Picking a Dress for Fashion Week!
Picking a Dress for Fashion Week!
Hey POPsters!
Tonight I head to LA Style Fashion Week but I need to find a dress to wear! My friends and I stopped by Alexis Monsanto’s design studio to pick out something to wear. I ended up with 2 gorgeous grecian goddess inspired orchid dresses – look:
This is option #1.
Oh my freaking goodness, this is option #2.
Either way I need to have my hair up and I just don’t do updos. Anyone have suggestions? Any beauty gurus or fashionistas out there who’d like to give your sneaker-lovin gal some tips? 🙂 Which dress do you like better? My heart is definitely leaning towards one of these! Do you know which?
I’m excited to be observing not just the clothing on the models tonight but the way the girls walk, what makes them seem so confident, and of course delving more into that diet investigation I was telling you about. Fashion shows are just that – a show. You need to realize that the ways some of these gorgeous girls (and guys) achieve their bodies are through means that are truly unhealthy and dangerous for your body. This is also true on the opposite end…even fitness competitors do things you may not even think of to sculpt that lean physique. Of course there are those that are naturally thin (I remember Ryan Higa saying that if he had one superpower it’d be the ability to eat as much as he wanted and not gain weight!) but for the most part, extreme leanness takes work. There are shortcuts, but the shortcuts could literally end up killing you.
Just remember that the goal in life is not solely to “be skinny” or “get an inner thigh gap” because when you get there, you’re just going to want more and more and more. Kind of like if you saw a dress in the store that you really liked. You work real hard to save up a ton of mulah to buy it. You feel euphoric once you purchase it and wear it out to an event. But after it’s been used, you need another dress!
Try to train yourself to think this way – switch the goal to tapping into those things that foster happiness.
- It’s about being around the people you love.
- It’s about cultivating an environment where you can grow and flourish.
- It’s about digging deep to find your passion.
- It’s about living with purpose and giving to those you need you. I’m not even talking $ here. You can give in the form of teaching, sharing, and sacrificing.
Sure it’s totally normal to want flat abs and a bubble butt! But try to ingrain a deeper goal because when you reach past the surface, it makes getting that dream body seem easy. Find your strength from the inside out and the physical will fall into place. It’s the same with nutrition. Please never think of your food as something that makes you fat or some crazy scientific experiment that you don’t understand. You musn’t be scared of it.
The principle is this: think of food as fuel. As nourishment to power you through your day and your workouts. Never forget that.
I honestly think that a lot of us probably struggle with diet way more than we do workouts. I think at this point I have trained you to like being sore and from what I see on Insta, Twitter, and FB! Now we need to tap into that food relationship. No abusive relationships here! We need to embrace food and know that it is there to feed us, not control us or harm us.
This is the problem with dieting. Restrict too much and you want everything else. When you eat the “bad” thing, you feel guilty and it blows your day. The emotions set in and you’re like “screw this, I’ll just eat whatever and start again tomorrow.”
I know. I’ve felt that way too. I’m sure we all have. But the way to fix it is to be 100% honest with yourself. I mean really – you don’t have to share your feelings with me or the world because that puts a lot of pressure on you. You don’t wanna feel like if you slip, you’ve completely failed. You need to give yourself room to make mistakes as long as you’re heading in the right direction.
Ok, more on the crazy model diets after tonight…
In the mean time, when you take your next bite – look and the food and tell it that you appreciate it. Even if it’s by instagramming your meal. Trust me…not only will it slow you down, but it’ll make you think of food in a positive, artful light.
OOHHH! And I almost forgot!!! New stuff in the store! I did a beach shoot yesterday and nearly froze my face off. Haha, take a look!
OMG I love these new cutout maxi dresses! You must must must look at the mint and lime dresses too. Each color has it’s own cutout design. Click here to see the other styles.
There’s also a brand new Train Insane tank with a cool braided back!!! The material I used is super soft and stretchy cotton/lycra. It is a very high quality fabric and you will feel it once on your skin. Click here to see the pink version too.
The shoot was fun but cold. My photag was really helping me groove into the zone, going “YEAH, YEAH, work that pose work it!!!” I was totes starting to really feel it ya know? Then he goes, “now jump and look cute.”
I decided it was time to pull out the good stuff.
America’s Next Top Model here I come.
<3 Cassey
105 thoughts on “Picking a Dress for Fashion Week!”
There are 105 comments posted by our users.
Oh, wow the first dress looks really well on you =). Not that the 2nd one doesn’t but the 1st one is adorable. I know this is an old entry, but wahtever haha
omg I love you so much Cassey. lol <3
number 2 =DDD
Hiii Cassey!
