It’s time for a real convo with real numbers…

“Your stuff is too expensive.”

Not a single week goes by that I don’t hear this exact criticism about POPFLEX. I’m not going to waste any time arguing, defending, or justifying anything. HOWEVER, I do need some input from you. Ready?

HOMEWORK: please answer all 3 to get 💯%

1️⃣ When you want something “affordable,” can you be more specific? We need to be speaking apples to apples here! What is your ideal price point for leggings? Be reasonable here though! No one can expect a luxury pair of leggings to cost $5, okay?

2️⃣ What feature could you live without? For example: Removable bra pads. Cutting unnecessary features = lower cost.

3️⃣ This one is for funzies. Is there a dream store you would love to see my designs in? Let’s manifest!



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I promise I am not ignoring you on the price convo. I hear you, but we need to have a real chat with real numbers. What you tell me in the comments today will really help me navigate the next steps to making things more affordable. Thank you for your help!

116 thoughts on “It’s time for a real convo with real numbers…”

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  1. clem says:

    What happened to that floral backpack btw with shoe compartment and everything it was soooo cute! I mean 60$ for a skirt is a bit much .. or 100 for a workout mat I get that they are luxury but the prices are a lot. I mean I’d pay like 35$ for the skirt or mat. Either way I use different youtubers fir workouts etc but love your designs ! Great job achieving and chasing your dreams. !

  2. Claire says:

    I think a pair of luxury leggings should cost between $15-$30. I would also love to see your brand at Kohls.

  3. Jessi says:

    I feel the price point for the outfits at Target are more reasonable but there’s not much selection there anymore. I will say I absolutely hate removable bra pads. They get messed up in the wash and/or fall out. I’d rather wear my own bra or pasties.

    Someone who recently bought/fell in love with the Sweetheart Wide Leg Jumpsuit and looking for more

  4. Julia Coutinho says:

    I love your yt content and I love how energetic you are you are so kind and I love blogilates so much unfortunately I haven’t bought anything yet but that’s exactly why I am here

  5. Amelia says:

    Ummmm leggings maybe $15-20? IDK because I’m a preteen and I just get some cheap leggings and I don’t expect much so like all I really care is that they have pockets? Because they’re convenient. Also for popflex maybe you could consider adding zippers to the pockets because I don’t want my phone falling out? But I don’t expect that for $20 that’s just a recommendation for popflex
    For the features I could live without removable bra pads I don’t need that’s fine to take away also booty pockets aren’t necessary because front pockets are enough and I can’t reach the back too much it’s a bit inconvenient
    Dream store: Target! But it’s already there! <3

  6. Grace says:

    Also keep blogilaties at target and pop flex be its own store

  7. Grace says:

    Hi! I think your prices are pretty fair. You’re offering quality which not many brands are serving atm. Blogilaties is the more affordable site right now but u get what you pay for and pop flex is definitely higher end. I don’t mind paying for pop flex given materials and uniqueness similar to fp movement, the uniqueness and quality makes the price worth it. Both your apparel sites are priced correctly imo.

  8. TonyaBinacci says:

    Also something to think about is making your clothing more appropriate for people who want to show less skin, but not cover everything. For example, instead of having a skirt to the top of the thighs or to the knees you would have a mid thigh option. Also for swimsuits, making one pieces that cover the booty and chest more. Still love your designs, just wish they had more coverage.

  9. TonyaBinacci says:

    Ummm, it’s not really logical to think that way about pricing because if you spend 50 dollars to make one pair of leggings but only sell them for 25 dollars no matter how many you sell you won’t make any profit.

  10. TonyaBinacci says:

    I loveee all of your designs! They’re so creative and reallyyyyy pretty (I especially love the cloud hoodie). Don’t pay attention to anyone who complains about prices. If they don’t like the price then that sucks for them. They are your items that you make a profit from. I think they are completely worth the price considering the quality of the item (even though I haven’t bought anything yet) Don’t give up and don’t give in!

  11. Elaine P says:

    Cassey. Love what you do with such enthusiasm and energy. Keep it up! You are so inspiring. I just bought your backpack from Target. Purple. So pretty. Your stuff is not too expensive. It’s an investment. You want your people and makers to earn a fair wage and you want to produce a product that lasts more than a season and won’t crumble during use. Thank you for championing quality. How could you do anything else? You can’t compete with corner-cutters, but the fact that your gear is in Target means that it is priced accessibility. Don’t change a thing. You are an amazing businesswoman and creative spirit. Love and peace. Thank you for engaging with your fans.

  12. Tina says:

    I think people asking for $15-20 leggings at your quality and style are being unreasonable. Your leggings are a higher quality branded product, not something from Old Navy (no shade about Old Navy for those who love that store!). The person (Julia) that commented that there is a difference between athletic wear and casual wear is correct. If someone wants a $15-20 legging, it is not an athletic legging – it would be more of a casual piece.
    Your fabric is more substantial than what you see for $15-20 leggings…that is why it is a higher end piece.
    If people don’t understand that you have a quality product and quality costs more money, well then that is unfortunate. There are lots of brands that produce cheap fashion. PLEASE don’t fall prey to the people asking for cheaper fast fashion and try to appease everyone and in the process diminish the quality of your core product. You have a fantastic product. Yes, it is more expensive than the cheap stuff you find everywhere but it is a great product. Your customers know you have a great quality product. If you start to produce cheap fashion to appease the ones that want a $15-20 leggings it tarnishes the whole blogilates name.
    If you want to produce a more affordable product, then I think it would still be around $50-75. Some of us understand, QUALITY COSTS MORE MONEY. Buy one piece not 10. Your one quality piece will last.
    If you want to save production costs on some “frills”, by all means, reduce the number of pockets (I love the comment from someone else that said they don’t want cargo pants!). Sometimes I just need one pocket or a small internal slit pocket for a key (I don’t need to carry my phone 24-7)
    Also removable bra pads are unnecessary. They never stay where you want them and as a bigger chested girl, they end up looking like a lost eyepatch.
    Thanks for producing fun, flirty HIGH QUALITY sporty fashion that is functional.

  13. Jenna says:

    1. For example, affordable to me means leggings being around $25-30. They may be expensive to make, but I can assure you WAY more people will buy your products. Most ppl buying from you are most likely on the younger side, teens/20’s bc you’re famous on YT. Most ppl that age either are college broke, have a low paying job, or simply have no job at all.
    2. I could live w/o removable pads. In fact, I prefer them to not be removable bc they always get lost/folded.
    3. Would LOVE to see your products @ Walmart/Amazon.

    1. TonyaBinacci says:

      Ummm, it’s not really logical to think that way about pricing because if you spend 50 dollars to make one pair of leggings but only sell them for 25 dollars no matter how many you sell you won’t make any profit.

