’re doing such a great job and you look gorgous as you are šŸ™‚

  86. Antonina says:

    Cassey, you are such an inspiration and you are beautiful. Please keep doing what you do, your work is precious! Love you!

  87. Bart Spits says:

    The internet has a lot of posts out to hurt, but there’s nothing we can do about it. Even if we were all identifiable like I am, we would still be that way because there’s so much of it already. On the internet, if you get a positive comment, you must be doing something right because that is Special. It’s a new form of communication with a new rule set that we are all not familiar with. One of the rules seems to be that a negative comment is -unlike in say a phone conversation- pretty much meaningless 95% of the time. That’s something we’ll have to teach ourselves eventually. That’s not easy especially when you care so much and are so exposed to the internet.

    Maybe ‘classy’ should be the new cool.

    You have changed a zillion people’s lives for the better. That includes mine.
    Wish you luck.

  88. Asia says:

    Cassey, never give up on your true calling! You are an inspiration to thousands of people around the world. We love you for your bubbly personality that makes one smile even on bad days. The best thing about you is that you constantly remind people that they should love themselves first no matter their size. Looks are important but you are so real about this issue not letting the media trends get you. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! KEEP UP YOUR AWESOME MISSION and NEVER LISTEN TO THOSE HATERS. YOU ARE ABSOLUTLY AMAZING JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!

  89. Priscilla says:

    Oh please. Who needs a six pack or fuller butt to motivate others and be of service?
    Cassey, I love you for YOU. If some people are just too blind to see how beautiful you are, they’re either jealous, have low self-esteem with nothing better to do, or just plain haters. Just brush off those negative comments, because you’re better than that. I’m sure all your followers follow you for the same reason.
    We follow you because you have the BEST personality as a trainer. Your smiles and words of encouragement really keep us going. Thank you for your hard work as always, and keep it up! You have the power to move and inspire people, so who cares what others say! I wonder what kind of strengths they have… Skill of bashing amazing people? Oh, please.
    Cassey, we LOVE YOU!! šŸ™‚

  90. Elena F. says:

    Well done!
    Loved it!

  91. Kate says:

    Cassey you inspire me everyday to want to make my body strong and healthy. As someone who suffered from anorexia for three years and still struggles from time to time, I found this video so powerful. You are such an inspiration and so many women look up to you! Please donā€™t let haters get you down because you lift up so many people! <3

  92. Sarah says:

    I have absolutely loved doing your videos over the past few years. The work outs are always tough, yet you just power through them with a smile and make them look like no big deal. I love this video you created, and I love that you are real. I want to do your work out videos because I feel like if I do them, and look like you, I will have real results. How many average people who enjoy fitness actually have and maintain a 6 pack? You are humble, your message is beautiful, and you are a true role model. Thanks for being so vulnerable and inspiring so many people to love themselves!

  93. Stella says:

    first i would like to say thank you,,, i have been doing your workouts for two years now,, you have inspired me to be the best me that i can be. i have never been this happy about how i look and feel. i have even converted a lot of people to do your workouts.
    second — i am so glad you did this video, you have reached so many people through it, and have made them think. it’s crazy what people are saying about the thigh gap, the six pack and what not. you look super amazing!!!
    third — never stop being you, cause all the popsters are with you, you are an inspiration and thank you.

  94. Sara says:

    Just wanted to say that was a very interesting video. Especially liked how you did the special effects/body alterations. And I agree that people can be horribly mean online. It’s like they don’t realized they are connected to another person. You are also clearly in awesome shape.

  95. Farah says:

    I love your new video. After watching it, I also saw it on Cosmopolitan’s snapchat and all my friends were talking about it, so give yourself a pat on the back for creating an awesome video that everyone can relate to!

  96. Andrea says:

    I’m not even sure you’ll see this because your posts always get a lot of attention, this one especially, but please know how much you’ve inspired me. You are so beautiful, and I don’t think that just because of what you look like (although you are gorgeous!). You are so high energy, positive, and encouraging. Because of you and your videos, I am taking such better care of myself. Regardless of what horrible people say, there are many of us who love you for exactly who you are and what you look like–healthy and beautiful!

    I hate body shamers, too, but remember how many lives you’ve changed whenever you get down. I know I am happier and healthier and on my way to a better self because of your videos. Thank you for all you do, Cassey. The world is a better place because you are a part of it. <3

  97. Morgan H. says:

    I just wanted to say this video literally made me break down in tears. I have struggled with my weight since I was just a small child. Unlike most though I have always been underweight. I struggle every day just to maintain a weight that keeps my body going. I have even been hospitalized due to weight loss. I have never believed I am fat and have never tried to lose weight. My waist is ungodly thin, the gap between my thighs is inches not centimeters, and I can see my ribs and hip bones and every bone in my spine. I hate the way I look and just want to be healthy, yet every day someone will say to me they wish they had my problem or they would kill to have my body. They don’t realize how unhealthy it is. How unattractive you will feel. how much money they will spend on having clothes custom altered so they fit. It is not ok. There is underweight, there is healthy and there is overweight. Some of us struggle from either end of the spectrum and to wish yourself so thin you look photoshopped is unhealthy. You can’t be that thin without the bones showing the eyes caving in and the skin getting pale and lose. I wish people would just be ok with themselves and stop reaching for the unattainable. when you get this thin it sucks and your body and mental stability pay the price. Get healthy people not skinny. I would love to just be healthy.

  98. seriously though says:

    I think we’ve all wanted to change something about our bodies sometime. I mean, it’s shocking how we don’t even realize the way society controls our feelings. Today a male friend of mine asked my why don’t I diet. I am not fat, in fact I have a pretty awesome body, so when I asked him why should I diet, he just told me ” so i could look and feel better”. I feel perfectly comfortable in my own body and I don’t get why people make assumptions like that. And on the other hand, I don’t get why people believe that the way you look defines you and has the last word on how much you love yourself.
    What about the mind? Even if you don’t like your body, it doesn’t mean you have to hate yourself. There are so many more important things. Kindness, intelligence, talent. But nowadays society seems to value “outter” beauty so much more. It’s pretty sad. The only thing left for people, especially girls, is to accept yourselves and love you for the PERSON you are, and not for the way you look.

  99. Kyle says:

    So, I’d never heard of Blogilates until today. Truthfully, I don’t agree with your fitness advice/advertising, and that’s putting it nicely. That’s fine, I disagree with most of the fitness stuff on the internet, and frankly I don’t think I’m (26 y.o. male) your target audience anyways.

    (Hoping I can get my point across w/o sounding like a creeper) I saw the video and think it’s laughable that trolls would call the “untouched” you fat. Or chubby, overweight, in average shape, etc. You look lean and very fit. Physically (cause that’s all I really know), you’re beautiful. This isn’t a “you shouldn’t let other people drag you down” comment (though, of course, you shouldn’t). This is a “the trolls weren’t just being mean, they were factually wrong” comment. Hopefully the outpouring of support can drown out the trolls.

  100. Ilyse says:

    Cassey, thank you for this beautiful message about body image. You are a tremendous inspiration to all women. Everyone should pass along this video and the message of working towards a healthy body- a realistic and perfectly unique body. I hope one day to have a daughter to show this video to. Thank you for many years of excellent work-outs, inspirational messages, and pure, healthy fun!


  101. Elizabeth says:

    Cassie, I just discovered your videos on YouTube and now your blog. I love your workouts and your contagious energy! You have motivated me to get in shape! I know people’s words can be so hurtful but don’t let the haters get to you! You are beautiful inside and out and your inspiring others to be healthy, happier people! Don’t stop what your doing!

  102. esmeralda says:

    You making this video, keep telling people they have to love their bodies is why we like you Cassey! No matter what size or body figure, You have given me and soooo many others trust in themselfs! that is more valuable than parade with the “perfect” body. Because all those YOU have learned to be happy with themselves will carry this with them for a life time!

    All the haters will come back at this at the end.

    Thank you Cassey for all the things you do! as long as you have keep faith in us (and I know you do;) We have faith in you!

    I hope you read this, and understand what I’m trying to say (I’m not an English speaker)

    1. Danielle says:

      You use better grammar than half the people I know who only speak English . You should honestly be very proud of that.

  103. Kathy says:

    Cassey – I love you and have been following your videos for years! I love your bubbly personality. Your videos always lift my mood and provide inspiration and motivation to keep going. I screamed today when I saw that your Perfect Body video made it onto Yahoo. I am so happy to see you become more and more successful and influential. Congrats šŸ™‚ Keep doing what you do!

  104. Merlin Marshall says:

    I think you look great, just as you are. Don’t let idiot comments get you down. I shudder to think what THEY look like – can’t be as good as you!

    1. Hannah says:

      Shaming the body shamers doesn’t fix the problem…

  105. Charlotte says:

    You are beautiful. And you’re healthy, and REAL. And an inspiration. Don’t let the haters get to you.

  106. MotherOf3 says:

    I just wanted to say that I think you look amazing. Way, Way better then the after photoshop image of you! Sometimes people just feel bad about themselves or have low self esteem so they need to put others down to make themselves feel better. They just don’t know how damaging it can be to the victim of their harsh words. Love your video šŸ™‚ Great job! šŸ™‚

    1. LaineyJ says:

      I agree! Your real you looks amazing!

  107. Frank says:

    Hi Cassey

    I donĀ“t understand why people is so stupid, the beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, not in the way the way society want, they are always trying to do people feel bad about how we are, no matter if we are fat, skinny, obese, etc, nobody has the right to jugde… for me, you look amazing, and I encourage you to continue with your goals… Blessings!

    BTW, you have a new fan in me…

  108. Kimberly says:


    I wrote you an email last year about how following your videos for the last three years, helped me out of depression and through a really hard time in my life when my sanity was being threatened. In that email, I mentioned that your happy personality literally moved me through depression and you became the only friend I had at the time. I mentioned that I was past that negative time and have since included swimming into my repertoire. Swimming has helped me to meet people and find out who I am and since that email I am now a Intermediate Level 1 swimmer (according to my club’s standards)!

    I’m black and Chinese. I got big butt from my mom and small boobs from my dad’s side that after two kids look like deflated balloons. And after said kids, I have a ‘two pack’ and a little bit of cute lower belly fat that will not quit no matter what the scale says. SO WHAT!! We can’t all have six packs and a boyish figure. How boring that will be! Since when do girls need to have zero body fat? Used to be a time when looking like a woman interested our men!
    What about the person inside of you who helped to change a person’s life like mine? What about the courage you had to put your self out there? The perseverance to keep at it – vlogging, blogging, writing, exercising, motivating? What about the real you? Is the package more important than the product?

    I want to reach out to you all the way from the Caribbean and say – the purpose of your detractors is to get you to stop. Cassey Ho, what’s yours?


  109. Patricia says:

    Not only your look beautiful, but you look HEALTHY and confident and loving about yourself. I wish I could have that. Working on acceptance and getting healthier right now.

  110. babybird says:

    Cassie- You’re beautiful inside and outside. Thanks, truly, for all you do.
    You’ve made me healthier and stronger, and so many others. We appreciate your pilates, and I appreciate your stand on accepting ourselves. Kudos to you ! Please know we support you.

  111. Regina says:

    Your video is super inspirational! I am so happy to finally see a trainer approach the issues of body shaming! You are awesome, beautiful, and motivational to all!

  112. Shelly Davis says:

    You have a gorgeous body Cassey!!! Don’t listen to people that are insecure, envious, or just plain mean. We have got to learn to love everyone and all our differences. Or at least except one another/
    God bless and peace šŸ™‚

  113. Ben says:

    Never heard of you. Probably won’t look into you too much after I leave this page. May forget who you are completely.

    I literally yelled at my screen at the “belly fat and love handles” comment because what the hell are they talking about? You look great.

  114. Lauren says:

    Cassey, I don’t usually follow Facebook or blogs but when I noticed your video, I had to watch. It’s encouraging! I think you’re absolutely beautiful and I’m thankful you continue to persevere and strive to be a healthy role model instead of succumb to what the world views as “perfect.” Muscle is sexier than skin and bones!

  115. Chrisi says:

    Cassie you’re so brave and your body image video made me cry. I’ve been watching your videos for years and I think you’re beautiful inside and out! <3

  116. Erin says:

    Just thought I’d let you now you are the top trend on my Facebook! That is so cool!!

  117. Tracey says:

    You look wonderful just the way you are. Anyone who would say you’re even REMOTELY overweight or anything of the sort should have their heads examined. I am 20 years older than you and let me tell you that as you get older, you will not give a hoot what the losers of this world think of you. Rock on!

  118. Coco says:

    Amazing video. You really make the point so well. I’m so sorry that people attack you. I’m sure you know it says more about them and basically nothing about you, but I know that’s easier to say than internalize. Sadly, some women to try to “photoshop” themselves by working out excessively and/or having lots of plastic surgery. .

  119. Manon says:

    Hi Cassy,

    Every day I look on and I just want to say that you look gorgeous! You are so fit and motivating!

    There’s a lot of courage need to make this little movie, and it’s hard but the truth. People are always judging, and I hate that. I guess they’re just jealous on you’re beautiful personality.

    You look gorgeous and keep up the good work!


  120. mary says:

    Hi, i just watched this video and also What I think about Fat Shaming & Body Image Disorders and i just don’t get those people who say that you are fat and i totally agree with you that we should stop body shaming. And i also was bullied at school (not because i was fat, but because i was too thin and weird) and i really hate how i looked and watching me in the mirror was suffering for me but now thanks to you and your videos i learn to like the way i look and i am really grateful for what you are doing.

  121. Estelle says:

    They talk about your video on the Belgian news! You are a true inspiration for a lot of people. Thank you for the joy and positiveness you bring into this world!

    Here is the link of the article :

  122. Ashley says:

    Hi Cassey!

    I’ve been following you for more than a year and a half now and I want to thank you for all you do for us, your Popsters! You give us a daily dose of motivation, optimism, energy, good mood, laugh… all we need to be happy, healthy and in good shape! So, thank you very much for changing my eating and sports habits for the better! I’ve never been more proud of my body thanks to you! Never forget that you are beautiful inside and outside! I just ordered your book and I can’t wait to read it!
    By the way, my mother tongue is French (I’m Belgian) and here’s an article about you that I saw on the website of a French newspaper! Your ‘Perfect Body’ video is their ‘video of the day’. I can translate the article for you if you want šŸ˜‰

  123. marjorie says:

    3 words Cassey—> I Love You!!!!!

  124. Marina says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I just watched the video- what a strong message!
    Keep up the good work & power to you!
    *sharing video*

  125. Tina says:

    I have watched and loved your videos for a long time and I have always considered your body to be perfect. You have been a role model for me. But not because of your body. You have been an inspiration to me because of your positive attitude, your strength, your smile and the fact that you love what you’re doing. After this video you have grown even more in my eyes. For standing up against these ideals and all the net haters. Don’t ever change!

  126. Victoria says:

    Cassey, your video was featured on the Philip Defranco show, and he has a wealth of positive things to say about you and your message!

  127. Hayley R says:

    Honestly, body image and taking a healthy stance on how to treat your body right are being made better and more prevalent in the world because of people like you. Thank you so much for making this video Cassey and don’t ever let the negativity bring you down; you are inspiring more people than you know. Me and my roommate included šŸ™‚

  128. Mat says:

    You are INSANELY hot!!! Who cares what all those worthless haters think?! Ugh some people should just shut up and die. Keep up the good work you sexy ass šŸ™‚

  129. Sarah says:

    Thank you! I love running, but not too long ago I started questioning my weight and being hard on my self. I thought perhaps I was too fat to be a runner. I think hearing negative thoughts from others is hard, but sitting there thinking and staring into the mirror wondering and deciding if they’re true makes it worse. This video convinced me to stop worrying and punishing my self for what I’m not and start appreciating what I am. I’m strong.

  130. Leah says:

    you are so beautiful and perfect just the way you are! One of my biggest inspirations! Keep doing you girl!

