Blogilates National Tour!? + POP Pilates Certification dates!
Blogilates National Tour!? + POP Pilates Certification dates!
Hey guys!
Happy Grandparent’s Day! Please give a hug and kiss to your grams and gramps for me 🙂
I was so tired after IDEA World that I did not do a recap on the blog! (So…umm…I am going to do it now!) First of all, I must say that it was amazing meeting all of you from Southern CA at the Blogilates booth and at the POP Pilates Party. So much good energy!
Y’all are seriously some of the best humans on this planet. Haha. Oh and it was incredibly cool to meet some male POPsters too! They’re a rare species but they do exist!!
Your smiles really brighten my day! Nothing can replace meeting you guys in person, seeing you glow with confidence, and getting to know you. This is what I live for!!
Even babies came, hogging them detox bottles! 😛
Billy Blanks even stopped by to do a crazy pose with me 😀
So before I show you what our booth looked like this year, I want to do a throwback to 2013. It was a 10 x 10 booth with one headless mannequin. This was my first booth ever!!
And then here is the 2014 booth! I actually designed this booth (you wouldn’t think that this is a job but it is…haha) and I made sure there was squishy wood flooring, bright lights in the background, a changing tent, and lots of pictures! Oh and matching hangers. And 2 mannequins with heads!! Such a must! This year we grew to a 20 x 10!
We even had matching shirts and reusable Blogilates bags! So legit. So legit. Thank you to my Blogilates fam for pouring their heart and soul into this event. It really was exhausting for everyone, but we made it through!
I was also asked to lead 2 talks there. It was an incredible honor to speak as an expert on social media and branding to other fitness professionals and bloggers. I love sharing my knowledge with people especially when they appreciate it and will apply it to their own lives. Much like when I give you a monthly workout plan and meal plan. I want you to use it and make some changes in your life for the better.
I also did the talk about how to turn your blog into a business leading up to Jillian Michael’s keynote. If I could sum it up in one sentence, it would be this: Stand behind what you believe in and serve people whole-heartedly with passion.
Then came Friday night at the POP Pilates Party! OMG it was so much fun! Several hundred POPsters, trainers, and fitness professionals gathered together to do a 1 hr class with me. Let’s just say everyone’s butt was sore the day after. Oops.
I also want to plan a Blogilates National Tour for 2015. Where should we go?! Please tell me where you’re from and if there’s enough interest in one location, I will be there!!!
Oh and I also want to show you something cool. Look! It’s me on a door!!! Hahaha. I’ve never seen myself like this before 😛
I also taught some classes in celebration of the launch of the POP Pilates Certification program! Woot woot! Which by the way…we finally have dates for!
The dates and locations of the trainings are:
Los Angeles, CA – November 2, 2014
New York City, NY – November 16, 2014
Seattle, WA – December 7, 2014
Austin, TX – December 21, 2014
Chicago, IL – January 11, 2015
Please go sign up! I will personally be leading these sessions. You will learn how to not only be a fitness instructor, but a SUCCESSFUL fitness instructor. You will learn how to be confident in front of a crowd and how to rock your class’s core. Trust me, it is THE MOST rewarding job I’ve ever had. Your job is to inspire!!
Plus, you get to make money while you work out. And most gyms will most likely give you a free gym membership too. I mean – obviously those are not the important things, but they are very nice perks 🙂
Ok well hopefully I will see you guys soon at one of these trainings! Or next year at the Blogilates National Tour! Please comment below and let me know where we should plan to visit!!
Much love,
234 thoughts on “Blogilates National Tour!? + POP Pilates Certification dates!”
There are 234 comments posted by our users.
Hey, I am in a small city called Berrien Springs in Michigan. I currently heard that you might come to Chicago again. That’s the nearest large city. When will you be there? I have been following you for over 8 years. I would love to become a pop pilates instructor by my decade of doing blogilates.
Hey Cassey
I would love to meet you in person one day. Btw is the blogilates app gonna update like the site???
it would be awsome if you come to algeria so that i can see you in person actually if i didn’t find you youtube channel i would never star eating healty and working out espacilly with your calendar i am able to work on a daily bases and because of you i’m starting to hit my goal and that will be lossing 5kg
Hey Cassie!
I just bought your certification program through the NAFC, and I am wondering when your next workshop on the west coast will be? (as a Cali resident!) Stay Awesome! You are an inspiration!
