Burpee Kettlebell Pyramid BURNOUT!!! POP HIIT 8
Burpee Kettlebell Pyramid BURNOUT!!! POP HIIT 8
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
Thursday’s workout only consists of 2 moves. THE KETTLEBELL SWING and THE BURPEE. You’ll be doing a pyramid of them starting with 1 KB and 1 BP and then doing 2 KB 2 BP so on and so forth until you get to the top at 15 KB and 15 BP!! THEN!!! You have to come back down…14 KB and 14 BP…13 KB and 13 BP…all the way til you get to 1 KB and 1 BP. This workout is so crazy. I’m serious. I hate this workout. It is the worst. But I’m actually gonna go do it in about an hour. I’m scared because it kicks my butt. I’m serious guys. Bring water. You’ll need it. Take breaks when you need it but try not to exceed 30 sec to 1 min at your highest intensity. The whole thing will take you about 40 min! And no extra cardio for you today. I won’t torture you with that. Just play your fave song and do abs on the ball to the whole thing. To challenge yourself, one leg up like in my video.
My homies – sub the kettlebell swing with walking lunges, hands behind your head (prisoner style). Make sure your knees go all the way down. No ball? Do crunches on your mat! Don’t pull on your neck. Use your abs and lift your chest and shoulders!
GOOD LUCK!!!! Rate this workout 1-10 below.
MUAHAHHAHHAHA is all I can say.
One of you said you burned over 600 calories with this one! I believe it! To see how much you burned, check out WeightTraining.com!
OH! And to win the Nike Frees that I am giving away this week – sign onto Tumblr and REBLOG THIS POST! <– click there. I will announce the winner on Sunday!
<3 Cassey
Backless tee by Blogilates
Double Windsor Swimsuit top by Skye & Staghorn
Side tie short by Onzie
Nike free run shoes
150 thoughts on “Burpee Kettlebell Pyramid BURNOUT!!! POP HIIT 8”
There are 150 comments posted by our users.
How do you find out how many calories a workout burns in weighttraining.com? Just started using it and ive no idea how to use it lol
oh nevermind i figured it out! it’s awesome
hmm I don’t get it XD
Could you please help me? 😀
I tried this yesterday and only got to 15 (with a struggle!) and couldn’t come back down. Then again it was my second workout of the day so I won’t be too hard on myself. I do love this combo though. I love kettlebells and while I can’t say the L word about burpees, they do leave me looking pretty good the day after. Can’t wait to try again soon!
It took me 23:40 mins to finish it! Right now im sweating like crazy! 🙂
Possibly the hardest workout ever.
I did the Kettleball with 8 lbs. I burned 648 calories for a one hour workout! That’s running for six miles!! Insanity. This is AWESOME and HARD and GREAT and I love Cassy so much….
I’m doing this tomorrow!! What weight kettle bell should I use? Like 25?
I have a notable synthetic attention intended for details and may foresee issues
before these people happen.
um what
THIS KILLED ME. but I loved every second of it! it took me about 35 minutes.
how much weight should I use?
You have no idea… this killed me. I have always been a burbee failure but THIS… had to take lots of breaks and then I am splitting it in two.. I much rather do abs than this haha! 😀
Does R and L walking lunges count as 1, or count 1 with R leg then 2 with L leg? :/
I was wondering the same thing. I counted R and L as one.
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You’re so evil I love you!
Yay! I finished! it took me 22 minutes for the burpee and kettlebell pyramid part, then i took a shower and ate lunch, (veggie chili with healthy cornbread, and a plum!) and in about 30 minutes i will go ahead and do the ab part. I didn’t think it was that bad, but then again i was using two 10 pound dumbbells held together at their ends as my kettlebell, and i wasn’t swinging ALL the way up, so i cheated there. whatever, i got my heart racing and sweating!
Doing this early so I can have Sunday as my rest day…I’d say that was an 8/10. Thanks for the great workout Cassey! So glad I found your workouts 🙂
Love pyramid workouts. This is one i can do at home or at the cottage too. Thanks!!
Owwww! But I did it, now lets see if I can walk tomorrow haha! Great workout! 🙂
I LOVED this workout!! I love how it felt like total body and my heart was absolutely pounding afterward.. I would say it was about a 8/10.. I really hope to have some more workouts with this same intensity.. I am a personal trainer and its easy to push others but I have a hard time thinking of things to push me sooo I am hoping for more workouts to really push me 🙂 Thanks 🙂
I give this a 50,000+/10. Bahahaha. Thats how hard it was. Seriously. BUT I FINISHED THE ENTIRE THING.
