Dogilates: The Best Workout for your Pet!
Dogilates: The Best Workout for your Pet!
I’m currently writing to you from the Bay Area! Had such a crazy week but I am so happy I made it through. So you know how I was instagramming those crazy leotards and dog pics a while back? Well, the final project is finally here.
Before we get into the deets, can I just tell you why I even did this? I was driving home from class one morning and thought…OMG!!! What if…I did a Pilates workout for doggies…called DOGILATES!!??? It was the perfect idea.
First this picture of one of Ruby the Corgi doing POP Pilates went viral on the internet…
…and then it was published in a magazine!
You guys are always sending PETster pics in to me and I love love love seeing them! I download them and keep them on a folder on my desktop 🙂 I adore doggies and I really do wish I could have one but it seriously just wouldn’t be fair for the pup. I’d wanna be able to take care of him with all of my love.
I’m sure this beauty would want a Dogilates workout.
And this one’s warming up for a killer workout!
So I thought long and hard about how I could make this happen. It was a bigger project than I could handle alone. So I reached out to the only people who I knew could bring my dream come true. I tweeted The Pet Collective. They are a fantastic channel that makes hilarious pet music videos of popular Top 40 songs. I first fell in love when I saw Corgi Rae sing Call Me Maybe last year. If you haven’t seen this, you must watch:
Thanks to the awesome dog trainers, talented doggies, and an amazing production crew…Dogilates: K90X was made possible!
I hope you guys enjoy the video! Please share it with your friends and leave a comment letting me know how you like it! Because if you show that you really love it, then I’ll make sure to do Cat Cardio for our feline fitness fans 🙂
Also!! New comfy and cozy sweaters are in the shop for Fall!
BLOGILATES Track Jacket on Me
Train Insane Slimfit Hoodie Giselle
Slippy Shoulder Train like a Beast Sweater on Gracie
I’m really excited that I’m playing with patchwork and embroidery details in the clothing now! I am always striving to get better quality and style with each collection I design for you. Also, guess what else I’m pretty stoked about? New models!!! Yay!!!
I wanna say thanks to my friends Giselle and Gracie for sharing their smiling personalities with us! I met Gracie on set while filming some workouts for AwesomenessTV. Both her and Giselle are tv actresses from Nickolodeon’s Supah Ninjas! What’s great is that they practice healthy lifestyles and actually do exercise to look fit! Real bodies and real work! Love it.
Hope you’re having a magnificent start to your weekend. Love you so much!
<3 Cassey
45 thoughts on “Dogilates: The Best Workout for your Pet!”
There are 45 comments posted by our users.
This is a great and informative post. I need to find a yoga mat for my pet! Thanks for sharing.
These white cells have a very particular function – to
battle any foreign item in our bodies. Rejection happens when the white cells attack a new organ or other foreign object in the physique.
LOVED this video! Cassey, you are so awesome, even though you’re working hard to give us new videos and calendars, products, etc. you still make time to do something fun! This was seriously hilarious!
I thought the dogilates video was hilarious, in a good way of course! I’m so glad things are going good with you 🙂 I really love the slippy shoulder train like a beast sweater, it’s perfect for fall.
lol that was so funny. I love the pug especially when he was just laying on his back.
HA! The Dogilates video makes me so, so happy. I would absolutely love to see a Cat Cardio because my feline is on my mat the second a I roll it out (she’s convinced it’s a roll-up scratch pad).
I am real bummed it’s long sleeve weather again but it would a lot nicer if I had one of those sweatshirts – the pink one Giselle is wearing is my favorite!
Hi Cassey!
Just a random question, where did you get that amazing cherry blossom (faux?) plant that’s in the background of your vids? Its so beautiful! I’ve been looking for something like that!
Krissy x
love the video it was amazing !!!!! had so much fun watching it love love love it
Cassey! You are one crazy chick, right?! 🙂 I LOVE how much you love what you are doing and how hard you work to share this energy and passion. Thank you for being awesome! Thank you for demonstrating that hard work, determination and a healthy lifestyle go well with humor and happiness!
Very funny video with the doggies! I imagine how happy you were =) I would be very impressed to see you do the same with cats 😀 I am personally a major cat person, so THAT would be a dream come true to see them have a cardio blast hahaha I would try to teach my Blueberry….Thanks for everything you do Cassey, you rock! (or should I say you Pop?)