  131. Rorybore says:

    I wonder if there will ever come a day when discussions about women, will no longer be centered on our physical bodies. When our worth will not be determined based on a superficial external ideal. It’s so easy to unleash hatred and vile from behind the safety of a computer screen. But that kind of behaviour says more about THEM, than it does about you.
    I LOVE doing your Pilates work outs! They’ve made a huge difference in my life. Not just the physical transformation that is occurring, but I feel stronger! I feel in touch with my body (after having 3 children) once more! I feel like the battle of self worth and self image is Over; and my body and I are friends are again. And YOU did that! So thank you! For being beautiful just as you are. For being strong; and showing us how to be also. And for being brave. xx

  132. Cynthia says:

    Dear a important webpage from Brazil posted your video and your drama with these mean people. Your body is perfect and I believe in health without pain and hunger. So it’s traveling all around the world and your message will arrive to girls who want to start and maintenance a great health! Good luck! Hugs from Brazil!

  133. Makenna Fross says:

    I would change to be more like you! I can tell you do this to feel good inside and out. Not to look like what the world is saying should be perfect. But what makes you feel good about your body!!! And you share that with the world!!! and I thank you so much for that!!!

  134. Helen says:

    Cassey, I’ve been following you and your workouts for the last 5 years, and you’ve been such a great inspiration and motivation! You are persistent, optimistic, and energetic. You are such a hard worker. I guess everyone has body issues at one point and it can get hard, especially for someone in the spotlight like you. But you’ve inspired so many people to stay positive about ourselves, how we feel and how we look. You are REAL and you stay true to yourself. We’re all supporting you. Stay amazing Cassey!

  135. Dick Richardson says:

    Fitness is for everyone, height, body type, etc. Look at all the different Olympic athletes. You keep going. Good job.

  136. Kirstie says:

    every time I watch this video I get tears in my eyes.
    YOU are making such a difference Cassey!
    You’re right! What if we could change our bodies?
    Would that actually make the haters back off? Would that actually make us happy?
    You are beautiful Cassey! It’s SO true; what is on the inside is what actually matters.
    What if people saw us for what was on the inside instead of our physical bodies?
    I’m sure many people would look different but you Cassey, you would look beautiful still!!
    I love you! PROUD POPSTER right here!

  137. Ashley says:

    I love his video. Thanks so much for posting and keep being te asmazng person you are

  138. David says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I love that you have addressed this in such a powerful way. You are inspiring so many people!

    It is natural to get people attacking you the more you show yourself (both inside and out). It is the path of vulnerability that everyone walks and yet those in the public eye have deeper mud to wade through.

    To a lesser extent , I have walked this path myself in the past couple of years, I have shared very personal things publicly to free myself of the burden of secrets and also to help others who may have gone through something similar. What I have found is that the more I share the more I am becoming bulletproof from criticism.
    Although, you have been developing a thick skin, there is something that could free you completely of the pain of it: that is to give people permission to hate you, permission to think you are ugly, permission to say terrible things. If you can do that with an open heart, it won’t matter what anyone says, you will be able to be true to yourself no matter what.

    The more you are criticised, the greater the stand you are taking and the more people you are helping.

    In fact, if you aren’t being cricitised much you aren’t doing enough!

    Keep being bold, keep being you.

    Thank you Cassey.

    You are inspiring me now too!

    Love David

  139. Alexis Borrero says:

    Hi Cassey! How about you make some videos dedicated to yoga poses!? I think that would be something new for all of us to do šŸ™‚ I am no where near my body goal, but I follow the monthly calendars, and I think it would be a cool little addition šŸ™‚ Like maybe what some of the poses mean, what moves target muscles specifically for those poses, and things like like that šŸ™‚ I think it would be great!!

  140. Kelly says:

    Thank you for making and sharing this video. You are absolutely beautiful, inside & out. I have never read your blog before today, but I will make sure to share it from now on. Thank you for loving yourself and sharing the message that no one is perfect, our beauty is in our differences and flaws.

  141. Tatiana says:

    Hola Cassey, te escribo en espaƱol porque el inglƩs no lo escribo bien.
    Pero queria que sepas que soy una de tus muchisimas seguidoras, me gustan tus videos , aunque estan en inglƩs y no los entiendo muy bien.
    he buscado en muchas partes y he visitado muchas paginas, pero ninguno tiene tu carisma y alegria.
    tienes un cuerpo muy bonito y te envidio, me gustaria verme como tu.
    Felicidades y que sigas adelante.
    todos tus seguidores no podemos estar equivocados.
    Saludos desde EspaƱa

  142. Alli says:

    Thank you for being you. It’s really refreshing to find a blog of a fitness coach who looks healthy instead of anorexic, photoshopped, or is just pure muscle. I actually stumbled upon this in a body shaming post on Facebook and can’t see why anyone would call you fat. Definitely following and will be using your workouts and recipes in my adventure to get healthy this summer. Please keep being you!

  143. Ana says:

    This almost made me cry, in part because of the music, and also because of the image certain people have on women. Women are beautiful in their own way, no one and I mean No One is flawless. The media creates such an artificial image of women that not even the actual model looks like that in real life. We all should take a stand and believe in natural beauty. Those who are first to judge and criticize are those that are most uncomfortable in their own skin, which is a shameful truth.

  144. Beth says:

    I admit that I felt you were being overly sensitive about the negative comments people made about you. From my perspective, the amount of negative comments is so statistically insignificant to the amount of positive feedback. I am sure that at least half of those negative comments are from adolescent boys with nothing better to do than troll the internet… However, it is sad that women tear other women down. Sometimes it seems like the battle for gender equality has no end in sight when even members of our own “team” contribute to it.

    I just witnessed what you have been referring to and am so upset about what was said that I can’t put it into words. What I can say is that you bare your vulnerable side to us–for the whole world to see– and it is beautiful. I’ve never made a comment like this before, but I wanted you to know that you are fighting a battle that most women, myself included, don’t even know how to begin fighting. I appreciate you for that. I respect you for staying classy and taking the high road with these negative people. Keep channeling your inner Jackie O!

  145. R says:

    Ms Cassy Ho
    People have to much hate In them and need to find God and peace in them selfs. I never knew you out side the news story But watched your video. You are beautiful as you are. People don’t know how brainwashed they are from TV. You have great legs sorry had to lol. Peace and God bless you

  146. Abby says:

    Thank you for an inspiring and beautiful video. I’m so sorry that, even with all you accomplished, the comments still hurt- that’s a testament to how much value we’ve placed on the “perfection” of women’s bodies. I’m very glad we have people like you who help us to be healthy- both in body and spirit!

  147. Helen Thomas says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I watched your video and I cannot believe those people saying such things. Your body is great and natural, a standard that real people can aspire to, not the barbie doll proportions that some parts of society would have us believe are what’s normal.

    I hope you can remember the good comments and let them make you smile when the bad ones try to bring you down

  148. Viviane says:

    People have different body shapes. I’ve always been bottom-heavy. Luckily for my self-esteem, I used to work as an art model. Body types are less important than the ability to hold a pose and the imagination to come up with variety of poses that can inspire artists.

  149. jennifer says:

    Love this, Cassey!

    Beautiful video; beautiful message!

  150. Jennifer says:

    Casey I love your blog but when I saw the picture you posted the other day with your “prefect body” I was scared. If that is what you considered a “prefect body” I was out. That picture made you look unhealthy. You were an fitness inspiration for me but you caused me to doubt you. Now that I realized what you were doing you are a total inspiration for me. I was very moved.

  151. Jen says:

    Funny, before i watched the video, I thought the landing image was you after your “transformation” into perfect. I can’t image you looking into the mirror and questioning.

  152. Jody says:

    This is so powerful and such an important message. Thank you for sharing. Please don’t let bullies get you down. What they think and say has no bearing on who you are. You are strong and beautiful.

  153. Audge says:

    Cassey, you video had me in tears. It is sad that people hide behind online profiles to shame others. Your approach to teaching a healthy lifestyle have always been an inspiration to me. Thank you for being you and sharing your knowledge and expertise the way you do! DON’T CHANGE A THING!!!!!

  154. fairycharms says:

    Just watched your video about body shaming on Huff Post. You are beautiful and perfect exactly as you are. Thanks for the video putting a spotlight on how harmful cyber bullies are and your brave and insightful response to them. Keep doing what you do knowing that people who support you far outweigh people who want to drag you down to their level.

  155. Claire says:

    Cassey, you’re such an inspiration to me! You’re so upbeat and I love watching Blogilates because I know you’re feeling the exercises too. I know and can tell that you’re working just as hard as I am and that’s why Blogilates is so great. You’re not like those trainers who barely break a sweat during their own workout videos and make me feel like I could never achieve what they have. You’re beautiful, strong, and life-affirming in your workouts and you’re the most real, most inspiring trainer out there!

  156. Joni says:

    I love you Cassie!
    I work out with you every morning and it’s my favorite part of the day
    Sometimes I yell and swear at you through my computer, but I don’t mean it, it just hurts so good
    Thank you for all you do, you’re awesome
    And my butt thanks you too

  157. Kim says:

    I saw an article about you on HuffPost, and I just wanted to say you have a beautiful, perfect body. I think it is really powerful the message you are putting out there, it really has the ability to challenge perceptions and inspire women. You need not feel hurt about negative comments, you clearly work hard to stay in such great shape. I myself do triathlon, and having just started this year I am still working a bit on my fitness and shape – your stomach is what I’m aiming for in the next few months. Keep up the great work! šŸ™‚

    1. Kim says:

      I also forgot to say that I might not have a perfectly ‘flat’ stomach, there is a little bit of fat on there but I am proud of my body and really confident because I know I am healthy and strong. If i get more toned like you then all the better but I feel fine not being ‘perfect.’ I feel perfect like this.

  158. Debbie says:

    It’s sad that people feel the need to attack someone like that. I loved your body better before the photoshop. You are amazing and inspiring. Never let their doubts in, ladies. As long as we are healthy and happy!

  159. Debbie Beckemeyer says:

    I just saw your video and heard about the negative comments that were posted. Everyone’s body is so different. Being healthy and feeling better about yourself doesn’t mean you need to look like a body builder. Or that you need to overhaul your body to look more like what others think you should look like. Your up beat way seems great and you are doing a great job helping others. Take any rude comments with a grain of salt. That person only wants to complain about things. As far as the majority of your followers can see, you are adorable and they look forward to seeing you as often as possible.

  160. Jenny says:

    this was the most impressive and inspiring video I saw during the last weeks.
    Thanks for this. You’re absolutely right.

  161. Laura says:

    Your most recent video brought me to tears. There are others that have too, but more for the burning in my butt than awe at something so beautiful. Please continue to be a spokeswoman for change, for real, achievable goals. I see myself much more positively than I did before your videos, and as a teacher and previous student in media am all too aware of the pressures technology helps us put on ourselves. People need to see that the Internet isnt a nameless, faceless forum but that is has power and is as much a part of our lives as we are- for good, or bad. As much as people would say this is about you, how you look, how you train. But it’s not- it’s about them and their own search for positive. Keep on keepin’ on. You inspire me!

  162. Helen says:

    Cassey, you are perfect. Don’t let those negative people get you down. They just want to get you down to where they are. I love you, Cassey~!!! xoxo

  163. stephanie says:

    Casey, you are fantastic, inspiring and beautiful.. i begrudge anyone that comments anything different to ruin self-esteem and confidence.. you are an idol for so many people, in particularly women, showcasing the respect you need to give your body and mind for a healthy way of life… and you represent this realistically which i admire. You are gorgeous, i will always use you for inspiration! x

  164. Hannah says:

    Cassey, your videos has made me view my own body positively for the first time in 20+ years. I learned to appreciate my body for what it can do, and realized that that is a lot more impressive than what it looks like (flat stomach or pooch, it doesn’t matter). I’ve gotten physically stronger thanks to you, and you’ve helped me realize what’s important. THANK YOU and don’t let the bastards grind you down. The haters are wrong, you look great, but that is only a tiny fraction of what makes you awesome.

  165. Cassie says:

    This was so powerful Cassey, thank you for speaking up. You’re awesome…never stop doing what you do!

  166. Kiruthika says:

    Cassey! You have brought about a positive change in the lives of so many! You have been a constant source of inspiration! POPsters love you the way you are! Don’t let the negative comments get to you. There are so many more of us who have your back!
    With Love from India,

  167. Brittany says:

    It’s disheartening that there are people in this world who delight in spreading hate, but I love your response to it. I love that you try to help others become healthy and to be joyful, and that you encourage people to accept and love their own bodies, no matter what the scale reads or what others say about them.

    I’m in my mid-twenties and until I found your videos, I have never enjoyed exercising in my life. A month ago I found your videos and now I find myself excited to workout each day. You bring such a contagious positive energy to everything that you do. You are a huge inspiration to me and to so many countless others, and I believe you’re beautiful inside and out! Thank you for your authenticity and for all that you do!

  168. Thumbs up, girl. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate and caring about your fitness, and your presentation. But perfection doesn’t exist. It’s so sad that most of the people that have such hateful things to say about you aren’t doing anything to help anyone, or put themselves out there. I applaud you for stepping forward, living and working your passion, and calling this gross problem. People also need to learn that they shouldn’t be typing anything they wouldn’t be as brave to say to someone’s face.

    REAL PEOPLE live behind honest bloggers and most social media profiles. Being nice goes much farther than being mean. Believe me, I’ve been both during the course of my life. I’ve also learned that any time you start becoming more successful than others, haters will come out of the woodwork. If no one is talking about you, you’re not worth talking about. So take it as a compliment. šŸ˜‰

    Cheers and keeping moving forward!

  169. Lisa says:

    As a mother of two girls (who love to do your videos with me and sample your recipes) and a teacher, I have been concerned about body image for a long time. I find myself tearing off magazine covers of models who are too unrealistically skinny so my girls don’t see them. I know I can’t really protect them from what they see and hear out there, but I do worry. My own girls know that if they call themselves fat or say something negative about their bodies that I will become very upset- hopefully they are learning to love themselves and take care of themselves in a healthy, happy way. I sometimes hear my elementary-aged students complain about their bodies or say something about someone else’s body; this is alarming and I try to pull them aside and have a real conversation about it. Thank you for what you are doing every day to inspire not only young girls and women but 40-something moms like me!

  170. Judy says:

    Cassie you are a true inspiration and role model for thousands of people. I just started training with you 3 months ago but you have transformed exercise from a hated chore into an empowering habit and lifestyle shift. And that is because of the encouraging, inspiring, and positive energy you exude in all of your videos. Your mantra of “being better than you were yesterday” really struck a chord with me and reminded me that the goal is never about looking like someone else or fulfilling someone else’s standard – it’s about being the best version of me I can be and building my strength. I am so encouraged to see my progress and what my body can now do instead of thinking about how much weight I wanted to lose.

    I think it’s hard not to struggle with body image issues but I truly think your videos help combat it with your consistent positive messages. You show us that there isn’t one standard image of strength and fitness.

    Never forget how wonderful and loved you are. Don’t let the trolls take away your happiness. They are mostly dealing with their own issues and insecurities and don’t know how to deal with those emotions in a positive or productive way. Instead they choose to project their negativity and lash out at you. Try to remember that nothing they say is truly personal or a reflection of you, but rather a symptom of their own problems. You are so strong and successful and loved and I think that is what they really want and are envious of.

    You are beautiful and inspiring and you have the full support of all your blogilates students. We all love and value you so much. You remind us every day the meaning of true strength. Don’t let the trolls get you down and try to remember that the ugly words they say are directed mostly at themselves. Keep being an amazing person and hold your head up high.

  171. Oh Cassy,

    It’s funny because I found you about a month ago on youtube and have been loving your pilates videos. I personally only noticed how strong you were and how sweet and energetic, and all the criticisms are just utter nonsense. You videos keep me coming back everyday and you’ve ruined me for any other instructor, so please keep up the good work. Like I tell my daughters, it’s not the outward appearance that’s important, it’s what’s in your heart. šŸ™‚

  172. Carol says:

    I have told so many people about your website because of how incredible of a job you do putting together videos/workout routines. Thank you for helping me continue to go on my journey of a healthy lifestyle.

  173. Ana Nino says:


    I love working out to your videos because you kill me! And it’s always fun too. Every one is different and this diversity is BEAUTIFUL. Despite the standards our society tries to push on us. You are an inspiration to all of us. Keep strong because we need more positive role models like you- We love you!

