An honest conversation about my struggle with food guilt + Ice Cream Giveaway!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED: Congrats to the winner, Alex Bressler!

Hey guys,

I’ve been known to be a difficult food orderer. I would be that one person to order a salad at a BBQ place…or that one person to order off the Skinnylicious Menu at The Cheesecake Factory. Ha. Yes, cue the eye roll.

For so many years, I’ve deprived myself of the joys of food. Why? So that I could be thinner. Because I once thought that skinnier meant happier. But when I got to my thinnest (which was 15 lbs lighter than I am now), I was actually my UNhappiest. I hated that I STILL had a soft lower belly. I hated that I STILL couldn’t see any ab lines. I hated that my boobs weren’t bigger. I hated that my butt was so flat. Every time I looked in the mirror, I was NEVER GOOD ENOUGH.

I looked at food like it was the enemy. I hated eating. Yet…why did I have to love it so much?

Every bite I took felt like a forbidden sinโ€”like I was cheating on someone. I was overwhelmed with guilt, even when it was just a banana! I’d immediately go to the mirror, lift up my shirt, and check how it affected my “bloat.” Sigh. I was completely broken. My body was starving and I deprived it of what it screaming for.

And what ended up happening? My body rebelled. No matter how clean I ate, I KEPT GAINING WEIGHT. My body soaked up every ounce of every calorie like a dry sponge. So, I gave up on the dieting and just ate WHATEVER. Sugary things, fried things, buttery things. Problem was…eating “whatever” also made my body feel like whatever.

It became years of torment. No matter if I ate super clean or ate super crazy, I always felt guilty. Both ways. Because I never felt whole!

Fast forward to today.

After years of pushing myself to find peace with food and peace with my body, I am so happy to tell you that eating is no longer a torturous, emotional battle. I’ve discovered a way to be healthy, to be full, to satisfy my taste buds, and to erase the guilt out of my life. How? Well, I stopped treating food like a sin or like a reward. I made food an experience. I told myself that there was no point in feeling bad for eating something. Either choose to eat it or choose not to eat it. And if I ate it, enjoy it. If I didn’t enjoy it, then I didn’t need to have it again. Guilt was an extra emotion that was unnecessary and a complete waste of energy.

So, what do I actually eat these days? Everything! I eat what I know will make my soul happy and my body happy. What that usually means is that I stick to the foods that I know will give me energy to smash my workouts, like veggies, brown rice, and my choice of protein. Homemade summer rolls or salmon with brown rice and asparagus are faves of mine. Oh yeah, and lots of Sriracha y’all. And if I’m feeling like I wanna indulge a little to feed the soul, I’ll get a matcha boba drink or perhaps a milkshake or maybe a scoop of ice cream! I try not to get too crazy though because most desserts overdose with me with sugar, which immediately makes me break out.

Luckily though, not every dessert does that. There is such a thing as a “good for you dessert.” Sometimes I like to finish off my dinner with a fizzy kombucha, some fruit, a warm matcha latte, or a scoop of Enlightened Ice Cream! Wait hold onโ€”have you tried ENLIGHTENED Ice Cream yet!?? OMG. Cuz if not… GIVEAWAY TIME at the end of this blog post!

You guys, I first started eating ENLIGHTENED Ice Cream a few years ago and was sooooo surprised to find how high protein, lower calorie, and low sugar it was compared to other ice cream brands. The best part of course was that it was creamy, sweet, and REALLY GOOD. There wasn’t anything about it that tasted diet-y! Plus, the flavors are always so innovative and fun! Check out these new ones:

My all time fave is French Toast. Check out the ingredients. Per serving, it’s only 70 calories, has 6g of protein, and 5g of sugar! It’s so cool what chefs and food scientists can do to make eating a tasty and healthy experience.

A “regular” French Vanilla ice cream comes in at around 130 calories, 2g of protein, and 14g of sugar. That is a HUGE difference. No wonder I break out after eating regular ice cream!

You guys, I REALLY want you to try ENLIGHTENED. You can find it at your local grocery store in the frozen aisle! Here’s a coupon I found on their website!

But guess what? I’m partnering with ENLIGHTENED Ice Cream for a giveaway just for POPsters! If you wanna win a box chock full of all the flavors you see above, freshly shipped straight to you frozen…then just comment on this blog post and tell me which flavor you’d wanna try most! Is it Movie Night, Cookies & Cream, S’mores, French Toast, or Glazed Donut?

Good luck! I will announce the winner next week on the blog! This is a US-only contest. (Sorry international POPsters, I don’t think a frozen box of ice cream can make it halfway around the world still cold…plus customs would be a disaster!) 1 comment = 1 entry! You can enter as many times as you want!

1,895 thoughts on “An honest conversation about my struggle with food guilt + Ice Cream Giveaway!”

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  1. Grace Lopez Munoz says:

    hey Really want to win I am such a fan of you and icecream!!!

  2. idontknow says:

    i want to try movie night cause i feel like i wouldnโ€™t like itโ€ฆ YUM! lol

  3. jdepaul says:

    I just bought my first box of enlightened ice cream bars ( a chocolate brownie variety ), and love them so much that I was wondering if I could get away with eating one every night! I’d like to try French Toast next. Thanks!

  4. Stephanie2210 says:

    I love working out with you cassey

  5. Stephanie2210 says:

    Love you beautiful ๐Ÿคฃ

  6. Maria says:

    This really made me feel good about myself! Thanks Cassey!

  7. Gaudy says:

    Love ice cream but never buy it cause itโ€™s too much of everything. These macros are awesome.

  8. Jonalynn says:

    Those ice cream flavors sound great! I’ve never tried French Toast as an ice cream flavor. It sounds interesting.
    I appreciate your candor about food struggles. I’ve been there especially as a teenager and young adult. It’s like its ingrained that we have to be thin to be worth anything and our whole lives will be amazing if we can just be thin but of course that’s not generally the case. Ive been rail thin and my life didn’t become amazing at the drop of a hat. Trying to be thin created untold amounts of stress in my life because i was constantly obsessing over what i could and could not eat. I could never be what i considered “perfect” no matter what i did. We can spend our whole lives picking ourselves apart and it gets us nowhere in life other than on a shallow level usually.
    Hope you are having a good day!

  9. Emmerson says:

    I would love to try the french toast flavor, I’ve always loved french toast and I think it would be wonderful to try it in ice cream form.

  10. Katy says:

    I would LOVE to try the French Toast flavor!! French toast always reminds me of when my mom would make me breakfast as a kid before life threw us all in different directions. ๐Ÿ™‚ Is that a little sappy? Maybe, but all good memories are haha.

  11. Ice cream would be more exciting if its look could attract people. Most of the ice cream designs are mouthwatering, they put a little decorations and toppings to make it more attractive to people.For famous jaipur ice cream parlours click below link:

  12. val_voline_ says:

    Cookies and Cream

  13. Eesha says:

    french toast

  14. Angelica says:

    Cookies and Cream!

