Setting Successful New Year’s Resolutions + oGorgeous Giveaway!

Setting Successful New Year’s Resolutions + oGorgeous Giveaway!

Hey POPsters!

Hope you had a lovely holiday weekend! Who’s out conquering the malls today? NOT ME! I’m filming your New Year’s Cardio Dance vid today with Jackelyn! Get excited  – it’s gonna be fun!

Today’s video is on how to set goals that you can actually follow through with. New year’s is just around the corner and I know a bunch of us want to achieve a million things for 2012. That’s great! January also means my classes at the gym will get all filled up again! My fave time of the year. Everyone’s excited, motivated, and ready to rock it out. This also means all the cardio machines will be taken (with lines), but whatever, I love the energy!

Here are some guidelines for successful goal setting!

  1. Make 1 attainable goal
  2. Make 1 outrageous (but doable) goal
  3. Write them down, hang it up, and look at it everyday
  4. Want to achieve your goals BADLY

I explain in further detail why this combination works in the video above! Basically, 1 & 2 allows you to conquer quickly but not sell yourself short. 3 & 4 keeps you focused with the will to achieve burning deep inside.

Also!!!! To help get you all fired up for the new year, I want to announce my first ever oGorgeous bag giveaway! It’s just for you POPsters!

To enter to win one of these beauties, there are 2 things you need to do! (Well, 3 if you wanna be spectacular!)

  1. Go to and write a comment below the bag you love.
  2. Come back here, and tell me which bag you want to win in the comments below!
  3. If you want 10 extra entries, send in your burpee video! That’s right. 10. To read more on the World Burpee Tour, click here. To send in a video, just email

Contest runs Dec 26, 2011 to Jan 1, 2012 11:59PM PST. INTERNATIONAL CONTEST of course!

Love you guys! Have fun shopping sales and get ready for the most awesome POP Cardio Dance vid evvverrrr!!! Thank you for your suggestions. As always, you guys help create your own fitness videos. Cool to see your requests come alive huh?

<3 Cassey

PS…watch to the end of the video for some funny bloopers. And my obsession with losing 800 lbs…hahahaha.

643 thoughts on “Setting Successful New Year’s Resolutions + oGorgeous Giveaway!”

There are 643 comments posted by our users.

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  1. Maryam says:

    I would be so freaky happy if i win Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in French Rose. I hope I win it since my birthday is coming up January. I want this so bad. 🙁

  2. Anna Nilsson says:

    I really loved the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua! <3

  3. Melissa Farress says:

    I would LOVE the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose please? :’)xx

  4. Lucie says:

    I would be SO happy to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Dazzle. Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. It’s a little late to enter; but I just wanted to let you know that I love your Crazy Zips bag in plum! I love it so much I included it in a post on my blog. Feel free to stop by!

    Peace and Health

  6. Marissa says:

    Completely IN LOVE with the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! As a busy mom of two this bag would be a heaven sent, I can carry my gym clothes with me everywhere and still look great!

  7. Devan says:

    hey, just wanted to say i would like the pleated pocket gym bag in black dazzle 🙂 thanks for giving us all the chance to win one of your bags by the way! their beautiful but out of my price range!lol

  8. Amy Willson says:

    I absolutely love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose , its beautiful, please, i would love to have it xx

  9. talia sorace says:

    would be GREATTT to go to the gym with! My old one is getting very dirty and worn out!

  10. Cassie Xiong says:

    I would love to win the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal.

  11. Annie Nguyen says:

    I am oh so so so in love with the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! I MUST have it… *drooool*

  12. Marie Raheb says:

    They are all gorgeous, but I absolutely love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle 🙂

  13. Cassie says:

    I would LOVE the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!! It would be great for all my rugby/running gear here in New Zealand 🙂

  14. Bethany says:

    I would love the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle!! please and thank you

  15. Catherine says:

    I would LOVE to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua is so pretty!!

  16. Mini says:

    I’d LOVE to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose:)

  17. Katie says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose Please! 🙂

  18. Hadayat says:

    Hey Cassey! I want that pink hand bag, it’s so cute^^

  19. Christine says:

    Oh gosh, I guess I’ll give it a try! I loooove all the bags; spent ages clicking back and forth, but if I have to pick, it’s Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!

  20. Hadayat says:

    Hey Cassey! i want that pink hand bag , it’s so cute^^

  21. Carrie B says:

    I love the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!!! It is so cute!!!
    Here’s to reaching my GOALS not sticking to resolutions this year!!! I want to reach my goal weight not just to be thinner and healthier but hoping that may help me with getting pregnant!!! As long as I keep trying and never give up I know I’ll reach my goals!! Happy New Year to All!!!

  22. Angeline Bautista says:

    Seriously loving the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!! An uniquely stylish and fashionable gym bag~

  23. Sharon says:

    I LOVE the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!!!!!!

  24. wendy says:

    I will love that pink one…..

  25. Caitlin Parker says:

    I would loooove to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! It is ADORABLE!

  26. Lily O'Brien says:

    Would sooo love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua. 😀 It’s so adorable!

  27. farwah sheikh says:


  28. Jackie says:

    I love the Crazy Zips bag in Plum!!!

  29. Sandy Jimenez says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose 🙂

  30. I would really love to win the pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle. I love it!! It totally fits my personality and I could really use the bag!! Here’s to hoping!!

  31. Kelly Mogk says:

    Absolutely fell in love with the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle! Perfect for me!

  32. Kaley says:

    Beverly Bowtie Bag in Aqua!

    It’s so cute. I love it and you!

  33. Elisabeth says:

    In all honesty, any of these beautiful bags would get me super motivated! Since I moved to college, telling myself to go to the gym has been so daunting. Your videos have helped keep me from gaining too much weight, but I need to do more. If I had to pick, the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle would be it! It’s subtle, yet so adorable!!!

  34. Lenika says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!

  35. farwah sheikh says:




  36. Serena says:

    Hi Cassie! It’s so hard to pick between all the styles, since there are little bits in each bag that are appealing. If the Bungee Butterfly Yoga Bag in Black Bubbles could be translated into a gym bag style, that would be my favorite.

    Ultimately, my favorite became the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal. It’s just so gorgeous! Thanks for hosting the giveaway! 🙂

  37. sheila says:

    Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!!

  38. Samantha says:

    I would love to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. It’s the perfect color!

  39. Lauren says:

    I would truly love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in chrome dazzle! Ogoreous indeed!!!!!!!


    1. Lauren says:

      oh crap I missed the second g in gorgeous- eeek! don’t disqualify me lol

  40. Gina Topley says:

    I would love to win the Crazy Zips Bag in Plum!

  41. Carmen says:

    I really would like the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag!

  42. Alison Kehl says:

    I would love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle so that I can go to the gym or do some POP PILATES after teaching 7 year olds all day and sweat the stress away :). Pop Pilates has inspired me to find a passion for yoga and pilates that keeps me sane during the school year. Thank you Cassey!!!!!!!

  43. Jane says:

    I would LOVE to have the beverly bowtie yoga bag in slate
    Thanks cassey!

  44. Megan W. says:

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!! I would LOVE to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! Its O so GORGEOUS! 🙂

  45. Sharlene says:

    Oh my Gosh!! I love O Gorgeous bags such a great concept especially for Yoga newbies like myself. I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. Thanks Cassey for all you do & helping me unleash my fitness and yoga junkie!

  46. Angela says:

    I would absolutely love to win the pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle! Sequins are my fav! 🙂

  47. Rebekah says:

    Love the pink bag! Very cute:D

  48. Ninchen says:

    awwwww Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose is so nice *.*
    it’s love =D

  49. Taryn says:

    Ohh! I love the silver one! It’s soooo cute! Can’t wait to get back in shape this year! I love your videos. They are so helpful! 🙂

  50. Jessica Gallegos says:

    *I mean me and my brothers.
    If I get picked,
    Bungee Butterfly Yoga Bag in Black Bubbles, please : )
    I LOVE Bubbles

  51. Jessica Gallegos says:

    Hello Cassie,
    I’m 15 years old, me and two of my older brother used to work out all the time and when both of them died a couple months ago in a car accident.It was hard to get motivated again, until I found one of your videos on YouTube.
    Thank you so much for you videos, their very motivating and have helped me get back on track!

    <3 Anthony ~ Mike 6/19/11 <3

  52. Karla Ess says:

    I adore the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. Super sleek and modern. I wish I could do the burpee video for extra entries, but I’m recovering from the flu – can’t wait to be healthy and get back to blogilates! Thanks for holding this giveaway and have a great new year 🙂

  53. cliona says:

    i saw the beverly bowtie gym bag in dusty rose on the PBF blog and instantly fell in love <3

  54. Amy says:

    i LOVE the pleated pocket in chrome dazzle. how can you not love the sparkles!!

  55. I love the chrome sequence pleated bag!! I would love to carry that bag to the gym! They are all great Cassie!

  56. Michelle S says:

    I love the teacup and the artwork in the video !! Too cute 🙂 Plus, I’m definitely going to be following those guidelines.

    P.S. I loooove the Chrome Dazzle Gym Bag ! A definite want

  57. Daphne says:

    Hope to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle.
    Simple & Sophisticated, just like me. Classy when needed.
    A great incentive gift to bring along as i reach my goal to attain my old body back. discipline and persistence needing to kick start again.

    Hope everyone has an awesome year.! 2012 Time to tackle. (:

  58. Lilly says:

    I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE the Beverly Bow Tie in dusty rose! It’s the sassiest, most functional gym bag I’ve seen!

  59. Stephanie says:

    My favorite is the pleated pocket bag in black sparkle!

  60. maja širca says:

    Yoga bag in peacock (, I love it!!!!!!!!!!! And I would be delighted to get one:)))))

  61. Katrin Melanie says:

    Happy new year!!! I looooove the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! It’s very pretty 🙂

  62. Jo Pearson says:

    Hi Cassey
    I would really love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. I’d really look the part in my local gym in the UK. Will get many admiring looks if I could win one

  63. Carly says:

    I would love the pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzel!

  64. Toni says:

    This competition is amazing, I’d love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle if I win.
    Also HAPPY NEW YEAR from the UK Cassey! Xx

  65. Joanne says:

    I love the Pleated Pocket bag in Chrome Dazzle! It’s gorgeous!

  66. Rose Van Ryckeghem says:

    I love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!

