High Protein Apple Cinnamon Churros + Quest Bar FLASH Giveaway!

High Protein Apple Cinnamon Churros + Quest Bar FLASH Giveaway!

apple cinnamon churros quest bar

Hey guys!!

It’s time to make some yummy food! As you know, I’ve been cooking up some fun high protein, high fiber, and low carb recipes with my Quest Bars and today is the official debut of our first episode in Season 2 of Cooking Clean with Quest! This honestly is one of my fave recipes and it’s just too easy to make. Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 1/2ย Apple Pie Quest Bar
  • 3 tablespoons plain nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 4 teaspoons vanilla protein powder
  • 2 tablespoons diced apple of your choice
  • a pinch of cinnamon

Here’s how to make it! Watch my cooking video with my good friend Brett Hoebel, amazing Capoeira martial artist (that stuff is HARD), and Biggest Loser Trainer from Season 11!



The Strips

  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees
  2. Spray a cookie sheet with canola oil (or coconut oil)
  3. Roll out the Quest Bar as flat as possible
  4. ย Slice into thin strips
  5. Place strips on baking sheet
  6. Bake for about 5 minutes

The Dip

Combine Greek yogurt, vanilla protein powder, diced apple, and cinnamon in a Magic Bullet or Blender and puree until smooth.


200 calories. 29g protein. 3g fat. 10g active carbs.

brett and cassey
Here’s me and Brett being silly between shots.
Ok so here’s the deal guys. You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been on some Quest love fest and let me assure you that they are not paying me to say any of the nice things you’ve been hearing on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, whatever. Sure I get compensated for my time on set (it’s like a job, but a fun job :)), but beyond that, it’s up to me to share this information with you. I am super duper crazy selective about who I choose to brand myself with because it’s kinda like who you choose to spend your time with…who gets to be in your group of good friends. Growing up, I was never the “popular type” with a bajillion friends but rather the kind who got things done and hung out with a select few.

I used to want to be popular in school so bad! I mean, who didn’t!? But then I realized I had nothing in common with those girls. I sure as heck didn’t wake up at 5:30 am to do my hair and makeup! I think the farthest I went was black eyeliner back in high school.

ANYWAY! What I am trying to say is that til this day, I still only have a select few friends and companies that I truly care about and that care about me. Quest is one of them. It’s been almost a year since I was introduced to their brand. Beyond making a spectacular product (high protein, low carb, low sugar, high fiber, and delicious), what stands out to me most is how they run their company. With passion. With a genuine heart. And with a true fire to want to help people.ย 

A lot of companies I run into want to use me to get to you guys and sell you something. I say no to a lot of deals because I can see that. I want you to benefit from Blogilates as much as possible. That’s why all your workout videos, meal plans, and workout calendars are free. So please, take advantage of that!

I only want to create relationships with people who care about your well being. That word. Relationships. Not business deals. I’m friends with the President of Quest Tom Bilyeu, his dear wife Lisa, and a lot of their team. It aint no fake “hey hello how are you? good. good? good.” type of relationship. It’s an inspirational FRIENDSHIP. That’s the kind of people I work with and want to introduce you to.

I once learned from another driven female entrepreneur that you become like the 5 people you surround yourself closest with. So be choosy about who you hang out with. Create friendships with those that inspire you and lift you higher!

Anyway, I thought I’d share that with you because as an entrepreneur, I value people who are willing to help others rise with no need for anything in return but to see you succeed yourself.

So omg wow I totally went off on a tangent. What I was trying to get to was this…


Today, I’m giving away 5 full boxes, yes FIVE, of Apple Cinnamon Quest Barsย to 5 lucky POPsters so that you can try this recipe at home!


It is currently my fave bar at the moment because it’s chewy, sweet, and you can taste the real apple chunks! YUM! So here’s what you’ll need to do. The FLASH giveaway is only going on for 24 hours and will end on Thursday March 6th at 5pm PST. If you win, I will contact you and the bars will be delivered to you IMMEDIATELY.

1. Watch the video.

2. Comment on this blog post and tell me what recipes you want to see me healthify!

Yes the contest is international and you can comment as MANY times as you want to increase your chances of winning!!

Good luck my lovelies. Please continue to surround yourself with positive people who make you feel strong, beautiful, and confident. To the negative peeps, delete them out of your life! You don’t need it.

Much love,

<3 Cassey


2,268 thoughts on “High Protein Apple Cinnamon Churros + Quest Bar FLASH Giveaway!”

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  1. Francesca says:

    Please post an healthy version of french fries?? I loove them!!

  2. Annie says:

    I would love to see a healthy lasagna or healthy versions of girl scout cookies!

  3. christy says:

    Looking forward to trying out a quest bar. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to find a way to make oreos & peppermint patties healthier! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Odette says:

    When I tried to eat this quest bar just the way it was, I had to wait until I got home, so I could microwave it. It’s so hard to bite into! Does no one else feel this way? I have this issue with most high protein bars.

  5. Carina Heegaard says:

    I really love a good brownie with icecream and strawberries – so a healthy (or more healthy at least) brownie recipe would be so awesome!!

  6. Inesa says:


  7. Inesa says:

    Maybe healthy bread,sweet pie,lasagna and the final is healthy croissants ;p

  8. Minah says:

    Omgosh, this makes me so hungry. T.T Looks so goooddddd~ Anyway, healthify shepherd’s pie Cassey! My family loves shepherd pie so a healthy version would be great! Keep doing what you do! Loves <3

  9. Alexandra says:

    Healthy cinnamon rolls would be awesome! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. LiAnn says:

    Oh oh I really love cheesecakeeeeee!!!!! I mean I can eat the whole cake by my self. What about making quest bar crust cheesecake with like Greek yogurt filling??

  11. Cathryn says:

    You should totally try to healthify brownies! I’ve tried “healthy” brownie recipes before, but none of them turned out to be very tasty, so my fiance and I end up just making box mix brownies. He wants brownies tomorrow, and I’m going to be sad making them, knowing I can’t eat them with him because I’m trying to eat healthier. ๐Ÿ™

    Also… Just throwing some ideas out there… lasagna, hot dogs, ice cream sundae(or something like it), chili, cinnamon rolls, milkshakes(if that’s possible), and maybe veggie sushi?

    Aaaaaand…. I know not everyone here is a drinker… But what about a low calorie cocktail?

  12. Rosa @HHR says:

    I’d love to try this! I like the idea of protein bar recipes–I subbed to the Quest instagram to get more ideas, but I’d definitely love to keep seeing them.

    Also, did you have a french toast one? or bread pudding?

  13. Karen says:

    Anything pastry- related would be DIVINE! I’m a sucker for sweets ๐Ÿ˜›

  14. Jordan says:

    bahhh how exciting!!! I am OBSESSED with quest bars! I would love to see a healthified pumpkin bread that actually has the texture of bread! not sure if that’s even possible ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Amandakiki says:


    Omg that is for die for!!!!!!!

  16. Amandakiki says:

    Kit Kat

  17. Amandakiki says:

    Can you heathify a cameo,achips ahoy,fried chicken,a chicken nugget,a fortune cookie,hot dog,hot dog bread,lasรฑa???????

    Hope win, really need to eat healthier!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Sally says:

    That’s a great recipe Cassey! My current favourite quest bar is their apple cinnamon one as well since i’m a huge apple pie fan ๐Ÿ˜€ i would love to see you healthify apple pie! Thank you Cassey!!

  19. Jess says:

    I would be eternally grateful if you healthified sushi ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Ant Castro says:

    Want quest bars in Brazil :'(
    Healthy nachos with some sort of dipping souce would be GREAT

  21. Ant Castro says:

    Healthy french toast! so yummy

  22. Gigi says:

    Hi Casey,
    The churros look seriously mouthwatering!
    It would be awesome if you could healthify buffalo chicken, those large cookie cakes, macaroons (maybe coconut? :), high protein granola, or Mac and cheese. I’ve tried to healthify them myself, but it is a little difficult, but I’m not as skilled as you!


    1. Gigi says:

      Whoops, *Cassey

  23. Ernests says:

    Relly great recepie, will try it right away ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks

  24. Tessi says:

    I absolutely NEED a healthy recipe for oreos!!! That would make my day! :))

  25. Alesha says:

    The churros look absolutely amazing! Too bad the giveaway has already been closed! But I would say to healthify smores!

    Check out my blog:

  26. Lo says:

    Banana bread similar to the yummy one from Starbucks is also something ! would LOVE to have a healthy, lower calorie recipe for!

  27. Lo says:

    I would love to see you “healthify” tiramisu! ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Samantha says:

    You should totally try to make a healthy cake! Cake is everyone’s cheat food sometimes and OH MY POP it would be so amazing if there was such thing as healthy cake!

  29. Emma Wu says:

    I would love an healthy pie. Any pie would do, pumpkin, chocolate, apple! The possibilities are endless! I’m getting hungry thinking about it…I think I’m gonna go grab some pie now ;P

    P.S. Sushi would do fine as well ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Emma Wu says:

      Or the Trader Joes Cookie Butter…. OMG I tried it today and it was to die for!!!

  30. Katherine says:

    I JUST discovered your blog and I am so excited! This churros recipes looks absolutely delicious. I can’t wait to try it.

  31. Kristina says:

    Yum! I’ve never even had a Quest Bar and everyone talks about how good they are! It’d be great to see lemon bars made healthy! Thanks!

  32. Molly says:

    It would be awesome if you could make healthy Snickers ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Adriana Carolina says:


  34. Waylen says:

    I would love a homemade recipe for the ultimate nutritious, power energy bar, something to get you through a nice, long workout ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. Waylen says:

    Hi Cassey,
    A healthy peanut butter cup would be amazing! And a mousse! Yum ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Waylen says:

    I would love a healthified version of Mochi green tea ice cream! It’s my ultimate favorite but wish it had more nutritious elements to it ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Olivia says:

    Oh my goodness I would LOVE to win this giveaway! Quest Bars are the best.

  38. Manon says:

    Healthy bread ! ๐Ÿ™‚ Or

  39. Miss Myzaree says:

    Who are our lucky winners?

  40. Natalie says:

    A healthy cake or pastry would be oh so delicious! (:

  41. Annette says:

    I would really love to see you healthify cinnamon rolls!
    My whole family loves them so much but unfortunately it seems really hard to come up with a clean, uncomplicated recipe that can compete with the unhealthy version

  42. michee says:

    i wish you could make all the dessert healthy, yum!
    I feel like this is kind of a silly question but I wanted to know when should I be eating these protein bars? after a work out? or as a snack? (although i feel as if it would be too much as a snack)
    Anywho, thanks for all the lovely recipes and exercise videos!

  43. Annie says:

    Please do a healthy lemon pie! <3 It could be awesome!

  44. Gretchen says:

    I love that you’re working with Quest bars because they’re delicious and good for you!!! I’d love to see you healthify brownies and blueberry muffins!! I’m always craving a sweet snack like that for dessert but haven’t found a clean alternative!!!

  45. Tiffany says:

    Would love to see healthy salmon pesto recipes or more seafood recipes! ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Julie Tran says:

    Healthy cinnamon buns! I love eat the ones at Cinnabon but they’re all so high in fat and sugar I feel guilty everytime I eat them ๐Ÿ™

  47. Maja says:

    I would love to see you healthfy brownies!