Hey Cassey,
Would you be able to create a vegetarian meal plan? I want to follow your meal plans, but I’m a vegetarian. I’m going to try the vegan challenge, but it would be nice to have more options.
I soooo wanted that sweatshirt 🙁 It’s so cool
xoxo Zoe
I like the pink one the best.
The video was pretty unexpected in a great way! I was super impressed! So much fun.
this is the cutest video ever! made my day cassey haha so cute
This video made my whole week! I’m OBSESSED <3
this is the cutest ting!! also, i would love catilates! :))))
I’m trying to order the SWEAT HAPPY hoodie jacket
I picked the color and size already, when I go to the cart
It says empty cart. Does anyone of you have the same problem ?
Or it’s just me? Because I tried it 5 times already. Or are you out of that
I’m t
Oh, PLEASE do cat cardio (or catilates)! My cat is all over the mat everytime I work out in the living room. I call her my workout buddy, haha.
I was at the hospital when I saw the video . I was laughing so hard when I saw it.
It’s so cute! I showed it to my 5 yrs. old boy and he was cracking out too. He loves dogs
And cats . We have both . Anyways, you indeed nailed it! Thanks again to all the free videos.
aww that was the cutest video ever you have to do dogilates 2!
Those sweatshirts and jackets are so cute!
POPsters check out my blog! I post healthy, paleo, and gluten free recipes that are all low carb and sugar free…so delicious after Cassey’s workouts!
Cassey this is the cutest video ever!! My 4 year old daughter loves watching all of your videos (especially Cheap Clean Eats) but she loved this one especially.
I really enjoyed your video! It was awesome, it’s one of my favorite videos so far! 😀
Cuuute! I love this! This video will bring me smiles when bad weather gets me down this fall. Love it!
(health and fitness motivation)
Wow, this was a great idea Cassey! Not only are you a great fitness instructor, but you have a mind for marketing. Keep up the great work. You’re an inspiration.
hahah aw this video was so cuuuute, you’re so creative Cassey:-) love you!
This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen ♡♥
My favourite is the cute little pug!
This just made my weekend!! Wish my pups could get in on the fun! Love it! 🙂 Thanks for being awesome Cassey! 🙂
HAHA the dogs didn’t even break a sweat! i really thought you used string to pull the dog’s legs.. did they actually do it themselves?
OMG this is sooo cute! My dog was watching it with me and he was so into it the whole time lol!
Love you Casey, Keep doing an amazing job and following your dreams!! 😀
OMG the video is the most adorable thing ever!!!!!!!and i loved the “train like a beast ” slippy shoulder!!My God Cassey stop releasing such amazing things that are so hard to resist!!!You surprise me everytime!!
Love your workouts,your clothes,bottles,yoga mat,everything!!!!And specially love you!! 🙂
OMG I literally screamed when I noticed the vid on my YouTube. They were suuuuuupereeer adorable!!!! Oh yes oh yes. BLOGILATES NAIL POLISH INDEED!!!! Maybe you could do a Halloween workout series for different characters too! Would love to see what you come up with and I can’t wait for the book! Miracles do happen 😉 LOVE YA CASSEY!!!!!
The video turned out great!!! Love it!! How about toddler Pilates lol, my little monkey is always trying to copy me and make my workouts harder lol!
The video turned out great!!! Love it!!
Absolutely loved it!!! I have a dog named Zorro who’s just full of energy! This would be good for him. ;D
I would love to see Catilates! Another idea: a Blogilates line of nail polish!
AH! Now that would be amazing.
Dear Cassey,
thanks for the superb workout video for me. i always watch my mom doing blogilates but the “adult-version” is too hard for me. so this is really what i was missing.
love you
elmo (sweet dog, five an a half year old)
You’re amazing Cassey!!! 😀 Your hard work really shows and you are constantly exploring, growing and developing your skills in a lot of areas!! I can see the great changes since I’ve first started following you and that’s not too long ago too!! You are an amazing talented young lady!! I will always follow and support you!! ^_____________^ Love you!! ~ Michelle, from AUSTRALIA 😀 <3
aww u are so sweet! thank u for noticing the hard work. i appreciate you!
cassey! I love this video – it’s amazing done and just sooo sweet!
and the new models are just so pretty