The “Boston Massacre”. What Comes Around Goes Around.
The “Boston Massacre”. What Comes Around Goes Around.
I am in NYC right now at a yogurt shop on wifi and am watching the breaking news on the bombings that occurred today at the Boston Marathon. Above is a vine of one the bombs, yes “one of”.
I walked out of my meeting today near Times Square and got a text from a close friend warning me about the Boston bombings. I immediately checked twitter, facebook, and went online to do some research. As far as I’ve read, and it is 5:26pm EST right now, there are 2 dead and 23 injured. Other sources say 48 injured. Screaming. Blood. Severed limbs.
Here’s a link to CNN if you want to read more. I am warning you – there are some graphic images.
Ugh, I cannot tell you how deeply affected I am. I lived in Boston for a year and a half and it was here where I felt like I really started becoming one with Pilates. I remember teaching all over town…Boston Sports Club in Watertown…Equinox on Franklin…Cambridge…etc. So many people, so many good people, brought together from a love for fitness. I miss you guys.
My heart goes out to everyone in the city and any friends and family of the runners. I remember my first Boston Marathon experience a few years ago. Going to the expo, cheering the runners on – the whole city got excited for the event. People at work would take the day off and rally the racers on and have fun. It was a happy time for everyone.
Seeing images of blood, ambulances, and faces in agony…I just can’t shake this feeling of immense sadness.
I mean…who DOES THAT!? Where do you even find the evil in your heart to go out and put energy into HURTING SOMEONE? I think for a good majority of us reading the blog, we couldn’t fathom it either. It makes no sense to me. I try to live every day with positivity – my focus is to help make others feel good about themselves. I compliment when I can. I share when I can. I assist when I can.
I truly believe that the reason why I run into so many good people is because I make an effort to be nice too.
The people you interact with and how they respond to you is usually a reflection of you.
So to hear that someone would go about and plant SEVERAL BOMBS around the city on a day where we’re all supposed to celebrate hard world and achievement is simply DISGUSTING to me. I am so angry. I just can’t believe it. People’s lives are not something to toy with. And beyond that…the emotional damage that it causes to that person’s family and friends infects layers upon layers. Oh and it doesn’t even stop there. How will we feel safe signing up for marathons? Going to public gatherings? Meeting new people?
I mean, like even the meet up yesterday. It was such an amazing, energetic, vibrant experience. Imagine people not wanting to be a part of that because of things like this.
It’s evil. Pure evil.
I would like to point out however, that what comes around goes around. The universe doesn’t let things like this go “for free.”
Acts of this nature hurt our nation and the trust we have in one another. And trust is one of the most VALUABLE currencies we can exchange between people. It is what builds friendships. Everlasting relationships.
Once broken, hard to mend.
My heart goes out to everyone affected by this. I hope you are safe. Please text or call your friends in Boston. There are now a ton of police cars in Times Square where I am too. I am going to get on the subway soon to get back to my place.
Much love and let’s #prayforboston.
<3 Cassey
34 thoughts on “The “Boston Massacre”. What Comes Around Goes Around.”
There are 34 comments posted by our users.
Dear Cassey,
I know you were just in NY and I was hoping that you would make a trip to BOSTON! We are all feeling a little down still and could use a pick-me-up. We love you here, and I know it would get great reception from other states as well! Please please come to BOSTON Cassey! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!
Omg i cant believe somebody would do such a tragic thing especially when something happy is taking place~ Who would have the evil to do such a thing my prayers go out to the people who were effected
I was shocked to, but saying “what goes around comes around” it is not any better…that is why war will never stop.
I, too, lived in Boston for several years. Now I live outside Boston but often go in for the Marathon. This year I was working! This whole thing makes me so sad. I am angry of course but mostly sad. Especially on a day like that. Families are out celebrating, people were accomplishing things and it was ruined by whoever is behind this.
I am so sad for the kids who can’t feel safe anywhere they go anymore. When I was in school, I didn’t need to be afraid to go to school or to go to the movies or to a marathon. I wasn’t afraid someone would blow up the building my parents were working in. These fears were no where near my mind. Now, no where is safe for our kids.
Cassey, I would love to see a Blogilates meet-up where we could all pay to come and proceeds would go to the families effected by this tragedy (maybe to the hospital to pay some of their medical bills) in Boston!! This would be a great way for the Blogilates community to come together!
I just can’t understand why people do things like this. I mean, being totally convinced that the own ideas are right and can help everyone if people just listen is one thing, but when it comes to hurting people, KILLING people, it’s over. Everything is over at this point.