    I’ve tried it a million times, but it ends up tasting burned banana and that’s not really what I want…. I’ve also tried with oats, which worked out pretty great, but I had to add some sweetner and the brownies didn’t taste brownies.

  48. Ant Castro says:

    Healthy ice cream sandwich <3

  49. Ant Castro says:

    Healthify doughnuts!!!! They’re the villains of my clean eating diet
    Ps: oh, how much I’ve missed your cooking videos

  50. Elaine says:

    Hey Cassey! It would be so great if you could make a healthy flan recipe!

  51. Awww so sad I missed the giveaway!! And with that aside, I think it’s awesome that you look at those partnerships like RELATIONSHIPS! It’s inspiring to know that there are genuine people who truly want to bless and help others. Sure, you’re getting paid for time but time is precious and this IS YOUR JOB after all….but being transparent with others is what sets one apart from the crowd. Keep rockin’ girlie!

  52. Emalee says:

    Aww, you are so sweet Cassey! I love that you are doing this giveaway! I’ve never tried quest bars before, but they look amazing! I would love to see you “healthify” brownies!

  53. Lilly says:

    I would love a recipe for banana bread, or blueberry muffins! I love banana bread, but a lot of the clean recipes out there are just so complicated…

  54. Diana says:

    Hi Cassey! ๐Ÿ™‚ Could you make an healthy version of oreos?

  55. sydnie says:

    Maybe you can make Something with sweet potatoes or yams ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. sydnie says:

    Nachos or fourth of july food like burgers and hotdogs!

  57. sydnie says:

    Quesadillas !

  58. sydnie says:

    Could you do more quick easy dorm microwave recipes?

  59. DMK says:

    Scratch that- now I listened ๐Ÿ™‚ with spring coming up, it would be awesome to have a subsititute for strawberry rhubarb crisp!!!

  60. sydnie says:

    Zuchinni bread, tea bread, banana bread, molasses bread. They taste so good but the sugar content is high

  61. DMK says:

    Oh my gosh do I have a good one for you! I was just thinking I would LOVE to have my mom’s stuffed hot dogs but frowned upon the idea as I am still on the 12 week challenge (yay for staying strong!)

    STUFFED HOT DOGS = my mom’s recipe basically consist of a hot dog split open, with mashed potatoes scooped into the middle with cheese on top… and then baked in a baking dish with bush beans!! Oh man, just a wonderful, family traditional, yolo meal that I would love to eat without the guilt- help!

  62. Maria Saldanha says:

    chocolate muffin

  63. Gillian SanFilippo says:

    Maybe clean brownies! Like black bean brownies!

  64. Gillian SanFilippo says:

    A healthy pita bread of some sort would be really cool!

  65. Rosie says:

    Healthy strawberry shortcake!

  66. Rosie says:

    Healthy pound cake with a healthy frosting recipe

  67. Rosie says:

    Healthy macaroons!

  68. Rosie says:

    I would love to see healthy fudge!

  69. sydnie says:

    Thai curry or any curry !

  70. Rosie says:

    Healthy chocolate chip cookies!

  71. Rosie says:

    Healthy apple pie, maybe? My family makes a great apple pie but it has SO MUCH SUGAR in it.

  72. sydnie says:

    Greek dolmathes, grape leaves with rice

  73. Rosie says:

    How about healthy chocolate cupcakes?

  74. sydnie says:

    Cinnamon rolls and breakfast bars

  75. Rosie says:

    What about brownies? That way, we can make brownies a la mode with your banana ice cream! Yum!

  76. sydnie says:

    More smoothies or shakes please

  77. sydnie says:

    Cozy bread pudding. So warm !!

  78. sydnie says:

    Ice cream! Maybe with tofu

  79. Ecclesia says:

    Please healthify a chocolate brownie :’) and anything else chocolatey and delishh! Gotta have those endorphins ๐Ÿ™‚

  80. Manasa says:

    So much fun to make it @ home!
    Quest bars are the single protein bars I love – in the whole time that I tried different bars! LOVE IT!!
    Would love for you to make some more quick and healthy desserts!! and new ways to make/eat veggies ๐Ÿ™‚

  81. Esther says:

    You should do a recipe with sweet potatoes, especially korean sweet potatoes bc they are so sweet but SO HEALTHY!

  82. Zuzanna says:

    Oh and I wish I won this bars. I’ve never tasted it, and they are not available in my country..

  83. Tricia says:

    I would love more smoothie recipes. Maybe a smoothie that has the recommended daily allowance of veggies! I don’t really like veggies, so I would like a yummy to drink in one sitting to get it out of the way! ๐Ÿ™‚

  84. Emilia says:

    Please healthify lasagna or caramel slice!

  85. Sarah West says:

    Would love to see healthy cupcakes!!

  86. JCoon says:

    Omg this looks so yummy!!!!! *heaven*

    iI owuwould love something ‘cupcake’. Like vanilla cupcake or chocolate cupcake –cakey!!

  87. Karla says:

    I would like to see coffee cake get healthyfied

  88. steph says:

    hey cassey! could you healthify rainbow cakes please?(: they’re so pretty, but all that artificial colouring D:

  89. sydnie says:

    How about healthy turkey stuffing

  90. sydnie says:

    Strawberry rhubarb crumble. Bean salad recipezls

  91. sydnie says:

    Mochi or cake pops

  92. Cassandra says:

    Okay, so I would really like for you to make a healthy “semla”. It’s a Swedish delicacy that everyone here at home is eating at right now, but I can’t eat it and it’s like my favorite thing to eat. But it is really STUFFED with bad fat and sugars, so it would really be nice to see it in it’s healthy form! ๐Ÿ˜‰ And also, could you please make a workout video for your chest or maybe a stretching video for your posture, because I have a tendency to have a crooked back, so I’m leaning to the right every time. That would be really awesome!

  93. Annika says:

    I’d really love to see how you healthify cup cakes โ™ฅ always love your cheap clean eats!

  94. Sofia says:

    Hi Cassey!
    I don’t even have to think twice before saying brownies! I love chocolate, and brownies are one thing I would love to healthify! ๐Ÿ™‚

  95. Laura says:

    Great post! Can you ‘healthify’ a pizza or cheesecake would be ace please! ๐Ÿ™‚ #nomnom!!!

  96. Zuzanna says:

    Oh I would love to eat healthy crumble, or apple pie! I love apples raw, but warm cinamonny- cake’y taste..
    Without bad fats, and sugar would be heaven..
    I saw video and you are so funny, and you look great! Love- Zuzanna

  97. Gabrielle says:

    My name is Gabrielle and I love reading this blog! I am passionate about fitness and enjoy getting tips from this blog.

    Could you please follow my fitness blog or give me tips for making it better?
    My blog is http://secretshealthylifestyle.blogspot.com/

  98. Stephanie cook says:

    how about healthy savoury biscuits ?

  99. sydnie says:

    Pie pops or mini pies

  100. sydnie says:

    Dumplings !

  101. Eline says:

    What if you healthify the Dutch STROOPWAFEL?
    You MUST have heard about that! So crunchy and delicious, but unfortunately also fattening!

    I dislike that I can’t buy Quest bars in the Netherlands! And shipping is sooo expensive! ๐Ÿ™

  102. Sara J says:

    Healthier carrot cake would be awesome too. I know it has carrots in there, but come on, it’s not really healthy, it’s just pretending to be.

  103. Sara J says:

    a healthier red velvet cake or cup cake.

  104. Sara J says:

    Monkey bread healthified!

  105. Cassie says:

    I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy want to try Quest bars so badly!!! Please healtify cinnamon rolls!!!

  106. harriet says:

    soooooo healthify hash browns pleaseeeee

  107. Trudi hardwick says:

    Lemon drizzle cake? That would great to eat if you healthify it! Thanks cassey!!:)

  108. Emmy :D says:

    Could you please make healthy apple pie. Apple pie is my favorite pie and we make it by using sugar, oats, butter and apples. Tank you Cassey

  109. Stargirl says:

    Oh god healthy pizza. I adore ooey gooey cheesy pizza.

  110. Stargirl says:

    Healthy brownies! I love brownies but on my god the sugar

  111. sydnie says:

    Scones and croissants sound nice

  112. sydnie says:

    Tuna salad or egg salad!

  113. Kim says:

    Healthy lasagna would be a nice choice. For a snack, healthier brownies! Thanks for this giveaway – Quest bars would be a terrific prize!

  114. Victoria says:

    Either a healthy PB&J or Grilled Cheese! Comfort foods!!

  115. Alice says:

    The churros look great!
    I personally would love a healty version of croissants, maybe with a nice twist like apple pie or something like that! Or a healthy cinnamon bun for one, I love single serving recipes and I know you are the best ๐Ÿ˜‰

  116. Jess says:

    healthy popsicles for the summer ๐Ÿ™‚ some with avacado….some with fruit…..some with chocolate ๐Ÿ˜›

  117. Jess says:

    I’d love to see a healthified apple pie!

  118. Karen says:

    Chocolate chip cookie dough Truffles!!!

  119. Karen says:

    peanut butter and jelly sandwich!!!!!!

  120. Karen says:

    OMG a chocolate lava cake would be the best!

  121. Jessica says:

    Chocolate chip cookie dough but the creamy kind (I know I could just get the quest bar flavour too)

  122. Karen says:

    Healthy Brownies would be amazing!

  123. Karen says:

    Scones will be incredible!!

  124. rosalia says:

    omg were we supposed to.comment here???? Ive been commenting on the facebook post! ๐Ÿ™

  125. Karly says:

    How about a quest oreo? Made by the cookies and cream quest bar and you can put greek yogurt mixed in with protein powdwer in the middle. YUM! ๐Ÿ™‚

  126. Alexandra says:

    healthy cinnamon rolls ? that would be awesome ! <3

  127. Brianna Z. says:

    I would love to be able to have healthy macaroons

  128. Christin says:

    healthy browniiiiies ๐Ÿ˜€
    or something with peanutbuter .. a cake ? ๐Ÿ˜€

  129. Saskia says:

    I don’t know if my comment from yesterday evening was uploaded, so I’m just commenting again ๐Ÿ˜€ I’d like you to healthify croissants or something similar to the McMuffin ๐Ÿ™‚

  130. Rachel says:

    A healthy, nutritious protein bread to accompany soups or scrambled eggs would be fab

  131. Rachel says:

    Some form of healthified gummy-textured sweet would be awesome – pick n mix sweets are a true weakness of mine, a recipe for something with a similar texture and ease to vary flavours would be awesome!

  132. Sinia says:

    Hey Cassey, could you make healthy cake pops?
    My best friend is quite overweight and has several health problems, and she also loves cake pops. I really would love to make her something like this for her birthday, to show her that she can have healthy, yet delicious and fun food ๐Ÿ™‚

    (Love the churros btw)

  133. Wendy says:

    Cinnamon pastries! (any or all of them) they are my standard weekend cheat treat, so yummy but so many calories and most from fat : ( When I crave them any other time, I make apple slices with cinnamon and a vanilla quark dip instead, it’s also very good.

  134. Saskia says:

    Hey Cassey! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love you to healthify croissants or create something similar to the McMuffin. I don’t eat that often, but I always really enjoy it ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you so much for this giveaway as a lot of us cannot buy Quest in their countries.

  135. Valerie says:

    Healthy milkshake!

  136. Julia says:

    some healthy fudge or caramel! I just crave them the whole time

  137. Annie says:

    I want a recepie on granola! So yummie with greek yogurt!