    -Ana Patricia

  174. Julieke says:

    You made it on the Daily Mail šŸ˜‰

  175. Adtee says:


    You are an incredible human being who spends most (if not all) of her time making others feel good about themselves. It must really hurt to have people criticize and ridicule you, when you are doing your best to make them feel good. I feel like you are really an inspiration, because you don’t make apologies for the way you look. You’ve got a VERY HEALTHY BODY. There is NOTHING wrong with the way you look, and you are clearly taking care of yourself inside and out.
    I appreciate that you’ve made this video, but please do not let the “trolls” bring you down. You are super fabulous the way you are, and you are an inspiration to girls and guys everywhere!
    Keep on keepin’ on, and more importantly, KEEP BEING YOU! šŸ™‚

    Thanks for all that you do, Cassey!

  176. Liesel says:

    As a 17 year old who has conquered an eating disorder and strives every single day for optimal wellness, I want to say how much what you’re doing really means. It is so encouraging to have someone like you speaking up about these issues. Unfortunately, we all know the hardest voice to quiet is in our own minds…but through positivity and changing our thoughts anything can happen! Thank you for promoting this!

  177. Virginia says:

    Like everyone else who left you comments before me, I have nothing but respect and admiration towards you. In fact I am very thankful to came across your blog. You make exercise fun and more realistic especially when there are times when I can’t go to the gym because of work or travel. I hope one day I can thank you in person!

    You work hard on helping others to be healthy, happy with who they are and realistic with the body they are born with. Like any other normal girls, I struggled with body image wanting the perfect legs etc but at the end of the day comparing yourself with others ain’t taking me or anyone anywhere. I think we just need to work with the body we are given because there is no way I will ever look like a VS models (with 4′ 10 height yeah….never gonna happen).

    Unfortunately there are always people who’ll be jealous of other people’s success and will try to bring you down instead of doing something positive with themselves and be kind to others.

  178. Tara says:

    You’re an inspiration, you look amazing. Me and my husband think you are fantastic inside and out!

  179. aininarain says:

    Wow I need this apps in real life

  180. Rhae says:

    No need to say more than, i love you Cassy!

  181. brenda says:


    I love this video! I know i wrote in response on the app, but I really want to get this message out to you somehow.
    Just a day after you posted the “The perfect body” and pointed out the misleading dangers of photoshop, I see on the fitspiration forum alarming “thinspo” photos, where girls remark that this is what they want their body to be.

    You too pointed out that there were girls praising your photoshopped body.

    We have a beautiful community on the app, with so many beautiful hearts and souls who share their journey and who want to help others achieve their goals. We also have a lot of girls who are fighting eating disorders of all spectrums who are sharing their journey and looking to the community for support.

    And I’ve noticed there is a disturbing trend. I feel there are more and more young girls who use other people’s before and after not for their own inspiration, but just to gain likes for their own sake.

    This just seems like a list of grievances, but here’s the thing: You are rallying us to help others love their bodies, and the movement comes from the popster community. But we need to fix the popster community too. I feel like girls are posting incredibly unrealistic, dangerous images on there. I’ve seen girls post a diet plan where they slowly go to less than 900 calories a day. Popsters who try to help try not to accuse anyone of an eating disorder, but they recognize so many signs that suggest it. These caring women are treated with hostility, accused of body shaming or being told “it’s my body and i can do what i want with it.” This can in turn can repel some good people away from the community.

    What I’m saying is: there is an unhealthy image obsession in the popster community itself. We need to help ourselves in order to help change the minds of others.

    I know I may get flack for this, and I may be accused of “body shaming”, but I want to open a discussion for something to get done. I feel like more girls are coming to the app now to indulge in these unhealthy images, rather than to foster a healthy mind, spirit, and body.

    I feel like I’m rambling, but its disturbing.

    1. brenda says:

      I want to go deeper and say this isn’t an isolated incident to happen on a social media site. I recalled Pinterest had an incredibly similar problem. It’s not body shaming, but they want to prevent people from indulging in a lifestlye that could harm them on so many levels.

      It’s been a prevalent problem, but we need to help ourselves if we want to change the world.

    2. katrina says:

      I agree with this. Unfortunately, I also feel like people who would use Casseys unrealistic “perfect ” body as their inspiration, instead of realize how a healthy and happy body is ideal, already have such a warped perception of body image, they will never ” get it”.
      If people use Casseys video as some kind of thinspo, they do need help… and I know, because I have had that warped body image before.
      It took over 10 years to learn what really makes a beautiful body, and it’s not being skinny and tanned enough to flaunt it on whatever social media you choose… it’s recognizing LIFE is beautiful, and portraying that in how you care for and honour yourself.

  182. Renuka says:

    Hey Cassey ,
    You are amazing love you .I request you not to care about the people who blame you .YOU ARE AMAZING

  183. Renuka says:

    Hey Cassey ,
    You are amazing love you

  184. Renuka says:

    Hey Cassey ,
    You are amazing

  185. Tonie says:

    every person at one point or another will get treatment like this,,, i remember growing up and hearing people say to me that — too bad she’s kinda fat, cause she’s pretty— i would cry and blame myself for eating…. now that im older, honestly i don’t even care anymore. what’s important is that i work out and im healthy and i love my body. i follow your calendars, and i love ’em, also your recipes are soooo good.
    our society is in great need of evaluation of our perspective on beauty and health. we do not even have realistic goals anymore.

  186. Mayra says:


    Thank you for standing up to this struggle for girls and women everwhere. Each day, not only women, but all persons of this world, whether we like it or not, are exposed to what we “should” or “shouldn’t” look like.

    In this past year we have seen a “fitness trend” where so many people want to be “fit” and “healthy” all to “look” a certain way not realizing what it really means to be “fit and healthy”…. We have seen them defining beauty as this ONE thing….. instead of seeing the beauty in every person…

    I really appreciate that in every video I have seen you do, you always stress the importance of fitness and food being used as a tool to find happiness, healthiness, and strength. You always describe healthy as happy, strong, and balanced, and I applaud you for that.

  187. One of your Older Popsters says:

    I have seen some of those unfortunate videos. I absolutely applaud that you are your natural, beautiful self. I think you’re a wonderful inspiration for young people. My daughter (she’s 10) also enjoys your videos, and I trust that you are a positive influence regarding health, self-esteem and also your entrepreneurial spirit. I believe you genuinely do care about your Popsters. Keep your poise and charm, and don’t worry about those videos and comments. They are not going to get anywhere in life by tearing you down. You’re a special lady-a success and inspiration!

  188. Arline says:

    Wow, I can’t believe people can be do cruel! Cassey, you’re doing an AMAZING job! You inspire me to push through and become healthier:). Don’t stop what you do because it is a blessing to many of us! People who attack other people for doing well are just miserable with their own lives and so they have to find a way to down someone else. Us Popsters have your back girlie:).

  189. Kalisto says:

    Hello Cassy

    You are funny sweet and beautiful I am sorry people are so obnoxious

  190. Minu Casoni says:

    Dear Cassey,

    This video is truly inspiring. We all have to deal with body shaming, however, I truly admire your positivity in the face of such a degree of superficiality and hate. Please keep smiling and loving what you do and try not to let those comments get to you! I know sometimes it may seem like everyone thinks you’re not good enough but in reality the only person that counts is yourself and what YOU think. You have taught me that!! There is no such thing as a perfect body, it only comes when we feel truly comfortable in our own skin. I wanted to thank you for putting so much effort in all of your videos and workouts for us, for keeping up with your positivity and constant energy. I love working out with you because it isn’t a mechanical, systematic experience – we get to know you in your highs and lows and that is truly special. So keep going! There are way more people who think like me than haters!!

    <3 <3 <3 Minu

  191. I’m sorry people have bashed you online. I think you are wonderful and watching your videos has been fun, hard, sweaty, and enjoyable. You’ve grown so much since your first videos and your confidence is beautiful. Know that you inspire your followers with every decision, video, and post you make. We are all so proud of you! <3

  192. Eve says:

    Cassey I hope you are reading these comments because there are so many wonderful things so many people have to say about you. This video almost made me cry. I am that girl, and I think so many girls are. For so much of my life I have always focused on what I didn’t like about my body. I would look at pictures of girls at my school and think, “if only I had her legs, or her butt. . . I’d be happy.” Every time I looked in the mirror I would notice everything I didn’t like, and change my position or lean forward or go on my heels to alter the reflection I saw in order to be pleased with what I saw. I’ve tried a few times to work out regularly and really get a lifestyle change in order to be proud of what I do for my body every day. Every time, after about (maybe even) a week, I’d stop because I didn’t think I was ever going to see what I wanted. About a week ago, I happened upon one of your videos. I thought hey, why not try. Right away I was taken by your smile and your enthusiasm for everything you did. You looked so happy, healthy, and strong. And I thought to myself, that’s exactly what I want people (and especially myself) to see when they look at me. Right away I bought your beginners workout calendar, as I have never tried Pilates before. I just finished day 5, and I literally cannot believe the difference. I feel my muscles working all the time. I feel so strong. When I look in the mirror, I think, if I look this strong now, I will only love myself more and more. Every video I watch, I feel like I’m working out with my best friend because you make me feel so confident and at ease about something that can sometimes seem very intimidating. I already know onceI finish this calendar I will just continue to do them month after month. I can’t believe I am feeling good about myself, and I thank YOU for your inspiration. I haven’t felt this good in a long time, and I don’t want you to think for a second that you are anything less than an inspiration to SO many people. Thank you for being you, Cassey šŸ™‚

  193. Adrian Lynn says:

    The truth is, you are real Cassey, you show us we can make changes when we are ready to and when we work hard. I know I don’t need to look like a Barbie doll to be beautiful. Your workouts work best for me because they are challenging, but most importantly, healthy and doable! You have been my inspiration for a very long time. I believe we all have days where we feel gross or hate the way we look in a mirror, but in the end you have to love who you are! To those who bash or criticize you, I say give it up already! If you don’t want to follow the blog that’s the beauty of a blog…don’t follow it! Honestly, I feel bad for them. They are morally messed up and having nothing better to do. Don’t worry your pretty little heart Cassey, you rock and just remember there will always be haters! Thank you for sharing such an inspiring video, makes me love me for me just a little bit more! šŸ˜‰

  194. Will says:

    Wow I almost cried…
    Cassey I just want to start of with saying that you’re really not fat in any way and you look absolutely amazing! These body images are sick nowadays and I’m so sad that everybody has to hate on each other and themselves just because of their bodies.
    I was talking to my sister the other day, who’s 13 years old, and she’s been at the school sister a lot lately to get her length and weight checked because they’re not synced the way they should be. She weights to little, and they’ve told her she has to try to gain a little more weight. She’s always been skinny and I’ve always had a little more flesh on my body (though I’ve never been fat), but when we stood next to each other in front of the mirror she told me she wished her stomach was flatter. And she’s really skinny so i really didn’t understand why and i told her, ‘I workout!’ of course I have abs, I’ve worked for them.
    But to come tony point. The sick thing is that she’s really scared of getting fat, and she’s really not, and she’s not gonna be fat because she weights to little and has to eat more! I tell her all the time and she always complain when i tell her she has to eat something when she gets home from school, she just takes a glass of juice and can’t even eat a fruit!? You are not supposed to worrie about getting fat when you are 13!
    The other thing is (and I feel like this comment got a little complicated and I’m sorry if I sound weird) that I’m really worried about the view kids have on bodies these days. We were looking trough a magazine and there were a page with models that didn’t have super skinny legs and that actually had some fat on their bodies, but they really weren’t fat! They just looked like most women do. And she told me “These clothes are really cute, but why are the models so fat?” And I almost got mad at her. I mean, if she thought that was fat then I’m really worried.
    She doesn’t think she’s skinny but she’s underweight??

    We really have to change this, its getting sick

    Thank you Cassey for being such a great role model
    Much Love XX

  195. Jenn says:

    Firstly, you are truly inspirational… and I know… lots of people have already commented saying this but believe me; it’s true. You have changed the lives of so many people around the whole globe. I absolutely love trying your new recipes, and your videos have helped me learn to love my body and learn that the ‘perfect’ body is not just about addressing the stereotypes but about growing into a stronger person from the inside out.
    Again, thank you. Don’t let any horrible, mean comments bring you down. The whole Blogilates community is here to support you šŸ™‚

  196. Annika B. says:

    Come on, there are so much more people you helped, who admire and love you, who got so much more self-confidence and a healthier life because they’re doing your exercises and who became sad when they saw this video than haters, so there’s no reason to listen to the haters, just keep on doing your great work šŸ™‚

  197. Alex says:

    Cassey thank you for being the beautiful, intelligent and generous person that you are. You have helped so many of us change our bodies and the way we feel about them. You have the type of beauty that shines from the inside, and you are a bright light. Thank you!

  198. Kiawna Brinson says:

    Back in February of this year I happened to just stumble across your YouTube videos and I have been hooked ever since! Not only are the workouts hardcore and amazing but, so are you. You are inspiring and have so much positive energy. You help me in more ways than you know. To answer your question about having the perfect body would people be happy? I don’t believe so. People are always going to have something to say. Whether it’s from jealousy, ignorance or to simply complain. We just need to focus on what we’ve been called to do. I feel your pain though. Often times people in the business of caring for others often need to be cared for the most. I deal with countless personalities in my profession. So I sympathize with you. Continue to shine and be strong. Praying for you!

  199. Hannah says:

    Prayers for strength and to know and feel the love we ALL have for you. I cannot even imagine reading comments from people that are ao hurtful… I pray that you surround yourself with truth and love from people who really care about you. You are THE most inspirational person I have ever met!

  200. Nour says:

    Dear Cassey,
    Your videos changed my and my sisters life. We have always had low self-estime until we found you. we always train together now with you. we have a great time, and more confidence thanks to you. keep your head high because you’re a true inspiration to all of us. We love you Cassey!!

  201. HĆ©lĆØne says:

    Wow, thi video left me speachless for a while! I know it’s easy to say, but just don’t pay attention to those hurtful comments. I started following Blogilates because I like the way you make us work…but also because you look as a healthy person, not like some nearly cadaverous instructors. You look beautiful, as well as on the inside as on the outside. Stay as you are, head up!!!! šŸ˜‰

  202. Kellie Havlin says:

    When I first saw the ‘Perfect Body’ email, I was REALLY turned off. What drew me to Blogilates was/is the fresh, natural appearance of YOU, Cassey. It is refreshing knowing that not all fitness instructors need to look like they are competing for a fitness competition. So, when I finally did review your post about your ‘Perfect Body’ and short video, I was glad, relieved and happy to know that it wasn’t ‘really’ you after all the cut and paste. Thank you for being YOU!

  203. Elizabeth Miller says:

    Cassey! You are a fitness inspiration! I’ve lost around 10 pounds since I’ve started your fitness program, and I feel better than I have in years. Keep our head up, you’re motivating, incredible, and positively radiant!

  204. Ashley says:


    Trollers will always troll and haters will always hate. It’s so easy for them to get away with the stuff they do. And you’re absolutely right; it needs to end. Believe me Cassey, you are making a difference! You are so positive and so upbeat, that us Popsters can’t help but take in that positive energy!
    The thing I love about you most? You are NOT a skinny mini Barbie doll, you are healthy and toned and gorgeous!
    Keep your head held high girlfriend! You’re helping ALL of us achieve our goals just by being YOU!

  205. Summer says:

    You look beautiful! and you are a wonderful trainer

  206. Riccelen says:

    I’m so glad you show us you are human too, and that you break as we do. Sometimes I think you are perfection but this video makes me realize you teach us so much about how subjective perfection is. You are so strong, you have a healthy body and I admire that. You’re changing the world. You’re changing me, even in your struggle days. Keep being strong you beautiful Cassie!

  207. Brittany says:

    You are brave and inspiring, Cassey. I adore you and your videos. You and I are similar in age, and you have already accomplished so many of the goals that I am working towards! In addition to being fit and healthy, I am working towards graduating from college with honors in a few months, as well as attempting to publish my first book! Knowing that you have already done these things inspires me everyday while I work out with you! I look up to you as a great friend.

