Blogilates Imposter CAUGHT RED HANDED!

Blogilates Imposter CAUGHT RED HANDED!


Hey guys,

It’s been pretty crazy for me after writing my last post on the Blogilates imposter and I have a wild story to share with you. If you don’t know what I am talking about, let me recap quickly.

In the summer, I started getting some upset emails from big activewear and fitness equipment companies asking, “Where’s my post?”, “Where’s my review?”, “I’ve emailed you several times and you have not responded. You’re doing bad business.”

I was like…huh? I check my email everyday. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’d get upset emails every couple weeks and when I asked them to forward me “our last conversation”, I found something horrendous. Someone from Peabody, MA had been impersonating me under the email “” (my real email is “, saying that they were Cassey Ho, they were writing hundreds of companies (many large multi-million dollar corporations) and asking for free merchandise in exchange for a blog post review or a video review. Apparently dozens and dozens of packages had been sent to someone under the name of “Taylor” – they persuaded the companies that this was my fake name to protect my privacy.



Firstly, in my last post, I let you guys know that I do not go around begging companies for free stuff to sell you guys here on the blog or my youtube channel. I share with you what I honestly love. Secondly, I felt bad for the companies. I too understand how every piece of merchandise you send out is money out of your pocket. It’s a conscious decision you have to make to grow your business with the help of someone you trust. Being robbed of your goods is no laughing matter. Thirdly, who in their right mind would try to impersonate someone else, take advantage of someone’s hard work, and reap all the benefits without any consequences? My reputation was on the line. And everyone thought I was being a bad person who doesn’t follow through!! OMG I have worked my whole life to over-deliver!

I was so shocked, hurt, and confused. Was this a legal matter? Did I need a lawyer? Or was it a criminal offense? Would contacting the police department be my best bet?

I had no idea. I was so lost. So I resorted to my blog here and wrote out my frustrations about internet identity theft.

What happened next was beyond amazing.

That night, I got one very important email that put me in contact with the Peabody Police department. Let’s just say my POPsters are my angels.

The next day, I got a call from a police officer who located the residence…and the face of the Blogilates imposter.

Inside, the officer found mounds upon mounds of hidden activewear, exercise equipment, DVDs, and whatnot worth hundreds of dollars (maybe thousands). And get this…it was all the doing of a minor. A minor! These were all of the things she had received in exchange for a review. The reviews never went up and the clothes stayed in her possession like a prize.

Between the time I had received the email from my POPster and the time the police officer had done the first investigation, it was less than 24 hours. That is amazing. I asked the police officer if I could have her write an apology letter to all of the companies she had scammed along with a return package of all of the merchandise she stole. To my knowledge, the police department is in full control of the situation. If you are a company who was scammed by the Blogilates Imposter, please let me know immediately.

It’s been about a month since the police officer first found out who “Taylor” was and it wasn’t until a few days ago that I was able to log into the fake email. The girl had written so many companies!! She was so calculated, persistent, and quite frankly, very successful at being a scammer. She reached out to at least 50 companies and got 30 of them to send her things.

What makes me shake my head is WHY ON EARTH would some companies send things to a blogger, celebrity, or whoever without checking them out first? It clearly states on my blog my PO Box which is in LA. I also teach weekly at Equinox West LA…so why would I be living in Peabody? And on top of that, why would they mail goods to someone named “Taylor” when my name is Cassey?

I talked to some friends in PR and they said sometimes it’s common for celebs to have the package sent to their assistant for privacy’s sake…but still…the whole LA and Peabody thing boggles me. I don’t expect companies to do a background check on someone before sending them stuff, but if you want your product endorsed by someone, shouldn’t you at least know something about them?

The other day, the police officer sent me the photo at the top of this post. It is an apology letter from “Taylor.”

Well, all I can say is that I appreciate the letter, but my gut tells me she’s does not fully understand the damage she’s done to me and her words don’t seem to be very sincere. I’ve been browsing the email correspondences and some are just terrible. After the police officer received access to the email, he went through and sent letters to companies saying that this was a fake email taken over by a minor. In one instance, the representative of a particular company said that she doesn’t believe it, that Cassey Ho is a fraud, that she knows my boss at Equinox and that she will call her, let her know I’m a fraud, and that she is going to personally report me to the police for my crime.


My next step is to go email everyone from the list that “Taylor” contacted and try to iron things out.

All I know is that I am thankful for my POPsters…you guys have always come to my rescue and you’ve saved me. In this case especially, you know who you are…you are an angel. And thank you to the Peabody Police officer who took his time to investigate this case for me. We’re not done yet, but my oh my! What a journey.

From every corner of the world, I feel like I have a friend to turn to. Thank you for watching out for me guys. You know, I am here for you too. This is what Blogilates is all about. It is more than just a resource for healthy recipes and fun workout videos. It’s a place to help one another thrive because we care about each other.

Thanks for letting me share this story for you. I hope everyone who reads this learns to be careful on the internet!! To the companies who were contacted by the fake me, I am sorry for your negative experience. I hope you know the truth. Let us all move on from this matter and become stronger and smarter.

Love you so much!

<3 Cassey

PS – your cardio dance workout video is uploading! Get excited!

249 thoughts on “Blogilates Imposter CAUGHT RED HANDED!”

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  1. Kayla Gardunio says:

    I.. can..not..believe this! uh I’m sorry sorry ou had to go through this. It really sucks that some of the companies don’t believe it and still think its you! That is so sad! 🙁 I hope everything gets resolved in the end *internet hugs!!!*

  2. Laura says:

    Oh, I want to….Pilates her face in! I’m so glad you are all right! It’s awful having something like that
    happen to you!

  3. Jazz Ş says:

    It’s shocking that somebody is so evil and wrong to do this. But I am so happy that you found it out and everything is going to be all right.. And really, I think it’s very good of you that you have been so open about all of this through your websites to all your followers. It’s a good lessons and we all can learn from it. But what ever happens… I keep following you and with me many many more. You make us happy and our life better. Thank you for that! <3

  4. curiouschellie says:

    i’m a little worried, this may be the work f an organized crime. Taylor may have gotten help from older individuals in drafting the letters to the company. She may be tech savvy, but one could always use some help in creating sponsorship letters. and it’s easier for a minor to take the fall, get a slap on the wrist then walk way, than it is of an adult..

    i don’t mean to sound fatalistic, but this may be the start of a criminal’s life. think hard, cassey, and decide how to best follow through. do follow through.

  5. Carla says:

    Our small business was contacted by “Taylor” asking for a Define Bottle to review. We thought the Peabody, MA address was suspicious so we contacted Cassey and she politely let us know that it was not her that had contacted us. We were happy we didn’t send out our product to a scammer, but a little let down at the same time because the scammer got us excited about a potential review. A good review from someone as influential as Cassey can really change the course of a small business. No “real” damage done, just false hopes.

  6. It is sad to think about how so many people (not just this Taylor person) give absolutely no regard to the impact they make and their consequences.
    I am so happy for you that she got caught, and I hope this episode is not too big of a stain on your reputation. The fact that you write about it so openly should convince everyone, big companies alike, that you are an honest and hard working individual!

  7. Celia says:

    I wouldn’t be so soft in your place, she doesn’t give a fuck because she knows she’s not going to get ‘hurt’ by any of this. You and all that companies should SUE her. Fuck her, really.

    1. Kayley says:


  8. Amela says:

    That is insane! You didn’t mention her parents at all, are they involved? If she can’t be charged, she needs to be sent to juvy or get some rehab services since that is pretty serious and most likely will continue as an adult. I would report this to some kind of agency such as human services and even child protective services since the parents are letting their child commit crimes.

  9. Madison says:

    I’m so sorry to hear what has happened to you, Cassey! I honestly do not know how anyone can do things like this, it completely baffles me. You will always have my support all the way from Western Australia! Stay strong xxx

  10. Léa says:

    Oh my god, I’m so sorry, you don’t deserve this at all !!! You’re a very nice person why would someone try to bring you down like this … I mean there are very weird people on the internet !! That is definitly a lesson for me … !

  11. Rae says:

    Cassey, I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to you. Unfortunately some people do not think about the consequences of their actions. The sad part is how this has impacted you and your reputation, but even through this difficult situation, you have risen above and proved how professional and mature you are. Too often when things like this happen, especially on the internet, the retaliation can be just as bad. Usually it takes place more with people who are popular on the internet sending their followers after the said attacker, which never helps anyone. I am sure this girl has her reasons for doing these things – it does not make it right by any means, but she must be going through something to have to do something like this. I think you have handled this situation with such grace, informing us of the incident, without defacing the imposter. Keep your chin up, and continue to be your awesome self.

    rae of lovefromberlin

  12. Kanon says:

    Omg Why would anyone do anything like that? Cassie doesn’t deserve this! What a horrible thing to do to someone, Cassie could lose her job I am completely shocked this is unbelievable

  13. Sab says:

    Wow, what a crazy story! I am sorry that this happened to you. I am very happy for you that it all turned out well though.

    Even if no company had sent this girl things, it still is fraud because your name and your company name are copy righted and she would need your permission to use them.

    I hope you get understanding responses from all the companies contacted by your imposter and I hope that she gets something that will make her see what she has done to you and to those companies.


  14. Angie says:

    I am SHOCKED!! What a mess. Not only has this girl potentially damaged your reputation and possibly inhibited you from ever working with these brands but….WHERE WERE HER PARENTS???

    Honestly, if a teenager has mounds of stuff arriving from all over the world wouldn’t that have set off some alarms?

    I’m 34 and learning that teens are WAY more tech savvy, smart, than I was. They have both the technical know-how and the TIME . Can’t believe you went through this.

  15. YAIRA says:

    The truth always prevails! The company that dies not believe it will eventually learn from it all as well. Thanks God that you’re almost done with this nightmare. May God forgive this girl and guides her in the right path before she causes even more damage. A person’s credentials and reputation is not something to toy with. May the light always shines on you Cassey!

  16. Housewife Me says:

    That is so horrible! You’ve been a great inspiration to me through my fitness journey, and I can tell around your site that you’ve done the same for many other people. I feel so horrible that something like this would happen to you. I pray this gets resolved quickly for you. You’re amazing!

  17. Britt Picasso says:

    Don’t forget to give credit to JC

  18. Maria says:

    I can’t believe this is happening, I only found the whole story now, and I’m still in SHOCK. Why would someone do this?? Just to get more clothes at home, so you can show off to your friends?? I don’t understand… I hope you are feeling better Cassey!! You don’t deserve to be upset like this, I want you to smile 🙂

  19. Lauryn says:

    Cassey, it breaks my heart that you are having to deal with people thinking you are ingenuine, a fraud, or anything that you’re not. I know what that feels like as well, though on a much smaller scale. My advise to you is to keep being who you are, keep your head up and keep doing well. Your reputation goes before you. People know how truly good you are. And the people that don’t, that one particular company, it is their loss not to be able to work with you or call you a friend.

