Fabulous Flat Abs GIF from Pilates Bootcamp
Looking at this now…doesn’t seem so beginners to me!!! Hahaha whoops. It’s okay, just do it if you want nice, sexy flat abs and a super hard core!!! It’s okay if you’re shaking like a manic…think of it as being a bulldozer riding out all of the bumps in the rode. The longer you keep at it, the smoother it’ll get!!!
Accompanying video:
Hope you’re having a funday Sunday! It’s your rest today. What will you do?
Me? Gonna film your POP Challenge for Monday! I wonder what song I should use…
Also!!! What do you think of doing a flash mobilates to Gangnam style? I guess it wouldn’t be so Pilates (it’d just be straight up flash MOB) but then we wouldn’t have to bring our mats. Let’s all wear crazy neon 80s style!!!!! I will be in LA not this week, but next week, and the week after that. I wonder how many of you would be willing to learn the Gangnam Style POP Cardio dance and randomly come somewhere with me and ride ride that horse in public? Where should we do it in LA? Could you tell me below? If you want, we really can make this happen!!!!! Like seriously. Tell me and I’ll start planning the logistics…like getting cams and some YouTubey friends to come join us!
Please fill out this survey to help me determine if we can actually make this happen. Click here.
Kay!! Will probz talk about this on BlogilatesTV! So watch out for a vid on that!
<3 Cassey
23 thoughts on “Fabulous Flat Abs GIF from Pilates Bootcamp”
There are 23 comments posted by our users.
Cassey, can i just say, I LOVE YOU!!!! oh and pplease put out the April Calendar asap!!!
Cassey I just found you on youtube and I literally have been mesmerized for hours…you are simply amazing….I am now obsessed with everything you do……thank you for sharing all that you have….I am happy and grateful that people like you are out there making such a difference for us to be healthier and in better shape…..you are creative..beautiful….fun and clever….and just a joy to watch and follow….thank you 🙂
Happy Spring!
got a printable version of this cause i’m absolutely loving this workout but can’t find a printable version?
I love the “earthquake” move, this is the one of the first videos i’ve done and i definitely am going to do the rest of them and this one multiple times!.
I have done this workout two evenenings now. I really feel it the next day!
I tried to do this exercise this morning but i had a helper
Not one but two of them:)
Thanks for all the hard work you put into these Cassey:) I appreciate it:)
Cassey ! I need a train like a beast tshirt so muuuuuuch but it’s always out of stock !! Moreover in french so it’ll probably take time to receive .. Pleaaase I need it in black/pink and pink/blue it is so pretty and made for me !
Love youu your da best <3
Song suggestion: back in time – Black eyed peas
How about a back challenge to this one? 🙂
oh. i meant by pitbull
Great ab workouts! I am always looking for new ways to exercise my abs so I can work different muscle groups and actually feel the “burn.”
I so wish I could come to the flash mob but unfortunately I’m living at the other side of the sea. Lol!
Are you going to make a video about packing healthy snacks and lunches for college girls or for people like me who like to eat healthy at work?
I did this video this morning. WOOOO it was intense. I had to go at my own pace and break a little, but I hope the more I do it, the better I’ll be at it. I loved it. My Abs felt so good afterwards C:
Thanks Cassey
Oh btw I forgot to sayNice vid I can’t wait for that bnkilug up thing lolBulking up is way harder than getting rippedI’m trying to bulk up then get ripped cus it wud be fasterI try to eat 7 meals a day lolUsually rice cus it as lots of carbs
Will you still be doing the celebrity series in september? Or did that get lost in the gangnam…lol
UMMMM hahha i will try to do this still – should be ok
…haha maybe next month?