Eating Healthy is NOT Expensive! + App Video Winner
Eating Healthy is NOT Expensive! + App Video Winner
photo courtesy of augusta erin
Hey POPsters!!!
We’re off to a splendid Sweaty September! I hope you did your 1 hr of cardio today along with your workout command! It’s best to do the command right when you wake up. Takes just a couple minutes and it revs you up for the rest of the day!
If you have not received the password for the Sweaty September Workout Calendar yet, make sure you have checked your spam folder and your activation email after signing up for the newsletter!!! If all else fails, please feel free to email me or private message a fellow POPster on facebook for the password. When we have the community, it will be easier to distribute the calendar when you login to your own Blogilates community account. I am so excited for the community to go up (it’s being made right now) because it is basically gonna be like facebook but all about you POPsters!!! No more stupid timeline. Timeline ruined everything. It’s gonna be so fabulous getting to know you on a deeper level so that when you comment on my posts too it’s not just like a faceless sea of text, it’ll be personable and wayyyyy more connected! Ahh!!! I think you will love. The blog and community will get a little facelift too. So prepare for some change. I know. It will be hard for me too. But all of the better!!!
Okay anyway…
Let’s talk about eating healthy and saving money.
I hear a lot of jibber jabber on how eating healthy is expensive. UMM NO!!! Eating junk food is expensive. $3.50 for a bag of Doritos that won’t even keep you full? Please. I can do so much with $3.50.
Let me show you what a typical Blogilates shopping cart looks like on a Sunday afternoon supermarket sesh and how it can last me the whole week. These are Trader Joes prices-ish (I’m doing this off the top of my head):
Cassey’s typical grocery haul
- bag of pre-washed baby spinach $1.99
- a few crowns of broccoli $2
- 24 oz bag of baby carrots $1.49
- can of garbanzo beans to make hummus (for baby carrots) $1.00
- 1 dozen eggs $1.49
- 16 oz package of sweet cherry tomatoes $1.99
- bag of frozen chicken breasts (about 6-7) $7.00
- 32 oz tub of plain nonfat greek yogurt $4.99
- carton of unsweetened almond milk $1.99
- frozen edamame bag $1.99
- bananas 19c each x5 $1.00
- a few sweet potatoes $2.00
- TOTAL: $28.93
I usually already have dried oats and quinoa at home. But if you don’t oats are super cheap, like $2-$3 for a huge tub that’ll last me MONTHS at a time and quinoa is around $3.99/lb. I also always have raw unsalted almonds at home too and at Costco it’s like $10 for a hugggeeee bag that lasts me the whole month or more.
Also, based on the season, I may buy more berries or squash or whatever that’s on sale.
So yea is under $30 for a whole week expensive? I think NOT!!!! Divide that my 7 days and it’s $4.28 a day! I mean, a meal at McDonalds or Burger King is over $5 nowadays and won’t even keep you full. It’ll just make your sluggish and bloated. Eew.
Yup! So eating healthy is soooooooo not expensive. I am smart with my money when it comes to spending and even smarter with picking my foods when it comes to nourishing my body.
Also, you’ll notice that a lot of the things (nearly all) on my list require cooking. But nothing that an electronic steamer can’t take care of or some simple sauteeing and boiling. Also, I find cooking to be super therapeutic so it’s like you’re buying ingredients for a hobby or for playtime. I love experimenting in the kitchen and finding new ways to tantalize my tastebuds.
Oh and I forgot. If you don’t have Sriracha add $1.99 to that list. Big bottle will last be about 6 months 🙂
So tell me, what does your weekly shopping cart look like? Is it similar to mine? Or are there other foods you think I should try?
And the random winner of the app video contest is….
Yay vashappeninlouis! You get either a Train Insane or Train Like a Beauty top! I left a comment on your channel. Please email me to pick size and color! Congrats!
You guys can see available colors and styles on! Remember, if you order now, it will not be shipped until September 8th!
Okay, that is all for now guys!