Hi Cassey ,
There are not many things I would rather do in this world than to become a pop Pilates instructor. I am so inspired by your attitude I read there are about 400 24 hour fitness clubs nationwide will there be other clubs offering pop Pilates classes or maybe private studios? I am assuming there are more trained than that. Thanks for writing back 🙂 xo Cristy Lee
Oh please come to Cincinnati!
YES I AGREE ^^^^^^
Please come to Malaysia!!!! Or perhaps Singapore!!! :3
I love you and your book! You are such an inspiration. I’d really love to see you come to Atlanta
I would love to see you in Bay St Louis, Mississippi. I love your Pilates.
Please to Australia mostly Perth . I would love to work out with you in person !
Love you,
PLEASE OH PLEASE, Come to Washington DC!! PLEASE!! Do a Blogilates on Washington!
Hi Cassey! I’d love it if you would come to the Bay Area! San Jose or somewhere nearby would be great. 😀 Also, just preordered your book! I’m excited and hope to see you in person soon! <3
Please come to Scottsdale/Phoenix, Arizona!!! <3
I would love for you to come to Dallas, TX for your tour! 🙂
-xoxo Emily
I would love to get certified but only see one upcoming date in Mammoth, CA (I’m in San Francisco). Mammoth is kinda in the middle of no where, by Yosemite, are there any other scheduled certification workshop dates? Would love to get certified and don’t see any on the NAFC website. Thanks!
HAYY GIRL! I would love love love to workout with you! I live in the Atlanta GA area! I’m shure all of the other Popsters would love to meet and work out with you too! Love you girl thanks for all of the amazing support and encouraging words
We would love to have you in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! 🙂 it would brighten up our day!
Please come to Norwalk, Connecticut or someplace nearby!
I´m an Au Pair here from Sweden, just got to the family 2 weeks ago and it´s my first time in the USA.
It would make my day if I got to meet you! Also I could use a bit of motivation to keep going.
I love you and I love your videos!
I would love if you had one in Tampa!
Portland, Oregon!!!
Cassey, I’m waiting for you to come to EUROPE!
Finland would be awesome, but Germany or the Netherlands would be alright too… How about next year’s FIBO, the world’s biggest trade fair for fitness, wellness and health in cologne? (I’m serious,
Thank you for all the motivation I get from working out with you!
I’m from San Jose, CA. Please come here!! San Francisco is not that far either, Just come to the Bay Area!! :))) ♥
Please come to Connecticut! There are so many people that love you here!
I’m from Poland but i live in Germany so PLEASE!!!……….HAMBURG <33333!!!
Please come to Minneapolis, Minnesota! We would love to have you here!! 🙂
Bring the National Tour to Portland Oregon please please please 🙂
Please Minneapolis/St Paul!!!
You have really inspired my friend and I to get fit and healthy! Please consider coming somewhere near charlotte, nc or anywhere in North Carolina because we would be willingness to travel for you!!!
Albany, NY!
Los Angeles!!!! 😀
Please please please come to Connecticut my friends and I are in love with you!!!! Please comeee!!!
Please come to New Orleans, LA! With al this wonderful southern food, we need some blogilates in our lives!!
OMG come to Washington DC pleaseeee!!! I would cry tears of joy:)
I would seriously freak out if you came to DC!!!
Come to dc
Come to Colorado! We would love to have you!
Come to Florida please! Specifically Gainesville, FL but Tampa, Jax, or Orlando would be fine too!
See you in 2015 Cassey!
-Sarah Kate
pleeeease come to Vancouver Canada!
Come to England! <3
Come to the SF bay area!!! 😀
Please come to Utah!!!!
Colorado please!!! Everyone here loves you and would love to do some Pilates.
I know there’s a Chicago POP pilates instructor certification class, but if you could come back to Chicago for a meet up I know you’d get a huge crowd!!
Please come to Michigan Cassey! I would love to meet you this year! I have been doing pop pilates for 3 years now! you always cheer me up on your videos, I would be super exiting to meet you<3. tysm
PLEASE come to Colorado!
Please come to Dallas!
Hi Cassey! So happy you’re coming to Chicago next month! Are you going to do a workout meet-up besides the master class? Please do!! Thanks for keeping us motivated and inspired 🙂
Dallas! DFW has so many people. I know it would be a great turnout.
ATLANTA GEORGIA!!!! Or Savannah! They’re like the hubs of Georgia and we peaches love you too! 🙂
It would be amazing if you came to Miami! It is packed with people who love working out and I would be extremely honored to take one of my role model’s classes!
I second the Colorado comment! So many people here would love to see you! Denver or Fort Collins would be great.