ALSO! weighttraining.com said I burned 840 calories during this workout. O.o I think thats a little off.
sorry for asking. I’m using weighttraining.com too, but how it counts how much calories have you burned?
oh my goodness gracious. this may be the hardest thing i have done since bikini blaster abs. good thing i love cardio!!! i’d so much rather do this than abs. 29:42 is my time, not counting the abs workout i have to do. my hole body is shaking 🙂 oh and i was listening to iheartradio caffinated country station, and right affter i finished, “done” by the band perry started playing. ismn’t that weird? my fingers are shaking so i am spelling a loto of things wrong. i used 2 ten pound dumbellsss as my kettlebell. k i’m going to go shower. geez that was hard.
I would say 8/10. Wow it was a great one, def no the hardest. My big motivation on the way dowm od the pyramid came at 10/9 reps…although it was easier, my thighs were heavy 🙂 x
Great one! So sweaty afterwards, but not the hardest by any stretch- went very quickly. 7-8/10 😀 Felt a great cardio rush though, and I could do it without much transition, which really flowed the workout along. Awesome over all!!
Yep same here….I found the other POP HIITS harder, but I was more sweaty at the end of this one. It took me about 30 minutes, now I’m going to do the ab challenge.
Fun workout! But it does annoy me when the workout says to do burpees. The move in the video is not a burpee, unless you go chest to floor. Real burpees are the best.
There are plenty of variations of burpees 🙂
Ooooooook so I realized the reason I didn’t get through this is probably because I was going down into a push up after every one. HOLY MOLY whyyyyy did I not watch that she was just jumping out?! I like tripled the intensity of this thing. And I feel like I’m going to pass out. I feel a little less defeated now that I couldn’t make it all the way through it though!
What do I do if I don’t have a kettlebell? I think I’m gonna do squat jumps or something like that. Cassey, please don’t make this routines with gym instruments because there are people who can’t afford those. Thank you very much for designing it anyway, it looks killing. Love you<3
it says what to do if you don’t have a kettlebell. She almost always includes variations, one time she even included an option for people who couldn’t run outside, which i’m going to do from now on if i do the hiit too late. im glad you thought of what to do yourself, but it says that you can do the prisoner position squat
Thank you very much, I really didn’t read the post, only watched the video. <33
In the post above, she says to do walking lunges with hands behind your head (prisoner style).
I’m at home and I used a six liter water bottle filled instead of a kettleball! I think that’s about 7.5 pounds of weight… It worked okay for me!
11! I am at my heaviest weight ever right now, and burpees are killing me. I could only make it to 10 before I had to go back down. But I did work my absolute hardest. I had to take a break between almost every single set because my head was throbbing and I felt like passing out. But I didn’t give up!
8/10 burpees aren’t too bad but i hate kettle bell swings plus i did the pop hiit 7 the day before and my arms wanted to fall off. took me about 40 minutes with ab challenge and then i did 10 minutes of warm up on the bike too. did not want to go into those swings and burpees cold.
OMG 10/10!! Ok, no, maybe 9/10 but this was tough! I’m so sweating but I’m so pumped right now! This was AWESOME Cassey, love you! <3
this was tough, but not the toughest! i’d say it’s probably an 8/10. thanks for the pop hiits cassey! i love them.. i hope you continue to make them even after july is over! i’ll definitely be reusing the old pop hiits in my future workouts 🙂
This one was at least a 10/10 for me!!! I was sooo sweaty!! I really like how these POP HIITS leave me feeling accomplished and energized the rest of the day! I’m definitely going to save all of these printables for future workouts. Thank you Cassey!! 🙂
This was definitely a 10/10. I loathe burpees so I knew this was going to be a killer before I even started. I had to take 30 second breaks between each burpee & kettleball combo. Then a serious break once I got to 15. I’m drenched in sweat right now.
This was definitely tough, but not the toughest POP HIIT. I think the ones with a lot of pushups or jumping squats and the like are tougher…I really don’t hate burpees like you do! I’ll give it an 8.
Also, I’m super frustrated. I’ve been going really hard for about 4 weeks now, and there’s been no change, on the scale or in the mirror. It’s really hard to stay motivated when all my hard work gets me nowhere :/. Help?