Have a fab Sunday and EXTRA day off on Monday!
<3 Cassey
60 thoughts on “Eating Healthy is NOT Expensive! + App Video Winner”
There are 60 comments posted by our users.
For my boyfriend and I my grocery list looks like this
1 bag baby spinach
1 head of romaine
4 crowns of broccoli
2 kg bag of carrots
2 bags of frozen veggiemix
1 bag mixed bell peppers
16 oz package cherry tomatoes
Frozen pea bag
Bananas x 10
2 pomegranates
3 bags of berries
10 green apples
1 bag tortilla
1 kg rice
1 kg oats
A bag of potatoes (2,5 kg)
Can of garbanzo beans
4 cans of tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce
1 jar peanutbutter
2 x 15 eggs
1 kg of chicken
2 kg of ground turkey
1 kg of ground beef
1 kg tub of greek yogurt
1 bag of cheese
6 L milk
It feeds us easily for a week and with the starch items and peanutbutter it lasts even longer 🙂 This is about 40 $ per person (450 DKR total – danish currency), and though it requires cooking i shop and cook on sundays and bag it, freeze it and got it 🙂 It is definately possible if you want it to be, and in Denmark food taxes are 25 % 🙂 I am lucky my parents give me a mixed spice basket every month though, but else this would be like an additional 10-12 dollars 🙂
I spend a lot on food in the winter because I follow actual recipes, but from early June to late November I get a CSA basket which I split with a family member. It comes to 13$ a week for more than enough organic fruits and vegetables for my boyfriend and I. That’s 6.50$ each (5.89$ USD). You can’t even get a sandwich for that price around here. My grocery list then is just protein, which I keep pretty cheap (and non-boring) by doing a rotation : eggs, tofu, fish, legumes, meat, nuts, seafood. The only expensive things there are the fish and seafood, and that’s because we choose to be fancy with it. We’ve found ways to make the cheapest cuts of meat absolutely delicious, so no problems there. Tofu can be made at home for dirt cheap. Legumes are super cheap if you buy them in dry form, and I prepare them all at once in a huge crockpot then freeze in small portions, so it’s not even time consuming. I buy the nuts in bulk and also use them to make nut milk, so I save a lot on dairy. Also, we have a spot in a community garden. We get lots of (organic!) veggies and herbs for virtually nothing, and end up canning some and giving some away.
I live in FL now, but have lived all over, and healthy eating is way doable if you plan ahead and are very strict about your purchases, not only for groceries, but for eating out, etc. There is a lot of complaining, but no one offering many solutions. I shop at Aldi, Save a Lot, Asian markets, farmer’s markets and the clearance section at Super Target. I spend maybe $200 per month for two people. I have rules though- I do not eat out (not even lunch at work) and do not buy beer/ciggs. I will plan a night out like once a month, but I don’t eat out just to eat. I buy canned beans, whole beans, whole chickens, fresh fruits/vegs, and very little to no processed foods like chips. I prep all the produce within two days of shopping so nothing goes bad. Also having a croc pot is a big help, for making dried beans, whole chicks, etc. They are like $20 on Amazon. Ask for one for a gift. It took me a long time to realize this, but groceries used to seem like such a waste of money and I would just buy whatever and eat out when I got hungry because it was too late to prepare something healthy. I was just lazy. A beer and a sandwich out is $18 with tip. Taking a look at the big picture helped me realize this and now I spend $18 at the Asian mart and get 3-4 meals from the produce and meat. Eating out/drinks should be a treat. Before I was just making excuses.
I should have also pointed out that I decided healthy groceries are more important than some other things- so I spend my money on that. I got rid of cable and just have the internet and Netflix, maybe buy cheaper shampoo and conditioner so I can afford more expensive groceries (which really aren’t that expensive). If you can’t afford everything, you have to decide what is more important. Budgeting for healthier groceries and meals is a give and take and requires planning, but by no means impossible for most people. At least people that are able to access and comment on this site 🙂
Erm..I can live off $60 worth of food from Aldi’s and Walmart in one month (and this is with stuff like fiber bars/protein bars/frozen chicken/frozen fruit and veggies/soy milk/yogurt–basically anything with actual nutritional value that won’t spoil in 30 days). $30 a week still seems like a lot to me; my grocery budget per month is $100 (or $80, preferably).