Yess!!!! Colorado would be great!
I second the Colorado comment! So many people would love to see you here!
Hi, Casey. Really sorry for my English I´m a 13 years old girl and a watch your videos and I decide to start with MOVEmber calendar. I am from the Europa from Czech Republic and I live in Brno. I wish see you to live. So, when you want doing a world tour sometimes please please please go to the Czech Republic to Brno! I hope I see you and meet you sometimes!!! 🙂
I can’t believe you’re actually coming to the Seattle Area we’re as health conscious as anybody and we could really use some great Pilates.
Please come to Belgium !!!! Or France, please I want to meet you 😀
Please come to Hartford, CT or Boston, MA!! New England loves you!!!
Salt Lake City, UT
Yes!! Salt Lake City, UT!! Come soon! We would love to have you here!
Please come to Denver or Fort Collins, Colorado!! CO is such a health conscious state and there are so many people here who would love to join in on some awesome pilates 🙂 I would LOVE to see you here, Cassey!!! Please come 🙂
Tempe/Phoenix, AZ! You can certainly work up a sweat here!
Miss Cassey, i absolutely LOVE your enthusiasm, energy and nutritious tips. 2015 has been the start of a healthier lifestyle. I’m an island girl from HI, currently in NC and moving to AZ, so please put Phoenix on your 2015 tour! much love and alohas.
I would recommend Salt Lake City, Utah. We don’t get a lot of visitors but I would love it. If you can’t make it there, then Las Vegas or Denver because those are the two closest metropolitan areas that I can visit.
Hi! Please come to the DFW area, if not, I’m sure I’ll come to Austin. Question, I am a Pure Barre teacher, would I still be required to get a group instructor certification in order to be Pop Pilates certified? And would I need a different certification to teach Pop Pilates bootcamp?
Thank you!
PITTSBURGH!!!! With 4 or 5 larger colleges in the area, you’d be sure to sell out! 😀 (ps please come my flabby arms need you xoxo)
BOSTON!!. It would be fantastic for you to head out to your old home 🙂 your workouts are one of the few things I look forward to everyday after a long day at work. You inspire so many!
So cool that you are doing a certification tour! San Diego would be awesome 🙂 Are you planning any meetups soon too?
Please come to Chicago!
Parkersburg West (By God) Virginia Please!!!!! Or even Columbus Ohio would work for me! I hope to see you nearby soon, pretty please:)
Detroit Michigan!!!!!! Would love to able to see you!
NEW YORK CITY!!!! I mean, of course 😉
Seattle, please!
SoCal!!!!! Aneheim, LA, or San Diego?!
MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA!!! Because I love you. Your are actually the one who inspired me to become an NPC Bikini Competitor, after following your journey up on stage. But also to live a balanced lifestyle and to chase your dreams. Your story of becoming an entrepreneur is truly amazing. I’d love to take a class of yours and just to me you! Love your so much Cassey xoxo
WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA!!!!!!! please!! 🙂
Say YES!!!, if anyone else agree
Cassey, you inspire me so much! I too dream of being an entrepreneur and you are my role model! I am so happy for your success and all the awesome things you are doing! PLEASE COME TO DETROIT, MICHIGAN!!!
Nashville! Please, there are TONS of popsters who want to meet you here!!
cassey, this is amazing!!! how far has blogilates come!! you see, us Portland, OR popsters would LOVE if our fitness hero came to town!! but you will probably pick Salem over Portland, but in anyway, Oregon waits for you!!
San Antonio, Texas
Hi Cassey. Please do come to Singapore!!
Ugh.. PLEASE come to CLEVELEAND ❤️ pretty please
Definitely come to Columbus, Ohio!!!
I can’t believe I really teared up a bit well watching this video :’-( Cassey you was truly my first inspiration to lose weight. If it wasn’t for your I would probably be obese. Before I started watching your videos 2 years ago I was like 200lbs (XXL shirt to a size 16 jeans) at only 20 years old I was basically overweight for my age and height but after I started watching your video you was one of the fitness trainer that helped me lose weight in less then a year in 2013. I lost 57lbs and current weight 145lbs (medium shirt sometimes even a small, 6 in jeans). I remember that I really want to go to your meet up last year in New York but felt like I would have been outta place cause I was still overweight so I didn’t go 🙁 but now I really wish I would have went just to thank you for everything in person. If you ever read this I want You to know that you are truly such a AMAZING person Cassey! YOU ROCK! Am so proud of you! If you was to ever do a meet up again PLEASE comeback to New York or even New Jersey!!