It’s almost month I started with your workouts. You’re soooo positive and it really inspires me a lot! But couple days ago I realize I feel totally nothing.
When I do workouts my muscles hurt, I feel pain and I have a totally great feeling of it, but another day – nothing. No pain in legs, arms, abs, nowhere..
Do I do any mistakes or it’s just a progress and totally normal thing?
Have a nice day and thank u for your answer!
Petra <3
That is normal, you became stronger so the workouts feel easier. To get the “sore” feeling you need to work harder. Maybe repeat one or two of the videos or just give it more effort. I know when I play my music loud I work harder. Hope that helps. 🙂
Yay! Thanks, I’m keeping go hard! 🙂 And I have to try that thing with loud music on 🙂 Have a great and nice day! Sending lots of love and positive energy!! Petra <3
everybody seems to like option number 1, but personally if I was in your position and had an amazing body like you I would definitely go for option 2. It’s a fashion show, go and show them what you got with elegance!(:
oh n try the jennifer lawrence hairstyle ..the one she had this oscars.:)
cassey has to be the second 1…love it
Love that color on you! You look more comfy in option 1 🙂 looking forward to hearing your research…. love that you make people aware that looking that way can be costly to your health!
You look gorgeous Cassey! I was leaning towards dress number 1 until I saw your instagram photo. The necklace you paired up with the 2nd dress looks perfect! You’re so fashionable, never would have thought of pairing it up with that long necklace. Just gorgeous!
Loved the wonderful encouragement in this blog post! It really helps me stay focused. I have been working out and eating right for about a week and half now, and still haven’t lost anything on the scale. However, I feel amazing. I feel good! Working out gets me through the second half of my day as a mom…so it has all been worth it. Non scale victories are just as awesome!
#1 is gorgeous and perfect.
Love love this post! Your A’s top model pic got me cracking… love it! Only you Cassey can be so cray cray! 🙂 xo
Hi Casey I like option 1
me 2
For a fashion show, definitely number 2 (so you made a good choice, since I saw your other post about choosing it!)
I just wanted to know where you got your cute yellow sports bra??!
Dress 1, without a doubt. For your hair, I have a few suggestions.
(1) Can you french braid your haird? I would make a deep side part and make a french braid on the “smaller” side, heading towards the back. Then, I would pull all my hair into a low bun.
(2) Get a goody french twist pin. It makes it sooooo easy to get a perfect twist.
i’d so go for the abs cleavage dress (No. 2)!!! 🙂
this dress is like “excuse me while i go rip up my abs so i can wear that cleavage!!” lol 🙂
love it!
I really like 1 🙂
#1 all the way! You’re stunning Cassey!!<3
You look great in both but I like #1 better. Have fun!!
DEF Number 1!!! I love it!
Option 1!!! It looks gorgeous on you
I like #1! I like #2, and you look great in both, but I prefer #1, less is more. Definitely curls with some twists or braids involved to go with the goddess look.
Hey, Cassey! I think you should go with option #1 because it elongates your neck and it’s also on the sexy yet “conservative’ style that flaunts the right assets! Since you want to put your hair up this is the perfect dress! Also those panels at the sides (are those pockets?) are really nice since they give the illusion of a slimmer wait (not that you need that illusion since you already have a bangin’ body lol).
The coral dress from your beach photo shoot is so cute and you look great in it! 🙂
definitely Dress #1!! so much more flattering!! i love the pockets too 😀
#2 is beautiful, but #1 just makes you look classy and gorgeous and perfect!
Number One! 🙂 It has more pizazz than the other! And it blocks just right.
And if you hate updos but MUST have your hair up, I’d go with a french braid! It leaves just enough down to look okay, and plus, it’s sort of super easy 😉
I think you should go with #2 because its more bold like your personality. I think you should do a “messy” updo with a few pieces hanging out (:
Option 1 is gorgeous <3 Option 2 is great too but 1 is more elegant and just… more… beautiful? Yes, it is just beautiful.
oooh 1! it’s funky without being toooo revealing or like it’s trying too hard. and dangit cassey you are so freaking cute and smart and ugh. i love you.
#1 #1!!!
Definitely dress #1! It’s very flattering on you. As for the hair, try a simple chignon or low bun 🙂
OPTION ONE, no doubt about it
Option one !
I’m not a real stylist yet (my final exams are in two months… arrrgh) but I definitely go for option one! Because the second seems very rectangle, like a block . I don’t see it very well tho… but honestly, the first one is just perfect on you Cassey ! It’s so you I think, so elegant, so pretty..!
