Back on Fire! Sexy Back Sculpting Routine
Back on Fire! Sexy Back Sculpting Routine
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
How are you? I just got home from teaching an amazing POP Pilates class at Equinox this morning. Great energy to really kick off #thisisMYJULY! I told my students all about the recipes I made this weekend like this no bake Vegan Key Lime Pie…
…to help them do clamshells for days and keep their minds off of the pain. I hope you can join me for class one of these days! If you’re ever in LA and wanna hop in to sweat it out with me, check my schedule here. Do you want me to Cheap Clean Eats this recipe?
Above is your Back on Fire routine! All you’re gonna need is a pair of weights (or a pair of water bottles) and trust me, oh boy trust me, your back is gonna be so sexy sculpted for your halter top and backless dresses this summah! Please let me know how you feel about this routine below!
NEW VIDEO! NEW CALENDAR! NEW NIKE FREE RUN GIVEAWAYSSSS YEAHHHH!!! The POP HIIT Printable that you’ll need to share to enter to win will be in the next post. Stick around because I’ll be blogging again in just a few hours with the new We Can’t Stop printable with video instruction. You’re gonna LOVE!!!
Also, click HERE is today’s workout playlist!
<3 Cassey
57 thoughts on “Back on Fire! Sexy Back Sculpting Routine”
There are 57 comments posted by our users.
Thank you for being so fantastic; )…. One question: if you are 1m55cm and weight 52kilo´s how much should each halter weight…I am about to buy a couple 😉
Keep the good work!!!
from Belgium
Il me tarde de lire un autre poste
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C’еst un vrai bonheur de visiter ce blog
Je ѕuis tout à fait en accord avec vous
Un artikcle rempli de conseils
Bon, je n’ai guère terminé de regarder par contre je
repasse après
Encore un poste incontestablement fascinant
Une fois de plus un superbe poste : j’en discuterai dans la semaine
avec des amis
Quel bonheur de regarder ce blog
Unne fois de plus un sublime post, j’en parlerai dans la soirée avec mes amis
Une fois de plus uun post incontestablement instructif
Tiens j’en parlerai sur un site web perso
Splendide article : poir ne pas changer
Formidable article : continue comme ça
J’ai comme l’impression que j’en parlerai sur mon blog
J’ai comme l’impression que cet articl va aller sur un site perso
Incroyablement attractif : jje crois que ce poste intéresserait mon gars
Yo should do the printable version of this workout, it would help 🙂
I hope you get this. This is the girl that has been stealing your plans
Hey Cassey, I can’t wait Thursday’s cheap clean eats video I already love that pie *-* I’ve never eaten avocado but I heard it’s so healthy and good so I look forward to try it 🙂 xoxo
I have been begging you to make this pie since I first saw it on instagram xD
Cant wait to try that key lime pie!!!! oh please show us how to make it, Cassey:)
Omigosh yesterday I could barely finish the last three sprints of the we can’t stop workout! I definitely give it a 10 and I have done the whole insanity program and this beats it! I am so sore this morning! But I kinda love it! Haha
Wow! Back on Fire felt great!!! I haven’t done a lot of those moves in a long time! I forgot about most of them! Awesome workout!
Yes please Clean Eats the recipe! I’m actually cooking the Cauliflower Pizza Recipe tonight! My husband and I LOVE it!!
I just did ”we can’t stop” and i’m sweatin like a cray cray lady! Ahh the sweat feels good…… 🙂
I’m definitely going to try out this recipe! I’ve always wanted to cook a raw pie. Thank you for sharing 🙂
This looks yummy! Thank you for sharing! Love x
Please do a Cheap Clean Eats video of the raw vegan key lime pie! That looks so good!!
Yes pleeeeeease, do a Cheap Clean Eats video with the key lime pie recipe. Can’t wait – yummy! 😀
Can’t wait to get started this month, definitely going to try those out they look delicious!
Hey Cassey! I learned that the seed of a jackfruit when powderized can be used as flour. Maybe you can use that for a Cheap Clean Eats episode :3
Omg please do an episode on the Cheap Clean Eats for that key lime pie! Yummm
Ermahgerd. I got my boyfriend to do at least one video from you a day just to get me motivated to do your calendar because it’s really hard to keep up, honestly. I’m really trying though and i’m really feeling like i’m gonna finish it this month. GAH! xD
Hey Cassey I was wondering if you were going to post your results from the dietbet. I know it will motivate me to push even harder this month(: you are so inspiring. July is my 4th month doing your calendars and I love them. My body is so toned now. Thank you
Please do a CCE episode of that key lime pie, Cassey!!
The July calendar is looking exciting. Can’t wait to sweat it out. 🙂
Sure! We’d love to see how you made that pie!
Please please please ppppllllleeeaaassseee make a Cheap Clean Eat about the Key Lime Pie!! It’s one of my favorite desserts!! It looks so yummy in your picture!
I’ve never felt so much pain in my arms and shoulders lol!!
Love the new workout! My back and especially my shoulders burns but it feels good!
Would love to see that lime pie for a Cheap Clean Eat episode!
Absolutely do a video on the Key lime pie 🙂
I really, really love this video. I can’t wait to see the results! Please I think you should totally do key lime pie for a Cheap Clean Eats episode. Keep being yourself because you’re amazing!!!!
Oh my gosh Cassey! Your back on fire workout was amazing!!!! Thank you Thank you!!! I was able to stay strong and do the whole routine non stop with you!!! You are the Best!!!!!!
So excited for the POP HIITs routines! Thank you so much for all that you do for us Cassey 🙂 And that key lime pie looks fantastic, you’re so creative. Much love!
Yes to the pie!!!! Looks so yummy!
I liked the June workout with all the emphasis on cardio because I really need to work on melting the fat around my muscles. I think I’ll just mash the June and July calendars together. Hope that’s ok… :1
YES!! Cheap Clean Eats it! I’m still working on the beginner calendar…two more weeks to go. As soon as I’m done I’m gonna jump right in to the July calendar. Excited to “graduate” 😀 Love you!
This Back on Fire was rough but probably because I did triceps yesterday. I did your POP Pilates: Tricep Toner yesterday, to be specific.
I like your NEW WORKOUT idea to switch it up every Monday though.
I feel completely discouraged. I couldn’t finish today’s workout. My knees hurt from the candlestick dippers, and my abs are too weak to complete almost any exercise. I’m super disappointed in myself 🙁
don’t worry about it, like Cassey says, we are all on our own fitness journey and level.
Take breaks when you need and just try to push yourself harder each time.
Soon enough, you will be strong enough 🙂
Don’t be disappointed in yourself! Your body might not be ready yet, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever be! These things take time, which I’m figuring out myself right now.
(PS, my knees hurt when doing those too. Plus any time I’m propped up on elbows… Major pain!)
Pleaaaaaaase do the Cheap Clean Eats key lime pie !! I would love that ! ^_^
I didn’t get the password for this month’s calendar. Have you sent the email for it out yet?
Hi Cassey!! Loved the Back on Fire routine! I’m so happy you are keeping up with the On Fire series after June on Fire finished =D
About the Pop Hiit… do we need to do it in the gym or can it be done at home with no special equipment? I think other Popsters are worried about this as well!
And another question! Because I’m not really sure what POP hiit will be and I don’t see as much cardio as we had in June, I wonder if this calendar will also help burning fat or if the June on Fire is better for that purpose~
Hope you can answer me Cassey!
And thank you so much for doing the playlists! They are so useful!! =D
You should totally use that key lime pie for a Cheap Clean Eats episode. It looks amazing! 😀