MONTREAL!!!!!!!!! Love you cassey 😀
You should definitely come to Pittsburgh!
You have inspired me so much with fitness & in life. I’m a SAHM and thanks to you I am able to get an awesome workout at home and have never felt this good or been this fit… Even before having my little one. I would absolutely love to see you in Las Vegas, NV! I hope to one day meet you and thank you in person. I strive to inspire others and hope to inspire and help other like you have helped so many!
I’m from Bordeaux, FRANCE! 😀
I would very much appreciate it if Phoenix, Arizona got some love 😉
I have followed you since the beginning of your amazing journey. I have seen you grow from your small living room to a full studio instructor. I can’t thank you enough for all you have helped me accomplish. Not only did you help me realize working out and being healthy can be fun and exciting, but you allowed me to push myself to the limit to find my true potential. I tell everyone I meet about your awesome videos and how effective they are. I admire you as a person for truly making your dream come true. Hopefully one day I will be as blessed but for now, I will continue to save up for your certification class in LA. I hope it doesn’t fill up! The main thing I would love to accomplish with the certification is to give free classes at the Air Force base here in town. Even at my college campus! I simply want to help spread the world and help people feel as confident as you have made me. Cassey, please please come visit LAS VEGAS, NV! It is only four hours away from So. Cal and you have so many popsters here dying to meet you. I will personally give you a locals tour of the town if you would like! Its a great place, and you will have lots of fun, I promise:) Thank you again Cassey! Keep up your hard work:)
Hi Cassey,
I am from Nijmegen,the Netherlands.
Love your workouts and you really inspire me to continue working out!
big hug!
Come to Atlanta!
please visit ATLANTA, GA!!
I love love love your workouts and diet plans. I would love to come see you on national tour! I have done so many of your workouts! and follow your calendar and let me just say thank you! Come to PITTSBURGH PENNSYLVANIA! I would love it if you would!!!!!!!
Cassey, dude, you are amazing. My friends and I love you and it would mean so much to all of us if you could come to Chicago on your national tour. I can’t thank you enough for how much you’ve done for me!
New Orleans, LA!!!!!! Or Austin, TX!
You should come to Stuttgart, Germany 😀
Hi Casey!
I love you and what you are doing so much! I am from Turkey, Istanbul. I feel it is hard for you come to my country but it worths to try and let you know that we are looking forward to see you here 🙂
Dallas, TX! Please!
Come to Las Vegas, Nevada!!
Hello Cassey!!! Let me start off with you are such an inspiration to me (and everyone)!! I love, love, love you and your blogilates! Because of you, I am trying a little harder on my health journey and would absolutely die if you would come to a town close to where I live, Parkersburg WV. Thank you for being such a great mentor!
West Virginia all the way!
AUSTRALIA! (: Particularly Melbourne hehehe.
I second Houston, TX.
Lancaster, PA 🙂
Hi! I would loooove if you came to Columbus, OH, or somewhere closer than Chicago. That’s usually the closest that anyone ever comes and I can’t do that with school. It’s a fantastic place to visit!!! The food, the people, the everything is a 10/10 😀
Houston, TX, please!!!
Agree! Swing by Houston!!
I live in Wichita, Kansas!
Baltimore or Washington D.C.!
You should definitely come to Seattle!!!
Yes yes! And I can’t wait for your POP pilates certification class in Seattle, just signed up!
You should come to Seattle or Bellingham WA (close to the Canada border) for the national tour!! I just started working out/doing Blogilates last month, so I don’t think I would be ready to do the certification thing (yet)! For me personally, Bellingham would be way easier to get to (I could take the bus up and stay with a good friend overnight) than Seattle (I don’t have a car) but realistically Seattle is bigger, so I’m guessing you would probably choose Seattle over Bellingham. I really hope if you did come to Seattle I would be able to find a way to go!
Please come to Phoenix or some where in Arizona!! I know at least five girls to bring along!!
I agree with Heidi and Lauren.. PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX!!
Much Love
We would love to see you here in Ohio! Cleveland would probably be the best spot for a meet up. Please!!
Hi Cassey,
I live in a small town in the middle of no where in Canada that you would never come to, BUT Minneapolis is just a train trip away and I would love to make the journey to see you there. I’m excited that you’re planning to tour!
DC please!!
please come to Dallas, TX pleaseeee!!
What should I do if I skipped one day of daily workout calendar? Should I keep going or do them both in one day or do one of them in the rest day? Thanks already.