  67. Laura says:

    Cassey, I love your bags, but I ADORE the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. <3 <3 <3
    Thanks for hosting a(n international) giveaway!
    Greetings from Germany!

  68. Sarah Gilkerson says:

    I want to win the crazy zips gym bag in Plum!

  69. Adrienne says:

    Cassey, I love love LOVE your pleated pocket gym bag in Chrome Dazzle! It’s perfect for the gym!

  70. Trisa Dyer says:

    Crazy zips bag in plum is my choice. Love the color!! My beat up bag needs to be retired! LOL!!

  71. Caitlin says:

    I want to win the Pleated Black Sparkle bag! It was on my Christmas list, but no such luck.

    Thanks, lady!

  72. Cathy R. says:

    I would LOVE the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! I’m about to go to college (hopefully) in the Fall, and I can totally see myself roaming the campus, going to class, and working out with this bag.

    Anyways, thanks Cassey for everything that you do for us. I check your blog for posts religiously and look forward to any new videos, recipes, reviews, etc. You’re definitely my favorite fitness instructor ever, and I respect that you’re doing something that you love to do. I would love to have a job that I truly enjoy doing. We’ll see how that goes 🙂

  73. susan says:

    I would love to win the chorme dazzle bag–it is so unordinary!

  74. Marta Esteban Gómez says:

    My favourite bad is the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose, gorgeous!


  75. Tina B says:

    I pick the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal. All your bags are beatiful and I wished I got one for my b-day or xmas. Since my b-day four days before xmas. I didn’t get one so I am excited you are doing contest now!!!! Hope Everyone had a great and safe holidays!

  76. Angela Yang says:

    I would loveeee to bring the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle to the gym with me 🙂

  77. Bria Blodgett says:

    The Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum is too cute! I’d never have a problem finding motivation to go to the gym again because I’d want to show it off so bad lol.

  78. Ashley Dickerson says:

    Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal:
    I absolutely LOVE this bag. It looks so well made, and it literally is GORGEOUS<3 I would love to carry this amazing bag around with me all day every day!!

  79. Tre'Lee Wood says:

    Ould love love love the pleated pocket gym baf in chrome dazzel! Id be lookin soooooo fly going to the gym! Would love to start the new year off in style! :DI w

  80. Yoli says:

    Ahh I would totally LOVE to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! It’s amazing. Workout motivation right there.

  81. Guðbjörg Oddný Jónasdóttir says:

    I would love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle 😀 greetings from iceland xoxoxox

  82. athena roncher says:

    I just wanted to start off by saying you are such an inspiration and I love your videos and blog! And I would loveeee to own thebeverly bowtie gym bag in dusty rose!!

  83. Brigitte Metzger says:

    I love the crazy zips gym bag in Teal! Love the yoga mat holder on the back! I’ve just started getting into health and fitness after too long of not treating my body right!

  84. Jasmine says:

    I’d love to have the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal! I’d honestly use it so’s so big and organized! I love it! 🙂

  85. Lauren says:

    i would love the sweetheart yoga bag in peacock please! I love doing pop pilates and now my friends do it too(:

  86. Jessica Mullan says:

    I would love to make that Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose mine! Perfect for helping me keep all my gym stuff organized and cute while I’m student teaching this semester!

  87. Nadine says:

    Lobe the shape of the Beverly Bag, would suit me perfectly for workout 😉

    1. Nadine says:

      LOVE I meant 😛

  88. Tessa says:

    I would absolutely love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!! I am currently using an old Nike drawstring bag for the gym that hardly fits all of my belongings in it. The Pleated Pocket Gym Bag would be an AMAZING upgrade that I would love to start 2012 off with!

  89. Jess Powell says:

    Hi Cassey, really hope your xmas and new year was great! I think all of your bags are just wonderful, you are so so talented. If I would be lucky enough to win then I would love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle :). I do not have the courage to go the gym but would really love to face my fear with the new year. We don’t have bags like this in the UK so think it would give me the confidence to get out of the house and would get me lots and lots of compliments! You are and always will be a massive inspiration to me <3 xx

  90. Carlie says:

    It’s hard to choose just one, but my favourite bag is the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua!!! 🙂

    Secretly I want to collect them all 😉

  91. sarah says:

    I would love love love to have the black sparkle gym bag!! those bags are hott!!

  92. Sarah Dang says:

    I have my eyes on the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!!

  93. Aarthi says:

    Hi Cassey
    I love the Crazy Zips Gym bag in Teal…have already sent my burpee video…hope I get this one…

  94. Jessica says:

    Love and want with a passion the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua.

    By the way I have only found your vidoes about two weeks ago , love them, and can already see results. A great way to start my new year.
    Thank you

  95. Marthie says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!!! I’d love to win this bag and carry this sexy thing with me to the gym!

  96. Aja Torres says:

    I want the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. It’s adorable!
    I had to laugh when you said that one in the video because I had just decided that was the one I wanted. 🙂

  97. Frances says:

    Love the pleated pocket black sparkle bag! I’ve been looking for a new gym bag and this one’s too cute!

  98. Marcela Morales says:

    I want the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua

  99. Kitty says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. <3 <3 Absolutely love it

  100. Ming Xiong says:

    They are all gorgeous! But my favorite is the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal 🙂

  101. Laura Myers says:

    I adore the pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle! It’s so fashionable yet conventional, with it’s numerous awesome features. BTW pop pilates has done wonders for me so far! Thanks for not only introducing me to effective workouts but many healthy food options like Miracle Noodles 🙂 Much love.

  102. I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Yoga bag in slate! It’s so (o)gorgeous!

  103. emily says:

    (i don’t think my first commented appeared!!
    Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum!


  104. emily says:

    <> let’s go lucky star 🙂

  105. Lauren Elizabeth says:

    I love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose the most most most!!!

  106. Gina says:

    The Beverly Bowtie gym bag in dusty rose is a-ma-zing! Just having the bag would motivate me to go workout, because who wouldn’t want to show it off!

  107. Elizabeth Jean says:

    I absolutely LOVE all your designs! However, the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle really stands out to me <3 I'd go to the gym everyday just to show it off and brag about you. 🙂 You're the best Cassey!

  108. Aimee says:

    love love love the crazy zips bag in purple. all of your bags are gorgeous, it was a hard choice!! thanks for being such a great inspiration cassey! you make me want to do more and be better 🙂

  109. Amy says:

    Cassey you just make working out so much FUN! I could not have lost all this weight without you! The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua is AMAZING!!!

  110. Danielle says:

    My favorite has got to be the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle, it would be ABSOLUTELY the best gift EVAAR! Pretty please? 😀 <3

  111. Angela Yu says:

    I want the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! The design is so simple yet gorgeous! Very classy~

  112. Ria Yu says:

    I want to win the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal. Anyway I LOVE THE DESIGN OF THIS BAG! I love how organize, big and crazy this bag is! I also like how there is also a bottle pocket inside the bag so it easy to grab and I will be reassured that my bottled will never leak because it is standing upright! I It is great for unorganized people like me. It would be a huge help with my new year resolution: “Keep my things organized and tidy!”. Please pick me.

  113. Christine says:

    I absolutely love the Beverly Bowtie bag in dusty rose! It’s so gorgeous and to get it would just be a dream come true! <3

  114. Bridget Crutcher says:

    Id love to have th Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua so I can get in shpe for my wedding May! ::0) Thanks and have a wonderful day!

  115. Karli says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie bag in dusty rose! Suuuuuuuuuuuuuper cute!

  116. Sukh says:

    I love your workout videos. I actually just found out about the youtube video. I wanted to take the pilates classes, but they are so expensive and being a student doesn’t help 😉 I am so excited to start the new year with a new me!!!! Thank you so much.
    Also, I entered the bag giveaway contest. I would like Beverly bow tie gym bag in dusty rose color.

    Thank you 🙂

  117. Joyce says:

    I love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bad in Rose color!

  118. Joyce says:

    I would like to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose =) So cute, so chic!

  119. Laura says:

    LOVE Black Sparkle Gym Bag!

  120. Christine Fore says:

    I want to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!! Please pick me! I haven’t had a nice bag in along time, I have three kids and all my bags are full of crunched up goldfish, wads of baby wipes and spilled hand sanitizer. I promise I will take care of this one and use it to stay healthy.

  121. Ona says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose.

  122. Laura Montonen says:

    I would love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! 🙂

  123. The Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle is GORGEOUS Cassie! 🙂

  124. Laura Deroles says:

    Love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle x a million!!!!

  125. Renita Vermeulen says:

    It was so hard to decide between all the bags, but in the end i just fell in love with the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal. The color is so so sooo pretty! I couldn’t take me eyes off it! It will definitely stand out at the gym, just like me!
    Lots of love from the Sunshine Coast, Australia!

    1. Renita Vermeulen says:

      (oh dear, my spelling is horrible!)

  126. Christene Smith says:

    I would love love LOVE to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle, its beyond fabulous and I, as a student, definitely do not have the money to buy it right now

  127. Christina Ho Chua says:

    Love the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle!!! It looks so elegant!

  128. Christina Ho Chua says:

    Love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! It looks so elegant…..

  129. Jamie says:

    I totally want the pleated pocket gym bag in CHROME DAZZLE. I love the extra boost of confidence I get when I have good- looking gym gear and this bag defines “good- looking”.

  130. Rachelle says:

    I would love to have the Beverly bow tie in dusty rose!

  131. Jana says:

    My winnner of bags is Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. Realy amazing. Love Jana from Czech

  132. Charlotte says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. Oh how I want to win that bag!

  133. Corinne T says:

    Hey Cassey!
    I would love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym bag in Chrome Dazzel!

    Happy New Year !!


  134. Katie says:

    I would love to have the crazy zips bag in purple!

  135. I love all the bags, but my favorite is the Crazy Zips bag in teal.

  136. sarah says:

    i would love to win the pleataed pockeet gym bag in chrome dazzle!

  137. poupoune says:

    I’d love to get the bevertly bowtie gym back in dusty rose ! It’s so pretty. Would be so great for my dance classes. <3 The girls would be jealous of my gorgeous new bag 😀

  138. Jakub V says:

    Hi Cassey
    My Friend Jana admires you a lot. She also started to train women and she is really good at it. She loves the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle and I wish she could win it, because I like her very much, she is my best friend.

    Thank you and happy New Year 🙂


  139. Rina says:

    Hey bud…Who me?..Shhh..who me?..Riiiiight..

