So many updates! Where to begin…
So many updates! Where to begin…
Hey POPsters!
Wowzaaaa I have so much to tell you I don’t even know where to start! (This is a life post btw.) Well I’m gonna first begin by saying that I am blogging from a hotel room in LA at 1:23 am and I just painted my nails a pretty nude and sparkle color! Feeling like a snowflake today. There’s no good lighting in the room so I will instagram my nails tomorrow! Are you following me there yet? It’s so much fun! Find me @Blogilates!
So 12.16.12 finally came and with it, the debut of the very first POP Pilates DVD!!!!!!
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OMG the day has finally come. Can you believe it!!?? The first time you guys asked me for this was like over 2 years ago when I was just starting out on YouTube. I finally got myself together and filmed a wonderful routine for you in a gorgeous house on top of a hill in the East Bay. If you read the orig. post on this, you’d know that my parents filmed it! Hahaha. It’s def been a long journey and there have been a TON of bumps in the road like you wouldn’t even imagine, but the DVD is here thanks to you guys! Seriously, you helped shape and sculpt the final product. You chose the cover, you told me what moves you loved most, and voiced what you liked and didn’t like about POP Pilates through comments, tweets, and emails. I have slaved endlessly over this alongside family, POPsters, friends, and colleagues…and I wouldn’t have it any other way! If you knew me in school, they used to call me “Miss Perfect” because I would stay up super duper late putting finishing touches on a project even if it didn’t raise my grade any higher. I just wanted it to be perfect and beautiful! So…when you guys get this…I hope you think so too!
What’s included in the POP Pilates: Total Body Workout DVD?
- Full 1 hr POP Pilates routine (just like if you were in a real live class with me!)
- Double sided glossy printable to take with you anywhere
- Music on/off option
- Fan albums and bonus videos (really cool!)
- Plays worldwide (so yes that means YOUR DVD PLAYER will accept it!)
I sent out a newsletter yesterday with a secret coupon code that will give you a nice discount for supporting the Blogilates Community and getting my first ever DVD! Sign up for the newsletter if you want it. Also, I want to note that this is a private presale for POPsters only from today until Dec 31st when it will be shipped. It goes pubs in the new year! So special pricing for you guys only…reserve your copy now and get it first!
Beginning Jan 1, 2013 the DVD will go back to normal price at $19.95!
Yay! So again, thank you guys for all of your support! I guess releasing a DVD for a fitness instructor or trainer is like a music artist releasing a new album! Kinda crazy huh? Speaking of crazy…I met Sam Tsui and Chester See a couple weeks ago!!! I asked Chester if I could use some of his music in our vids and he said yes! I’m hoping Sam will say the same but just waiting to hear back from him! They both were really cool, do you guys follow them? If not, you should! Great singers and musicians! I have been following Sam Tsui for a very long time so seeing him in person was so nuts! I was nervous but whatever, I got over it and introduced myself! I also hope to meet Ryan Higa one day and the whole YTF crew! He’s so funny and just wholesome good funny. Nothing crude or extremely political that it just goes over my head.
Who do you follow? Did I just go YouTube fangirl crazy on you right now? Sorry but those are great people I want to introduce you to!
Okay…I said this was gonna be a looooooong lifey type post so allow me to continue…
Well…you know I’ve been going to LA A LOTTTTT right? Like almost 2-3 times a month. For work. It’s been literally KILLING my diets and workouts and I really really REALLY hate traveling. I like being in new places but I HATE the act of traveling. Airplanes. Packing. Car rentals. Ugh. Ugh it all!
I wanted to move to LA when I first moved from Boston 1.5 years ago, but ended up in the SF Bay Area which was beautiful, (cold), but near mi familia. I went to middle school and high school in the bay so it was nice to be back on familiar grounds.
But POPsters! The time has come…
I just found an apartment in LA yesterday…and will be moving down to SoCal!
I’m really super happy and excited because I’ll be back where I grew up as a kid and went for college. I love LA and all that it offers (cept the traffic) and cannot wait to start anew down here. My main requirements when people asked me where I wanted to live were as follows:
- needs to be by a trader joes
- needs to be by a whole foods
- needs to be close to my gym
- nice neighborhood to run around
That’s it. Then I’d be happy.
And after daysssss of searching, I found the perfect place!
Hmmmm…I am not sure if I should be posting this because I didn’t tell my students at the gym yet…but umm…guys, if you are reading this…I’m telling you when I get back next week! That’s the one thing I hate about moving though…leaving my students. You create such a unique bond with your gym friends that takes a good amt. of time to build and flourish. To leave it…is just sad. Ugh.
But I guess that’s the whole reason why Blogilates is even here today! It started with me wanting to leave some videos for my LA students to work out to after I left for the East Coast.
Full circle huh?
And now we’re back in LA!