Come to Fort Lauderdale!!!
There is so much diversity in this area and there would be so many people inspired by pop pilates!
Please come visit Phoenix 🙂
Come to GERMANY please 😉
Come to Washington, DC!!
Yes, please! DC, our nation’s capital! I especially really want to meet other popsters from my area!!!
Come to Pittsburgh, Cassey! We love you!
Hi Cassey
First of all huge huge huge congratulations you deserve every success and the last twelve months seem to have been a whirlwind for you!! The pop Pilates party looked amazing especially since it was you and your sister!
Congrats also on your bigger and improved stand at idea world, I work for a nail company over here and we do exhibitions twice a year so I know what you mean about taking items out of their individual packaging and putting them on a display, but many hands make light work 😉
I’m from Chichester, England, UK and would LOVE it if you came back to the UK. I appreciate you’ll do London if you do come back over this way as it makes sense clearly, so please please please come over to the UK I would so love to attend one of your meet ups but the USA would be one hell of a commute!!
Keep inspiring us Cassey, you are such an inspirational woman and deserve all the success in the world! Your workouts really do make me WANT to work out! Although I do have one little request – more stretch on the beach routines! OMG they are amazing because I feel soooo… Zen afterwards and it really helps me to stay focused throughout the day
Thank you Cassey
Come to Milwaukee!
TALLAHASSEE FL! We’d love to have you…so many POPsters from Florida State University!
Oklahoma City could use a lot off Blogilates please!
Come to Salt Lake City!! I’d love to meet you!!
OMG you’re coming to Seattle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will you do a meet up for those who aren’t doing the certification program?!
Northern Alberta? 🙂 I live close to Grande Prarie Alberta but Edmonton is much bigger so I am guessing you would go there west Edmonton mall is awesome.
PHOENIX!! We will take you to all the healthy spots!! 😀
Dallas, Texas!
come to Vancouver, BC! :3
YES !!!! Please:)
COME TO CLEVLAND!!!!!! You can visit the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame!!! I would literally DIE if you actually came here! 🙂
I’d love if you came to the Princeton, NJ area! There are a bunch of colleges around here that might be able to host — Princeton University, The College of New Jersey, Rider University, etc.
With that said, I’d also definitely come to a stop in Philadelphia.
Tallahassee, FL!!! It’s a college town and you’d get people to come from both Jacksonville, Pensacola, Destin, Panama City, and other surrounding areas since it’s right in the middle!
Come to Nashville and/or Atlanta! 🙂
Houston because I live there now (and it’s the biggest city in Texas) or Austin because it’s one of the most fit cities in the country! PiYo, stand up paddle boarding, organic/healthy eating, and a bunch of revolutionary fitness activities are here! If it’s a trendy new fitness thing, you bet it’s in Austin or started in Austin. 🙂
Please come to Louisville, KY!!!! Home of the Kentucky Derby plus lots of fun stuff to do and see: Churchill Downs, Muhammad Ali Center, Louisville Slugger Museum, 21c Museum & Hotel — also home to the Forecastle Festival and the largest fireworks show in the nation, Thunder over Louisville… plus so much more…. L-O-U-I-S-V-I-L-L-E
Twin cities area in MN!!
Come to Croatia or Slovenia (Little countries in Europe). Also Croatia has beautiful coast 🙂
Edmond, OK
How about a European tour? We are in Switzerland !!!!
Tallahassee, FL! There would be a lot of interest here since it’s a college town. Plus the weather is great!
Please come to Washington DC!! <3
Come to DC!! My boss and I love blogilates !
Come to Charleston, SC!!!
Atlanta, GA!
Albany! It’s the capital of New York, houses a ton of college students, and has many options for venues (including SUNY Albany which is a HUGE school). I know you would get a great turnout 🙂
Please oh please come to Houston, TX!! :))
I would love it if you could come to the UK! And I agree, not just London 🙂
PLEASE come to Cleveland, OH or somewhere nearby!! It would seriously be a dream if you did
Poland 🙂
Singapore ! Would love to see you 🙂 you’re so inspiring 🙂
OMAHA!! please!
If you could come to Dallas that would be fantastic!
Please come to Philadelphia!!! It’s an awesome city 🙂
Frankfurt in Germany 🙂
Come to Minneapolis, Minnesota to the mall of America!
Please come to Chicago! 🙂
It would be amazing if you came to Toronto, Canada!!