So while I do agree with you that eating fast food and pure junk is more expensive than ‘healthier’ eating, ideal/clean eating is still out of reach for some of us. It’s really hard to cut the bulk of carbs and processed foods (including fiber/protein bar supplements and such) without having to go over a $100 a month grocery budget. And yes, things are that tight for a lot of single young adults right now. 🙁
Oh, sorry, I just realized I wasn’t completely clear in that last paragraph.
Fast Food> Super Healthy eating > Semi-healthy eating > Junk food
At least, this is the case in bum-f*** nowhere central New York. I don’t even think we have a Trader Joe’s anywhere nearby. If there is, chances are I’d be spending way more than my gas budget too going there every week.
yep, unfortunately, I’m in the same boat as a lot of the others. Living in CA gives you a lot more options as far as fresh fruits and veggies. Even using frozen veggies here in Michigan is more expensive than your budget. And add feeding my hubbs and toddler, it just isn’t possible. For .87 we get a box of mac and cheese two of those feeds me, hubbs, and the toddler with some left over for the toddler for lunch the next day. $2 for dinner for three of us plus one lunch.
Oh, and I just realized you very conveniently left out the protein powder that is probably 10-20 a week. That does count as groceries. Even if you buy in bulk once a month for $40 that is still an extra 10 a week.
Hey Heather! So you live in the mitten? Me too! I have to say, I can’t disagree with you more about Cassie’s living in CA giving her a lot more options for fresh fruits and veggies. Yes, CA might have more roadside produce stands and farmer’s markets, but that doesn’t mean healthy folks in MI can’t eat healthy on a budget.. As Cassey mentioned in the post, she was basing that estimate of Trader Joe’s prices. Which we have here in Michigan. Even if you were to take Trader Joe’s out of the equation, there are still plenty of places to get healthy foods and fresh fruits and veggies from – i.e. big box grocery chains like Meijer’s and Krogers as well as farmer’s markets. Will eating healthy ever be as cheap as a box of highly processed mac and cheese? Maybe not. However, I do believe that as with anything you get what you pay for. My husband and I eat healthy on a budget with no issues. It isn’t about not only being able to eat healthy on a budget – it’s about deciding what is important to you and your family (health vs convenience) and then figuring out how to make it work. As for that protein comment, yes, it may be considered a luxury for some, but big tubs of protein powder are definitely not necessary to live a healthy lifestyle.
My grocery list was similar but I don’t know what to do with the produce I purchased. My big tub of spinach will run about 6.00, and unless i’m making green smoothies, adding them to my eggs or having salads they pretty much go bad before I can get to the bottom. My apples and pears I usually add to my oatmeal but otherwise they sit in the fridge. It would really be helpful to see what you do with your produce for the week. Any food ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I “process” all fruits and veggies w/in two days of buying them. That can mean cutting, peeling things to be ready for finger foods or salads, or washing and roasting potatoes or squashes, then storing them in convenience containers. I find that once everything is clean and prepped, I am more likely to snack on it or eat it for meals because all I have to do is toss it together. You can also do this with grains, make a big pot and then dole out individual servings (I do this for steel cut oats often). Having a meal plan idea in your head will also help you not buy too much. It takes practice and patience but I swear this works. I am a reformed food waster/restaurant for every meal eater.