    I would love to win the Secret Agendt Yoga Bag. 🙂

  140. Megan says:

    I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! I think it would encourage me to go to yoga/pilates classes more 🙂

  141. Julia says:

    I´d would love to be a owner of the PLEATED POCKET GYM BAG BLACK SPARKLE to sparkle along with me on my bike racing around the city going to different classes (and like that I fit everything i need for the day AND the pilatesroll,what a troublefree life I would have indeed!!)

    Lots of Love Julia

  142. Casey Simmons says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle please!

  143. Noelle says:

    I’m dying to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!

  144. Stefanie Brown says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose is the cutest gym bag ever! I don’t know how I could bear to put my dirty gym clothes in such a cute bag, but I would try to manage!! 🙂

  145. Jenny says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose PLEASE, it is so adorable!

  146. Jelena Savcic says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose…even if i know that there is no chance in the world that i can get anything by luck :/ love you Cassey and you videos…i finally lost weight and i’m for the first time happy with the way i look, all thanx to you <3

  147. Niina Lehtonen says:

    I love the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum. I’d like to win that one if I had the chance. I’m new here on your blog but I’ve already fallen in love with your smiley face and contagious energy. Thank you Cassey for bringing my exercising motivation back after two weeks!

  148. Sarah Grube says:

    I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!! It’s sooo beautiful! I also wanted to say that I have tried following a lot of different trainers on DVD’s, youtube, etc. and you by far are the best out there! I’m definitely sticking with ya =) I’m obsessed with doing your exercise videos now and just want to thank you so much for your inspiration.

  149. Melanie says:

    I would really love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! All your bags are adorable, but this one is my favourite!

  150. Janice says:

    Pleated black sparkle.. beautiful! My gym bag’s zipper just gave up the ghost.. so the timing is.perfect. 🙂

  151. Beth Kageyama says:

    Bungee Butterfly Yoga Bag in Purple Rain. I would have to fight off the POParazzi with this fantastic bag!!!! The Purple Rain bag shouts WORKOUT POPSTER! No ignoring a workout with this attention grabbing Bungee Butterfly Yoga Bag.

  152. Kim says:

    I would love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!

  153. Jana says:

    I would love Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle..It is soo amazing .. Thank you!

  154. asma laghari says:

    hey cassey i would like to win this bag becasue i never have enterd in online compition before and never had gym bag before becoz i always worked out at home ,since i was growing up my bro n sis used to tell me i was fat though being 5″3 i was only 49kgs n now i m mother of 2 kids 27 years n now 149 lbs n i cant accept myself i m struggling to lose wegiht n look gud , honestly i have been following your blog since 6 months and not been able to perform ur single vdo completely…i have no motivation and low self esteem watching you ur vdos have motivated me alot i have made a desicion that I WILL LOSE WEIGHT BY 2011, i will workout everyday and eat clean i wont give up i doesnt matter if i win or not but the promise i have made to myself since i saw u and ur videos motivated me so much i wana thank you cassey for everything u do for us love you asma

  155. Pelin Duran says:

    I want the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose please 😀
    Thanks Cassey <3

  156. Jasmine says:

    i would absolutely love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose 🙂

  157. Marjorie Ensor says:

    [Fingers Crossed] I really love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! I am starting 2012 with a health and exercise change of lifestyle and mindset and this gym bag would be amazing to get me all geared and ready for this new goal!

  158. Erika Thomas says:

    I would love the Beverly bag in aqua. It is to-die-for and would truly motivate me to go to the gym a bit more. 😉

  159. Tiphanie Gardner says:

    I would love love love the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle!

  160. Shannon says:

    I would love the crazy zips gym bag in teal!

  161. farwah sheikh says:

    last comment

    i dont have a facebook,aol,yahoo or hotmail how can i comment oG website?

  162. farwah sheikh says:

    ……..also Cassie thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo0o0o0o0o0o00000o0000000ooooo000oooo MUCH

    i have watched you since you first started on youtube… everything
    from the workouts, magic noodle tip (LOVE IT), 90 challenge i got my whole family on it! and starting to get my co-workers into it! and everything in between

    you truly are a god sent angel, the smile you have in every video and the blogs you write are so inspirational…i can hear your voice as i read the blogs!
    thank you for helping me understand the importance of a healthy life style! <3

    i wish i could award you most amazing person of the year…just know you have truly made a home in my heart…thank you so much!

    1. blogilates says:

      omg what a cute comment! i love everything you said.

  163. farwah sheikh says:

    omg the teal bag amazing i would be even more excited to work out just the thought of ussing this bag <3…in love

  164. Caitlyn Paulsen says:

    I would absolutely love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle for those terribly drabby winter days!

  165. Andrea Alon-Alon says:

    I’m on Step 2! i love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!! The color seems to fit with any color i wear and the pockets are just so friendly. I love to be an organize person and pockets are just my friends! I don’t think i can’t leave the house without pockets? lol. 😀 anyway, thanks for replying to my tweets to i am @nlife_29ada. I can’t wait to do step 3 tomorrow morning!! :>>>>> Advance Happy New Year !!!!!!! BLOGILATES!!!!!!!!

  166. Andrea Alon-Alon says:

    Aww my comment didn’t post so well… anyway all i can say is I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!! (my first comment didn’t showed up right, i think? so hopefully this one works 🙂 thank you Cassie 🙂

  167. Andrea Alon-Alon says:

    I’m on Step 2! i >>>> Advance Happy New Year !!!!!!! <3 BLOGILATES!!!!!!!!

  168. Andrea says:

    Crazy zips gym bag in Teal!! Gorgeous bags, thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  169. Tamika Watford says:

    I would love love love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym bag in Black sparkle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  170. Francisca says:

    I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! Pleaaaaaaseeeee 🙂

  171. I would absolutely love to have the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal! If I got it, it would be like the first gym/yoga/dance bag I ever owned! It would definitely motivate me to get active, so I can sport such a cute bag!
    Just found your Youtube channel Cassey, and am glad I did! You inspire me!
    Love from an Aussie girl!

  172. MIMI says:

    I want the pink one with the bow! 🙂 <3

  173. Hey ! I’m dying for the amazing Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle please ! Love from France

  174. Alma says:

    I would like the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle pretty please 🙂

  175. Amanda Gardner says:

    I would LOVE the beverely bowtie bag in aqua! so cute!

  176. Crystal says:

    The black sparkle pleated pocket gym bag looks wonderful!! Have been on the hunt for a gym bag with straps for my yoga mat and this would be perfect.

  177. Leah says:

    I would love the Pleated Pocket Bag in Chrome Dazzle. It is a beautiful bag that I saw featured on another blog, and immediately fell in love with it. This bag would double as my school bag as well as my gym bag!

  178. Catriona says:

    All of the bags are so beautiful!! My favorite is the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. I love all of the compartments and the optional yoga mat section!!
    SO pretty!!!

    And your video about goal-making is great 🙂 I’ve been trying to figure out how to set goals that I will actually achieve this year so it was very helpful!

  179. Julia says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose

  180. Laura Davidson says:

    I would LOVE the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle. It’s perfect for going to the gym after school – love it!

  181. Victoria says:

    I would LOVE the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose because I think it is very versatile and would come in handy when I’m working out! And it is SO SO SO cute! And what’s better than looking great while your working out? Nothing. Well, except of course getting results!

  182. Melanie Rock says:

    I would LOVE the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle, you sold me on it! It would help kick start my New Years fitness goals!

  183. Deirdre Schragl says:

    I love that bag! Posted on the chrome pleated bag but the bronze color from the vid is my fav! My goals are 1-2 pounds a week and a 5k! I can do this! Thanks for the inspiration. I am a new follower and AM COMMITED TO MAKING CHANGES!! 🙂

  184. Ankita says:

    I absolutely love the crazy zip gym bag in plum. I am definitely hitting dance classes after work with this bag!!

  185. I would love to get the crazy zips gym bag in teal! it’s adorable and the perfect bag to take to the gym 🙂

  186. I love, love, love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!!

  187. Jennifer says:

    I need the Pleated Gym Bag in Chrome to help me feel sexy at the gym!

  188. Hannah Darphin says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua

  189. Kat says:

    I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle–sparkly and glamorous! and fun!

    katch05 at gmail dot com

  190. Christina Prasetya says:

    I would really, really love Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle!
    My resolution is to be an artist so I’ve been bringing sketchbook & drawing tools everywhere so I can draw whenever I want to, while going everywhere when I hang out, go to gym, mall, etc. A big & pretty bag like this will be really great & perfect for me, no more taking 2-3 bags just to bring everything I need.

  191. Katie Foster says:

    Hey Cassie!
    I would really love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym bag in dusty rose. I am working on getting my personal training certification and I have never had nice gym clothes, bags or shoes. This would be such a blessing! Thank you for everything you do for this blogilates community! You are amazing!

  192. Alexis says:

    I am absolutely in love with the beverly bowtie gym bag in aqua! I love everything about it and really want to use it everywhere!

  193. Rodelyn Lipumano says:

    Would love love LOVE to own the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle!!

  194. Steph says:

    I would go to the gym every day if I could carry my stuff in the Beverly Bowtie Yoga Bag in creme!

  195. Michelle says:

    I would love love love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! It is the moat adorable an awesome bag I’ve ever seen. I want it for the gym and for everyday 🙂

  196. Alexis says:

    I want the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum! 🙂

  197. Amy says:

    hi, i just started watching your videos today and i got through the beginner videos, YEAAAAA! haha, will eventually work my way up.

    i really like the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle and the explorer yoga bag.

    happy new year!


  198. Kelsea says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose, it is so adorable!

  199. Samantha Pacan says:

    I would be thrilled to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! MASSIVE motivator. Lots of lovin’ from us POP pilates fans in Sydney.

  200. Tiffany Huang says:

    I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! SO CUTE
    i want to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose

  201. Cari Garvey says:

    I love the Chrome Dazzel!! It was between that one and my awesome Dusty pink rose bag!

  202. Christina says:

    I am in love with the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! I’d love to own it!

  203. Brenda tessman says:

    I would love the Pleated Pocket in Black Sparkle! It is Osogoreous !

  204. Christina D says:

    Commented on OGorgeous under Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum (the bag I want to win!)

  205. Lauren says:

    I really LOOOVE the Beverly Bowtie Gymbag in Aqua!

  206. Lauren says:

    I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE the Aqua Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag!!!

