Serious about the Meet Up + Move of the Day!
Serious about the Meet Up + Move of the Day!
OK so after the awesome response I got from you guys on the potential POP Pilates meet up, I’m gonna try to get a venue of some sort. If not, maybe we can go park style. Haha.
Those of you saying you actually wanna fly in or drive in, are you for reals!!? Because if you are, OMG, that’d be awesome. I might even look into getting sponsors or something! But yeah, of course, this is all in the works. If you have any ideas for things we should do at our meet up, let me know! I mean, I guess I wanted it to be totally informal but hey there’s no harm in getting a little creative! Comment with ideas or if you wanna help set this up. I need all the help I can get 🙂
I love continuously educating my fitness brain by constantly taking other instructor’s classes, watching DVDs, or reading books & magazines. Today’s move of the day comes from Fitness Magazine. It’s like Criss-Cross but balanced on your tailbone:
Move of the Day! Obliques and Deep Abs Crisscross
Targets: Abs and obliques
1. Balance on your tailbone and open up your elbows wide, hands behind the nape of your neck, feet on the floor to begin.
2. Then reach opposite elbow to opposite knee as other leg extends.
3. Switch!
Try switching about 20 times, nice and slooowwww.
Today’s challenge is to do 100 of them. (5 sets that’s all!)You have all day. But you must try! Talk about a sore but pretty mid section. I’m doing the 100 thing because it seems like a bunch of you on Facebook are loving this 50 burpees in 50 days challenge (from The Sweaty Betties) – but of course our Ambassador, Vanessa tried to be an overachiever and said she was gonna do 100! So there you have it guys. We will now all do 100 of everything. Thanks Vanessa…
I will now leave you with a picture of me (taken last night) at the Nike Women’s Marathon tent in Union Square.
To the left, you can’t see it, but it says “I run to be…” and it follows with SEXY. Me likes 🙂 I run to be sexy.
Tell me what YOU run to be. Or what YOU workout to be? Leave your answer in the comments. Can’t wait to read your responses! I want to know what motivates YOU!!!
<3 Cassey
PS: Talked to Body Language! They are giving Blogilates fans FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING and a way way wayyyy lower rate on international orders! Yes that’s right! Along with the 20% off “BLOGILATES” discount code. We extended the sale to end of day Tues October 18th! Hurry, I don’t think those scrunchy capris will last long! BTW, if you guys have any issues with checkout or anything let me know. Or if you find that they can’t ship to your country. Tell me. Or email International shipping for 1 item should be around $13 via USPS. Click here to shop!
23 thoughts on “Serious about the Meet Up + Move of the Day!”
There are 23 comments posted by our users.
I run to be healthy AND radiant 🙂 I feel so good about myself when I am running or even working out, and I love that I can in the mirror and see how all this exercise and healthy eating is paying off. I feel good not only outside, but on the inside too!
Just a side note, today I did squats, abs, pilates, running, walking, and yoga. Let’s just say, I’m feeling wonderful right now and I know my body is thanking me 🙂
that sounds amazing!
Not exactly related but cute boots in that pic Cassey!!
I just got them!
I live in England, UK and have been following your videos for about a year and half. I would seriously think about flying over to SF to meet pop pilates (and have a weeks hol!) so excited about the prospect!!!
Keep me informed!
First of all : OMG YOU’RE GORGEOUS ON THE PIC!!!!!!!!!
then, I wrote a lot of email to BSL about the shipping, and I have to said they are really really sweet! can’t wait to receive my scrunchy capri!
You have to upload a picture when u get them!!
Cassey I totally think the meet-up should be outdoors. So much more fun. As long as you get it going before the weather turns…..
So excited about the meet up 🙂 Love this workout move. I will be incorporating it with ToneItUp’s hourly challenge of 30 reps so I’ll probably wind up doing a little more than 100 🙂
I am serious about flying out there! It would be EPIC! Hope, Hope, Hope and more hopes that it will work into my schedule when everything get’s set in stone.
i workout for being and becoming the actual real me. ….and to look awesome next to my man 😉
…he is hot! 😀
I have a idea for the meet up! Since I live in Chicago and go to school in Michigan’s upper peninsula, I won’t be able to make it, and I know a lot of other people are probably in the same boat, but really want to go. Maybe you could tape it? Or broadcast it live? or both even!
For sure I’ll tape it! Not sure if I can live stream it though?
I’m trying to order from the bodylanguage site, but they don’t ship to Denmark! I checked the rates to the UK since they should be almost the same, but I’m really not prepared to pay $75 for shipping when I’m only ordering a pair of capris – is there no way they can ship with USPS instead of FedEx?
I had the same prob, you should send an email to BSL (see the email adress in Cassey article), the man who deals with these prob is awsome!! I had prob with selecting France (it didn’t show p in the list of shipping countries) and with the shipping he, kind of “personnalizes” my order, and sent me my capri inFrance with USPS (even if the USPS choice wasn’t in the list, he took my name and made a special package!) so cool!
so just ask him to help you! he’s really really helpful!
Thank you so much for letting me know – I’ll try that immediately! 😀
(I’m from Sweden so sorry for the spelling and my grammar)
My whole journey started with me wanting to be healthy. So I started running a few times a week. I still ate whatever I wanted, but after a while I wanted to take it to the next level. Candy and sweets was forbidden and after a while also butter, cheese, fast food and so on.
Lets fast forward one year. So this spring I started counting calories for the second time. I wanted to lose weight as fast as I could. I made the program reduce my kcal intake so I would lose 2 pounds a week, 900 kcal was the amount I could eat. After a while I started eating less kcal, in the end I ate 600 kcal a day minus the kcal i burned when I ran/walked. In the end I got like 300 kcal a day.
I pushed myself to run at least three times a week, 6-10 km at least. This was in the middle of the summer so I ran in almost 80 degrees in the middle of the day without nutrition or water. It’s amazing that I’ve never passed out! If I didn’t ran I power walked, I often did both.
I the end I lost 20 pounds, I started at 121 pounds and got to 101 pounds. I’m at the moment getting professional help for my eating disorder, last Saturday I ate candy and actually enjoyed it!
I started running again a couple of weeks ago, at first I heard all the evil voices, they told me to run faster and longer, but I know now how to ignore them. Now I run because I love it, I feel strong and powerful both during the run and afterwards! I no longer run to lose weight, I know that I don’t need to lose weight. I’m only 15 years old, and I’m not fat at all! even though the evil voices in my head wants me to think so. Running helps me feel better, stronger and confident, it helps me release all the thoughts of food and my “pouting belly”
Thank you dear running shoes, I don’t know what I would do without you<3
love how your now getting everyone to do 100 🙂 wohoo…were ganna all have amazing bodies.
I was thinking for the meet up we could do like a pinic lunch with everyone. Everyone bring one healthy thing, and talk and eat…So we can all get to know each other. Just a thought 🙂
Have a great day Cassey, and good luck on the marathon Sunday
That would be super awesome
I’ll be doing the challenge today while babysitting! Nothing better to do and mine as well haha 🙂
I run to be fierce ;D
Cassey, I think they don’t ship to Germany ! What should I do?
Can you please email He will take care of this and shipping should be about $13