But you know what’s fun about moving? DECORATING!!!!!! I am a big Anthropologie FREAK and was browsing the store yesterday for bedding and fell in love…I cannot choose which one I should get. What do you guys think?
This is Georgina! I love the flowers.
And this is Rivulets. OMG ruffles galore.
Which do you like better? I can’t choose…help! I am also trying to decide what look I wanna go for in my new apt. I am thinking “beach cottage”. Do you think that’ll suit me? If you have any pinterest boards or looks you think I may like, please link me in the comments! Would love your design advice!
Okie dokie. I better get to bed. It’s been over an hour now. There is more exciting news to share later on. But I don’t wanna jinx anything by telling you too early! One thing at a time k? Just know I’m working hard for YOU!!!!
Happy Holidays and seriously guys…thanks so much for all of your love and enthusiasm for our community and for supporting me along this Youtube Pilates journey. You’re the best 🙂
<3 you,
PS – btw for those of you who noticed (bc I know you’re gonna comment on this) yes the cover had to undergo a last min change!
62 thoughts on “So many updates! Where to begin…”
There are 62 comments posted by our users.
Hey CASSEY! Congrats (I guess it gonna capitalize your name since that’s how I have your folder- lol) Anyhow, congrats on the vid & the move! I’ve done the lights like that before, feels like your al fresco in Italy, love it…. and I personally like Rivulets if your going beach chic, … I’m going to figure out my Pinterest address and post it to you; I am just wrapping up a beach chic Reno of my own in my new house, I have a ton of great pins… Thanks for the workouts, the inspiration, and just sharing your life with us Popsters! May 2013 be all our best yet!
Xoxo Rahmi
I definitely love the flower one the most for a “beach cottage” and congrats on the DVD and the move! Your tan is going to be off the hook all year long ;D
Thank you for being such an inspiration.
I’m definitely going to your classes when you get set up here! I can’t wait!
Hi!! Will you be teaching in LA and, if so, where? I live in Irvine and would love to come to a class!
So happy for you. You deserve every success for all your hard work. I’m deffo getting your DVD, can’t wait!
Congrats on the DVD release & the move!! I actually just moved up to the Bay Area from LA so we just missed each other. 😉 I’m totally digging your decor style. I WANT those comforters! Gorgeous!
Hey Cassey! I really want to be a very succesful interior designer one day, I’m currently 15 yrs old. Mine if I give you a little suggestion on the whole new apartment decorating situation? (:
Okay so from watching all of your videos, you are always so neat, natural and just beautiful. I would suggest a ‘bohemian’ kind of theme, ya know what I mean? So you know, very plain yet capturing. Some examples are, neutral, pastel, organic colours for your walls and go a little adventurous with your decorations. Im not sure if you can paint your walls? If you cant, I hope you have a white or something plain coloured walls. Switch them, so adventurous yet natural decorations. Im so sorry I dont make sense, I know. If you want to really find really good and unique pieces, I recommend going to Thrift stores and I can ALMOST guarantee you, you’ll find something amazing. I always watch people from LA going thrift shopping and they always fine many awesome stuff!!! I live in Australia and we call it Op Shopping here.
Okay I kinda went out of path there a bit, haha. So yeah, organic, natural bohemian theme I think would suit you best! I really hoped I helped even a little because I really love you so much. I wish I could help you. How fun would that be??! But then you might find me so weird and just walk away ): but i know you wouldnt 🙂
Oh and also, Aztec print center rug under your future coffe table! Yayyyy for that!!
Also, last thing I swear haha, have a look at some of the stuff on Tumblr that might inspire you and give you ideas about decorating.
I love you so much Cassey! You are like my internet sister and I really just want to give you a hug right now for all the stuff you have done for us POPsters!
Love always,
Emerie <3
Congratulations Cassey!! That is amazing that you’re moving to LA. I’m sure you’re gonna have a great time there. I would very much like to move there myself (not sure how I’m gonna do that from Europe but I’ll make it happen) so who knows, I might see you there 😀 You’re such a great person, you really deserve all these good things happening for you. Thanks for being a huge inspiration!
Yay Cassey!!! I am very happy for you!
Oh, and I love Ryan Higa! I follow his channel. His videos make me laugh. They are so hilarious. Very talented as well.
I also follow this girl who talks about Bulimia Recovery. <===Because, well, I am trying to recover from it…
Most of my channels that I follow on Youtube are health and fitness relates; such as LiveStrongWomen, Fitness Blender, Befit, etc. etc.
I should probably follow someone other than fitness/ health.
I do like Michelle Phan's videos. Wow she is talented.
Anyways, back to answering your question, I like the Georgina covers more than the other one.
I currently reside in Tokyo, Japan, so we do NOT have a Trader Joes or a Whole Foods… <== I know, what?! I really miss shopping there. Definitely my favorite grocery store.