  207. YY says:

    The sweetheart yoga bag in peacock is really just sooooo pretty!

  208. Charlene Morrison says:

    I would love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Dazzle!!

  209. Jaylyn Jones says:

    I would love to win the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle! Otherwise I’ll be saving my pennies for the next couple months

  210. Caroline Frawley says:

    I would love to have any of your gorgeous bags but my favourite is the pleated pocket bag in black sparkle. I think my heart actually skipped a beat when I saw this one :)!!! I sent my burpee video to you. I really hope you can open it ok, I used imovie on a mac so fingers crossed you can. If not is it possible to Youtube it to you??

  211. Emma says:

    Omg.. so many entries!

    I would love to win the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal, it is absolutely Gorgeous! So pretty I have to have it!

  212. Deb says:

    I would love to have the Beverly Bowtie! I want to give it to my lovely daughter who just started a workout program with me.

  213. Sarina Evans says:

    Would LOVE to have the beverly bowtie gym bag in dusty rose!

  214. Julie says:

    I would absolutely kill to have the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum.I absolutely love this bag! Love the stylish purple color!knowing that it have a place for a mat makes me want to start yoga classes!

  215. Adrea says:

    I would love to with the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua!

  216. k. says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose would be lovely 🙂

  217. Mary Kong says:

    I’d like the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in dusty rose. It seems like the perfect fit for my busy routine and new resolution to maintain more of a healthier lifestyle!

  218. laura orlowski says:

    I would LOVE to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! It is sooooooo cute!!

  219. Laura says:

    I love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose

  220. Lita says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose is perfect for me! Enough room for all my dance stuff, and it matches my favourite wrap skirt!

  221. Oh my God. I can’t even choose! I am between the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose and the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. Both so beautiful, and I could use it both for going to class AND going to the gym. 😉

  222. Lena says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose is so pretty prefect for working out and school

  223. Audra Sturniolo says:

    I would absolutely love, no, need the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. Not only is it pink, but it has a massive pink bow on it! Add a bow to anything and I’m set. Also, the shoe bag (for my nasty old running shoes…yech) is an awesome touch, and I could seriously use the key clip…

  224. If I had the chance to get anything else, it would probably be the Beverly Bowtie Yoga Bag in Slate to match my INCREDIBLE Black Pleated Pocket Gym Bag. My eyes still drift to the Crazy Zips in Plum, but well…hehe

  225. Amirah Finley says:

    i love the crazy zips bag in plum! i love the design and the amount of space you get in these bags. good for ppl like me who are mom and just trying to get healthy i got 80lbs to lose to be in the healthy range and this is a bag that i would like to own even if i dont win just as a reward for getting out of morbidly obese and into the healthy range!!!

  226. Janice says:

    Hi Cassey, I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua. 🙂 <3 thank you for this chance to enter and I shall be doing my burpee vid soon!!!

  227. I would love to have the chrome dazzle gym bag….

    my daughter Vanessa is trying to get me to start working out again and this bag would for sure help with the motivation 🙂

    1. Janice says:

      hi Vanessa’s mom! You’re daughter is so wonderful in our community!! i just webchatted with her and the rest of the ambassadors yesterday 🙂

  228. Randi says:

    I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. It’s so chic!

    1. Janice says:

      it really is isnt it?!?!

  229. Danielle says:

    I really want the pleated pocket gym bag in CHROME DAZZLE!!! And I’m about to send you a burpies video.

  230. Anne F says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie gym bag in dusty rose!

  231. Theresa says:

    I’d love to win the beverly bowtie gym bag in dusty rose!! sooo cute!

  232. Beverly Bowtie in Aqua!!! It would be the cutest 🙂

  233. Katy Hillbo says:

    I would love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. How could one not feel motivated carrying something so beautiful?

  234. Oooohhh…. I absolutely want, nay, NEED the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. This bag is so sexy! LOVE the super-versatile black with cool sparkle and metal accents. And its so darn functional! I’m a sucker for smart design.
    Thanks, C!!

  235. Harmony says:

    Can I just say how cute each of these bags are! I would literally be stoked on any of them but the chrome dazzle pleated pocket bag is my fave! I got a lululemon bag for xmas and totally returned it because my heart is set on one of these!

  236. Ni Ni says:

    Cassey! I would love to have Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle please! pretty please???! 🙂

  237. Nicole says:

    I would absolutly love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. So chic!

  238. Amadea Amon says:

    I would LOVE to have the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum!!!
    It is sooooo cute and it is so MY colour and MY style, really love it!
    <3 Amadea

  239. Jessica Pulido says:

    I would love to have the beverly bowtie gym bag in Aqua. It’s a must have, and it would be perfect to begin my workouts.

  240. Fiorenza De Minico says:

    I would like to receive the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose.. it’s so classy, fashion and it has a retro pink colour that makes it perfect to switch from the gym to the shopping!! pleaseee, that would be great to own it <3 love you, fiorenza

  241. Lea says:

    Crazy Zipper Gym bag in Teal is the right for me! All those zippers and this color!! It would go with pink, blue, black, grey…love it!!!

  242. Alex Tyler says:

    Casey, i would love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose it is so lovely whilst being a super fantastic gym bag!

  243. Tara Diana says:

    I would love it if I cold have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!!! It is gorgeous and is perfect for when I start my new job!!!



  244. Kristen Flanagan says:

    I would LOVE the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!! 🙂

  245. Anna E. says:

    I would love to have the Pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle. The perfect item to start a New Year!

  246. Susie says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle is beautiful! Would be awesome to carry that to the gym every day!

  247. Sarah says:

    I want the beverly bow tie bag in dusty rose! It is so perfect for the ballet classes I’m starting in order to reach my new years resolution!

  248. Kristin says:

    i would love to have Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua. its beyond cute. its fab!!

  249. Peta Madigan says:

    Just started POP pilates last week as needing to do something for myself after doing the family thing for the past 12 years. I would love Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle to help assist me in having all I need to work out with me all the time. Thanks for your generosity in advance.

  250. Kristin Leaptrott says:

    I chose the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua! Definitely my favorite color and SO CUTE! I’ve been wanting one of your gym bags for a while now so I’m so excited for this giveaway!

  251. craig cannon says:

    Trying to win for my girlfriend, Vanessa Hulgan.
    I choose the gym bag in chrome dazzle

    1. All is fair in love and gym bag wars.

  252. Rebeca says:

    The Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle is just perfect!

  253. Llanina "nina" says:

    I would love to have the Beverly bow tie Gym bag in Aqua! It was hard to choose, they’re all so gorgeous and fun!

  254. Sherene says:

    I love these bags! I would like the crazy zips gym bag in plum to match my running shoes 🙂

  255. Sarah says:

    I would like the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. Love it!

    Thanks for the contest and all of the amazing workout videos!!

  256. Marie says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua!!!!! I absolutely ADORE the bow accent on this bag! It looks super roomy and I love, love, LOVE the gorgeous blue color. Definitely would love to get this bag!
    Thank you Cassey for all your awesome inspirational videos and this great give-away!

  257. Janeen says:

    I’d love the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum! it’s simply awesomeee. :]

    Cassey your epic! so glad I found your videos so randomly on YouTube!

  258. Erin Abercrombie says:

    I would love the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum Cassey 🙂 xoxox

  259. Kathie says:

    I would LOVE the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle

  260. Janeen says:

    I’d love the Bungee Butterfly Yoga Bag in Purple Rain! it’s simply awesomeee. :]

    Cassey your epic! so glad I found your videos so randomly on YouTube! <3

    1. Janeen says:

      sorry cassey i changed my mind about this bag! it was such a hard choice both purple choices are too die for!

  261. Lynda says:

    I’m absolutely in love with Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! Thank you so much for the opportunity! Love you, Cassey!

  262. Amanda says:

    Can I please have the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum? I promise I will use it everyday 🙂

  263. Rivkah says:

    Love this one! Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle

  264. Victoria Price says:

    I love the Beverly Bowtie gym bag in dusty pink. Its so glamorous!

  265. kristina corpuz says:

    Hi Cassey! I’d love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!!

  266. Denise Strawn says:

    I would LOVE to have the crazy zips bag in teal! It would be terrific to keep all my fitness gear! You are very talented!

  267. Shanna says:

    I would love to win the Crazy Zips bag in plum.

  268. Hebe says:

    I would love this bag because everything I own (including my hair) is PURPLE and it would look awesomely colour coordinated ^_^ ♥.

  269. Paris says:

    I would consider selling a part of my soul to get the pleated pocket gym bag in black dazzle. I would also like to point out that I was the first one to comment on this Coco Channel level design. 😀 Pick me!

  270. Susan says:

    I’d love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. A perfect gym bag to keep me going, and reach my goals!

  271. Anna says:

    I’m in love with Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! It is soooo pretty! 🙂
    and I am very happy that my sister told me about your blog ’cause it’s awesome! Greetings from Poland 🙂

  272. Liga says:

    Hi Cassey! I really love your positive videos!

    Thank you for sharing the secrets of successful goal setting, it is truly inspirational!
    I also love the giveaway – such stunning bags! If I could choose, I would love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!

    Best wishes for 2012! Keep rocking!

  273. Melissa Sanchez says:

    I think your bags are beautiful and I find them especially amazing because I know the amount of work you put into designing and manufacturing each one. I would love to have the Beverly Bowtie in Dusty Rose! 🙂 Happy Holidays.

  274. Marian T. says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!!

  275. Kari says:

    I would love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. I absolutely adore sequins, and this bag would be perfect for all of my dance and movement classes at school! 🙂

  276. Brittney Newman says:

    the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal is amazing. It would be a great bag for me! Easy to keep everything in so no more excuses for forgetting something! youre videos are great. keep up the great work

  277. Brittney Newman says:

    the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal is amazing. It would be a great bag for me!

  278. julie says:

    Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal ! 🙂

  279. Lindsey Welker says:

    Cassie! I would love love love the Beverly Bowtie Gym bag in Dusty Rose. Such a great bag!

  280. Ayslynne says:

    I would lloovvee to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose please! 🙂

  281. Delaney says:

    I would love to win the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle or chrome dazzle! They’re both so beautiful and look incredibly functional. I can’t wait to take it to the gym with me! Ahhh! 😀

  282. Brittany Brown says:

    Ohhh my gooooodness! I want the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle sooo sooo bad!