  14. Julia says:

    There is a difference in pricing depending on the occasion, for example athletic wear versus casual wear. For someone who grew up playing athletics and sports, I understand that athletic clothing will usually cost more than casual clothes. For that reason I would say the ideal price would be around $30-$50 for a pair of leggings that’s GOOD QUALITY! I brought your flared leggings and I love them! I do own another pair of flared leggings that were $16 and there is a huge difference in quality. I really appreciate you have many inseam options, that is something not a lot of brands have, and I understand that can alter pricing.

    1. Julia says:

      *Bought* your flared leggings. Not brought 😀

  15. HIRVA says:

    I mean after all the hard work, designing, and planning Cassey does on the leggings and all products i think she deserves to be payed the reasobable price, everyone talks about lululemon having expensive leggings but people still buy them for quality so you can’t really have great quality at 10-30$ includeing great comfort.

    1. Vanessa says:

      I still have a pair of her workout leggings from FIVE years ago that still have lasted and have NO tears. I still use it even after between multiple weight changes because it’s so comfy. It was $48. I think it was the Morning Dew Black Leggings.

  16. Maggie says:

    I think an affordable price would be $20-$30, $40 USD max. I believe it is just impractical to price clothing very high. A pair of leggings should not be $90-$150. Some things that could be taken out to make things less pricey are removable bra pads which I find are just impractical and get lost. I would love to see you come to Canada as we don’t have target here and I would have to pay crazy shipping to buy your stuff.

  17. Meghann says:

    For years I have been a penny pincher and tried to buy items as cheaply as I can. And honestly? Unless it was a really good deal on a high quality item, they didn’t last and I fell out of love with them fast. My husband has been helping me see that sometimes we need to buy less, save more for longer, and buy the nicer thing. When we walked into target and I saw your designs in person, I was ecstatic! I fell in love with your ballerina dress and my husband bought it for me on the spot. Would I buy a $40 item every week? No. But for an item I love and would certainly get some great use out of, it is so worth it. Your prices are incredible for the quality and craftmanship. I can’t believe I now own a blogilates item!!!

  18. zoe says:

    i think that a reasonable price for leggings is $15-20 dollars and $30 at the max. a pair for $50-70 is just way too unreasonable. i understand that it takes a lot of money to make the leggings, but you might end up earning more money pricing them lower. if someone has an option between poorly made leggings for $10 and luxury leggings for $60, chances are they’re going to go for the cheaper ones. but, if they can choose leggings that are high quality and affordable, they’re going to choose that option every time. having cheaper leggings means that more people will be buying them because they’re more accessible to those with less money. and with more and more people buying, it means a high profit for you.

  19. Lauren says:

    So I’m seeing people here comment prices for leggings at about like $10-20 but for Popflex leggings that’s honestly not enough. Like, it costs money to make them, you have to pay your workers (and yourself!), and put some of the profit into your business. When you add all that together, it’s at least $30, but probably more. Your prices are reasonable for the quality that you put out, so I’m not complaining. I may not be able to afford it right now, but that doesn’t mean that I should ask you to lower your prices or quality.

    1. Samantha says:

      If they were any cheaper, than it would almost be unethical. If she started using factories or outsourcing, than everyone would get mad and boycott. It’s a lose/lose situation. I don’t think Blogilates should lower her quality of her items to lower the costs. There are other price friendly brands. I can’t afford Blogilates every month much less every year. I save up, buy a good set that will last me FIVE years and than I buy again when I can.

  20. K says:

    Ideally a pair of leggings should not cost $60-80 even if they are luxury style. It’s your choice to list the prices that high. What makes these leggings luxurious? All I see are leggings that have pockets, anti-camel toe and are expensive. So for an ideal price of leggings, I would say around $15-20.

    Kohl’s would be ideal too. More options for people who might not have a Target but have a Kohl’s.

    Love to you all your designs!!!

  21. Heather says:

    1) I believe a reasonable price for luxury leggings is $50.00-$70.00 depending on features. As a frequent shopper of Alo and Lulu I always felt their leggings were overpriced and would be annoyed if they pill or were magnets of lint! If I hate paying premium price and getting poor quality. On a side note, gold zippers and accents would be so pretty. Also all inclusive sizes, including height!
    2) Features I could live without. Definitely removable bra pads. They get lost anyway and can be annoying to make look smooth. More than 1 pocket on a legging. I like having a phone pocket, but I don’t need my leggings to function as cargo pants.
    3) Manifest on doing a collab with Love Shack Fancy, Stanley/Owala/hydrojug and Dry Goods!

  22. Juliet says:

    Removable pads are not needed. I’m a large-chested lady, and they never stay put or fit right in anything, so I only buy items either without pads or with them sewn-in.
    Sell somewhere in Canada. Unfortunately, Target does not exist in Canada. AERIE, Walmart or somewhere else that is easy to find over here.
    Make sure to include the plus sizes. Tall and large women exist over here too.
    $25-30 for leggings
    $20 for tops
    $25 for active bras
    $30 for sweaters
    $20-30 for skirts/skorts
    $30 for jumpsuits

  23. Lucie says:

    I feel that a good price for a good pair of leggings would be somewhere from $15-20. I could also live without multiple pockets or even pockets at all. However I did have one question; Can you PLEASE make teen sizes??? I also love to see your brand at Target!

  24. Aimee says:

    I would like to see plus sizes in store!!!

  25. Jackie says:

    Maybe you could also launch some of your sleepwear line in target too

  26. Jackie says:

    I wouldn’t mind less uncommon sizes or no pockets in some pants

  27. Emma says:

    I love your designs so much! But 1 thing I would like to see would definitely see some of your stuff in teens sizes and 2nd could you please get these in Ireland?

  28. Molly says:

    Affordable price: $20

  29. Cate says:

    I would love to see your clothes at h&m Sweden!

  30. Olive says:

    I love everything you sell and I also love watching you design them! I have 2 questions: 1. Is everything available in kids/ teens sizes? 2. Is your clothing available to Canada? If it’s not available to Canada, please can you try to make it available?

  31. Jennifer says:

    I just saw the Target release and I’m curious why the price point is lower for the same clothing pieces than their Popflex versions? Out of curiosity I bought the Blogilates versions of the Popflex pieces I already own and while they are obviously a lighter weight and/or totally different fabric I don’t see a big difference besides fabric to justify the fairly large price gap.

    1. Amber says:

      Consider the sheer scale of getting a product in a store like Target and the discount on buying fabric at one yard vs one hundred yards. Lighter weight fabric would be easier to ship since you can ship more for the same price. You also don’t have to account for marketing because Target is doing it for you. Also selling at a large store like Target, there’s significantly less risk.

    2. Lydia Frankfurt says:

      I don’t have any of the regular pieces, but I was wondering the same thing. How does the quality differ in the target collection to lower the prices? And of course, it makes me wonder if work practices and environmental impact differ between the two collections.