I’d like to add that shopping at wholesale stores can be really helpful too! I have BJs Wholesale near me, and they have large bags of sweet potatoes for TWO DOLLARS. I live by myself, and my diet consists primarily of vegetables, so buying the slightly larger bags means I have a huge amount of produce to choose from all week, and I never end up having any left over. Large bags of lemons for cooking (fresh squeezed lemon juice) are also really affordable there, and they have larger jugs of extra virgin olive oil that you can partition into more maneagable pouring bottles. Overall, very cost effective if you only live near big expensive grocery stores. Wholesale stores also have some great grass-fed beef options and hormone-free chicken and sausages for the carnivores out there. Not as big a section as the rest of the meat, but who cares? Buying extra and freezing some means you will never have a reason to cheat on your diet — you always have ingredients on hand!
Also would you have any tips for meal other than buy grains in bulk? I feel like my stuff goes bad before I eat it a lot. I don’t want to be a wasteful American. It’s such a bad stereotype. I guess plan out your meals…
I went to walmart today for some groceries and I wouldn’t have commented, but I spent $30 and received significantly less food. Sriracha was $2.64 and that’s not including the 8% tax on food. Two pounds of apples cost me almost $4. A package of salad mix was about $3. Nearly any veggie will be 2-3x what you listed. And my final gripe, organic eggs (the only organic thing I will buy) is $3.70. Some of us, especially in the Midwest, I guess aren’t as lucky.
Where I live food is more expensive. A small bag of baby spinach is like $4 here. I usually try to pick some up when it’s on sale for 2 for $4 or I’ll go to the city and buy a huge bag when it’s on sale.
For the most part I try to always have onions, carrots, cabbage, and apples for sure. They’re pretty cheap and I use them for cooking a lot or work snacks. I also make my own yogurt so that’s pretty cheap. I like having oats around too. I love snacking on almonds but those are pretty expensive. My biggest thing is buying on sale. That helps a lot. I also tend to buy a lot of frozen veggies when they’re on sale. Works great for cooking.
Hi, could anybody message me password for the workout calendar? Getting kinda desperate :/
has anyone e-mailed you the password yet?
I want you to make a video on how to make smoothies and other drinks!
I wish I lived where you do! In London chicken breasts are about £6-7 for 2. That’s about $9.50. The other food on your list is also a lot more expensive. I try to go to the farmer’s markets but the prices are still waaay higher than you have written! 🙁
I can understand why people here buy junk food when it is actually cheaper. Even coca-cola is cheaper than bottled water most of the time!
I wish grocery’s were that cheap where I am! Where I live (Australia) green beans are about $15 a kg, tomatoes are close behind at $13 a kg, a passion fruit is almost always a $1 or over and meat such as lamb is at $30 or over for a kg.
Quinoa and other grains are also about 7 or 8 dollars for 500 grams. My family and I still eat healthy (with the occasional chocolate) but it seems hard when so much of our money is going on eating fresh and healthy foods.
Hi Cassey! My cart looks pretty similar to yours minus the garbanzo beans (plus the tub of processed hummus at TJ). Please share your hummus recipe with us so that people like myself will be able to convert to a homemade version! The Southern Blends at TJs in the same section where you find the spinach is also pretty good for cooking.
Hey Cassey! Can you share your hummus recipe with us?! 🙂
I buy a lot of the same things, though I have a small garden – so that really helps with expenses in the warm months (tomatoes, basil, jalapenos, squash, cilantro, rosemary…). I also like to get kale for salads/soups, avocados (for everything, but especially smoothies!) and fruits that are in season (looove berries, mangoes, red grapes…)… or if they aren’t in season, I buy them frozen to use in my smoothies. Quinoa can be expensive, but it lasts me a while, especially since lately I’ve been switching it up with some sprouted brown rice (or I eat typically eat oats as my grain).
Oh gosh!! Even in Canada things are much, much more expensive.
Where do you shop??
i usually spend about $125/week for my groceries, one person. especially in the summer, i buy most of my sesonal fruits: berries, melon, peaches, appricots, pears, apples, etc., sesonal veggies: salads, cherrie tomatoes, cucumbers, zuchinni, cauliflower, string beans, potatoes,corn etc., mushorooms, goat milk feta and chevre, eggs from the farmers market, all organic. i am fortunate, i leave in nyc and there are several places where farmers bring their produce. also, i shop at whole foods, and try to buy what they have on sale: avocados, goat milk yogurt, bananas, salmon, shrimp, quinoa, brown rice, etc. i do not buy anything that is in a can or frozen. everything i buy is organic and fresh. i do not eat meat, just fish, pasta, vegies, fruits, all whole wheat. i am a healthy type of nut person. i much rather spend a little bit more when it comes to nourishing my body.