  15. Brooke says:

    I love how you’re always so open when sharing your past experiences and the struggles you have overcome. It makes you a stronger person and I envy that. Also, I have never heard of that brand before but I’m glad I know about it now.

  16. Rebecca Drilling says:

    Definitely sโ€™mores. Creamy chocolate + fluffy melting marshmallows + Gramcrackers!!! = irresistible temptation. yummy!!!

  17. Aubrey says:

    S’mores !!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Giovanna says:

    I a 100% agree with you and would to try French toast! It’s like putting two of my favorite things together!

  19. Kary says:

    They all look so good, I’d love to try s’mores! ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Alex says:

    These flavors sound so good!

  21. saintcanice says:

    I’d want to try the Glazed Donut flavor! Thank you for your honesty. I’m struggling with that guilt a lot now.

  22. awesome website i like it very very much.

  23. Kate says:

    I want to try s’mores!

  24. Holly says:

    The glazed doughnut or french toast flavor sounds like it’s right up my alley! To be honest, I am a simple girl, and a good old-fashioned vanilla or chocolate icecream would satisfy me ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. johuang says:

    I want to try cookies & cream, that’s my favorite flavor! Although… I do like french toast for breakfast so I’d like to try that in ice cream too!

  26. Kristina says:

    I’ve always love the mix between salty and sweet so I’d have to say the movie night flavor. What better way to watch a romance movie and ugly cry. lol

  27. Cindy says:

    I would really want to try to cookies and cream! That’s my favorite flavor. I’ve heard about the enlightened brand ice cream but they don’t carry that brand everywhere so I haven’t gotten the chance to buy it yet.

  28. Hannah says:

    cookies and cream would be my fave <33 omg. great article cassey!! i've struggled with those feelings too. best wishes <3

  29. Kandi says:

    Hmm I’m curious to try Glazed Donut. I’ve never seen this brand in stores before! I’ll have to pay attention next time.

  30. Mariela R says:

    Cookies and cream sounds delicious

  31. mia says:

    You sharing your experience made me cry because i am literally facing the same exact thing. Thank you Cassey for motivating me to become a better person. i am so overwhelmed with gratefulness for you right now and i seriously feel like crying like a baby! You made my day <3

  32. Heather S says:

    Ooooh LA LA. This sounds AH-MAZING. I want to try Movie Night – love the name!

  33. Elena says:

    Ahhhh I LOVE Enlightened ๐Ÿ˜ญ it’s so tasty and doesn’t make me feel guilty!!

  34. Claire says:

    Cookies and cream sounds good!

  35. Karyn says:

    Glazed Doughnut has me intrigued, totally gonna look around for these!

  36. Marianne says:

    The coffee looks delicious!

  37. Michaela Diaz says:

    oh my gosh ice cream is my fav guilty pleasure ! i have to try these, perfect way to get a sweet in during prom season ! cookies and cream has to be the one im most excited to try

  38. Jackylyn Domingo says:

    French toast!

  39. Samantha says:

    French toast or s’mores, please!!

  40. Magalyv says:

    I would love to try cookies and cream.

  41. Sarah says:

    French toast looks pretty delish to me! Can’t eat clean without the occasional ice cream right?

  42. Delaney Van Wey says:

    Wow, this sounds awesome! I was recently reading about how much sugar is in desserts and it’s really turned me off them, but only 5g in this is really impressive. Anyone know where you can find this in stores? I’d love to try the French Vanilla…

  43. Rochelle Gomez says:


  44. Ashley says:

    I wanna try French Toast! Cassie, thank you for all that you do. I seriously love my body and rarely have food guilt anymore since starting your workouts. It’s been almost 6 months! I’m definitely seeing changes, and my friends and family have noticed too. It’s been such a blast! I also just bought a muscle shirt from your clothing line, I love it! I look so cute when I work out!

    Thanks again! You are such a positive and beautiful inspiration. <3

    1. Ashley says:

      Oops! Sorry Cassey, spelled it wrong! Wish I could edit the comment! <3

  45. Hayley says:

    Cookies and Cream anything is my biggest weakness! Will definitely have to try!!

  46. Abby says:

    The french toast flavor looks really good too, I’d love to try that one!

  47. Abby says:

    Ahhh the glazed donut flavor looks so interesting, and I LOVE donuts and I LOVE ice cream so i feel like I would LOVE donut flavored ice cream hahah

  48. Amanda says:

    OMG! So cool! I wanna try your fav flavor ofc! French Toast sounds yummy ๐Ÿ˜‰

  49. Maddy says:

    I would want to try Glazed Donut. Thx for being so inspiring to me. You inspire me every time I look on your blog or youtube channel.

  50. Maddy says:

    I would want to try Glazed Donut. Thx for being so inspiring to me. You inspire me every time I look on your blog or youtube channel. Thank You

  51. Jenny Wang says:

    um yes hello this is a good

  52. Heather says:

    Iโ€™m such a sucker for cookies and cream!

  53. emma says:

    glazed donut!!!

  54. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
    Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito
    Cuando tรบ me besas con esa destreza
    Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza

  55. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Open your eyes ๐ŸŽถ

  56. Rochelle Gomez says:


  57. Rochelle Gomez says:

    If my wings could fly

  58. Ashna says:

    You are so amazing Cassey (hope I spelled your name right)! U r such an inspiration and I look forward to reading your post every week!! I would love to try the cookies and cream!

  59. Jessica says:

    S’mores sounds delicious!

  60. Jessica Gipson says:

    I would love to try Movie Night.

  61. Margaret says:

    Movie Night!

  62. Mayalin says:

    Reading this today is actually the best timing. I was just complaining to my roommate yesterday about how badly I was craving ice cream but we didn’t have any because we’ve both been trying to eat healthier. I would love to give this brand a try so I can have my icecream and eat it to! I’d really like to see what the glazed donut flavor is all about!

  63. Morgan says:

    Frech toast

  64. Morgan says:

    French toast is the one I want to try

  65. daria says:

    Thank you so much for being so honest about your โ€œfoodโ€ journey. I appreciate it a lot and so do all your readers!

  66. Cara \ says:

    I’d love to try cookies and cream and smores!!

  67. SadPandaEmily says:

    the movie night one sounds interesting

  68. Kelsi says:

    I want to try glazed donut!

  69. Mallory says:

    French Toast, please! ๐Ÿ™‚

  70. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Lost my way
    Swil sae eobsi morachineun geochin bibaram soge
    Lost my way
    Chulguragon eobneun bokjabhan sesang soge
    Lost my way
    Lost my way
    Sueobsi hemaedo nan naui gireul mideobollae

    Lost my way
    Found my way
    Lost my way
    Found my way

    1. Ashna says:

      I really want to try the cookies and cream. It is my favorite flavor of ice cream and I am interested to see if it tastes similar to most others even though it’s way more healthy. I am a beginner popster and I love your workouts and your personality!! ๐Ÿ’•

  71. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I wanna big house, big cars & big rings
    But sasireun i dun have any big dreams

  72. Naddadi says:

    I’m studying for a test!!!!