  32. Jordyn Titler says:

    Me personally, if I want a pair of leggings or a nice piece of workout gear, I’m going to the Dick’s outlet store, so I can get a NICE pair of leggings at a price point I’m okay with. Personally, the most I’ve ever spent on leggings was like $50+ something, but they were excellent quality, and I still have them. They’re those Nike ones thay feel like they’re from one single roll of fabric, and practically look painted on, but those are still like $100+ normally. For nice sweaters/warmup gear, it REALLY just depends… I AM willing to pay more for quality, but I still most likely wouldn’t pay more than $60 for a nice sweater or light jacket. And then for tops and whatnot, I’d probably say that the most I’d be willing to pay IF the quality is there, would be like $35-$40. That includes all of the bralette/bandeau/crop top style “tops”. I’d say 95% of the time I’m usually almost immediately chucking any “bra pads” as they’re usually pretty bully and move around far too much, in the item that they’re supposed to be “benefiting,” and a feature I’m usually okay paying more for, is metal hardware and accents like, zippers and zipper-pulls.

  33. Shyla Miller says:

    Hi Cassey, I was wondering if you can(or have) made some clothing for girls? I just started looking at your channel last night. And congrats for selling your stuff at target!!! And if you haven’t made clothing for girls, please do!❤️

  34. Julianna scott says:

    I’ve had the chance to see the target line and while it’s nice to have a store version there’s a major difference people want to be cheap there u go. But looking online at the 2 different version target can go sit down somewhere. Let’s be realistic your gonna save a few dollars now but after a few washes your gonna have to toss it or replace it in a year. Am I wrong? Me personally I like the higher waistband on the skirts. The material is different. On target the tops go straight across verses on the quality it has the band to shape your breasts. Quality one makes u look snatched and target one will wear out from stretching it a few times. I know I get times are hard and clothing is an after thought for some. I do have to say though u crank out some cute things but there’s so many pieces to choose from. You gave the people what they wanted cheap but at what cost? I use afterpay for all my purchases it gives me an option to shop so it would be nice if you were apart of their program.

  35. Jasmin Lopez says:

    Everyone i talk to , middle class people
    This line is too expensive. But we are probably not your targeted consumer. Everything looks fabulous and would love Everything. Me personally would not pay over $30 for leggings

  36. S says:

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us! It shows that you really care.
    Leggings I feel like $20 would be my ideal price.
    Tops maybe $15.
    Dresses maybe $30.
    Also I recognize that those prices might not be able to happen for various reasons, and I totally respect that. Just a hope/suggestion <3

  37. Cecilia says:

    ! Heading to target in the morning to peep the newnew. From what I’ve seen posted, cute!
    Price range- if we’re talking passing the squat test and no front wedgie than $40+ is super reasonable, especially if I can get at least 2yrs of wear.
    Non- Negotiable’s: Keep the padding in bras! Us woman with bigger chests need that padding!

  38. Hope says:

    Just got the twirl skirt and ballerina dress from Target. I’ve been wishing I could afford your line for years. $35 for the skirt and $40 for the dress is reasonable for me. You’re still a small business, and prices are only going up.

    Unfortunately your online store prices are too high for me, but that’s a econ issue in my opinion.

  39. Jordyn says:

    $35 for a skirt and then $40 for the dress doesn’t make sense… Maybe $20 skirt and $20 tops so that people can mix and match their own fit – The top/edge of the dress was curling weird, so I opted to buy a skirt and a ruffle top separately since the dress didn’t look right.

    I love the designs! Disappointed the dress didn’t sit flat and proper along the top of the chest, but everything else LOVE

  40. Emily says:

    As an Australian wanting to buy but stopped by the price ($92aud or more for a skirt) then adding $23aud for shipping makes it hard to justify. I get that I’d be paying for quality and the exchange rate does alter the price but it makes it far too expensive to purchase in the current climate. If the $92 included postage it would be an easier decision.
    The only time I’ve spent over $80 on leggings or pants is medically necessary compression wear. Even then everything had been clearance items because of the exchange rates. If there was any way to make it cheaper for international (Aus/NZ) purchases I feel the market would be there as a lot of brands readily available to purchase here have dropped their quality and change their sizing so often it’s not work buying online from them anymore

  41. Marianna says:

    Okay, I love your clothes and just about everything you make and I 20 dollars for a bag is a good price but 35 dollars for a pair of leggings is just a little out of my price range 15 to 20 dollars is a little better and I get fabric and materials cost a lot so I respect whatever you do and I will still buy your product and also you are so creative your really going to make it big

  42. Austin says:

    Personally – if the quality is poor then I expect leggings to be between $25-50. That means a cameltoe is joining the chat. Visible sweat marks if I’m working out. Material shifts down badly (ie, I’m pulling them up all day. Poorly designed draw string. No pockets or ones badly done so my phone weight drags them down as I walk/run.
    Leggings for 1.5+ years? $75-115. No camel toe (hello no seam down the middle), quality pockets and leggings mostly stay in place. No obnoxious logo making me a billboard (small logo placement that isn’t prominent), breathable material that handles sweat, and one I can swat in without it digging into my stomach or making them uncomfortable. Personally I’m a big fan of that extra middle strip of fabric around the crotch to give thick thigh girlies more movement. Bonus points if the maker pairs with artists for unique designs for a limited time, I’d pay an extra $15-30 for that.
    I’ve worked in retail – I realized that quality materials cost and the tech to make leggings stand out costs even more.

  43. Lucile says:

    I think the price are quite fair. Maybe 10€ off the leggings and bras wouldn’t hurt, but the quality is so good that I keep coming back to your brand for almost 10 years now.
    The one thing that really affects things around here are taxes. I’m located in Europe and tax fee on items coming from the US have increased like crazy in the past 5 years. Today I pay almost half of the price of order in additional taxes, so I buy less.
    Thank you for always asking our opinion ❤️

  44. Cassidy says:

    To be fair, I think your stuff is reasonably priced for the quality, BUT for those of us who can’t afford it, (sahm’s in my case), this what I personally could afford, but would also be a max price for me every once in a while. I’m just a poverty princess… hahahahaha
    1. Leggings, I could do $20-$30, leggings with flare or baggy bottoms (which I love) maybe $25-$35, shorts/skorts $20, bra $20-$35 depending…., hoodie $30-$50, pajamas set $20-$40, fitted tops (most all tops really) $10-$15 maybe upto $25, backpacks/bags $30-$50
    2. Removable bra pads should be outlawed. Hahaha. I am a girl so I obviously love pockets, but I could go without them.

    Like I said, I don’t think you are overpriced at all, this is just what I personally could do.

  45. Kelly says:

    I think $70 for leggings, $40 for shorts, $30-40 for a bra, $60 for a skort is reasonable. I expect quality that won’t rip and fits me right. I workout a lot and expect my clothing to perform.

    I love all features…I think the pricing reflects that. I need bra pads so I don’t headlight and they can be removable and not built in.