  20. Jacky G says:

    I cannot believe that someone would do this to you!!! You are such an inspiration to all of us and have helped us through many tough moments. This person should be very ashamed of themselves. I am so glad to hear that you have caught this person and that you are working on resolving the issues. You are such a strong person and I am so sorry that this had to happen to such a good person like you.

  21. theresa says:

    It’s a pity for that minor. She should have tried to work herself to the top if she really wants to be a blogger or a fitness instructor like you. I’m a blogger myself and I work hard for my articles and also for my product review. Yes, companies are sending me out items for review but I honestly review them. I hope this will be a learning to all bloggers too!

    P.S. Your workouts are great! 🙂


  22. Iqra says:

    Hey Cassey,
    I am so sorry something like this happened to you! I know from your videos and blog posts that you are definitely an authentic and caring individual. I hope that everything works out for you, and I wish you the best. Please do not let things like this discourage you – I am so inspired and impressed by the way you handled the situation. Thanks for all the hard work and effort you put into everything you do!

  23. Devoria says:

    All I’ve got to say is “where in the hell” were the parents, given he/she is a MINOR?…..I can not believe this went on for so long without the parents finding out. Cassey, I’m so glad you’re taking this in stride and being the professional that you are. Most would be at the police station filing charges, which I believe is still in the cards for you. This is why it is so important for parents to monitor what their children are watching and what they are conducting on the Internet, blogs or anything else. I know a lot of us say this all the time, but look at the statistics when it comes to minors on social media. Keep up the good work Cassey. You are the BEST!!!

  24. Emelie says:

    You’re such an inspiration to me!

  25. shill says:

    Cassey , we all love you so much and we’re here for you.
    I can’t believe this kind of person are real – It is so embarrassing for her. I just guess she has issues and I hope she will now be going through some therapy .

    Don’t you worry about your buisness – You are so wonderful , you’ll get through it.
    You have so many in here supporting you, you are never alone!!!

    LOVE YOU ♥

  26. Erin says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this story, Cassey! I truly respect how you’ve handled this situation and I’m confident that, in the end, all of the brands (including the one you mentioned that still weary) will recognize what an upstanding person you are and that the Blogilates brand continues to be. Working in PR myself, I do understand what your publicist friends mean as it relates to merchandise being sent to assistants; however, it is vital that these companies do their own due diligence. Stay positive, Cassey!

  27. Roxanne says:

    Wow. Can’t believe that Cassey. I do hope you’re able to press charges so this girl can fully understand the consequences of identity theft. My question is, if she’s a minor, what did her parents think?! They had to know she was getting tons of free stuff in the mail. Free clothes, dvds, etc. It’d certainly be enough to make me suspicious and have my child show me the site that’s sending her all these freebies. Just cray cray.
    It’s such crap that someone would do that to you. People really don’t understand the ripple effect that comes from something like that, or they wouldn’t do it in the first place. So glad she was caught!

  28. Camille says:

    The sheer importance of REPUTATION and TRUST in an individual or company cannot be overstated; it’s the reason businesses have customers at all. Finances can always be regained in some way or another. But reputation and trust takes years to build, and can be destroyed by a single event, and the skepticism and mistrust in its wake are long lasting and even irreparable. Imagine if you found (or heard convincing allegations) that Jillian Michaels got her toned body through liposuction and plastic surgery. Imagine if you found (or heard convincing allegations) that Target uses shoddy, carcinogen-laced materials in their products. That individual/brand/company that you relied on and trusted to be quality turns out to be a sham, and you’d at best be skeptical of their name forever or at worst swear them off for good.

    That greedy con artist of a girl may only think “oh well I tricked people into giving me things, but they got it all back…”, but stealing, lying, and identity theft aside, she hurt Cassey’s image of being a person of integrity and reputable businesswoman. People who know the real Cassey won’t be swayed by this incident, but companies who don’t know her very well could be wary to do business with her, thus endangering her livelihood. Younger POPsters and followers of Cassey might think “oh she’s just a minor, lay off her!”, to which I agree, don’t bully this (in my opinion, pathetic and troubled) girl if you know who she is; karma will show her that rehabilitating one’s reputation and trust is an uphill battle. But imagine if your parents had their reputation on the line–rumors or allegations that they were terrible, shady, unreliable people may prevent them from being hired and their income and moreover their social circles would be in jeopardy. What that girl did was serious business. But more importantly, with all of Cassey’s followers ready to vouch for her integrity, I feel this experience reinforces the quote that you should “behave in such a way that if anyone were to speak ill of you, no one would believe it”. Good vibes to you, Cassey!

    1. Carina Cristina says:

      Thank you! Spot on!

  29. Nina K says:


    I am sorry to hear of your misfortune. I am glad you are holding up well, even after what had happened. In the business world, you can expect as much especially when you’re doing online business.

    I agree, you should have lawyered up, because it is your brand. I’m not an expert in what i am going to say, but I know a gist of it. If your trademark is registered (it should be, since you’re doing well), the girl will face not only community service, but a hefty fine. If she had access to scamming thru internet, that means she has money. So she should pay for what she did.

    This minor may not have the proper upbringing, that’s probably the reason why she’s scamming Cassey. She’s physiologically jealous with her success, and wants to be ‘part of it’. She needs special attention and care.

    I applaud Cassey for even having the courage to share her experience, because divulging such experience may hurt her reputation as a well-known trainer. Expressing your vulnerability to the public is not an easy thing, and I admire your tenacity. Keep up the excellent work. I have been following you for a year (passively, though) and thanks to you, I have looked at myself in a different perspective.

    Stay strong, and stay being you!

    Nina from Brunei

  30. Holy crap! That is really scary and really really terrible! I’m glad you’ve been able to get it cleaned up but geez! I hope this young one gets it in her head that she cannot keep up her behavior and get what she wants, that karma will kick her butt, but glad you got this straightened up. I hope this does not scare off companies from providing those awesome things to bloggers, but you live and you learn, right?

  31. RJ says:

    Sorry that you had to go through that but grateful that it is now under control…Hang in there Cassey and stay positive !

  32. Greta says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this happened to you. On a much lesser scale (due to the fact that I do not own/ run a business) this happened to me about 3 years ago- someone pretended to be me and opened several (12) credit cards in my name and maxed them out. It took FOREVER to clean up my credit and figure it all out. I still cannot get instant credit anywhere because of that incident. Not a huge deal, but I don’t get the freedom some do simply because someone stole from me. They never caught the person who did it, and she is probably out there ruining someone else’s summer buying stuff under someone else’s name and ruining someone else’s credit. I agree with the other poster’s who say you should press charges. People need to take identity theft more seriously and realize that they are risking more than your credit in this case, but also your business that you’ve worked so hard for and your good name. The fact that she is a minor means her parents need to take more responsibility as well in paying attention to their kid. As for you, please keep being the awesome, amazing, inspirational woman we love! <3

  33. Laura says:

    I am so mad! like who on her freaking mind would want to hurt Cassey? she is just the most dedicated person in the whole world….. I am so going to bit someone but first I want to say that all popsters are here for you cassey! we Love you with all our heart

  34. Audrey says:

    You should have pressed charges. This is a serious offense, and she won’t understand the gravity of her crime and its implications unless she is punished. I hope this mess gets resolved entirely. You don’t deserve this cr*p.

  35. Zeke says:

    Hey Cassey I’m so sorry about what happened to you. Your forgiving nature though is what makes you a person I admire. I hope that in the end things get sorted out and you move on having learned how strong you are in the face of adversity. Best of luck!!!

  36. phaedra says:

    Oh fudge!! I’m sorry that happened to you!

    I WISH I’d have known you were in Chicago. I would have loved a workout with you!

    Glad you made it back before our 50th winter storm!


    1. Kandice says:

      Phaedra, I was feeling the same way! I was so upset that I didn’t know she was in Chicago!! I only just read about the Blogilates meet ups and I wanted one in Chicago. Eh well. There’s always next time. 🙂

  37. Sandra says:

    You are such a big person to apologize to the companies that were duped by apologizing to them. It is really ridiculous that they wouldn’t call or have a representative personally contact you. There is definitely a lesson to be learned here on their part. Luckily those who do business with you know better and you know the person you are so there is nothing for you to be ashamed of.

  38. One of the commenters brings the point about forgiveness. I understand the concept but in this case the most important thing is to re-establish Cassey’s good name as a business person. Forgiveness is all fine and dandy when no actual pecuniary damage has accorded. Cassey’s reputation has been tarnished and this causes actual damages to her…. Forget Forgiveness, lawyer up and sue.
    (yes I am jaded and this is a part of a 15+ years training as an attorney, I apologize if people are offended but this is who I am)

    1. Rennn says:

      I agree with this post. She should face the consequences of her actions to fully understand what she has done.

    2. Tonya says:

      Yes! “Taylor” needs to be prosecuted. No apology letter can make up for the damage that has been done. She will continue stealing identities when she is an adult if she doesn’t get punished for her crimes now.

    3. Carina Cristina says:

      I absolutely agree! Law student here. I too am for the concept of forgiveness, but a lot is at stake here.

  39. Noemi says:

    Horrible, I.m very glad that you can resolve this problem,. good thing isfrom the beggining you were always being honest and your sincerity is admirable. truth always reveals by itself.

  40. Daniella Renee says:

    I’ll echo some of the other comments:

    1.) Get an e-mail with your domain name.
    2.) Consult a lawyer – a lawsuit against this girl/her family may indeed be advisable. In addition to protecting your brand, it goes beyond just e-mailing these companies back (since they were scammed via e-mail, a “clear things up” e-mail probably isn’t the best plan of action). A lawyer can better advise you on how exactly to patch things up with these companies as well.
    3.) Update your website to include a clear “Contact Me” or “Press/Sponsorship Inquiries Here” section. If a copycat criminal decides to pick up where the imposter left off, potential sponsor companies will be able to see the scam if they do their usual due diligence.

    Your work is amazing and it’s unfortunate a kid with clear psychological issues decided to exploit your reputation and company for their own gains.

  41. Ruby says:

    I almost feel bad for ‘Taylor’. Just think of how she must’ve planned all of this out, and hoarded all of these products by using your name and probably not thinking twice! And then taking all of these things… What kind of parents does she have?! If she’s even heard of you, she knows you are an amazing person that didn’t deserve this. So glad you got this worked out, I was actually pretty sure that the scammer would go unfound.
    We’re here for you. 🙂

  42. Sandy says:

    This “Taylor” watched too many time “The Bling Ring”, that’s scary if she is a minor! I hope everything is gonna fine for you Cassey! I wish you the best!