  73. mslotta1 says:

    You can’t have summer without s’mores and the only thing better than s’mores and summer time is adding ice cream to the mix. I’d love a little pre-summer s’mores enlightenment.

  74. Naddadi says:

    Are you a full time Youtuber???

  75. Naddadi says:


  76. Naddadi says:

    Are you going to do PIIT 28 again???

  77. Naddadi says:

    I’ve been doing abs workout for a year and a half and I still can’t see ab lines

  78. Naddadi says:

    I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. Naddadi says:

    who wants some Ice cream

  80. Naddadi says:

    cassey, Cassey, CAssey, CASsey, CASSey, CASSEy, CASSEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  81. Naddadi says:

    I spent all my time sending comments, and now I reached more than 100!!!

  82. Naddadi says:

    I love blogilates

  83. Naddadi says:

    I also love vampire diaries

  84. Naddadi says:

    I love stranger things, it’s my favorite TV serie

  85. Naddadi says:

    Did you watch stranger things???

  86. Naddadi says:

    She’s a really good actress

  87. Naddadi says:

    I really want to be thin like Millie Bobby Brown

  88. Naddadi says:

    Cassey have you got snapchat?

  89. Naddadi says:

    But the one I love the most is CASSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  90. Naddadi says:

    And I also love tofy and vanilla

  91. PowerKing says:

    Fudge brownie!

  92. Alexandra says:

    Oh my goodness! This looks so incredible, and itโ€™s like sorcery that they manage to make something so healthy look so good! Iโ€™d love to try Sโ€™mores ๐Ÿ˜‹

  93. Sandra Li says:

    Ahhh french toast!

  94. lindsay pinkstone says:

    French toast sounds amazing!

  95. Tabi says:

    Cookies and Cream every day

  96. Naddadi says:

    the oreos

  97. Naddadi says:

    then nutella

  98. Naddadi says:

    First cookies

  99. Naddadi says:

    What are my favorite ice cream favors:

  100. Naddadi says:

    Oh I’ve been shaking
    I love it when you go crazy
    You take all my inhibitions
    Baby there’s nothing holding me back!!!
    (there’s nothing holding me back from shawn mendes)

  101. Naddadi says:

    Baby I’m sorry, not sorry
    Baby I’m sorry, not sorry
    (sorry, not sorry by demi lovato)

  102. Naddadi says:

    Don’t you give up, nanana
    I won’t give up, nanana
    Let me love you
    Let me love you…
    (let me love you by justin bieber)

  103. Naddadi says:

    I spent all my time commenting and I forgot homework, results: I got a D on a test!!! But who cares???haha

  104. Jean says:

    Glazed donut sounds really good!

  105. Naddadi says:

    I think that the other flavors taste good

  106. Naddadi says:

    No I mean I did all your workouts, but I commented some really hilarious jokes!!!

  107. Naddadi says:

    hahaha, funny jokes right???

  108. Naddadi says:

    I did almost all your workouts

  109. Naddadi says:

    If someone calls you ”ugly”, have a good comeback and say: excuse me, I’m not a mirror!!!

    1. idontknow says:

      thatsโ€ฆ rude we should encourage people and not bring them down even when there being jerks

  110. Naddadi says:

    Where can you find this ice cream!!!???

  111. Naddadi says:

    I stress about stress before there’s even stress to stress about!!!

  112. Naddadi says:

    Cassey Ho is the best person ever!!!!

  113. Naddadi says:


  114. Naddadi says:

    I listen to a lot of music

  115. Naddadi says:

    Are these famous song’s lyrics???

  116. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Baby, watch your mouth (mouth), it come back around (-round)
    Once upon a time (time), we learnt how to fly (fly)
    Go look at your mirror, same damn clothes (git)
    You know how I feel, gaehaengbok (turn up)
    How many hours do we fly?
    I keep on dreamin’ on the cloud
    Yeah, I’m on the mountain, yeah, I’m on the bay (pop)
    Everyday we vibin’, mic drop, baam

  117. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Did you see my bag? (where?) Did you see my bag? (where?)
    It’s hella trophies and it’s hella thick (hella thick, hella thick)
    What you think ’bout that? (well) What you think ’bout that? (well)
    I bet it got my haters hella sick (hella sick)
    Come and follow me, follow me with your signs up
    I’m so firin’, firin’, boy, your time’s up
    Keep on and runnin’ and runnin’ until I catch up
    How you dare? How you dare? How you dare?

  118. Rochelle Gomez says:

    โ€œI feel so nice, mom I feel so niceโ€
    Geujeo son gadeon daero geonildeon geonban
    Geuttaen neoui uimireul mollasseone
    Barabogiman haedo johatdeon geuttae

  119. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I’m sorry, I’m sorry,
    I’m sorry ma brother
    Sumgyeodo gamchwodo jiwojiji anheo
    โ€œAre you calling me a sinner?โ€
    Museun mari deo itgesseo

    I’m sorry, I’m sorry,
    I’m sorry ma sister
    Sumgyeodo gamchwodo jiwojiji anheo
    So cry
    Please dry my eyes

  120. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Lonely lonely lonely whale
    Ireoke honja noraebulleo
    Oettan seom gateun nado
    Barkge bitnal su isseulkka

    Lonely lonely lonely whale
    Ireoke tto han beon bulleobwa
    Daedap eobtneun i noraega
    Naeire daheul ttaekkaji

    No more, no more baby
    No more, no more
    Kkeuteobtneun mujeon hana eonjenga daheul geoya
    Jeogi jigu bandaepyeonkkaji da

    No more, no more baby
    No more, no more
    Nunmeon goraedeuljocha nal bol su isseul geoya
    Oneuldo dasi noraehaji na

  121. Cheyenne Poirier says:

    Glazed donut!!!! ๐Ÿฉ

  122. janya says:

    cookies and cream!!

  123. Sophie says:

    I would love to try the smores flavor!

  124. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I know
    Every life’s a movie
    We got different start and stories
    We got different nights and mornings
    Our scenarios ain’t just boring

  125. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Don’t be like a prey
    (Be) Smooth like a like a snake

  126. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Extra + ordinary

  127. Rochelle Gomez says:

    All the underdogs in the world
    A day may come when we lose
    But it is not today
    Today we fight
    No not today

  128. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Everybody say NO!
    Everybody say NO!
    Everybody say NO!
    Everybody say NO!

