NYC > LA > The Best Gift I Can Give You
NYC > LA > The Best Gift I Can Give You
Hey guys!
I just got back to LA! I was in NYC for 9 days! WOW. I don’t know if I have ever been on a work trip or vacation for that long! I felt like I was actually LIVING in the city. Look at how pretty the flowers were!
I was invited by YouTube so attend their 1st Creator Summit in celebration of YouTube’s 10th Birthday! Wowza! I’ve been on since 2009…when did you first start watching Blogilates? I’m curious to know! Above is a picture of the top 100 YouTubers (from all around the world) who got to come together and meet each other for some wild Youtube festivities. From gamers, to beauty gurus, to comedians, and scientists – almost every genre was represented!
The weird thing was, it felt like high school all over again. (Who do I sit next to at lunch!?) Because I didn’t have my “group” (I was the only one reppin’ fitness) I felt like a floater! I know, it’s weird. Plus, the even weirder thing was, some YouTubers treated others “less-than” because they had less subscribers. To me, that’s like treating people based on how they look or based on how much money they make. It’s really quite shallow. All in all though, I had a FANTASTIC time and it was such an honor to be invited. I made some new friends and caught up with old ones. It was so cool to see how much my friends had accomplished since the last time I saw them. I am always soooooo proud when good people get recognized for doing great things 🙂 Now…can I just say…THANK YOU for reading Hot Body Year Round and for rating the book!?? I am reading through all of the reviews on Amazon and am so happy that you are getting so much out of it!When I see you actually doing the workouts or actually making the recipes, I do a celebratory dance in my head! If you are still deciding if you should get it, I would so appreciate it if you did! Now! Did you try the new workout yet? Abs in a Flash is so fun and CRAZY!! It’s 3 min of non-stop upper abs, lower abs, core, and oblique work. I challenge you to do it now!

43 thoughts on “NYC > LA > The Best Gift I Can Give You”
There are 43 comments posted by our users.
Hey Cassey! Ive been watching since the feb 2015 so im kinda a newb. You really helped me lose the rest of my after baby weight so thank thank thank you!!! I like the idea of beeing a trainer but i dont think i got the right personality for it, im really really shy but maybe being a trainer might help me open up, what do you think?
You really should!! Being trainer seems to be really fun and is a great way to open up because you are joining a group of people with at least one similar interest.
You are amazing! Thank you for teaching me to love myself and move ahead from that point <3. You deserve everything you have and so much more. Would love to see you and iisuperwomanii collab. Literally the two most positive people on YouTube. Sending you love from Holland <3
Wow, it would be good to see those master trainers in action demonstrating the power of exercise.
I’ve been watching your videos since July 2013, your July 21st work out was the first one I ever did and left me sore for daaaays!
Thank you 🙂 so much for all your inspirational videos!
I have been watching blogilates for almost a year now.
But just within the last few months have I been really serious about making changes.
Within three months, I have lost ten pounds by trying to eat clean and I do about 3 blogilates videos/4days a week. And I also have recruited about 3-4 friends and we do your videos together, every week. Thank you 🙂 so much for all the hard core videos, with a great mix of cardio and strength training.
I wanted to ask if you could do some cool-down videos. After I work out, I try to do stretches and cool down since I’m sore (a good sore:) from doing your videos. It would be wonderful to see how you cool down and stretch after working out hard!
Also, I wanted to tell you the timer and the little clocks (like the one min. Timer) you’ve been adding to your videos are super helpful!! It definitely helps motivate me. But I wanted to suggest that the timer count down instead of up. That way we can tell ourselves okay only 30sec. More or okay only 10 seconds left, to help us push through it more.
Another thing, is I love how you work out the same muscle at a time, and you really try to help us feel the burn in a specific area. Could you try to incorporate maybe on the side with an Icon or maybe just mention what our goal is for how many reps were doing? I feel like when I’m following you and doing one of your hard core moves, it feels great doing the reps but after a while I really want to stop because it hurts haha, but I do try to keep pushing myself since you’re still going (which you’re a great help!) but if I knew what our goal was in terms of how many reps I feel like I could push myself more, since I’ll be mentally prepared!
Well, thank you 🙂 for even considering my suggestions.
You’re videos have really helped me to find a fun and hard core work out that I love.