    I would like to try on your stuff in person so I always get the fit right, I don’t care where it is. Just don’t sacrifice the quality! I hate fast fashion and what it does to our earth. I’d rather buy less that works well and isn’t in the dump the next year. I STILL have a wonderful pair of leggings from 2012 that I wear like once a week to run from Nike-let’s go back to that kind of quality!

  46. Kat says:

    Most of your stuff is right at the high end of what I consider reasonably priced, although I do appreciate a good sale! 😉

    I’m never a fan of removable pads. Either sew them in or don’t include them. They always fall out in the wash and are a pain to get back in.

    I don’t have any ideas for stores for you… but I would be overjoyed if you started a maternity/postpartum-friendly line… MOMFLEX.

  47. kaitlyn says:

    1) For leggings, I’ve spent up to $110 on one pair that aren’t even that great quality.😭 If you can make good quality, comfy, and cute leggings, I would spend up to that much money! I would prefer and find $80 or less to be more reasonable if that’s possible!😊
    2) Some features you could definitely get rid of are removable pads and pockets in leggings! I absolutely hate removable pads and sewing them in would get rid of the problem of pads falling out, getting folded, and moving around! I also don’t think pockets in leggings is worth it because they don’t look that great, especially when you actually have something in them.😅 I think it’s just better to wear a top with pockets or to bring a bag or backpack to hold your things safely!
    3) I live in Canada, so I would love if you could put your clothes in some stores here, or even make a few Popflex stores! I think it would be awesome if I could go to a store filled with Popflex athletic wear, comfy clothes, water bottles, bags, exercise equipment, and planners!!! (I think it would be really popular too!)

  48. Jenna says:

    Hi Cassey! I have been a Popflex fan for a long time. I own the cloud hoodie in a bunch of different colors and have recently been LOVING the pirouette skirt!

    That said, I generally wait for a sale to buy your things because they’re a bit expensive for me. I think leggings and sweatpants could be more in the $40-$50 range.

    I recently needed a good tote bag for work and looked at yours but they were all just too expensive. Maybe you could have a range of options at various prices? For example, I wouldn’t need the yoga mat holder as a feature of a work tote. Anyway I was thinking totes for around $50.

    I seriously love your Cloud Hoodies but I think $45-55 instead of $70, I don’t know if that’s possible and still have that cloud-soft quality though.

    I would love to see your clothes in Target, Macys, Kohls, other department stores. Basically I want to be able to try them on and find the perfect fit.

  49. McKenna says:

    1) I think fast fashion has given people a warped sense of pricing. I don’t think your stuff is expensive for the quality, and I’d hate to see quality go down to accommodate lower prices. I’d second what others have said about a reloved/second-hand program (I know you have popcycle, but it’s kind of hard to find, so maybe it’s just about advertising it more).

    2) I don’t need removable bra pads. I also just prefer one phone-sized pocket at the back of my leggings’ waistband, instead of two on the legs.

    3) Dick’s and Macy’s. And maybe collabs with fitness studios? (eg, I go to an indoor cycling studio in Boston; you’d get all the college girls)

    1. Samantha says:

      I agree with you!
      I really hope that Blogilates doesn’t go the fashion route. Walmart, Target, Old Navy, Shein, Amazon ALL have $20 leggings and dupes. I don’t see why anyone would expect her to lower the quality of her clothes for a cheaper price point. All my stuff has lasted 5 years. I don’t buy new active wear every single month. Only once a year to every few years. It is pricier but when I pay for cheaper, I’m having to upgrade every few months. If she wanted to do a “Basics” line that was more affordable, than people would have to expect only neutral colors and no extra features.

  50. Beatrice says:

    I would say leggings would be great around $25-$30.
    Def could live without removable bra pads!! But don’t take away the pockets:)
    I would love to see your CLOTHING in Target!

  51. Chloe says:

    I have been watching your brand rise from the very begining and everytime I jump on to your website the prices seem to go up. I understand cost of production as I am in the industry as well, but $65 for a pair of leggings when your marketing is hitting more of the middle income women is hard to justify. Truly no offense because get that bag if people are willing to pay for it. But for this Mamma who just wants a pair of leggings that actually fit her and are long enough for my legs, it’s out of touch for me. I’d say a more reasonable price point would be $30-45 depending on what leggings.

  52. Caryn says:

    Love your products!! I have typically shopped Aerie, and their leggings when I buy on sale are still $27-$35. But when you want quality you spend the money, and YES, we can all do without removable bra pads or have them built in/sewn in so they don’t fold or fall out!!

    1. Julia says:

      SO, yes I do agree that your stuff is more expensive than others, but then again, we are getting what we pay for and your quality is also better.
      1. I tend to shop during your sales and whenever I want to treat myself. Would I prefer leggings that are around $40-50? Of course. But if the quality is going to go down, then I can def wait until a sale or until I save a bit of cash to indulge.
      2. I can def live without the removable pads and all the extra pockets. So, if that goes and the prices go down, then I am down for that… 100%. 😎
      3. I’d love to see your stuff at Target, Dicks, and/or Nordstrom.

      Also… I truly appreciate how much you take our input into consideration! 🥹😍

  53. Patricia White says:

    I am older (almost 73) but I used your Blogilates workouts for a time. I enjoyed the challenge and variety. I still use your ab express dvd when I get serious about ab work.
    I never pay more than $25 for a mat. I usually can get name brands at discount stores like TJ.Maxx. I go for functional rather than pretty. I do like the look of your products.
    I think your fitness clothes are more suitable for younger people. Again I aim for function rather than pretty even when I was young.

  54. Kassia says:

    1. i might be delulu or maybe I’m just a broke student, but my price point for good leggings is around 40€-50€ depending on the features.
    2. I could live with less colours and maybe less pockets, as much as it hurts.
    3. I’d love to see your items in international stores. I live in the Germany/France/Switzerland area and I‘ve never seen any of you products in real life 🙁

  55. Samara says:

    I own some of your fitness equipment, but I haven’t purchased any clothing yet. I buy $15 leggings from Costco and $30 trousers from Khols. I’d be willing to spend more on quality. Removable pads are padding landfills. I avoid racerback tops because they’re so uncomfortable. My top stores are Target, Kohls, and Costco.

  56. Jayme says:

    What if you did a buy back of your items, check the condition, then resell them secondhand? A re-loved Popflex program?

    You wouldn’t have to sacrifice the features, quality or labor wages by making a new cheaper line of garments. I have a few older, not made anymore, Popflex items that I don’t wear much anymore because the sizing is a bit off for me now. They are still in great condition (because of your quality). I’m too lazy to make an account and sell them on an online secondhand retail shop, but because I believe in your brand, I’d be willing to send them back for a program like this. The buy back could either be in cash or Popflex rewards points, an award amount based on the condition. The secondhand items made affordable as resale. I don’t expect to receive much back, though it might nice if it was a least the cost of standard US shipping.