  43. Gecko says:

    Cassey – You’re amazing and it’s a shame this happened to you. But what makes you even more amazing is your resilience and ability to move on and make the best of it. I bet a lot of the companies will understand your position and trust you. You’ve built a great brand and that’s not going to be wiped away by this one thing. Companies will see that. Plus, all of us POPsters are here to vouch for you! We <3 you.

    BTW, thank you for posting this week's video early enough for users in Europe! I usually can never do the new videos (not that I'm complaining! you have enough on your plate!) but I was very excited to be able to, and I just wanted to thank you for that (I usually just do the new video from the week before :).

  44. Sarah says:

    Cassey- you’ve gone through so much! Way to stay strong and persevere through tough moments like this…. you are such an inspiration to us all!

  45. Madeline says:

    I’m so glad that got resolved! Hopefully “Taylor” will learn something from this. I feel bad for all the companies that fell into this–especially the people who gave the ok to send product samples, because they are probably taking some heat now, too.

  46. Alia says:

    What an awful thing to happen to such a kind and generous person. I hope ‘Taylor’ gets her just desserts.

  47. Heather says:

    I want to know the name of the company that is threatening you. Anybody with the power to google can figure out that you are a sincere and genuine person. It takes two seconds to research you on the internet…I’m just shocked that someone couldn’t believe that you had your identity stolen.

    Sure, this girl is a minor but her parents should be held accountable for their daughters actions. She is an identity thief- she should get some sort of punishment in accordance with the law. That way you protect your good name, and in a way you protect the girl too by getting her the help she needs. If she can nip this problem in the bud (and she has a problem, normal teens don’t embezzle thousands of dollars worth of product from companies) then maybe she won’t end up in a worse place down the road. Sorry you had to go through this!

  48. This is so terrible! I’m so glad that it’s in the process of being resolved. Having someone steal your identity is a huge violation, and I’m so sorry that you had to go through this. 🙁

  49. Ashlee says:

    That is just beyond crazy! We popsters love you, Cassey! And to the company that said you’re a fraud, well we all know you, and KNOW you would never do anything so horrible to anyone. If they even took a second to look at your blog, your Facebook, your Instagram and SO ON-they would know that all you do and try to do is to help others reach their goals! Not by selling your products (which we love)! Keep being the corky, over the top, spontaneous Pop Pilates queen that you are! We all have your back! Xoxo

  50. Candice says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I am so sorry that this is happening to you. You are a great and honest person, and you definitely don’t deserve this hassle.

    I agree with the voice of Genevieve, as well as the voices who have said you should create a domain email address. Also, going off of Genevieve’s idea of you writing a letter to the identity thief’s guardians, you should include in the letter the sorts of threats you have received from some of the companies (i.e. that one said they could get you fired from Equinox). Certainly no one wants to find out their child is doing something terrible to someone else, but I am sure they wouldn’t want a good person like yourself to lose your job due to someone else stealing your identity. I understand that the judicial system is not necessarily effective, but the guardians should know to what extent this situation is affecting you and your career. I think if you can first work with them and/or her instead of driving a divide with a lawsuit, you may be able to effectively settle this incident without pressing charges and maintain your reputation.
    And then get a lawyer. In case of future issues.

  51. Rebecca says:

    Cassey, I am so sorry that you are having to spend your time and energy deing with this. It is a terrible thing to have to go through.

    All I can say is that you must try not to worry too much about getting this minor to appreciate fully what they’ve done. I fully understand why you want (and deserve) a sincere apology, but this person is clearly in a dark place and might not be able to comprehend how violated and vulnerable this makes you feel.

    Please understand that any negativity coming back from these companies is partly to do with the individuals beating themselves up that they made such a silly mistake as to engage with this obvious fraud. You have done more than most people would to put this wrong right, and I have to say, if I had been conned, I would be appeased by your efforts.

    Keep your head up beautiful! Your positivity and strength will carry you through!


  52. Wow – this is just shocking that someone would do this, although I guess I shouldn’t be shocked. I’m glad to see she apologized, but I agree she likely doesn’t understand the full impact of her actions. So glad it was found out so quickly!

  53. Dilek says:

    OH MY GOD! That is such a horrible thing! I have been busy with school these last couple of months and I didn’t know about this! Man…some people are just rotten to the core. A minor? Seriously? She got lucky for being one. I still think you should press charges. You work so hard and you do NOT deserve such a thing. And the companies are also to blame. THEY SHOULD DO A BACKGROUND CHECK! This just points to their lack of professionalism. Blaming it on you is not the way to go!

    Love you Cassey and stay strong!

  54. Mikayla says:

    I cannot believe that happened to you! As I was reading your post, I kept thinking, “didn’t this girls parents wonder where all this free stuff was coming from and why?” I am not blaming her parents, but as a mother I know when my kids get packages. That’s a little strange to me because I would shut that down in a heartbeat if I found out something like that was going on with my kid. Anyway, as you work through this, I think proving all this actually happened would be easier with a copy of the police report. I’m sure the officer involved can provide you a copy and you can then forward it on to the companies to protect your good name. Sheesh. What a hassle! Keep doing all that you do – you are amazing!! xoxo

  55. That’s so crazy! I live in Mass and I go to school at Salem State University which is the next town over from Peabody… this is so crazy. I can’t believe this girl. I wanna give her a piece of my mind as a dedicated POPster!

  56. Tanisha says:

    that’s crazy. so glad that you was able to get to the bottom of this. so sad and sorry that you went through this.

  57. Michael says:

    This is insane! I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! That’s so terrible. And for the rep who is still claiming that you’re a fraud and she knows your boss – if that’s the case then she should have already known that this was a scam and you weren’t involved. Clearly this woman has a personal issue. I hope this gets full resolved and you don’t suffer too much backlash.

  58. pamela says:

    I just had to say I’m so sorry this happened to you. It sounds like you’re handling it very well and continuing to push through. I wish you the best! Deep breath!

  59. Jess says:

    Keep your head up. You’ll pull out of this just fine, and your majority knows what’s going on and that the inquiries weren’t from you. You’ll be ok!

  60. wow i seriously didn’t knew what was going on! Like you said, they should have checked thoroughly before sending their products. It’s not your fault or that imposter. It is the companies fault. They should know better than anyone that they should be very alert of scam. If they are so naive and start sending stuff out to popular bloggers/youtube starfor good review then I am sorry to say but ‘You are nothing more than plain stupid.’ Sorry, its just that I feel wronged. Cassey is very sweet person, who is working very hard for people like to me get in shape and get hold of our life.

    Stay strong Cassey!! We all are here for you. xoxo

  61. Theresa says:

    Oh my goodness; I can’t believe someone did that! So sorry! I can’t believe that representative didn’t believe you & still consider you a fraud. Well it’s their fault for not doing a thorough check. Anyone who watches your videos can tell you’re a genuine person. NO ONE can do what you do with a smile on your face in EVERY move and have such encouraging words. XOXO.

  62. Bethany says:

    Love you Cassey! We’re here for you during what must be a stressful and worrying time!! hugs and kisses! xxxx

  63. Diane says:

    Can you press charges? This is horrible!!!! STAY STRONG!! YOU are amazing and thanks for all that you do for us!

  64. Christina McKinnie says:

    We’ll always be in your court Cassey!

    POPSTERS vs. imposters!!

  65. Elisa says:

    Stay strong, Cassey. You are a tough gal and we all love you. What has happened to you was a very bad thing, indeed. But you will pull through and come out even stronger. We believe in you, Cassey.

  66. Cassey,

    I have been following your website for quite a while but I must have missed all the drama. As a blogger and as an attorney my suggestion to clear you name is to sue. I Know what people will say: an attorney that is recommending to sue just because it’s her trade. Well, it’s not, I am not a litigator and I am not trying to push services on you.

    You have been nice enough not to disclose the name of the minor but my question is, WHERE is her family? do they know what she did? Do they know it constituted grand larceny, depending on the price of the goods she received?

    I would recommend a two fold approach: to post a formal disclaimer (incidentally written by your PR team and your attorney) on the website AND to sue her guardians for damages. The moment the companies see that there is a bona fide lawsuit, they will know what your position is.

    This minor needs to be punished for what she did but even more so her parents/guardians who didn’t monitor what she was doing and taught her that she can have her way by impersonating some one else.

    I hope this helps.


  67. Sara says:

    It’s really a shame that the imposter was actually a minor!!!!It’s disheartening to see good people suffer.I hope she understands the severity of what she did.You are loved by millions Cassey.There is nothing in this world that can bring you down.Lots of love!

  68. Jennifer S says:

    Cassey, I just want you to know that I’m a new subscriber. I’m in a group with some other ladies on Facebook and we are all focusing on improving our health, eating clean, and upping our fitness. Some of them turned me onto your blog and Youtube channel and since starting your videos, I’ve worked out regularly for the first time in years. You are so positive and uplifting and motivating and I truly appreciate all of the time and effort and hard work you put into your business, and how much you care about your subscribers. I’m sore every day in the best way possible, and I feel like even if I’m only able to do one of your videos a day, I’m making a hugely positive change in my life. I’m so sorry this happened to you, and I hope that businesses take the time to look at your blog here and see that you are a good person and would never do what this imposter did.

  69. Veronica says:

    That’s just UNBELIEVABLE… I hope this person understood what she has been doing, I mean the problems she caused…. CASSEY WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND WE WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY!! Your POPsters know who you are and we’ll never leave you (: kisses

  70. Dianne says:

    Casey I am so sorry this is happening with you!!!
    And for that person to still believe that you are a fraud after contact with a police officer, and proof that you are clearly not involved, is just completely absurd!!! I mean, how stupid do you have to be??

    Anyways, I just recently found you on youtube and I love your videos and what you are doing!! Keep it up! and I wish you the best and hope this all blows over soon for you!

  71. Lara says:

    Whether or not “Taylor” truly understands the damage she did and the stress and frustration she caused you, I think we should recognize that she actually wrote an apology letter. Instead of trying to use “the full force of the law” to get revenge, I think we POPsters should be gracious and simply forgive her for what she did. Others may argue that she doesn’t deserve forgiveness, and perhaps not – but then again, when do any of us truly deserve forgiveness?

    Instead of simply assuming that she’ll continue to scam people, I vote we give her the benefit of the doubt and put this all behind us. This isn’t to excuse anything that she did, of course. But showing her grace may be more of a positive influence on her than any attempts to make her “pay” for what she did. Just my thoughts. 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      That’s a good thought Lara as I believe in forgiveness as well. But Cassey doesn’t seem like she’s trying to get “revenge” it just looks like she took care of business as she should have and left the rest up to the Police. No one knows the background on this child but as it seems she had apparently really “Planned” this fraud out…I don’t think a pat on the wrist would help her see the full impact of what she’s done to this woman reputation. Even if she spends some time in Juvenile detention, it’s better than just a slap on the wrist for the extent of her fraud, who knows, she may try something like this again. As I’m sure from this experience…. she’s learned what “not” to do.

