Sculptacular Workout!!!! Day 1 Winner Announced!
Sculptacular Workout!!!! Day 1 Winner Announced!
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
How was your first day of the #jaNEWary calendar!? Did you kill it? I bet you sure did! I forgot to show you this Pilates Bootcamp workout that went up on Monday on the Livestrongwoman channel. It’s not actually on the calendar but feel free to incorporate it into your workout if you want a fabulous total body toning routine. We use weights in this one, so it’s tough and of course…fun! Here’s my fave move…the bicep curl extension! Gets your abs, quads, and biceps all at the same time.
Also loved reading all about your new year’s resolution tweets yesterday! So many of you…so motivated! It makes my heart warm to hear your determination. As promised, there will be 31 days of presents, and oh man, the first lucky POPster has already been chosen!
Who is our winner for Jan 1?
Congrats Serena! You win a TRAIN INSANE HOODIE! ($25,
I just tweeted you, so please write me an email and send me your address!
Alrighty guys, no tears please because I have 30 more things to give away! Here’s the task for Jan 2:
You can subscribe to BlogilatesTV by clicking here! To comment on my channel just click browse videos then “comment”. Or you can click here. Ahhh the DVD!!! Can’t wait for you to see it!!!! Remember, if you purchased it, it will be shipping out Jan 4th! Woohoo!!!
Good luck everyone!!! Gonna be up late designing some new shirts for you! Plus I also made some cheap and clean meals and I cannot wait to share them with you. Eating clean should be easy, effortless, quick, accessible and AFFORDABLE to everyone. I will start with blog posts but maybe then graduate these into BlogilatesTV cooking videos! That would be fun wouldn’t it?
Love you! Congrats on either starting or continuing your fitness journey! Woohoo! Embrace this lifestyle!
<3 Cassey
35 thoughts on “Sculptacular Workout!!!! Day 1 Winner Announced!”
There are 35 comments posted by our users.
I am just dying to know where do you buy your shorts from ?
if it’s still the 2nd and you’re having trouble on YouTube, go to view channel, switch from ‘featured’ to ‘browse videos’, and on that page there is a comment box. there’s no comment box on the featured page =) hope that helps!
I agree Cassey should do a book!
If you’ve got an iphone this app is cool:
ok so i think u should do a Blogilates COOK BOOK!!! yes!!!! omg with all the posts n vids u do on clean eating n wut not! u could SO totally fill a book!!!! 😀 n not just food but u could talk bout where to shop at! the cheap stuff thats still AWESOME for u! and of course how many cals are in each meal/snack! 😀 i think itd be a real HIIT 😉 haha get it!
Haha yes! I totally agree! I honestly would buy a Blogilates Cook book because I always have trouble finding recipes and it’s so hard to eat clean! So that would be easier if your recipes were accessible in a flip of a page!
謝謝你Cassey! Thank you so much for all of your effort. I’ve been following your videos for about a year now and I love the new challenges you always give us. Grad school, work, my crazy life in a foreign country AND I can still enjoy these videos!
Much love from Taiwan!
Hi Cassey, quick question. Are you picking the winners using a random generator or are you just picking your favorite entry? Thanks!
I just found your Pilates work out vids on YouTube and loveee them. I did my best to complete one…with baby on top of me and dog taking over the mat. Haha. My hubs actually even got a video! 😉
It was fun and I definitely will keep working out with you.
Hi Cassey! Im following ur blog for few months now and have to say working out with u its hard but u do have a talent to motivate and make it fun. I know u are a very busy girl but if u find a minute to answer my question I would be very grateful! so here it is : Would it be ok for me to do ur videos with my 7 year old daughter? Im afraid that she might be 2 young to do it with me even if it would be only for 5 u to 10 minutes a day. Thank you for u being u – love u!!!
Hey, just a question in advance. The saturday sweat sexy treadmill workout- where can I find it??
I can’t find it either. I’m wondering if it’s the “Treadmill Shredmill” workout and she’s just calling it something else?
Hey Cassey! I’ve been following your workouts since summer and I love the changes in my body and mind I’ve seen(: also, I thought you should know that the Gangnam Style Cardio isn’t available on mobile YouTube which I have to use at the moment because we don’t have a computer right now. I don’t know if you can do anything about this, but I miss dancing like a manic with you! Anyways, you rock, and I hope you never stop doing what you do!
Congrats Serena!
Cassey I think your idea about Blogilates cooking videos is fantastic! Your workout plans and videos are perfection for exercise and I would love to see some more and what I can be eating that’s healthy and affordable, and I would absolutely love to see HOW to make it! Please do that! Love you!
I’m sure I’m just being dumb but I can’t find the first video for today’s workout… I searched ‘Fat burning cardio warmup’ with no results… There’s a fat-melting video, is that it?
Congrats Serena!
I can’t seem to comment on the channel either. What am I missing? I guess I won’t be able to enter the contest 🙁
two days in and man I’m getting killed ! but I LOVE IT!! thank you Cassey for the calendar!!!
Hi…Idk…am I the only one who prefers Dec calendar? 🙁 I am not a huge fan of cardio, and I liked the day by day specialized videos corresponding to each body area(arms,back, etc)
we gotta change it up every 4 weeks for max calorie burn and to make u work harder!
Hi Cassey,
I really liked the Livestrong’s Pilates Sculptacular workout video. Hope you can do more videos similar to it. Thank you for all your hard workout.
Hi Cassey,
I really liked the Livestrong’s sculptacular video. Hope can you put together more like them.
Thank you
killed me .. 🙂
I would love to see the recipes as YouTube videos on BlogilatesTV! I mean, recipes are great, but step-by-step instructions cannot be beat. I love your Pho recipe. It’s really making this cold East Coast winter more bearable.
Can some please help me? How do I comment on the channel. I’m going to the comment section but there’s no box for me to comment ??? 🙁 How do I do this?
I was having the same problem. the fix is, you have to verify yourself. go to account settings, channel settings, features, and next to your name it will say verify.
Yes PLEASE! I’m trying to find a way to comment on the channel as well….
Make sure you’re logged in to Youtube and comment on this page:
Hope that helps! ^-^
I think you have to sign in and click the subscribe button first.
Yes I can’t figure it out either. HELP!!!
lol I have the same problem!! I’m new to youtube, so I have no idea what to do, where to click.
I think nobody wants to help us because we would take their chances to win… 😉
Oh, now it worked. There was a box now to enter the comment… weird! hope it works for you too now!
Ok, no idea what I’m doing wrong. I’ve subed the channel but there’s no where for me to comment. I can see others comments but can’t leave one.
How many times are we allow to comment or tweet or whatever??
Thank you, for your hard work to make us fit and healthy! Love you Cassey. :))
Greetings from Latvia.
Congratulation Serena! The hoodie is really cool!
Thank you!!! I’m so excited, what a great way to start off my new year! 🙂
Congraaatsssssss, Serena ! ^^ The hoodie is really cool and love that colour and the quote! No excuses now to not workout, ‘kay? ^^