  208. Maria says:

    Your video touched me in so many ways. You are such an inspiration to me, to so many girls. I don’t have much to say that hasn’t been said by all these comments yet, but I’d like to thank you for being exactly who you are. I’ve been fighting an eating disorder for almost four years, and it makes me so hopeful to see you smiling in every video, in every workout. You were meant to be grand, Cassey, and you are. Don’t ever forget.

  209. Taylor says:

    Thank you for posting this. It is so true in the idea that no matter the changes we make to our body, we cannot please everyone. The craving and pressure to be thin has such devastating effects on people. A few years ago i was diagnosed with anorexia, and i truly believe the reason i lived is because i stopped looking at the victoria secret models as inspiration and started looking at you. You look healthy and fit where the models look to thin. They project an unrealistic image that women and girls have in their heads which i believe influences many eating disorders. You are truly such an amazing person for creating this video and and Blogilates in general, it is something that i love to do and always brightens my day. Thank you!

  210. Maria says:

    Hi Cassey, I don’t know where to begin.All of us are in tears right now. Sweetie, you are so beautiful. Not because of your body but because of who you are. You helped so many Popsters. Real people change their lives. Your reach goes farther than fitness. You inspire people. Back when you first started blogilates, you didn’t realize how big a difference you would make.

    You are a celebrity now. Whenever you become so big, I don’t why but certain people try to tear you down. I don’t know why they do that but they do that. Maybe its because of what you have. Maybe its because they will never be able to work as hard. I wish I could change them. I feel sorry for them, because they see flaws in everything even the most beautiful thing.

    Do you what it would be to live everyday like that? In my whole life, I have never met anyone more beautiful than you. You are so beautiful that you make other people feel beautiful no matter what their shape or size. No supermodel with the biggest boobs or butt will be able to that. You have something that they don’t have. Something that everyone wants. The biggest heart. Love you so much.

  211. Dana says:

    So inspiring. Thank you for sharing, Cassey. This is a message we all need to hear! The reason I love working out with you is because you are a REAL person. You don’t spend half your day in the gym or eat next to nothing every day. You live a real live, and your fitness routine reflects that. You are beautiful!

  212. Sabina says:

    Hey Cassie,
    Just wanted you to know that your videos are really motivating and inspire me to have a healthy and happy lifestlyle. I think that achieving those things is more important than looking fit or perfect. We live in a society so affected and influenced by images of the media that are completely unreal. Those people who judge you, should instead work on themselves, because i’m sure they’re not perfect either. Im really sorry you’re getting all this hate and negativity, but there’s also the people who are grateful and inspired by you, and we are more than the ones that don’t recognize your work! There will always be people who judge anyways, so don’t be bummed! We love you and thank you.


  213. Rose says:

    The most shocking thing to me was finding out that you used a body double. I thought that it was all fake, like photoshop for video’s. This skinny version of you looked extremely unhealthy and anorexic to me and I was so happy that it wasn’t real. And now I read your blog and find out that it was actually a real person! I feel so bad now for judging her šŸ™ I see quite a few comments out there saying that your “perfect version” is way to skinny, I feel so bad about that knowing she’s a real girl. I’m sorry Arika Sato, I shouldn’t have judged your body like that. I guess that just proves the point of the video doesn’t it… Eyeopener for me.

  214. MaryBeth says:

    This is such a touching video Cassey. Every day we fight a battle with the mirror. If only we could all just for one second just stop and see all the beauty that stares back at us and not see what society and people keep telling us is wrong with our bodies/looks. This video is an amazing example of what can happen when you put good out into the world! xoxoxo

  215. Lisa says:

    Hi Cassey!
    I really can’t understand these people who made the comments, you showed in your video! They are just jealous of you, your body, your purposefulness, your inspiring character, your beauty and your success!
    When I do one of your videos, I have so much fun, because your energy and your passion is really infectious!
    Please stay the way you are!!

  216. Christelle says:

    Hi Cassey! I’m new to blogilates and have been following you for two weeks now. I started doing workout with you because i liked the positive image and message you were sharing. And i remember i thought “that’s a body i would be glad to have and show around. Done! i’ll follow her as my trainer!”. I actually picked you because you didn’t have this 6pack and because you look more fabulous without it! I didn’t want to follow the workout of a skeletton girl, or a photoshopped look alike, or a bodybuilder with abs and too much muscles everywhere. No, i wanted to follow someone that respires health, positiveness, happiness and i found that strong personn was you. So please, you’re a true inspiration, don’t get touch by the hate comments, they are not worth it. Have a beautiful day Cassey!
    ps: sorry if i made mistakes in this post, actually following you from france

  217. Malou says:

    Cassey, you are so inspiring! You are so full of life, energy and motivates lots of girls all around the world. Unfortunately it is often the negative comments that return to you because some of us who really like you and your training think that someone else has given you the comment that we wanted to respons on your videoes. But never forget why you do this and how many lives you changes! You are making the world a better place to be for many women!
    This video shows how amazing, honest and strong you are! You really caught the feeling many girls have when the look at themselves in the mirror. Thank you. I almost cried.

    Keep on the good work and thank you again <3

  218. Lauren says:

    Literally loved this video,
    So inspirational to women, You have an awesome body cassey, and promote a healthy lifestyle!
    keep up the great work xo

  219. Danielle says:

    Hi Cassey! First of all, I’m so sad that you have to deal with so much negativity when you are such a positive person. Second, the “perfect” body video is very moving; this issue needs to be made clear to the public much more often. You look great and you are clearly dedicated and happy in your life, which is all that matters, regardless of what anyone says. Just so you know, your videos and advice have brought me so much joy and helped me to recover from an eating disorder, as well as opened my eyes to fitness. I am a completely clean eater not and have been for a few years. Once again, I’m sorry that you, someone so inspirational, has to go through so much negativity, but as Taylor Swift states in one of her songs, “people throw rocks at things that shine.” Thank you for everything you have done for me and millions of others. You and your attitude are one of a kind. ā¤ļø

  220. Erika Jayne says:

    I will never understand why people feel the need to be judgmental and hate on others, sometimes I wonder what the human race is coming to :/
    Try not to let horrid people get you down, youre a beautiful person INSIDE and OUT šŸ˜€

  221. Megan Jance says:

    Cassy Ho,

    you are incredible at what you do. Yes, you create badass workouts. Yes, you create insane and delicious workout calendars. Yes, you are super qualified and know what you are talking about. However, my favorite thing about you and that has kept me watching your videos and training with you for nearly two years is that you make it all FUN and not a vanity chore. I especially love how you tell stories during your videos. Your positive energy and sense of humor make me forget my outer thighs or abs or whatever are in serious pain.There are so many fitness instructors that keep themselves distant from those they are training; you make it personal and build a relationship through a computer screen which is so impressive; I can’t imagine training with you in person! (Which I’d love to do someday) You remind us to take care of ourselves for OURSELVES and not EVERYONE ELSE. And you do not make it a game of obsession which is NOT healthy. As in, how many calories did I just intake and how many crunches will I have to commit to to work it off? You remind me that I perform my best physically and mentally when I take care of myself and make me want to do so. And that it’s okay to look good! People find ways to shame you for being out of shape or too in shape. People project negativity to conceal their own internal issues. Your goals will never be compromised from any negative, misguided energy!

    Anyways, the video inspired me to say thank you. Your videos are one of the highlights of my day and help me stay out of my head. You are a WARRIOR inside and out.


    Megan Jance. One of your many fans.

  222. sexykate13 says:

    hey cassey

    i just want to say thank you for everything u make the best videos and i am 13 i only have a belly and i am trying to lose it and i started like last week and please keep making videos cause they are just amazing and its helps me a lot for my belly…and make booty videos to cause i am trying to get a booty and the video was inspiring i loved it and keep selling out some headphones beat or the watch lol keep it up and i really want the detox water bottel i love those thank u cassey for everything


  223. Izabella says:

    Cassey, I think you touch topics that are always so close to the heart of your followers. With or without realizing, you inspire and touch us all. This video brought me near tears because it is a representation of how grounded and real you are, how you’re not just an image separate from the the rest of us, but that you’re someone who is also criticized and hurt by others who don’t have a heart as big as yours. But it’s not only that. This video touches me deeply because I am a person constantly striving for perfection, seeking people’s approval, whether it be by excelling in academics or being fit. And everyday I find some imperfection, something that makes me less beautiful. But your videos, your messages are always what keep my spirits up inspire me to do better for ME, no one else. They teach me to ignore the ones who think they can judge me by appearance alone, without knowing who I am or what I’m capable of. Thank you for not only helping me stay beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well.

  224. Katie says:

    don’t listen to them Cassey! you know how much you inspire all of us, keep up the good work and don’t give up! you look amazing and you help us to be stronger, happier and more confident. thanks for being so vulnerable to make this video…

  225. Aum says:

    Oh Cassey! I’m so sorry that you have to deal with all this negativity from petty little people. Seriously, those people must be so unhappy with their own life if they act this way. Pathetic, I say. You are an inspirational, beautiful person who is great inspiration to us all. Please don’t get these sad, small-minded, immature idiots get to you. You are so much more than them. Please keep up with your wonderful (and contagious) positive attitude. You are much loved.

  226. val says:

    ..not to mention “thigh gap” = “lack of thigh muscles” and is So not attractive.

  227. val says:

    one of the main things I like so much about working out with Cassey (online) is that she is a real person. She isn’t standing there with her shirt off and crazy looking six (or 16!) pack and 0% fat. She’s a real person with a real life who’s enjoying herself fully. I Love that she promotes YOLO meals and has flatterring FOR EVERY BODY gear. If Cassey looked like the “after” body (which I know is a real person, but she is a model and lifestyle youtuber, not a workout fitness coach) I think I would be less inclined to do her workouts as the results would not be believeably achievable. Also, every single guy I know has said to me, too skinny is no good, and a little layer of fat is what’s desired in a woman. WOMAN. not prepubescent-looking Girl.

    1. Julie says:

      To even call a woman who looks like a “prepubescent-looking Girl” is also hurtful. It is another way of body shaming. Unless one is truly unhealthy, who is to say what is “too fat” or “too skinny”? Some women have extra fat on them, some have less fat on them. But all of them are women, no matter how they look on the outside.

  228. cathy says:

    That’s too bad for these folks because there are a lot more of us who are grateful for the work you do, and will continue to follow you…regardless of what you look like!



  229. Destiny says:

    Why did you delete my comment? I thought it was just as encouraging as the others. ??

  230. Nicole says:

    Hey Cassey,

    I used to get really bummed whenever I had a bad day at work. I’m a teacher and every once in a while a parent calls me complaining about something I did when every day I work my butt of trying to do what’s right for my students and setting the best example. Someone once told me “you can’t make everyone happy” Just focus on the ones you ARE helping and I’m sure that is WAY more than the ones that criticize you.

    PS Just got your book yesterday and can’t put it down. Only been a POPster for 11 days and I feel like I’m in it for the long haul. Thanks for everything

    1. Maria says:

      Hey Nicole,

      Your comment caught my eye because I’m a teacher, too, and sometimes the comments parents make can be so hurtful and insulting. They don’t realize we work our butts off to make their children better students and better people, that we live and die with every decision we make for our students, and that we’ve invested time, money, energy, and emotion on behalf of their children. It’s just amazing to me sometimes.

      When I feel bombarded by it, Cassey, I remember encouraging comments people have made about my teaching. Sometimes I get really loving emails and cards expressing gratitude for the work I’ve done. It really helps to re-read these periodically. That being said, I’ve noticed that the bad things are easier to believe (as Julia Roberts says in “Pretty Woman”). Keep in mind who your audience is. You should please yourself first (and your god, if you believe) and then your POPsters (that’s us!). My mom always told me, “Don’t let the turkeys just you down.” =) We love you, Cassey!


  231. Cindy says:

    Thank you for sharing this. As a pilates instructor myself, I feel I have to keep an image for my clients and audience. I have been criticized in not being in the best shape and how can i be teaching pilates? I love your enthusiasm and big heart. Don’t change.

  232. Sinia says:

    Cassey you are perfect in every way, and yes, you are very beautiful, but not only on the outside but also your personality!
    Don’t let the haters hurt you, you’re to strong for that! šŸ™‚
    watching your videos and following your blog made me like myself more and feel that I, and everyone around me, is exceptional in their own individual way!
    We all love you and care for you.

  233. Sarah says:

    Dear Cassey ~
    I love you and your videos so much! You have been inspiring me and pushing me to work out for three years now, and my life wouldn’t be the the same without all your hard work. You are strong, beautiful, and the best trainer a girl could ask for! Thank you so much for putting yourself out there, even if the internet can be a mean place. Love you!!!

  234. Marilyn says:

    I’m so glad the picture in your email wasn’t you. Thanks so much for your site and video’s. You’re such an inspiration and great coach!
    Love you just the way you are!

  235. Lily says:

    You are an inspiration to millions of people.
    You are so right. Let the haters hate, be stronger than that. I respect you. I love your training videos. (They are the only thing that keeps me going at this moment.)
    You are an incredible person and keep up the good work! It is your life, your body and your job. If they don’t think you’re doing a good job. Let them watch different videos!

    Love from the Netherlands!

  236. vivienne says:

    Hey Cassey!
    Don’t let these comments and hate videos bring you down, you have a supporting group of POPstars all across the globe. Your videos are inspiring and wonderful. LOVE YOU,

  237. Sunshine says:

    I just wanted to say that I think you look perfect just as you are. I’m a mother of five babies, two of whom were almost 10 lbs and because of your workouts I have a flat stomach and a healed diastisis rectii. I can fit your workouts in to my busy schedule and they are still very chalkenging even though I’ve been doing them for 16 months now. I’m back at my very slender pre pregnancy weight and you always give me positive energy to face my busy life. Please just ignore the hating jealous people and keep being your perfect self!

  238. Tayla says:

    It makes me so angry to hear all the mean things people say about you! I can’t believe they would ask how you can be a trainer if you’re fat! It’s hurtful to you and everyone else who is working towards having a body like yours (me included) and is a huge, massively big lie. So inconsiderate!
    I also saw some comments where people were saying how they’re thinner than you but eat more and more unhealthily than you as well as don’t train as much. Who cares?! Blogilates and becoming a POPster is not about being genetically skinny. It’s about being healthy, happy, fit, strong, confident and gorgeous inside and you are all of these things.
    My best friend is genetically skinnier than me and i often find myself jealous about how skinny her arms and legs are and how effortlessly all clothes fit her gorgeously but then I remember how much work I’ve put into my body and how healthy my insides are and it helps me remember to love it and that I’m proud of how far I’ve already come.
    Please don’t ever let those people pull you away from us POPsters! We need you desperately and love you endlessly and whenever times get tough we will be here for you just as any friends and family would be. Don’t let this rubbish get to you. I know it’s way easier said than done but let us help you through this difficult body shaming time the way you have helped us through our difficult body shaming times.
    Love you Cassey! <3

  239. SP says:

    I love that video! Cyber bullying and body shaming is atrocious and I think some people don’t really know how much it can hurt. I have to say that I discovered blogilates 3 years ago when my self esteem was rock bottom and I honestly thought I was too fat, too ugly too undeserving of everything (even the love of my family and friends). So I started working out with and it has changed me – my motivation changed from hating my chubby self and wanting to get rid of the fat to loving myself and working out to get stronger and feel better about myself. Don’t be discouraged by the haters because I love you, your attitude and your workouts as they are! You are the only fitness instructor I have seen that I can relate to, I know that I don’t really know you but I feel like I am working out with a friend everyday and that is THE BEST THING and the BEST MOTIVATOR. Stay strong and stay yourself because we all love you very much šŸ˜€

  240. Juno says:

    Hi Cassey!! That was a beautiful video! I know it must be really hard to see these people bringing you down for absolutely no reason…But know that there are a lot of people on your side. You’ve changed my life for way better, your videos are the only ones that keep me motivated to keep going, your happiness is contagious, your videos always bring me up when I’m feeling down…and I know that I’m not the only one. You’re great at what you do, you inspire so manny people and you change their lives! We all love you Cassey! <3

  241. Andrea says:

    We are all more than what we see in the mirror. You are perfect and no one absolutely no one has any right to make demands on your body or anyone else’s. We need to learn how to pick each other up and you strive to do that with all your hard work, you make the world a better place šŸ™‚
    Choose to stand tall and only change what YOU want to change, when you want to change it.
    It brought me to tears when you changed your eye colour.