  283. Sara says:

    I voted for the bag that jumped out at me the second I saw it: Black Sparkle! 🙂 A gorgeous looking bag that really could be used in so many ways.

  284. Jennifer says:

    I would love the black or chrome sparkle gym bag!!!!!

    1. Jennifer says:

      dazzle, not sparkle 🙂

  285. Mie Nielsen says:

    I really want to own the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle, how cool is that. I would so rock it =D

  286. Yllian says:

    Hello Cassie !
    Want to say that I am enjoying all of your videos, and I try to stay on track !!

    I want the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose

  287. Kaitlin Bolcar says:

    Casey! I love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua! It is super pretty! My resolution for the new year would be to continue to workout and eat healthy! I have seen so much progress since I started following your blog and videos! Thank you so much!

  288. Asia Smith says:

    I would love to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in dusty rose! Thanks so much! :)))

  289. Lauren Solis says:

    I love the Pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle! So cute and would go perfectly with all my workout clothes. pick me pretty please! xo

  290. Maria Delaney says:

    Pretty please with a cherry on top can i have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle; it’s gorgeous! 🙂

  291. Kelly Driscoll says:

    I love the Crazy Zips gym bag in Plum! It’s my favorite color and a beautiful design!

  292. Emma says:

    I would love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! It’s absolutely gorgeous! <3

  293. Daisy Tyler says:

    i would love to have the crazy zips gym bag in teal!

  294. Andreea says:

    hey, cassie 🙂
    i would LOOOVEEE to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose ! 🙂 its sooooo PRETTY and CLASSIC 🙂 <3

    Love from Romania ! 🙂

  295. Alyson Eng says:

    Definitely the Explorer Yoga bag – so classic!

  296. Ashley Marie says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose

  297. Sara G. says:

    I love the crazy zips gym bag in teal!

  298. Emelda.Ramirez says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle is the cutest! i want it,need it <3

  299. Emma says:

    This one please Cassie! The pleated pocket black sparkle gym bag – its soo prettyyyy

  300. Renee says:

    I’m totally in love with the Bungee Butterfly Yoga Bag in Purple Rain! It would definitely be that extra motivation for my workouts!

  301. Anna Heintz says:

    I’d love the Beverley Bowtie Bag in Slate!

  302. Alycia says:

    All the bags are gorgeous! Its tough to find something that is functional and fashionable at the same time, but these bags are it!

    My bag of choice would be the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. After seeing Julie from PB Fingers with it, I’ve been saving my pennies ever since!

  303. Heather says:

    All of your bags are beautiful, it was hard to pick… I think the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum is my fav!

  304. Kristina says:

    I would love to be entered for the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. I love your videos, thanks for taking the time to help us reach our full fitness potential!

  305. Jennie says:

    I just recently started doing your videos and I am a huge fan.
    I have been rather stressed and distraught from a recent break up and your videos are helping me do something for myself.

    Also, I would like the pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle.

  306. Jennie N says:

    I´m totally in love with the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! It´s the nicest bag I´ve ever seen!
    You are the best Cassie, always keeping me motivated!

  307. Eliza Schreibman says:

    omg I’d love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! Thanks for all your hard work, Cassie!

  308. Jessica says:

    I’m totally obsessed with the beverly bowtie gym bag in aqua, I would absolutely adore one! Going to film my burpee vid today, all the way down here in New Zealand 😀 Yay for keeping new years resolutions and hopefully winning the gym bag of my dreams!!

  309. Chris says:

    I guess I could really really make my girlfriend happy with the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose for which I already commented on the other webpage 🙂

  310. I would love to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose because it would be perfect for school, work and gym!!

  311. Lisa says:

    All the bags are so gorgeous but I would realllllly love the Beverly Bowtie in Dusty Rose! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  312. Jenny Ayorinde says:

    I want the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!

  313. Katrina L says:

    I would love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle!! It is beyond adorable!

  314. Tanja SLO says:

    If you choose me, I’d pick Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. But if you don’t – I’m gonna be happy for that lucky lucky girl! Hopefully burpee in the mountains will help me to be that lucky one 😉 Thank you for EVERYTHING.

  315. Rebecca says:

    It feels weird and kind of impolite to me writing something like “heey I just want this bag so give it to me now”, but I definitely want the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle so I will add a nice PLEASE to make it sound nicer 😀

  316. Odetha Hollis says:

    OMG this bag has just the right touch of dazzle, shine, pop, and sparkle to beautifully compliment any outfit but also enough features, compartments, and durability to handle workout neccesities! THE MAN OF MY DREAMS…Umm bag, I mean BAG OF MY DREAMS! LOL Would be OVER THE MOON if I win this! 😉

  317. Amanda M says:

    looooove this Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!looooove this Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!looooove this Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!looooove this Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!looooove this Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!looooove this Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!looooove this Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!looooove this Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!looooove this Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!

  318. Carla Waltz says:

    Ohhhh how i love love loves the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum! but i would love any of them! They are all so gorgeous! Great job on the designs=]

  319. Darny says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose is gorgeous! I’d like that one. Will be submitting a burpee video sooon! 😀

  320. Becky Duncan says:

    It would make my day …no, scratch that, it would make my YEAR if I got the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. I would kick off my new year with a new attitude, a new gym membership and a gorgeous new gym bag! And of course keep up with my POP Pilates! 😉

  321. Giselle says:

    I would love the silver glittery one! I think it’s soooooo cute!

  322. Logan says:

    Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal, please!

  323. Melanie Sandoval says:

    I looooove to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose.
    It’d be nice to take something to work without it being a dead giveaway that it’s a gym bag. lol. ^_^
    Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck everyone!

  324. Samina says:

    I’d love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! I fell in love with the bag and it would definitely motivate me to go to the gym every day!

  325. Lori Beneteau says:

    I would <3 love <3 the pleated pocket bag with chrome dazzle. It's Gorgeous!!!!! <3

  326. lesr says:

    would love this one!

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle


  327. Krista says:

    I would love to carry the Crazy Zips Teal Gym bag with me to workout!

  328. Tea says:

    I want Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. really gorgeous

  329. Presley says:

    yo quiero “Crazy Zips” in PLUM!! 🙂

  330. Lee says:

    I would die for the Pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle!!! 😀

  331. Aiga k. says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle

  332. Lydia Thorne says:

    I would love to have the Beverly Bowtie bag in Dusty Rose! Have had me eye on this baby since it came out!

  333. Izabela ( says:

    I love Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose or Aqua. They are cute and had such an original design. I wouldn’t have excuses not to go to the gym anymore.

  334. Kendra de G says:

    The pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle please! It’s so cute! As well as handy dandy!

  335. Rebecca Greene says:

    I LOOOVE LOOVE the Beverly bowtie bag in slate….I would love to use it for all of my yoga classes~~~~~

  336. Jayne Basford says:

    I really love the Beverly Bowtie in Dusty Rose. It is the perfect gym bag!! I love the design, color, and the size for all my gym necessities!

  337. Jayne Basford says:

    I really love the Beverly Bowtie in Dusty Rose. It is the perfect gym bag!!

  338. Anitra Tisdale says:

    I LOVE the Beverly bow-tie bag. I am new to the site and started the 90-day challange yesterday and so far so good. I am excited to see what will happen at the end of the 90 days. I feel better already. 🙂

  339. SCrawford says:

    Beverly Bowtie Bag – Dusty Rose

  340. Moira says:

    I would loveeeee the pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle. It’s amazing!

  341. Jess says:

    I would looooove to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! It’s beautiful! 🙂

  342. Amy Rose says:

    I would love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! Something I could use at school to remind myself of my dedication to my fitness lifestyle in the midst of academic stress, which is when I’m most likely to get in trouble by not eating healthy! This bag would remind me of my goals and keep me looking professional 🙂

  343. Jillian says:

    I really really love the Beverly Bowtie in Dusty Rose! But my runner up is the Pleated Pocket in Black Sparkle. I’ll get one soon anyway!

  344. Kajsa Österling says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!!! That is my absolute favorite! It is glamorous, pretty, girly and just perfect! Yay!
    So Cassey, if I win, I want that one!


    1. Kajsa Österling says:

      Oh, btw, I just sent you a burpee video! Just so you know, hihi!

  345. Anna Gagnon says:

    I am OBSESSED with the Beverly Bow-tie in aqua, it’s stunning.

  346. I like the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. It’s so cute!

  347. tracy s says:

    The Beverly Bow Tie bag in Dusty Rose is my favorite! Would love to have it!

  348. kayleigh says:

    i LOVE the beverly bow tie gym bag in dusty rose. it is AMAZING. i must say, you are so talented and i love that you make things like gym bags pretty. what girl doesn’t want more pink?? (:

  349. Bethany says:

    i really like the beverly bowtie yoga bag in creme.

  350. Kelsey says:

    These are the most gorgeous gym bags I think I’ve ever seen! The Dusty rose one is amazing! I have been looking for a stylish gym bag for months! But there all to expensive : ( I would love to have one!

  351. Stephanie says:

    I would love love love to win the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle! Must find a way to do the burpee vid haha!

  352. Olja says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose of course!
    I love the bag, it’s so cute and the colous is pretty nice 😉


  353. jodie says:

    the pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle.

  354. Leslie says:

    I’m loving the crazy zips gym bag, in plum! So cute!!!

  355. Fancy Nancy says:

    I am in love with these! I really love the Beverly Bow Gym bag in Dusty Rose! So cute!!

  356. Kimmy says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I’d love love love to have the Beverley Bowtie gym bag in dusty rose! <3

  357. Michelle says:

    Love the black pleated pocket gym bag, but I can’t enter – I’m not comfortable with commenting with facebook and having my real name out there! ): Oh well, it’ll be a good new year anyways.

  358. Rozalia Pentek says:

    I’d like the Beverly Bowtie Gymbag in Dusty Rose, pls:)

  359. The pink beverly bowtie gym bag is completely my cup of tea! I saw it on Julie’s blog a while back and fell in love!

  360. Anna says:

    Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum … this one please … or any other one … i like them all …. 🙂 cheers and happy new year from Austria

  361. Socorro E says:

    Dear Cassey!
    Thanks for the awesome end of the year motivation! I am really loving the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua! Why? Because it is INCREDIBLE!!! Not only can it be used for the gym, it can also be used for school, for the beach, a carry on luggage, sleepovers! Wow! Incredible! This bag motivates me!

  362. Leah says:

    I would loveeeee to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!