    2. Teresa says:

      Thank you for this, I always like to believe in mercy over justice too 🙂 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!

    3. Teresa says:

      Her letter does sound insincere though, and since she’s under 18 and I know how invincible/naive of the consequences of the world you can be while a teen, she does need to learn that what she did was wrong and that her actions like this will have consequences. She needs to know how wrong this is and all the damage her actions have caused, especially to Cassey.

      She does need a punishment for what she did, but I don’t think jail time or paying a large amount of money will do anything to solve the problem–like Genevieve said, I think community service would be best for her so that she starts to get a better understanding of the real world and that the whole world does not revolve around her.

      I hope she learns from this and learns to be a better person in the future.

      If you’re reading this Cassey know that everyone loves you and we know you’re stronger than this and can pull through it, just like any other challenge you’ve faced ♥

  72. Esther says:

    GOSH! That sounds horrible. I’m so sorry for this happening to you, Cassey. 🙁
    But you know, the good thing is that since you were always being honest and there’s nothing you’ve done wrong, you don’t have to be afraid about anything, because truth always reveals by itself.
    I’m pretty sure you’re boss will understand this situation, too.

  73. Jordyn says:

    Cassey, I’m so sorry this happened to you! Stay strong, lady! We love you!!!

    I completely agree with Genevieve about not letting her have just a slap on the wrist. She might need a real shock to find out that if she keeps this up, she can (and will) end up in prison.


    P.S. Like Dana said, look into getting an email with your domain name. 🙂

    P.P.S. You’re the most positive, awesome, kick-ass woman we all know! <3

  74. Hannah says:

    Cassey, this is such a horrendous action that it makes my Blood boil. I can’t believe someone would do this to a women who is clearly an inspiring figure through YouTube. That girl needs to check her attitude, the fact that she did this is just crazy and it’s not something people inexperienced know how to do! I’m deeply sorry that this has happened to you! Stay strong and always think positive! You will get through this and we are supporting you by the myriads of people you reach out to everyday C:

  75. Eli says:

    Omg that’s terrible! I am really happy that you could resolve this situation! it’s really sad that this girl took advantage of you in such a way 🙁

    We will continue supporting you|

  76. Hannah says:

    What doesn’t kill you makes your stronger.

    Cassey, stay strong, this experience just proves how evil people hurt and use those who work hard and do good. Don’t let her beat you! Let your light shine!

  77. Josie says:

    I feel really awful for you, Cassey; though, I do admire in what a dignified manner you are treating this. This really does go to show that you can never be too careful when it comes to trusting people: I truly hope that those companies will forgive ‘you’ for the whole situation (mind that it’s not your fault at all), and that that girl may one day fathom the depths of her actions. POPsters unite! x

  78. Monica says:

    I’m so sorry you have to go through this Cassey. You are so strong and positive, what an inspiration you are by handling an incredible struggle with such class. Props to classy Cassey (:

  79. Rebe says:

    Wow, I am so sorry this happened to you, Cassey. I can’t believe someone would do that. I hope everything works out in the end but do know that you have the full support of your popsters 🙂

  80. Christina says:

    Hope things work out for you and the scammed companies! I respect the way you’re handling this – hehe, very maturely, I definitely would’ve blown up! 🙂

  81. Tatiana says:

    Cassey, I am so sorry this happened to you. It is understandable that you would never think someone would attempt to steal your identity, because it’s not like they can make money off of your free videos. The sad part is, that scammers find a way to benefit from successful people by finding a way to use their trustworthy brand. I know that you want to beleive that people are good, but when you have a business, it is better to be safe, rather than to be sorry. The more popular your brand becomes, the more safeguards you need. You should meet with a lawyer who could give you advice on safeguarding your business; and talk to someone with a similar experience to see what you can do to protect yourself, your brand from being tarnished further. Let us not forget, that when you google blogilates, you don’t want to find the word “scam” associated with your name or company’s name. Good Luck!

  82. Nikita says:

    Couldn’t agree more with Genevieve! In addition there is a program called the Peaceful Solution that some inmates are required to take – It is a character education program..she should be put on it immediately.

    I have to ask though… where were the minors parents in all of this??? I would find it very odd that my child is receiving package after package and I not question it.

    1. Claudia says:

      In the original post, before Cassey edited it for the family’s privacy, she did say that they found it odd and suspicious and tried to get a handle on the situation.

  83. sol says:

    i am so sorry to hear this cassy. i love you and hope things will work out well. ♥

  84. Karo says:

    We are here for you Cassey, always. I am so proud to call you my idol <3

  85. Kristine says:

    I’m proud of you ! great job! 🙂

  86. Randi says:

    I seriously agree with Dana! You need to get an email with you domain name. GoDaddy adds on email for really cheap (under $10 a year) and you can set up your gmail to forward to the new it just looks better for marketing purposes. You didn’t deserve something like this to happen to you, you’re too sweet and you’ll make it through this no problem! 🙂

  87. Caro says:

    Cassey I am proud of you!

  88. Amelia says:

    I’m so glad they caught the person doing this! And I’m so sorry you had to go through this. 🙁 Identity theft is a really personal and hurtful crime. I hope you can repair the relationships that the impostor created and ruined with those companies. Hopefully the police and justice system have the impostor do community service so she can understand how her actions affect others, because it’s obvious that she currently isn’t thinking of anyone but herself.
    I know that I will continue to recommend you as a fitness instructor and a positive role model to anyone who asks me, as I’m sure any other POPster would too. I actually have on my blogilates hoodie today! 🙂

  89. chelle says:

    Cassey, I am so sorry for what happened. Hopefully, you can get everything sorted out quickly and know that no matter what, you will alwayssss have your POPsters! <3

  90. Nina says:

    Wo, Cassy. I am really sorry that you have to go through all of this. Just know that you are a strong woman and that you will have the energy and the support from the people around you to take this task on. You’ll come out at the other end being a stronger woman with more experience.

    We support you, you’re the best! And see it this way: maybe this girl didn’t only come on your path to give you trouble. Maybe you came on her path as a learning experience, something that will make her a more complete being.

    Everything’s gonna be okay.

  91. Aj says:

    I feel like I’m probably the only one who thinks pressing charges or taking further action against the girl or her family would do no good. It wouldn’t “help” her in any way, the only things the legal system can do would most likely be ineffective in helping the girl’s character and possibly be more detrimental (as most things in the legal system for juveniles are). Pressing charges would probably only effect her parents, and although they “should have” known what she was doing, none of us know their situation at home and should not pass judgement so easily: this could’ve been negligence on their part or a girl who really knew how to get around her parents. Most of us were able to do things our parents didn’t know about when we were teens, just not for such extreme things usually, but that does not mean our parent were necessarily negligent they just weren’t omniscient. Pressing charges would only give Cassey even more to worry about, at least she has learned now to be more careful and take further steps to protect her identity against people with harmful intentions in the future. This damage may take some work to repair, but if a kid could find these loopholes in her website/identity security and do this damage, imagine what someone more experienced who had more harmful intentions than just getting free workout clothes could have done. Not saying Cassey should thank the kid haha but at least count your blessings wherever they may be.

  92. Jelli says:

    I’m so glad the case is solved. If only it were so easy to tie up the loose ends, right? I hope you find lots of time to send out those emails soon, Cassey. What a bummer this whole thing. I hope the perp learns her lesson.

  93. Jasmin Bindi Laine says:

    OMG!!! Cassey…. stay strong! I can only imagine how i would feel if anyone did this to me and especially for my company which i have spent sleepless nights building up. Damn…. I hope all of those companies can realize that it did not only affect them but also you as a young and fresh new entrepreneur.


  94. Lou says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I am so sorry that you had to go through all of this…

    Kudos for still smiling, sharing on Instagram, on your blog, doing videos etc.
    It must have been a very stressful couple of months and and you have kept it together – you are a real soldier 🙂

    As for you scammer, she probably doesn’t understand the extent of the damage she has caused to you and the scammed companies because of her young age… But it is no reason to be “soft” otherwise she will never understand what she has cause. I hope the police can help you figure out what to do.

    And I agree with Dana – please, please get an e-mail address with your domain name!
    I am a freelancer and I know how important this is!
    There could so many,, etc., but no scammer can create an address with your domain name.

    Good luck Cassey!

  95. Jen says:

    The sad thing is that girl will probably do this again to someone else since she was able to get away with it for so long and since she’s a minor they may not charge her at all. It really is deplorable but I’m glad that at least for you it’s mostly over with the damage beginning to be repaired.

  96. Markie says:

    Oh my goodness, Cassey! You’re so brave— what an adventure! So glad things are turning out okay. 🙂

  97. Caterina says:

    This story is amazing, I’m proud of being part of this community and I’m so happy we have such an inspiration like Cassey is. You’re the best and you’re honest, that will lead you to come out clean and trustworthy as you are. We all are by your side 🙂
    Love you!

  98. Yveline says:

    So awful that this happened – especially to someone who seems like such a genuine person and whose company doesn’t appear to have been created to be greedy, but founded because of a real love for what you do!
    Crazy that someone who hasn’t even reached adulthood was happily committing fraud on such a large scale – and you know it would only have got larger if she hadn’t got caught! Hopefully she gets scared straight at the prospect of 30 different companies pressing charges against her…

    Makes you wonder what her parents/guardians were doing while this was going on? Did they just not care enough to notice? Were they not AROUND enough to notice? Or were they in on the whole thing? Scary thoughts. Doesn’t condone what she did, but kind of makes you feel sorry for the kid because clearly something has gone seriously wrong in that home.

  99. Danielle Sauers says:

    This is crazy! I am so sorry that this happened to you. At least the police are now involved and you can have an official report from them stating that you had no part in this.

    Also, I’m a product review blogger, and any company who is coming after you because “you” didn’t write a review is in the wrong. According to the FTC, bloggers are under no obligation to write a review if they are sent a product to review. Obviously it’s in bad form to accept a product and NOT write a review, but it’s my understanding that there’s no legal action a company can take if you accept a free product but don’t write a review. I’ve even had a few companies write to me saying that they were shipping the product, and that they’d rather have no review at all than a negative one!

    I know this probably doesn’t make you feel any better, but I just figured I’d let you know. Also, you have a great community of POPsters to support you. We all know you’re no fraud! I hope that this doesn’t have too much of an adverse effect on your business because you’ve worked so hard and have given so much to everyone else, you don’t deserve this!

  100. Danielle says:

    It’s only because your a positive light to us all that’s why positive things are alway happening for you and no weapons formed against you shall prosper. Keep doing what you do best and positivety will always be your companion.