Have you been measuring your arms, waist, thighs, etc.? Sometimes you might not see the change in the mirror or on the scale because the change is so small. That’s why you should take your measurements weekly/monthly.
Or you may have gained muscle and lost fat, so measurements may not have changed but you are probalbly healthier and fitter!!!
And I find that a lot of the time for me, there’s no change in any discernible way. UNTIL I do something that I always found difficult (climbing a certain hill, doing a certain number of pushups, etc). And, it takes a while to show a difference. A lot of websites and books all say that it takes eight weeks until you notice a difference, twelve until your family notices, and eighteen until your friends notice. So stick it out! Good luck!
OMG this was the hardest POP HIIT ever! I nearly threw in the towel but now that I finished the whole way through, I feel super empowered!! Thank you Cassey!
Oh my goodness this one was KILLER!!!!!!!! It gets 10000000000/10. I am drenched in sweat and still shaking after the workout….ohmygosh. You are sooooo evil but I love you at the same time 😉
Made a mistake to not any take any rest up till 15. Had to take a 1 min break after that and continue going till 1 with 3 5 30sec in between from 15 till 1. I give this a 10/10. The toughest pop hiit to date! You are adorable and bubbly yet evil and torturous at the same time 😉
Definitely a toughie! I’d give it an 8. I actually don’t hate burpees all the much. It’s the split jumps and surfer turn type things I hate >_< This was fun, thanks!! xoxo
I did this today 26/07/12, and I have definitely mastered the 100 burpee burnout and can do that without really getting up a sweat now, but oh my goodness…..this was easy until 8, and then I started getting tired (may have something to do with having a vomiting illness earlier in the week). After 15 I had to stop and have a proper 10 minute break as I was endanger of falling on my face while doing the burpees hahaha. In the end, I did finish, and counting down was much more fun
O M G !!!!
it took me half an hour and omg I’m on fire, like everywhere omg, I dod the abs all night challenge for the last part and it was hard
but it was amazing thank you so much
I’m still not sure whether i should be really pissed or proud of myself. I finished in an hour and was disappointed… until i looked at the video again and realized THAT I HAD DONE CROSSFIT BURPEES!!!!!! THE. WHOLE. ENTIRE. TIME!!!!!!! I DIDNT REALIZE THAT WE DIDNT HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY DOWN ON THE GROUND AND THEN PUSH OURSELVES BACK UP INTO THE SQUAT JUMP! hahaha im afraid for how i’ll feel when i get up tomorrow. Don’t worry Cassey, next time i’ll see exactly what u want me to do beforehand 🙂
haha aww!! 😀 But good for you, that’s awesome! I dont think I could have managed the pushup!
I honestly didn’t think this was that bad. It may be because I’m used to a decent amount of cardio (running 3-5 miles multiple times per week) but I’ve found the other pop HIITs, especially the ones involving a lot of push-ups, way more challenging! I give it a 7
Definitely a 10/10! I did not do the whole thing. My mom called so I stopped at 12 on the way up. I will try this again though! I love the ones you do that make us sweat. That’s when I feel like it’s really working and sweating makes me feel accomplished. I feel like I let you down though, Cassey. I haven’t done a full month since May (but somehow still lost weight). I can’t do it 6 times a week. It drains me and my workouts are not effective. Keep doing these crazy sweaty workouts, Cassey! They are my favorite. You’re awesome!
hey megan, it’s okay if you don’t do the whole month, just keep exercising at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes, 1 hour is perfect. of course you weight is going to go down 😉
Yea Megan keep up the great work.. Also watch the eating that is about 70% of losing weight:)
This is one of the hardest workout ever! 100000/10! I was screaming by the time i got to 12-3…however, counting down was an amazing feeling! Loved every second of it, even I almost puked at some point! But I did it in 45mins with a 13lbs weights. It was so challenging! Thank you so much Cassey for everything!
Wow…this was super hard. I did it this morning and seriously I was shaking after. I felt great and happy after a shower though! I would recommend stretching before and after thoroughly because I am feeling sore already! Good luck! (:
As a relative newbie I only have a pyramid of ten in me. This left me gasping for breath and downing almost an entire liter of water immediately. Pretty much fantastic, even if I’m not sure walking will be a thing tomorrow. Finished in 40 minutes, including the ab work. Thank you for a workout that shows just how far I still have to go!