  363. Jasmine Minni Hallis says:

    Wow~ I love this give a way~ My fave bag would be the ‘Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle’ and I’ll be sending in my video soon~ XD

  364. Anna says:

    I would like the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose 🙂

  365. Yvette B. says:

    I would love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome. You did such a great job with the bags.

  366. Jenn says:

    I would LOVE to have the Crazy Zips Gym bag in plum! It’s so perfect for me. <3

  367. Cristy Shiring says:

    I love the Beverly Bowtie Dusty rose gym bag. I would be proud to sport it every chance I had. 🙂

  368. Emily T. says:

    I’d like to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle please! Thanks for holding this giveaway, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season Cassey :)!

  369. Kimberly Wade says:

    I Neeeeeed the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose !! love it hehe <3

  370. Anni says:

    I would love to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. This is just the coolest and most adorable Gym bag I have ever seen <3 I love the pleated design so much !!!!!!!!!

    You are an amazing designer, cassey 🙂

  371. Kristina Tan says:

    i would love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! definitely would hit the gym all day everydayyy ah!

  372. Felicia says:

    I want to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua! perfect for my gym excursions and i travel all of the time; love something i can put my sneaks, my mat, my water bottle, and everything else in!

  373. Dollcie Webb says:

    I would love to have the chance to bring in the New Year sporting my new Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!

  374. Amy says:

    I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! That’d be awesome.

  375. Melinda W. says:

    It would be amazing to recieve the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal! Thank you so much:).

  376. Lauren Lynch says:

    I LOVE the Pleated Pocket bag in Chrome Dazzle!!! Please ;& thank you Cassey!

  377. I love the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal! So adorable and goes with my current teal obsession! All of your bags are beyond gorgeous though! Keep up the beautiful designs!

  378. Marie says:

    I LOVE the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!!!!!!

    The perfect motivation to get to the gym everyday! Who wouldn’t want to sport that??? PERFECT!


  379. Divya Ravichandran says:

    I love the Beverly bowtie gym bag in aqua..!!
    Its so pretty n suites me .. 🙂

  380. Sophia says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose, it’s so adorable !

  381. MelodyJ says:

    It’s a tie between Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua and Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle.


  382. Lara says:

    I’d love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua (and in Dusty Rose) is also one I’m in love with!!

  383. Kelsey says:

    I want the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!! (:

  384. Melissa says:

    I’m in love with the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. Please send it out to Colorado!! With all this cold weather and being restricted to the gym for workouts it would be a great motivator to get it out and show it off.

    Thanks for all the vids Cassey!

  385. Emily says:

    i would loove the pleated pocket gym bag in black:) Thanks!!

  386. Anna says:

    Would really love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! Thanks for everything you do Cassey ♥

  387. Robyn says:

    I would love, love, loooooove to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!!!!! It is absolutely beautiful and will perfectly fit all of my gym necessities!

  388. Sign me up for the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum!!! Please! <3

  389. Kele says:

    I would adoooore the Black Sparkle Pleated Pocket Gym Bag. It’s a gym bag, it’s a yoga mat bag, it’s a laptop case, it’s the PERFECT bag for the uni student/barista/pilates fan who’s always on the go!!

  390. Lyndsay says:

    I would absolutely love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in black sparkle!!!

  391. Valerie says:

    I love the beverly bowtie in dusty rose! So perfect to get me from the gym to the classroom! My high school students will think I’VE got the best bag 🙂

  392. Kat Graham says:

    I would LOOOVVEEE to get my hands on the “Crazy Zips Gym Bag” in Teal. Gorgeous! -Kat

  393. Alyssa says:

    I’d love to win the Beverly Bowtie gym bag in dusty rose! It’s freaking adorable!!

  394. Rita says:

    I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. Beautiful.

  395. Sarah K says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Pink is absolutely perfect. I have been struggling with my weight for some time. This bag would make me want to go to the gym merely to show it off.

  396. Natalie says:

    I would like to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua!

  397. Brandy says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie gym bag in dusty rose. It is the prettiest gym bag I have ever seen. 🙂 <3

  398. Julianna says:

    i want the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum!!!
    its so hot:p im lovin it♥♥♥

  399. Lauren says:

    Pleated gym bag in chrome dazzle. LOVE!

  400. Helen says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose
    please Cassie!!!

  401. Christina S says:

    I want to loose 10 or 15 pounds in 2012! & I would LOVE the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle, I’m working on my burpee video right now!

  402. Chelsea says:

    I would absolutely love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle.
    Going to the gym in style now!

  403. cris says:

    Hi Cassey,
    I’d like to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose, it is super pretty.

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win and being such an inspiration to me. Happy New Year!

  404. Kate M says:

    Hey lady! The Pleated Gym Bag in Chrome is beyond amazing!!!! Thanks for all your workouts, they’re fabulous!

  405. Marcelina Stringer says:

    I would LOVE Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. It is so chic and cute

  406. Lindsey Sullivan says:

    I would like to win the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum! Not only does it look cool and the color is great but it has soo much room!!!

  407. Sharday Rodriguez says:

    I really love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. I think its such a cute bag <3

  408. Ciara says:

    I would like the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in aqua!! 😀

  409. Hannah says:

    I love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua!

  410. Darcy E says:

    Hello! I am IN LOVE with the Crazy Zip Gym Bag in plum. Your videos have really inspired me and helped me to lose weight and change my eating styles. Since starting your videos, I have set goals for myself — like running a 5K this summer! Thank you for everything 🙂

  411. Lauren caivano says:

    I would like the bow tie gym bag in dusty rose please!!!!!!

  412. I want the teal gym bag! I love it so much and it’s my favorite color!

  413. Taylor Swartz says:

    i would love to have the Bungee Butterfly Yoga Bag in Purple Rain!! it’s perfect!

  414. Farah says:

    I would really like to win the beverly bowtie gym bag in aqua 🙂

    and also this video is making me really realize my new years goal:
    STOP COMPARING MY BODY TO OTHERS.i think thats the main thing that discourages me whenever i don’t see the results i want.

    happy new years everyone!! :))

  415. Michelle Saenz says:

    Id love Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle :3 it would really make my year , and finally i would have something to put my ballet things in.

  416. Rei says:

    I would love to win the Beverly bowtie gym bag in pink! It is the DREAM gym bag!

  417. Melissa Marco says:

    I love the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal! Fingers crossed x

  418. Olivia says:

    Dear Cassey,
    I love that you are always so positive and enthusiastic! It keeps me going and motivated in my work outs. Thanks for your time and for being an inspirational Pilates instructor.

    P.S. I would LOVE the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose.
    Thank you<3


  419. Mel F. says:

    I would love to win the Sweetheart Yoga Bag in Peacock!! I’m just getting back into yoga and have never owned a yoga bag. Yours is super pretty, and I love how functional it is! 🙂

  420. OMG I want the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle. I have a confession. Beginning a fitness regime is my goal for 2012 and I’ve already started by finding your YouTube channel (thank you, Shape Magazine, for the recommendation)! Having a gorgeous bag like this will remind me every morning to take it to work so I can get some exercise in at lunchtime, in addition to doing some of your vids when I get home.

  421. I would like the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle =D It is absolutely gorgeous!!

    1. It would make a great 21st birthday gift!

  422. Savannah Windham says:

    I reallllyyyy want the crazy zips gym bag in plum please. The yogis in my studio would be jeallll 🙂

  423. Sunny says:

    I would absolutely love the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum! Such a gorgeous purple and such a perfect bag!

  424. Stacey Stuber says:

    I would LOVE to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! It’s seriously the best gym bag i’ve ever seen. <3

  425. Kyrinne Lockhart says:

    I love the Gym bag in Chrome Dazzle.
    plus, i am so excited to make my weight loss goals this Jan. One!

  426. Shannon says:

    Hi Cassey!
    I would love the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!
    My new year goal will be to fit into my favorite(but now too tight) jeans for my spring break trip in March.

  427. Kati Remo says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle is so chic and stylish (and obviously very practical), had such hard time choosing between this one and the chrome dazzle one because they’re both GORGEOUS!

  428. Scotland Beattie says:

    I LOVE love love the beverly bowtie gym bag! I would love to win it!
    Not to mention, I love bows. My room is full of bow rings and headbands, so this would complete my collection!(:

  429. Rebecca M says:

    Love all the bags but really love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. You can tell how much passion you have for this because they’re all so beautiful!

  430. Rachel says:

    I am in love with the pleated pocket gym bag in Black Sparkle! Best wishes for the new year, and thank you for your amazing resources!

  431. Achsah says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose, please? I NEEEEED it! n_n

  432. Ali Pedersen says:

    I want the Beverly bow tie gym bag in dusty rose! So pretty!

  433. Brooke says:

    I absolutely would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua! 🙂

  434. Hi I just had the most wonderful baby ever on November 19th and my New Years goal is to loose the weight I gained while pregnant. And it would be a great gift to get a new gym bag to get me motivated! I really really like the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua and would love to have it. Have a happy New Years!

  435. Mary Bui says:

    i really really would LOVE to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!! it’s adorable and i love all the bags but this is definitely my favorite!

  436. Ada says:

    I want to win the Beverly Bowtie Yoga Bag! It’s so cute 🙂 My goal is to finish losing 30 pounds and become a size medium or less so I can fit asian clothing ^_^, or at least, if my height will be forgiving enough ^_^”

  437. Eva Queen says:

    love love love Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! perfect for everything! want it badly! <3 your videos are my addiction!

  438. Meghann says:

    I’m so in love with the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle (the one you showcased in your video)! It’s beautiful and functional. Brilliant! I’ve gotta get my hands on it!

  439. Santa Katrīna says:

    I’d love to have the Beverly Bowtie Yoga Bag in Creme – it’s gorgeous, I love the color and the style of it.. 😉

  440. Brittany Ward says:

    I would LOOOVEE to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose

  441. Ariel says:

    I HAVE to have Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!!! I LOVE sparkly things!

    I’d say my attainable New Years goal would be to lose 30 (or more) lbs over the year.
    My super ambitious goal would be to fit in all my old pants by my birthday in May!

  442. Nancy Botta-Nunziato says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!!!!! Its amazaballs, I’ve been lusting after this bag since it debuted. What I dig is that its cute, functional, and it appears to have good craftsmanship (well as much as I can tell based on photos). I’m so tired of cute but cheap, or functional but boring. YAY this bag has it all, and I’m way too excited about it. And even if I don’t win, I’m gonna buy it anyway! 🙂

  443. eunbee says:

    i would love the crazy zips bag in teal! it would be perfect to use to show off at the Y 😉

  444. hensley says:

    beverly bowtie in teal! please please please!