  101. Quirkytizzy says:

    Wow. This is mind blowing! I’m really glad things got straightened out. You did not deserve to have all this come down on you. I remember when you were just uploading videos to youtube – to have this whole empire that you built with your own hands stolen? *shakes head* That’s upsetting!

    Good luck all around, Cassey. <3

  102. Bec says:

    Hi Cassey,
    Firstly, Thank you for providing such a wonderful space for all of us, it’s a really special blog and since mid-2013 I have gained so much, you have encouraged me to strengthen my body and educated me in eating well! I just love it!
    Secondly, I wanted to contribute to the support above and throw in my two cents. I agree with Genevieve, and believe perhaps by perusing the case further and having her do some community work or repay the debt, you might be doing her a favor. Of course everyone make mistakes, and perhaps learning a tough lesson will set her on the right path. I agree the letter reads as insincere, and in my opinion played down as innocent, yet for this level of fraud she must be pretty switched on. She may make some bad decisions in future if she feels she got away with this crime.
    I’m sorry this has happened to you, and I think your positivity and professionalism will see you through the other side 🙂
    Lots of love

  103. Delilah says:

    This whole situation blows my mind. She can’t possibly begin to imagine the stress this puts you under. I do hope those companies press charges against her, if I was her parent I don’t even know what kind of home-punishment would be appropriate. How on earth did her parents not notice? I know there’s likely a story behind the whys and hows, but the damage she did is, well, scary. Hang in there, Cassey, you have a whole team of popsters here for you.

  104. Nevean says:

    I’m so sorry you had to go through this Cassey. No one deserves to have their identity stolen and abused so seriously.

    I agree that The imposter should not be off the hook for this and that these companies should have looked deeper into who they were sending products too. Her actions were so disheartening and eye opening as to what identity theft can do and how serious it is.

    I pray that this matter will smooth itself out really soon and that you will never have to go through anything like this again.

    Your such an inspiration to me.



  105. Nancy says:

    That girl’s letter sounds so insincere for what she’s done.

    She literally isn’t in any real trouble – all it did was harm your company.

    You nees to punish her more, seriously – I hope she wasn’t a popster that wanted to change herself, but disn’t have enough money, and saw this as her last resort.-.

    If she was, then I feel sorry for her ignorance, but she can change her character first , by NOT LYING

    1. Alexandra says:

      Sorry but I started without any equipment or wear too that’s not an excuse! I used waterbottles for weights and but a towel over my carpet for one month before I decided I could trust myself to go trough with this and invest into a mat, dunbells and resistance bands.

  106. Kirsten says:

    Ooh Cassey, I’m so sorry for you. I think that you are a wonderful person, sharing your recipes, workouts and now even the 12 week body makeover with us, all for free! It’s a shame that someone used your name and took advantage of it. I live in Europe, so unfortunately I don’t have much knowledge about your legal system, but in my county, you can press legal charges if someone used your name, which not only gives you a monetary compensation, but also a sort of programme to restore your name again. I hope that something like that will be available for you to.
    I wish you all the best, and good luck with this process! And I would like to thank you that you share your happy personality with us in your workouts and your knowledge in your recipes, workouts and meal-plans. I really appreciate it, and I’m sure all of your POPsters do!
    And a thanks to the amazing anonymous POPster who helped to discover all this!

  107. Dana says:

    Cassey you HAVE to get an email address with your domain name! e.g!
    This will make it difficult for scammers like these to impersonate you.
    Sorry you had to go through this but I’m sure this will be just a dent quickly fixed and forgotten.

  108. nadialittrell says:

    Cassey, I not your a tough woman. God that Impostor !!!

  109. dawn says:

    I totally agree with Genvieve.
    No slap on the wrists!!! She was very calculating and manipulating!!
    She needs to realize right from wrong now before she graduates to higher levels of crime- although that was pretty big already!
    I too am sorry this happened to you Cassie!!!
    You are a wonderful person with so much good in you and you spread that to us through your support and all you do for us..

  110. Lynn says:

    Aw.. Cassey I’m sorry you had to go through all this, but I am glad that this is being sorted out and you know who the scammer is. Best of luck to you Cassey! We love you!

  111. Judith says:

    Wow, your story gave me goosebumps. I really love your positive energy and attitude, you are a truyly wonderful person, and such a hard working, dedicated woman. Ally my respect to you!
    Stay strong and I wish you all the best 🙂

    Big hug from Germany,

  112. inge V.E. says:

    that’s terrible, i hope everything is alright now.

  113. Paula says:

    Wow, this is surprising. I’m so happy that things are getting worked out for you. You really don’t deserve to go through all this! I can’t believe anyone would do such a thing! Always remember we’re here for you! Stay strong girl!

  114. Alex says:

    Oh my, Cassey, this was really a very bad trip for you 🙁
    I’m really sorry that you had to expierience this and I’m glad for you that you finally could find out who this scammer was. I hope you get through the “ironing” well and wish you all the best!
    Also I hope the companies have learned from this too, because they could’ve demanded a telephone number or other direct contact to you, as you are the CEO of your company. I really hope, this doesn’t happen again.

    Wish you all the best, keep your head up, because there will always be people who think and who care about you. Also Thank You to the Popster Angel, you are awesome! <3 🙂

  115. Joanne says:

    That is crazy! I’m glad they caught her, but re-establishing your reputation is going to be tough. Hopefully you have more understanding people than that one who really thinks you’re a fraud. I also blog and though this may not be quite as bad as identity theft with credit cards and such, it’s still a big blow. People need to understand that you need to work hard to earn what you have.

    Good luck!

  116. Kate says:

    Wow, this boggles my mind. I’m actually a deputy/corrections officer and the sheer number of charges this girl could have against her is amazing to me. Quite frankly, I think she really does need to get quite a bit of community service. For every company she contacted, that’s a potential fraud charge. For every company that sent her something, that’s a potential stealing charge. If she were an adult (I don’t know what Massachusetts says is an adult but in my state it’s 17) she could easily be charged with so many counts that she would be in prison at least fifteen years. This needs to be her wake up call. I’m honestly scared for her because someone who will do this as a minor will probably do this as an adult, and if she does there will be many years of prison in her future.

  117. Kathryn says:

    Mental! Imagine for a second if she had put all the energy she used to organise that scam to organise something good instead.

  118. Brodie says:

    Omg the lengths some people go to.
    What runs through there minds!

  119. Lucia says:

    Couldn’t agree more with everyone else’s reply. I hope you will be able to put this all behind you as soon as possible. We love you, Cassey! Good luck 🙂
    Also many thanksies to the fellow POPster who helped Cassey in this matter. You are amazing <3

  120. Lisa says:

    Hi Cassey, I so sorry this happened to you! I’m a freelance writer and editor (and new Popster!) and have noticed a LOT of identity theft on one of the freelancing websites that I use – it’s so sad to hear that this is happening in other industries too.

    On this freelancing website, people set up profiles with stolen biographies, resumes, portfolio samples and photographs to make out that they are someone far more qualified than they really are, and/or that they are from a country they’re not really from so that they win more work through deception. It is SO dishonest! I’m working with the website in question to try and stamp out as many of these fake profiles as possible and I have blogged about it quite a lot on my website if you’re interested to read more. I have a list of over 100 suspected fake profiles so far, and one of those was using the photograph of a Canadian woman who went missing in 2011!!

    It’s shocking the lengths that some people will go to. If there is any positive to be taken away from this, I guess you should be flattered that this Taylor person admired you so much they wanted to be you!

  121. Jasmin says:

    hello 🙂 i c the new wo is out, but what about the week 12 meal plan? im so excited to finish strong this week but also scared it will be over to soon x) anyway just wonder if u could release it? thnx :))

  122. Monika says:

    Wow. People like that exist?? I keep asking myself: where are her parents? I mean, she got 30 gifts or so and they didn’t suspect anything? She’s a minor for god’s sake.

  123. Genevieve says:

    Hey Cassey, I am pretty new to your site but I love it. Its not any of my business but I feel that you should request for her to have to do enough community service (i.e. work) to be equivalent to paying for all the items she got from scamming all those companies under your name and I also think she should spend an afternoon touring a state prison that could have been welcoming her had she been a couple years older. If the total value of the items she received amounted to more than $400 than as an adult she could legally be charged with grand larceny which could put her in prison for up to 25 years. I feel that writing a letter and returning the merchandise is not enough to convince someone of that age that they have committed a major crime. I assume her parents or guardians have been involved in the investigation, and I think that you should personally write to them and let them know how this is affecting your reputation with these companies that may now refuse to work with you in the future should later on you have a reason to reach out to them for a professional relationship. I am only 22 years old so it wasn’t long ago that I was a minor and I thought I could get away with anything so I feel I have a good understanding of what will really sink in when it comes to consequences. I would like to see this work out to a learning experience for this girl and hopefully show her where she is headed and why she should find another life path. And I feel her letter should have been required to be at least two pages, one paragraph is really not cutting it. Anyway Im so sorry this happened to you, I really hope that she is being properly disciplined by both her parents and the authorities.

    She should also be made aware that any of those companies can also decide to press charges against her and that is 30 different punishments.

    1. Teresa says:

      The best idea yet 😀

      1. Valerie says:

        I agree! Something needs to be done so she’ll learn her lesson. Identity theft is no petty crime! You definitely need to do more. I’m SO angry for you! Ugh, to slander your name after all of your hard work and the fact that you give so much for FREE no less. Thank you for all of your hardwork and dedication!!! 99.9% of us GREATLY appreciate your efforts!
        Stay strong and lawyer up!!!

  124. farta says:

    Hope things will worked out better for you…..good luck!

  125. Carina Cristina says:

    I can’t tell you how sad I am that this happened to you, Cassey. Out of everyone, this happened to someone who has always been so giving, caring and generous.
    I know that you’re probably troubled by the thought of pressing charges against this girl, especially since she’s a minor, but I think you might need to do it. You deserve to get your name cleared. And the young girl needs to be held accountable for her actions and understand the seriousness of the situation. Letting her get away with this too easily will not be doing her a favor. Sometimes a person needs to learn a valuable lesson that they can reflect on. She’ll be able to move on as a smarter and better person 🙂

    1. Carina Cristina says:

      PS. You do have a friend from every corner of the world 🙂

  126. Fitzy says:

    I am very sorry this happened to you. However, it looks like you are pointing the finger at everyone else and not taking any accountability. You are running a successful and popular business from a gmail account. Blaming the victims of the crime for not doing a huge check does not seem fair. Your not the only victim here, there were also others. If you had taken the time to have a professional email address this could have also been avoided. Since the beginning of this scam people have been commenting and telling you that but you choose to ignore it.