  129. Rochelle Gomez says:

    This what I did to the haters
    The choppa hit ’em, tell ’em back ’em off
    She like Apple Jacks
    I like apple sauce
    That’s a boss, that’s the cost
    Why you tryna flex
    And you fashion off
    Chain around my neck

  130. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Beol batneun geon anijanha
    Iri wa nan neoui paradise
    Can’t close your eyes
    Can’t close your eyes
    Balbeodungchyeobwado deoneun soyongeopseul geol
    Nal geobuhaji ma
    Geunyang nuneul gamgo gwi giuryeobwa

    Pirisoril ttarawa i noraereul ttarawa
    Jogeum wiheomhaedo na cham daljanha
    Neol guhareo on geoya
    Neol mangchireo on geoya
    Niga nal bureun geoya bwa daljanha
    Pirisoril ttarawa

    I’m takin’ over you
    I’m takin’ over you

  131. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Geu bojogaen illegal
    Andwae wiheomhae oh yes
    So I call you illegirl
    Jonjae jachega beomjoe

    Cheonsaga namgin silsuyeossna
    Animyeon jinhan kiseuyeossna
    Geu bojogaen illegal
    But I want it anyway anyway anyway

    But I want it anyway anyway anyway

  132. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Doraboji mara
    Unmyeongeul chajanaen urinikka
    Huhoehaji mara baby

  133. Ashley says:

    Love ya Casey! Your so inspirational and help me stay motivated! Thank you

  134. Gabrielle says:

    Congratulations on your engagement!! I don’t have any form of social media so this is the only way to tell you. I can’t wait to see the wedding!

  135. Gabrielle says:

    What!!!! I didn’t know that ice cream could be healthy. Cookies and cream for me although I would love to try the French toast flavor. It sounds delicious!

  136. Naddadi says:

    You are so lovely Cassey ๐Ÿ™‚

  137. Naddadi says:

    You’re adorable Cassey!!!!!!!!!!!!

  138. Naddadi says:

    I can be on a diet for like two months and then if I eat one small bite from a cookie, I will get 1 more kilo

  139. Naddadi says:

    Dieting is soooooooooooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™

  140. Naddadi says:

    You are the best ๐Ÿ™‚

  141. Naddadi says:

    You make me smile every time I see you

  142. Naddadi says:

    I love you Cassey so much

  143. Naddadi says:

    If only I could by this ice cream to taste from it

  144. Naddadi says:

    Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  145. Naddadi says:

    Love the new post on instagram

  146. Naddadi says:

    Can’t live without ice cream

  147. Naddadi says:

    I ate only 3 times from baskin robbins

  148. Naddadi says:

    Mine is Kings men secret agent, it’s so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  149. Naddadi says:

    What is your favorite movie???

  150. Morgan says:

    French taost!!!!!

  151. Morgan says:

    I would want to try French toast

  152. cortney says:

    I liked seeing that I wasn’t the only person who has struggled with food guilt, and as someone who can’t have dairy, always an inspiration Cassey!

  153. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Maybe I, I can never fly
    Jeogi jeo kkoccipdeulcheoreom
    Nalgael dan geotcheoreomeun an dwae
    Maybe I, I can’t touch the sky
    Geuraedo son ppeotgo sipeo
    Dallyeobogo sipeo jogeum deo

    Wide awake wide awake wide awake
    Don’t cry
    Wide awake wide awake wide awake
    No lie
    Wide awake wide awake wide awake
    Don’t cry
    Wide awake wide awake wide awake
    No lie

  154. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Hey mama
    Ijen naege gidaedo dwae eonjena yeope
    Hey mama
    Naege akkimeopsi
    Jusyeotgie beotimmogieotgie
    Hey mama
    Ijen adeulnaemi mideumyeon dwae useumyeon dwae
    Hey mama
    Hey mama

    Hey mama
    I’m sorry mama
    Haneulgateun eunhye ije araseo mama

    Hey mama
    So thanks mama
    Naege piwa sari doeeojusyeoseo mama

  155. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Love me now
    Touch me now

    Just let me love you (let me, love, let me love you)
    Just let me love you (let me, love, let me love you)
    Ujuga cheoeum saenggyeonasseul ttaebuteo modeun geon jeonghaejin geoyeosseo
    Just let me love you (let me, love, let me love you)

    Let me love, let me love you
    Let me love, let me love you


  156. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Butterfly, like a butterfly
    Machi butterfly, bu butterfly cheoreom
    Butterfly, like a butterfly
    Machi butterfly, bu butterfly cheoreom

  157. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Never mind, never mind
    Geu eotteon gasibat girirado ttwieoga
    Never mind, never mind
    Sesangen niga eojjeol su eobtneun ildo manha
    You better
    Never mind, never mind
    Budijhil geot gateumyeon deo sege barba imma
    Never mind, never mind
    Pogihagieneun urin ajik jeormgo eoryeo imma
    Never mind

    Budijhil geot gateumyeon deo sege barba imma
    Budijhil geot gateumyeon deo sege barba imma
    Never mind

  158. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Maeiri hustle life
    I gotta make it fire baby
    Ireon ge bangtan seutail
    Geojismal wackdeulgwaneun dalla
    Maeiri hustle life
    I gotta make it, I gotta make it
    Nan jom jjeoreo
    Say what
    Say wo wo
    Say what

  159. Maribel says:

    Glaze Donut and French Toast

  160. Maribel says:

    Movie night sounds interesting, red velvet, chocolate and smores would be my first ones! Then all others.

  161. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ja wasseo a heungtansonyeondan
    Wasseo wasseo a heungtansonyeondan
    Ja wasseo a heungtansonyeondan
    Heung (heung) tan (tan) heung (heung) tan (tan)
    Nado nal jal molla

  162. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Neoui keonbeoseuhai
    I really really want yo
    I really really like yo
    I really really need yo
    Keonbeoseuhai keonbeoseuhai

    Neoui keonbeoseuhai
    I really really want yo
    I really really like yo
    I really really need yo
    Keonbeoseuhai keonbeoseuhai

  163. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Peaches and cream
    Sweeter than sweet
    Chocolate cheeks
    And chocolate wings
    But neoui nalgaeneun akmaui geot
    Neoui geu sweet apen bitter bitter

  164. Gabrielle says:

    I would have to say cookies and cream, and then some french toast. I’ve never commented before, but Cassey I absolutely love your videos, and your positive energy. Thank you so much for being an inspiration to me.
    You are awesome! Stay happy, and Major congratulations on your engagement as well!!

  165. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Am I wrong
    Am I wrong
    Eodiro ganeunji
    Sesangi michyeo doragane

    Are you ready for this
    Are you ready for this
    Are you ready for this

  166. Yuneidy says:

    Cookies and cream. Like Cookie Monster would say, me like cookies.

  167. Tina Guenther says:

    French toast sounds delicious,Iโ€™m excited to try them all hopefully Iโ€™ll win. thanks Cassey for all you do !!!

  168. Naddadi says:


  169. Naddadi says:

    WHO LIKES ICE CREAM??????????????????????????????