  138. Annie says:

    Plz make some whoopies! So cute and delicious! <3

  139. Annie says:

    I love to the healthy macarons! <3

  140. Josephine says:

    chicken nuggets

  141. Gloria says:

    Could you healthify lemon meringue pie? its so delicious, but the one i buy is so sugary!

  142. Gloria says:

    Could you healthify Baklava, the turkish honey dessert? ๐Ÿ™‚

  143. Tilda says:

    Healthy appelpie!!!:)

  144. Ramona says:

    I love love chocolate… Chocolate brownie sundae!

  145. Annie says:

    Some sort of scones! <3

  146. Anna-Kaisa says:

    I would love some blondies/brownies or some dumplings/gyoza!

    Quest bars look so amazing, I’ve been so close to ordering them online but then got cold feet- I’m horrible when it comes to online shopping ๐Ÿ˜€

  147. Annie says:

    How to make healthy hot chocolate e! <3

  148. Annie says:

    Healthy frappes! <3

  149. Anna-Kaisa says:

    Healthy dumplings/gyoza! ๐Ÿ™‚

  150. Annie says:

    Healthy chocolate chip cookies! Yummie! <3

  151. sydnie says:

    Vietnamese che, sweet bean dessert

  152. sydnie says:

    Paninis, lasagnas, pizzas

  153. Lex says:


  154. Krystal says:

    Try healthifying tater tots! ๐Ÿ˜€

  155. Annie says:

    Would love to see a healthy apple pie! <3

  156. Valerie says:

    And you should try brownies!

  157. Valerie says:

    Or lemon cupcakes

  158. Valerie says:

    Try healthy apple chips!

  159. Krystal says:

    Try healthifying lemon squares! ๐Ÿ˜€

  160. Krystal says:

    You could try healthifying danishes! ๐Ÿ˜€

  161. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! Maybe you could try healthifying chicken/beef teriyaki! ๐Ÿ˜€

  162. Josephine says:

    Blueberry scones!?!? I love the ones from Starbucks but they are very sugary and pricey haha

  163. Josephine says:

    cinnamon streusel cake?? please please please healthify that. It’s one of my fave desserts

  164. Josephine says:

    Healthy enchiladas! ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t think you’ve done those

  165. hilary says:

    Healthy french onion soup!! my favourite soup ๐Ÿ˜€

  166. Sara J says:

    I would love to see healthified coconut cake or banana cream pie!

  167. Tricia says:

    I’d love to see some healthy soups and stews!

  168. Linda says:

    Cheesecake quest bar!

  169. Miss Myzaree says:

    Do alot of you popsters use egg beaters?

  170. Cat says:

    I know creamy sauces are totally unhealthy but I LOVE alfredo sauce on my pasta! Can you healthify a creamy pasta??

  171. Dixie Daisy says:

    Please healthify Gumbo.
    It needs to be healthified.
    So good!

  172. Alexandra says:

    Healthy Cocoa!
    It’s doable using stevia, unsweetened cocoa powder and almond milk, but getting the ratio just right can be challenging!

    A paleo matcha cake (Gluten free!!!) would be AMAZING as well!

  173. Cat says:

    I would love to see you healthify hamburgers!! My boyfriend loves bacon on his burgers but we’re trying to watch our weight!! Is there anything that can be a healthy substitute so that he can’t tell the difference?

  174. Joy says:

    It would also be cool if you can healthify Cannoli, apple crisp, strawberry shortcake, or maybe soup for chilly days.

  175. Joy says:

    The video made my mouth water !!!! ๐Ÿ˜› Cassey, can you try to healthify fruit tarts? — You know… the one with the custard cream. : ))

  176. Jess says:

    There are sooo many things I would love to see healthified! On the top of my list is probably classic chinese food dishes though, how do you make healthy general tso or sweet and sour chicken? With some fried rice and veggies? Mmmmm. I also really want to make these churros but living in Canada they don’t sell them anywhere! I would love to get some from Cassey ๐Ÿ™‚

  177. Cat says:

    I just watched your video!! This would be amazing to eat!! Thanks for always thinking about us!

  178. Miss Myzaree says:

    I know, Trade Joe’s have cookie butter, that would be killer healthified!

  179. Ashley says:


    Please healthify cupcakes! They are my weakness!

  180. Angela Nguyen says:

    or maybe stuffed quest cookies, quest calzones, quest crumb cakes, or quest easter bunnies/eggs/anything easter day related? ๐Ÿ™‚

  181. Angela Nguyen says:

    how about giving a “quest jelly donut” a try? ๐Ÿ™‚

  182. Angela Nguyen says:

    I never tried a quest bar before… so it would be an interesting experience to try one someday!
    I think an experiment on making turnovers (Eg: apple turnovers) would be awesome. i love them!

  183. Sophie Park says:

    Healthy Asian style street food! Hoddeok (Sweet syrupy korean filled pancake goodness), those delicious Chinese pork buns or bean buns (like the ones at the TNT asian markets) AND OMG YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT JAPANESE CHEESECAKE and it would be amazing if you managed to healthify it because it’s foreign and I personally think it’s better than the American cheesecake (fluffier, smooth, creamy texture), healthy spicy chicken or meat glaze with Sriahcha (or make Mapo Tofu)!!!! That would be cool if you made healthy dorayaki japanese pancakes with Bananas and used a healthier filling or Indian Samousa! I would Love to see foreign recipes made by you because it’s actually really hard to find super healthy authentic Asian food on the internet because they don’t use the north american groceries.

    If you healthified these, you could introduce people to a new variety of delicious foreign food and it’d be unique and you rarely see healthy foreign foods and you usually see 100s of healthy American food.

  184. Laura says:

    Cassey, you should experiment with making brownie!!

  185. Laura says:

    Cass! try molten chocolate cupcakes!! yummm

  186. Laura says:

    Healthy butterfly cakes??? coz those are yummy!!!

  187. Laura says:

    You should try healthify Angel Food-it does have lots of egg white <3

  188. Miss Myzaree says:

    Super Duper Excited to See Who Wins

  189. Laura says:

    Cassey, maybe you should try make Gingerbread healthy!

  190. jay says:

    can u do more healthy things with dark chocolate / raw cacao? i know u don’t like/eat it but damn most of us on the facebook site and every woman i work with just cannot do without chocolate!

  191. Laura says:

    Cassey, you should make healthy choc truffles….with like avocado and cocoa or something!

  192. Emma says:

    I would love for you to healthify macaroons. 1 batch of 20 macaroons has nearly 2 cups of sugar! That are my favourite dessert/treat and I would love if there was a way to make them healthier, without a compromise on the taste. Thanks Cassey.

  193. Laura says:

    Maybe you should try make a healthy coffee cake??? x

  194. Laura says:

    Hey cassey? maybe you should try make healthy cannelloni!

  195. Laura says:

    you should try make some healthy pasta dishes?? coz that’d be yum!

  196. Laura says:

    hey Cassey,maybe you could healthify scones?? or cupcakes???

  197. Kelsie says:

    I absolutely love things that involve cinnamon! It is just so warm and comforting to eat! I’m really excited to try this healthy quest bar recipe because I think apples and cinnamon are a match made in heaven. So, I was wondering if you could try to healthify cinnamon buns with the amazingly gooey glaze on top. What an amazing breakfast this could be without the guilt!

  198. Lily says:

    You should healthify peanut butter cup ice cream – one of my YOLO obsessions! Also, what about some yummy healthy cinnamon buns?

  199. Clare says:

    Mmmm…apple pie I think is my favourite quest flavour!! (sorry I’m english so I’m using the correct spelling for me!) I was wondering if you could use quest as some kind of pastry/pie crust replacement at some point? They seem to do the same thing when baked as a shortcrust pastry, but Im not sure what you could use as filling? Just an idea! Lots of peace, love and rubber ducks!
    P.S Just thought as a filling greek yogurt flavoured with something a bit different like almonds and honey, then it would be like a frangipane!

  200. Sophie Park says:

    Healthy ginger beef, sesame balls, homemade cereal, maybe rice cakes too (dango, or those korean filled goodness), croissants, dim sum, authetic tasting asian curry or Indian!!! Homemade chocolate, fried chicken, cabbage rolls, desserts like tiramisu! Oh yeah healthy japanese cutlet with a healthier sauce! You should try healthifying a spicy dish but the ones I would REALLY like to see are some “foreign” dishes and that would be awesome if you made a really healthy version of sesame balls because they delicious but too bad they have to be fried T_T

  201. Sylvia P says:

    Another healthy request I have is bread pudding.

  202. Sylvia P says:

    Just to clarify when I suggested churros the other day, I meant churros made with regular dough!

  203. Carolyn says:

    What about a healthy pecan pie?? They normally have so much sugar!!

  204. Miss Myzaree says:

    I would like more thai recipes!

  205. taylor says:

    Healthy doughnuts!

  206. Carolyn says:

    Healthy cake pops would be amazinggg ๐Ÿ™‚

  207. Paige says:

    I’ve always wanted to try Quest bars!!! Please try to make healthy cheesecake! ๐Ÿ™‚

  208. Rebecca Hampton says:

    This recipe looks lovely, and I absolutely LOVE your dress in this video!

    I would like to see you health-ify tacos and cheesecake!

  209. Shana Gorslene says:

    Something to make chicken more delicious! Like an awesome glaze!!!!!!!!!!

  210. Joanna says:

    It would be really neat if you could do a tomato soup or clam chowder(:

  211. Joanna says:

    Jello!! (:

  212. Marilyn M. says:

    I would like to see a healthified milkshake. On a sidenote, I miss your Cheap Clean Eats videos, especially the part when you taste the finished product!

  213. Hareem says:

    I tried five quest bars so far they were sooo good, but I never got a chance to try more since they’re so darn expensive and I’ll have to go to a GNC. I know I’m late for the giveaway, but still I love Quest and Cassey

  214. Maria luisa andreev says:

    Those churros look awesome!!! I would love to see healthy sushi!

  215. Irene says:

    Ill love to try Quest Bars and I really want to try this recipe, but I cant afford Quest Bars and find locations since Im a student D: This giveaway will give me an opportunity to make this recipe and finally try Quest Bars!! I hope I win, thank you Cassey <3

  216. Sarah says:

    Pretty please make lemon meringue pie! It is killer tasty! =D

  217. Miss Myzaree says:

    Blogilates should get together a group of popsters and have a healthy clean cook off!

  218. Karen says:

    I love quest bars my favorite is the cinnamon roll. I would love to see any recipes you could make using the cinnamon bars. I find them great to take on vacation for a healthy clean treat although they are a but addictive so yummy lol.

  219. Missy Meaux says:

    The churro recipe sounds delicious and I can’t wait to try it!!! Your #cheatclean videos are spectacular!!

  220. Marilyn M. says:

    I would like to see you make the healthy form of spaghetti, ravioli, or lasagna. That would be really cool.

  221. Allison says:

    Chocolate-fudge mousse!! YUM.

  222. Nancy says:

    Can you healthify apple pie? or cheesecake? <– that would be awesome!

  223. Lisa says:

    Love the recipe! Would love to see a healthy st. Patty’s day dessert since it’s coming up.

  224. Cassie says:

    I’ve always wanted to try Quest bars, but they’re expensive ๐Ÿ™ can u healthify apple pie, cinnamon rolls or dessert banana spring rolls?

