Meet this week’s POPstar, Hannah: 120 lbs down, spirit way way up! – NOT
Edited 9:34am Oct 2nd, 2012.
Edited 9:34am Oct 2nd, 2012.
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56 thoughts on “Meet this week’s POPstar, Hannah: 120 lbs down, spirit way way up! – NOT”
There are 56 comments posted by our users.
You read the comments of before and you see how everyone accepted this person in.
Cassey Hun, you weren’t the only one betrayed, all of us popsters were betrayed, not by you, but by whatever idiot used someone elses pictures fo that 5 sec fame card.
And these people whose pictures were used shouldn’t be mad at you! We all know that if we post something anywhere, it can be used for anything. We do it in our daily lives all the time!
This is not your fault!
我爱你!! we love you cassey do not be distraught. your amazing!!
hey cassey! i am SO sad that someone played such an evil joke on you! how could they!!!! how DARE they!!! i cannot believe this!
please don’t let this be in your amazing way! there will always be some nasty people out there who mess with other people’s feelings (or in your case: your reputation as a well-founded blogger), but be assured that us REAL popsters truly & dearly LOVE you!
and just as we know that you will never let us down, be assured that we, too, will never EVER let you down! we will always hold your back, support you and do our bit to defend you whereever we can. or to put it a bit more – uhm – poetic: us popsters shalt kick thy foes’ arses with our buns of steel that we got thanks to you, lol!! 🙂
we <3 you!
So this seems to be the person in the first *before* pic (you have to scroll about halfway down)
Hannah~you are so inspiring for staying strong emotionally and physically! I am truly sorry about your brother~but I think it’s so amazing that you did something positive in your life after that event instead of giving up. Keep it up and remember that no matter what in the end, we are beautiful if we’re beautiful from within! It’s cliche, but it’s true. 🙂
WOW WOW WOW! Beautiful BEFORE but such a stunning confident happy smile now!! Well done you!! That’s a lesson in perseverance!
OMG and WOW thats what i thought 🙂 you did really great, be proud of yourself, amazing transformation !!!
I image search the pictures and found this.
Yeah twitter Says that that page does not exist. Don’t feel bad cassey! You tried to inspire us and that’s what counts, thanks.
I wish this story were true but I’m finding it hard to believe.. not because it’s not possible, it definitely is! Buut that looks like 5 different girls pics, the only two that look alike are the first and the last, and Twitterland is making me think it’s a hoax even more. Sorry if you got tricked Cassey. If it is real, then AWESOME JOB HANNA!
That’s definitely a different girl in every picture….
That was my thought exactly. I feel bad for Cassey cause all she wants to do is inspire people and do well. Instead now she will probably get bad attitude from other people for “tricking” instead of actually being tricked herself. Love her though. X
Right?! It’s pretty evident that it’s a different girl in every picture. Although people do change how they look when they lose weight it seems that the collage presents someone who is not only losing a significant amount of weight but getting younger and changing the way that their eyes/facial features/smile looks. Pretty clear fake. Cassey’s trying to inspire us. Fakers are trying to toy with us.
What is the 90 day plan you did?
Sorry but this is a fake story. I recognize some of the photos (which actually are of different people) from MyFitnessPal success stories. Unfortunately you got tricked, Cassey. Please take this story down as it’s not real and very discouraging. Shame on this girl for posting a fake story and using other people’s photos!
I hope this Hannah chick is true , Cassey please take some time to investigate this , there is some controversy going on in Twitter . Cant find Ms Hannah on twitter either 🙁
i think she looks great! I wonder how tall she is though? I am 5’2 and weigh 155 after having a baby in March of this year, I wonder what would be a good ideal weight for me at my height. Smallest I have been is 115, and then 130 before I became pregnant.
As we way in France (I’m French) TOTAL RESPECT!!!
Wow you’re an amazing person really. Congrats.
omg seriously.. this is so awe-inspiring! this story struck me hard.. i know i’m able to do this too! sheer hardwork and perseverance always pay off! thanks so much for posting your experience. i’m sure it has inspired tons of people 🙂
This girls face is different in every picture. Are you SURE it’s the same person? Apparently @hannahfitbanana doesn’t exist on Twitter and there is another girl who is VERY upset that her pictures were stolen and used for this apparent “fake” story.
She deleted her account because she was caught lying about her weight loss journey. She has been using my friends photo from MyFitnessPal (the one with 216lbs on it) and my friend is really hurt that someone would steal her success. She has worked her butt off to lose 56 lbs and this Hannah girl wants attention and creates a fake story. If you want attention, go volunteer somewhere. I am sadden by this and this website won’t make this right, take her fake story down please.
Way to go Hannah!!! : ) You are amazing!
what happened? this girl deleted her twitter? I can’t find her 🙁 And 3 hours ago I was reading her twitter… O.O
Anybody knows something?
She deleted her account because she was caught lieing about her weight loss journey. She has been using my friends photo from MyFitnessPal (the one with 216lbs on it) and my friend is really hurt that someone would steal her success. She has worked her butt off to loss 56 lbs and this Hannah girl wants attention and creates a fake story. If you want attention, go volunteer somewhere. I am sadden by this and this website won’t make this right, take her fake story down please.
I guess we all got fooled =/
Not by Cassey but from this girl!
Holy crap! It’s amazing what someone can do by STEALING pictures of another person. That’s right, I’m calling you out! You are FAKE!! That is NOT your before picture. You’re an attention hound. Stop feeding your personal desires. Stop disrespecting my friend. For those that don’t believe, go to And note that this lying POS has deleted her twitter account after being called out. Hannah, you are the lowest form of a human, and may Karma kick you in the ass
Hannah, congratulations! Your weight loss is amazing and so inspirational. Thank you for being strong enough to pull through and sharing your story xx
that is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G
props to you girl!
