My Top Motivational Fitness Quotes
My Top Motivational Fitness Quotes
Today on Facebook, I asked you guys what your favorite inspirational fitness quotes were and I had such a fab time reading through all of your comments! You guys have some really great stuff tucked away you sneaky lil POPsters you!!!! Here are my top picks! I am thinking of making an inspirational singlet from one of these much like the “Train Insane or Remain the Same” racerbacks!
I find these to be extremely motivational when working out – it reminds me to push just a bit harder! Read through them and tell me which # is your favorite in the comments below. The person with the most votes will have Blogilates honor fo’ life! Meaning you get a free shirt and ultimate community recognition. LOL.
In order of time posted…
If you have a quote that you think is better than any of these, you can also post in the comments for me to see.
179 thoughts on “My Top Motivational Fitness Quotes”
There are 179 comments posted by our users.
For cross country season, the boys wanted “Runners have balls, other sports just play with them.” I thought it was great, but it really didn’t apply to the girls… Anyway I love all the quotes you posted and the ones that were commented!
They are great!
“I do warm ups with your maximum weight.”
Love #2 and #5!!
“It always seems impossible until it is done” 😀
6 and 7…can’t choose between them!
Eat Clean, Train Mean, Get Lean. 🙂
Love #2 and #7!!
Also love, ‘I don’t sweat, I sparkle.’
Definitely #4. LOOK LIKE A BEAUTY. TRAIN LIKE A BEAST. – April Jones.
(I tried for months to order the tanks you had like that – but every time I tried to add them to my cart, I always got an error message saying the item was “out of stock or currently not available.” So sad lol, hope you make these again so that I can order it!!! 🙂
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
I like #4
I also like:
“Eat clean, Train Dirty”
“Hurts so Good”
#4, combines two of my favorite things… beauty and exercise
Sweat is beautiful.
Someone busier than you is running right now.
Keep calm and train on.
I’m not losing weight. I’m getting rid of it.
(in reverse, so you can see it in a mirror:) You look particularly good today!
Sweat is beautiful!
#4! awesome!
#4 for sure! I would definitely buy a shirt with that on it!
I find myself using “you are one workout away from a good mood” a lot since you said it! It is really motivating!
I like #4
I used to say to myself: “per bella apparire, bisogna soffrire” and it’s like “in order to be beautiful you need to suffer”.
Kisses from Italy
Definitely number #4!
my ultimate fetish quote is : run like hell and get the agony over with. gets me through ANYTHING ;D
It’s hard to choose just one but I think #4!
#7, for sure. I was drowning in liquid awesome around this a.m. during my bootcamp workout!
I love #4! I also love the one Kerr posted above (sweat like a pig to look like a fox, but use pictures of animals instead of words).
Not sure if anyone has posted this yet- “No one ever drowned in sweat”
#4 is awsome!!!!
#7 is the best!!!
#7 is my fave!! Love it!
#1 and #5
Pain is weakness leaving the body!
That’s an army quote, it can’t be used.
I like number four. I also like “strong is sexy” or “strong is the new sexy” also I’m loving your arm muscles!!! Way to go!
I always regret it when I do, I never regret it when I don’t 🙂
#5 🙂
Oh, last one… This is what I tell myself around minute 45 every day, “If it doesn’t hurt, it’s not working!”
I always tell myself, “If you don’t sweat, you’re not working hard enough!” and “Comfortable workouts mean no change.”
I like #2 and #4
#7!! Love it!
AND…. Ali’s from below: “Strong is what happens when you run out of weak.” Both!
LOVE #4!!!
Definitely #7!!!
#7 all the way! I love it! I would rock at the gym all the time. 🙂
#4 & #7 all the way!
#1 and #4!!
#1 and #4 are pretty awesome!
I can’t decide, haha
what about “eat clean, train mean, look lean”
Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone
Train MEAN
#1 and #2!!!!
#1 AND #6
#4! So inspirational!