  225. Marilyn M. says:

    Even though I don’t think it’s possible, could you make a healthy form of ramen noodles? Just a weird thought.

  226. Marilyn M. says:

    Dear Cassey and POPsters,

    This is unrelated to the post, but I was wondering if you guys could share some easy ways to de-stress, since being healthy and strong does not only apply to the body, but also the mind. It’s so easy to be a worrywart these days, and that really takes a toll on my body. My muscles have tensed up so much because of the stress. I think the necessity to de-stress is something that everyone can relate to.

    Thanks in advance to those who reply!

  227. Tabi says:

    Healthy french toast!

  228. Marilyn M. says:

    I have never had a Quest bar, but I was wondering if the bars actually are good for you, since they are still processed foods. But the way you make it looks really good, I have to say.

  229. Melissa says:

    a boston cream pie would be good!

  230. Tiffany W says:

    Cream Puffs!! That’d be AWESOME

  231. Melissa says:

    I love Quest Bars!

  232. Miss Myzaree says:

    I think I have died and gone to heaven with this oreo protein bar.

  233. Kim says:

    S’mores please!

  234. Jade says:

    Would like to see healthified s’mores and chocolate chip cookie milk shots! If you don’t know what that is –> http://www.seventeen.com/entertainment/reviews/chocolate-chip-cookie-milk-shot?src=spr_FBPAGE&spr_id=1442_47155659

  235. Natasha says:

    I loved this recipe! I’ll definitely be trying it soon ๐Ÿ™‚ I would love to see healthified s’mores!

  236. Ariana says:

    Oreo cheesecake! That would be absolutely wonderful. *__*

  237. Melanie says:

    Personally, I’d love ANY RECIPE!! I love all the healthy recipes and trying them out.

    My favorite of all time has been the banana pancakes that I pair with strawberries and blueberries. My boyfriend loves them too ๐Ÿ™‚

    Cassie and POPsters, I hope maybe you read this but it would be great if you could share your tips for avoiding junk food. I know we’re allowed a YOLO meal each week. I’m a student with a part time and then the rest of my time is devoted to working out (which is awesome, don’t get me wrong). However, said boyfriend and I barely have time to cook and it usually resorts to getting take out. I try to always get something from “healthy-ish” places. The healthiest I can probably get is Pollo Tropical (a Carribean restaurant in Florida where it’s grilled chicken, rice and beans). I’m putting in all this effort into working out but I can’t “show it in the kitchen” it makes me feel sad. Although I’m still seeing progress!

    Note: I’m not eating McDonalds or anything like that. It’s mostly Pollo Tropical, grilled chicken from Chili’s (located in my university’s campus), more Pollo and half of a Publix sub. I’m not having one YOLO meal a week, it’s more like 4.. Maybe I should start preparing meals in the morning (we have access to a microwave and fridge in school). Any tips guys?

  238. Kris says:

    this is cray cray goooood looking yummies

  239. Anna-Kaisa says:

    It is 3am. And this is the 4th comment after I said I needed to stop commenting! I have a feeling that my current feelings of hunger are driving me to win those bars! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Healthy pavlova/meringue? No idea if that is possible, it’s alllllll sugar!

    OMG! My brain just came up with the most epic thing that must be healthified… DUMPLINGS, or japanese gyoza… they are soo good! But so much white flour :/

    1. Anna-Kaisa says:

      ‘my brain…’ I’m obviously way way way over tired. ๐Ÿ˜€

  240. Rose says:

    Cookies and Cream shake or ice cream!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  241. Allison says:

    Cassey, my roommate and I recently tried these chickpea blondies, they’re healthy and amazing. 120 calories per serving, but they tastes like Reeses ๐Ÿ™‚


  242. Allison says:

    Healthy Cinnamon toast crunch! Oooo healthy Nutter Butters!! Healthy Carrot Cake?

    1. Allison says:

      *Healthy Carrot Cake!!!

  243. Eileen says:

    Hi Cassey! After winter I’m so excited for it to get warmer outside which means of course that I am going to be having ice cream as yolo treats. My favorite is dairy queen’s Oreo blizzard!! Those are to die for! Can you use your super awesome creativity to healthify my most favorite ice cream ever!! Thanks so much <3

  244. Megan Hantz says:

    healthy no-bake cookie dough! I used to eat cookie dough straight from the roll..I’m not proud. It’s just too good!

  245. Megan Hantz says:

    healthy carrot cake! with the cream cheese icing of courseโ€ฆit’s the most important part!

  246. Anna-Kaisa says:

    Hey Cassey, guess what?! It’s our 1 year anniversary this month! ๐Ÿ™‚ Yup, exactly one year ago I started the #MarchMakeover calendar and have done every calendar since! Thank you so much for changing my life!! Even though I’ve never met you, I can honestly say I love you <3

    Oh, and you should healthify some scones! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Anna-Kaisa says:

      and then I see a link to some ‘Oatmeal Whole Wheat Quick Bread’ with jam and apple sauce… you’ve just already done everything, haven’t you?! ๐Ÿ˜€

      In that case, I would love some cheap clean versions of some Asian food! Your vegan summer rolls have become a staple meal for me and my boyfriend, so more of those! ๐Ÿ™‚

  247. Megan Hantz says:

    healthy banana french toast would be delicious!

    1. Anna-Kaisa says:

      what is banana french toast O_o haha ๐Ÿ˜€ i love french toast, and bananas so that sounds amazing ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Megan Hantz says:

        haha I’m not sure!! I was thinking it could involve broiled bananas on top of cinnamon french toast ๐Ÿ™‚

  248. Carrie says:

    I know you mostly don’t do a lot of pasta, but I would love to see good alternatives to pasta and some sauce either marinera or alfredo. Thanks Cassey! I love all your videos!!

  249. Megan Hantz says:

    Another great dessert idea — healthy smore’s pie!

  250. Megan Hantz says:

    Let’s seeโ€ฆI think a healthy whoopee pie made with Quest bars would be delicious!! plus the name of the dessert is just so fun!

  251. Erika says:

    I’ve never had the quest bars but they look yummy! Thank you Cassey for helping us get in shape!

  252. Gabby DeVito says:

    I would love to see a recipe with the Cookies and Cream or Double Chocolate Chunk used to make some sort of cake or pastry for holidays/birthdays!! I literally eat multiple Quest Bars daily and have yet to try the Apple Pie flavor!

  253. Nicole says:

    I would absolutely LOVE IT if you healthified fudge brownies!! I know you don’t like chocolate, but do it for us POPsters!! Love you, Cassey!!

  254. Erika says:

    Mmm some healthy pie recipes! I don’t know how that could happen but this made me want apple pie!

  255. Megan Hantz says:

    I LOVE Quest bars, but I haven’t gotten the chance to try the apple pie one yet!! It sounds amazing. You should make a healthy apple crumble using the Quest bar :O That would be epic. With some of your healthy banana ice cream on top!!!

  256. Erika says:

    I would love to have some healthy takes on Asian foods as well ๐Ÿ™‚

  257. Erika says:

    Healthy snacks for when it’s the time of the month because I definitely get cravings ๐Ÿ™‚

  258. Erika says:

    Healthy desserts, the series! Ahh that would be so amazing!

  259. Erika says:

    I would love to see a healthy enchilada or healthy tacos ๐Ÿ™‚

  260. Megan Hantz says:

    Hey Cassey!! I have a HUGE sugar addictionโ€ฆit’s kid of a problem. So any recipe that can satisfy your sweet tooth without breaking the clean eating lifestyle would be great!! My favorite right now is a broiled chocolate chip cookie dough quest bar with a ‘cream cheese’ icing (it’s made with cottage cheese and vanilla protein powder). It would be awesome if you made a healthy version of strawberry shortcake –it’s a classic ๐Ÿ™‚

  261. Anna-Kaisa says:

    Omg, ok I have to go to sleep and stop commenting now! Fingers crossed for some quest bars.. better yet, maybe I’ll cross my legs and arms and do some eagle crunches for good luck, haha ๐Ÿ˜€

    Ok, goodnight! And oh yeah, healthy tiramisu or apple pie a la mode would be amazing ๐Ÿ™‚

  262. Anna-Kaisa says:

    My boyfriend is mocking me for writing so intensely on my computer, “are you still writing comments?!” haha ๐Ÿ˜€

    My current top choices are: Tiramisu and cheesecake!
    love you!

  263. Megan Hantz says:

    Healthy truffles made of Quest bars would be amazing! Think of all the possibilities!!

  264. Anna-Kaisa says:

    Low calorie cheesecake, or healthy tiramisu!

    I love your integrity in everything that you do, itโ€™s so inspiring.
    Honestly a part of me wants to eat some Quest bars just to be a little bit more like you! haha, that sounds so fan-girl and silly but just being honest. But for real it seems like a great protein bar, havent seen anything quite like it in Finland!

  265. Hannah says:

    Cake cake cake! I love the idea of a healthier lava cake ๐Ÿ˜€

  266. Anna-Kaisa says:

    HEALTHY TIRAMISU! that would be amazing… OR a Low calorie cheesecake! ( I know you already have a vegan one, but i would love a low cal one!)

  267. Anna-Kaisa says:

    Some healthy versions of Chinese food!

  268. Shana Gorslene says:

    I would LOVE a chance to try quest bars! In the video all I wanted to do was reach in and grab one because they look soooooo yummy!!!!

    I agree with a lava cake recipe! That jut sounds so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  269. Rijaab says:

    Healthy almond joy bars would be the best!!

  270. Shana Gorslene says:

    Anything that involves DARK chocolate! Dark chocolate has a bunch of antioxidants if eaten in moderation and a recipe with it would be AWESOME!!!!

  271. Megan Hantz says:

    Cassey! I am OBSESSED with Quest bars! I love coming up with dessert ideas using them, and watching Cheap Clean Eats to see what ideas you come up with:) They are the perfect sweet tooth killer! I would love to see more Quest bar recipes, like a peanut butter Quest bar lava cake!! I have been following your workout calendar and meal plan as well as adding in recipes from Cooking Clean with Quest when I need a sweet treat, and I am in the best shape of my life! Even if I don’t win the contest, please keep the recipes and workouts coming! ๐Ÿ˜€

  272. Shana Gorslene says:

    I would love to make those yummy quest churros!!!!!!!!!:)

    Maybe something sweet like the churro recipe?!:)

  273. Shana Gorslene says:

    Any recipe that has peanut butter and bananas together! They are a match made in heaven!!!!!:)

  274. Shana Gorslene says:

    Popsicles is an awesome idea! With fresh fruit yummy fruit!!!!:)

  275. Shana Gorslene says:

    Also maybe a gravy too! That’s a really good idea or just some type of homemade sauce that would jazz up your food!:)

  276. Kim says:

    Last post I swear! Reading all of these other posts is making me hungry and I still have a long drive home. How about super healthy popsicles? Itโ€™s getting closer to that season. ๐Ÿ™‚

  277. Juni says:

    Oooo I just thought of another one, macaroons!!! Or OMG SNICKERDOODLES!!! Literally my weakness along with icing covered cookies. I’d flipping love you forever if ya’ll figured out how to make snickerdoodles.

  278. Shana Gorslene says:

    Any recipe with AVOCADO’s would be amazing! I love how versatile they are and they are so nutritious and delicious!!!:)

  279. Kristine Olson says:

    Hey Cassey!

