How to Read the Sweaty September Workout Calendar
How to Read the Sweaty September Workout Calendar
So I got a bunch of questions about how to use and read the Sweaty September Workout Calendar! Here’s a vid answering it all in case you’re confused!
Highlights from the vid…
- Completed WO = Completed WORKOUT
- Livestrongwoman Pilates Bootcamp videos might have died…as in…the files may have gotten corrupted. OH. MY. GAWD.
Watch for more deets! Hope you’ve printed your calendar by now and have also tried the new Waist Slimming Little Mix workout I posted yesterday!
<3 Cassey
16 thoughts on “How to Read the Sweaty September Workout Calendar”
There are 16 comments posted by our users.
hey cassey!!
if i stick to ur calendars and eat clean, will i be able to see the results? last year i played at a gym for 6 months and i lost 16 pounds in the first two months. but i don’t see any changes in the last 4 months. My weight was the same, my measurements too and i didn’t feel anything changing at any of my body parts!! i had to exercise.for 2 hours×6days a week. now i check your calendar and i noticed you put about 5 workouts for one day. Is it enough for one day? do i have to exercise longer if i want to lose more pounds?? i really love your calendar and i really wanna try it out. I just wanna know would it be enough to see the result in like 3 months?? Plz reply me if you could. i really wanna know!
Thank u so much! Love you!
<3 Amy 😀
Hey Cassey!
I absolutely love your videos. I have stuck to every single day of JaNEWary so far, and I feel amazing.
I know you’re really interested in healthy food and finding those really healthy recipes that taste sinful. I found a blog that seems right up your alley if you want to check it out.
I love you keep doing what you do best 🙂
I love the calendar, especially the workout commands, i do them every morning and it’s so good 🙂
Hey Cassey! I’m signed up for the newsletter, but I haven’t recieved an email with the password for the september calendar. I don’t know what happened but I would love yo use the calendar if I could.
Thanks so much!
Love your workouts! I am getting stronger!!! Can you please fill us up with lots of new HIIT videos this month?? They are always the ones most difficult to do.
I wish there was a spot on the site for requests, but could you do an Ask Cassey regarding desk jobs and how to stay active? I usually try to drink a lot of water and then use the ladies’ room farthest away from my desk. I’ve never been great at sitting still and I abhor staring at a screen all day. -_-
hey Cassey,
i just finished watching your video and when it was over all of the suggestions of what to watch next were from one of your channels. So i would just like to take a moment to say CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE OFFICIALLY TAKING OVER YOUTUBE! one video at at time! and i totally love you. Keep it up. You’re my inspiration.
i would like to see a WOD easy, straight to workout post of the day in order as posted easily accessible to find a missed day and go straight to the day and catch up on workout
Good luck with recovering the Livestrong Woman videos! They are awesome and it is totally crazy that they’ve been lost or corrupted or whatever. Someone should tell them to always have a backup….
Cassie – I didn’t know how much I missed your energy when I was without internet for four months!!! You crack me up and really keep me motivated. I feel like I’m reconnecting with an old friend – weird? Whatever! Thanks, girl!!
haha, I feel totally the same way! She feels like my friend too!
ok … its been 2 days i was asking myself : what is WO ??!! so thank u cassey, u change my life, like seriously ! i’m going to be sweaty sweaty with your alternating WO WO !! love u cassey !!
So for the past two, weeks while preparing my school lunch, I have been thinking: “Cassey should really make a healthy school lunch video…” And now you will! I am really looking forward to it!! I find it hard to make time in the morning to prepare a salad or something like that, and considering it should stay fresh a few hours in room temperature. So basically my regular school lunch consists of two slices of bread with non-fat ham, an apple and some veggies. I think it is a okey school lunch, but to tell you the truth I am not to found of bread. I hope (or I know) your video will inspire me to try new things!
Thank you, Cassey! You make the lifestyle of healthy living easy and reachable!
Sweaty hugs from Norway! (were the fall storms are taking over… rain, rain, rain and wind! Hope you still have some summer left in San Francisco.. which you probably do since it is in the southern states…)
However, I hope you have a day filled with accomplishment and satisfaction.
Hi Cassey!!
Thank you for your videos and the calendars. They are a huge help. Also I love how happy and peppy you are in all your videos. Your amazing energy really shines through. 😀
And I also have a picture on the same desktop of a “Train like a beast–” shirt (black!) which I will buy right after I really feel I deserve it! And this should happen during this month I hope 🙂 That should be a better way to reward yourself than my old-usual chocolate/wine— right?! It is a struggle to get rid of that kind of habits but I know I will succeed if I just don’t forget my goals. And now my tiny-goal is to get that shirt! 🙂
Thank you SO MUCH for this Cassey!!! <3 It was so close that I didn't even start this challenge because the instructions in the calendar were a bit messy for a starter and especially for one who doesn't speak English as her number one language 🙂 So thanks a lot, this really helped! 🙂 Maybe October challenge isn't as hard to start! P.s. I loved the "Fitness is like marriage.." picture! I immediately put it on one of the desktops in my phone. Also planning to print it and some other motivational pictures out and spread them all over my apartment because I really want to stay on track. Maybe those will help me not to forget my goals! <3 🙂