#4 all the way
#2 Your Workout is my Warmup.
I’m going with #3 “LEAN, MEAN, POP PILATES MACHINE.” Using “Blogilates” instead of “Pop Pilates” works too. I like the way it sounds, and how it conveys a clear, kick ass intention.
I like others too, but (playing devil’s advocate) they could be twisted into other things… For example, I like #2, YOUR WORKOUT IS MY WARMUP, but there’s an air of fitness superiority to it. Like “advanced fitness level is superior to beginners fitness level” sort of thing. (I’m not saying that’s the intention. You know me, again, just playing devil’s advocate.) And I can do the same with some of the other quotes as well… If you are interested in the way I can twist the the meaning into OTHER things (because other people will do just that), let me know. LOL
I once saw “Train like your stronger fitter evil-twin is plotting to kill you” ( on Tumblr, and it has always stuck with me because it’s funny and bad ass.
im lovein the More Love…Less Handles! so awesome!! AND the Sweat is fat crying! lol cuuute!
#2! I do like #4 but it’s too similar to the current POPster mantra, it would be silly to have printed up on tanks.
#4 is awesome
Train for the body you want; not the one you have
I always liked the quote “Strong is what happens when you run out of weak.” But out of the ones above I think #4 is my fav!
This one is good Ali! I picked #7, then I read your “strong is what happens when you run out of weak.” Equally awesome!
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm
#4 !
#2 Haha! This is exactly what I think when I watch some girl “working out” !
I like #4 i always have it in mind when i train. I thought I would add another one that i live by
Soreness is just a fit girl fighting to get out.
#4 an #5
#4 tho I have also seen it “sweat like a pig to look like a fox” but pictures replaced the words for pig & fox.
#2 and #5 … #2 is definitely the most motivating to me, while #5 could be really cool on a shirt with a big open heart graphic like a couple of your other shirts … or something like that.
I like 2 and 4! I can’t make up my mind which one! They are all clever sayings though =)
yeah only #2 out of those… that motivates me just sitting here
2 or 5
#5 because it’s positive focused
4 or 5 🙂
#2 for sure, I would sport that!
# 2 and 4 🙂
#2 and #4
I love number 4! 🙂
Sweat is fat crying definitively ! 🙂
I like 4 or 5(leaning more towards 5 though!)
By the way, Cassey your blog is so amazing that I
m getting distracted while studying for finals-haha but your inspiration
will get me through the studying!
Number 2 !!!!!
My favorite fitness quote is “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” from Muhammed Ali
i love them all but 7 takes the cake!!
I would love to wear a shirt with the #4 quote!
#7 for sure:)
Look like a beauty train like a beast.
#5 for sure because it’s funny, fitness related, and I won’t have to explain it to people when wearing it in public. lol
No 7 all the way. I totally NEED a tank that says that.
Train in the body you have
To get the body you want
Def # 4
But the first comment I love
Eat clean , Train dirty !
I like #4!
Work Hard Today … Look Good Tomorrow
I love #3 and #4!!!!
No. #2
or: eat clean, train dirty
I got this one from another popster (can’t remember who) and I’m gonna make a poster to hang on my wall of it:
Loosing weight is hard.
Maintaining weight is hard.
Being fat is hard.
Pick your hard!
Nos. 4 and 7 are my top picks 🙂
Oh I am loving #4!!
i like number 4!!!
“Be proud but never satisfied!”
nr. 2!
… and how about “No Pain=Weight Gain”
I really like them all, but to WEAR, I love #2, 4 & 6!!!
Luv number 4
Definitely number 4
Love #4! And also Strong is the new Skinny.
2 & 7!
Try this : Fit & Fabulous rule the world!
I really want one of those train insane tee’s 🙂
I like No. 3!
How about, “I’m not strong for a girl, I’m just strong?” I love that quote!
and #2 is my second choice 🙂
No. 4!!!
No. 2 is good too 🙂
My body will bend to the will of my mind. I will keep my mind on the shape I want to create when I train.
