POP Pilates at 24 Hour Fitness and the BEST HIIT TIMER EVER!
POP Pilates at 24 Hour Fitness and the BEST HIIT TIMER EVER!
Hey guys!!
I have been up since 3:30 am this morning! Kinda tired and kinda delusional. I was at 24 Hour Fitness in West Hollywood with a bunch of fellow group exercise instructors celebrating the official launch of POP Pilates at 24 Hour Fitness! KTLA filmed 4 segments with us and I taught my friend and reporter Mark Mester all about candlestick dippers, double leg lifts, and plie squats! He died 🙂
Guys, but for real, I cannot believe this is actually happening. I started teaching 10 years ago for fun…and now…what!? There are marketing posters all over the clubs advertising a format I started on YouTube! CRAYYYYY!!!! Look at this one…
I love it so much because not only does every girl here look so strong, calm, and determined…do you know that these ladies are also POPsters turned POP Pilates Instructors!?? Ugh that makes my heart get all warm when I type that!! I am so proud of them. The girl in the BODYPOP pants is Steph aka @xogingy on Instagram. Sometimes I say “Hey, XO!” That’s kinda her name. The gal in the blue top is Lexi! She is also my design assistant and works with me everyday at Blogilates HQ! And the pretty blonde in the back is Isabella. She is a performer and singer!
I hope you get a chance to take POP Pilates LIVE at a gym near you. We take a lot of care when we certify our instructors to make sure that if you take the class anywhere, it’ll look and feel familiar, but with a twist from the instructor’s personality.
If you want to get POP Pilates certified and start teaching, please reach out to info@blogilates.com. We are beginning to plan what cities we should go to next!
NOW…I have a surprise for you! We haven’t done HIIT workouts in a while so I decided to give you a very special one today:
The entire workout is under 30 min total and you will BURN BURN BURN. This is what I like to do in the mornings before work if I have little time and am feeling like I need to kick myself in the booty!
But being a HIIT lover for years, I always found it really hard to find a timer that I really liked. There was always something that could have been done better. So guess what? Over the past several months I worked alongside my team of developers to bring you what I know to be the simplest, most intuitive, most aesthetic, and well THE BEST HIIT Timer that there is out there! You can get it by downloading the Blogilates Official App!
EDIT: I have a new and updated app! The one in this post is outdated. Click HERE to access Body by Blogilates!
Look at the ombre! Of course we needed to have that 🙂 So you will be able do the following with your timer:
1) Choose how long you’d like to “workout”
2) Choose how long you’d like to “rest”
3) Choose how many “moves” you’d like to perform
4) Name the “moves” <— this is the COOLEST FEATURE. The names actually pop up as you’re working out!
5) Choose how many rounds you’re doing
I typically go 45 sec work, 15 sec rest, and I do 4 rounds. My workouts end up being under 30 min and they are INTENSE and effective!!! Just try the Fat Shredder HIIT above. You will understand.
So to get the HIIT Timer, just download the “Blogilates Official App” – it is free in the Apple App Store and in Google Play Store. Then when you click on the little “tools” button on the bottom left, you will be directed to pay a one time purchase fee of just $1.99. It’s super cheap and really just helps me recover the costs it took to develop the HIIT Timer feature for you guys. I hope you love it and use it. If you get the HIIT timer, please snap a pic and hashtag it #blogilates and #blogilatesapp. I can’t wait to see you using it!
And for those of you who don’t have the Blogilates App yet…GET IT!!! Can you believe the Blogilates app has over a million downloads!? You guys are cray! It has your workout calendar in there for October too(and every month going forward). It has all of my workout videos in one neat place for you to search.
It has tons of recipes! Even all the new ones from the recent #cheapcleaneats videos!
Finally a POPster fave…the Forums. This is basically a POPster specific Instagram. Love the Hot Topics page where the inspiration is ENDLESS!
Well guys! Hope you enjoyed that. Take care of yourself, drink a ton of water and go do some POP Pilates! (Or this HIIT workout!)
36 thoughts on “POP Pilates at 24 Hour Fitness and the BEST HIIT TIMER EVER!”