  127. Fitfay says:

    I’m really shocked! I can’t even imagine that someone could do something like this! And she is a minor!!! Thank god for than angel POPster for helping! Cassey I whish you all the best! Hope you will manage to clear everything out! You have worked so hard to achieve everything you have! Hope that companies will show some understanding!


  128. Sarah says:

    Cassey, stay strong through this! All of us POPsters are here supporting you and we love you! Always remeber that! Love you! 🙂

  129. Hailey says:

    I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you, Casey. Nobody deserves something like this but everyone should deserve a second chance as well. Especially if this girl is a minor, clearly she was not mature enough to understand the consequences of her actions both to herself and to you/company. I understand that you are very angry but for you to post her hand-written apology letter and to, lack of better word, mock it does not seem very right either…..maybe this is still at a heat of moment for you but maybe someday, like the girl said in the letter, that you can forgive and forget and move on. Just take this as lesson learned.

    1. Carina Cristina says:

      I am sure that Cassey will be able to forgive this girl at some point. No doubt. But sadly this letter is not the end of problems for Cassey. There are still companies that are questioning her credibility, calling her a fraud and threatening to report her to the police. She’s been victimized. This is an important post that had to be written – not only to clear up the situation, but also to teach a young girl that there are consequences to her actions. It would be a sad sad thing of she never didn’t learn from this. Life is going to be tough for her if she doesn’t learn respect and good behavior 🙂

  130. Allison says:

    I can’t believe someone would do this to you, Cassey. You’re such a kind person, you don’t deserve this. It’s all so wrong. I hope that the girl really did learn her lesson and discontinues these behaviours, I would hate for this to happen to anyone else.

  131. Kendall says:

    Really happy to hear this issue is being resolved Cassey. It’s so sad to see someone this youn being this calculated an greedy. I hope some day she comes to learn how wrong she was to do this. I truly hope you are able to repair any relationships that have been damaged because of her actions. It’s great to read about stories like this where people do not get away with crimes! I had my identity stolen last year, had thousands stolen, and nothing was ever truly resolved. I’m sure you are very grateful to have such a large support system behind you!

    1. Carina Cristina says:

      So sad to hear that you weren’t able to resolve your situation. How terrible! I hope that many great things are in store for you in the future <3

  132. Erin says:

    I think you should press charges–she sounds old enough to know better.

    I also think you need an email address — would really help make your email more official and prevent something like this from happening again. You can easily route it to your Gmail so you can still send/receive from Gmail, but it will come from (or whatever address you choose at your domain name). This is actually REALLY easy to do, I don’t mean to plug myself, but I’ve made a video showing how to do it in about 5 minutes: I use this to route all my business emails to my Gmail account and it looks nice and official with my own domain name in the address. 🙂

  133. Grace says:

    Glad this has been cleared up. So unfortunate that something like this happened. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  134. Hima says:

    Ahh Cassey!! You are really amazing and perhaps THE MOST sincere professional I have seen on the internet and I say all this with tears in my eyes! I don’t know the situation of the rep that still thinks you are a fraud but I sure hope that he/she retaliated like that from a place of anger/frustration/loss because that was definitely not from a place of reason! You’ll rebound hardcore from this!
    As for the minor…ehhh, I hope she learns big time because identity theft is no joke.

    Stay strong Cassey! We love you! <3

  135. Sana says:

    I cant beilive sumone do such a thing to u cassey….im glad things are practically resolves….u r such a sweethear why wud anyone evn think of doing such a think…u r very strong cassey n v luv u 🙂

  136. Josie says:

    Wow that’s incredible. Thanks for sharing your story- I will def be careful!!

  137. Heesun says:

    I’m so sorry you had to go through this Cassey, but I seriously wish you the best of luck in all this and I hope everything can go back to normal soon. I agree with other POPsters in here, the fact of this “Taylor” being a minor should NOT stop you to press charges against her. If society doesn’t show minor’s how things are done in the real world they are never going to learn and they will become terrible criminals as adults. About the company threatening you, just ignore them or sue them because they cannot threat you, it was them who believed the imposter after all. Don’t be afraid, just try to find the positive side to this. Remember that the sun shines brighter after the storm 🙂

    Good Luck, Cassie ^^

  138. Andrea says:

    Hope everything gets fix and good luck stay strong 🙂

  139. Naomi says:

    She’s not sorry she did it, she is sorry she got caught!!! What a ruthless and twisted individual. I hope everything in this situation is resolved, because you of all people do not deserve any of this!

    If she is old enough to make these elaborate criminal decisions through the internet, then she should be old enough to get a punishment that an adult would.

  140. Juliann says:

    This was just so frustrating to read. I can’t believe they took so much time and effort to ruin someone’s life just for free gear just why…
    I really do hope though that this whole incident awoken her eyes and enabled her to realize how much damage she has caused from her devious impersonation and hopefully softened her heart to never do such a criminal act again. Let’s just hope she won’t continue to attack you again and even other famous celebs for selfish wants.
    But it’s so glad to hear that you have a strong base of supporters Cassey and that you’re definitely not alone going through this whole stressful situation! Don’t let one or a couple companies degrade you for who you are and judge you on an act you didn’t commit, if they don’t believe you, know that your POPsters believe you and as cheesy as that sounds I believe it’s good to have a constant reminder that the positive people you have created from your blogilates community will stand right beside you and are willing to continuously care and be strong with you in gratitude for what you have done for them.
    And I want to thank you for unintentionally inspiring us lol that even though horrible situations in life will attempt to bring us down, we can always choose to smile through it and be positive and thankful that it’s better to be the “attackied” than the attacker and nothing in this life can ever brings us down other than the minds of our own.
    I love you so much Cassey! Hopefully this situation will clear up very soon and everyone involved in the problem will forget about this whole mishap and lives will be morally restored.

    P.S. I can only imagine how much physically stronger you have gotten during the course of that whole problematic week. Using all that energy from frustration and anger into your workouts must’ve killed your abs. Only you can manage to turn negative frustrations into physical beauty, dang girl. Haha love you <3

  141. TinyLeigh says:

    I can’t believe that one particular company is calling you, the real Casey, a fraud and only looked you up after they sent items to the wrong person. That energy could have been useful before they agreed to send any free items out.

  142. Jenn says:

    If it hasn’t already been said, it’s extremely likely her lawyer heavily suggested she write this letter in hopes you will see her as a dumb kid who made a mistake and is “truly sorry”. She’s not dumb, she pulled all of this off. As I see it, she is truly sorry for being caught, that’s it. I’m not familiar with your legal rights here, but she stole from you, stole your identity, misrepresented you , and could have damaged relationships with past and current business partners. In this case, if she simply gets away scott free, she learns nothing, and probably has a good laugh about all of it, and potentially does it again. While your livelihood was at risk, and now it’s on you to clean up her mess and recover your reputation. Good luck!! And SO sorry you are going through this!

  143. Cindy says:

    We <3 u Cassey! you are such a hard worker!

  144. Lydia says:

    Each company needs a handwritten, not typed, letter of apology with a detailed list from each email of what was sent to her and what is being sent back. Although she was a minor, she needs to be punished in an acceptable way. She is not sorry, nor is she apologetic. She is only sorry that she got caught and would have to be more careful with her actions in the future.

    Minors tend to believe that because they are minors, they are ‘above’ the law when they commit a crime. They feel as if they do not have to pay for their crime because they are young. On the other hand, there are minors that understand the gratitude of their actions and learn from them.

    Even if you don’t press charges, make sure that the impostor learns either through community service or all those handwritten letters. It was calculated and detailed. They forgot how close the Popsters community is that they will get caught.

    We love you and will forever positively.


  145. Courtney says:

    You really REALLY need to be using an email from You can even set it up through Google Apps so that you get the same gmail experience when using it. But by using a branded email it can’t easily be spoofed. It’s good to know this instance was resolved for you, but you also just gave away the secret of how to easily scam these companies using your likeness for any other unscrupulous people around. Please ensure the security of your company by changing the email to use.

  146. Diana says:

    OMGosh. That is horrible. I can’t believe the craziness that happens in this world. I really hope that this gets straightened out to your satisfaction.

  147. Ashley says:

    That is the most insincere letter!

  148. Cristina says:

    I am really sorry that this happened to you Cassey. I’m glad everything is getting better now, and I hope it returns to normal soon 🙂 Remember that us POPsters are always here supporting you!

  149. Leah says:

    I’m so sorry to hear that someone would stoop so low. You are such a positive, giving person that doesn’t deserve this. I’m glad the police are involved and helping to resolve things. Keep your chin up and thanks for all you do!!!!

  150. Chelsea says:

    What the girl did is wrong and NEEDS to be handled legally Casey. Until she truly realizes the extent of her crimes she’s just going to keep repeating them. So sorry to hear you had to experience this.

  151. Mikkii says:

    You will over come this!!!!! You are amazing and amazing people only deserves amazing things. Just take it one step at a time (: we support you!

  152. Melody says:

    The crazy part is that I live in Peabody and my husband grew up in Peabody. When I first read about it I thought thought I had misread it just because Peabody is not a very well known town other than if you live in this area. Definitely karma caught up this girl and I hope this all resolves quickly where this is just a blip in your long successful career!

  153. Jamila says:

    You might want to consider getting a more official business email I believe they are also available through the ip you use and can be used via Google that way someone else can’t do the same thing. or looks a bit more official and since it’s via your ip it can’t easily be duped bc you own it already. Definitely something to look into.

    It’s really nice of you to not press charges but she has to learn that bad actions have real life consequences she’s causing issues on your end. A cease and desist letter from a lawyer with the details of what could legally occur to her if she does this again could be enough to scare a person who knows. consequences indeed exist for bad actions. . It’s just a thought.

    But obviously your bigger than you thought if 30 out of 50 companies just sent items willingly. Go Cassie lol. We’re there any companies worth salvaging the relationship with?

  154. Simone says:

    Hey Cassie,

    I just got caught up in an online scam and lost a fair amount of money. This is incomparable to your situation but I can empathize with you. Its so frustrating that someone would do that. Makes me so angry but they will get whats coming to them! Keep strong <3

  155. Sam says:

    Cassey I’m sorry this happened, you don’t deserve something this bad but we are always here for you Cassey!

  156. Elysia says:

    :O that’s horrible! i can’t even process why…god that’s terrible. it really sucks that the company doesn’t believe you either! did taylor’s parents not notice all this stuff coming in?

  157. Sarah says:

    I’m so happy that it has all gotten resolved Cassey!! No imposter is allowed to steal and make a bad reputation for what you’ve worked so hard to achieve with Blogilates! Justice is always served and good always wins!! You are such an inspiration and we should all take this as a learning experience to be careful on the internet!! Your popster family is always here for you! Love you Cassey <3 can't wait for the new video! Xoxo

  158. Paulina says:

    WHAT?! I’m so sorry this happened! You are the nicest person I “know” and it is a horrible experience. I’m so happy the police found her and stopped her.