Look forward to know what you choose 🙂
And by the way, I’m in love with your mint dress! think I will offer it to myself before summer 😉
Have a great night !
definitely option 2!!!
Both are gorgeous, but I like Option #2!!!
I love dress number 1 ! Even thought i have a feeling you love number 2 more! haha. For your hair I think you should keep it kind of simple. Check out Kate Bryan from “The Small Things” blog aka k8bryan on youtube! She has GREAT hair tutorials that would be perfect for this! (like the french twist or wrapped bun!)
Hey Cassey,
I would pick Number 1, you look gorgeous in it!
Go with your heart on the dress.
As for the hair, definitely keep it very simple, smooth and low since the dress is such a statement. I suggest a low bun to the side with maybe braided detailing at most.
I like the first one better.
Option 2 providing you have enough titty tape! I say go with the one you wouldnt normally wear, take a risk its good for you now and then……if I had your awesome figure and killer good looks I would go with dress number 2!
As it is I have had five kids so all the titty tape in the world wouldnt help me!!!
You look amazing have a great time xxxxx♡♥♡♥
You are so cute!
Number 1!! Definitely!
For your hair: Just put it in a topknot! There are hundreds of tutorials for topknotting on YouTube.
I LOVE option 1! It makes your already amazing figure even more beautiful. And you could totally wear it with you hair down. Nice beachy waves and black court shoes would look amazing!!
Have a good time! 😀
#2 for sure!
They both look great but option #2 looks amazing on you! If you wanted to accentuate your waist more you could pair it with a belt or a sash as a belt. But I don’t think you really need it, it looks like it curves into your sides perfectly! Drawing just enough attention to that area without making the dress look poofy and over bearing on the bottom.
And a cute updo with some loose curls hanging down would go perfect with a strapless look
Option 1!
I like dress number 1 :). I think it would look nice with a simple teased high ponytail, and some big/bold earrings like gold hoops, or maybe just gold studs to match 🙂 Have fun!!
i love option 2 🙂
I vote for option 1 🙂
As for hair, you could do a bun (there are some awesome tutorial videos on youtube).
Regarding jewelry, just throw on some golden earings that hang close to your ears and you’re done. Have a gorgeous evening 😀
# 1 Looks like you are just born to be glamorous. Effortlessly beautiful.
#2 Looks like you’re trying to make a statement with clothes.
I think effortless glamor is totes the way to go. 🙂
And the Maxi dresses! LOVE. SOOOOOO cute. 🙂
For hair, I LOVE this girl’s blog: http://www.twistmepretty.com/p/hairstyle-gallery.html
I loved option 1! Option 2 is pretty, but too much skin in every possible way: it misses a ‘focus’.
The first option really brings out all of your strong points (and you have a LOT of those <3). You are wearing that one with pride. With the second option it seems more like the dress is wearing you.
I agree with the sock bun idea mentioned below, I would either wear it really low or really high up (not center back). Low is the fashion now. Also, high pony tails are fashionable again too. You could wear a cuff bracelet around it as a sort of fashionable piece of bling bling in your hair 🙂
Great choice for colors by the way. You look fab!
Number two! It’s more daring and draws attention, and then you won’t have to make any supercrazy updo but a more simple one. You are gorgeous!
I like option 1, and for your hair do a sock bun. Looks nice & directions are online
Option 1: Totally flatters your hips and waist and creates a nice lines to your face. It’s so cute and I LOVE the pockets!!
Options 2: Seems more about the dress. It kind of looks like it’s just floating there. Maybe that’s what people want for high fashion though.
You are gorgeous in both, but I vote option 1 🙂
first one is better
They are both gorgeous on you ! But I prefer option 2 🙂 you are the best Cassey!
Option #1 looks so fabulous on you!
The first one!!!!
option 1!!!
Number 1 ~ ^^
I would #1, number two is just a little too much I would say.
And for you hair, I would suggest to use a curling iron for bigger curls and then use large bobby pins to pin it all up.
Either way you are going to look beautiful and confident. Have a good night!
And thanks for the food post, I can definitely relate to what your saying. We need to take care of our bodies in the best possible way, its not a trashcan,
Number 1 is a great dress.
The first one!!! 🙂
soooo beautiful! x
Number 1!
The first one, for sure! It looks perfect on you.
Cassey you are gorgeous! Both dresses look lovely but I just think that second dress has a greater ‘oomph!’ So that is my choice! I also love what you have wrote about attitudes to food and I am really interested in what more you have to say. Food is such a massive part of life, vital to our existence and so we need to become friends with it!