Eating healthy is so not expensive!!
Another trick? Buy rice, beans, quinoa, nuts, and seeds from bulks bins. A lot of stores have them, and you can get stuff like this suuuuuper cheap. Yesterday I think I spent like $2 for a big ole bag of lentils.
I also get all my veggies from a local farm through their CSA program. It’s $94 a month for a full share, which is enough to feed two people and more than enough for just me. If you were getting a half share for one person it would be $47 a month (or 11.74 a week, or $1.6 a day) for fresh, organic vegetables and fruit.
The only place it can get expensive is when I’m picking up spices, because I love cooking lots of different recipes that always call for something new and particular… XD You can save money here too by buying a small portion of what you need from bulk bins (if you have a store that does that), or by checking out your local ethnic markets. They often have spices for way cheaper.
Fake meat can also be expensive if you’re vegetarian, but for a while I was saving money by straight up buying vital wheat gluten or TVP or tofu and making it myself. A lot of the time you’re paying more just for convenience.
There are no local farms in every country.Cant you understand that in every country prices are different?I can honestly say that in Bulgaria you must be a millionaire to eat healthy!For example-500 ml almond milk is $5 which may not seem a lot but that is about 7,50 leva (the bulgarian money) and that is a lot of money.For comparison-the ordinary milk is 2 leva (about $1,60 ) for 1liter.In addition the average salary in here is about 400-500 LEVA($350) per month.So,tell me how exactly a man with $300 per month would prefer to buy 500ml milk for $5 when he/she can simply buy 1liter for less money?
Believe me,it America it may be not expensive to eat organic foods or just to eat healthy but not everyone is from America 🙂
Eat clean is so much cheaper than not, people just think it is because they look at a bag of fruit and think, “oh that’s so much just for a few apples” but one microwave dinner will cost the same and they’ll be fine with that even though it’ll only feed them once and is really bad for them. Love, love, love this post!
I shop at trader joes and my list looks almost identical to yours, i also buy there frozen shrimp and zuchinni as well. Also lots of lemons and limes , olive oil and balsamic vinegars ince they are a great flavor booster. Also every spring i buy a pot of some of my favorite herbs, basil, mint, thyme etc for $2 each and they last me all spring thru fall
I’m in the same boat as a lot of other people. I live in NY and the prices on most things are about the same, a little more expensive here, but I make minimum wage and don’t have a trader joe’s in my area. The fresh things are what kill my budget. Fruit especially. And you mentioned quinoa, quinoa is about five dollars for a small box at my grocery store and that just is not something I can afford. If I’m going to spend five dollars on a single item, it better be huge. I think a lot of eating clean for cheap depends on where you live. You are lucky enough to live in an area with a TJ that doesn’t have to hike up fresh produce prices by shipping them very far. Buying clean has been do-able for the summer, I just dread to think what it’ll be like in the winter when the produce is being sent in from some other country and the prices will sky rocket.
Bread is another issue. I know you don’t eat bread but between work and school I’m usually gone from home from 8am to at least 8pm, so I have to have food I can take with me and sandwiches are too easy to avoid. What do you recommend for bread?
I’m not Cassey, but I know she’s said that she eats Ezekiel bread before, it’s a sprouted grain bread and it is a bit more expensive, but so good. But for cheaper options, I work at a bakery and we have a nine grain and a six grain sourdough that are both 4.75 and don’t have any HFCS or preservatives. I’m sure you could find something like that in your area, Aunt Millies is a fairly good grocery store brand, but some of them have weird preservatives that I like to avoid.