  159. Jae says:

    Wow, that’s such a crazy story. I’m glad they got caught, and hopefully they won’t do something like this again. Keep up the great work, Cassey! Thanks for always being so good to us, even through times like these. 🙂

  160. Jessica A says:

    Cassey, I am sorry to hear this, but I am glad that at least things get better – you found the imposter and she apologised. I think it’s very kind of you to just ask her to make an apology (maybe you considered about her being a minor?). I really hope that she will realise her mistake and will not forget your kindness. Also, I hope that the companies will be understanding. The damages were done, this is life, things happen, but I believe that you are going stronger 🙂 Love you!~

  161. Rachel says:

    So sorry this happened to you Cassey! It’s so disheartening to know how this child has tarnished your name and the brand that you have worked so hard to build. I’m sure that your boss at Equinox would have no problem vouching how hard working, sweet and genuine you are and that it was in fact and imposter who had been using your name to receive those goods. The only thing that leaves me questionings is what in the world are this girl’s parents doing? And really, why on earth wouldn’t these PR representatives verify who in fact they’re sending these goods too. I’m sure things will work out. All the best!

  162. Leanne says:

    Stay strong Cassey! We’re always here for you<3

  163. Ches says:

    Cassey ,

    I have been following you since forever. I am Sad that you out of all people have to go through this. But i also admire your attitude towards all of this. I know you will keep your head up and everything will be ok. Thank you for being a daily inspiration and know that we all send a lot of positive energy your way. God bless you Cassey !

  164. Kristy says:


    I really think that “Taylor” should contribute a tad bit more to the situation, in my opinion. I, too, am a minor, but I and the rest of the youth in the world know how wrong it is to illegally use someone else’s identity to obtain free goods from 30+ companies. Perhaps she can pen an honest letter to each of the company explaining her behavior and how apologetic she feels? That way, she can remain her anonymity (it is quite important to protect one’s identity), but still receive adequate punishment for her actions.

    Anyway, the POPster (and her husband) who caught the thief is quite an angel! Her actions are lauded from around the world <3 And we'll always be here to support you Cassey, so no worries. Keep your head up high and I hope all goes well! 😀

  165. Jennifer says:

    Ugh Cassey I am so sorry this happened to you! You are the sweetest person on the planet and you only deserve for good things to come your way.
    Everything you do is so positive and inspirational and I really think you took the high road by having her apologize and return the merchandise, instead of having her arrested or anything. You really handled it with class and I am so proud of you 🙂
    Also, I bet that lady from the one company doesn’t really think you’re a fraud- she’s just embarrassed she fell for the scam…

  166. Thi says:

    You’ve come so far Cassey!! And you’ve got a wonderful way to go, your future is bright! And may all be cleared!:)

  167. Tippaket says:

    I’m so sorry this happened to you. In all honesty you have legal rights. I highly recommend, before contacting any of the companies, to hire an attorney to help you along with it. Having that legal backing can really help your claim, especially if there is a company or two trying to claim you’re lying. Every bit helps.

    As I said, you have legal rights. Those companies should have looked into who they were dealing with. The fact that they didn’t request any identification or address verification, OR the fact that they didn’t even try to compare email addresses with your website, is blatant corporate negligence.

    If you do proceed without an attorney, I recommend NOT using the fake email to reply to these companies, as it could lead to their claims of fraud being “true”. The safest thing would be to present your evidence and keep as honest as possible (Which I have no doubt you will ^_^). However, I still strongly recommend having an attorney on your side. Just having an email through an attorney can drastically back your claim, along with the attorney working with the officer who helped you out.

    You have a mountain of strong evidence on your side and I know you’ll come out on top. Keep strong and press on!

  168. Julia says:

    Wow, what an eye opener. I hope this young girl understands the extent of her actions!

  169. Shawnee says:

    Oh gosh, I’m so sorry this happened to you! You are not a fraud, Cassey, and we know you will never be. I know you have no idea who I am, but I’m so thankful for you and for all that you do, and I know so many other people are thankful for you as well! Keep your chin up! Don’t let somebody else kill your joy because your joy is infectious!!

  170. Karol says:

    Wow, live and learn lesson, so great that your good works always pays back in Amazing positive ways. We love you and all feel for what happened, and the teen learned a good lesson, not a bad end at all

  171. Callie says:

    We know you’re a sincere, hardworking gal… that’s why you have so many loyal POPsters! The companies who are mad will soon realize you were not involved, and the ones that don’t didn’t try hard enough to find out what really went on. Good luck, Cassie, stay strong and stay you!

  172. Erin says:

    I’m so sorry that happened to you. I will say a prayer that it all gets sorted out soon. God Bless You, Cassey!

  173. stephanie says:

    That is terrible! I love your videos and follow your programs and am so sorry someone abused your name and reputation. This girl will probably become a much bigger criminal, and you should prosecute. An apology letter is nothing in the big picture.

  174. Candace says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this happened to you! I had my house robbed almost 2 years ago now, and they used my info from bank and credit card statements to steal my identity. They went as far as making a fake ID and printing fake checks in my name, and pretending they lost their Costco card so they could reprint mine and walk out with a big screen TV purchased with a fake check. ugh. I even had a gas station attendant contact me on Facebook asking if I could come pay a returned check fee so they wouldn’t have to turn me into the police! That was in December of 2012, 10 days after I got married, and my credit is still a mess from all the fraud, so I know exactly how you feel. It’s terrifying to have your identity stolen, and not know all the things they used it for. Stay strong Cassey, eventually this will all go away. You’re doing the right thing by sharing this on your blog.

  175. Kat says:

    I’m glad that the issue is now resolved, and I hope the troubled teen will get help.

    I can’t help but feel that this case mightn’t have arisen if you were using an email address like You own the domain name, so it should be very easy to set up your own custom email addresses. If you like the Gmail setup, Google provide the same service under your own domain name via Google Apps. Maybe you could look into it, or if someone else handles your IT stuff, they could. If you need any advice don’t hesitate to ask.

  176. Morgan says:

    I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you figure this all out. We all love you!

  177. Alice A says:

    What a mess! 🙁 I’m glad you found her and that a POPster was so helpful! The community you’ve built up is so wonderful! I feel awful that you’re gonna have to email all these companies but hopefully everything will work out. Good luck! xx

  178. Amber says:

    Don’t worry, Cassey! We all believe you 🙂 I truly hope your reputation doesn’t get damaged too much…or none at all really. I love your workouts. Your the only one on YouTube I watch haha. But seriously, we all have your back 🙂 Good luck!

  179. Carlee says:

    I must say that you are handling this situation professionally and eloquently Cassey. You’re truly and inspiration and loved by so many. I’m saddened that something like this happened to you.
    However, I believe that the worst things happen to the best people… only because they are strong enough to handle what ever life throws and them… and I know that you’re one of those people who are able to rise above the obstacles that are put in your way.
    You are the best Cassey, I admire your character. I know that you will get through this, and continue to climb your ladder of success. <3

  180. Lindsay says:

    I agree- she doesn’t sound very sincere…or at the very least she could have offered to help you iron all this out, it’s going to be so much work for you, I’m sure. Maybe her mom made her write it…best of luck Cassey, I know you will eventually repair the damage you did- you have an army of popsters to vouch for you! 😀

    1. Lindsay says:

      I mean *she* did!!! Eeek sorry lol

  181. Joanie says:

    Is the state of Massachusetts pressing criminal charges against the girl?

  182. Sarah Davis says:

    You know I really sympathize with being impersonated so badly, but it’s really your end statement that really touched me. You are so good to us your audience and your constant cheerleading for us to change our lives is remarkable, but I personally feel like I’ve let you down. I haven’t stuck to any workout routine and I know I have a dozen “good” excuses, but I just don’t know how others do it. How they manage to believe in themselves. I have a new husband that loves me unconditionally, but sometimes I feel he has more faith in me than I do because I’m constantly let myself down. I know it, but I never take the time to actually feel it and then to feel motivated. How do I do what it seems so many other people are able to? That being workout daily, having both a social and work life, getting straight A’s in school. Why am I feeling so crippled and just demotivated?

    1. Carina Cristina says:

      You are not letting anyone down. I recognize your feelings. Trust me, you are able to rise above this. First of all, you don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to work out every day and get straight A’s in school. You don’t have to be able to check off everything on your list of things to do every day. I you are making an effort and trying to better your life then you are doing great! Secondly, If you truly feel crippled and demotivated then maybe you should seek professional help. You might be dealing with bigger issues than you think. It’s not anything to be ashamed of and it’s no one’s fault either. I speak from personal experience. I hope everything works out for you. You deserve it <3

  183. Sophie says:

    I am soo proud of you cassey for keeping your head up thru all of this! I am soo sorry that you had to go thru this! I am glad they caught the fraud! I love you cassey!!!!!

  184. Rebecca says:

    I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’ve only been on this blog for a few weeks but I really am horrified that this has happened to you. Do not worry. Everything will get better and your kindness and positivity will continue to spread.

  185. Kristin says:

    I’m so sorry Cassey. I can’t imagine how much time this has taken out of your life (not only physically dealing with it, but you know making the right calls, writing the letters, just WORRYING about it, etc) but we are all here for you. You are NOT a fraud you do honest good things for people like us and gave us confidence some of us never felt before. Eventually this will all pass by and you won’t have to think about it as much anymore but until that day comes know that we SUPPORT you because you support us.

  186. Deb says:

    Thanks for sharing this Cassey. I too am a blogger and I always have this as a worry in the back of my mind. Particularly when the stats tool I use shows me someone is viewing all of my posts in a short period of time. I imagine them copying my work to present as their own, creating fake blogs, using it to establish a fake identity, or just to rip off my hard work.
    It’s a risk we take putting ourselves and our blogs out in the public domain. I wish I knew of a way to protect what we do. I would hand it around to everyone quick smart. 🙂
    Glad to hear you are in the process of having this all sorted. I wish you only the best in achieving this.

  187. THIS IS INSANE!!! I am so glad everything has been worked out.. well sort of. Can’t wait for the new video!

  188. Katy says:

    You need to press charges or she will do something like this again to someone else.

  189. Laura says:

    OMG, this is horrible. What a shame she’s been taking advantage on your hard work. I admire the way you’ve manage this: classy and strong as usual.
    Keep on blogging and doing your vids: you’ve truly changing lives for better!

  190. Kathleen says:

    All I can say is THANK YOU to the popster that contacted you and helped you sort this problem out. And to her husband too! It’s nice to know that despite the terrible things people can do, there are still many grounded angels who are willing to pick you up from your troubles. Cassey, you don’t have to worry that some people think you’re a fraud because WE HAVE YOUR BACK! Every one of us is willing to testify that you’re not the type of person capable of such a selfish act.