  170. Naddadi says:

    I also love : “There’s nothing holding me back” by Shawn Mendes!!!

  171. Naddadi says:

    I love “shape of you” by Ed Sheeran

  172. Naddadi says:

    I love “Dangerous Woman” by “Ariana Grande”!!!

  173. Naddadi says:


  174. Naddadi says:

    Hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  175. Naddadi says:

    HAHAHA? love these jokes!

  176. Naddadi says:

    – (the son): who made the world dad?
    – (the dad): look it up on google my son!

  177. Naddadi says:

    – (the son): who made the world dad?
    – (the dad): god made the world son!

  178. Naddadi says:


  179. Naddadi says:

    He said: “I’m just kidding!!!”.

  180. Naddadi says:

    She said: “Oh, that’s so lovely! What about I, J, K?”

  181. Naddadi says:

    He said: adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, foxy, gorgeous, hot.

  182. Naddadi says:

    She said : “what does that mean?”

  183. Naddadi says:

    You’re A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K.

  184. Naddadi says:

    He said:

  185. Naddadi says:

    A wife asked her husband to describe her.

  186. Naddadi says:

    1.4 MILLION FoLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  187. Naddadi says:


  188. Naddadi says:

    Hi Cassey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  189. Jen S says:

    Cookies and cream or movie night sound interesting. Good luck everyone.

  190. Bianca T says:

    i am intrigued by the salty/sweet of movie night!

  191. Bianca T says:

    i’d love to try s’mores!!

  192. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Angry? Hungry? Yes I’m hangry

  193. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Woooh! And the Billboard Music Award goes to…BTS!

  194. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Tangjinjaem tangjinjaem tangjinjaem
    Where my money yah
    Tangjinjaem tangjinjaem tangjinjaem
    Tangjinjaem tangjinjaem tangjinjaem
    Where the party yah
    Tangjinjaem tangjinjaem tangjinjaem

    Where my money yah
    Where the party yah

  195. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Yeoreum gyeoul
    Neon mollado
    You got the best of me
    You got the best of me
    So please just don’t leave me
    You got the best of me

  196. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I love I love I love myself
    I love I love I love myself
    I know I know I know myself
    Ya playa haters you should love yourself

  197. Erin says:

    Probably the cookies and cream. I’m a pretty tradition girl….well when it comes to ice cream flavors I am haha

  198. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Caught In a lie

  199. Rochelle Gomez says:

    (Run, )
    Donโ€™t tell me bye bye
    You make me cry cry
    Love is a lie lie
    Donโ€™t tell me, donโ€™t tell me
    Donโ€™t tell me bye bye

  200. Rochelle Gomez says:

    To all the youngsters without dreams

  201. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Blackpink in your area

  202. Rochelle Gomez says:


    1. Rochelle Gomez says:

      Excuji me

  203. Rochelle Gomez says:


  204. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I hate snakeu

  205. Emily says:

    I would love to try S’mores the most! Ice Cream is one of my favorite midnight snacks!

  206. Naddadi says:

    Are you going to film a video of your wedding?? I would love to see it!!! <3

  207. Naddadi says:

    The first time I saw you I though you were 20!!!

  208. Naddadi says:

    More videos please!!

  209. Naddadi says:

    Love you

  210. Naddadi says:

    Sorry I mean does anyone WATCH vampire diaries …

  211. Naddadi says:

    Does anyone watches vampire diaries??? I’m in love with it, hahaha

  212. Naddadi says:

    Adiรณs, aurevoir!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  213. Naddadi says:

    I love, love LOVE cookies, but I never tried them as an ice cream, It seems delicious!!!

  214. Naddadi says:

    I have a poster of you on my wall, hahaha ๐Ÿ™‚

  215. Naddadi says:

    Love you so much Cassey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3, ๐Ÿ™‚

  216. Naddadi says:

    Love you CASSEY <3, ๐Ÿ™‚ !!!!!

  217. Naddadi says:

    I have a history test this week!!! Bad luck!!!

  218. Naddadi says:

    If only I could be just like you, Cassey!!!

  219. Naddadi says:

    I tried everything and I still can’t get thin, whyyyyyyyyy???????

  220. Naddadi says:


  221. Naddadi says:

    This ice cream looks good!!!!!!!!!! YUMMMMMMMMMMMM

  222. Naddadi says:

    I’m 14 and I still didn’t start enjoying life because I’m fat, not fair!!!

  223. Naddadi says:

    I’m studying math right now

  224. Naddadi says:

    Naddadi, hahahah

  225. Naddadi says:

    Every time that I go swimming, everybody laughs at me, that’s not fair!!!

  226. Naddadi says:

    I can’t stay without eating ice cream, but I can’t eat from it because I’m on a diet, so sad!!! ๐Ÿ™

  227. Naddadi says:

    My favorite, favorite, FAVORITE food in the whole world is ice cream

  228. Naddadi says:

    You’re so strong !!! <3

  229. Naddadi says:

    I watch you on YouTube all the time and I love you so much!!!

  230. Amelia says:

    French Toast!

  231. Naddadi says:

    When are you going to announce the winners??? I’m not saying that it will be me, I just want to know

  232. Naddadi says:

    My favorite animal is a horse, what is yours???

  233. Naddadi says:

    CASSEY YOU’RE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  234. Naddadi says:

    I’m on a diet since a long time (almost a year) and I still didn’t got in shape, I lost only 5 kilos

  235. Naddadi says:

    I love receiving gifts, specially on my birthday!!!!

  236. Naddadi says:

    Hi Cassey

  237. Naddadi says:

    Eating is my best thing to do

  238. Naddadi says:

    I tried piit, in the beginning it worked on me but then I got back all the weight I lost!!! I’m so disappointed from myself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  239. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Strong power thank you ๐Ÿ‘

  240. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Jjang jjang man boong boong

  241. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I got no jams

  242. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I like cheese but it doesn’t like me ๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ„

  243. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Thanks Cassey

  244. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Infires man

  245. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Do you know nae pi ttam nunmul?

  246. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Do you know annyeonghaseyo?

  247. Kate Li says:

    i love cookies + cream !

  248. Bao Chang says:

    I want to try the glazed donuts!! <3

  249. sheryllparsons says:

    This blog post is entirely my life! I’m all about that Cookies & Cream!

  250. Desire says:

    Cookies and cream sounds so amazing, definitely the one I would like

  251. Emily says:


  252. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Whoop whoop firetruck

  253. Rochelle Gomez says:

    To eat ice cream or not to eat ice cream, that is the question

  254. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I know you are engaged , but who is your celebrity crush, if you have one? Mine is all members of #BTS

  255. Rochelle Gomez says:

    A song that stuck in your head Cassey? For me it’s “Stop, baby don’t stop”( #nct #kpop)

  256. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Kim namjoon , Kim seokjin, min yoongi, Jung hoseok, park jimin, Kim Taehyung , jeon jungkook , BTS

  257. Naddadi says:

    Can you do more videos on arm workout??? I tried them all and I want new ones

  258. Naddadi says:

    4.1 million subscribers, wouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhouuuuuuuuuuuuu

  259. Naddadi says:

    Hi everyone, how are you????