No 2 and 7
I also like
Be sore tomorrow, or be sorry tomorrow? (not sure where it came from though sorry)
Loving #2!! 😀 Killer workouts heck yeah 😛
I like all of them but my vote is for quote number 4!!!
I think #2 and #4 are awesome
Number 1 for ever! 🙂
This is my first time commenting here although I’ve been following your blog for a whileeee. I just really wanna say THANK YOU for existing pretty much. I’ve tried many different workouts and sports and have had a hard time finding something that fits me. And then I found your blog and I LOVE your workouts. They’re short, intense, and effective! And doesn’t hurt that you have a great personality either ^^ About that bikini competition – I think you had the best body by far even if you didn’t win. The rest of them were way too overmuscular I think. It just didn’t look natural nor attractive, whereas you did! 🙂
I’ll try to comment more often and show my appreciation for giving these free, amazing workouts, recipes and tips. You’re great at what you’re doing so don’t stop!
Best wishes from Sweden
Absolutely love number 4 🙂
They are all good but my vote is for number 4.
I also have a couple I’ve seen around, they are a bit long though:
– I may not be fastest, I may not be the strongest, but I’ll be damned if I’m not trying my hardest
– Reshape your life one workout at a time
– The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen
– Strong is the new skinny (this is my fav I think, it helps me)
– You can be sore or sorry tomorrow, it’s your choice
#4! “Look like a Beauty. Train like a BEAST!”
i love it!
Love #4!
I would go with either number 1 or 7.
They are great!
I love number 6!!!!
number 4 is great!
also 2 is good.
I personally LOVE this one !
4 for sure 🙂
Number 7 make me LOL so I vote for that one.
I love #2!!!! 😀
And #4 is great as well!!
I like #4 and #7.
#7 is probably my favourite, I’d love a shirt with that on 🙂
I love numbers 1,4, and 5!
Also: “Dieting makes you look good in clothes. Exercise makes you look good naked” 🙂
I like 3 and 6
I offer up this quote:
“I regret that workout,” said no one ever.
HAHA! Love that one! Already re-posting it!
i love number 4!!!
#4 😉
#4 is awesome i love it and will remember it when working out xx
#2 hahaha, that one made me life :L If only it were true…
7. As long as the font and design isn’t as gastley as the last top!
#5 and “strong is the new skinny”!
#1 hands DOWN!
I like number 7. I also like the quote “Nobody beats you when you work hard”.
#4 !!
EAT CLEAN, TRAIN MEAN, GET LEAN!! I love this one, I think it was on the list on facebook also. And it’s kinda in a similar vein to the train insane quote
I like 2&3! They are funny:)
I like 1 and 4 🙂
How about this one:
“Working out keeps at bay two evils: vice and boredom”
Nah! the original idea/quote came from Voltaire and I just arranged some words for it to be fit…
But I also want to suggest another,
“Working out – your choice, your rules”
I like #4 & 7 ^.^
number four! but all are very cute 🙂
I LOVE number 4!
I like quotes 2 & 4 the best!
Definitely #4 !!
I love 4, but I would also love a “Strong is the new skinny” quote from pinterest!! I love that it reminds girls to work out to do it for THEMSELVES, and to be powerful, not just a skinny little stick because that’s what society wants. It’s my all time favorite 🙂
2,4,5 and 7
I am in love with 2 and 5!
I like #2 best 🙂
& I can’t think of anything better right now 😉
I LOVE 4&5!!!! if I had to choose one it would be #4
I’m really loving #4 & #5! Also, I like the train insane or remain the same! It has a nice ring to it too 😛
Some other ones I like (and motivate me) are:
1. Just do it
2. If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.
3. If you still look cute at tje end of a workout. YOU DIDN’T TRAIN HARD ENOUGH.
There was another one that I can’t remember what it said exactly, but it was along the lines of, ‘time wasted thinking about if you should workout, is time you could’ve used to workout’ 🙂