Doing this on a marathon, a place of happiness and endorphins, a place where (well, originally, not quiet nowadays) you can leave your bag lying around without anyone stealing your money, strangers cheering for you and being friends for the moment – how can anyone be so cruel, so seriously twisted?
I’ve seen it this morning in the news… I was so shocked and I just can’t get in my head why someone would do that! How could you harm people who just want to habe fun and habe nothing to do with you! I just can’t believe that! I hope the find the responsables soon! I’m so sorry for all the familys
We send deep, honest and understanding prayers to all those in Boston, from Israel (as those who know how you feel).
As a one who has family in Boston, and as a one who lives here and witnessed some things in her short life during the beginning of the century, this makes me absolutely flabbergasted. Especially when we have the “Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism” – this is so overwhelming!
I really, really hope you all find them and do whatever it takes to live in peace for a long time now – forever – if possible (which I would like to believe).
Citizens of Israel.
Like it has been said by many people it is unfathomable that anybody could be capable of such evil. I know that people may think that I am crazy for saying this, but the Truth must be shared. The Bible predicted that things like this will occur. And as we get closer to Jesus’ return things are only going to get worse. Think about it- something like this was unheard of 50 years ago, but in the last year we have had many unthinkable things happen (bombings, shootings, ect.). In Romans 1:21-32 it talks about how as we stray further and further from God we are left to evil ways. But there is hope for us and it comes through the Savior of the world Jesus Christ (I know most of us are familiar with John 3:16 if not check it out). This is not the way that God wanted or wants it to be. It’s not His fault that these things are happening, God is love and there is no evil way in Him. God is waiting for His people to take a stand for what is right. I don’t mean to preach, but I felt like I needed to share this. Thanks for listening. #prayforboston
I found out about this through Instagram from one of the girls that is in the Tone It Up community. While I don’t personally know some of the fellow members in that community, I do know of some who attended the event so immediately I wanted to find out what had happened. It truly is heart wrenching to see such a positive event turn into one filled with tragedy. Seeing the images play on TV truly made me wonder about the security of our nation. But as my mom has reminded me time and time again, the bible mentions that sometimes, unfortunately, we simply are at the wrong place at the wrong time and inexplicable occurrences can happen to anyone. My heart goes out to the families of those affected as well as to anyone who attended in general since it could have been them.
I found out about this after logging on Twitter. It is truly an inhumane act.
Keep safe, Cassey!
I came here to look up a recipe and saw this. Man, people train so hard for the marathon, people work hard, and it’s a COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE. That someone would try to ruin this would mean something is seriously wrong in their mind, something that cannot even… Ugh, I don’t even know what to write, this is terrible! There is nothing I can say or do to make this even the slightest bit better, more bearable, because there isn’t. Two dead. TWO DEAD on a day that they’ve trained probably months for, TWO DEAD on a day that was a community experience, that was supposed to be celebratory, TWO DEAD on a day that means so much to so many people.
I feel the same way as you. Truly sickened by the days’ events.
I wonder though if you’d reconsider the title of this blog post. I know your heart is in the right place but BEFORE i read your post I only saw the title in my blog reader. My initial thought was that you got hacked and that whoever hacked you supported these terrorist like actions and that ”what goes around comes around’ was directed for the people of Boston. You can see how this could be mistaken before anyone reads your post yes?
A friend of mine just shared the following with me via facebook. The quote is credited to Mr. Rogers. Of course, I have no way of verifying that, but no matter who said it, it is a wonderful perspective to take. Its optimism reminded me of you, Cassey, and specifically of this blog post, and I hope you will find encouragement in it:
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers–so many caring people in this world.”
Absolutely devastating. My heart goes out to every single person that was involved and affected in any way. Like after any tragedy, it will take a long time to heal both physically for some, and emotionally. My sympathies and thoughts are with Boston.
Thanks for your post Cassey. My husband was less than a mile from th finish, I was on my way there, and my mother in law was THERE. Thank god we are all ok, and my heart goes out to all the victims. Such a scary senseless day.
Seriously, it’s disgusting and unthinkable!! To attack such a positive, encouraging and uplifting event is just heart wrenching! My heart bleeds for everyone. Those injured, the families that lost loved ones and everyone else who has been mentally scared for life </3
Whoever is responsible is not a person. They are not capable of understanding the repercussions of their actions. This is just awful. How dare they? To think this happens almost every day around the world.
Imagine running a marathon and coming out with this experience.
This was absolutely nuts. I was in Boston just this morning, thank God I was out of the city for this. My friends running in the marathon finished and were a couple blocks away when the bombs went off. Nobody does this is their right mind…whoever is responsible for this, I hope they find the help they need. Sending prayers and positive vibes to everyone involved. Yeah there’s a lot of bad in this world, but there is good too. We can’t change the situation, all we can do is love people the best we can right now.