I buy a lot of the things on your list fairly often so I can tell you with certainty that the prices you list are about 50% of what I pay in Toronto, Canada for the same things. The ones that really stick out (because I buy them twice as often, once for work and once for home) are the baby carrots ($5ish a bag) and spinach ($5-6ish).
Clearly Trader Joe’s needs to expand to Canada. 🙁
Yep! Totally don’t get why people buy junk food that’s so expensive and doesn’t even fill you up. I can’t say I eat clean due to my family. With me being only 14, I don’t know how to drive or have any money I can actually spend.
All I can do is pick out the organic stuff that my grandma cooks. But I can’t avoid white rice. 🙁 She starts yelling at me if I try eating no rice, even if I’m trying to eat more veggies. Ah, well, I guess I have to live with it since she was brought up with white rice everyday in China. -.- But I’m at least avoiding junk food the best I can. ^^
Hopefully it’ll get easier when I get older and can have more say in what I would like to eat. I don’t get why the whole household just converts to eating clean. It’s not that hard. Then there’s the few factors that my aunt owns a take-out Chinese restaurant and that her step-sons are picky eaters… Then again, the youngest step-son IS twenty pounds over what he should weigh.
Oh well. And I didn’t get the password even though I signed up for the newsletter. Well, I’ll go see if I can get it. Finished my exercise today though. Eating some fruits before organizing for the upcoming school year in high school. ^___^;; Oh, and congrats to the winner. ^^ So much text… xD
You are so sweet. Check your spam for email newsletter with password. Keep up the healthy eating where you can. And maybe you could try cooking with your grandma to show her clean eating, could be a fun bonding time.
Echoing a lot of other people… Eating healthy is extremely important to me, and I make an embarrassingly small amount of money. But some places don’t have Trader Joe’s. For those of us stuck using HyVee (which is actually a fantastic grocery chain that carries all that) or the like, I generally spend over $100/week buying that same stuff.
It may just all be supply and demand, but Midwesterners (who actually grow most of that stuff) aren’t actually concerned with eating it, so the prices are crazy. California is a weird exception to most of the world.
Wow. I hear people telling me all the time they can’t afford to eat healthy. I mean, sometimes i can see it may be a little more than that if you have more than 1 person to feed, but still, thats not too expensive. You just have to be really cautious with what you put in the cart and get the best prices! Thanks for this!
And yeah, I usually always get the things on your list. And Costco’s Almonds last at least 3 or more weeks in my house. And they’re good quality as well.
I always go to Costco to get my big bundles of foods like almonds, frozen chicken breasts, apples, almond butter, carrots(omg huge bag of carrots), broccoli, bellpeppers, organic baby spinach, etc.
Almond butter is super cheap at Costco. Usually a little jar of it at Publix or the FreshMarket, is like 10 to 15 dollars…at Costco, its like 6.99 for a big jar.
These tops are super cute!
I would love, love, love to find out your hummus recipe. I think many others would agree. Your recipe for protein pancakes were amazing, and nothing short of life changing (I have a new found love for pancakes again!). So I know your hummus will be delish too.
the price of everything over here in new brunswick, canada is at least double/triple that. fruit is INSANELY expensive 🙁 doesnt stop me from eating completely clean but it does suck for some people, i mean when did stuff from the ground start costing more then some processed toxic crappy crap?
My grocery list is pretty similar to this although I do add more variety as I’m not sure I could live off this for a week. I buy oily fish (mackeral, tuna, salmon – tinned) and avocado & olive oil – I really notice the moisture difference in my skin if I leave good fats out of my diet. I also get through no end of bell peppers, red onion and mushrooms (delicious when roasted with olive oil and black/cayenne pepper). I buy wholegrain wraps & bread for lunch to take to work & prawns/cottage cheese with salad. Another thing I do is have a slice of lemon in my hot water every morning. I tend to snack on lean meats w/ryvita & cucumber or beef jerky, & fruit & nuts to switch it up. My downfall is in the evening after my last meal – that’s when I really crave sweet food, I used to be able to have 2 chunks of dark choc but now for some reason if I start I just can’t stop & I’ll want biscuits, cake, any other dessert!! So I have a 40cal hot chocolate drink, followed by a milky decaf coffee & then that’s it – I brush my teeth even if it’s 7pm and I know that’s my cut off – no other food/drink enters my lips til morning! lol
Why is that we don’t have this things you eat in my country? I don’t even know what some of them are. Quinoa, edamame, garbanzo beans… what are these? Greek yogurt, baby spinach, almond milk, i can’t bye them from where i live. I’m not able to make about 80% of you recepies because of this. I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!