I don’t know if you want to travel to europe, but you have so many fans in Germany! Please come to Stuttgart or Karlsruhe if you can! 🙂
come to Toronto Ontario!! <3 I would die xD
Come to Wahington, DC!
Come to Boston! I missed it the last time you came here 🙁
Christchurch in New Zealand!! I’d so love to meet you and work out with you Cassey!! 😀
Boston, please!
Anywhere in Michigan would be great. We need you here.
It would be great to see you come to Calgary, AB!
You should come to PARIS Cassey ! We are waiting for you here ! Just imagine yourself working out under the Eiffel Tower haha that would be so great xx
I live in Lubbock, Tx but Dallas is much closer to me than Austin. I roils also be willing to drive to Denver, CO! Colorado is one of the fittest states in America, I’m surprised it’s not on your list. People love working out there, I found you when I lived in Colorado back in 2011. So, Dallas, TX or Denver, CO!
Ooooooh national tour! Cassey you have to visit ALLLLLL bit of the UK. The north, east midlands, West Midlands, etc. definitely not just London. I also live in an ADORABLE little village with its own castle and everything in the West Midlands. You can totally crash on my sofa XD.
So exciting!!!!!
Twitter: @notoriousELD
You should come in Romania Bucharest. We could have the in front of The second biggest building in the world – Palace of Parliament (Palatul Poporului). It would be awesome.
The meeting*
The UK loves you!!!
Please come to Honolulu, Hawaii!!!!!!
Green Bay, Wisconsin!!! Home of the packers!! Please come!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME TO SEATTLE!! So many of my friends workout to your vids and we all would love to meet you!
Amazing what you did !!! I would be so happy if you came to Germany . Or even France . We are a lot of German popsters here and we would all love to meet you in real life . Love , janina
It would be lovely if you could come visit Singapore one day! I’m sure the POPsters here would LOVE to meet you. 🙂 International tour maybe? 😀
If you could come to
Vancouver Canada
Toronto Canada
That would be absolutely amazing 😀
What about an international tour? I’m from Germany!
Make it international and please please please come to Europe. I’m from Czech Republic, but Germany or Austria will be also good. <3
You should come to Oregon. It’s pretty and not too far from Cali. 🙂
Please come to the South! I live in Tuscaloosa Al, but Atlanta, GA is fine with me!!
I live in Springfield, Missouri, but I might be able to make it to Kansas City or St. Louis.
Hey Cassey!!! PLease PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come to HK!
We’d LOVE you here. You won’t believe how many POPSTERS are here.
Please come to Minneapolis, MN Cassey!! We would love to see you! 🙂
Yes yes yes!! Please and thank you! 🙂
Please come to Kansas City, MO!! I would love to see you!
Please come to Washington DC!!!! I’d love to meet you!
MONTREAL CANADA!!!! pleaseeee youre so awesome and inspiring 🙂 I love you <3
That’s so awesome!!
Pretty Pinky PLEASE come to Concord New Hampshire!!!! I would die (in a good way) if you came!!!!
Please come to San Francisco/the Bay Area again! We love you! I wasn’t home when you came the first time so I want to see you again!!
Yes please!
i wish i was in america! xx
come to italy please!
Dallas (or more preferably, Frisco/Plano)! My sister and I would LOVE to go to one of your live classes! I finally got both of my sisters hooked on the madness after doing it for about two years myself (MWAHAHAHA!) though only one lives in the same city as me. But still, it would be AWESOMESAUCE if you came to Dallas, Frisco, or Plano!
NEW YORK needs you Cassie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cassie!!! Please please please come to Florida! I’m going to college in Tampa and would be absolutely thrilled to become certified in POP Pilates, but definitely don’t have the time to fly somewhere, not to mention the additional cost of the flight and hotel ): I’m BEGGING! Plus we have pretty East Coast beaches! ^.^ (; 😀
I am from the Netherlands 😀
Looks so CRAZZZZZYYYY! I’m so excited this program is launching for you!
I live in London, please please visit us next year 🙂
Yay, that’s awesome!! I would LOVE if you came to Maryland! (Preferably Baltimore) I am dying to take one of your classes in person! 🙂
Cleveland, Ohio!
I live in Kentucky and I *need* to meet you, talk with you, and take a love class!!! I can travel as far as Nashville, TN or Cincinnati, OH (both about 3 hours south and north!) Cassey, please, please come somewhere near (or in!) Kentucky!!!!
Yes come to Kentucky, or Cincinnati!
NASHVILLE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!! Cincinnati would work too, just a MUCH longer drive.
I would love it if you came to Norway!