  260. Naddadi says:

    If only I could be like you Cassey

  261. Naddadi says:

    I commented like 50 times, is that enough??? I don’t think so, hahahaha

  262. Naddadi says:

    If only I can get this ice cream, I really want to try it but my dad don’t want to buy it for me

  263. Naddadi says:

    If I would try one flavor, it would be cookies

  264. Naddadi says:

    I love the sentence : 1 comment = 1 entry, hahaha

  265. Naddadi says:

    If I would try one of them it would be cookies !!!

  266. Naddadi says:

    I wanna try all the flavors

  267. Naddadi says:

    I really appreciate you!!!!

  268. Naddadi says:

    CASSEY, YOU’RE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  269. Naddadi says:

    I love your Instagram account!!!!

  270. Naddadi says:

    My favorite flavor is COOOOOOOOKIIIIIIIESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  271. Naddadi says:

    ice cream is my favorite thing in the world

  272. Naddadi says:

    You are the best person I have ever seen ๐Ÿ™‚

  273. Naddadi says:

    I’m one of your BIGGEST fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  274. Naddadi says:

    You’re so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you <3

  275. Naddadi says:

    You look amazing

  276. Naddadi says:

    Cassey you’re a strong woman

  277. Naddadi says:


  278. Naddadi says:

    Hi Cassey!!! I love you so much!!!

  279. Naddadi says:

    I hope you got the body you wanted, Love you Cassey!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  280. Naddadi says:

    How did you felt after writing this ??

  281. Naddadi says:

    Cookies for sure !!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  282. Naddadi says:

    Love you Cassey

  283. Naddadi says:

    Cassey Ho, you’re the best person EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  284. Rhiannon says:

    Cookies and Cream, for sure! Although the other ones do intrigue me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  285. Naddadi says:

    Hi Cassey!!! Thanks for sharing with us your story!!! I love you <3

  286. Naddadi says:


  287. Naddadi says:

    I love eating ice cream, my favorite flavor is cookies

  288. KRisten says:

    I’d like to try Cookies & Cream.

  289. Kristina says:

    French Toast sounds really good!

  290. Naddadi says:

    Cassey Ho, you’re the best fitness entrepreneur I have ever seen!!! Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  291. Naddadi says:

    Cassey I love you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! <3, thank you for all the care and attention you give US!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  292. Naddadi says:

    Cassey, I’m very fat!!! I can’t eat normal ice cream, I NEED this enlightened ice cream!!! Love you ๐Ÿ™‚

  293. Naddadi says:

    Love you Cassey so much, thanks for all the advice you give us ( your fans and subscribers) in your channel

  294. Naddadi says:

    Sorry for the comments : S and O, I meant COOOOOOOKIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  295. judith says:

    glazed donut

  296. Naddadi says:

    Hi Cassey, love you !!! <3
    my favorite flavor is cookies

  297. Symone McReynolds says:


  298. Jazmin Duarte says:

    S’mores, for sure! It sounds amazing!!!

  299. Beth says:

    French toast!

  300. Vanessa says:


  301. Shay says:

    Cookies & Cream that isn’t totally over the top or completely devoid of flavor would be amazing!

  302. marissa says:

    cookies & cream

  303. Mona Lisa says:

    French Toast sounds yummy!

  304. Katie C. says:

    Ah, I would love to win this! I would like to win Cookies n’ Cream I think! SO good!!

  305. Duyen Vo says:

    The french toast flavor sounds amazing <3

  306. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Not not today, Chong! Jojun !BALSA!

  307. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ssak da bultaewora, Bow WOW WOW

  308. Rochelle Gomez says:

    They call me BAEPSAE

  309. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Mic Mic bungee

  310. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I went to Chinatown in LA then walked around and it made me sad. Lots of homeless ๐Ÿ˜ข

  311. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ice cream is my go-to dessert

  312. Rochelle Gomez says:

    My mom looked for enlightened at Smith’s and they didnt have it ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  313. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I’m awake.

  314. Miranda says:

    I want to try all of them, but probably S’mores

  315. Reka says:

    smores ๐Ÿ™‚

  316. Cynthia says:

    Do you have a favorite flavor that you recommend?

  317. Cynthia says:

    What exactly is the Movie Night flavor? Sounds interesting

  318. Cynthia says:

    I love your photos! Super cool and inspirational

  319. Cynthia says:

    I’ve never tried the Skinnylicious menu. Is it good?

  320. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I’m a simple person, I see a giveaway , I click. Lol even though I never win

  321. Cynthia says:

    I prefer apple pie over pumpkin, but pumpkin is good too!

  322. Cynthia says:

    I feel stronger and fitter! All I did was follow Cassey. You’re such an inspiration!

  323. Cynthia says:

    I did watch My Love From the Stars and I bawled my eyes out.

  324. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Do you like pumpkin pie? I’m a huge fan

  325. Cynthia says:

    I don’t watch kdramas often, but do you have any recommendations?

  326. Cynthia says:

    Thank you for always making me feel good about myself!

  327. Cynthia says:

    Tempted to buy all of the flavors at once so that I can try them all

  328. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ever listen to ๋ฐฉํƒ„์†Œ๋…„๋‹จ, (BTS) ?? Theyre amazing. #armywhereyouat๐Ÿค“

  329. Cynthia says:

    I love the name of the brand

  330. Cynthia says:

    Sounds good with some fruit on top too

  331. Cynthia says:


  332. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Do you listen to kpop or jpop ?

  333. Cynthia says:

    How have I not hear of this before??

  334. Sydney says:

    I’ve never even heard of enlightened ice cream! But interested to try it.

  335. Cynthia says:

    Gonna have to buy extra so everyone I know can try this haha

  336. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Do you watch kdramas?

  337. Cynthia says:

    Gonna see where i can buy this! I hope it’s at a store near me

  338. Cynthia says:

    All dessert should be like this *heart eyes*

  339. Cynthia says:

    Definitely going to try this!

  340. Cynthia says:

    Only 5g of sugar in the French Toast? WOW!

  341. Cynthia says:

    I can’t believe I’ve never heard of Enlightened before. Must try.

  342. Cynthia says:

    Cookies and cream and vanilla are my go-to flavors!

  343. Cynthia says:

    After a really rought day at work, a great workout and THIS POST are what I needed to see ๐Ÿ™‚

  344. Laurel says:

    Mmm I’d love to try glazed donut!

  345. Cynthia says:

    I wish I knew about this earlier!

  346. Cynthia says:

    I LOVE ICE CREAM but I’m always worried about the sugar content. This looks amazing!

