Chunky Cinnamon Apple Muffins – a Healthy Fall Treat!
Hey POPsters!!
Sooooooo….we’re baaaaaaaack! Yes I saw all your comments asking “What happened to Cheap Clean Eats!?” – thank you for your concern. Just needed a break 🙂 I miss cooking for you too.
Since it’s getting all chilly and I’m really feeling Autumn-y – it’s obvious that I needed to try a fall inspired recipe with apples and cinnamon! I actually just bought a ton of Fuji Apples from Trader Joes and they were being eaten so slowly, so I knew they needed to face the heat of the oven. I found a great muffin recipe from TheGraciousPantry that I wanted to try that used whole wheat flour. Since I normally don’t bake with that (I usually veer towards coconut flour, almond flour, oat flour etc.), I wanted to see what the difference in texture and taste would be. Instead of going to Whole Foods to get all of my ingredients, I found this website that pretty much sells all the same brands but for less! LOVE IT!!!! Scooped up my ingredients, got em in the mail, then started baking away! Here’s what you’ll need.
INGREDIENTS (made about 13 large muffins at 50 cents each!):
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
2 egg whites
3/4 cup milk of choice (almond, soy, rice, or cow)
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
2 medium apple, peeled and well chopped
(Also Vitacost is running a good promo where you can get $10 off your first order of $30 or more. Click HERE to get the dealio.)
Bake at 350F for 20 min or until you do the toothpick test and it comes out smooth. For more detailed instructions, click here.
181 cals per large muffin, 5.1 g fat, 31.6g carbs, 3.7g fiber, 2.6g protein
11% daily value vitamin E
7% daily value iron
Slightly sweet, chunky, and tastes like a “real” muffin! I think carb and bread lovers won’t complain about how this tastes like a fake muffin cuz it aint! It is definitely nutritious, especially because we used whole wheat flour vs. white flour. Per 1/2 cup whole wheat flour has 6.4g of fiber vs the 1.3g in white enriched flour. This will keep you fuller longer. Note that eating whole wheat flour is similar to eating whole grains and beans so it aids digestion and helps to lower blood sugar. BUT! Be careful. Though this treat is made from better-for-you ingredients, if you’re trying to lean out, eat it the morning or an hour before a workout so you can use up the energy as it is slightly high in carbs. Do not eat it at night!
Love you guys! And OMG the #BlogilatesBoston meetup is tomorrow!!!! I’m so nervous!!!!! EEEEEE!!!
<3 Cassey
46 thoughts on “Chunky Cinnamon Apple Muffins – a Healthy Fall Treat!”
There are 46 comments posted by our users.
Thank you so much for the tips Cassey!!!!
I love your recipes Cassey! You are awesome! 🙂 I do have a question though, could this recipe work if you substituted the pastry flour with coconut flour and the sunflower oil with coconut oil? I don’t have the other two ingredients.
These were delicious, a little low on the sugar, so I mixed some honey and hot water, and spread a thin layer over the muffins, perfect!
Nice and moist, just right!
I don’t know what I did wrong because the cupcakes didn’t rise. I put all of the ingredients but the cupcakes turned out really thin (if I can say) and soggy (even though I baked them for ~30 minutes). I’m really confused..
Can I subs. avocado oil for the safflower? Also, anyone have a vegan alteration for the recipe? Usually apple sauce is a good substitute but it’s already being used here
anyone know substitute for the unsweetened apple sauce?
This looks absolutely delicious!!
I made the almost same thing on my blog but with dry grapes, need to try your recipe now
Just made these..soooo good. I added about 1/2 cup raisins. Great breakfast for my kids.
I forgot to add sunfflower oil, but it was delicious and less calories!! Thank you Cassey for recipe!
Soo good!!!! Ate them for lunch today 😉
I totally think you should do a clean eating Thanksgiving food lineup!!! That would be so great!
These look so good! I’ve bookmarked this to come back to over the weekend. Thanks! PS. I have a big case of Fridge Envy now!! 🙂
Hey Cassey!
Oh my god, your fridge is so well organised, mine is a mess! A healthy mess, but a mess nonetheless.
Do you have any good fish recipe? My little sister hates fish, all forms of fish, and I was wondering is maybe with some new recipes she might like it more?
Thanks and good job as always!
Thanks so much for this post! I loved the video!! So cute! And I am actually going to upload a “what’s in my fridge” post to my blog, sometime this week! I love your enthusiastic energy and the fact that you believe in treating yourself! I definitely agree with this balanced approach! In fact I just ate a small piece of dark chocolate with a spoonful of honey roasted peanut butter!! Yum!! Thanks again 🙂
The video was so nice, you made my morning a little bit better! I was thinking if you could do some type of video about what you eat on daily bases? I would be super interested especially for some breakfast ideas!
I love the gracious pantry
These look absolutely delish! Can we simply use 2 eggs instead of 2 egg whites? Thank you!!
These look incredible!!! Can’t wait to try 🙂
mhmm.. This sounds so yummy! I love your healthy recipes, they’re so easy and delicious! <3
Hey Cassey! first of all I want to say I LOVE YOU, you changed my life! 🙂 these muffins are DELI-CI-OUUUUUSE!!
I just wanna ask how many grams of carbs am I allowed a day if I’m maintaining weight? i would really appreciate your help on this one. thank you <3
Hello, Cassey!! I love your Cheap Clean Eats videos! I was waiting for this one! I was wondering if you can healthy more of my favorite desserts, like brownies, real, soft, and chewy chocolate chip cookies, that taste just like the real thing, and soft pretzels???
Thank you!!
Oh!, and CUPCAKES!! AND some really good healthy frosting.. If you know what I mean..??
Can i use pears or another fruit instead of apples? im allergy
Great, quite a unique recipe. Really does help some of us looking for new and creative food ideas, especially ones that are relatively easy to make. Something I can pack in the kids lunch box for a healthy snack at school 🙂
These look amazing! I cannot wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing!!
xx Chloe
Your muffins look great! I’m sure they’re just as tasty. Wish I was closer to Boston, your meet up sounds like fun!!
Oh these look delicious. Although I’m not that great at baking so we’ll see if they come out!
can you add coconut oil instead of safflower oil?
YUM! These look like the perfect fall treat 🙂
They sound good, but I have to modify the recipe to make them gluten free and vegan for me! Getting rid of the extra oil wouldn’t be bad either. Not a bad weekend project to try out!
Yummy Yummy in My Tummy!
I will definitely be trying these muffins this week! Thanks for the idea Cassey
Going home to spend a week visiting my family and me and my mum love to bake together. This will be our recipe to get us in the autumn-y mood!
Love your recipes however, being in the UK, it’s hard to accurately convert cups to grams!! So I sometimes end up with the wrong texture of the things I make!
Laurel, London. xx
Thank you for the recipe. It looks so adorable <3
You are my inspiration Cassey 😉
That looks delicious 🙂
Is it possible to substitute the
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
to almond or coconut flour?
Then this recipe is glutenfree 🙂
I was going to post the same thing.
Almond flour will work, but coconut flour is super absorbent and isn’t the same as normal flour, so I wouldn’t use the same ratios.
Might have to have a play in the kitchen.
Oh they look so sweet ! Thanks for sharing the recipe !
XX Luba
The perfect office and after work look today on
Oh my! These look delicious 😀 The perfect treat to make this weekend I think!