    We need to create a more circular economy anyways. Some shoe companies, like Veja and Vivobarefoot, accomplish a repair and secondhand resale. Make this the norm, help make your brand stand out even more with a similar program.

  57. Ashton E says:

    1) I would like to spend an max of around $40-45 for higher quality leggings. I buy most of my clothes used from sites like Poshmark or Depop, I have to wait for pretty steep discounts to buy anything new. One of the only brands I buy new active wear from is Old Navy when they have 50% off sales.
    2) The mesh and princess seams on bras. I want something that I can wear under a shirt that doesn’t show. The seams on the added mesh stick out and make visible lines.
    3) I live in a pretty remote area without very many chains stores, there are only 2 Targets in the entire state that I am from. I would like to see Popflex being sold in smaller, locally owned stores instead of just big national chains. I also would like to see it being sold in larger online store like ASOS where you can shop multiple brands and only have to check out once.

  58. Walida Horton says:

    #1. $25 for leggings
    #2. Would appreciate a cost cutting option (ie: a nice backpack with high quality hardware is great, but if there’s a less expensive option with cheaper details, I wouldn’t mind giving up metal for plastic or none at all).
    #3. Would it be weird to say Costco? I want those hoodies in bulk! lol but for something more dazzle dazzle, Nordstrom!

  59. Amanda Wolf says:

    I’m a sahm and my husband works blue collar. I can’t afford most of yalls items and thrift my clothes or Mt mother in law gives me her cute stuff when she gets a new closet of clothes. If I want a special gift we’d save up money and pick out 1 thing. I definitly think bra pads and stuff are pointless. But if you’re a luxury brand some of us folk just can’t get and that’s okay too.

  60. Sata says:

    1. I would like to be able to buy leggings for $40. anything higher I have to wait for a sale or settle for something else
    2. I’m not sure about features that are removable from leggings. But sure I could live without the bra pads or the extra layers and zippers in hoodies
    3. maybe a popflex x gilly Hicks Collection!

    Thank you from Germany!

  61. Debbie says:

    Your prices are fair & competitive. People have a distorted idea on how much things cost & don’t realize what goes into bringing a product to market. You can’t be all things to all people. Put the best product you can for the best price & that’s what you do

    1. Samantha says:

      Some people are saying no pockets, less colors, less features, just make it plain and I’m like… every other brand is already doing that. *Face palm*

  62. Victoria says:

    Cassey, I love you asking the question! So I’ll offer my feelings.
    1) Ideal leggings price for Popflex, $35-45. I know they’re quality and like to support you but it’s hard to buy more than one pair when they’re almost double this amount now. Just a bit of a reduction or more sales would help. Same idea for all products.
    2) This is a hard one, really coming from the leggings and twirl skirts world, but ust one pocket works.
    3) Dick’s, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Nordstrom

  63. Rebecca says:

    I’ve never bought a pair of your leggings because of the price point, but $50 seems “reasonable” as far as luxury leggings go. However I will admit I live in the pair of lulu leggings I saved for and those are like $100. I’m also really weird about my leggings as far as what I know will stay up when I have long runs.
    I like the crossover waist design but as someone else mentioned, if you’re actually working out it folds down which ultimately makes it more unflattering. I don’t have too many bra pads still in their original bras from Popflex- if they were easy to build in that’s great but for the most part I take them out so I don’t have to deal with them and I just wear without. They do make the girlies look nice though.
    And honestly the only place I shop in person for clothes anymore is Target. I am comfortable with the sizing on your skort bottoms, and your sports bras, so I don’t think I would even bother as an existing customer. I don’t think Target is the place for your sustainably made clothing price point though. Maybe Urban Outfitters would be a better match cost-wise as tastemakers who are just slightly out of budget for a special shopping treat (or for people who do have crazy budgets to meet the rest of us in our love for your brand)

  64. Autumn says:

    Personally, I don’t see an issue with your prices. It’s priced that way for a reason! It’s your time, talent, and quality we are paying for. I am someone who has shopped at Lululemon, paid their prices, and felt it was worth the investment. I don’t see a problem with paying more for a good quality product. Now, I do understand it may not be affordable for everyone, but maybe having different tiers of Popflex could be a solution? Maybe have a line that’s less expensive but still offer the “higher” end as well?

    1. Sophia says:

      I have been obsessing over the cloud hoodie but I don’t know about $70. Maybe $45?

  65. Alison says:

    As much as I would love to shop ALL of your items they are a tad expensive. I think the most I would pay for leggins is $40.00 and as much as I love your hoodies, they are way out of my budget! I LOVE the cocoon coat but can’t see spending $96.00 on that too. I do have one of your backpacks that I used every weekend and I bought that at Target and it was on sale!

    And yes, would love to see more of your stuff in Target!!

  66. Paige Frederick says:

    Hi Cassey!

    I have been a long time follower and watching you grow has been nothing short of amazing! As for your products,
    1. It is very difficult to spend that kind of money on leggings. I don’t own them, but I would love to. I just am, unfortunately, not in the targeted audience to be able to buy them. This detail makes me kind of sad because your brand was based on accessibility (the YouTube videos, social media posts, gear in well-known and affordable stores), but I feel like that element is fading. I could see paying $35-$40 maximum for leggings. Even that is a high price point to me.
    2. I agree with most of the comments so far that removable pads are just not it. I am very small chested, so removable pads have always looked weird on me. They also make an item seem cheap, somehow. Other features like pockets on the leggings kind of don’t make sense to me. I never use pockets on leggings because it looks weird having whatever you’ve put into the pocket bulge out.
    3. I would love to see your things in Target or even athletics stores like Dicks or Academy. I am the type that needs to try things on because my proportions are so different. It would be nice to be able to do that and see the actual items in person.

    Thank you for this!

  67. Stephanie Lee says:

    I love your creations! Everything that I’ve purchased has been good quality and a good price.
    For those of us that appreciate good quality but can’t always afford it, Thank You.

  68. Kathy says:

    After reading some comments, I just want to say, ladies, SHEIN, TEMU and fast fashion prices have ruined your idea of what adorable and not damaging to the environment is. You’re not going to get anything high quality for $20 that was made by someone receiving a fair wage.

    Please bring back regular water bottles and replacement lids.

    1. Elena says:

      I think it would be amazing to have just a POPFLEX store. In a mall, stand-alone, I don’t think it matters, but I think it would get tons of business.

  69. Jewlina Matthews says:

    I really only like to purchase leggings, shorts, and hoodies for activewear. I basically just wear t-shirts all the time for workouts and sports bras from Victorias Secret.

    1) For all $20-$25 and maybe a sale here and
    there. Maybe $30-$40 for sweatshirts

    2) I guess I could live without the heart booth feature. My favorite “inexpensive” legging brand right now is the all in motion from target. I’m going to copy their legging description for reference. Always keep the pockets please.