  445. duprina says:

    I want to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty is absolutly gorgeous!

  446. Erin says:

    I would like to win Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. It would be totally perfect for my workouts before I head to the office. It would add a little extra “sparkle” to getting up at 4 am!

  447. Sarah Son. says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! It’s truly glamourous!!

  448. Kimerly H says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. i <3 this bag!

  449. Lucy says:

    I commented on the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua one! It was so hard to choose!

  450. Julia Manke says:

    The Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle is my favorite!! I love glitter! 🙂 great motivation to workout just so I can show off the bag 😉

  451. jc says:

    i adore the aqua one! omg, really love them all though

  452. Christianne says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in dusty rose is adorable and perfect for the girly-girl gym goer. Thanks for your cute designs and inspiration, Cassey!

  453. Stephanie Peña says:

    I love the Beverly Bow-tie bag in Dusty Rose! But they’re all so adorable! Great Job Cassey!!

  454. RainbowJellybeansxo says:

    I would like to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose 😀

  455. Arndís Sverrisdóttir says:

    i looooveee the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle it’s sooo pretty and would make the walk to the gym waaay better just to be able to show it off! 🙂
    would be awsum to win this bag! 🙂

  456. Courtney Maxedon says:

    Ooh, what a great giveaway Cassey! I would love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Dazzle!
    Aaaand, if I can work up enough nerve I’ll send along a Burpee World Tour video. 😉

  457. Irene Enerio says:

    I want the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! Its so gorgeous! I’m so excited for this contest!

  458. Jessica T. says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua!

  459. Emilia Lehtonen says:

    The Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle is uh-mazing!! I love it!
    Thank you so much Cassey for doing all these lovely things for us. I can’t wait for the new vid and I hope for you all the best 2012 can offer! Hugs from Finland <3

  460. I love the pleated pocket in black sparkle. It made my fitness wish list on my blog but Santa forgot!

  461. Faith says:

    The Beverly Bowtie gym bag in Dusty Rose is in my wish list! 😀 Awesome workout motivator 🙂 Yay for oGorgeous!!

  462. Ali says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Yoga Bag in Slate has to be my favorite! 🙂

  463. Chrystal O. says:

    I would love to own the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! Such a cute bag that I could use for the gym, school and around the city! 🙂

  464. Ally H says:

    Would love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle

  465. Catherine Beard says:

    Love love love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle!!

  466. Anastasia Gracheva says:

    My heart just stopped…..Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle!
    The first time I”ve seen such a big and pretty bag that this one !! I’d LOOOVE to have it.

  467. Brianna says:

    I would love to have the Beverly Bow Tie Bag in Dusty Rose!!

  468. Anastasia Gracheva says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag…..GORGEOUS!!!!
    The most convinient bag I’ve ever seen!!!

  469. Christy, HEA says:

    I commented below the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle, love it!!!

  470. milka ortiz says:

    Hello Cassey I would like to win the zips gym bag in plum, purplish color. It is very cute and I love the visible zipper on it. U really got me excited now. Thank you.
    Will try to submit my burpees in Honduras where I live a absolutely adore you from.

  471. Crystal says:

    I would LOVE the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. It’s so cute pink and amazing perfect!!!

  472. Paula says:

    I would die for the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! SO, SO BEAUTIFUL!! <3

  473. Asena says:

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle please. Great giveaway, Cassey!

  474. Thuy says:

    Hi Cassey!

    The Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle/Black Sparkle is SOOOO fabulous! I would really like that one! 😀

  475. Katherine says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie gym bag in dusty rose.

  476. romena says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle !!!!!

    I dream about having it!

  477. Asena says:

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE THE Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. Great giveaway Cassey!! God Bless

  478. jasmine says:

    i am totally swooning over the beverly bow bag in dusty rose!

  479. Jazz Afire says:

    Would love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle <3

  480. Hajin Cho says:

    I’d like Beverly Bowtie gym bag in dusty rose, it’s beaut!

  481. Cynthia says:

    I would LOVE to get the Beverly Bowtie Bag in pastel pink.

  482. Amber W says:

    I would love the yoga bag (such a tough decision) in fireworks!

  483. kelsie says:

    So sparkly, I want!

  484. Shushanna says:

    I want the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua, Please =)

  485. Sara Ison says:

    Hey Cassie! I would like the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! And as soon as my USB comes in for my camera I will be sending you a burpee video….it won’t be pretty LOL

  486. Jennifer Quijada says:

    The Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua is definitely my favorite!! I would love to have one to store everything especially cause I am a college student and I have random bags to store everything I have when I go to school. This would make it so much easier to separate everything and have fun while going to the gym. 🙂


  487. Monika Pl says:

    Ohhh!! That’s my New Year’s resolution – to come back to gym!!! With that marvelous bag it would be much easier to motivate me 😉 hehe

  488. Sheena Santos says:

    I’m just a newbie and your videos really inspire me to become fit and healthy however I have no bag to use to bring all my things. This bag is exactly what I need, hope to get the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle as a New Years gift. Hope this message reaches you….

  489. Becky Hepinstall says:

    I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle 🙂 *fingers crossed*

  490. Chelsea says:

    I would love love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle :)! I love the black because it goes with anything and everything pretty much lol. Thank you for doing this!

  491. Liz Kuznia says:

    I so love the Bungee Buterfly in black bubbles! I think it would go with any of my work out clothes! Thanks Cassey, love you!

  492. Miriam says:

    OMG the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle was definitely made for me 😛 Would motivate me so much to take course at the gym and show it off 😛

  493. Angela Enno says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I like all the bags really, but my favorite one is the beverly bowtie in aqua. Love it!

    Thanks for all you do to keep us motivated and excited about health. It really helps me when I start getting discouraged about all the weight I have to gain!


    1. Angela Enno says:

      Oops! I mean weight I have to lose! Lol I think I gained weight over xmas =P

  494. sayuri says:

    The Pleated Gym Bag in Chrome!! i love this((:

  495. Pansy says:

    I like the Black Pleated Pocket Gym Bag!

  496. Joanne says:

    I would like to get my hands on the lovely ‘Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum’ please!

    Happy holidays Cassey!! x

  497. Sharon Lizotte says:

    I love love love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle!

  498. Lilian says:

    Cassey, thanks for doing a giveaway! I’ve been drolling over your gym bags for a while now. My favourite is the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. So cute!

  499. Ljiljana Ledenčan says:

    Beverly Bowtie gym bag in aqua is really gorgeous :-))

  500. Laura says:

    I adore the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle

  501. Laura says:

    I love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle

  502. Katy parks says:

    Omg! I can’t wait till I get the Beverly bow tie gym bag even if I don’t win it someday it will be mine I hope…it’s so very stylish and of course I love aqua THANKS

  503. Katherine D. says:

    I commented on the Beverly Bowtie Bag – Dusty Rose color. It’s so darn pretty, how could I not want it?!

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com

  504. Tori Horvath says:

    Beverly Bowtie Yoga Bag in Creme is the cutest bag I’ve ever seen. 🙂

  505. Vanessa says:

    Hey Cassey <3

    Would love love love to have the pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle!
    and I'll send in my video as soon as I can <3

  506. Ariane Bedard says:

    I really really would like to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle!!! 🙂 Thanks Cassey!

  507. maggie says:

    The Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle is amazing! Like my little pony adorable amazing!!! Must have!


    My Breakfast

  508. megan says:

    I HAVE TO HAVE the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!! Since the beginning I was doing your pilates videos and admiring your lovely bags. This year I’m a serious popster..I mean no beginner plank hip dips anymore 🙂 I need this bag!!


  509. michele says:

    I wold love, love, love to have the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle. So, so, so pretty!

  510. Adrianna Durflinger says:

    Dear CASSEY The Amazing, Fantasical, Wonderful, Great, Healthy, KickA$$, Crazy, Epic, Lovely, Beautiful, Natural, Strong Women!!!!! Plus a hell of a lot more! I wanted to say I would LOVE the Special Agent Yoga bag! It’s would help adapt my ninja skills! YES YESSSSS! Ok on that thought I will leave you be. BIG HAPPY SMILES ADRI

  511. samantha r says:

    Cassey, I had commented and requested for the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum. Thank you, and Merry Christmas!

  512. C. Wahl says:

    As a self-sufficient college student, I can really only afford to window shop for most products, and I have to admit Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal has caught my eye! 🙂 With all the room and compartments, I would be able to pack it full for a trip to both the gym and the library! 🙂 It is definitely on my wish list.. 🙂

  513. Amanda Montgomery says:

    Great advice, thanks! I am usually not into New Years resolutions and what not, but this year, I just might have to do it while using your advice! I went and commented under the bag I want- the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Dazzle. SO SO SO CUTE!

  514. Bernadette Chan says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua! The bag is so cute and in a great color and check out that bow!

  515. KAYLA HERNANDEZ says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !!! SUPER GORGEOUS BAG <3

  516. C. Wahl says:

    As a self-sufficent college student, I can really only afford to window shop for most products, and I have to admit that the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal has caught my eye!! 🙂 It is super adorable and would be absolutely perfect for going to the gym and the library! It is definitely on my wish list… 🙂 🙂

  517. Lera says:

    Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal

    The Crazy Zips Gym bag in teal is just so pretty and also, casual looking enough to carry it around town to run errands, etc.!

    It’s simply gorgeous! 🙂

  518. Eva says:

    The Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal is for me. Damn you are good, Cassey. XX

  519. I’d love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag (dusty rose)!!!!

  520. Morganne says:

    I’d love to win the Beverly Bowtie yoga bag in creme <3

  521. Muni ramadan says:

    i’d like to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose

    thanks alottt for this greatt give away , oh and thank you for my new body 😀 <3

  522. Amanda Carscadden says:

    Absolutely in love with your Pleated Pocket gym bag in Chrome Dazzle. Can definitely see myself going to the gym at school with that bag!
    And btw.. your videos are great!

  523. Tiarna Jade says:

    Hey Cassey!

    I love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!! It’s looks so soft and cute, but can also be dressed up to make a chic and elegant outfit! Soo pretty!
    Keep up the great work!
    Tiarna Xo

  524. Megan T says:

    I love the Beverly Bowtie Bag in Aqua.