There are 36 comments posted by our users.
I did HIIT workout exactly for a month and half. Believe me, its the best exercise to do. I have lost 11 kgs in just 40-45 days. I have followed ketosis diet too (along with hiit workout)..
Hi guuuuyss! I’m having trouble with the HIIT timer in the blogilates app. I purchased it a while ago and added a workout, no problem. But now it’s not letting me add another workout to the timer! Help please!:Do
How many different workouts can be saved on the Timer App? I just LOVE it
You could always try two different routines in a row as well, I suppose, if doing the same one twice seems boring. It took about 3 weeks to start seeing results for me but that was because I added cardio to it and health supplements like – http://sytropinbooster.com
OMG! Thank you so much for this timer! This is the bomb.
Stephie – http://www.dearonlinediary.com
I am so grateful to have visited you in 24 Hour Fitness a month ago! So memorable!
Hi everyone! Someone can answer me this question. What can it happen if I dont workout everyday?? I mean I really want to but with the university is really complicated… Is it bad to not workout everyday?
Of course it’s not bad! The best you can do is just stay active in small ways. Choose to walk or stand, not sit, and take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Don’t beat yourself up over an extra rest day or two. Those are necessary for your muscles to rest, repair, and grow anyway! On the days you do get to workout, you will have enough energy to go harder and longer 🙂
Ahh I have a Windows phone so I can’t get the app nor the timer. Hope you might make it available for Windows too some time soon 🙂
Quite intense workout!
HIIT is definitely one of my most hated exercise-related things, even if it is awesome for my stamina and my health. I’m gonna get this app and hopefully it will make me hate it just a little bit less!
Great post Cassey! Love how effective HIIT training is…would love to see more cardio videos on your channel.
Hey Cassey 🙂
I think you might wanna check this out as your unofficial fanclub has been reuploading your videos..?
I’m not sure if what they are doing infringes on your copyrights.. Just thought letting you know was the right thing to do.
Hey! quick question, i drink coffee around 3-4 times a day. Is that bad??
Hi Cassie! I love using that timer, but there are some things I wish it could do. It’d be awesome if workouts were able to be saved, so you don’t need to type the names of the moves in every time (especially handy if you like changing around HIIT workouts), and if as you do one move, you can see the name of the upcoming move. So in the rest time, you know how to prepare. Thank you for making working out so enjoyable!
First thank you very much for taking the time to built the
Blogilates “Empire”???? I know myself it takes hard work and dedication.
All we see is the pretty Cassey with her hair done and her killing clothes and body and her nails
Doing the exercices.. But I know it takes hard hard work to do all this. And tks to all the your followers too.
I have a question for you and really hope I will get an answer.
I work as bartender and my work shifts are from 8pm till 3-4 am. What can I have as snacks or food during that period that will help me with my loosing weight’ journey please. I used tp drink 3-4drinks a night and not eat at all but now I cut down on the alcool and I get much much hungrier and faster..Guess my body was used to the sugar in the drink. Should I bring a protein shake? Or food? I don’t have an hour lunch break either so…
And last question; What drink can I have that will have the less effect on my body.. I know I shouldn’t drink at all but it’s very very hard so I stick to 1-2 max max.
I hope someone will be able to guide me pls. I used to exercice 3-5times a week then stop. Gained a bit of weight due to birth control pills which I stopped 1month ago and I Been working at night about a year ago I love it!!!!
Hi Mika,
I also work as a bartender and have been in the service industry for years, so I know the struggle! At most places I’ve worked we don’t get any break at all, and staff just stuff some food in their face at some point in the evening. Protein-rich foods that are quick and easy to eat and can be hidden behind the bar are ideal. Usually I’m not a protein shake/bar fan because I try to eat unprocessed foods, but they can be very helpful when you don’t have time to sit down fora real meal. For example, protein shakes are great because you can drink them while you’re working (from a covered container obviously). I also like protein bars (personally, I like the Think Thin brand) because you can eat them quickly somewhere in the back. Both things are pretty expensive, so if you don’t want to spend the money (or, like me, don’t love the idea of super processed foods), hard-boiled eggs and apples are great as well. I’ve never been a smoker, and an old manager and I used to joke that, while all my coworkers got a smoke break, I got an apple break.