    “Made for: workouts, yoga, dance, everyday wear
    • Moves with: moisture-wicking, quick-drying, midweight fabric with spandex
    • Must-have features: UPF 50+ rating, flat seams, power mesh lining, ultra-high-rise cut, side pocket, pull-on waist, 26.75in inseam
    • Machine wash and tumble dry”

    3) Target, you already started to have your brand there. Maybe Kohls would be another good place.

  70. Kathy says:

    I love your sweatpants, but they are a little pricey. I had threads coming out the waistband after just a few washes. I do wish the pockets would be deeper, because my iPhone 15 topples out. They’re too thick to wear inside because they’re so warm, but absolutely perfect for walking my dog in freezing temps (I live in the Midwest). I will say I am absolutely not a legging person, I do not like the feeling of anything tight on my body. I do wish the hoodies were somewhere between the extra long length one and the regular length one as the standard length, because I don’t like them rising up and exposing my shirt/stomach whenever I move my arms. I think a good price for luxury sweatpants is $50-$55, and hoodies $50-$60.

  71. Leah says:

    Personally, I would settle for $45 or lower, which is still expensive but definitely more affordable for a pair of luxury leggings. I know many people love the pockets, but I always have somewhere else where I can put my belongings. I love the built-in bra, but for a lower price, I could live without it. Lastly, I would love to be able to go to some sports stores like Dicks and try on your pieces before purchasing! Thank you for this Cassey♥

  72. Meghan Oesterle says:

    I actually don’t mind your price points since you use fair labor and my products are always high quality. I wish your materials were made from sustainable fabrics not derived from plastics. I know, that’s what gives it that amazing stretch and buttery softness. BUT there are new hemp and bamboo fabrics coming out all the time! I adore you and the brand you have created, i only wish I could get plastic free options as well.

    Features to live without, removable liners is top of the list. A few of your tops already have it and they are great! I also don’t need so many different colors and cuts of similar items. And the criss cross bottoms actually annoy me at the gym, falling down and showing my belly button lol.

    I don’t shop at big box stores if I can help it, so dream big girl and have your own store front!!! You could have Blogilates classes in store!

  73. Grace says:

    $35 is about the sweet spot for more affordable leggings. However, instead of totally lowering quality to achieve a lower price point I’d much rather that you have better sales. 10% off sales are not enough for most people to be able to afford your products. If we could have %30-%40 off during sales that would really help to be able to afford your products.

    Or if you can go through a store that offers store-wide discounts or deals that could be another option.

  74. Elyshia Schroeder says:

    I’ll start by admitting I’m cheap/frugal usually shop discount dept store and thrift but i do absolutely LOVE your higher quality clothes and i still have my leggings from years ago which are now some starting to wear out some not, but i just can’t justify spending 40 to 60 on leggings at all no matter how nice they are. i’d say $25 would be a ok price when not on sale. I live in my couple pairs of black leggings from you haha.
    For sports bras TBH i like your designs but with by size i have not liked many that ive tried from popflex they usually leave me bouncy and spilling out or under (30E/28F) but i do agree with the people saying to leave the bra pads out. To be fair i haven’t yet tried the bras that were advertised for high impact because i didn’t want to risk it with the price. for comparison my go to sports bras for working our are underarmour and nike and i have to get the max impact.
    i do love the old tank i have with built in bras though with the high neck and full coverage side and some fancy straps i forget what it was called.
    a good price for sports bras for me would be $15-20. same for tshirts/tanks/shorts. sweatshirts and sweatpants and skorts maybe $20-30, 60 to 100 for loungewear is a bit crazy to me. For dressed and rompers maybe $50-60? I don’t have a good price range for outerwear and bags bc i shop those thrift and sales a lot but i can see why a good quality one would be more. really i wish i was rich so i could have all the popflex i want LOL this just isn’t the price range for the average adult. When I did buy popflex it was years ago when I lived with my parents and didnt have to worry about bills.
    Target would make sense because you already have stuff there! speaking of that I would love to see the backpacks come back i missed my chance when they were in stock before, and I love the protein powder!

  75. Lucy says:

    Hi Cassey!

    A long time follower here (since 2011)!

    1. An ideal price for leggings that are high quality would be $50!

    2. Too many pockets and removable pads can go!
    BUT keep all the cushions, beautiful designs, and high quality fabrics!!

    3. Bring your clothing designs to Target!!! Then we can try them on in store 🙂

    One more comment for funzies- if possible, tailor more to moms!!! It’s been so long since I started watching your YT vids, BUT my life has evolved so much since then. Including more mom-friendly designs would be soooo appreciated <3

  76. Em says:

    1. I would pay $20 for leggings.
    2. YES! PLZ GET RID OF REMOVABLE PADS. I personally just like built in pads.
    3. I would love to see some of your stuff in Aldi. (I know its a grocery store, but they often have clothing and workout wear also)
    Merry Christmas, Cassie! Hope you get some time to relax. 🙂

  77. Kim says:

    Your stuff is not expensive for the quality. You also frequently have sales which cannot be said for other luxury athleisure companies.

  78. Alina Oprisan says:

    1. I think I’d pay with more ease around $40 for leggings and bras, around $50-65 for hoodies and other casual outfit. For the rest, the sales prices are affordable for the quality. The planner is a bit too expensive for me too, as someone from Canada already mentioned, but now I am addicted to it, so it costs what it costs. Generally, I think your prices are a bit expensive, but since your products are a great quality, I think the prices are justified. My problem is the high cost of transport, since I am from Romania, so this is one of the reasons I usually wait for some of the sales you have. It’s a bit frustrating when all my bonus points are used practically for delivery costs.
    2. I agree with everyone, we don’t need removable bra pads, they are annoying to get back in place after washing. I like pockets with everything, but I usually use only one in leggings, for phone, when I go for a run. I probably would like one more zipped pocket for keys, but that’s just my preference.
    3. I can’t suggest a store, since I am from Europe, and I don’t think I will live to see a Popflex store in Romania, as much as I would love to.

    As a conclusion, I love the quality of all of your products and I think the prices are justified.

  79. Melody says:

    First off – you are doing amazing and it’s awesome that you are addressing this directly. Major credibility points for handling it so well and being transparent. You can’t buy what being genuine gives you for free.

    1) $35-$50 for a pair of leggings that are cute, will last a loooooong time and are anti-camel toe is fair. Also, a note on planners. Yours is super-functional with lots of value-add, so the price point is also higher than more basic planners. Considering they sell out every year, they may be in the right zone. If someone doesn’t want/use all the features, they may be better off buying a different type of planner/calendar.
    2) Ditch the removable bra pads – everyone basically hates the Hell out of them. I’m also not a super-fan of carrying a ton of things when I work out, so more than 1-2 pockets is not a desirable feature for me.
    3) Target and Macy’s would play well in my market (Lehigh Valley, PA) but have you considered seasonal collabs/pop-ups in addition to a flagship or in lieu of your own brick and mortar location? Maybe you’ve already done that, but that could be a good way for market testing without a major long-term investment.