Congratulations to Hannah. She is proof that if you really want to do something, you can do it!
And Cassey, of course POP Pilates and Blogilates are our workout programs, and you are our personal trainer. And we thank you so much for it, you made it possible for us to work out and stay fit.
This is an amazing story, thank you for sharing it!!! Congrats Hannah on all your hard work 🙂
Congratulations Hannah!!!!! All us popsters are so proud of you!!! It takes a lot to battle yourself like that and Cassey is right I mean without a fitness instructor?!?!?!?! Cassey is an inspiration to all of us and so are you and everyone who did it (in the healthy way of course!!!) We r all so proud of you and btw Hannah u DOOOOOOOOOOOON’T LOOK TOO SKINNY ignore what does friends u look absolutely healthy and fit! Congrats once again XD/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\/人^ ‿‿ ^人\
This girl “Hannah” is a liar. This girl was never large. She has always been slender and is using girls who have busted their butts to workout and work hard, losing about 60 lbs each, stole their photos and is using them to get attention. Do a comparison — the girl in the one photo is my sister Melissa who lives in New Jersey. She’s also 24 yrs old. This girl isn’t that age. Look at their faces — my sister has full lips and now a very elongated chin/bone structure. This girl, does NOT. This girl has taken this blog, lied to you all, deceived you all to get you to praise her. It is really sad what people will do to get attention. What’s next — she’ll come on here and tell you all she had plastic surgery in the process?! She’s a sick girl who needs help. She’s obviously a habitual liar. Get a life ‘Hannah’ if that’s even your real name. Shame on you for lying to people. Her twitter account is no longer up — you know why? She was caught in her lies and deleted it. Sick sick girl.
Congrats Hannah! You’re truly a huge inspiration. I wish you nothing but the best 🙂
She’s a liar. Those before photos aren’t her.
Incredible!! Hannah looks absolutely gorgeous!
Your such an inspiration. Seriously 🙂
Hannah, I’m so sorry to hear about your brother and the bullying you went through. But, in so glad to hear you worked your way to healthiness — and more importantly — happiness!
Such an amazing story!
Well done Hannah on the strength and persistence! Very inspiring!
Only one word: RESPECT!
Wow! How to get such a nice belly?
I have skin hanging down everywhere 🙁 and I didn’t lose that much and esp. not that fast???
Please don’t worry hon, the story is fake. You are making amazing progress and the excess skin is totally normal.
Wow, this story was amazing and such a delight to read. I love stories like these!
Well done Hannah! You have just given me a bunch of inspiration!xx
This is truly inspiring. I’m 240 pounds but I was 250 when I started Blogilates a month ago and this just gives me even MORE motivation that I can do this. Thank you, Hannah! You look AMAZING!
This was an awesome story. Hannah is an inspiration and she rocks! Cassie, you motivate so many people – including me. Do not ever stop.
congrats hannah and thank you cassey! i’ve been stuck in a plateau for ages now but this is inspiring me to work harder 🙂
Wow! You look so amazing! I weigh 125lbs at 5’3″ and my goal weight has been 110-115lbs for years. Seeing this makes me feel like I have absolutely no excuse. 10lbs? 15lbs? That’s nothing to what you accomplished! And to lose that much, you had to stick with it through all of that and take the time which is just so inspiring. It takes a certain kind of courage and drive to stick with a goal and reach it. I admire that quality in you and hope I can be as strong as that too.
We kind of have the same goals! I’m 5’4 and I was 120lbs, but I really want to go down to 110lbs. I actually reached 113lbs at one point last year but then I stopped exercising and I got back up to 120. I know I’m actually somewhere in the normal range for a girl who is 5’4, but I just kind of wanted to be a bit more fit and healthy. So far I’ve lost 3-4lbs in the past 3 weeks by doing cardio and some pilates here and there. 🙂
Not eating clean really, but I have finally stopped gulping down so much soda and instead drink water constantly. And I also switched from snacking on junk to snacking on fruits.
You can definitely do it! 😉
I saw this on Facebook and quickly went to read it and it brought happy tears to my eyes 🙂 I love seeing people get motivated and hear their sense of confidence and accomplishment in their success stories.
I hope to use this story to motivate my friends to lose weight in a healthy way and it’s as simple as just searching websites on Youtube and getting motivated by others around you them. So proud of you Hannah!
So incredible, keep the good work up my friend!! Congratulations to you, now get yourself a sexy boyfriend! 😀
Girl well done!!!! Motivation like that doesn’t come are amazing and so beautiful!!
Wow Hannah, major wow to you! You look so much younger – or should I say that you looked llike you were at least 25 and now you look 19 yrs old. like you really are. I know, it is a new life to you! So cool* And I know how thankfull you are for this Blogilates and BlogilatesTV, videos, food recipes…It is true that Cassey is our angel, watching us from pilates heaven:)) I am glad that you found Cassey and us. I am so happy to see, how Cassey is changing our lives – she changed mine for sure! I hope you will see my comment, I wish you all the best. Kiss and hug*
Pictures are of two different people, the girl in the first picture really is in her twenties. It’s a sad story 🙁
Amazing transformation and story!! Weldone Hannah!
good for her! Starting the calendar for the first time this month, before I just did my own thing. Not looking to really lose weight just tone up!
Hannah!!!! You rock girl! What an inspiring journey and what a strong person you are. Thank you so much for sharing and giving me an extra push to continue doing this, while all others think I am loosing too much weight. I know I will get there, just like you did. Thank you!!!
You are amazing!! I can’t even emphasize it enough. I just read your inspirational story and it left me stunned. Congrats on all the dedication and hard work, you definitely deserve POPstar of the week!!! Keep being awesome and I’m sure many are be motivated by what you did. 🙂