And the gym prices here are too expensive…and there are just no GREEN anywhere and too many buildings so the air seems polluted and eewww, not a great environment to walk or go on a jog outside… which is devastating…
But on the bright side, Japan's traditional foods (not the americanized stuff) are healthy, and so yeah…I already forgot what I was going to say…but anyways…
You are amazing Cassey and hope your move to LA goes smoothly!
Congrats Cassey! I’m so happy for you!
and I think the Georgina one is better! 🙂
Wow Cassey that IS a lot! I’m going to ask for the DVD for Christmas 🙂 that is so exciting! Congrats on the move that’s so cool!!! And I can’t even begin to imagine the other news… I’ll have to wait and see! I’m a perfectionist too, so I know how you feel. I like the Georgia bedding best 🙂 beach cottage theme thing sounds great for you! Lol you just put up all those blogilates workout shirts on the wall and now you have to take them down… Good luck with that. Ok this was really long but… I love you Cassey!
Ahhh! Im so proud of you Cassey!! Congrats on the video being released! And im absolutely in love with the Georgina bedding! Have fun in LA;)
I am absolutely IN LOVE with Georgina. I can’t get over the flowers.
ps…congratulations on your dvd!
I actually have the rivulets and i LOVE it. it is so soft. It’s kind of a medium thickness blanket though, not a thick winter comforter or duvet type blanket. I still use it now though because my apt is heated and i don’t need anything else.
love the georgina!
Georgina!! So deliciously wicked!
Remind me of Taylor Swift’s song ‘love story’
Georgina!! So beautiful! Congrats on all your new adventures!! Makes miss wish I still lived in SoCal!
I cannot wait to buy this! Cassey I am so happy for you! You’ve been with us forever and if I ever need to get fit Pop Pilates is there to save me. I’m just waiting for finals to be over so I can go all out and do pilates all day! Love you 🙂
Georgina for sure!!!!!
Congratulations! So much good news – you are such an inspiration!
I’m so excited for you! I would go with the Georgina, the ruffles are cute but might be a little overwhelming. Will you be teaching in LA when you get here? I hope so, that would be so cool to take some of your classes in person! Also I’m buying your DVD this Friday and getting extra copies to give as gifts!
Here is a Pinterest board where I have pinned so many things of decorating ideas!! I think you would like a lot of the styles I choose, most are pastels and lots of texture.
Congrats on your DVD release Cassey! I’m currently begging my boyfriend to get me one copy for X’mas (or a yoga mat).
Please don’t take Rivulets… Everybody seems to like Georgina better anyway.
I’m excited to see videos in your new environment! Good luck with your move.
Congrats!!! I know you have worked hard and you deserve to be where you want to be!!
I can’t wait to get your DVD. Just waiting to get the money together! You know how the holiday are always hard.
BTW, I would go with the GEORGINA one. It’s simple, not too much going on and looks SUPER comfy.
Thanks for being such an inspiration. You’ve helped me a lot. <3
Congrats Cassey, how exciting! All the best with the move, I can’t wait to see all the workouts from your new pad! 🙂
(My vote would be for the Georgina bedding too – totally classic, clean and still girly! LOVE!)
georgina one is so nice! I love moving, we move a lot, at first i didnt like it but now i got use to it and i like it because of the redecorating! 🙂 Definitely getting your dvd, since sometimes the computer gets me angry haha.
I’m sooo exited for you!And, number one, btw 😉 And the DVD is ordered! Can’t wait for it to reach Norway 😉
I really, really like the rivulets! Soo pretty!
Congrats on all your exciting news, yayyy!
My vote for the bedding is Georgina, love how it’s simple with some added fun flower flair! You’ll be able to do so much working with accent pieces to match!
Hi Cassey,
Congratulations on all your achievements, you must be so proud of yourself, as I’m sure your parents are. You’ve worked hard and remained focused, helping a number of people along the way. You deserve all the credit, just keep up the good work that you are doing and being the postive role model that you are.
I’ve been doing your videos for about 6 months now as access to a gym or some decent outdoor running is a little bit difficult for me as I am currently based overseas. I visit your website on a regular basis and often read the comments – but this is the first time that I have felt so compelled to write, because I am genuinely pleased for you. I bet you must be terribly excited about all the things that are going on in your life. Best of of luck with the move to LA.
Re the bedding – definitely the ‘Georgina’ which is more chic and sexy (more your style). The Rivulets is a little bit to busy and fussy – you dont want that when you fall into bed!!
Kind regards
I’ve wanted the Georgina bedding since I first saw it on Pinterest so that one has my vote!
Congrats on the move and the DVD– I definitely plan on ordering it!
