My favorite motivational sayings! + Winners!
Hey POPsters!
Happy happy Monday!! Is work or school off to a good start? I sure hope so! If not, make it a great day! Remember, you have the choice to plan out your path and how you choose to interact and react to people.
This weekend I was able to finally put up some new shirts and bottoms I have been working on last month! I am happy to say that neons are working their way into spring and summer! Fashionista friends are also telling me that we will see hints of them in fall as well. But gym fashionistas know better. NEON IS ALWAYS IN!!!!! WOOT WOOT! Aint no seasons when you’re sweating. IT’S ALWAYS HOT!!!!
So let me show you some new stuff I am in love with right now! Here’s a saying that moves me the right way every time…
You want it? FIGHT for it Tank,, $20
You want it? FIGHT for it. Sometimes you’re feeling like you just can’t do this or it’s too hard or blah blah blah blah blah. NO. STOP. If you want something and you want it REALLY REALLY bad, you will find a way. You can create your own destiny. It may not be easy but it can be done. Roar on you little fighter! GRRRR!!!!
Oh my goodness. I pulled on my shirt too hard and now it looks like I have no pants! Hahahaha. Well actually, that’s true – I am wearing booty shorts! Anyway, that is so besides the point! Be who you wanna be! But don’t be a wannabe. What I am saying is – if you wanna be a leader, lead. If you wanna be a singer, sing. If you wanna be a winner, win. Do what you do and live what you do – you can choose who you wanna be. Just be YOU to your maximum potential is all I ask! Love this saying!
Be Inspired Tank., $22
You know what’s the most important driving force for success in your fitness journey? Inspiration. Then after inspiration comes, self motivation. Then after self motivation comes execution. Then after execution comes euphoria!!! I’ve been so into watercolors and tie dyes lately in my regular fashion that I wanted to bring some of it into our fitness line! When I paint, draw or design, I always am in a different world and way of thinking. Things are beautiful, colorful and magnificent. You can take an idea and turn it into reality. That’s why I wanted to make a shirt to remind you to always be inspired to dream and dream big…and just remember to…turn that dream into a goal. Set a deadline. Make it happen.
Those are just a few of the new things on the site! The foldover shorts and yoga leggings are back! I also have super amazing new quality and coziness on the TRAIN INSANE hoodies and Train like a Beast, Look like a Beauty zip ups! Also, for everyone asking on when I will have plus size – I actually already do! I just need to photograph them and upload it to the site. So hold tight, I have been listening! Promise! 🙂
The booty shorts are back and they are beastin for Spring! BEAST MODE style!!!!!, $20.
OKAY!!!! So before I forget, I wanna announce the winners of the Energy for Everyday giveaway that I did with Premiere Protein! Each winner will get $200 cash plus a full on box of protein bars and shakes. A couple of the winners from my last video did not claim their prize, so I picked a total of 5 winners this time. Email me at if your name/youtube name is below! I hope it’s you! Congrats to:
Ok guys! Have a fabulous day! Remember – choose to!
<3 Cassey
PS – I have a really fun workout planned for you on Thursday! UH OH! And you better be signed up for the newsletter to get the new March Calendar!! OH AND THE COMMUNITY IS ALMOST DONE!!!! YOU’RE GONNA DIE IT’S AMAZING!!!!!!
30 thoughts on “My favorite motivational sayings! + Winners!”
There are 30 comments posted by our users.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for having bigger sizes on your shirts! So excited to get some now!!
OMG! Those tops are sooo cute! Could you do hotpants also insiped from them?=)
The “if you want it, fight for it ” is awesome and soooo true!! I’m a sucker for motivational sayings. I have one on my wall that says “carpe that fu#%ing diem” and it actually helps me!! Haha
LOVE LOVE LOVE the tie-dye “be inspired” shirt. 🙂 speaks to my soul!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the colorful top. It just say who I am. I a fruity person who loves to eat fruit and workout 🙂
I love the watercolor ones! I think they would look pretty in purple. 🙂 Cassey! I don’t have a twitter but I think you should call the march calender #marvmarch
I love the Inspired tank w/the watercolors + your message w/the caption, Cassey <3 Your new additions to the collections are amazing! You're absolutely right: neons always trending w/us POPsters & fitness enthusiasts =D Let's get out workout on #BEASTmode
I found your site last week and have been doing the feb calendar and a meal plan based on the 90-day one!! Super excited for the March calendar!!