Protein powder is super expensive, and so is organic produce which is very, very important, even for weight loss since many of the pesticides impact your hormones and thus your metabolism. And these are California prices?! Our TJ prices are SO much higher in Michigan!! I only go to the grocery store for stocking up on dry items. Everything else comes from the farmer’s market.
Raw unsalted almond butter. On sweet potatos!!
Where do you get bananas for 19 cents!?! Thats soo cheap!! We go through bananas so fast in my house.
This summer I’ve been going to the local farmer’s market. You can save a lot of money and you’re buying local and fresh! This past week I spent $9 on a big thing of green beans, 2 zuchinni, 2 pattypans (its type of summer squash) 2 cucumbers, and a big egg plant! All organic and fresh!
Bananas are 19 cents each here at my TJ’s too (I’m in North Carolina.) Everything else is more expensive, though. I pay $3-$4 for a bag of baby spinach and almond milk is off the charts.
Seriously? Everything is sooo cheap in the US! Here in France it’s around double the price!
My groceries usually cost 100€ – 120€, but I have a houshold of four, including hungry hubby and two growing toddlers. But the list looks like this. I still buy pasta for my pack, and for me I buy potatoes (less calories and more vitamines), quinoa, and oat. I also buy much more fruits: apples, pears, and season fruits.
I have to admit that I don’t eat totally clean all of the time but lately, as I work at a school and it is summer break here, I have been buying the ingredients to make meals for my family rather than purchasing the ready made stuff. My spending on groceries (including non food items) has gone down from about £100 to £85 per week. I’m happy with that and I have rediscovered my love of cooking. I can make huge quantities of chicken and vegetable soup for the same price as a couple of cans of the stuff. I love making a large veggie frittata which is much better value and far more tasty than the tiny quiches I used to buy.
Thanks Casey for keeping me motivated. ‘Like’ing your blogilates fb page was the best thing I did last year.
What I eat….
I am greedy, but I also buy things when they’re on offer!!
How can you live of such a few things for a week?
I don’t know about you, but I buy my grains in bulk, so they’re always in the house. Cassey does that too, it seems!
In Australia it’s like double, triple everything! Bananas 19c each! Jeez! We have to pay 60c or something rediculous – it adds up
Try buying frozen veggies and fruit for smoothies. They’re much cheaper and last longer.
Haha, that’s what I was just thinking. 19c for a banana!!? I wish! Stupid Australia…
To be fair though, the junk food also seems to be about double! So it’s still cheaper to buy healthy food…just have to buy in-season here!
Australian prices are DEFINITELY much higher. We can get 2 single chicken breasts for $7 in Brisbane, but they’re not organic. 2 organic breasts are $12 – 14.
BUT…. vegies from Coles/Woolies etc are double/triple/more than these prices but if you go to a farmers market you can get a much better deal. Organic (where I am) is about 4x these prices, so I’m setting up a garden at home. Hurray for moving to a small farm, we have garden space!
I think timeline did kill some of it! good thing you’re redirecting them to your page. AWESOME-NESS!
In Australia prices are way more then that to be healthy, it sucks so badly.
where is the password for the September calendar? 🙁
If you sign up for the newsletter you’ll receive the password for the September calendar 🙂
hi cassey,
can we please have your hommus recipe!! many thanks!
love u
You forgot to include into price your protein poweder 😉
And fruits: you’re buying only bananas, no other fruits?