Do the Georgina one! It’s cute, but it’s not too overwhelming in the room so you can also focus on other kinds of decoration in the room! I’m so happy you’re going to LA!! I always go to LA and I can’t wait to maybe coincidentally meet you!
That’s incredible!! LA is such a fun energetic city, just like you! Maybe you’ll get your own POP Pilates tv show 😀
Please tell me you will be teaching classes in LA! That would be AMAZING!!!
I’m so excited you’re moving to LA!!!!
I like the Georgina but they are both so pretty! Good luck with your move! I know how stressful moving can be!
I love this cover! It’s more Pilates related (the side plank) than the other one (you just holding the matt) besides this is the actual cover that won the it!
Good look in your new apartment!
I think the first bed set will go with more decor, because it’s s softer feminine fabric.
OMG congrats Cassey!!!
That’s amazing news! Will you be teaching classes in the LA area?
I love the Georgiana bedding! It would look so cute in your new appt!
Xoxo! 🙂
Where are you going to be teaching in LA?! I want to come take a real life Cassey class! And I lovee the first bedding 🙂
Congrats, girlie! So much going on 🙂 Yay for the new place! I’d link you to my “home” board, but it’s more renovation than decorating 😛 Can’t wait to get my DVD in a few weeks, woot!
Oh, and I like the first bed set – subtle and girly. I’d say “have fun moving” but no one truly enjoys lugging boxes in and out of trucks (do they??). So I’ll say “enjoy settling in”, because that part actually IS fun 🙂
Congrats, LA is a lot of fun, but you will definitely be missed in the bay area!
If you go on my pinterest to : The [future & current] nest, board I have tons of home decor ideas!
Best of luck with your move!
This is AMAZING!!! Looking for
Yay for you! I love supplementing my fitness routine with your Youtube vids.
RIVULETS! I bought myself the set in the deep blue color for my birthday in November… it’s uuuhhhhmmazing. Makes me so excited to go to sleep at night! It’s the most deliciously soft cotton jersey material but has a good weight to it (which I need more here in Chicago than you will in LA, but still). Enjoy!
You met Chester!!! :D!!! Isn’t he sexy??? 😀 lolll
Oh Cassey, I hope one day you could come to Montreal to instruct a pilates class! It’d be sooo fun!!
I LOVE the georgina, the first one! And I LOVE the dvd, I’m seriously gonna ask my family to get me this for Christmas! Even though I wouldn’t get it till January, I don’t care! You inspire me so much Cassey!
thank u so much for ur support!!!
Cassey, so much good stuff here! First of all, welcome to LA!! I live in LA and hopefully I’ll run into you someday…I know you’re sweet and friendly so I’m sure it won’t be a problem if I say hi and give you a hug, lol. 😉 Also, congrats on the DVD~that is one major feat and cannot imagine how hard it was. And I’d say if your room is on the more WOW and decorated side, go with the flowers, but if it’s more on the calm and simple side, go with the ruffles!
OMG! Moving must be exciting.
I like the first set better than the second one.
Will you be teaching classes in LA? I plan to visit LA for a week in March and it would be great to take one of your classes in person and finally meet you!
Have a great holiday!
first one, definitely 🙂
I like the first one, I’ve seen them in different colors too! Personally I wouldn’t get white even though it’s super cute, I just want something that won’t get visibly dirty easily b/c I’m so lazy with laundry lol!
I like the first one better. The second is a little too busy for me.
I am so happy for you! The hard work always pays off, you deserve everything you have and more. Thank you for your work!
As much as I love you cassey, the discount isnt really that much of a discount. When shipping is $5, a discount less than that is pointless. It doesn’t help me at all. 🙁
LOL, are you really complaining about a discount? Any money off is better than no money off. And $5 for International Shipping is a steal! I looked into shipping a 7lb box to Slovenia and it was going to cost $67 (slowest route). She’ll still have all her videos on Youtube though, so no worries, you’ll still be able to work out with her 🙂
maybe you could mix the ruffled duvet with the floral pillows.
The first one may be better in person, but it doesn’t picture as well. Also, I don’t know if you are a little anal about these things, but think about the flower petals folding in the wrong direction from sleeping and sitting around in the bed and messing it up. That would bother me because it wouldn’t look like a flower anymore.
The ruffles I feel like don’t have to be uniformed for it to look good. Also, the picture of it looks more upscale.
I tried signing up for the newsletter using both my Juno and my Gmail accounts but neither one worked for me… 🙁
Congrats Cassey!!
So super happy for you! Everything seems be going so well in your life right now! And might I add that you are looking so banging hot after your bikini contest! You are so amazing & such an inspiration !!
I really think the first bed cover pic is the best – super cute & not too OTT!
P.S Beach house is adorbs but I really think you such go cute chic! I’m @heathermaree – I tag’d you in some photos on Instagram from @spell_byronbay
Much Love xoxo