  242. Vangie K. says:

    You have been such an inspiration in my life. Often, people who tear others down, do so to hide/justify their own insecurities. You are a beautiful, healthy, and strong person:)

  243. Conny says:

    Dear Cassey,

    thumbs up for a great video! I also came across a few youtube videos recently where people were talking crap about you. IĀ“ve been following this blog for a while and I think you are doing things right. You give good advice concerning diet and fitness, and – to me the most important thing – you make clear, the everybody is different at the end of the day. I really cannot understand the bullying around you.
    I am also following another blog from a trainer in the US and just yesterday a read a recent post about almost the same topic. Maybe you (or a few of your followers) have the time to read it. It may be eye opening to a few people…

    All the best from far away!

  244. Anna says:

    Hello Cassey! I just wanted to say that I am from Estonia and I respect you so much. Very powerful video and powerful message. Almost made my cry, because I realised that I react the same way to negative comments and it is completely normal, that you, too. Everyone does. It somehow reminds me of this video (notice the beautiful song in the video from Kerli, who is also Estonian btw). It is not important to have the the “ideal body type” as determined by our societiesā€™ current standard of beauty, but to be satisfied with your own body the way it is. Just know, that we love you Cassey and you are so beautiful the way you are! You do have the best body type of YOU, no matter what the bullies say. You are much more beautiful and stronger than you think. You are a true inspiration to all of us.

  245. Ga says:

    Everytime we watch your videos in home we talk about how strong, healthy and beautiful you look (and you are). We want to have the same love for our bodies that you show on your videos, not your body. We want to share your smile. If people focus on your body but not on your soul, we can only feel sorry about them.

    For us, you are an instructor of happiness. For us, you are much more than fitness.

    We love you, Cassey.

    Sorry about my english, I hope you can understand what I’m trying to say šŸ™‚

  246. Nadine says:

    You are perfect and beautiful inside and outside! Great video – I hope people will understand that everybody is special and beautiful in his/her own way. Keep up the great work – love you Cassey! Don’t let the haters take you down. Your great the way you are!

  247. Cixi says:

    Hi Cassey, I’m the French person who send a message this month. I’m really proud of yourself. You’re amzing, incredible, beautiful, and so strong. People are just jealous. You have a health lifestyle, a good career. Seriously your accomplish many things ! You’re writing, you’re traveling, you are doing what you like to do, I really admire you.
    Your body is health, no thigh gap, no problem, you’re so strong. Strong mind and strong body. Youre vidĆ©os are difficults for me sometimes but it’s a challenge to me and I want to like you.
    This photo shocked me, and people surround me are surprised (not good…). I think “why was she change ? For people ?”. Don’t change for someone, be you, just you. You inspire myself so much, don’t change for them. You are not fat, you’re really pretty. Don’t listen people who said you don’t like a coach. You motived people, you are so happy and stay like that : happy, strong. Please Cassey, stay you.

  248. Cerises says:

    Thank you so much for this video. touched me very much.
    I think it brave and generous (makes me a little more indulgent towards everything that I would like to change: that was the point no?)
    Again: thank you

  249. Ida says:

    Hey Cassey,
    I just wanted to say that the reason why I like your fitness site and not the houndred others is that you make me care about changing habits, work out harder and strive to become healthier for my own sake. Never have I encountered comments about getting happier only if I was skinnier or prettier, and by being enthusiastic, healthy and a wonderful person you make me wanna push through obstacles to become a healthier person for my own sake. This is so important. Thank you for making a difference. We all love you just the way you are. And as (I’m writing this I realize I should look in the mirror, and tell myself that I am good enough just the way I am too. That the voices in my head and comments from others doesnt matter to the people who love me, so they shouldnt matter to me either. I wouldnt say all those bad things in my head to anyone else, because they are not they are not any more true when tellling myself. I’m sorry for the babble…)
    Have a wonderful day.

  250. Aneta says:

    Many people love to criticize another people. I think they are very sad. They need to do this to raise their self-esteem. I like you Cassey. You are strong and you always smile. Even things go bad you always move up. And I love your exercises. I’m jealous of your perseverance. And haters? They could kiss my ….ABS šŸ™‚

  251. Aubrey says:

    Thank you for sharing this with us. Your positive energy in your videos is infectious and I love working out with you, and it hurts to see the pain your critics have caused you, but it also feels good to know you’re willing to drop the smile, open up, and share your feelings with your readers about such a serious and personal topic. You don’t need all of us to remind you what makes you so shiny and beautiful (and, obviously, successful!), but you know we see you and we definitely outnumber the jerks who don’t. You rock, for real.

  252. Katie says:

    One of the reasons I love working out with Cassey is because she doesn’t make me feel like I should be striving for unrealistic “body goals”. I have been in the spot where I have kept trying to reach that “perfect body” (that phrase makes me sick). I feel like that was the single most unhealthy period of my life, way more so than when I was overweight, and I am still dealing with the repercussions. My obsession with changing my body messed with my head, my health, and my life in so many ways. I have so much respect for you Cassey. Keep fighting!

  253. Mia Nielsen says:

    Dear Cassey,
    Don’t let it get to you, there will always be people with a negative opinion, but some how people now Think it’s okay to speak their negative mind online and don’t Think of the person at the other end. It’s NOT okay! I follow your blog and your videos all the Way from Denmark and i Think you are super cool! Over the past few months you’ve become the voice in my head pushing me to do better and become a better version of myself and for that I Thank you! Chin up Cassey, show Them Them won’t get to you by doing what you love and do so well. Thanks for being my inspiration. Mia x

  254. Charli says:

    You are a very fit instructor, haters are gonna hate but you have people who care about you, and that’s what you have to care about. I understand that you have been bullied and it’s hard, because I get bullied to my face on how fat I am. My favourite youtuber was in one of her videos, and I searched you up. You have helped me a lot from being 64kg at the age of 11 I went down to 50kg, that means I lost 16kg (I think) anyway what I’m trying to say is you have helped me and I will be on you’re side for as long as I live. I really hope the bully’s see this and so they can see how much it hurts others. Some people may bully you because you’re fitter then them and more beautiful. I respect that you can share how you feel. I hope they stop soon xx.

  255. Naj says:

    Cassey!!! You are perfect the way you are! Do not pay attention to those you do not accept you, the negativity stems from a deep animosity and envy!! I love your videos and you are the most inspiring and energetic trainer, DO NOT CHANGE:)))

  256. Camila says:

    Loved the video Cassey!! You are so amazing and perfect, please don’t let people’s comments get to you. Everyone gets comments like those, sometimes we are the ones making those comments about ourselves, but like you always say what is important is how you view yourself. For every one of those people hiding behind a computer screen and making mean comments there are 100 people looking up to you, wishing you well, supporting you and looking for your support!! Love you Cassey!

  257. Daphne Siy says:

    Just wow! I wish I had the effort to exercise

  258. Katie R says:

    Cassey –

    I’ve been following you almost since the beginning of Blogilates. I was there for the wall of T-shirts, that period when your hair was really dark (is it weird I can remember the videos by what color your hair was?), from the song challenges, to the big move. You were my fitness guru and workout buddy. You taught me all the things that magazines never did – like how to calculate my calorie needs, how to eat that in clean food, and most importantly that YOU CAN’T SPOT TONE! šŸ™‚ And through it all you have been totally and honestly you. Your style never changed. You were positive, encouraging, motivating, and supportive. Your passion has taught a generation of girls (and I’m sure a few boys) how to be healthy and care for themselves. Thank you.

    I am so sorry for the cruel things people can say. When people’s hearts are hurting, they forget how much they can hurt other people. You’ve handled this with grace and integrity. Please don’t let other people’s garbage tarnish your sparkle. I know I speak for more than me when I say we need you, we love you, and we’re inspired by you. Thank you for all that you’ve done for us!

  259. Hedvig says:

    There will always be miserable people, who feel better about their miserable self by lashing out at others… šŸ™
    Cassey, you have changed so many people’s lives, you have helped sooooo many of us to feel better, be healthier, look great, be a better person, that you may just concentrate on the tons of positive feedbacks you receive! šŸ™‚ Thank you so much for being your cheerful self, thank you to make us smile, even when we are about to die in the middle of Extreme Abs šŸ™‚ – please, please, please, just BE YOURSELF AS ALWAYS. Greetings from Hungary!

  260. Meredith says:

    Thanks for sharing this powerful video! You are beautiful, and working out to your videos always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel beautiful too! Keep up the great work!

  261. Jenny says:

    Also powerful video and a great message!

  262. Jenny says:

    I love working out with you everyday! You are so energetic and just over flowing with sparkly optimism! I like to work out but have never stuck with anything. Now I LOVE to work out and I have been doing pop pilates with you for over a year! So much fun! so it does pain me when people say ridiculous things like they have been! Unbelievable! Stay strong you are so awesome I have learned so much over this past year about nutrition fitness motivation fashion Lol! Love you!

  263. Marnie Malan says:

    Thank you for being real. You are an inspiration to many!

  264. Amy says:

    Hi Cassey, such a powerful video with so much emotions yet so spot-on on how visual and judgmental people get these days. I have been following you and your videos a couple of years; you are a role model to look up upon and success which you achieved now is definitely accumulated through hard work. Please know that there are heaps of POPsters behind you, supporting you as we know you are the real deal and that you deserve the best! Keep it up and thank you for the awesome videos!!! Keep them coming!

  265. Destiny says:

    Yeah…I saw the video where some guy was bashing you. I don’t normally, but had to comment on his rude behavior and call him out. He was so harsh! God makes us all different. If we were the same, we’d be robots. You’re healthy and eat right and exercise. Nuff said! When I am hit with ugliness, I always try to remember this: Hurt people, hurt people. When someone hurts, I am reminded that they must be hurting first. It gives me perspective and takes away the anger. I actually feel sad for that person and pray for them. It can give closure and peace. Keep up the awesome work and don’t sweat the mean people šŸ™‚

  266. Emily Sulloway says:

    You are the most amazing person. You changed my life, helped me lose weight, and keep my confidence through the roof.

    People on YouTube twist your words, you give people options of what to eat and ways of eating them. You’re not forcing anyone, and that community on YouTube is acting like you’re shoving it down peoples throats. All you’re doing is providing a friendly environment for people to come together, share great food, and offer alternative eating opportunities.

    I am vegan and gluten free, so when I see you have flour-less tortilla; yeah I love that!!! You’re not making anyone eat them, and it bothers me that those YouTubers take one thing you say and blow it up as if that the only thing you believe and you have no other opintion, its insane. why do they have to be so mean when you’re just providing information for people, if they don’t agree, they don’t have to listen. The fact that you help so many beautiful individuals is proof enough that you are doing everything right, and for the right reasons.

    Seriously you are the most amazing person in the world,

    Love, Emily

  267. Araceli says:

    Hi Cassey! Let me just start by saying I love love love your videos! I’m a full time mommy who works full time and have a husband full time, so I have minutes in a whole 24 period to take care of ME. Thankfully I found your videos, full off energy and positivity and encouragement all under 5minutes! 5minutes!! I can do that!!! You have made me stronger healthier and more fit than I ever thought possible. Now back to the pressing issue… Do these people not know that you are a fitness instructor as full time job, hobbie and lifestyle. You probably burn like a zillion calories every day! Like seriously what do they expect!? Anyway I’m sure you help millions of people every day and we appreciate that immensely. At the end the haters gon hate hate hate… Anyway there’s no such thing as bad press right? You’ll probably gain more viewers than lose any youre fun inspirational and it only takes 5 minutes anyone who watches a single video will know that.

  268. Sarah says:

    I am sorry that you have received negative feedback online. Your workouts are really tough but you always lead with a positive attitude and a smile. You have been a fitness inspiration for me and many others! Thank you for posting this video.

  269. Michaela says:

    I like that the video doesn’t have a happy ending or some easy fix to the problem. In reality, if you call a girl fat, she’s going to take it to heart. I’ve had an eating disorder for years after growing up overweight and being teased for it, sometimes even by my own family. I have tears in my esophagus from purging, and also a weak heart and a deteriorating stomach. I’m literally dying to be thin and it’s sad because people think eating disorders are a cry for attention and thats not true. It’s because we were getting negative attention from people by calling us fat, ugly, etc. Nobody wants that kind of attention. I went to great lengths to keep my disorder hidden. I’m in outpatient treatment now but every single day is a struggle and my body is paying for the years of abuse I put it throughā€¦all for someone to think I was pretty.

    1. Katie says:

      I just want to say that reading your post I have so much respect for courage and strength that you have shown in making the effort to get better. I do not know what words of encouragement I can give you, but it’s something that is pulling at my heart and I pray that the days may become less and less of a struggle for you. Thank you for sharing your story.

      1. Michaela says:

        Thanks so much. It’s been tough but Cassey really helps. This whole Blogilaties community helps! Thanks for your support!

  270. Sam says:

    Hi Cassey! I obviously don’t know you, but I’ve been working out with you for so long that I feel like we’re friends. I found your videos a few years ago when I was in a really bad place in life and your cheerful nature always kept me motivated and excited to work out when I didn’t really want to do anything at all. For years you’ve helped me to maintain a fit and healthy body!

    Thank you so much for being a positive contributor to the Internet and for doing what you do, you’re amazing at it and you look amazing too!

    1. Alicia says:

      Cassey, this is beautiful. Tears are streaming down my face. You are such a gift!

  271. Dolly says:

    I love your video, im glad you are showing it affects you. not alot of people are willing to wear their heart on their shoulder like you do. I respect and admire your bravery to stand up and say that what those cyberbullies are doing is wrong. I read the comments people wrote on instagram. Some commented about your body without watching your video at all. There were people that said mean things to one another, some with good intentions to give the bullies a taste of there medicine. I ended up reporting some one who kept saying mean things to you and everyone else commenting. I couldnt sit back and let it continĆŗe. Keep your chin up, you are intelligent, strong, creative, inspiring, and caring. The POPsters have your back. You are not alone. We love you cassey!

  272. Nicki says:

    I am really shocked and saddened to hear about this negativity towards you. Is that where we are at now, women (at least I am assuming they are mainly women?!) trashing other women who don’t fit their idea of “perfection”! Last month on a cooking blog I read, the author posted a similar scenario. Apparently, amongst other things, her recipes ” weren’t vegan enough”. Unfortunately it is all to easy to sit behind a computer screen saying nasty things to strangers šŸ™
    You are awesome and don’t let anyone tell you different. I love your workouts, your positive outlook and that you are such an inspiration to the younger generation – just look at all you have achieved in such a short time! These nobodies are probably just jealous.

  273. Jaz says:

    Hello Cassey, I’m from Peru and I’m new in the world of pilates but I’m trying to do my best going to grupal classes and watching your videos!
    Don’t listen to mean people, you seem to be a good girl and also a good fitness instructor, we (my family) love your videos and we hope to keep watching more of you in the future, we’re such a big fans!! Big hug for u (Un abrazo muy fuerte para ti!)

  274. Ally says:

    I’ve never commented on anything I see over the internet. However, I feel the need to comment on your video/blog post. I have been working out for quite a while now, and I mainly lift weights at the gym. My work schedule has gotten so crazy since last year, and I barely have time or the energy to make it to the gym. I have no weights or equipment at home other than a yoga mat. I used to think that working out while watching video clips is just weird and stupid until I came across your fitness videos. You changed my perspective on working out and staying fit and healthy. I enjoyed my weight lifting work out at the gym and I was a bit upset when I didn’t have the time to do so, but I know I can enjoy working out at home just as much because of you. I don’t know if this means anything to you, but it certainly means a lot to me.
    While watching your video clips that you posted on Youtube, I came across those “suggested videos” that are posted to criticize you, your diet, and your work out routines. However, I did not even bother clicking on those videos. I think that some people are just bitter about life and want to make others’ lives just as miserable as their own, as well as to convince other people to see you from their distorted perspective, and I am not willing to participate in that. I also think that if they have a problem with you and cannot talk to you about it, and have to post things online to publicly attack/humiliate you, they are probably too immature for me to spend any time on them. I’m sure you are open to constructive criticisms, but these people aren’t offering you one, they are just trying to put you down. I think you have a good sense of who you are, and there are many other people sees you as who you really are -healthy, happy, beautiful – too, so don’t let those comments bother you.
    What I see from your videos and blog posts, is a strong, happy, encouraging, positive, caring, and beautiful individual. That is what I see and what I believe in, so I don’t need those negative people to tell me otherwise or what I should think of you. I think that it takes a lot of courage and strength to put yourself out there, on the internet, to show your vulnerability, your struggles, and your fitness journey… practically your life! I know that the criticisms will bother you every now and then, but I hope that, at times like that, you can remember how many people love and support you. I also believe that you have made a lot of positive impacts on many many people around the world. I appreciate you posting all those videos and organizing your Youtube channel so that it is convenient for us to find the videos we need for our work outs. I can see that you really put a lot of time and effort into it. I love your work out routines even though it always almost kills me, but it’s such a good feeling. šŸ˜‰ And… I am about to go torture myself more with your workouts!