  525. Zsófia Farsang says:

    I’m in LOVE with the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle..
    you’re crazy talented girl, you know that? :))

  526. samar noman says:

    woooooooow<<How beautiful these bags are <<ohI hope to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!
    cassy i really love you ^_^

  527. Victoria says:

    I love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose
    that is by far such a cute bag! You should make more with that design =)

  528. Rebekah says:

    I absolutely adore the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal. It’s so much fun, and it’s the perfect excuse to go to the gym when you don’t want to. Show off the awesome bag! Find a use for all the crazy zippers pockets, and have fun using them, like you’re a kid again!

  529. Natasha Mercey says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose:)

  530. Ericka says:

    I would love to get the pleated pocket gym bag in chrome dazzle!!!

  531. Darybelle says:

    I would like the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle.

    I’m going to attempt my first burpee. Normally when I try to do burpees I;m either to tired or I never have the right form. Happy Holidays!

  532. I would loveeee the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. It is so pretty!

    thanks Cassey for this giveaway (:

  533. Jen W says:

    i would love love LOVE the beverly bowtie gym bag in dusty rose! so hard to choose though because they are all beautiful!

  534. Alyssa Lefebvre says:

    The Beverly Bowtie in Aqua looks like my new must have for the new year 🙂 love it!

  535. Vanessa Anderson says:

    I would like the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum cause its so cute

  536. Gina says:

    Beautiful designs Cassey,
    my favorite is Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose.
    Next time can you make it in purple too?


  537. Ruth Rodriguez says:

    I’m loving how this bag not only looks stylish, but has lots of room for storage. I Definitely a want the Gorgeous Crazy Zips Bag in Plum! (*^_^*)

  538. Audrey Adams says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle.
    That’s the one I’d die for…well, maybe not really die…
    It’s totally awesome though.
    High five to the designer, Cassey.

  539. Pam Lane says:

    I would love to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym bag in aqua please. I love the color and the fact that its super girly!!

  540. Amanda Richards says:

    I am crazy about your crazy zips gym bag in teal!! I’d love to win it! 🙂

  541. Laurel Sheppard says:

    I want to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! I LOVE that you can slip your yoga mat into it, and the little bag for your tennis shoes is GENIUS! This bag is perfect and will go great with the habbits I created in 2011! LOVE new years resolutions and you are spot on when it comes to having successful goal setting! This year I will be running my first 1/2 marathon (this is my outrageous but doable goal), and beating my time on my Sprint Triathlon! (attainable goal) 🙂 Nervous and so excited, hoping that thru my training I will shed some more weight!

  542. Michaela Tanner says:

    i would love to winthe pleasted pocket gym bag in black sparkle.

  543. Rachel says:

    I would LOVE to win the Pleated Pocket Gym bag in Chrome Dazzle! It is so fashionable! 🙂

  544. Melissa says:

    I adore the Crazy Zips gym bag in teal; I’d love to win it!!

  545. Stephanie P. says:

    I LOVE the Beverly Bow Tie in Dusty Rose!

    One of my New Year’s “resolutions” is to continue working out for 1 hour 3 times per week. I started doing this already, and I feel great, but I’d like to continue with it. I need to come up with a second, but I’m thinking that one’s going to be to save enough for a down payment on a house (eep!).

  546. Anisa Roberts says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie in Aqua! Need to get myself into shape, and this bag would be inspiring!! 🙂

  547. Sarah Socha says:

    I adore your Crazy zips bag in teal.

  548. robinelton says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle.

    Not a question in my mind. In love with that bag.

    Happy 2012 🙂

  549. Angela J says:

    I would LOVE!!! the gym bag in PLUM!!! 🙂

  550. nikoletta says:

    I would like to win the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle! It’s so cute and sparkly!

  551. Vera says:

    I would love to win a Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. It would match with my phone and it’s so cute and elegant!!

  552. Raluca says:

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win the Crazy Zips gym bag in plum.

    Wish you all good luck with your goals!

  553. Kathryn Zaleski says:

    I would love to win the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in teal. Burpee video coming soon! Thanks Cassey for these wonderful videos and your motivation! Happy 2012!

  554. Maja says:

    I would love to have the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle… 🙂

  555. Ksenia says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I’d like to get the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle 🙂 It’s so cute and I love the color and the sparkle!

    Love from Germany ♥

  556. Kristina says:

    I’m loving the Pleated Pocket bag in black. I need a new amazing bag to go with my new job as a wellness coach 🙂

  557. Ilana says:

    Hey Cassie! Your bags are all stunning! I would absolutely LOVE to win any one of them, but I especially love the Pleated Pocket Gym Back in Chrome Dazzle! You are so much fun to work out with, and you ROCK!! Thanks!!!

  558. Sarah says:

    First just wanna say I cannot wait for the new video!!! I love the pleated pocket gym bag in black sparkle! Love it!

  559. Eliza93 says:

    I would like to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua! so cute 🙂

  560. Ashley Williams says:

    It’s a tough call whether I like bows or glitter more, but I think in this case, glitter is going to win! I love the chrome dazzle bag!!

  561. qi rui says:

    i would love to have Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal!it’s so cute,& i can share it with my mum!

  562. Kim says:

    Hi, luv your site & workouts! I need/luv the Crazy Zips in Plum! This year I am; running my 1st Half, entring my 1st Figure Comp, & getting certified to teach Zumba. Also I need a bag big enough for my black & pink boxing gloves. Also I have a big mouth & would tell everybody bout your bags ;). Bag or not, Big Thank U for all that u do all year!

  563. Sarah Jane says:

    I would like the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle! So pretty =)

  564. i would love the “Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose” have just started doing your workouts and think they are amazing! x

  565. Emma Price says:

    I love the Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Plum! I just love all of the little compartments, a place for everything! And I love purple 😀

  566. Gloria says:

    I <3 the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle, with chrome dazzle and the crazy zips gym bag in plum are tied for 2nd place in my heart! These bags are fabulous and so well designed! Thanks for the giveaway and the tips on successful NYRs

  567. I would reallllyyyyyyy love the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle. Oh please please please please please. Thank you! xx =3

  568. Jacqueline LeBlanc says:

    I would like the crazy zips gym bag in teal! Its adorable!

  569. fraidy says:

    Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose love this one

  570. Megan says:

    What a GREAT giveaway! I absolutely LOVE the silver pleated bag – so adorable!

    1. Megan says:

      Oops – should be a little more specific 🙂 The Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle!

  571. Ina Jiang says:

    I want the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle!!! Thanks for all the fun Cassey!! 😀

  572. Kelly says:

    Pleated Pocket in Black Sparkle! I have been drooling over it.

  573. Ingvild says:

    I would love the Beverly Bowtie in Dusty rose. It’s o gorgeous:)

  574. Christine says:

    The pleated pocket gym bag in chrome… I love anything with a touch of sparkle!

  575. Janice Walker says:

    Your Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose is so feminine and fru fru, just what a girl needs after a hot sweaty workout! My fave to win for sure!

  576. Natalie Hubbard says:

    I would love to win the ‘Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose’. Thanks for giving us this opportunity Cassey! 😀

  577. Klaire says:

    The Crazy Zips Gym Bag in Teal would definitely motivate me to go to the gym and my yoga classes this new year. The design is fantastic Cassey, I don’t know how you manage to make gym bags look so fashionable?

  578. Monika says:

    I want Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose soooo much! 😀

  579. Alena says:

    I would love to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose, its gorgeous!

  580. AndreeaMartin says:

    Hi Cassey! I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!
    I <3 You

  581. Harriet Lang says:

    Crazy Zipz Gym Bag in Plum
    om nom nom yes pleaseee !!! <3

  582. Teresa says:

    I want the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Aqua~ I think it matches any outfit I would wear and plus I can use it when I start gym! (Which is, by the way, thanks to you!) Honestly, my goal is to continue going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week and balance it out with homework and studying! So at the end of the year, I can go to my formal/graduation looking my best and healthiest.

  583. Maryem Al Samer says:

    I would love to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose. Thank you x

  584. Saim says:

    1. I’m having trouble commenting on ogorgeous, will that be because i’m not on FB?
    2. I want the beverley bowtie gym bag in Aqua.
    3. My burpee vid i should be filming and submitting on Friday (weather permitting)

    I also just wanna say thanks, you’ve become a big part of my life, dont know what i would do without pop pilates and your motivation!

    1. Saim says:

      oh and is that sequined material in the background to your vid? i love it.

  585. I commented on the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle, it is just so lovely! Happy new year 😀

  586. Maria Aline says:

    loved the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle, it’s so rock’n’roll. Just like me =)

  587. Heba says:

    I would love to win the “Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle!”

  588. Gina says:

    I feel like if I had the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Chrome Dazzle, it would never leave my side. I love the sparkle, the pockets (I’m kind of an organizational freak), and the purple lining, not to mention it’s the perfect size for everything I need in a day! Thanks for a year of great workouts!!

  589. Nicole says:

    I would seriously love the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose bag, I’ve had my eyes on it for so long but can’t afford it. Hopefully, my luck changes! 🙂

  590. lisa says:

    Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle/ Chrome Sparkle

    beautiful bag!!

  591. Nea says:

    Ps. I think I might do a burpee In front of a snowman! Hehe 😀 (We really don’t have any better landmarks to burpee to :D)

  592. Kate McElhare says:

    I absolutely love the Crazy Zips in Purple!!!! It is beautiful! I’m a college student and really have to budget my spending so I can save a lot and pay off my loans quickly after I graduate or I would probably have this bag already!!! I’ve also decided to get a gym membership again in january so i can have variety in my cardio. I love the arc trainer and treadmill so I can’t wait to return!!!

  593. Cristina H. says:

    It would be a dream come true if I got the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose!! It is so beautiful <3

  594. Nea says:

    I want the Pleated Pocket Gym bag in Chrome Dazzle! I’ve never won anything even though I’ve entered to sooo many competitions and give aways. I am really hoping I’d win this one! Want this so bad and it would be the perfect late christmas present and it would really motivate me to workout even harder next year!

  595. Sara says:

    I would like to win the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose! 🙂

  596. Catlyn says:

    I’d just love to have the Beverly Bowtie Gym Bag in Dusty Rose, its gorgeous!

  597. Iris says:

    Hi Cassie, great giveaway like always. It is a hard choice here! But my heart chose the Pleated Pocket Gym Bag in Black Sparkle.