Inspiration is a key factor. You have inspired me beyond my own imagination. So in turn I have passed it on and inspired my friends and family members to get on shape and healthly. My daughters do the workouts with me. Thanks again…. I plan on making an order soon
I’m in love with your Be Inspired shirt!! I love how it looks tie-dye :] What you said about being in a different world when you are creative, I totally know what you mean. It’s a great feeling to have that energy and then to apply it to make something real. We humans do amazing things when we’re inspired. I’m such a right brainer, this top is so perfect for me!!
Peace and Positive Vibes,
Emily :]
speaking of motivational things…i don’t have facebook and twitter and all that stuff, but i really want to share that with you. i admit that it has nothing to do really with what you wrote, cassey, and i know it is a very long video, but it’s definitely worth watching until the end. to be honest, it makes me cry every single time i watch it.
hey cassey i love your recipes especially the sweet ones but ive noticed you use too much banana.i like bananas but something with them everyday can get a little any ideas for something sweet with no banana??
p.s. i did try the vegan cheesecake but i didnt like it so much cuz im not a fan of walnuts.
Love the new animal print shirts! So cute!
Love neon!! Perfect workout colors to stay motivated.
Hey I was wondering if you could make thicker non see through tees?=)
I want to order the Train insane or remain the same hoodie, but I’m stuck between thinking I need a medium or large. I’m 5’4, about 130 lbs but I like my hoodies to have a bit of room in them. What size are you wearing in the pictures Cassie? I’d love to know so I can order! 🙂
my favorite saying of all is still “train insane or remain the same” but I guess “you want it? fight for it” is a similar idea. The idea that you gotta WORK if you want it!
I don’t understand why someone would want their body fat percentage as close to 10% as possible. For women essential fat ranges from 10-13% Some sources do have 8% as the lowest I’ve seen. Women can be considered normal and healthy with up to 30% body fat. Unless it is for a fitness competition, there really should be no reason to strive for such a low body fat percentage. I do understand that every body is different but still, if your body fat percentage is already ideal… Besides not enough body fat can cause amenorrhea, low bone density, and interfere with hormones.
I saw that too and thought it was strange, so I looked up a body fat chart to make sure…. You’re absolutely right. 10% is pretty scary.
Cassey…do you have any comment?
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who is concerned. If you want to reduce your body fat percentage that much, please listen to your body so that you’ll feel when you’ve reached your limit and need to stop. Fat is not an enemy, you need a certain percentage to survive and be healthy.
I agree as well. That comment is disturbing. Do you think this is okay, Cassie? The one time I remember you talk about getting down to a low body fat level it was during swimsuit season, and it was about 17%, right? How low did you get for the bikini competitions?
Are your shirts in Women’s or Junior Sizes? Would love to order a tank top but I wear a Large to x-Large in Juniors and a Small/Medium in Women’s.
i think they’re junior sizes, that’s what the size chart says 🙂
I didn’t see the size chart. Thank you so much!
Congrats to the winners, love to see driven females working towards their goals. We’ll be cheering you on ladies, thanks for motivating us!
I love the ‘be who you wanna be’ shirt. It’s something I am working towards to and hope to achieve some day! The shirt is a good motivation to become fit, healthy and, simply said: the best version of me.
Cassey! I love your workout clothes. they are too cute. do you think you could make some more fitted tops? i’m petite and have big boobs, so flowy tops like that make me look pregnant. i’d love to see some more fitted options. thanks and lots of love!!!
I LOVE the ” you want it, fight for it” top, it is just SO pretty 🙂 And I just finished doing your DVD Cassey and I want to say, thank you. It was great! Hard as hell, but I feel so proud and happy right now, it is insane! Love you ♥
My favorite is the Be Inspired top ; I just love all the colors !