  275. Noami says:

    Cassey you are truly stunning! And I can really look up to you too! I see how your positive vibes are being reflected into my life and I totally back you up on this whole anti-body-shamming and just-generally-cyber-bullying campaign! I love you so much and thank you for all you do for us! Stay strong and never let those haters bring you down you are such an amazing person on the inside and the outside!
    Btw, I personally think that the pre-photoshoped you looks waaaay better than the “perfect” one! You are your own definition of beauty and perfection and thank you once again for standing up for whats right!

  276. Lindsey says:

    You are amazing. I’ve followed you for a while, but just started doing your videos. You have the body I aspire to have. Something perfect something awesome, and uniquely you. You don’t need chiseled abs, lighter eyes, or anything like that. You are perfect as is. I’ve always loved and respected how you looked because you help these people, and you have an awesome yet normal body, and showed me what I can get to someday If I worked as hard as you. You are an inspiration for sure, don’t let people get you down. I’ve only done a few of your videos, but when I have I’ve sweat my arse off and felt happy after working hard. Don’t let people take the fact you’ve changed lives away from you.

  277. Lauren says:

    Thank you for this. You are so amazing. I was drawn to you because you were unlike any person on youtube. You made me feel okay if I was a beginner and your community embraced me. I get a lot of flack like that also, as a yoga teacher. People can take what they think and SHOVE it. It makes me so sad that we are dehumanized because people think that fitness instructors should “look” a certain way. I have had days like this too. What if I could make the perfect body? Would my students respect me more? Would my life be perfect? I know the answer is no. Thank you so much for speaking up for people and yourself. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. In the word of Marie Forleo (another great youtuber) The would needs that special gift only you have!



  278. Maru says:

    What a fantastic video Casey! It reflects in a perfect way how we put so much pressure in how we look and what others say about it. I have been following your routines for only two weeks, but I can already feel the difference, not only on the way I look, but how I feel and how I’m getting stronger step by step, and that’s something I’m thankful for. So I just wanted to say that you are amazing and a true inspiration, please don’t ever stop doing what you do! šŸ™‚

  279. Tanja says:

    Thank you for this great post, Cassey! It’s unbelievable that this must really be said but for society it has become normal to critize others no matter how. In the best case, it’s only written on the – oh so anonymous – internet and nobody thinks about what he actually does to the person he addresses. At the end of the day it should only be important how you feel about yourself šŸ™‚ You probably have the required self-esteem to deal with these comments, but the video and the text may also give this self-esteem to many many other people out there who are desparately searching for it.

  280. Jamie says:

    Hey Cassie,

    I was really surprised to see the videos other fitness Youtubers have made about you… and strangely, it seems the theme of people making these videos are Vegan. Do you have any idea why this specific community is lashing out at you? The videos that I’ve seen are so silly – mostly ignorant, mean spirited and preachy… which makes them pretty easy to dismiss, but I can imagine that since they’re targeting you it’s much harder to ignore.

    It seems pretty obvious to me that they’re horribly envious of your success and also using “Blogilates” in the title of their videos makes them more visible on Youtube, but you’re pretty brilliant and have likely already deduced that. Plus knowing that people are putting you down for the sole purpose of rising up probably doesn’t make you feel better.

    I think so many people watch your videos and assume you have a perfect life – beauty, brains, and success, but so many forget what it takes to get where you have gotten – a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. Anyways, thanks for putting such honesty and sincerity out in your videos. It reminds us that you’re a real person with the same insecurities as all other girls out there. Try to stay strong, and this too will eventually pass. — Jamie

  281. Shoshannah says:

    I don’t normally comment on things, but the last few videos from Cassey have really inspired me to speak out. Cassey is such a beautiful person, and such a role model for women and girls everywhere. Our society has put a picture on perfect, and I don’t think anyone can say they have lived their lives without feeling bad about themselves at some point. I know 3 years ago, I had a horrible body image. I thought by working out, I could change my body, and then be happy. I tried lots of different workouts, but I didn’t find happiness until I found Cassey. She has made me feel so beautiful, confident, strong, and most importantly helped me love my body and myself. And the thought that people out there want to make someone so incredible feel bad is honestly heart-breaking. Cassey you are incredible, please don’t let mean people make you think any different.

  282. Mara says:

    This video is breathtaking. Because everybody knows this feeling – everybody. I wonder why some people still deal with that kind of thoughts by trying to bring others down while they could just embrace their own body. It is senseless, stupid, mean and nobody in this world deserves it. You are stunning and so are your popsters and everyone else spreading positivity instead of hate comments. Thank you so, so much for all that you do!

  283. Amy says:

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
    John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States.

    I’d say you fit the bill! Ignore the trash talkers.

  284. Maddy says:

    Cassey, I found you about a year ago in sixth grade while searching around YouTube and I am so glad I did. Iā€™m in seventh grade now, and you are my #1 role model and inspiration. I feel more confident and have surrounded myself with awesome friends. You are such an amazing person and by the way girl, have you seen yourself on the cover of your book?! You look fantastic!

  285. Madeline says:

    That video broke my heart – same with your body image video. I think because your big bright smile and your energy boost me so much, its such a harsh change when you’re not yourself.. You’re so incredible, I’m so proud to albe a poster and to be part of your little community. You’re so beautiful, thank you for being the person you are!!!! We love you so much!

  286. Lydia says:

    You’re beautiful Cassey, inside and out. I like how you’re usually so confident but that you’re also sometimes vulnerable like this. I think it’s normal and makes you feel more real, honest, human and approachable (to me). I hope you will regain your confidence soon so that even if the problem persists, you can just “shake it off”. I think people who body-shame are possibly insecure and are trying to impose their own ideals on themselves and others. They need people like you who will not retaliate in hate but show them gently how their words hurt and show them that it’s ok for everybody to embrace their bodies’ uniqueness. That video is a great way to do it. Good job! Have a nice day šŸ˜€

  287. Leilani says:

    Hi Cassey, I’ve been a proud POPSTER for a little under a year. I found you by accident, and you’ve helped me transform my fitness, and my body. You are beautiful inside and out and you should stand tall in your truth. You are a positive, healthy inspiration for young girls and women and you are helping so many people. Even if you weren’t as svelte as you ARE, you still should not get shamed or bullied for that. I’ve watched some of the videos bashing you, and quite honestly they’re ignorant. You are a great force in this world, don’t let them keep you down.

  288. Cassie says:

    I started following you because I needed a voice. I needed a friend. I fell in love with your smile and perkiness in your Blogilates Minute Muffin video, and my first workout was your Gangnam Style cardio! Even after your bikini competition I still look up to you as a source of fitspiration NOT because of your body, but because of how you live your life
    A lot of other instructors may look like they have all that, but no one has the same amicability as you when you talk to us through your videos! It’s your PERSONA that makes us POPsters stay with you. Just know that fitness is not entirely about body image, but happiness with themselves. Clearly, a lot of your haters who claim to be certified aren’t happy, plus those making videos of you are only giving publicity to Blogilates. And whoever doesn’t shut their mouth after they see this video can go f*ck themselves.
    You’ve got nothing to lose, Cassey. We will help you put an end to this body shaming plague. This is not what the health and fitness community is about, and I’m sad people are making it that way. Even when you change someone is unhappy. So just continue to climb your way to the top, because haters kill to see you succeed! šŸ™‚ I love you! Cassie <3

  289. Elizabeth says:

    This video made me cry. Not sure if its my monthly hormones or because it hurt to watch someone that inspires me so much feel so badly about herself. Its hard to feel that way about yourself, we have all been there, I’m still there, but I feel better about myself everyday thanks to you Cassey. Don’t ever let someone tell you that you should be more “in shape” or more chiseled or more ANYTHING to do what you do. You have so much support from us POPsters and we have so much support from you. We are all a family and we love you. I watch you and want to be more like you, you are infectiously happy and inspiring and its wonderful to be able to grow with you and learn from you. Thank you for being you, don’t ever change!

  290. eatandexercise1 says:

    Cassey, you are beyond beautiful just the way you are, and you inspire so many people! Thanks for sharing this video and speaking out about the idiocy of body shaming. Love you!

  291. Autumn says:

    Cassey I just think you are so amazing I was shocked to hear you had received such negative posts. What I love most about you is your incredible personality that’s what got me hooked to your work outs, that and your routines are great! Yes Casey we all have a back story and no one is perfect. We can only be the best version of our selves in side and out. Each one of us is different we have our own unique set of DNA our bodies can only do so much we can choose to keep them heathy and strong. Unfortunately many people and many media outlets portray or think of people as THINGS. THINGS that need to look a certain way ” buy this so you can look like that” “all attractive women look like this- insert stereotype here —–. A Person is not a thing you can take a paint brush to and paint them green because that’s your favorite color and your vision of perfection. We are all our own version of beauty!

  292. Katarina says:

    Dear Cassey

    Thank you so much for making this video. I almost cried at the end, because it’s true (not the part saying that you should be thinner or anything!) that people judge and they don’t care how you feel (okey, now I’m crying). And I myself have problems with my self-esteem and I can definetely relate to that. But you are helping me. Your videos, advices and now your book (I would post a picture but I don’t have facebook so … but I feel like I must tell you that it’s beautiful and I love it! ) are some of the things that cheer me up when I feel down. So thank you for being you and don’t change for anyone else but yourself. You’re beautiful and amazing and don’t let anyone else make feel any different.


    P.S. Sorry for my english. I'm not a natural speaker but I did my best šŸ™‚

  293. Stephanie Moore says:

    Just. Perfect.

  294. Natalie says:

    Dear Cassey,
    Thank you for your amazing videos and hard work you deserve only the best. I think that the world has a distorted vision of “perfection” it needs to see individuals as being who they truly are, because that is perfection. Trust me striving for the “perfection” of this world landed me right smack into many many years of battling an eating disorder. The world is cruel and harsh. You really help me. I have been doing your videos for about two months now. You keep me positive, you keep my smiling. I have done plenty of different work out regimens and yours is undoubtedly my favorite. I’m a nurse so I work shift work, I have a family and a 17 month old little boy, I get up everyday at 4:30 a.m. to do your workouts they start my day off right. You teach young girls and woman how to strive to be the best that they can be, not what everyone else wants them to be. Everyone has a story that’s why we should never judge people. So I thank you for helping me with my journey to be the perfect ME!!!!
    With love,

  295. Mary Ann Young says:

    Love your videos! The attacks are pure jealousy and envy. It has been.around since the beginning of time and will exist until the end.
    At twice your age I am beyond impressed at your drive and passion. You have much to envy. Do not let jealousy bring you down. Stay in your own lane and keep up the awesome videos.

  296. Madelyn says:

    You are by far the most amazing instructor ive ever had. What you do has changed the way I veiw myself. Your videos are fun and challenging! Some people like to take any true beauty theu see from this world and destroy it. You not only are beautiful yourself but you inspire others to see the beauty in themselves too. Love love love your videos!!! Thank you for taking the time to inspire and train us all.

  297. Ank says:

    It has only been a month since i started following your calendar and way of living. I realized a while ago that my life style was not really healthy and i didn’t really have faith in myself. I didn’t believe i could do it, but here i am now, a little bit more stronger, a lot more positive. I am already feeling better, i am much more confident and it is only because of you. You inspire me, Cassey. And i am sure that i am not the only one getting inspired by you. You are beautiful and you have a great body. The way you look doesn’t matter as long as you teach us good things. It is important for you to feel good in your body, nothing else matters. I know it’s been hard for you, i know how it is to be bullied. I’ve been bullied my whole life, and it’s only because of the way i look. But now, i don’t really care about other people’s opinions, i only care about my health, and you should too. Haters gonna hate. Ignore them. They are just jealous.
    I love you, Cassey. All POPsters are here for you!

  298. Zahudica says:

    Hi, Cassey! This video prompted me to write my first comment here on your blog. Well done! I just wanted you to know that I think you are a great trainer, not because your body is beautiful (which it is, not for its size and form, but because it’s healthy and has a wonderful soul inside), but for making us realize we can do anything we set our mind into.
    I never had the determination for any individual sports activity – I would always get bored or discouraged in a month or so of some regular training. Maybe it’s because I don’t have a big problem maintaining my weight (although, judging by those venom-dripping commenters in your video, I should be at least halfway to the slaughter house with my curved hips and big thighs O-o) or because my boyfriend likes me either way, I wasn’t motivated enough. Mainly I just wanted to be healthier and feel more energetic through the day, which I’m forever lacking.
    And then, in one of my rants about how lazy I am, doing nothing for my health and so on, my boyfriend (a fitness and sports enthusiast) recommended to me your youtube channel. At first I was sceptical. Your happy bubbly personality suggested I would be fed up with this very very soon. But then I realized I liked you. You were sincere in your joy and love for training, and life, and… you know, I think what I like best is when you say something silly or nonsensical, realize it, accept it as a part of you and just go on. Very human and unpretentious, I admire that.
    I’ve been following your WO calendars since last december, and I still love it. Now when the days are warmer I skip a day or two for some outdoor running, hiking and so on, but come rain and I’m sweating away in my room and enjoying it. Thank you for this!
    And sorry for this novel of a post. I gained some self-discipline in working-out, but not on the writing short, concise comments front šŸ™‚

  299. Barbora says:

    Cassey, I love your videos…. I workout with you every day and I feel amazing. My body is toned up. But most important is, that you make me stay possitive. DonĀ“t listen to anyone, who is not possitive. šŸ™‚ That is what IĀ“ve learnd from you. So thant you šŸ™‚

  300. Emily Nunn says:

    Hi Cassey,
    I’ve been watching your videos, and doing your workouts for about a year and a half now I think, maybe longer. You are the best fitness instructor I’ve ever had the pleasure of working out with. You are positive, keep me accountable; you seem to say ‘Don’t let that leg touch the floor’ every time I pause for a break and keep me going. I am so thankful for what you do – providing us with a free (and effective) alternative to a gym membership or personal trainer.
    People feel very big and brave behind a computer screen. You don’t deserve to be treated this way – no one does.

  301. PIp says:

    I need to remind myself that I am beautiful no matter what size. I’ve struggled with my weight and body image for a long time. Some days are better than others. Cassey, you are so influential, a great role model, and have taught me that I don’t need to be super skinny to love myself. It is unfortunate hat there are people who go out of their way to post nasty remarks. Words hurt, and can be hard to ignore. I just want you to know that your workouts and positive attitude keep be motivated and happy. When I saw this video a song popped into my head, so from the lyrics of Bruno Mars, I want you, and all popsters to remember
    “…you’re amazing
    Just the way you are
    And when you smile
    The whole world stops and stares for a while
    ‘Cause, girl, you’re amazing
    Just the way you are”

  302. ela says:

    I have been doing these videos for a while now and i love it. Cassey you are a inspiration and i admire what you do! Thank you for all the work and effort you put into your youtube channel. keep it up!

  303. Vero says:

    Thank you for making such a beautiful video! You have been an inspiration to me for a long time now. My husband has even said my body is starting to resemble yours, which I consider an ENORMOUS compliment! I know that there are people out there who find it necessary to belittle the people who work the hardest, share the most joy, and are the most beautiful. We just have to ignore them, and follow the spirit of all of your lessons–be proud of ourselves, and be the best we can be while being true to ourselves. I always think of the times you say that no one can take the hard work we have done away from us! It is so true, and no one can take your hard work away from you!