As for alcohol, mixing with soda water and fresh lime or lemon will always be better than mixing with juices. Gin and vodka have less sugar than whisky/bourbon and rum. Red wine has some health benefits (in moderation), but I don’t know anyone who would drink wine while working. Personally, I don’t think it’s a matter of “I shouldn’t drink at all”, but choosing to drink things that you actually enjoy and can savor rather than drinking to get yourself through the shift. Again, I know the culture of drinking that exists in the restaurant industry, so cutting down can be hard!
Good luck!
I’m going to do add all these workout in my schedule right now! Thank you for sharing amazing workout chart.
Left this comment in the iTunes Store as well, but wanted to make sure you saw it. I’ve been following your blog a lot time and you’re doing amazing things!! THANK YOU.
I’ve tried several interval timers over the past few years, and I just downloaded yours last week. I have been testing out your new HIIT timer, and it’s really great. As a designer, I know that a lot of work goes in to a project like this before anyone even sees it. I think for the first version, it is really excellent. I have just a couple of suggestions to make it even better. 1. Pause button. I often do HIIT workouts at home, while my children play. It’s rare that I can get through even a 20 minute workout without at least one interruption. Right now, the only option is to let the time run and miss out on my workout, or hit Stop and have to start completely over. A pause button would allow me to take a quick break to attend to my children, and jump right back into my workout where I left off.
2. One of my FAVORITE features of your app is the ability to put the move names in so I remember what’s next. It would be even better if the name of the upcoming move would show during the rest break. That way, if I need to grab weights or get in a different position (standing/laying down), I can prepare during my rest time and not miss out on any of the work time.
This HIIT workout almost killed me ;). You do GREAT job, Cassey! Kisses from Poland
When are you doing a meetup in Cincinnati? There are plenty of people who would come, and we have lots of great restaurants.
Oh Cassey, I would give a million bucks to spend just an hour with you!
I’m going to do that workout right now! Thank you!! I was looking for a good workout today!
The 24 Hour fitness near me doesn’t offer Pop Pilates classes. Someone needs to get on that ASAP!
Yes!! Congratulations doll, train like a beast look like a beauty indeed!! Also, the app is awesome btw, everything happens from my phone these days. Off to shred some fat!!!
xx Jill
Latest Post – Opinion of a Fit Girl Part Part 3: Group Fitness Apps, Skipped Food Diaries, and Protein Bars
So excited for the new timer but we need the app on Windows phones!!
First thing to do when I lack motivation to work out:
Blogliates App –> Photos –> Fitspiration/Hot Topics –> Get in gear and shred it! 😀
Dear Cassey,
thank you for getting me hooked to your workouts! I´m more than dedicated to do them at least five times a week and I´m loving it. I learned basic pilates some years ago on my own and loved the effect it had on my body (all those tiny muscles around your core getting in shape is a great thing!). Then I lost track somewhat and basically just ran (if at all) and went to a local “abs, butt and thigh-class” once a week… luckily not gaining weight as I´m pretty good at keeping my eating healthy.
By accident, I stumbled over a note in a german woman´s magazine (Brigitte) giving a thumbs up to Blogilates, saying a) it´s hard, b) it´s in English but c) it´s great.
Some months later I had to give up my weekly work out class and this made me go onto your webpage for the first time. I started the beginners calendar in April 2015 and made it through it quite easily (as I had basic knowledge and body strength from former Pilates exercises). My first month on the standard “monthly regime” was quite hard, but so much fun… the fact that almost instantaneously my body sculpted itself, was amazing: I never ever thought that my belly will show signs of a six pack, but it does and I like it! I also started to work on my splits in May just for fun… I did not believe that it will take me far, but in the meantime I think I´ll be able to do it by Christmas. Where I live, not many women would even think about challenging themselves to such a thing at age 46… I do, and you, Cassey and the entire Blogilates community support me so much!
It doesn’t work??? I can’t get it to do any of the cool time-changing name-setting things TT___TT Please help!