    I love love love this video! I would love to see you healthify some kind of crunchy cracker snack. I am in love with cheez-its and honestly would die for a homemade healthy version!

    Thanks so much :]

  280. Shana Gorslene says:

    A recipe with ZUCCHINIS would be totally delicious because I LOVE them!

  281. Shana Gorslene says:

    Also! A healthy vegetable lasagna would be magnificent!!!!!:)

  282. Shana Gorslene says:

    Cassey, you are so amazing and encouraging unlike other fitness guru’s who just want the money so they’d advertise ANYTHING just to make money! And knowing that you truly care about us and want us to succeed is amazing!:)
    -A nutella like spread thats not as bad at Nutella because Nutella is like chocolate crack!;) lol
    -Pasta that doesn’t require miracle noodles(too expensive for me)
    -Gelato!!!!!!:) mmmmm

    There’s a short list!:)

  283. Hailey says:

    I love reading your blog for inspiration and motivation! Your healthified dessert recipes like the microwave cookies are so good! Would love to see more! ๐Ÿ™‚

  284. Shana Gorslene says:

    I think those quest bars look amazing! They are too expensive for me but would be perfect because I’m allergic to gluten and they are gluten free!:) Any recipe that’s made with quest sounds delicious!!!:)

  285. Aki says:

    Hey Cassey!! Okay this might be overwhelming but I have a big list that I would do anything (burpees included!) to be healthified.
    -cookies n’ cream milkshake (SO GOOD!:D)
    -cake pops
    -nutella (most amazing thing ever)
    -lasagna (love love love with spinach!)
    -WHIPPED CREAM (something soooo good that goes with mostly everything!)
    -ramen noodles
    -CREAM PUFFS (all time fav of mine!)
    -pie (I’ll take ANY, just name it- apple, cherry, blueberry, peach, sweet potato…I just want PIE!:D)
    -onion rings
    -garlic bread (who cares if it smells- I still love it!)
    -French macarons
    -banana split
    -flavored popcorn (like caramel….I LOVE caramel!)
    -pudding (chocolate, vanilla, rice…I love it all)
    -snow cones/ slushies (almost a season away from the heat!:D)
    -cinnamon rolls (love when they’re all warm and it makes the icing melt *faints from thought*)
    -pretzels (Looooovvveeee cinnamon flavored!)
    -cereal (can’t believe I actually miss that…)
    -sushi (I know it’s already under the terms of healthy- but like low-carb sushi…ya know?)
    -pocky sticks (Asian junkfood:D)
    -and last but not least cookies…like any flavor…I just love cookies:)
    I hope this list gives you an idea…it is kinda big…:)

  286. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! You could try healthifying cinnamon rolls! ๐Ÿ˜€

  287. Shana Gorslene says:

    Maybe a homemade stir fry sauce and/or a stir fry recipe to go with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:))))))

  288. Shana Gorslene says:

    Protein brownies, cupcakes, cookies, cake! Literally anything that’s awful and delicious made healthy and delicious!!!:)

  289. Shana Gorslene says:

    Protein cookies sound delicious too! I think anything sweet would be amazing!:)

  290. Shana Gorslene says:

    Curry! Particularly chicken curry! That would be totally delicious!:)

  291. Juni says:

    Healthy cinnamon rolls for sure, I’ve seen the one you have in your recipe list already but it’d be neat to see them done with quest especially since it’d probably save time!!

  292. Shana Gorslene says:

    Also, healthy protein brownies?! That would be so awesome!!!:)

  293. Shana Gorslene says:

    I agree with a healthy simple soup recipe! Soup is my favorite!SO light and delicious!:)

  294. Shana Gorslene says:

    Healthy cinnamon rolls would be too die for!!!!!!!!!!:)

  295. Kim says:

    Maybe create an easy ‘super’ soup recipe? Any Flavour would be awesome! Soup is the best.

  296. Shana Gorslene says:

    Healthy cake pops sound AMAING! Anything sweet!!!!!:)

  297. Aline says:

    What about healthifying some El Salvadorian Pupusas? My fiancรฉ is from there and he’s REAL good at them (mouth watering)

  298. Susana P says:

    OMG YUMM!! I would love see you make healthy brownies, blueberry cheesecake or waffles!!!

  299. sakiya says:


  300. Aline says:

    What about healthifying (I love how that’s not a word but we use it!) vegetable tempura!! I had some today.. sooooo goooood soooo greasy! <3

  301. sakiya says:

    Healthy thai coconut curry!

  302. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! You could try healthifying reese peanut butter cups! ๐Ÿ™‚

  303. sakiya says:

    any kind of after school snacks would be AMAAAAZING like crackers maybe? a wholesome topping for whole grain bread?

  304. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey. I know I’m going on a whim here, but maybe there’s a way to possibly healthify onion rings? Again, I’m just going on a whim here haha ๐Ÿ˜€

  305. Samantha says:

    Cassey, you are such a positive role model and an amazing teacher. How about healthy ravioli or lasagna?

  306. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! Maybe you could try healthifying fudge ๐Ÿ˜€

  307. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! You could try healthifying lemon squares!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  308. Rijaab says:

    Can you somehow healthify fried risotto balls?!? I know, seems impossible to make something that fatty healthy!

  309. Marlena Rozenberg says:

    OMG i know!!! gravy! is there any way to make gravy healthier?

  310. Eileen says:

    Hi Cassey! I love what a great role model you are and how creative you get to make our workouts and clean eating so much fun! I would explode with joy if you could make a healthy version of Panera Bread’s cinnamon crunch bagels!

  311. Julie says:

    You’re so good at what you do that I’m sure you could make protein packed no bake cookies! I love no bake cookies, but they are not the healthiest nor do they provide many nutrients. It would be amazing to see some that wouldn’t make me feel guilty afterwards!

  312. Sigrid says:

    Not sure if I’m on time because of the time difference, but I’ll try because this giveaway is awesome!

    Brownies! Healthy brownies would be so amazing ๐Ÿ™‚

  313. Julie says:

    Healthy cake pops!!! Those are to die for but they have so much sugar! You are amazing and encouraging! Even though I’ve never met you, I feel like you want everyone to succeed!

  314. Marlena Rozenberg says:

    healthy dumplings! savoury and sweet! omwg just thought of good Polish pierogi and I wish it was possible to make them healthy!

  315. Marisa says:

    After a looong day at work and before a blogilates workout this is just what I need!! yummyyy ๐Ÿ˜€

  316. Shawna says:

    Hi again Cassey! I know I already commented, but I wanted to comment again because I had a few extra thoughts. As I was walking through South Station in Boston (what’s up Boston?!?!?) and smelling all of the yummy food kiosk smells I was thinking how awesome it would be to have the following things be “healthified”:

    – hot pretzels with sweet mustard (I’m such a sucker for Auntie Annie’s it’s terrible)
    – chocolate chunk cookie (maybe with dark chocolate)
    – biscuits (I’m southern and love, love, love my biscuits)
    – refreshing clean summer soda beverage (I know it sounds crazy, but I was thinking that something like this would be so fun to have on the beach while relaxing)

    Those ideas aren’t too crazy right?

    Thanks Cassey!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  317. Stephanie says:

    I would love it if you could healthify brownies, burritos, potato related foods (like french fries, potato balls, etc.!), and ramen!

  318. Allison says:

    Burritos, Cinnamon rolls, Snickers bar, lasagna, dumplings, and REESES!!!

  319. Amy says:

    This looks so good and I can’t wait to try it! The only problem is I can’t find Quest bars anywhere! I know they are a great product if you’re putting your name with them! I almost never see you recommend specific brands, forget WORK with them!! This is why I trust your judgment so much!! Thanks for all you do! You are amazing and I have no clue where all your energy comes from!!

    1. Kim says:

      Hey Amy, On the Quest website they have a locate dealer link which allows you to put in your postal code (I think) I used it and found 2 store near me that sell the bars. However, they were REALLY expensive…over 4$ CDN per bar. There really popular out on the West Coast, so I was told.

  320. Inah Block says:

    Id like to see you healthify cinnamon rolls!

  321. Inah Block says:

    Macarons are my weakness.

  322. Madeline Clark says:

    Yum! I’d love to see a healthier mac and cheese recipe! (Is that even possible?!). Or at least something to curb that cheesey craving!

  323. Aki says:

    Hey Cassey!! Okay this might be overwhelming but I have a big list that I would do anything (burpees included!) to be healthified.
    -cookies n’ cream milkshake (SO GOOD!:D)
    -cake pops
    -nutella (most amazing thing ever)
    -lasagna (love love love with spinach!)
    -WHIPPED CREAM (something soooo good that goes with mostly everything!)
    -ramen noodles
    -CREAM PUFFS (all time fav of mine!)
    -pie (I’ll take ANY, just name it- apple, cherry, blueberry, peach, sweet potato…I just want PIE!:D)
    -onion rings
    -garlic bread (who cares if it smells- I still love it!)
    -French macarons
    -banana split
    -flavored popcorn (like caramel….I LOVE caramel!)
    -pudding (chocolate, vanilla, rice…I love it all)
    -snow cones/ slushies (almost a season away from the heat!:D)
    -cereal (can’t believe I actually miss that…)
    -sushi (I know it’s already under the terms of healthy- but like low-carb sushi…ya know?)
    -pocky sticks (Asian junkfood:D)
    -and last but not least cookies…like any flavor…I just love cookies:)
    I hope this list gives you an idea…it is kinda big…:)

  324. Cassie says:

    OMG I so wanna try this!!! Anyways can u healthify apple pie, granola or cinnamon rolls???

  325. Kim says:

    Has anyone tried the Quest Pasta?

  326. Hannah says:

    Hey Cassey!
    I found out about you through hearing Clothesencounters (Jenn Im) mention you on youtube and ever since then you have been my biggest inspiration for clean eating. I actually did my Senior Project about clean eating to inform other kids at my school that healthy, unprocessed foods can be delicious. I now cook clean meals for my sister and working parents almost every day!
    Any ways, I LOVE your recipes, my favorites are the ice cream sandwich and sweet potato fries.
    It would be so cool if you could healthify:
    Samosas (My FAVORITE girl scout cookie!), Thin mints, or Tagalongs since it is girl scout season and those boxes, while yummy, are so expensive and unhealthy!

  327. Erin says:

    Also another idea for healthy no bake cookies with peanut butter and oats, my favorite :]
    Some of the other ingredients like butter and sugar could be substituted also, there’s always replacements!

    I would love to see how to make any of the foods everyone’s suggesting they’re so good!

  328. Kim says:

    If there was a way to make dark chocolate healthier (maybe Cassey can ๐Ÿ™‚ – Dark chocolate and strawberries!

  329. Madalina says:

    Hey Cassey! How about healthier hot dogs? That would be great. Hugs and kisses!

  330. Anna-Kaisa says:

    The quest bars look so interesting! So different from any other protein bars I’ve seen! (the texture looks so delicious!)

    You look so gorgeous in that video! I love the interaction between you and Brett ๐Ÿ™‚ You’re so adorable. I think I’m developing a serious girl crush ๐Ÿ˜€ haha!

    ANYWAYS.. Apple pie a la mode! ๐Ÿ™‚

  331. Kim says:

    We could always try Cherries and Ricotta with toasted almonds – Not sure how healthy that is but fruti and cheese are always good!