I love feeling the burn now! Haha. Thank you 🙂
Cassey! I stumbled across your videos 1 month ago today. I needed a great workout routine without equipment for on the road because I’m currently traveling all across Australia! I absolutely fell in love from the first video! I am proud to say I just completed the Beginner Calendar and have jumped right into May! I love how strong and empowered I feel after each video! I can almost touch my nose to my knee while stretching and do the splits, which I haven’t been able to do for 10 years! What a great feeling. Thanks for being you Cassey and for all you do!
Cassey! That Youtuber meet-up looks amazing, I can’t believe you’re standing next to Markiplier – a gamer youtuber my boyfriend and I both love! My boyfriend and I watch youtube together, and most recently i’ve gotten him into doing your stretching routines with me as he can’t touch his toes (hamstrings too tight)!! Although I can’t convince him to do pop pilates… he tried one workout with The Earthquake in it… he wimped out completely after that!! Love you Cassey, keep doing what you’re doing!
The first video I saw was the Spring Fling video u did back in 2013. It was because of Bubz that I started watching 🙂
Hi Cassey,
I just found you March of 2015… I was searching on youtube for a Pilates workout and I stumbled on one of your total beginners workout… I tryed the beginners’ calendar and since then I’ve been following the calendars…
I still follow most of the beginners options because sometimes I just don’t feel strong enough… I’m starting to get my shape back…
Your book just arrived in Portugal….. I don’t know if I the first portuguese or not, but maybe when I get stronger I can think about representing POP Pilates 😀
I started watching Blogilates in March 2013 🙂 I’ve been doing the calendars 90% consistently I’d say, just missing a few days here and there. When I started I could do 0 pushups, now I can make it through the push up plank challenge video, on my toes! <3
So awesome Cassie, I’ve been following your workouts and blog since summer of 2013 and it’s been so inspiring to watch you grow, not only has a fitness guru but as a person. Thank you for all you do, can’t wait to take your class live someday! 🙂
Hey Cassey,
Been following for videos for at least 3 years now but have been doing the calendar every day since September 2013! I definitely consider myself a popster and I love it 🙂 you are always so positive and as much as I hate you during Extreme Abs, you get me through.
I was just wondering if the POP Pilates accreditation will ever go international? Cause I’d love to either run or do POP Pilates class down under!
Please come to Australia again!! Even for a holiday??
Only been following along for the last year, but I’ve been loving your posts and the inspiration you give! So happy you got to attend the creator summit and have your work recognized there! If I had been there, I totally would have sat with you 🙂 Keep doing your thing! Congrats on having ALL 24 hour fitness locations!
I’ve been following since 2009!!! Used your workouts to get in shape for my wedding and back in shape 3 x after 3 babies in the past 4 years! I do love you. Will I become a pilates instructor? I’m tempted.
Maybe once my baby is a bit older. Thank you for always sharing and LOVING!
I’ve been following you since 2009. I remember my sister and I were looking for some great workout videos since we had gotten tired of our mari windsor DVD’s and we came across your videos and it’s been love at first leg lift. You provided us with quality workouts that were so DIFFICULT, but at the same time you were soo motivating that i found myself getting stronger and more flexible. And i ABSOLUTELY loved the fact that you were beautiful and happy in your own skin, you werren’t some random workout model. You were a real girl that was amazing at what she did. I can’t thank you enough . You’re the reason i’ve stuck to pilates and have pushed my body to do things I honestly never though it could do. Fast forward 6 years and I spend most of my days sitting around reading medical textbooks, but your fast and effective workouts still keep me looking like i go to the gym everyday.
You’re amazing. You work hard are dedicating and extremely inspiring. I feel lucky to have been able to watch you grow over the years.
Love Love love
Hi. I have downloaded yor app and planning to buy your calendar. But I only see beginners option. I am working out since last 4 months so don’t cosider myself beginner. Are there other (more rigourous) options? I am more keen on HIIT workouts for maximum weight loss wiht toning. Any suggestions for that?
Look forward
hmm I don’t know why you only see the beginners option, I myself have the app and am able to get the calendar…ANYWAY, if you still can’t find it maybe just find all of the HIIT vids and just do them…I don’t really know but I hope what I’ve said helps!
I so badly want to buy the book, but I haven’t earned it yet. Working on it. 🙂
And I hope some day I get to be a part of the team. 🙂
I’ve been following you for 5 YEARS now! Can’t believe it! I feel like I should be in MUCH better shape for saying that, but hey, I’m in much better shape than I would have been with out you! Thanks, Cassey!