  80. PatricIa says:

    If removing the bra inserts saves a few bucks, go for it. As for selling your creations in a store, unless it was owned by YOU or you had 100% creative/selling control, please don’t entertain this idea. I want to shop for YOUR styles online at your website. I have followed you since blogilates and now love your merchandise. I have a feeling the quality/importance to all body types will suffer if sold in a third party store.

    Thank you for making me feel put together and cute while staying active 🙂

  81. Maikie says:

    Dear Cassey,

    Thanks for asking us all for our thoughts! I think I speak for everyone when I say we all appreciate being heard. And thanks for being specific about your questions. It’s very helpful.

    Everyone has their ideal, reasonable price point for anything. But I’ve learned over the years (I’m in my mid-30s now) that, if you can afford it, follow the Venn diagram of fast-cheap-good. It means I buy fewer things (bags, shoes, etc) but when I do buy them, I buy things that are considered more expensive but long-lasting. So maybe I’ll buy one new pair of boots this year that’s $200 and up, or a bag that’s $1,000 or so, but I won’t even do that every year! I definitely consider your leggings and sports bras reasonably priced as they are, but that doesn’t mean I’ll buy ten of them in one go. They’re sturdy, durable, thoughtfully made, and I’ve only had to replace/donate the ones from 3 to 5 years ago so far. That speaks to your quality and I don’t want that to change.

    I also don’t want you to remove (hah!) the small details that do make buying sports bras, etc. from you worth it, like the removable pads or (God forbid) the side pockets. Have you seen Amazon? You have to buy their bra pads in bulk and it is hit or miss, getting the right shapes and material for any specific piece of clothing.

    Honestly, I’m happy to see you’ve partnered with Target for a more affordable line to reach more people already. I was sad when your golden dumbbells had to go, but I saw the point in that because of the price point Target caters to. They have the manufacturing power, but even that couldn’t make that particular set cheaper. If you want to further your partnership with them by releasing a lower-priced version of PopFlex, that’s up to you and your team, but please don’t take it to heart, how many people say your brand’s goods are expensive. Whenever I tell friends about your designs, I always stress that the inclusivity and thoughtfulness in them is why they’re so worth buying from you. It helps that you do make workout clothes and athliesure comfy and cute too. I think it would be amazing to one day find you have your own boutique, not a couple of racks in a department store. My favorite smaller brands are the ones where the staff KNOW the styles, are trained about what works, and are actually happy working in that little corner of retail. Big chains and department stores just don’t do it the same way.

    Those are my thoughts, and I do hope they’re helpful in your decision-making. Early Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

  82. Marie says:

    I don’t wear leggings but for looser pants I’d pay around 40 to 50. Bras similar. That being said, I’m Canadian. So we don’t carry your products up here and to be honest, returning stuff I buy through your store is really difficult and tedious. i would love it if Walmart Canada carried your items, or Zellers. I also never use bra pads, my boobs are already too big without the excess.

  83. Mikayla says:

    1. I think, given the high quality, attention to detail, and unique designs of all of your pieces, I’m definitely okay paying a bit more than from other stores. For me, a price point of about $45 for leggings would be way more justifiable for my budget for more frequent purchasing. As another commenter said, I adore your designs and would love to buy more, but at the current price point, I can only splurge on one or two pieces maybe once every other year.
    2. Oh my gosh, if axing the removable bra pads makes things cheaper, PLEASE get rid of them!!! They are just such a major hassle, and I much prefer a sports bra where I’m not constantly fussing with getting the pads unbunched/unfolded/put back where they go. As some others have also mentioned, the drawstrings/ties could stand to be a bit shorter.
    Other than that, I’m just not familiar enough with elements of the design process to know what to suggest.
    3. I vote Target!

  84. Karen says:

    I have loved POPFLEX since it began and I love seeing all the new designs now, but I can’t afford anything now, especially as I’m in the UK.
    1) Without extortionate postage rates and tax etc, I would happily pay 25.00- 30.00 for leggings, but I do have an issue, that may get overlooked when considering to buy these luxury, long wearing items… Bags and other accessories and even outerwear, yes, can be exempt from this, BUT if people are buying workout wear, such as leggings and bras, there’s a chance that their bodies will change shape (bulking or losing weight) and therefore the price point on these lovely items can not be justified when they may not fit a month or so down the line.
    2) I for one, do not like removable padding and think it would be much better if it was built in. You don’t need to take it out!
    3) Your own store would be amazing, again unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to visit, but would be so exciting to see you expand in that way. Although like someone said, many people shop online anyway now, but if it would be your dream, GO FOR IT! 🫶✨

  85. Beth says:

    I have a few pieces of clothing from POPFLEX especially love my oversize hoodie! The pricing I don’t think is too high, but I find myself turning to brands that are sustainable and fair-trade because I am willing to pay more and feel better about it when I know the clothing I am wearing has that behind it.
    Please don’t lower your prices ~ you design with love and this is your brand. People are wanting fast fashion and you are not SheIn. You don’t copy others, your designs are unique and people who can afford your line will buy it without you trying to please everybody, because you can’t!

  86. Alex says:

    1) confession: I only buy popflex on sale!! I have probably 2 dozen popflex items but have never paid full price for any of them. generally don’t buy leggings over $40 and hoodies over $50. That being said, if I wanted cheap clothes I would go to Target or forever 21 and they aren’t as well made and fall apart after a few washes. I absolutely respect that popflex is super high quality in so many ways from the material to the design to the construction, it’s just out of my budget at full price.
    2) removable bra pads!!! They are useless. Pockets are a must. I might buy 1 of something without pockets but wouldn’t go back for more.
    3) I do most of my shopping online and have no problem with it. I love that you post multiple size girlies in all clothing pieces so I can get a good idea when ordering. And you follow up with a flexible return policy if I didn’t guess right.
    Takeaway: people are always going to complain that prices are too high because we live in the age of Amazon, Temu, Shien, and all other unsustainable, garbage, fast fashion rip-offs. Your sales are strong because you provide high quality, well designed, amazing items so stay true to yourself. Just keep providing some sales from time to time for penny pinchers like me 🙂

  87. Claudia says:

    1. i would pay 30 € \$ for a good pair.
    2. i don’t need bra pads. I believe no one does, but I could be wrong
    3. an online retailer like asos or zalando. Someone who offers worldwide shipping to a reasonable price. I live in Germany and i know you hava a world wide fanbase. But to pay the same amount for shipping and taxes as for an – in my opinion, although reasonable, pricey piece of clothing is just not happening. I can’t afford it.