  347. Amanda says:

    I always shame myself for indulging in sweets or junk food but then I feel deprived if I only eat healthy. Hoping your way can help me get the results I want and I would love to try the movie night enlightened ice cream.

  348. Glory says:

    French toast please! That’s sounds so good right now.

  349. Glory says:

    I would love to try smores.

  350. Melaniek16 says:


  351. Naddadi says:

    feel confident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  352. Naddadi says:

    Be yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  353. Naddadi says:

    Cassey you look amazing on photos!!! <3

  354. Naddadi says:

    Ice cream is my favorite kind of food but I can’t eat it because it has too much calories, that’s why I found that this is really cool to have a enlightened ice cream with only 70 calories and 5g of sugar

  355. Naddadi says:

    My favorite ice cream flavor is definitely cookies

  356. Naddadi says:

    Love your hair!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  357. Naddadi says:

    Every time I watch one of your videos, you make me smile!!! <3 love you so much Cassey

  358. Naddadi says:

    Love you Cassey!!!! <3

  359. Naddadi says:

    What’s your favorite junk food??? Mine is ice cream ๐Ÿ™‚

  360. Naddadi says:

    Can we comment more than 10 times??? OK, good ๐Ÿ˜‰

  361. Naddadi says:

    Thanks for telling us your story cassey, I’ve been in the samecsituation

  362. Naddadi says:

    Cassey, you’re my favorite youtuber!!!! Love you so much

  363. Naddadi says:

    I Love ice cream!!!!!!! It’s my favorite kind of food

  364. Naddadi says:

    I hope I”ll get to taste one of them one day, If I would, I will eat the cookies one

  365. Naddadi says:

    I love EVERYTHING as long as its enlightened

  366. Naddadi says:


  367. Naddadi says:

    The French toast one is 70 calories, the cookie one 80 but I prefer it more

  368. Naddadi says:

    Hi Cassey! Love you so much!!!! You’re my inspiration

  369. Naddadi says:

    My favorite one is cookies

  370. Naddadi says:

    I love the cookies one

  371. Naddadi says:

    Love you Cassey!!!! Hope I’ll win the giveaway!!! <3

  372. Helen says:


  373. Rachel says:

    S’mores ๐Ÿ™‚

  374. Rochelle Gomez says:

    My brother looks like a ๐Ÿด. Lol he wants to try the smores flavor.

  375. Rochelle Gomez says:

    My sister likes ice cream and wants to try the flavor, cookie and creme ๐Ÿฆ

  376. Rochelle Gomez says:

    fresh air whoooooo hooooo

  377. Jennifer says:

    Glazed Donut!

  378. Morgan says:

    I want to try french toast it sounds so good

  379. Haneul says:

    I want to try Glazed Donut!

  380. Melanie says:

    S’mores flavored anything is my favorite!

  381. Stephanie says:

    Cookies and cream!!

  382. Amanda says:

    I think I tried Enlightened last summer while everyone else was eating Halo Top. I would love the try French Toast.

  383. Brianna Eberle says:

    I am going through the exact same experience right now! Loved hearing your input. Thank you for everything you do for us

  384. Julianne says:

    Ooh, I want to win this so badly! I’ve been wanting to try Enlightened Ice Cream! Movie night sounds interesting, but cookies and cream has always been one of my favorite flavors!

  385. Julianne says:

    They certainly do have some interesting flavors! I would love to try them all, but s’mores sounds pretty good!

  386. Julianne says:

    French toast!

  387. Natasha Segarra says:

    So excited to try Sโ€™mores!!!

  388. Katherine Jacoby says:

    Cookies and cream of course

  389. harene says:

    french toast!!

  390. Hi, Cassey. I just wanna say thank you for everything you do. I’ve been following you for a year and as a young teenager, you have really inspired me to take better care of myself and love myself. And thanks to you, I want to now teach people my age and younger the importance of positivity and self-care, just like you taught me. Thank you for everything you do and more. Oh! And, I would love to try cookies and cream.

  391. Kim says:


  392. Kim says:


  393. Rochelle Gomez says:


  394. Rochelle Gomez says:


  395. Emily says:

    Omg i would love to try the smores!!

  396. Michelle says:

    YUM! I am totally excited to try Cookies & Cream! ๐Ÿ™‚

  397. Savanna Harris says:

    They all sound so good!!! If I had to pick, I think I’d pick Glazed Donut!!

  398. Samantha says:

    Gimme all the flavors!!! I for sure want to try glazed donut!

  399. Mary Biehl says:

    Ohhhh! Sโ€™mores and French Toast sound so good! I hope I win so I can share them with friends~ ๐Ÿ™‚

  400. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I like smores when its cold outside and today it’s cold๐Ÿ˜€

  401. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I have nothing to say except I love ice cream

  402. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Whoever invented ice , is amazing .

  403. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ice cream , you scream , we all love ice cream

  404. Maddie says:

    Hi Cassey!!!!! I’ve been following blogilates for almost a year now, and my husband has actually started doing the calendar workouts with me! It’s amazing how much we’ve transformed and gained muscle without lifting a single weight. Your programs have really helped us get back on track this year. Thank you so much for all you do! (P.S. I would absolutely LOVE to try the Glazed Donut flavor!!!)

  405. Naddadi says:

    Hi Cassey! Love you very much, you’re my inspiration. I really hope I can win this giveaway, my favorite flavor is cookies, love you Cassey โ™ฅ โ™ฅ

  406. Ashley says:

    Sโ€™mores sounds amazing!

  407. Sharon says:

    Ooh, that glazed donut sounds good!

  408. Ashley says:

    I would like to try Movie Night and Cookies and Cream

  409. Kassie Lindamood says:

    Iโ€™d like to try the cookies and cream!

  410. ashbake says:

    Thank you for this post. I having been especially looking for guilt free dessert alternatives so I will be getting some of this ice cream asap. Food guilt is something I currently struggle with as well as an obsession with the scale. I am currently on a weight loss journey (SW:250, CW:164), something blogilates has been a huge part of ๐Ÿ™‚ . After eating anything that wouldn’t be considered part of a “clean” diet I immediately feel guilty and I weigh myself. Any tips/advice you can provide on moving past the guilt would be extremely helpful.

  411. Emma says:

    Also only 5g sugar?! How is that possible

  412. Emma says:

    I would eat it all in two seconds flat YUM

  413. ashbake says:

    Hmmm, they all sound good. Movie Night seems like it would be a new and interesting flavor. But if I’m sticking to what I know it’s a tie between french toast and glazed donut.

  414. Carolsue says:

    Ok, I think I narrowed down the one I’d like to try the most: Glazed Donut!

  415. Carolsue says:

    Wondering what the Movie Night flavor is like? Good, I am sure!

  416. Carolsue says:

    Then again …. French Toast might be one I’d like to try! They all sound so good!

  417. Carolsue says:

    I love glazed donuts, so I’m sure I would love that flavor in an ice cream!