Congratulations on top 100 youtubers! you defo deserve it! can’t wait to get one of your book!:)
This looks like such an amazing event!! So inspiring and FUN!!!
Hi Cassey!
I pre-ordered your book in march and I still haven’t received it 🙁
I was expecting it to take long, because I live in the Netherlands, but not this long.
Anyway, I’ll keep waiting and being excited for the book.
Congratulations on making it to the YouTube top 100!
You definitely deserve it 🙂
You go girl!
I have been following you for 4 years. Not only do I love all your workouts but you always cheer me up if I’m having a bad day. Thank you so much Cassie!
Just wanted to say your Chicken Parmesan from the book is super delicious! Can’t wait to try out more recipes!
I looked through everything in becoming certified as a POP Pilates instructor (out of curiosity). I’m in school for Media Arts and Animation lol
I’m glad you had fun! I’ve only been watching you since… April-ish. Very few. I LOVE your calendars! They are awesome! And so far, I am loving you! Your personality, thoughts, and just overall how you are as a person. Very few people are down-to-Earth and kind like you and it makes me happy that you are 🙂
Thanks for everything you do! I hope I can get stuff done with you helping me! <3
Cassey, I’ve been following you for a little bit more than a year, but the middle of May will be my first anniversary of blogilates calendar! You’ve accomplissed so much in this year! I’m not following you only for the great workout, but because it’s amazing how you bring this community together. Our future is all about community and sharing! Keep up the good work and thanks for all you do for us.!
Hi Cassey!
I am attending the POP Pilates training session on May 17th in Annapolis, MD. If we are attending the 12-8pm workshop, are we not allowed to attend the free POP Pilates master class? I would really like to go to both, if I am able to! I am so excited to meet you and other fellow POPsters! Also, if I am able to go to the free POP Pilates master class, how do we guarantee a spot in the class? Thank you! I can’t wait to meet you! 🙂
The class is at 11 and you should definitely come! I think instructors in training will have reserved spots!
Hi Cassey! I’ve been following you just for one month (I don’t know what I was doing last past years haha).
I have a little question: I really want to buy your book but I’m not an English native and I’m afraid to not understand all, even if I have a good level so my question is: Will you release the book in others languages like French? 🙂 I don’t know if this question is correct gramatically, hope you’ll understand 🙂
Love youu <3
Le livre est très facile de comprendre, si tu comprends son vidéos tu n’aurais aucune problème 😀
PS: Est ce que mon français est correcte?
Cassie, I’m so happy you were able to enjoy NYC! It’s one of my favorite cities and I always leave feeling so energized. My birthday’s coming up, and I’m definitely going to be buying your book with my bit of birthday cash 😉 I’ve been following you for about 2 years now and you’re workouts are my absolute favorite! You keep me entertained and I LOVE your upbeat attitude.
Hi I only discovered you by chance in the new year whilst waiting for a 3rd back operation in the last 17 months. My fitness had suffered due to my back problems but you offer so much variety I bite size chunks it was great still being to do some of your workouts. I had my final op last week and can’t wait to go back to doing your workouts alongside yoga. You’re an inspiration thank you! X
Congratulations on being a top You-Tuber Cassie!! I wish I knew about you in 2009, it would have made such a big difference in my life back then when I was in a fitness rut. I want to start a channel with my best friend to talk about some health and fitness topics we’re passionate about – but make it hilarious! 😛
xx Jill
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I started watching blogilates just a week ago. I feel so energetic, and the exercises in the beginner’s calendar feel like gifts everyday! I love training with you Cassey!
I cant believe some youtubers would treat people differently if they had less subscribers…that is so shallow!
Well, actually, I think around this time is exactly the 3rd anniversary of me being a dedicated popster and this post seems like a great occasion to say thanks for everything Cassey, for completely transforming not only how I look, but also how I feel and think about healthy habits and life! And your videos, they are tough, but they really feel like a pleasant hang-out with a good friend 🙂 Would be amazing to see you in Europe for a tour!!! 🙂
for me it was, begin of the 2010 and my first video was the beginners total body.
so kuuuul!
Casey, when are you going to make an announcement about your UK visit?? I can’t wait!
I signed up for the one in Dallas. I’m going to be training all summer to be in the best shape possible so that I can hopefully teach others to do POP Pilates. I don’t know if I fully realize how this is going to change my life but I’m so excited to take this next step. Thank you Cassey <3
I’ve been a POPster for over four years!! You’re amazing Cassey!!
I have been following you since April 2013.