  332. Christine J says:

    As with most people on this website, I really appreciate all that you do for us cassey. you go above and beyond for your popsters, fan, and daily but not religious followers like myself lol

  333. Erin says:

    Hey Cassey :]
    I would love to see you make healthy coconut macaroons! ๐Ÿ˜€
    With the coconut cashew Quest Bar!

  334. Christine J says:

    Thanks for all the healthified recipes! I cant wait to try them!

  335. Christine J says:

    OMG Cassey is the other female entrepreneur Chalene Johnson? Because if it is and yall are friend please make a video with her. You guys are both fabulous and It was would SUCH an amazing collaboration.

  336. Madalina says:

    Hey Cassey i love your honesty and enthusiasm in everything you do. How about veganizing some normal dishes mac&cheese or even pancakes???

  337. sydnie says:

    Blueberry coffee cake or any other flavor.

  338. Aki says:

    Hey Cassey I would love to see you healthify lollipops! Is that even possible…because I would insanely happy to have clean lollipops! ๐Ÿ˜€

  339. Ieva says:

    Hi Cassey!
    Healthified chocolate chip cookies would be nice
    Love ya :*

  340. Anna-Kaisa says:

    I love your integrity in everything that you do, itโ€™s so inspiring and I love having a free personal trainer who I can trust!

    Honestly a part of me wants to eat some Quest bars just to be a little bit more like you! haha, that sounds so fan-girl and silly but just being honest. But for real it seems like a great protein bar, havent seen anything quite like it in Finland!

    You should healthify some Apple Pie, or Blondies/Brownies. But really I would just love some more cheap clean recipes to add to my weekly meals not necessarily just healthier versions ๐Ÿ™‚

  341. Ieva says:

    Hi Cassey!
    Healthified chocolate chip cookies would be nice
    Love ya :*

  342. Tracy says:

    Healthy pop tarts!

  343. Julie says:

    Healthy coconut cookies! And oatmeal recipes with fun add-ins

  344. Madalina says:

    Oh and healthier versions of drinks like they sell at Starbucks and Co.would be cool!

  345. sydnie says:

    Some vegan sushi recipes ๐Ÿ™‚

  346. sydnie says:

    Peanut butter power balls! The ones at my college are 200 cal per oz. It has home made peanut butter, honey, chocolate chips, sesame seeds and cranberries.

  347. Anna-Kaisa says:

    So close to ordering some QUEST bars online last week, but then got cold feet (very typical with online shopping for me) but I would absolutely love to try them! Looking at the nutritional info, I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve seen any protein bars here in Finland that compare- and everything that you said about them makes me like them just a little more. Your integrity in everything you do is so admirable, when you say something is good I know I can believe it (I haven’t questioned your ‘promotions’ once)

    So through my numerous comments and others suggestions I now have a โ€˜listโ€™ of things you should healthify:
    Blondies/Brownies (avocado would probably work in these!)
    Apple Pie a la mode
    Some sort of bread substitute/ home-made healthy version.
    French Toast

    Read more at https://www.blogilates.com/blog/2014/03/05/high-protein-apple-cinnamon-churros-quest-bar-flash-giveaway/#DpX3eLRuq7tf3fJt.99

    1. Anna-Kaisa says:

      oops, copy and paste a comment and that link might just appear ๐Ÿ˜›

  348. Madalina says:

    Hey Cassey! Thank you for the giveaway! I think it’s great since nit everyone is able to get those quest bars. Do you think you could healthify croissants or tell us a better alternative to them? I love to indulge in some warm croissants on a sunday morning! Love you!

  349. Jessica Dickey says:

    Would love to see protein cheesecakes!

  350. sydnie says:

    Beef stroganoff !

  351. Annie says:

    If you could make cheesecake healthy, that’s be the bomb!

  352. Anna-Kaisa says:

    Comment number… 20? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Apple Pie a la mode!

  353. Megan Hantz says:

    I just thought of another AWESOME dessert recipe idea! could you make a healthy Coconut Cream Pie?! I mean, coconut is already healthy, so that’s a great start, right? ๐Ÿ˜€

  354. Anna-Kaisa says:

    I love your integrity in everything that you do, itโ€™s so inspiring.

    Honestly a part of me wants to eat some Quest bars just to be a little bit more like you! haha, that sounds so fan-girl and silly but just being honest. But for real it seems like a great protein bar, havent seen anything quite like it in Finland!

    You should healthify some Apple Pie, or Blondies/Brownies. But really I would just love some more cheap clean recipes to add to my weekly meals, not necessarily just healthier versions ๐Ÿ™‚

  355. sydnie says:

    Some healthy tiramisu sounds good!

  356. Anna-Kaisa says:

    I love your integrity in everything that you do, it’s so inspiring.

    Honestly a part of me wants to eat some Quest bars just to be a little bit more like you! haha, that sounds so fan-girl and silly but just being honest. But for real it seems like a great protein bar, havent seen anything quite like it in Finland!

    You should healthify some Apple Pie, or Blondies/Brownies. But really I would just love some more cheap clean recipes to add to my weekly meals not necessarily just healthier versions ๐Ÿ™‚

  357. Megan Hantz says:

    Hey Cassey! Could you please make a healthy peanut butter pie recipe?? My friend is allergic to chocolate too so she would appreciate a non-chocolate dessert recipe ๐Ÿ™‚

  358. Megan Hantz says:

    Hey Cassey!! You should make a healthy version of an OREO! That would be amazing!

  359. Arianna says:

    Hi Cassey. Ha I know I’ve posted this like 10*s already but could you please “healthify” ALMOND JOYS!!! That is my ultimate FAV candy, but you know I’d rather be healthy than fill myself w/TOO MUCH of that craziness. Anyways, like I said, if i don’t win, I would still be really grateful if you did the ALMOND JOYS.

    I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH CASSEY!! *hugs and kisses*

  360. Rose says:

    I would love to see how to make something that is or tastes like a GERMAN CHOCOLATE PIE!!

    chocolate is such a weakness for many and I would love I have a healty chocolate substitute

  361. Anna-Kaisa says:

    So close to ordering some online last week, but then got cold feet… would absolutely love to try them! Looking at the nutritional info, I don’t think I’ve seen any protein bars here in Finland that compare.

    So through my numerous comments and others suggestions I now have a ‘list’ of things you should healthify:
    Blondies/Brownies (avocado would probably work in these!)
    Apple Pie
    Some sort of bread substitute/ home-made healthy version.
    French Toast

  362. Rose says:

    I just thought of a new one! ENCHILANDAS they are so yummy but I’m sure they aren’t heathy

  363. Shauna says:

    I’d love to see a healthy (and vegan!) tiramisu recipe ๐Ÿ™‚

  364. Tara says:

    Any healthy pudding or mousse recipes would be great! I love chocolate mousse but it’s mostly cream and egg yolks, so its not the healthiest thing to eat.

  365. Eileen says:

    Healthy biscotti or cannoli! For some reason I really want some of these super yummy Italian desserts right now but I’m going to continue eating clean! It would be splendid if you could come up with a healthy way to make these! Love you Cassey!

  366. Megan Hantz says:

    Hi Cassey! I would really like to see you make a healthy version of a Twinkie :O can it be done?!

  367. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! Maybe you could try creating a healthy recipe for fried chicken? ๐Ÿ˜€

  368. Tara says:

    Healthify chocolate cake!

  369. Laura says:

    What about brownies? Those are my weakness!

  370. Maria says:

    that looks soo good! and i would love to see you create a healthy brownie or some delicious dessert recipe(:

  371. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! Maybe you could try healthifying cream puffs ๐Ÿ™‚

  372. Zainab says:

    Questbars..mmh..these are one of those things I always wanted to try but never really had the chance cause I am from Germany. Actually there are lots of giveaways on instagram but i never entered to one. This time i do cause Cassey ( my idol *__* โ™ฅ)does it!
    Some foods she could healthify could be:
    sausages ( maybe she could even show us how to do our own ones..with tofu?),
    i dont know how to call em but i tried some sweet sesame balls at an asian grocery store with such a delic filling :))
    pop tarts would also be great (another thing poor germans cant get here :'( )
    Ben&jerrys..maybe with some questbar pieces inside?
    Oh or “krapfen” or “berliner” which is like sweet filled bun fried in lots of oil would be a dream!
    Lots of love โ™ฅ

  373. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! Do you think you could try and healthify a recipe for chocolate mud cake? It’s sooo yummy and dense with chocolatey goodness :3

  374. Megan Hantz says:

    could you make a healthy cinnamon roll using a Quest bar??

  375. Stephanie M. says:

    I really love lemon-flavored things, maybe a healthy lemon bar?

  376. Megan Hantz says:

    maybe you could make a healthy cupcake with a greek yogurt frosting and a melty Quest Bar center ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  377. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! Do you think you could try and healthify a lasagna recipe? Veggie or meat. ๐Ÿ˜€

  378. Rachel Sislayy says:

    You could try to healthify a salted caramel mocha!! Those are so good, but not good for you whatsoever!

  379. zoha khan says:

    Also please try brownies and a healthy pineapple upside down cake
    I love this recipe!!!!! It’s SOOO yummy ๐Ÿ™‚

  380. Rachel Sislayy says:

    Healthy chocolate peanut butter ice cream! That is one of my weaknesses!

  381. zoha khan says:

    Please make a healthy strawberry cheese cake!!!!

  382. Rachel Sislayy says:

    Please make a healthified version of cheese cake!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  383. Julie says:

    Healthy Girl Scout cookies!! Especially Samoas or Tagalongs! Those things are so delicious but you can only eat one for like 100 calories almost

  384. Megan Hantz says:

    you should make a healthy blondie bar!!

  385. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! Do you think you could try healthifying pierogies? or any other type of dumpling for that matter? ๐Ÿ˜€

  386. Megan says:


  387. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! You could try healthifying a recipe for cannoli ๐Ÿ˜€

  388. Megan Hantz says:

    I would LOVE if you would make a healthified Key Lime Pie! ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s my favorite dessert in the world!

  389. Elena says:

    Hey girl!!! I want you to healthify pasta…!

  390. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! Maybe you could try healthifying apple pie? ๐Ÿ˜€

  391. Krystal says:

    You could try healthifying tiramisu! ๐Ÿ˜€

  392. Eva says:

    Would love to see a soup that is creamy and delicious but still healthy!

  393. Miss Myzaree says:

    How many of these Quest Recipe videos have you guys watched? Because I’m addicted!

  394. Eva says:

    Hoping we’ll see healthy pies in the future such as pecan or apple!

  395. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! Could you possibly try to healthify a recipe for lemon meringue pie?

  396. Eva says:

    Healthified chocolate chip cookies! That would be so delicious!

  397. Gillian SanFilippo says:

    Healthy french toast sounds amazing too. My dad makes the best french toast- its delicious, but not so nutritious!

  398. Julie says:

    Anything with peanut butter!!!

  399. Jemma B says:

    Ohh healthy chocolate chip cookies would be super!

  400. Eva says:

    A healthy chocolate mousse or ice cream would be a dream!

  401. Elena says:

    I love Marshmallows!!!! Difficult ha?

  402. Eva says:

    Healthy pasta sauces please!

  403. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! You could try healthifying McDonald’s oreo mcflurry!

  404. Eva says:

    Healthy brownies would be amazing!!

  405. ฤฐpek says:

    I’d love to try a sundae recipe!

  406. Nicole says:

    Hi. Can you make healthy pumpkin pie? It’s my favorite !