  304. Jill says:

    Thank you! I want you to know that your REAL body is beautiful…fit, strong, and healthy!! Just the way we should ALL want to be…our best selves and not like something we were never meant to be. Keep up the good work an know that your influence goes far beyond any cyber bully who is just jealous that they haven’t learn to accept and love who they are!!

    1. Michaela says:

      This is a great comment! Cassie is staying strong through this even though she openly expressed how much the body shaming hurts her. If I was in her situation I would be a mess, but no, not our Cassie! Instead she is turning her own negative experience into a positive experience for her followers and THAT is true beauty. For the record though, Cassie, if you’re reading this, I think you are beautiful. šŸ™‚

  305. Daph says:

    Hey Cassey! I don’t think you get as much comments up here in your website, but i hope that doesn’t stop you from reading anyway and hopefully you get to read this! Those people who attack you, I also feel indirectly attacked by them and criticised for following a certain way of fitness. But you know what, I believe in you! And I believe in your way of being fit and healthy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Those other people, they have no respect for others and they don’t know what its like to have their lifestyle and life changed by you and your amazing self! I don’t want to sound patronising but I can see it must be really hard for you as a public figure and role model and hopefully you’ll be able to get over this tough stage of your life as soon as possible and be happy again! We Popsters will back you up the whole way so don’t you worry!

  306. Jessica says:

    I think you’re beautiful inside and out. I’d kill to have a body like yours. It’s hard to not to get down when it feels like everyone is against you but t I’m rooting for you that you’ll overcome! You’re an inspiration to many

  307. Silly says:

    They’re just jealous, you’re beautiful way you are

  308. Jamie H says:

    This video made me cry. I know all too well what it is like to be shamed based off my looks. I’ve tried many ,many years to make myself perfect. Perfect in society’s eyes. And over the years I’ve lost motivation to even be healthy anymore since I am unable to ever achieve “perfection”.

    My life has been a rollercoaster…seemingly on the down slope. But I do admit, Cassey inspires me! And if anything perks me up with her videos. And heck even times can get even me, to get off my duff and work out. I’ve never thought her to be “not the right body type” to be an instructor. In fact, I agree with Rebecca, A good fitness instructor is motivating, positive, and supportive! Cassey is all those and then some!

  309. Kelsey says:

    Thank you for your bravery and persistent nature. It breaks my heart to hear that you’ve been so harassed. I’ve got a pretty similar backstory (as far as weight goes, anyway) and frame shape. Seeing your body and strength gives me so much hope and excitement for what my body could be capable of. Thank you for your workouts and just being yourself! You’re an inspiration. I’ve told so many people to check out your site and I’ve only been a Popster for a few months! Totally loving the calendars.

    Keep your head up! Xoxo

  310. Krystal says:

    Casey, you are such an amazing role model. Negative comments are impossible to ignore and I’m glad you don’t. I’m glad that you take the time to do things like this that turn other’s negativity into a tool to teach others. You are beautiful inside and out, so happy that you share that with us each and every day!

  311. sally says:

    Cassey…you showed me what am i doing.I am ashamed of myself because of caring this perfect body thing this much.I just…wanted to be like my friends and wear beatiful dresses.Not to be judged just because i love chocolate,not to be standing jest of everyone in class,so i stopped eating regularly and trained till i get sick.I forgot everything except but having a perfect body.But,i won’t do this to myself again.Thank you so much.

  312. Maja says:

    Reading this while listening to “Naruto Sad Soundtrack Collection [COMPLETE]” became very sad… Cried when I saw your video on youtube. I really do not care about your looks Cassey. Ok, you ARE gorgeous, but ithat’s not what makes me smile while watching your videos, not what makes me push harder and not what makes me show up on the mat! That is your beautiful peronality, your kind and honest words and your wish to help me – who you do not even know – get stronger! THAT’S what matters. None should tear you down or call you fat. You are not, you are beautiful and kind and have probably saved lots and lots of popsters from a bad day!
    Thank you for everything, because of you I was able to choose to be healthy and happy.

  313. LucyJ says:

    Cassey, you are great person. You videos are motivating and you are really beautiful girl.
    This video is so good šŸ™‚ I love you!!
    Your POPster, Lucy šŸ™‚

  314. America says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I am pretty new to your videos but I just finished the beginner calendar and I love it! I am a total convert. I love how motivating and inspiring you are. I love watching your videos and working out with you because you know what you are talking about and mostly because of how positive and encouraging you are. I love how you don’t tell people to do this for anyone other then themselves and how you encourage people to be happy with how they are. I also love how you keep it real with us and you don’t pretend that this will be easy or that we just have to buy your products and we will succeed. You are inspiring and I go online everyday hoping that you have update your blog so I can hear your stories and perspectives. Even the fact that you are addressing cyber bullying as an issue speaks volumes about who you are and how genuine you are with us. You have a huge community who loves you and I am happy to be a part of it.

    Thank you for everything! <3

  315. So says:

    It made me a little sad seing this video. Some people are so mean… I can’t believe they criticize you, while you’re doing amazing videos workouts for us. You’re perfect the way you are !!
    Thank you for being such a source of inspiration and motivation xxx

  316. Rachel says:

    Cassey you are absolutely perfect in your own way! There is no definition of perfection or the “perfect body”. No matter what you do if you are successful people are going to try to tear you down. I don’t understand how people can say all these rude things to you, the only person who can actually judge is God, and he doesn’t do that. You inspire TONS of people everyday and help them become the best they can be. You have been such an inspiration to me for one and I am super thankful for you! Keep doing what you’re doing and ignore the rude comments. You have thousands of people behind you that you truly inspire and you are amazing, don’t let those other comments bother you. Take in the good, filter out the bad! You are great, you are super, you are amazing, don’t forget that! I love being a POPster and I love how much you are succeeding and how much you actually care for all of us! Thank you for being YOU!

  317. Meg says:

    Cassey, you are perfect just the way you are. Before I saw your channel, I never work out and I struggled with bulimia. Only after I followed you, April 2014 (April Abs), I was able to recover from it. I never thought even once that a couch potato like me would exercise six times a week, all because of you. You probably have heard this so many times, but you literally change my whole life. I love you.
    XOXO, Meg from Indonesia (Yes, you have popsters from Indonesia :))

  318. Sarah says:

    We Popsters love you for you, Cassey! YOU-as a whole person-are our inspiration <3 Your passion, hard work, and creative vision and absolute dedication to helping other people are why people flock to you.

    I'm sorry you have to deal with such negativity and harassment. I also feel sorry that they are such bitter, mean-spirited people not open to the love of the Popster community-yet. They must be so unhappy all the time that they are so willing to lash out like that to vent their frustrations. They are motivated by jealousy and insecurity and just know that for every healthy, beautiful Popster out there, you are driving a huge undercurrent of change in the world-one where there is more love, support, and self-less compassion for one another. Thank you so much for all that you do <3


  319. Emily says:

    What a beautiful video, Cassey. You’re perfect the way you are! Heck your body and work ethic have inspired thousands of women (myself included) to push harder, eat better, and smile more. I’ve seen some of the videos shaming Blogilates and they make me sick. Some people have made a reputation telling everyone else how to live. Thank you for being such a positive and beautiful force in such a crazy world. Keep it up!!!! x0x0

  320. Sara says:

    I never comment on posts but I’ve been doing these videos here and there and think they’re amazing. People who have rude things to say about you obliviously can’t do half the things you do. You are so strong, and during every video I don’t think “I wish I could be skinnier”, I think “I wish I was as strong as her”. You’re amazing!

  321. Rebecca says:

    I don’t think that fitness instructors have to have a certain body type in order to be good. What makes a fitness instructor good, is the ability to motivate others through their workout and let them achieve their personal fitness goals. I’m sure people who shame you could not get through all the workouts you have posted.
    Thank you for all the work you put into your youtube channel – it has changed me into a much more active, positive person xxx

    1. Lauren says:

      Really well put…Cassey, you are beautiful inside and out.

  322. Michele says:

    Cassey – You are inspirational, funny and sweet. What more is there really? People say mean things from their own insecurities. You take a major risk of receiving people’s negative energy by putting your true YOU out there every stinking day. But you do it to help others and that is an amazing thing. Very few people would have the huevos to do the same thing. You are REAL and that’s REALLY important to your true followers. I for one am so happy to have found your blog and incorporate your ideas into my life every day. Plus, my post-injury pancake butt is LIFTING and SHAPING and I am so excited that I make all my friends do your calendars too. Please don’t stop and NEVER let these rude comments from insecure pooh faces get you down.

    With love from Utah.

  323. Eline says:

    Dear Cassey,
    Itā€™s horrible you have to go through this. Itā€™s horrible anyone should have to go through this. Iā€™m truly shocked by those ugly comments. Why do people do that?! I believe body shaming is a result of envy and insecurity. People want to feel better about themselves and therefore put other people down. But we should be supporting each other in this difficult day and age! Just like you do. Thatā€™s why a lot of people love you. Because youā€™re an inspiring person who brings fun to the yoga mat. Because you make us feel good. Because you feel like a friend to us. A supporting friend that lives halfway across the world.
    Sending you my love, all the way from the Netherlands!!

  324. Kelcy B. says:

    This really struck a chord with me. I appreciate you Cassie, you aren’t focused on being vain and shallow in mentoring women in fitness. I struggle so much with my body and my image and this video really put a voice to my feelings and helped me kind of ‘right’ my thinking.

    I read once that that feeling when you say a word too many times and it loses it’s meaning and you don’t know what that word is anymore – that’s how girls feel about their bodies, this video brings a lot of presence and mindfulness about being kind to yourself. Thank you for sharing this video with us.

  325. Lynne says:

    I’m pretty sure there’s no such thing as a “perfect body” just what is perfect for ones self šŸ™‚
    in your case, i’m amazed that anyone could see “fat”… all I can see is 100% pilates muscle šŸ˜€
    fwiw, you’ve helped this transgirl to realize she *can* mush her body from the blocky mack truck it is now, into something less truck-like (with a bit of work anyway šŸ™‚

    Thank you!!!!

    ps. as others have said, i don’t think any of those who posted the negative comments would be able to last through even one of your videos without melting into a puddle on the floor šŸ˜€

  326. Joe says:

    What a powerful video. You brought tears to my eyes…Don’t worry about the haters. I follow you and leansecrets on youtube. You both are very real and I love that. Thank you. You also give practical advice and you have an amazing body. Keep up the good work. I just recently discovered you but I’m loving your at home cardio videos (I really hate cardio but you make it fun so I did it).

  327. Charlotte says:

    I loved this video it is so inspiring and I don’t care that you’re not an official trainer your workouts really help a lot
    Charlotte x

  328. Eliza says:


  329. Cassie, thank you so much for sharing this with us. What I love about you is despite our society’s expectation that a fitness professional portrays perfection, you portray a real, healthy, active woman and inspire millions of others who fit into that category. It’s just real life. I bet half the people who slam you which they were as healthy and fit and real as you! Keep doing your thing Miss Inspiration!!

    xx Jill
    Latest Post – The Surprise Benefit of Your Gym Outfit: How Compression Gear Keeps Your Body Tight

  330. Anna says:

    Dear Cassey, I love your body becase it’s reachable! When I see all those fitness instructors with 6 pack I know I’ll never have that, I’m thinking that only trainers can have this! I’m not a trainer, I’ve got a lot of different things to do and I’ don’t exercise regularly. Watching you makes me actually believe that I can have a better body and by better body I don’t mean muscles or a tiny waist. Just normal, healthy posture and strong body. With you I don’t have that feeling like it’s pointless to exercise, as I’ll never reach that perfect figure. You show us how to be healthy and that’s what important.
    You’ve got the most perfect smile, you are so energetic and optimistic in every video! When I feel blue, I just watch you on YouTube and already feel better! Do what you’re doing and never change! Anyway, six pack isn’t that sexy, looks like a bug up side down (bleee);))

  331. Anna says:

    I think that if you changed that people would still find something wrong. Thank you for making this video. It made me realize how impossible it is to live up to the high standards of the media. Trying to live up to it would just make me miserable. I can be happy and healthy without someone else telling me that I am.

    I’m so sorry you have to deal with such assinine people. Thank you so much for providing so many resources and helping me out so much! Stay strong! There will always be people here that support you!

  332. Melissa says:

    I think you’re perfect Cassey. I’ve tried many online fitness instructor videos and I specifically chose you as my favorite online fitness instructor because I like your body! You’re not too skinny nor bulky (my specific preference for fitness instructor) and it’s the kind of body that I want.
    And I think the people who gave you negative comments haven’t even tried to finish your video at least once, so their judgement is unfair and therefore invalid. Your body was the first thing that made me start doing your workout, but I stuck with you for over a year because of your personality, and I didn’t find any negative thing about your character. We all love you!

  333. Aisha says:


    This video is beautiful and touching. I have been following you for year, but have never left a comment. However, I couldn’t stay quiet on this. I have stuggled with anorexia for my entire adult life. I have gone from essentially dead to healthy-ish using a lot of the possitive messages that you share in your work. I admire your focus on fitness for health & for fun & for empowerment. I think we need more of that in society. As I aim to recover a healthy perception on what beautiful, healthy, crazy-strong, lovely, (and even sexy) bodies look like, I look to you for inspiration. You are beautiful and your impact in society matters.

    It has mattered to me.

    Thanks for all you do and for being so strong.

  334. Elena says:

    great job girl… finally a real woman with a real body and not a fake gym icon for lonely masturbation sessions on the web šŸ™‚
    Elena from italy

  335. Sarah says:

    Cassey. You beautiful, beautiful girl. You amazing woman. You should know that although it’s not important to be physically beautiful, YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!

    You have accomplished so much. Inspired so many people. Changed so many lives. Changed MY life. Your positivity and joy ripple into the lives of all who watch you. You probably know all of these things, but just a reminder!

    This past month I found out that my husband is addicted to pornography. I know a lot of people feel like porn is no big deal, all guys do it, etc. But I don’t feel that way. I feel like he cheated on me, rejected me, and things I am so hideous that he’d rather look at other women instead. I’ve never felt as insecure about my body as I do right now. It sucks. I cry a lot. I have had the VERY SAME THOUGHT about wishing I could photoshop myself in real life.

    But you know what? I still hurt, but I know, deep down, that I don’t need to change a thing. I don’t need to look like anyone but my beautiful self. I’m okay. If my husband doesn’t like what he sees when he looks at my curves and the stretch marks earned by having his 2 beautiful kids, that’s his problem. And if anyone doesn’t like what they see when they look at you, that’s THEIR problem. You are so beautiful in all the ways that matter plus the ways that matter less. Thanks for making this video and for sharing so much of yourself with all of us POPsters. Chin up! YOU ARE GORGEOUS and haters are just gonna hate and be unhappy no matter what you or I look like. Love and prayers coming your way from meā€”you deserve to know that you are amazingly beautiful inside and out. <3 Sarah

  336. Jennifer says:

    Try not to let the negative comments get you down.

    Itā€™s easy to hide behind the screen of a phone or computer and criticize everything. It takes courage and strength to put yourself out there every day.

    You look healthy and happy in your videos and you make fitness fun. Internet trolls are unhappy with themselves and the only endorphin rush they get is in anonymously insulting others.

    Donā€™t change- youā€™re beautiful just the way you are.

  337. Arielle says:

    I rarely comment on blog posts, but I needed you to know what this video meant to me. I tend to pin all of my hopes and goals and aspirations on my body, and, while it’s important to take care of the body God gave us, it’s not more important than living and enjoying life. You reminded me that if perfection is my goal, I’ll never be satisfied, because perfection is unrealistic. And I want to live my life being REAL. Thank you! <3

  338. It’s really unbelievable that some people say such mean words! If they only knew what kindness, love and positivity you spread, i’m sure they would think twice! You really are an inspiration to many, including myself, and have helped me stay fit and healthy when I could not find any inspiration.