    1. s6milerun says:

      I’m with you Kathleen!

  191. Lori Hil says:

    Ah, Casey I’m sorry that happened to you. I recently had someone still a video of mine on a freelance site I work for and use it to advertise their own. It is frustrating for someone to take advantage of your hard work and put your reputation with clients in jeopardy. I haven’t got my situation straightened out yet, but it is not nearly as bad as yours and I know it will work out.
    I know it most be hard not to worry about the damage, but you will come up on top my dear. Best wishes!

  192. claudia says:

    a big hug from chile

  193. Mimosa says:

    Don’t be discouraged! All of us are here to back you up and believe in you.
    I’m sure things will get better, especially now that the culprit has been caught.
    Never be afraid, as you’re not alone. What you’ve given to others will surely come back to you.
    Rest assured POPsters will stand by your side 🙂

  194. Victoria says:

    It was very kind of you to let her off the way you did, but I think for her to learn her lesson she would have had to be criminally punished or promised to see a doctor for a form of illness she may have. I really hope she does not do this again. And I hope your reputation to big companies will not be influenced negatively!

  195. Megan says:

    stuff like this actually infuriates me. Kudos to you for not pressing charges, personally I would have. She has caused you so much stress and grief and also quite possibly ruined your reputation. I’m not saying you have to sue her or anything, but it seems like she probably thinks she got away with it, since she’s not being fined, or sent to juvi. (Even if she has to send back the prizes). Kids these days don’t understand the consequences of their actions. If I did this, my mom would NO WAY just think of my daughter is getting random packages for no reason, she would grill me til the truth came out and then probably call the police on me and have me more than just send letters out. I of course would never dream of ever doing this, even when I was a teen but I’m js… parents don’t always punish their kids enough, or be firm on the punishment. Best of luck to you Cassey! I hope the companies eventually believe you and your rep gets back in tact.

  196. Anna says:

    Please don’t worry about that company who is threatening to report you to the police. If you have a member of law enforcement who is willing to support you, then I doubt that it will be taken any further.

    It’s a shame that such actions have done damage to your reputation. I would seriously suggest hiring a legal team, as if it happens next time it may not be so easy to get things sorted. I’d also suggest she returns the items she was given by these companies, along with a groveling letter of apology, if she’s not done so already.

    It’s saddening that kind people are targeted in this way, but I hope you take this a valuable learning curve and continue to be even bigger and better at what you love to do 🙂

  197. Matilda says:

    I hate that this happened to you Cassey, but they fact that you are contacting all the companies tells me you are a true professional.

  198. Michele Farnese says:

    Cassey, You continually amaze me! You are my favorite Youtube trainer (and I am 53!). It is sad that this trial came to you, but what you did in response is incredible 🙂

  199. celeste says:

    Cassey, hang in there! I bet the companies will understand eventually and we all support you! much love from Argentina

  200. Zoey says:

    I can’t believe this happened to you…Can’t believe that this “Taylor” person impersonated you and your blogilates success. This definitely going to hurt you a lot now that those 30 companies think you’re a fraud…:( You don’t deserve this at all…To be honest, this girl shouldn’t get away with it, she needs to be punished by the police because she’s not going to learn her lesson if you just tell her not to do this ever again and apologize to the companies .

  201. Roo says:

    To be honest, if a company can’t be bothered to do research, they are not exactly looking after their businesses. I run a business and would NEVER ship anything out to someone who randomly emailed me about reviewing my items and if it was someone in the public eye, I would ensure they were who they say they were. A simple Google search would have shown your real details. I am sorry however this happened to you. I would not worry about anyone calling your bosses. You have proved beyond all doubt you are innocent which is not an easy thing to do online.

    As for the teen, while she may not understand now, as she gets older, she will realize how dangerous close she came to ruining her life AND yours. The only comfort you can take is that hopefully this will give her the kick up the backside she needs to stay out of trouble.

  202. Gabby says:

    Wow, it is absolutely horrible that somebody was capable of doing this. I really hope (and know, deep down in my heart) that everything will work out for the best. Hang in there Cassey, and even though it’s hard, find it in your hard to forgive this girl one day.
    Love you, and on behalf of all the true POPsters, we all love you<3

  203. Kaitlyn says:

    Wow, Cassey. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Whoever that rep is that doesn’t believe you is very mislead. Surely they will be put in their place by your boss at Equinox and the police if they choose to contact them. I hope everything gets straightened out for you. You’re such a great person. All of us POPsters know this.

  204. Nat says:

    Dear Companies that were affected by the scammer,

    Cassey Ho is a wonderful person. You can tell just by watching ANY of her videos that she is bright, honest, enthusiastic about her work, passionate about her audience, determined, self-driven, and just… amazing. You can’t possibly believe that she is the type of person who would ask for merchandise and never get back to you. Just by watching her videos, you can clearly see that she is someone who follows through and keeps her word. If she wasn’t this type of person, we would easily be able to see through it in her videos. She would not be able to have such a huge backing and support by her audience if she wasn’t this caring, giving, genuine person who follows through…

    It’s really unfortunate that this happened, yes, but please don’t let someone actions taint your opinion of Cassey. She has helped me so much that when I’m doing her workouts along with her, I feel like I am working out with a friend – changing my life with a friend. I have to admit that sometimes when I’m doing workouts with her (via her videos on YouTube) I start crying, because Cassey tells me that she believes in me and that I am worth it. She is the absolute best of the best, and she doesn’t deserve to have her reputation smeared like this.

    I along with all of her audience have a huge love and respect for Cassey, and she really doesn’t deserve to be going through this right now. Cassey Ho is not a fraud. She is an inspiration, she changes lives, and she doesn’t do it for the money – she does it, because she genuinely wants to make a difference in people’s lives, and she has.

    Thank you for your time,

  205. Lexi says:

    Cassey, we are all here for you!! How could any company still think you were a fraud after all that you went through? I hope that girl learns her lesson after this. It is scary to think a teen could do something like this, and I’M a teen too and I could never see myself being able to pull it off.
    I love you Cassey and thank you for being honest with us all the time!

  206. sacha says:

    ho my god, this is sad and bad ! i cant believe someone can do this…. i sincerely hope your reputation hasnt been too much damaged and that you can grow from this awful situation…. <3 <3 <3 even though im not the girl with the police officer husband, i really wish you the best, Cassey, and in a few months, im sure your gonna think of this and laugh about it <3 its gonna be fine, youre not a fraud, and they will understand that ! ! ! ! <3

  207. Rosie says:

    She really needs help. Casey, I might sound mean but you really should press charges on her for fake identity and scamming others using your name. I know she’s a teen but a crime is still a crime and lessons should be taught. She has upset not just you but all the companies involved in it and also she tried to sabotage ur reputation as a fitness personality. It angers me to a point that I’m kind of boiling up.

  208. Caro Alvarez says:

    DAYUM. That’s extreme :O I hope everything turns out fine.

  209. Julia says:

    Wow. I’m just shocked. I’m glad that it worked out, and I wish you the best of luck fixing the damage that the scammer has done. It’s pretty baffling how far this teen girl was able to go. Thank you for your videos and good luck 🙂

  210. kylie says:

    Wow….all i can say! This is crazy! N im so sorry Cassey tht someone would disgrace ur name like tht. Such a shame :/

  211. Lisa says:

    Please press charges. She needs consequences.

  212. emma says:

    Isnt it sad that if she would have used that passion for good, she would have a been a very great business person. I hope she learns how to harness that determination so she can better herself instead of messing with your life or others.

  213. Crystle says:

    Aw Cassey! You are such a sweetheart I don’t understand why somebody would do this. You don’t deserve any of this! I pray that everything works out. The Popsters are always here for you!

  214. What? This is ridiculous! I can’t believe it! I’m so happy you got it worked out and that the problem is being solved. I can’t even imagine!

  215. Lara Novales says:

    Im so glad things are practically solved. and i admire you so much for forgiving that young girl.
    You are the best and I know things will always turn out awesome.

  216. Diane says:

    Wow. What a horrible thing to do to another person! That is a seriously disturbed kid. You should press charges, though. Letting her off the hook is only going to teach this kid, who clearly hasn’t ever been appropriately disciplined, that she can do bad things and get away with it. She stole from you, and she stole from corporations. That’s a crime. And little criminals grow up to be big criminals. I’m sure her mother cares and wants to help her, but she’s in over her head here. This girl needs help of the professional variety. Evil.

    1. Karin says:

      You really should press charges… This belongs on her permanent record. Too many people (particularly young people) are not held accountable for their actions, and they just continue to think they’re invincible. I have a feeling you are hoping she’s learned her lesson and that you don’t want make thing any worse for her, butt she’ll continue scamming people for the rest of her life unless she’s taught how not to. Please, for the sake of the rest of us honest people, press charges!!!

  217. Jackie says:

    Cassey… you have been going through hard times and you kept smiling and giving us your all.
    thank you so much.
    luckily, the culprit was caught. Thanks to your Angel Popster and her husband.
    I hope everything will come back to normal for you quickly now.
    we love you Cassey! Good luck
    GO GO GO !

  218. Melanie says:

    Cassey you have complete proof that this was not you. All I can say is, I’m SO sorry this happened to someone as good hearted as you are. We get tried so often in life, but this will all be straightened out. You know you have HUNDREDS of popsters there to back you up. You are not a fraud, you are wonderful. We all know that, and these companies will soon learn that you are genuine and were unfairly taken advantage of. This will all be fixed!!! Positive thoughts!!

  219. Katrina says:

    WOW! That is so crazy, and sad. I am proud of you for not pressing further charges, but it is true that someone so young who is able to do so much damage, has much deeper issues to deal with then just writing apology letters.
    I hope she turns her life around before it is to late.

    Thank you for keeping this honest on this blog! Love it!!!

  220. ashley says:

    i suggest you get a “company” address to avoid these things from happening. use Microsoft outlook

    1. Jennifer says:

      Agreed! This kind of stuff is actually pretty common, even for large companies and well known people in their industry. You should really look into getting a company email and register for any “blogilates” related email addresses for all email sites you can think of. It sounds crazy and unnecessary but it’s better to take precaution.

    2. Shelley says:

      That would not prevent this from happening though…

  221. Brittany says:

    I really hate that this happened to you! I am so glad that you were able to find out who it was a stop was brought to it. I hope the teen has learned a lesson and grows from this situation! Nevertheless, You have many popsters like myself that are on your team! 🙂

  222. Nikki says:

    Man! I hope everything gets resolved quickly for you. And I also hope that little one gets some help. It would be terrible for her to continue on this path.

  223. Amy says:

    You are doing your best so it is those companies’ loss for just thinking you are a fraud.