  407. Krystal says:

    Hey Cassey! I would love to see you healthify french macarons!

  408. Gillian SanFilippo says:

    You could create a bunch of overnight oats recipes! They’re so good!

  409. Maegan says:

    Hi Cassey! I would love it if you could share some healthy pasta recipes with us! I love pasta but find it difficult to keep it healthy! Thank you!

  410. Gillian SanFilippo says:

    You can make froyo and have recipes for all its clean toppings!! It could be made into a few videos. That’d be so cute!

  411. Allie says:

    Special K bars (: there so delicious ! Thanks for being such an inspiration , I just started 2 weeks ago and I feel so much healthier already , you’ve made an impact on my health and for some reason it’s so easy to workout with you hah your like my actual workout buddy ! Keep up the hard work (:

  412. Crystal says:

    Espresso bagels!

  413. Abby Siva says:

    I would love you to healthify chocolate chips so that i can make chocolate chip pancakes that are healthy!!!

  414. Shana Gorslene says:

    Cores so protein shake or snacks!!!!

  415. Megan says:


  416. Gillian SanFilippo says:

    Hey again! Maybe clean cereal!? Thats a challenge haha

    1. Abby Siva says:

      Don’t know if you like Nesquick but…
      Hope this Helped!!

  417. Julie says:

    You could make healthy “fried” pickles!

  418. Shana Gorslene says:

    Healthy chocolate mousse if that is even possible!!!!

    1. Abby Siva says:

      Don’t worry you can’t taste the avocado, (apparently cuz I’ve never tried it)

      Hope this Helped!!!

  419. Shana Gorslene says:

    Any stir fries would be absolutely tasty!

  420. Crystal says:

    Espresso goji bars. :’>

  421. Gillian SanFilippo says:

    Hey Cassey! I’d like to see a healthy bagel!

  422. Hazel says:

    Can you healthify anything deep fried? It’s like my weakness. Deep fried ice cream. Tempura. Spring rolls. Samosas. Deep friend mars bars. Deep fried oreos. BRB drooling

  423. Colleen says:

    Marshmallows? I’ve heard you can make them at home, and that would be so cool and unique

  424. Shana Gorslene says:

    Turtle brownies!!!

  425. Shana Gorslene says:

    A frozen yogurt recipe would be wonderful!!!

  426. Crystal says:

    Peanut butter blondies! ๐Ÿ™‚

  427. Meir says:

    I would love to see some healthy cookies and cream desserts that aren’t expensive to make!!

  428. Mariana says:

    red velvet anything! cupcakes!

  429. Shana Gorslene says:

    I think everyone would be happy and benefit for some healthy non cheat sweets!!!

  430. Duyen says:

    Healthy buns! ๐Ÿ˜€

  431. Shana Gorslene says:

    Yummy healthy muffin tops would be to die for!!!

  432. Julie says:

    I am such a sucker for sweets. Pretty much any dessert or candy you could healthify would be amazing. How about carrot cake? Oooh or Twix bars? There are just so many options. Can’t wait to see what you make next!!

  433. Duyen says:

    !! oh myy! Healthy homemade (cheap) proteinbars/snacks on the run! ๐Ÿ˜€

  434. Shana Gorslene says:

    Maybe a curry stir fry that would be absolutely delicious!!!!:)

  435. Shana Gorslene says:

    Some dark chocolate Reese’s but a healthy version would be delicious!!!

    1. Abby Siva says:

      Along with some other Healthy Chocolates!

      Hope this Helped!!!

  436. Olivia says:

    OMG!! How about healthy cinnamon rolls for the morning?! I absolutely love cinnamon rolls but they are soooo high in calories, sugar, and fat=( THIS WOULD BE SO GOOD! You could probably use the apple cinnamon Quest bar too!

  437. Healthy Mac & cheese, baked and with sharp cheddar…please?

  438. Olivia says:

    Okay I’m commenting a lot. haha. But I know a lot of things that need to be healthified. I need healthy chips to eat with salsa and also a healthy creamy/Alfredo sauce for miracle noodles. That would be awesome.

  439. Megan says:


  440. Oh, I know! You could make Croque Monsieurs healthy!

  441. Olivia says:

    HEALTHY COOKIE DOUGH!!!!! It would be awesome to just make raw cookie dough that you could just eat instead of bake it, because we all know that we eat at least 2 spoonfuls of cookie dough before they go into the oven. Does that make me sound fat? lol This would probably be easy since they have a quest bar flavored like cookie dough.

  442. sydnie says:

    Is it possible to make macarons nutritious and delicious at the same time? All that sugar inthe meringue …

  443. sydnie says:

    Homemade jellies/jams/compotes with sugar alternatives ๐Ÿ™‚

  444. Olivia says:

    Healthy icing made with yogurt, protein powder and and some kind of fruit or something like that. Another thing to healthify is cake obviously to spread the icing on. So excited to see some more delicious recipes and videos! Your’e the Best!

  445. sydnie says:

    Healthy vegan korean bbq??

  446. natalia says:

    Hi! Love ur blog! Im Chilean but live in Spain and study in Hungary! And well , from here…reading ur blog!
    I love it!
    And I would love to see u healthify…Tiramisu!!!!

    Lot of kisses!

  447. Megan says:


  448. sydnie says:

    Almond butter-based cookies!

  449. Arianna says:

    Hi Cassey. Can you healthify ALMOND JOYS?? I really love this candy but you know, with anything w/ a high content of sugar, I have to stop myself from eating. Even if I donโ€™t win the bars, I would still be really grateful if you could make these healthy enough to eat.

    P.S. I thank you for indirectly supporting me through my fitness and health journey!!

  450. Olivia says:

    HMmmmm. Coney Dogs? lol or oooohhhh those little pie tarts or healthy pop tarts why not? loved this recipe=) totally going to try it. Thanks!

  451. Karly says:

    Cassey, you should do a quest bar froyo! Mix Greek yogurt and protein powder together, add any fruit you’d like then top it off with fresh baked quest bar pieces! YUM!

  452. Crystal says:

    Banana waffles with cream on top.

  453. Ashley says:

    Lemon pound cake!!!

  454. Ashley says:

    Ice cream is my weakness, a healthy ice cream sandwhich maybe?

  455. Crystal says:

    Anything with goji berries. They are super healthy!!!!

  456. Crystal says:

    Protein bars without protein powder!

  457. Maria Luisa Andreev says:

    healthy brownies or blondies please!! i love them

  458. Ashley says:

    Low sugar desserts are always good! Pumpkin cheesecake with less sugar would be great!!

  459. Maria Luisa Andreev says:

    healthy garlic bread would be awesome!

  460. Crystal says:

    Apple pie with coconut crumble. I’ve tried it once and it was sooooooooo good!!!!! Amazing combination.

  461. Megan says:

    BLONDIES AND/OR ALMOND JOYS? (Bounty’s in the UK)

    1. Abby Siva says:

      So THATS WHAT ALMOND JOYS ARE!?!?! (i live in Canada) but bounty’s dont have almond in them?

      Almond Joy:


  462. Maria Luisa Andreev says:

    Hey Cassey! i loved the video and i would love to see healthy pretzels!

  463. Crystal says:

    Chickpea-banana-nut blondies. Wow, sounds healthy!!!

  464. Maria Luisa Andreev says:

    healthy pretzels!!!

  465. kayla says:

    Omg these sound awesome sauce!!

  466. Jade says:

    Clean eating TWIX bars? Clean crรจme filled donuts? Yum!

  467. Ashley says:

    Healthy fettuccine alfredo would be awesome- I have yet to find a good pasta substitute in this meal, the tofu noodles are odd with a cream sauce!

  468. Maria Luisa Andreev says:

    i would love to see healthy snickers!

  469. Megan says:


  470. Crystal says:

    Cinnamon raisin bagels with oats!!! :33

  471. Arianna says:

    Hi Cassey. Can you healthify ALMOND JOYS?? I really love this candy but you know, with anything w/ a high content of sugar, I have to stop myself from eating. Even if I donโ€™t win the bars, I would still be really gratful if you could make these healthy enough to eat.
    P.S. I thank you for indirectly supporting me through my fitness and health journey!!


  472. Crystal says:

    Red Velvet Cheesecake.
    Cassey, could you please write some post about portion control?

  473. Megan says:


  474. Megan says:

    iT’S 21:47PM in the UK! I love that I have time to write a comment!!

  475. Anna-Kaisa says:

    Been experimenting so much with healthy recipes lately thanks to you! Healthy blondies/brownies!

  476. Mandy says:

    Healthy Hot Chocolate! Except this might be hard for you to make since you don’t like chocolate…or maybe healthy cinnamon buns! With apples, raisins, and lots of cinnamon.. That would be amazing ๐Ÿ™‚ MmMmm

  477. Tabi says:

    Some quinoa recipes would be awesome! I love quinoa so much and I eat it multiple times a week so I’m always looking for ways to switch it up ๐Ÿ™‚

  478. Anna-Kaisa says:

    I just made some yummy vegan chocolate mousse using avocados! Made me think of you, even though you hate chocolate. ๐Ÿ˜› (had more to do with the whole healthier version of the recipe)

    I think some healthy blondies sound good! (saw someone else’s suggestion) And it might work to use avocados in that too, I should experiment!

  479. Megan says:


    1. Abby Siva says:


      OMG everybody loves blondies, i guess i really need to try them

  480. Krystle says:

    Ahh, you’re so famous now! I’m so proud of you! I’ve been following you since your muffin top meltdown days! I’d love to see you make some healthy muffin tops!

  481. Megan says:

    quick and healthy brownies?/muffins! please

  482. Crystal says:

    Strawberry tart. Without sugar.

  483. Tabi says:

    Healthy blondies! I’d say brownies but I know you don’t like chocolate ๐Ÿ˜‰

  484. Crystal says:

    Quinoa bars. With protein without protein powder. It’s really expensive in my country so I can’t afford it. :_(

  485. Arianna says:

    Hi Cassey. Can you healthify ALMOND JOYS?? I really love this candy but you know, with anything w/ a high content of sugar, I have to stop myself from eating. Even if I donโ€™t win the bars, I would still be really greatful if you could make these healthy enough to eat.
    P.S. I thank you for indirectly supporting me through my fitness and health journey!!

  486. Tabi says:

    Sugar free muffins or bread would be great! But not with artificial sweeteners, sweetened with fruit like bananas or dates ๐Ÿ™‚

  487. Crystal says:

    Ginger cake! :))

  488. Tabi says:

    I’d love a healthy protein powder free protein bar! Or anything high protein without the protein powder.

  489. Elisa says:

    A healthy japanese dish called ”nikujaga” which is a mix of potatoes and sweeten beef ๐Ÿ™‚

  490. Shana Gorslene says:

    Some type of pasta that doesn’t use miracle noodles, I can’t afford them!:/ But the recipes always look delicious!!!

    1. Ursule says:

      here we have shirataki tofu noodles , they are really cheap and delicious and they contain only 20 calories by portion. I’m in loooooooooove with those.

  491. Kylie Gough says:

    Or a really spicy yet healthy dish!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ They say the burn is healthy for you!

  492. Tabi says:

    A healthy cinnamon bun!

  493. Shana Gorslene says:

    I agree with a healthy almond joy recipe but with dark chocolate! That would be amazing!!!!!!!!!!