What goes around does NOT come back around. I know a lot of people like to believe this philosophy in order to gain some comfort, but do you really want to send that message ? To pursue hate instead of pursing forgiveness ? We do not even have the entire story about the who/what and why. What if the person or group that set the bombs were mentally ill , and in their minds, they were trying to defeat some form of evil that they believed in. Not everything that happens in Life should be taken for what it is, or how it is produced to be perceived.
If the person is mentally ill, then that makes this forgivable? We can’t just assume that this is just somebody who is defeating some “imagined” evil. It’s a bomb and in no way is that okay. 2 people have died, if not more by now. I think Cassey meant that they wouldn’t get away with this…not that something terrible is going to happen to them necessarily. At least, that’s how I took it.
correction: it could be* a bomb
I can’t believe what happened. My prof kept logging onto the internet in class and we’d see the headlines but I didn’t get to look at it until after, and then I watched a newscast on it at the gym. I don’t understand how people can do that. I don’t understand how people can hurt other people and be okay with it. It’s been a really terrible Monday.
I was checking my timeline on facebook when I saw your update! I’m from the Netherlands and I did not hear anything about the bombings until you posted something about it.
I feel so bad for everybody there.. I am so mad at the people who did this!
All the best from the Netherlands, my thoughts are with everybody who is a victim of these bombings -on every way.
Instead of calling and texting, people can check this site to find out the status of loved ones
Sport is such a positive and empowering thing, at its very essence. It’s so sad this is happening to those who inspire us to push out limits, not just physically. Today should have been about celebrating hard work, commitment and the great lengths the human body can go to and instead we’re watching this heinous act…
I’m a student at a school about 10 miles from Boston and this was my first marathon experience. I stood at the Wellesley halfway mark and cheered on the runners with such an amazing sense of community behind me. It’s so heartbreaking and devastating to see a day that started off with such a sense of community and excitement end so tragically. My heart is with those who were at the finish line and their families. This was such a horrifying event. Why would anyone ever do this? It doesn’t make sense.
Cassey-Regarding one of the last sentences in your post, urging us to call and text our friends and family: in tragedies like this the phone networks get overwhelmed. If you don’t have immediate family members it is probably the best decision for all involved if you DO NOT just call or text all of your friends who live there, no matter how much you want to be assured of their safety. If everyone flooded the phone lines it would impair the ability for emergency officials to best do their job.
Please amend or take out that line in your blog post!
omg I live in the Boston area and the phones lines were def flooded. I could not make calls and most of my texts failed for about an hour. It made the whole thing so much more frightening. What a devastating act to destroy such an empowering day.
im from israel and this is the reality we live in.
i dont always know to put it in words and beside to say how SUCK and STUPID it is i honestly dont know what to say…
i never understand how someone happily willing to put this kind of device in order to hurt innocent people that just came to a sport event…
i wish all the best to the injured and my sympathy to the families of the dead…
I am also a fan from Israel!
I agree with you. It is disgusting that someone would just do this! Especially in Israel when, unfortunately, it happens.
I was in the bombing that took place in the capital of Israel, Jerusalem, 2-3 years ago ( I can’t remember which year) but I was getting off the bus and there was a terrorist bombing. It is terrifying especially because I felt so vulnerable.
The Boston bombing, is atrocious as well. No matter where a bombing occurs, to think someone has the nerve to hurt innocent bystanders is despicable!
I am praying for Boston.
This is truly upsetting. It’s supposed to be a day filled with joy for so many, and their families cheering them on for finished a prestigious event. My prayers go out to everyone affected <3.
Thanks for your post, Cassey. My brother was helping a team of blind runners at the finish today and his wife was running the race. It was the scariest five minutes of my life between the time I heard the news and when I found out they were OK. I’m angry, too. This is disgusting and senseless. I watched the race from the 10-mile mark, and it was such a beautiful, inspiring day. Everyone was so happy. To have it end this way is… well, there are no words. Just sadness and tears.
omg so good to hear they are ok!
I just came here to look for what workouts are on the calendar for today and I saw your post. Sigh, I’m so upset by this…it just makes me so sad. I don’t understand some people. I honestly don’t even know what to think or say, I just hope that everyone affected by the tragedy is okay. I actually didn’t know about the Boston Marathon until today, but man, it seems like people have to work so hard to be part of the marathon, and it should be a fun happy day for them to celebrated their accomplishments, like you said on facebook. I’m just not in a good mood now, sigh. 🙁