    Much love! šŸ™‚

    Kayleigh x

  339. Cristina says:

    Thank you Cassey ā¤ļø

  340. Ashley says:

    Cassey – Thank you so much for everything you have done! I’m sorry that people are being so mean and cruel to you, so I want to blast some positive energy your way. You are beautiful and inspiring. I can relate to you because you keep things real and I love working out with you! I can’t say thank you enough, really Cassey, you have helped me create a space in my life for ultimate change, from the inside out. So I want to share with you another source for great inspirational change, and thats through my buddy Nahko and Medicine For The People’s music. Please check them out if you haven’t already! I think you will enjoy what you find! Much love to you Cassey! xoxo

  341. Megan says:

    Brilliant post but itā€™s a shame that in reality so many people can be so needlessly unkind.
    Iā€™ve only been following the Blogilates movement for a short while now but Iā€™m already hooked and thatā€™s partly down you Cassey! You promote a healthy body image and help make people feel better about themselves, which is a truly wonderful thing.
    The people who leave these negative comments are just unhappy with themselves, but look to take it out on other people instead of doing something positive. Theyā€™ve probably never even tried one of your workout videos and donā€™t even realise the physical strength you actually possess to teach those moves, while making them look so effortless.
    The great thing Iā€™ve found with Blogilates is that the people that follow you and are part of the lifestyle are incredibly positive and supportive to each other! Thatā€™s the thing to take away from this all ļŠ

  342. Paula says:

    Awesome video. We all wish it was easy to achieve our fitness goals, but it’s not. Like you always tell us…you gotta work for it. But don’t body shame yourself or let anyone else body shame you. And don’t compare yourself unrealistically to others. The perfect body is not a set of measurements. It’s what you feel good in. Thanks Cassey for being so inspiring and thoughtful. I’ve gone through lots of workout programs and videos but i continue to use yours because you are truthful and honest about how hard it is and still encourage us to try harder without degrading us. You are unlike any other trainer. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

  343. aku says:

    eww.. youre good with that shape, i mean you must be healthy and good at the bmi, as the point.
    im tired seeing the anorexcic “healthy” person on this media.
    and i found that youre the only one..
    thats not like that…
    this “perfect” measurements just people’s measurements. i said like this, other people said another thing, and the point is yaself, even youve got suggestions.. its all about yaself.
    look at the bigger women outside there, they know what about people say with her but looks like they’re still happy. and it works with the anorecxic too. they don’t care about people say, they think that they’re beautiful with those sticked-bones.
    but whatever it is, with your body shape or whatever I’ll always watch your videos, support you. because I think, I think, from me, you’re on the right way

  344. Alysha says:

    I don’t usually comment on blogs but I’m going to break that habit now to say.. Wow. Thank you. I cried. I’ve lost 30kg over a couple of years and have started upping the fitness with your videos; I didn’t think even you could change how I looked at myself in the mirror after years of body shaming when I was heavier. But this video is amazing and I think when I spot my body in the mirror again I may just cry because of all the awful things I say to it. Thank you so much for putting your time into it and sharing it with us.

  345. Virginia says:

    Not all trainers have 6 pack. I watch different work out videos to help me and yoga/pilates trainers are lean and strong. Not everyone likes to have 6 pack. Some people like me just want to be toned like you. What matters is what you are happy to live with and not pressure yourself to “perfect” body standard. That is why eating disorders are epidemic due to trying to live up to the hype.
    You are an epitome of what a “real” personshould be and not a “doll” body type that we, the normal folks can’t live up to.
    I enjoy doing your workouts and you also make it fun and achievable. Keep up your good work. Bullies will be bullies. They are behind computers. You never know, they may be an overweight, pimply witch stuffing their faces with crap while criticising you. People like that has more issues with themselves.
    Chin up and God bless you xxx

  346. Kati says:

    Wow Cassey – I think this is the most powerful video you have ever made! It has such a strong message and it is really touching. Thank you for that!

    I started working out with you almost two years ago, and you actually gave me “my” perfect body. I’ve never been happier with my appearance in my whole life (I’m 31), but what’s more important: you taught me to embrace a healthy lifestyle and to love my body for what it is capable of doing.

    So, thank you – for everything that you are doing for this community, even though I don’t know you in person you really enrich my life and I cannot thank you enough for that!

    Please always stay the awesome person you are, you are beyond perfect!


  347. Madeleine says:

    Hi Cassey,
    I’m so sorry that people are saying these things to you. I think that you are a great trainer and are very motivating. Please keep doing what you’re doing; you’re inspiring others and making them happy with themselves as well. Thank you for everything xoxo,Madeleine

  348. Kate says:

    Hi Cassey!
    I’m not sure if any comment I make will help you feel better or if you’ll ever get to read it, but you should know that you are an amazing, gorgeous person. I remember the first time i came across your videos a couple years ago and thought it would be just like any other training video, but you know what makes it so wonderfully different? You. You invite the whole world into your home and your heart, not for yourself, but to help those of us hoping to reach a healthier lifestyle. Girl, you are so strong — physically and mentally. So many POPsters, including myself, keep coming back to you as our trainer because of who you are and how hard you’ve worked. I’d love to see the people making those negative comments/videos even try to do everything you do each week. Don’t give those haters a second thought. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to become a healthier, stronger individual.

  349. Jeanette says:

    It’s sad people can be so mean. Please don’t change a thing! You are great at what you do and have inspired so many people. I LOVE your workouts and food ideas. I hope you continue forever. I want to “grow old with you”. That sounds weird…….I just mean I will follow your blog into old age when we are doing squats with our walkers for support.

  350. Em says:

    Wow, I never realised you received such awful comments! What I love about you is that you’re all about motivating others and telling them that the only reason they should change is for THEM. You also don’t put on this huge show about being happy all the time and being positive 24/7, you’re a trainer who feels exactly like the rest of us do at times and I love that you can turn those comments around and send out a good message to people. The fact of the matter is, while we can all look at other people’s bodies and think “that right there is the perfect body, that’s what I want”, the person with those so-called perfect bodies may not feel that way about themselves at all. Everyone has insecurities and that’s okay.

    Lot’s of love to you Cassey,

    Em x

  351. Anna says:

    first of all your super beautiful! I don’t know why you getting this hate, you have helped so many people, including me. You Make it Fun to workout and Also you are a big inspiration to me, lots of hugs from me

  352. Kathy says:

    No Cassey. If you would change, nothing would change at all. The comments would turn straight on into “you’re too skinny” “Why are you a fitness instructur and tell us about health when you look skinny as a super model who often don’t look too healthy?”
    You are wonderful the way you are. You are beautiful and strong and intelligent on the inside and that’s why you skine on the outside and are beautiful there as well.
    Perfection isn’t something that is can be measured. Everyone has their own opinions and ideas on what it perfect, but everyone is perfect on their own because of the simply fact that we are all different and noone is exactly the same. not even twins are 100% the same.
    I’m so very sorry that you have to struggle with all these negative comments, Cassey. I had to grow a thicker skin as well against such things, especially against my mother and my classmates in school because I was the flat chested girl with glasses and big hips that couldn’t even catch a ball in gym because she was scared to get hit by it and that noone wanted to have something to do with. It was okay. I didn’t let anyone see how I felt and just went on, but I cried myself to sleep every night.
    It took me long, very very long, to stop wishing to be someone else in this situations. to be the perfect daughter, perfect friend, perfect body, perfect, perfect, perfect … I misused this word for so long. And in the end, everytime I dreamed about being someone I am not, I knew deep inside me, that I want to be noone but myself with all my flaws and strengths.
    I wish I could give you a hug. Your video gave me goosebumbs, seriously. You did a great job with it!
    Kathy from Austria <3

  353. Flamy says:

    I will follow you FOREVER <3 what a masterpiece person you are girl!
    Grazie mille :*

  354. Letizia says:

    Cassey, you rock!! <3

  355. Bella says:

    Cassey this video is amazing! I credit a heap, just know that we love you so much and that your popsters are always here for you no matter what. It doesn’t matter what the negitive people say because we know that its all lies! Stay strong and know that we love you with all our hearts!!ā¤ļø

  356. Christine says:

    I love the video. It is something us as women are always struggling with because of the media image set forth and it sucks. Looking at the phases of a woman’s ideal body shape has changed drastically every ten years or so and we are in the time that fit and muscles outweighs stick skinny, and I love that women have finally as a whole got here. I for one am not completely fit because I have been battling depression really bad for the past year and have gained more than I wished, but it happened and now I’m taking the step forward to getting fit and I am setting out to do tuff mudder in June (which I have much much work to do to even make it through the course) but I will get there. I love your videos, all of them. They make working out fun and hard core in very minimal time, it’s beautiful. This body shaming video only makes those who follow you, love you all the more and feel better connected with a human and not some instructor just floating around telling us what to do. Haha that sounded weird, but true. Anyways those who make others feel down and out need to take a look in the mirror and see why they do it. Love you and your amazing!

  357. Nady says:

    Your body is absolutely 100% perfect! Look at how strong, healthy, and beautiful you are!
    You are an inspiration to so many people and I’m so sorry to see that some people think its their right to try to make you feel bad about yourself, despite the fact that you give so much of yourself to all of us in the community. Please don’t think that these stupid comments mean anything, because nothing they can say will take away from the fact that you are adored by so many people and you seem to be doing what you love! I think some people just hate themselves, and feel the need to tear down other people that are able to love themselves, because they have become so warped by their self hatred that they don’t know how to love or appreciate other people. Please don’t let this kind of warped thinking get you down <3

  358. Crystal says:

    I am also a fitness instructor without 6 pack abs but I live my life to the fullest, eat/drink whatever I want and therefor I don’t feel deprived but am totally happy. Cassey you are be-you-tiful and I love how you’re so honest and a real person! Don’t ever change! We love YOU!!!:)

  359. Wow…such a strong and powerful message. It made me want to cry a little bit. I’ve had a hazard past two or three weeks because I have gained weight from stress and lack of working out, and also not to mention I ate a lot at my new job (free food) and i sort of needed this empowerment. Cassey, I need some words of reassurance and advice because. I am feeling down and insecure about this.

    1. Kathy says:

      Hi Linda! I know how you feel. although I had easter holidays, my days weren’t less stressful and I also have gained some weight that I wish would simply drop off. But it is fine! There are times when our freetime is quite short and we are stressed and our bodies show off all that stress by gaining weight or getting bad skin and hair.
      Don’t forget that there are good times as well and that stressful days are soon left in the past.
      For now I want to tell you what helped me to calm down before I move on to focus on the things to do: What haven’t you done in a long time? Reading a book (it doesn’t have to be a thick one. I tend to take some of my old childrens book to read before bedtime. they are maybe 100 pages, written in a big font size. or a book with pictures that let your imagination flow), listening to music, maybe dancing spontanously to it (don’t make a big deal out of it. It’s just about you!), go for a short walk (it’s spring time!), put on colourful clothes (colours never fail to cheer me up), eat some colourfully arranged spring fruits, take a warm bath, treat your skin, colour your nails or think about something else, you can do. Don’t bother when you are not getting your workouts done because they take up too much time or you are too tired after a long day. It’s okay. You will deal with it, when you are ready. šŸ™‚
      I hope good times await you soon! love Kathy

  360. Verena says:

    So touching.
    No( )body is perfect.
    And noone can expect anyone to be. Noone can expect YOU to be “perfect” in his or her perception.
    But you are the best and most motivating trainer I have ever seen.
    It feels more like training with a friend, although we have never even met. – and that’s what makes you the best.
    Thank you so much you for being so honest, so motivating and being always here for us!

    Much <3 from Germany.

  361. Kat says:

    I actually really hate videos that are only meant to conjure an emotional response, but I have to admit… I totally cried watching this. Since following the April workout calendar, I’ve seen a lot of videos from raw fruit vegans totally trashing you, your diet, and your body. I was shocked when these people had the gall to call you “fat”, or point out that you’d gained a tiny bit of weight– most of which seemed to be entirely muscle. You’ve got serious guns, lady.

    If you’re fat, then I must be a serious blob monster.

    In truth, I don’t agree with your diet plan, because it just doesn’t really seem like ENOUGH calories for someone who works out as much as you do, but I think the way a lot of people have handled their criticism is really gross. In the future, it would be cool if you addressed calorie deficit from exercise, because it does seem like you’re encouraging your viewers to limit themselves a little too much after a hard day of exercise.

    Thank you for doing what you do. I have struggled for years with physical disability and weight gain, and if it weren’t for your videos, I wouldn’t have built up as much strength as I have. I feel stronger and happier, so please don’t ever stop.

  362. Fay says:

    I can write an entire essays about this subject, but for now I have one word for what you are and what you show us Cassey: BEAUTIFUL. Thank you for being who you are. <3

  363. Ema says:

    This was so wonderful. Cassey you are doing so much to spread positive body philosophy for girls and women around the world! I have loved your videos for years but everything else you do to turn around this poisonous self-hating aspect of fitness is so inspiring. I still struggle with body-image issues after all these years and this video did a great deal to counter that. Thank you.

  364. Sigrid says:

    I understand that itĀ“s hard to not listen to the comments, but for what itĀ“s worth I think you look amazing, and that you ARE an amazing person which is what matters most. This video is so powerful!

  365. Erin says:

    Hi Cassey! This video makes me so sad because humanity can be so uncaring and rude to point where a person would dislike themselves. Even though no one should make us feel inferior, it’s not easy to ignore their comments. I think you look great and all the negative comments are untrue. You are doing a service to the world to help others become healthier and encouraging them to move their body. I never understand why people cannot keep bad comments to themselves. Besides if they are not a fan of you, they shouldn’t be watching your videos.

    As a former athlete who is a bit out of shape and works more hours than I should, I definitely enjoy doing your videos despite screaming and cursing at you through my TV (the burn is oh so real)! Keep up the great work and thank you for being such an encouraging motivator and help passing the workout times!!

  366. Alexandra says:

    This video is superb! I cried a lot. I’m sure this will be seen and it’s great that you could take all that negative energy and turn it into something so beautiful and thought provoking. You are not just any trainer you are my favorite trainer and I owe you a lot for making me believe in myself enough to make some changes and believe I can work out and get the body of my dreams if I work for it. I can’t believe those comments you are so tiny which is more apparent in videos where you wear everyday clothes. You always look beautiful and toned to me something to aspire to! I feel like we are friend since I spend so much time with you. I wanna hug you!

  367. Agneta says:

    That was really touching, thank you Cassey… You know one of the major differences between you and other trainers is, that they always make it seem so easy… They seem happy and healthy all the time and like it’s not even a big thing at all to love yourself, even though I’m sure they’ve got ups and downs as well – but you actually show us that you too struggle sometimes and get hurt by evil comments and hateful stupid things that ppl post without thinking twice about the effect they might have… it’s true, you’re not like “a(ny) trainer”, you’re more like a really motivating and understanding friend (that happens to be a great trainer as well). And thats why we ā¤ you

    1. Christine says:

      Well said!

  368. Nnennaya says:

    When I first got your email alert on how you got your “perfect” body and I saw your picture, my first reaction was “Oh no! What has Cassey done to her body??? This is NOT nice”. I was saddened. Then I just thought to watch the video to see what you did to “destroy” your once good looking healthy body….then I SMILED with understanding. We human beings have a way of creating unnecessary standards for others…not that we ourselves are even perfect. Thanks for teaching us how to LOVE our bodies for OURSELVES and for NOBODY else. Yes people would continue to say hurtful and mean things to us…and yes sometimes they do get to us. But we’ll continue to help and love our bodies to our own standards and not for other. Please Cassey keep being YOU and keep up with your own healthy tips of keeping fit. So far you’ve been the only person I’ve found that makes me love eating my fruits and veggies (never loved them before!) and to love exercises no matter how long or short it would take. Well done, babes! *wink*

  369. Irene says:

    Omg! You scared me..!!
    When I first saw your pic on the email I was like: what happened to her??? She doesn’t look the same anymore. . Too thin !
    But you trick us another time šŸ˜›
    I like the way you are ! and I wish I was like you ..but I have just some (more than some lol) more fat than you ahahah but I don’t care! My boyfriend loves me the way I am . I love myself the way I am. I feel healthy and good even if I’m “fatty”
    don’t change yourself just because other people want you to do that šŸ™‚
    sorry for my bad English >< love from Italy!!!!! And….. PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA !!!!

  370. Kate says:

    You’re amazing and this is amazing! I love the message you’re putting out there Cassey!