Keep being inspirational <3
Option One, definitely. It’s so flattering on you and I literally gasped. You LOOK SO BEAUTIFULLLL! <3<3 And I can't wait to hear your thoughts on model diets. The dresses look amazing, and you look about as photogenic as me in the last photo xD I hope you have tons of fun, bb! <3
I prefer option 1! 🙂
option 2!!! It’s a fashion show, you’re not meeting his parents!
I love number one and two… but I think #1 would look best with your hair being up! They are both gorgeous!! Thanks for the inspiring post again Cassy, you are the best! 🙂 I love everything you are about, keep it coming lady!
I like option #1 better. I think it accentuates your assets and makes you look more curvy. Very pretty.
Hahaha, the jumping picture. I feel like I always have some crazy facial expression going on when I do those. My friends are obsessed with jumping pics, haha. So I have plenty of “interesting” pictures of me floating around.
Oh, and I love your relationship with food. It’s taken me awhile to look at food not as recreation or as something I need to control at all times. But as something that’s nourishing my body.
Option 1!
And bubzbeauty, the one you’re planning a workout routine and a meal plan for her wedding does lots of hair and makeup tutorials 🙂 xx
It’s a fashion show so option 2 will be the best. I really hope you chose that one. Option 1 works better for a more formal setting like an award show or dinner
I like option #1 best 🙂
For me, I like working out, but sometimes I get lazy and don’t do it :/
The diet is definitely the hardest part. When I eat sweets, I overeat it even if it’s something I don’t like (like cake). And sometimes we’ll have a lot of sweets in the house. I really need to learn how to eat clean more often and how to avoid overeating sweets.
I love the new tanks, the blue Train Insane one is my fave ♥
I would go with #1, as well. The plunging neckline of #1 seems more natural and with less of a “trying hard” feel than #2. (I think #2’s might be too deep… Does it have a sheer panel or something?)
I meant, #2’s CLEAVAGE might be too deep for my taste…
Depends on what kind of look you want to achieve. I’d say first one if you want to be more comfortable. But if you really want to make a statement I’d say dress two. Its more “fashion forward” I guess with the sexy plunging neckline. For super easy hairstyles that are also quick go to “letsmakeitup1” on youtube, she does the BEST hair tutorials!
I couldn’t agree more w/ Rebecca. She’s wise and experienced. I mean if you’re planning on dancing in this dress that night or in the future or want some type of utility from it after one (1) night, option #2 may have you second guessing if it’s “the one”. I would not even attempt to boogie the night away in a dress w/ a plunging neck line, let alone sit down in it wondering all night if something might go wrong as I reach for the pepper shaker across the table. On the other hand, with dress #1, you can wear that to several special occasions (including fancy local restaurants), tear up a dance floor in it, throw on some tights underneath with some chunky heals and wear that on the way to the gym – your second home. Dress #1 just seems more useful.
I like option 1! So cute. I just finished the spring fling videos back to back and was sweating! I feel great. Can’t wait to rock the coral cut out dress 🙂
If you’re going to have your hair up, then option 1 is best! You are crazy gorgeous Cassey!
Option 1 is a little more expected. Option 2 is my vote! It’s got that wow factor, I think. 🙂
Option 2. They’re both gorgeous but you look SO excited in the second picture!! It looks like you’ve already decided which dress you like better 😉
Much love from Germany! <3
Personally, I prefer option 1. You totally work that dress!
option 1! ;D it seems to hug your waist better and has more shape. 🙂
Elongates the neck too! 🙂
I’d say go with option number 1, just because if you’re already out of your norm, wearing strapless can be daunting. Strapless+plunge, nerve wracking. However, I do love option number 2, & I like the way the design goes all the way up the dress, so… you’ll look great in either! I have got to say though that the reason I’m commenting has nothing to do with your dresses- I love your “jump & look cute” photo! Way to maintain a sense of humor 🙂 You rock!
I like option 1 as well !
I totally agree with you on our love /hate relationship with food ; it would SO easy if cake did not taste so delicious =D
Option 2!!!
If you have to have an updo – pick option 2. It better showcases your beautiful face, body and the intricacies of the dress!
I prefer option 1, you can be a bit messier with your updo for this one too
I like the first one better. It looks classic and classy 🙂 and I would totally wear an updo!
have a great time and enjoy the show <3
Option 2! It “says” fashion show! You look gorgeous!
Option 1!:)
Option #2 is the best! Not to mention that you are glowing and look super happy in that picture versus option #1 🙂
option 1 🙂
Option 2! You’ll loo gorgeous in either one anyhow (:
I would also go with option 1. HOWEVER, you look fab in both of the dresses 🙂
I like the first one better! it accentuates your beautiful face 😉
Option 1!!
I would go with option 1. Have a great time, you deserve it!