  88. Ally says:

    I’m basically going to echo everything that has already been said:
    1) $30-40 seems a bit more reasonable for leggings. I’ve tried asking for some of your clothes for Christmas/birthday and my family balked at the price. I’ve also talked about your designs with friends and while we think they’re cute, the cost is definitely prohibitive. I know it’s not true for everyone, but some of us just live lifestyles that make it difficult to justify spending so much on clothing. (Although the quality does help justify the few purchases we do make).
    2) get rid of those bra pads 💯 I go out of my way to purchase the random items I find that don’t have the pads.
    3) Target seems like a reasonable place to sell your clothes since you already sell other things. I like the idea of having a place to try on the clothes before buying & saving money on shipping/returns. But also a shop of your own could be fun too!

  89. Conny says:

    1. I think realistically I’d pay $25 for leggings.
    2. I could live without the removable bra but it would be great to introduce an alternative so our nippies aren’t showing lol.
    3. I would hands down would test your color at Target.

    1. Ange says:

      I agree, there is something mental about going over the $25-30 price point that makes me think of what I can’t buy if I don’t buy that $35+ product.

  90. JJ says:

    1) I would ideally be paying about $30 for a pair of leggings, $25 for a bra, $50-60 for a sweatshirt, up to $100 for outerwear.

    2) Please get rid of the removable bra pads. I hate them. I don’t understand why they are removable. I hate finding them in the laundry and having to stuff them back in!! On leggings, I can make do with just one pocket most of the time! Please do not make the leggings thinner/see through!!

    3) Target maybe? But I do 90% of my shopping online these days.

    1. Ange says:

      Don’t forget the folded creased rumble when the aren’t in properly! Yuck!

  91. A says:

    The planner is $59+$21 shipping (plus who knows how much tax). I live in Canada, but there’s no way I’m paying $80 for a planner! It’s just paper. $80 for a planner is completely unreasonable.

  92. Sarah says:

    1. $30-$40 would be my maximum for a luxury pair of leggings. I am not an intense fitness enthusiast so leggings for me are an occasional wear for the gym or around the house. I’m happy with a $20 pair from Target; even if they don’t last as long. It’s a mental thing for me: I just cannot justify spending $60+ on a pair of leggings.
    And in case it’s helpful, I’ll tell you my customer demographic (because we both know people will say “Casey some people just don’t see your value. Some people are just broke. They aren’t your target”- I am in my late 30’s, a mom to two children, my household income is 165k.

    2. Absolutely cut out removable bra pads. I’m certain every woman has a drawer stuffed with them. Heck, I believe a couple years ago cutting them into triangles went viral for preventing camel toe. So clearly women aren’t using them. More than 2 pockets isn’t a selling point to me. Extremely oversized items that get bungeed up aren’t a must have. Perhaps taking away some material from those looks will help. Also, hoods. Unless I’m wearing a utilitarian jacket for rain or snow, I don’t need a hood on my blouse. Obviously lots of these things, outside of the bra pads, are stylistic to your designs and we love you for your creativity. But these are some of the things I could skip and not even miss.

    3. Target!

  93. M says:

    I’m also in the 30-45$ range. Is not That I don’t think the clothes are worth more, it’s just that with 4 kids I never spend more than that on myself.

  94. Jo Sweets says:

    I know not to expect a high quality for this price point, but if I got a squat proof legging for $25 I would scoop it up! Hoodies would be $25-$30 in this fantasy world too. The journal would ideally be $20 or so. Your designs are so cute!

  95. Cheryl Chin says:

    I would say 25.00 for the leggings would be fair. Thank you Cassey for asking.

  96. Kristin says:

    2) I would love for everyone to stop making removable brow pads. The best sports bra I ever bought had padding built in, but I’ve never seen it since. I need padding to cover the nips but am never going to take them out to wash. They get sweaty, too!

  97. Theresa says:

    1) I just need more things to be in the $30-45 range… or at least under $50. I’ve missed out on so many items just generally because even though I love anything hoodie or legging or yoga pant, when they are $65+ each, it becomes a once a year if that purchase. And that’s if I buy from YOU or if I go with another brand that I love but are also just priced so high that it’s like “ok I can spend all this money on ONE thing, or I can go to this cheaper brand that isn’t as good of quality but I can buy way more and have options”

    2. Crazy drawstrings I don’t care about. I don’t need a million pockets, sometimes just one is great but I don’t need them in every set of leggings. Bra pads are just forever annoying. I agree with someone else’s comment, if the fabric is thick enough I don’t even really need them.

    3. I’d love them to be in Target, Kohls, maybe even Macys… places I could go and try things on and are usually everywhere!

  98. Ashton Adams says:

    1) I would ideally like to spend like $40 on leggings
    2) I like built in pads not non removable,
    3) personally I love shopping at American Eagle, and AS Revival but I think it would be so cool of you to make a store of your own to shop in and try stuff on!!!

    1. Charlize says:

      $35-$50 is a good price range all around. I absolutely LOVE having at least 1-2 pockets in leggings and flare yogas! I here having to have something with me to put my phone in while being outdoors on a hike or casual walk even quick run to store so I’d keep pockets in the bottoms for sure

  99. Christina says:

    I love everything I’ve bought from you. The price is on point for the quality I get. Keep doing you!!!

  100. AUBRIE says:

    1) My ideal price point for leggings is also $30-40 per pair, but at the same time even a shift over to $35-48 is “reasonable”. I agree that the quality is very good (I own a pair from your Cottage Core series and they’re still going strong!) and I like the fact that they stand out from others (i.e. no cameltoe and legit put a water bottle in the pocket without tears/blowouts).

    2) Don’t need removeable pads (I forget to remove them in the wash and sometimes they just get bunched up / fall out and lost). Maybe just thicker fabric in the chest area so nips don’t show? The adjustable pull strings I can live without … sometimes they’re just too long even when it’s in a ‘loose’ stage (I have the Pillow Packable Puffer: I love everything about it, the ties are a bit long but I just deal with it because everything about the design is fabulous and kept me super warm and dry in my trip to Colorado. Not to mention the plane ride where I can use it as the said pillow!)

    3) Target because I see so many knock-offs of your design and would rather have the real thing.

  101. Stacy says:

    My ideal price point for leggings is $30-40 per pair. I don’t need so many pockets and as a matter of fact I don’t need any pockets. If I am working out I’m not carrying around my phone or anything else. I would love to see your designs in any store! But if I had to choose i would say Target or Macy’s.

  102. Grace Simpson says:

    I am obsessed with all the looks and want it all. I have been trying to get some, but I am a high school student who also does ballet six days a week for four hours every day, so right now, I am living off of Christmas and babysitting money! I did ask for some for Christmas, but my parents said it was all really expensive. I don’t know how much this takes out of the cost, but i notice you have a lot of pockets in a lot of areas, and i know that i don’t need that many pockets, so for me, that’s something that you could get rid of to make it cheaper. Again, i don’t know how much it costs to make, and if it hardly makes anything different, don’t worry at all. I will try to save up to buy something!