Finished the KB and BP section in 32:50! I am so sweaty and tired and PROUD of myself for beating the 40 minute mark. 😀
okay.. this is weird.. but (a) we have the same name and (b) i finished the pyramid at around 33 minutes, too!
I loved this Pop Hiit! But it was really hard and I am really glad that I did it, because after that hard workout I felt surprisingly very good and fit.
Cassey you’re probably gonna hate me for saying this, but I LOVE this workout haha 😉
1 – 5 was easy, after 10 I was like OMG. 13 the devil tempted me to give up and go eat my breakfast, 15 was like owyeahhh I did it!! Arghh no wayy this is a pyramid set!
But seriously the countdown to 1 really motivated me. If I can do 15, I can do less than 15 for sure. Below 5 I was really speeding up the whole thing XD
I started at 4.30 AM and it took me 28 minutes, I need to finish ASAP because I must go out at 6 AM. Boy I was such a fool to speed this one up lol! I’m still dying right now.
But that feeling like I have conquered Mount Everest while doing ab crunches (with my favorite exercise ball and fave song) was such a bliss.
I feel so energetic now, thank you so much for brighten up my day so early in the morning! 😀
O…M…G. I don’t even know what to say…I did this alone in the studio at my gym and screamed after almost every set…I didn’t see the camera until I was leaving :O haha thanks Cassey for killing me today! 10 definitely!
With a 33 degree humidity in NL today, and no air conditioning, I only had a pyramid of ten in me, but I’m still happy with that! Thank you so much for all the inspiration Cassey 🙂
Just finished….WOW! Definitely hard! But once I get into it, I got pumped! Counting backwards was getting motivation! I’ve got blisters on my knuckles that I will wear proudly for days 🙂 it took me about 44mins with the ab challenge! Also I used 10lb dumbbell at the gym because there were no kettle balls 🙁 great one Cassey!
id say this was a 10. at about 8 going up i felt liek i was gonna pass out. i stopped for a min then 12 going down same thing. i used a 20lb dumbell for the kettle bell swings… holy balls! so sweaty, and of course now is when my child wants me to hold her. ew… dont want to sweat on my baby! lol
ps. next song challenge you should use “im out” -Ciara ft nikki minaj
theres the link for u 🙂
I’m new to Blogilates. Just got done doing this – so hard. As soon as I was done I just collapsed on the floor… Reminds me of when I did Insanity 😛 So excited for a day off tomorrow 😀 Yay POPsters!
HOLLYYY SWEATTT! I did this with a 25lb dumb bell and Im DEFINITELY feeling the burn in my lower back today! I swear I thought I was gonna die by the time I got to 13. Cassey this is one killer workout, I was literally screaming at myself like Jillian Michaels for motivation on the second half LOL My family probably thinks Im crazy
Oh and it took me 32 minutes to complete!
WOW! That was the hardest workout EVER!!!! I had to take a sit-down break on the way down the pyramid, but otherwise I was pretty consistent. I’m pretty proud that I can do so many burpees now with good form when just a couple months ago I could barely make it to ten. Thank you Cassey!! I could barely walk up the stairs after this!
Went into this thinking it was going to be way easier than it actually was. Boy, was I wrong. Hardest workout I’ve ever done for sure. 10/10.
10! Counting down from 13 is when I started to feel super shaky! I used 2 8lb dumbbells and my arms were SO sore. I cheated a few times and used one to give my arms a break! Super great workout! Thanks! Took me about 45 minutes and I’m shaking right now as I type!
BURPEES ARE THE CREATION OF THE DEVIL (or an extremely evil member of the human species) but I love to hate them! I would give this a 9 I was absolutely dying on the 10th time – not even half way through! I can definitely feel myself getting stronger, I could barely do 10 burpees before – now look at me. My muscles are currently suffering from death by burpees! But I can see my body changing for the better! Thank you so much Cassey you are such an inspiration! #fitspiration
This definitely deserves an 11! I could feel my heart wanting to come out of my chest. My last burpees turned out to be walk in burpees but I finished it through. Getting stronger every day! Thank you Cassey! #thisisMYJULY
I didn’t go through the whole WO since I started feeling too dizzy.
SO after 14 of the first part I did the saddlebag shaver, then the inner thigh challenge and then crunches to “everthing has changed” by Taylor swift.
