#POPsterPresents Calendar! Giveaways for 31 days!!!
Happy New Year POPsters!!!!
I hope you got the password for the #jaNEWary calendar in your email! (PRINT IT HERE) It is bonkers for real. The workouts routines are crazy, there’s new stairmaster, elliptical, and treadmill printables every week…and presents for you!
Here’s a look at the presents guide! Be sure to print this out and follow the directions carefully! Every time you tweet or insta me @Blogilates, make sure you use the hashtag #POPsterPresents.
Today a hoodie is up for grabs! Check out Tuesday the 1st for a chance to win! And yes this contest is international and the time cutoffs are all based on PACIFIC STANDARD TIME.
Click to enlarge…
Good luck POPsters!
Let’s all get moving together!!!
I hope you had a wonderful NYE celebration! Please share the calendars with at least one friend and make our community bigger, brighter, and more fun! (And yes, this month and next I will be continuing the developments on your community. Sorry, these things take a long time plus lots of technical testing etc…but it will be worth it! I SWEAR.)
Love you!!!
25 thoughts on “#POPsterPresents Calendar! Giveaways for 31 days!!!”
There are 25 comments posted by our users.
I love the idea of dream mail! I especially love all the homemade postcards from fans! Cassey, you might see some artwork from this poster very soon!
I was going through your videos and I saw the one on the awesome gym bag! I want it so badly because it is sooooooo awesome and adorable. I hope to win it but I don’t have a twitter account or instagram- I know it’s pathetic- and those are the only ways you can win it… but I am determined to save up. I even showed my friends your workouts and they loved them! You are so awesome and inspirational- I ran a mile and a half yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also I am not sure how to post comments below on your videos to win stuff the the month of January. Can someone please tell me if this is the right place or if I need to do it somewhere else and how!!! Thank You!
Hi Cassey. i just did your scream and shout video and it Kicked MY BOOTAY!!! I loved it. I pretty much love all your videos and as a mother of two small children, it is such a time saver not having to go to the gym or trying to come up with the money to pay for one. I have lost at least 10 pounds since doing this and have toned up quite a bit. Your blogs and videos keep me super motivated. You keep your videos excited and fresh with your cute little Asian spunk and your unique work-out moves. i love this website and have recommended it to all my friends. I also love your fashion line. I wanted a tank for Christmas but…. the kids had a great Christmas!!! -lol. Keep up the great work!! You are so ToadsFab!
I have been following your videos on youtube for over a year, and realized I never subscribed to your blog ( I only had been subscribing to the youtube channel…)
I am so happy I found your blog and am officially a POPster now by following!
Thank you for being such an inspiration and FANTASTIC motivator! You always keep new things coming!
I love you!
I love your videos! You are so funny. I can’t wait to get back into shape!
Hey Cassey! I am SORE!! I’ve only been doing your workouts for a few days but i’m addicted!!! I keep telling myself oh maybe ill do a different one tomorrow- NOPE! I end up going straight to blogilates!! I love the livestrong women channel too, but even if I want to follow their Mon- Friday routines- I usually add a Pop Pilates video into the mix! I love your awesome personality! Thanks for the motivation!! PS. LOVING THE BURN =]
Kimy G
OMG the JaNEWary calender is amazing! Its only day 2 and already super challenging WHICH I FREAKING LOVE WOOO! Lolo legs workout totally killed me doing it twice, talk about sweating buckets! LOVE YOU CASSEY! Working out with you makes it 100X funner! <3
Hi! I am signed up for the newsletter but haven’t gotten the password yet for January! I had to repeat a workout yesterday ): could you try resending it? I checked my spam and it isn’t in there either. Thank you!
I really love you 🙂 I’m doing your videos now for 8weeks 🙂 and I love it 🙂 xx
The new look of the site is pretty! Happy New Year!
thank u!
Hi Cassey!! <3 first of all, I want to say thank you.. You've done more then just get me, my mind and my body back on track, you've gave me great skin! all the water, eating clean and the sweating is exactly what I needed to keep going. Thank you!!
Ps. It'd be totally awesome of you to make me a winner. *wink wink nudge nudge*
I pinned workout calendar. I hope i win DVD ^_^. Thank you so much for everything u do for popsters.<3
Looks like this will be a fun month! There’s something exciting to look forward to each day 😀
OMG !!
Cassey, you are amazing for making your workout videos and blogging! You are such an inspiration to me!! I’m training like a beast to look like a beauty!! 🙂
-Whitney Borrego
I forwarded the calendar email to a friend whose new year’s resolution is to work out more. Love the popster presents, hope I win! 😉
I hope u win too! Thank u!
I never got the dvd I ordered weeks ago! 🙁
The DVD is shipping Jan 4, I think.
yes that is correct!
Hi everyone. I am new and looking forward to using the calendar and getting fit in 2013! I’m still just a little confused about where I use the password that I get in the newsletter? Any help would be great, cheers!
go to my previous post and place the pw in there! the pw should have been emailed to u if u signed up for the newsletter!