The Blogilates May 2022 Workout Calendar!
Hey guys!
May is here! I recently wrapped up my 90 Day Journey to Muscle and tbh, I’m a little sad! I loved having a specific plan to stick to and of course YOU as my accountability partner. I learned so much about myself over those 90 days. Now it’s time to figure out what I want to set out to do next! If you’re in a bit of limbo like me, I have something that will help keep us busy in the meantime 😉
The May Workout Calendar!!!!
Ahhh don’t you just love opening up a fresh workout calendar?!!?
Let’s see what’s waiting for us in May.
How To Follow The May Workout Calendar
Check the Blogilates YouTube playlists to find all of the videos you need for this month’s calendar!!
If you don’t have the BODY By Blogilates app yet, GET IT! Seriously, it will make your life so much easier when you follow this calendar. You can access not only the calendar, but all of the videos in one place! Find challenges and free programs like the Glow up Sessions there too!
Now that you know where to find your workouts, here’s what you can expect each day of the May Workout Calendar. Let’s goo!
SUNDAY: Recovery
MONDAY: Total Body
THURSDAY: Total Body
SATURDAY: Legs & Thighs
Do each video once (unless otherwise stated) and check off as you go! Each day will be around 45 min of exercise.
REMEMBER! If you download the BODY By Blogilates app (on Apple or Android devices), you’ll have the calendar and workout videos in one place! Plus, you get that “workout complete” checkmark, which is sooo satisfying.
If you’re just getting started or want to ease into working out, my Beginner’s Calendar is a great place to start! It’s a free 4-week program to get you stronger so that you can join in on the monthlies when you are ready.
Tell me all about your summer plans in the comments!!
12 thoughts on “The Blogilates May 2022 Workout Calendar!”
There are 12 comments posted by our users.
where is the June calendar please?? trying to get the week ready!! lol
It’s coming tomorrow! 😁
Hey Cassey! Love you videos! I was wondering if you intend to post more workout videos on YouTube? Really miss those and it’s like working out with a friend <3
I’ve been watching your videos for ages now but I’ve only just seen your website it’s beautiful and you’re clothes are so work out friendly and your plans are amazing I can’t find any that are free so you have absolutely changed my life thank you so much 😊
I love how the cardio workouts are built into the different days (i.e. there is no separate cardio only day)! I like cardio but I love the more wholistic approach of incorporating cardio with strength on a given day
I started my workout out journey on April 18. With the beginner calendar but change the calendar to may. By week 2 I have lost 6lbs. I have had a hard time losing weight but with the calendar and my blogilates fit journal I get so happy to work out in the morning and writing in it to see my progress. Thank you so much Casey for helping strat my fit Journey.
Oh my goodness I love this calendar so much! It’s so aesthetically pleasing and useful! I’m a new blogilates fan, and you’ve helped me find my inspiration to move even more than I used to! Thank you so much Cassey!
Hi Cassey, im from Australia Perth so it’s actually winter here but nevertheless Im hoping to build my strength up again after having Covid. I stopped my workouts from your calendar after 2 years of following it daily. I stopped for about 4 weeks and as a consequence of Covid now have chronic fatigue so trying to go back building on my strength again slowly. I hope by end of winter I will feel like myself again! Please wish me luck as it has not been easy and I’m starry to feel negative about myself, my body, and just want to get back to my normal energized active positive self again ❤️
Hey Cassey! For my summer I am going just going to the beach and rewatch all the Marvel movies! Hope you have a great summer!
Hi Cassey! I know obviously Blogilates is pilates, but I was just wondering if you had ever considered making something like a lifting calendar? Sometimes it’s really hard to find lifting resources that are comprehensive and your workouts always make it super easy and fun to follow. Maybe it’s not possible, but just thought I’d ask!
Either way, you’re awesome! Thank you for being you. ♡
That would be amazing 😎!
I love opening up a fresh calendar and eyeing the workout videos for the month. May will be the third consecutive month that I will have followed your monthly workout calendar. Your calendars are so helpful and definitely lower the barrier to entry as the planning part of exercising is already done for me as the saying goes when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. So a big thank you to you, Cassey!