9 for me 🙂
Shouldn’t you rate the WO a 10 since you couldn’t even finish it? 😉
I did the at home version since I don’t have access to a gym until August and this killed me!! Definitely one of the hardest workouts I have done so far. I am so glad I looked at this before I went running because this definitely got my heart pumping!
I cannot believe I made it through this one. It was so hard but I feel so good. There were so many times when I wanted to stop but I kept going and finished. I give this one a 10.
Ugh all the burpees XD
How many sets are we suppose to do? I did only one, but all of the POP HIIT workouts have 3 sets.
2 more couldn’t hurt
I’m pretty sure that we’re doing one set only, aka 1-15 and then counting down again, since it would take about 2.5-3 hours to do 3 sets…
Holy Moly!! I finished in 35 minutes with the first part and felt so motivated, I did two 4 minute songs for the crunches. I would rate this a 10! It was awesome!!! I considered one rep of lunges as both sides. So right and left was one rep. I want to try it at the gym next time with a kettle ball, just couldn’t get there today with my son being sick!! I have been doing your workouts for a week, and my husband actually commented on how my body already looked different. Two kid two years apart, thought my stomach would be flabby forever….I don’t think that anymore!! THANK YOU!!
Took me less than 40 minutes since I’ve wanted to finish it as quick as possible…
I’m sweating so much… even at parts where I never sweat before… So disgusting yet so good 😀
Give it a 10/10. Actually it wasn’t that hard when you’re under 10 but the last burpees from 10-15 kill me. 🙂
The lunges and the burpees took me one hour (40 minutes?!) and then I did abs with “So what” by P!nk and I felt energized! So I also did some push ups and a 4 minutes glute bridge xDD
I give it an 8. It could be a 9 but it’s so motivating to see that you have to do less reps each time 😀
No way! I was completely dead after the workout too, but just like you after the abs I did some pushups and glute bridges!! haha 😀 Must be the endorphins or something 😉
32 min! 😀 this was actually kinda fun but in a terrible way. I feel super accomplished.
This is like the burpee burnout gone to hell on stereoids xD
Why do this when u can just do burpee burnout 2 times and add another 30. Then everywhere u go for the next five days. #dead
i finished this in 60 minutes instead of 40 lol. i took quite a long break after i did the 15th set and wanted to give up because i was really really tired but i pushed myself and finished this work out!!!!! wow i feel really good right now!
Thanks for this WO Cassey!
Oh my word! I was tired last night anyway, so I only went to 12 and back down. I really don’t think I would have made it to 15 and back…alive. 😛
I used a weighted ball for the swings and it was not heavy enough. One kettle bell swing is really hard to do! 😀 I kept doing more than I should have.
Gosh I had to stop at 10, then took a candy crush break in between that and the rest of my pyramid. :))
So. HARD. I’ll have to work on this!
Is it possible to watch a real time video of you doing workouts like this? I know it’s extra editing- but it does help when I hear someone pushing me or cracking some jokes to keep my mind off the pain. But thank you!
VERY HARD but effective!!
Can i do walking lunges with 7 lbs dumbbel over my head? Like in your hiit 4 if i remember right! Thank you 🙂
my right thigh is super sore. i think i will still try to do it though. maybe.
Oh god! I was dying!! But after it felt really great that I finished it! 🙂
Great work-out Cassey, loved it <3
I rate it a 10 it killed me but I did it!!!! thanks for the great workout!!!!:)
Done! I used dumbbels for the swing. It was hard but I did it! I give it a 10 😉
Omg this was killer! But why is it that now I’m looking back and I’m all ‘that was amazing!!’?? silly endorphins.
But no, right after I did this I saw my boyfriend staring at me all astonished/impressed and giving me that ‘wowza you are sweaty!’ look and the first thing I said was ‘IF this ever comes up again in a calendar, I’m skipping it. I don’t care. Never again’ It took me 31 minutes to finish, and I rate it an 12!
So yah, ‘I knew you were trouble when you walked in… and WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER’
I enjoyed reading your comment so much! 😀
Can’t wait to do this workout this evening. Nevertheless I’m pretty sure there is no way I can beat your 31 minutes. You did it super fast. Did you rest between the moves at all?
aw thanks!
I definitely took breaks, but tried to keep them at 30 seconds and only after a complete set of burpees and lunges (at the 10-15 I took longer breaks though, 40 to 1min) but towards the end I was just skipping the breaks trying to get it over with! But no worries, it’s not a race. I was just in post-workout euphoria and also pretty impressed/proud of my time so I thought I’d share. 🙂
I just finished it as well. The whole thing took me about 45 min. It’s so great and motivating to go down the pyramid again.