  494. Tabi says:

    Healthy pasta alternatives! (Besides miracle noodles, I can’t find them anywhere.) I love pasta but not so much all the carbs.

  495. Kylie Gough says:

    I’d love ANY recipe having to do with healthy cakes! I bake all the time and would love love LOVE to make something yummy AND healthy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  496. Dana says:

    I love churros!
    Maybe you could healthify a red velvet cake (with frosting) or brownies, something very chocolaty?!

  497. May says:

    Strawberry shortcake or a chocolate milkshake! ๐Ÿ™‚

  498. Shana Gorslene says:

    A recipe that has DARK chocolate which is sooo delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  499. Arianna says:

    Hi Cassey. Can you healthify ALMOND JOYS?? I really love this candy but you know, with anything w/ a high content of sugar, I have to stop myself from eating. Even if I don’t win the bars, I would still be really greatful if you could make these healthy enough to eat.

    P.S. I thank you for indirectly supporting me through my fitness and health journey!!


  500. Shana Gorslene says:

    GAZPACHO I love that stuff it is soooo delicious!!!!:)

  501. Shana Gorslene says:

    A delicious chicken casserole!!!!

  502. Crystal says:

    Healthy goji bars. :3

  503. Maddie says:

    healthy pizza??
    my mom attempted to make them. they were delicious but not very healthy :((

  504. Nontalie says:

    I’ve never tried these and I’d like to see if they are as good as everyone says. I’ve never been one for protein bars, but I could try them in a recipe like this I guess.

  505. Crystal says:

    Cinnamon raisin buns would be amazing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  506. Crystal says:

    Apple cinnamon buns with walnuts! ๐Ÿ™‚

  507. Alex says:

    I would love to see healthified waffles or french toast! Before changing my lifestyle I was a HUGE breakfast carb fan. I love the banana pancakes as a substitute, but I need something for my other breakfasts!!

  508. Colleen says:

    How to flavour tofu in stir fries would be a lovely instructional video!

  509. Robin says:

    Healthy but yummy pizza

  510. Robin says:

    Healthy Spagetti

    1. MR says:

      Try Soba noodles.

  511. Robin says:

    Healthy hamburgers

  512. Robin says:

    Healthy pudding

  513. Kelly Kรคsper says:

    You should try, chocolates cookies, pudding, brownies, pizza and lasanga ๐Ÿ˜› .

  514. Kelly Kรคsper says:

    Omg they look soooo yummy, have to try ๐Ÿ™‚ .

  515. ALG says:

    Healthy rootbeer floats and movie snacks!

  516. Colleen says:

    I don’t think you’ve shared a chilled soup…Gazpacho would be nice!

  517. Eileen says:

    Can you please healthify fudge? How crazy good would that be? And the great thing about fudge is that there’s so many possible flavors and it’s just so yummy! Definitely one of my favorite yolo foods if I’m looking for something sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

  518. Colleen says:

    Ginger Snap cookies!

  519. Martine says:

    AWESOME?!!!!!!! Im gonna try it for sure with those bars I’ll win ๐Ÿ˜‰

  520. OMG or a healthified creme brรปlรฉe!!! Mmmmmmm

  521. Mariana says:

    Some chocolates cookies, like oreos! Please

  522. Shana Gorslene says:

    A stuffed mushroom recipe would be amazing!!!!

  523. Colleen says:

    Spanish tortilla! It’s like a quiche, and traditionally made with potatoes. A healthy version that doesn’t contain as many carbs?

  524. Ahh, Casseyyyy, your Apple Cinammon Churros look amaaaaazing!! Would love to win to try this recipe and to just you know … devour quest bars in general, hehe. I love them ๐Ÿ™‚
    I would be interested to see you try and healthify fudge cake, with minimal ingredients.

  525. Shana Gorslene says:

    Popsicle recipe with real fruit!!!

  526. Erica says:

    It would be awesome to see a healthy version of Mexican Fried Ice Cream. It is one of my favorite desserts but I haven’t been able to enjoy it a long time as my lactose intolerance increases.

  527. Shana Gorslene says:

    Something totally different and unique!!!! But definitely flavorful!

  528. Colleen says:

    Stuffed mushroom caps, filled with herbs!

  529. Deanna says:

    Cake batter flavored desserts! Like cookies or ice cream!!

  530. Christine says:

    Healthy french toast!

  531. Shana Gorslene says:

    Maybe a healthy fruitcake recipe!!!

  532. Christine says:

    Healthy cornbread!

  533. Shana Gorslene says:

    A healthy cake recipe!!!!:)

  534. Christine says:

    A healthy sandwich! Bread and all.

  535. Colleen says:

    Healthy mini cinnamon rolls!

  536. Christine says:

    Healthy lasagna!

  537. Shana Gorslene says:

    A healthy tortilla or bread recipe!!!!

  538. Elena says:

    Healthy meatloaf mmm

  539. Colleen says:

    Mini chicken pot pie!

  540. Christine says:

    Healthy cake pops!

  541. Shana Gorslene says:

    A healthy yummy casserole sounds super delish and yummmy!!!

  542. Deanna says:

    Anything with fresh basil in it! Something other than a pesto would be so nice!

  543. Christine says:

    Healthy deep dish pizza!

  544. Shana Gorslene says:

    A healthy brownie recipe sounds amazing and delicious!!!

  545. Shana Gorslene says:

    A healthy brownie recipe sounds amazing and delicious!!!

  546. Christine says:

    Healthy pudding!

  547. Beck says:

    I’d like to see the fru fru coffee drinks healthified! Like, a knock off of a frapuccino. Summers coming…and iced coffee drinks go well in the heat.

  548. Christine says:

    Healthified bread would be awesome.

  549. Deanna says:

    A raspberry cheesecake slice! Raspberries are one of my all time favorite fruits! ๐Ÿ™‚

  550. Christine says:

    How about healthy brownies??

  551. Christine says:

    Those look delicious!

  552. Deanna says:

    A clean French Onion Dip and Chips! When I used to eat them, I would never be able to stop! But I know they are filled with so much fat and additives! I would love to be able to eat them again(every once in awhile)!

  553. Suzanne says:

    Healthy pudding! I can see it being able to be a protein packed treat with the right person in charge of making the recipe- Cassey!

  554. Les says:

    Aw Cassey , it would be awesome if you made a healthy lasagna! Istarted a diet last month and have joined your workout calendar last week, so tough! Even if I am Italian I put a lot of effort in trying to understand your videos and posts on blogilates! I hope you will do lasagna, I’m missing it ahah

  555. Elena says:

    Random popster over here!!

  556. Deanna says:

    Those churros sounds delicious! I have just recently learned about Quest bars and I LOVE them! I have not yet tried the apple! I would say if there’s a way to make a chocolate and peanut ice cream a little more healthy, that would be amazing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  557. Yuuki says:

    So I love to eat chocolate chucks, especially ones with almonds in it! I crave it almost everyday and I just can help but eat one everday! I feel guilty afterwards too.. Anyways, I was wondering if it were possible to make this snack healthy!? Pleases let me know! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Much love

  558. Suzanne says:

    Hey Cassey! these churros look so yummy! Healthified quiche next perhaps?

  559. Fallon says:

    I would really love to see healthy “birthday cake ice cream’ done. You know, the kind with the icing, sprinkles and pound cake mixed into vanilla ice cream? One of my weaknesses and it would be awesome to have a clean version of it!!

  560. sora says:

    cheese tarts ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  561. ALG says:

    I want to see a healthy version of taquitos! With sour cream and cheese! With healthy sides besides steamed veggies

  562. Suz says:

    Gluten free homemade cheap clean eats bread! buying any pre-made gluten free bread is so expensive and they aren’t the healthiest either…

  563. Jade says:

    I’d love to see coconut cake or coconut crรจme pie healthified! Seriously my favorite dessert ever!

  564. Clara M. says:

    Some healthy snacks for a movie night or a sleepover!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  565. Maria Iannelli says:

    I would really love healthy oreos, lemon meringue, a healthy starbucks frapp, brownies, ice cream, french fries, and grilled cheese. ๐Ÿ™‚ love your workouts! My inspirational tank came today!

  566. Aenia says:

    A hot bowl of soba with tempeh/tofu!!! I have always wondered how to make it at home.

  567. Brittney Chin says:

    I would love to see a video for a healthy grilled cheese!

  568. Suz says:

    Hey Cassey! Vegan cordon bleu similar type thing?? I had cordon bleu about 11 years ago and remember that it was amaaazing! I cannot eat it anymore so it would be super cool to make a vegan version that’s somewhat similar!

  569. Shana Gorslene says:

    A yummy pastry recipe without all the fat and calories!!!!:)

  570. Charlotte says:

    Chinese food!! It’s my favourite takeaway but always feel guilty after I have it

  571. Shana Gorslene says:

    A chocolate caramel recipe would be amazing and tastey!!!!

  572. Suz says:

    Some sort of protein muffin would be amazing.

  573. Shana Gorslene says:

    A healthy whipped cream would be amazing! I love whip cream but would love to eat it without all the preservatives and what not!:)

  574. Suz says:

    Death by chocolate. Will reallllly kill you… so maybe not haha. Death by blueberry instead? of caramel?

  575. Shana Gorslene says:

    Maybe a delicious popcorn recipe!

  576. Shana Gorslene says:

    I agree! A healthified hollandaisse sauce sounds amazing!!!!

  577. Suz says:

    Cheesecake! any type of cheese cake ๐Ÿ™‚

  578. Suz says:

    Healthify kettle corn!

  579. Shana Gorslene says:

    Something easy that webcam just pack away and take it out every time we are on the go!:)

  580. Shana Gorslene says:

    Something as delicious as that churro recipe!!!! Those look so yummy!!!!:)

  581. Colleen says:

    Hollandaise sauce. Love it with my eggs benny, but not so happy with the traditional ingredients used to make it

  582. Shana Gorslene says:

    Something that mocha flavored and yummy!!!:)

  583. Colleen says:

    (no deep fry) falafel!

  584. Colleen says:

    Asian dessert like…egg tarts!

  585. Shana Gorslene says:

    A simple low ingredient recipe! Any type of food! Just something good and yummy!

  586. Simona says:

    Cheesecake, chips, maybe chocolate? ๐Ÿ˜€

  587. Shana Gorslene says:

    A pineapple recipe!! I love pineapple especially fresh pineapple!

  588. Shana Gorslene says:

    A chewy healthy cookie recipe sounds so sweet and yummy!!!!:)

  589. Colleen says:

    Fish and chips, and the tartare sauce too! Love the dish, it’s too bad there is barely any redeeming nutrients

  590. Shana Gorslene says:

    A sweet potato recipe because sweet potatoes are delish and sweet!!!! I love them!:)

  591. Colleen says:

    I love CURRY, but it’s coconut milk that makes it taste so good. How can we create something that has full flavour but less fat??

  592. Teresa says:

    Hi Cassey! I’d love to indulge in a healthy treat after a good workout and there’s only one way to do it…… I SCREAM ICE CREAM!!! My favourite would be Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, so I’d love to see a healthified version of it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  593. Shana Gorslene says:

    A RAW vegan recipe sounds amazing! Seething fresh and full of flavor and super yummy!!!:)

  594. Colleen says:

    Bean salads! Or chickpea salads! A video on the best way to flavour these easy toss togethers would be awesome!

  595. Eileen says:

    How about a healthy Phil