But now I need some rest 😀
31 minutes! I am impressed! Good for you! 😀
Thank you!!
It took me 31 minutes too! Really proud of myself now!
Yay for us! and me too!
Me too! Yay! We r all dead
Done!! This one is definitely a 10, it was so tough but I pushed myself through it and I feel incredible now, it was so worth it as always 🙂
I really like it actually, it’s different than the other POP HIITs but it’s so fun
Thanks Cassey!
Finished!!!10!!!!! Sweat is all around me:-) I’m dying!! And shaking!!!
But it was great!!! Thank you for this workout!!!!!!
With the first burpee, do we do one lunge, or one on each side?
just 1 leg is ok
I’m actually so excited to do this workout! 🙂 Thanks for doing what you do, Cassey!
Hi Cassey,
I’m one DAY 24 of the Beginner’s Calendar and I’m feeling a little down, I’ve lost about 8 lbs so far from your workouts but the scale isn’t going down 🙁 I do all the workouts and then some. I feel better and my skin is getting better it’s just the scale that’s putting me down 🙁 Do you have any suggestions?
The thing is, you shouldn’t bother yourself with numbers. You’re losing fat, but you’re gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat per volume. Just look in the mirror. Do you notice less fat, or more toned legs and arms?
don’t base your happiness on the scale, or you will just be disappointed. I’ve only dropped three pounds since I started this, but I am so happy with my body since I look so toned. just be happy with your defined shoulders and abs!
Thank you guys. I was just feeling a bit down 🙁 But my body does look more toned and my stomach is slowly getting smaller! Which I’m happy about 😀 I don’t feel so bloated 😀
AAAAAAGH. My muscles will exact revenge on me tomorrow for this workout, but I’m so glad I attempted it. I only made it up to 10 and back down, but I was still gasping and covered in sweat by the time I got back to 1. I think I’ll have to work my way up to 15. Love it. Good one, Cassey!
Well, this is definitely gonna be an interesting birthday workout tomorrow… (my birthday’s tomorrow and I’m turning sixteen.) Really can’t wait to do this! I HATE burpees but the Kettlebell swings I like so I’ll just hang on to that to get through it!
Happy birthday <3
Thanks! I just finished this in 27:49 although I will admit I did some different burpees around the thirteenth mark (the first time). I did the front kick burpees up until the last sixth set. And I give this one a 16! Extremely hard, but also a wonderful birthday present! I really love hard workouts, but at the moment please no more burpees. Please.
Why must you post work outs that look so fun to do when I’m injured )):
When I get better, how many walking lunges do we do? o_ o
So if it’s a pyramid and we want to get both sides, do we do one each side then just double each time?..
You start with 1 walking lunge (right or left is the same) and then you add, 2 burpees 2 walking lunges and go on…
Thank you so much for posting this up early! I workout at 5am every morning so this is wonderful!
I’m gonna motivate myself to do this workout omg
What can you do if you don’t have kettle bells? I only have two 5 lb weights…I don’t know if that will be as effective.
Walking lunges. Cassey wrote about it in that paragraph 🙂
Can’t wait to do this tomorrow! Thanks Cassey!! And when are you going to do a meetup in SF?
OHHH MMYYYYY GOSHHH, I just finished this and there was/is sweat dripping into my eyes, ears, and mouth and just everywhere… Im dead but that was an amazing workout!!
Ahh I only have a 5 pound! I also really need a heavier set of weights because the fives just aren’t making me feel the burn anymore. That’s a really good feeling when you know you can handle heavier weights. I’ll just two an extra cardio video or two to make up for it. (:
just did it. i look like a hot mess but its all worth it. thanks Cassie! this was a great workout!
If we do lunges instead of the kettlebell, should we do 2 each time for using both legs?
oh god, this workout scares me haha going to do it anyway!
Is this POP HIIT effective as much as gym version when I’ll do it without weight and ball?
Sounds funny! (:
You’re evil Cassey! But thanks for pushing us to better health!
Can i use one dumbbell for the swing?
Probably, that’s what I’m gonna do!
yes a heavy one!
What weight KB do you recommend?
I was using a 40lb. It should be a weight that makes you breathe hard at around 7-8 swings!
40lbs!! I will get there one day!! I am beast!! 😉