  418. Carolsue says:

    I hope this contest is still valid. I would love to try the Cookies & Cream flavor!

  419. Amy says:

    Glazed donut ๐Ÿฉโค๏ธ

  420. Marissa says:

    actually who am I kidding I want all of them lol

  421. Marissa says:

    And glazed donut !!!

  422. Marissa says:

    I want to try movie night !!!

  423. Brielle says:

    OooOOOoo glazed donut please

  424. Terry says:

    The Movie Night flavor does indeed sound questionable, but I’d still love to try it

  425. Jiselle says:

    I would love to try the s’mores flavor!!!

  426. Hillary says:

    I’ve never heard of this brand before. I’d love to try the French toast flavor!

  427. Hannah says:

    I want to try French Toast! Sounds sooo yummy!

  428. Alexis s says:

    I have wanted to try Enlightened for so long but no stores near me carry pints!! I want to try the s’mores flavor!

  429. Abby says:

    The s’mores sounds so good!

  430. Helen says:

    Ahhh I messed up my name. Cause I thought auto correct did it for me

  431. H says:

    OMG!! Ice cream is the best I’ve been craving it for a whlie!

  432. Diana Q. says:

    Would love to try cookies and cream.

  433. Morgan says:

    Tried Halotop once, hope enlightened is just as good

  434. Morgan says:

    Trying to comment a lot cause I can’t afford enlightened myself lol

  435. Morgan says:

    I’m so scared to eat ice cream because of my binge eating disorder, low-cal icecream sounds too good to be true

  436. Morgan says:

    I love donuts, french toast, and oreos! never actually tried a smore though

  437. Morgan says:

    Movie night sound questionable to me

  438. Morgan says:

    These flavors are so creative!

  439. Morgan says:

    Would love to try all these flavors

  440. Jacqui says:

    The glazed donut sounds amazing!

  441. Ashley says:

    Definitely glazed donut! Im excited to try it!

  442. Faith says:

    I would love to try Cookies and Cream please๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜

  443. Audrey McMullin says:

    I really like cookies & cream. Thank you Cassey for setting this up and just being you. I donโ€™t care about anybody I admire being skinny so you just be you.๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธ

  444. Kristin says:

    S’mores please!

  445. Christine A. says:

    I’d love to try S’mores ice cream.

  446. Amanda says:

    Cookies and Cream!

  447. Aaliyah says:

    Iโ€™m torn between Sโ€™mores and French Toast! They both sound delicious!! French Toast?

  448. jchalet says:

    Glazed Donut!

  449. Emma says:

    But the french toast one sounds like HEAVEN so I’m conflicted

  450. Emma says:

    I personally want to try the movie night one. I find it intriguing

  451. Emma says:

    All of these sound so amazing

  452. juliemlamb says:

    I would love to try Cookies and Cream! Oreos are my fav!

  453. Stephanie says:


  454. Sofia says:

    S’mores is my favorite flavor ever – I’d love to try a healthier version!

  455. Brittany says:

    Dessert before bed is something I feel like I always need. Like my night isnโ€™t complete without something sweet before bed, even if itโ€™s some fruit, a piece of chocolate, or a light hot chocolate.

  456. Corinneh says:

    oooh S’mores! Or Glazed Donut! Or Cookies and Cream…all sound amazing!

  457. Mary says:

    Cookies n Cream!!!! ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  458. Brittany says:

    I also really want to try this ice cream! It sounds like Halo tops, but better! Even if I donโ€™t win, Iโ€™m still going to find this ice cream!

  459. Brittany says:

    I love reading your stuff and doing your workouts! Especially the dance ones! I canโ€™t wait to see what else you have in store.

  460. Lacey Trautwein says:

    I would love to try cookies&cream most!

  461. CJ says:

    Sโ€™mores sounds so goooddddd!!!!

  462. Emma says:

    Smores! That was my craving all the time with my last pregnancy and itโ€™s become my sweet craving throughout my fit journey now ๐Ÿ˜‚

  463. Christine says:

    Sโ€™mores sounds so goooddddd!!!!

  464. Grace says:

    OMG glazed donut sounds SO GOOD!

  465. French toast?!?! Sign me up for a gallon!

  466. One second thought, Iโ€™d LOVE to try glazed donut. โ€œDonuts make me go nutsโ€ haha!

  467. I. LOVE. ICE CREAM. I just canโ€™t seem to stray away from my fave dessert, no matter how clean Iโ€™ve been eating! Thank God for some healthier options out there that wonโ€™t make me feel so guilty, like Enlightened!! Iโ€™m soooo excited to try Cookies and Cream! My go-to flavor at any ice cream shop.

  468. Jessica Argue says:

    I would love to try French Toast!

  469. Althea says:

    French toast sounds amazing!

  470. Yanet Madrigal says:

    Uuu cookies and cream for sure!

  471. Paveena says:

    I’d love to try the cookies and cream!!!

  472. Amy says:

    French toast sounds so yum!!

  473. Kitija says:

    Movie night please ๐Ÿ™ˆ

  474. Madison Jerles says:

    Definitely French toast

  475. Autumn says:

    I would love to try glazed donut! Yummy!

  476. AMANDA DOUGLAS says:

    French toast

  477. Faiqha says:

    Cookies and cream! All the way!!!

  478. Kate Li says:

    I LOVE cookies and cream!!

  479. mar_mar512 says:

    Though Iโ€™m all for donuts as well and Iโ€™ve never tried donut ice cream.

  480. mar_mar512 says:

    Honestly, probably cookies and cream.

  481. Cadia says:

    I would love some ice cream.

  482. Elise says:

    P.s. yummy giveaway๐Ÿ˜‰โ˜บ๏ธ

  483. Charity says:

    I’d like to try the Cookies & Cream

  484. Amanda says:

    Sounds so yummy!

  485. Elise says:

    French toast!!

  486. Elise says:

    Mint chocolate chip plzzz๐Ÿ˜†

  487. Elise says:

    Glazed donut ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿ˜

  488. Grace says:

    French Toast all the way !!

  489. Alyssa R says:

    cookies and cream!!

  490. Maria says:

    Movie night id imagine it would taste like popcorn wouldnt it ๐Ÿ˜€

  491. Maria says:

    Id like to try french toast

  492. sofia says:

    French toast ice cream! I sounds so good

  493. Sofia says:

    glazed Donut Sounds so yummy!!!!!1

  494. Kianna says:

    My fave would be the cookies and cream! I love how the crunch of the cookie blends in with the creamy ice cream! Besides that, Iโ€™m looking to try movie night. I wonder whatโ€™d it be?

  495. Kathryn Thomas says:

    I love s’mores. So that the first flavor I would try.

  496. Bella says:

    Definitely Movie night! That sounds like such an interesting flavor!

  497. Anna Q. says:

    Definately French Toast! Iโ€™m very curious as to whether or not it has a maple syrupy flavor.

  498. Rachel says:

    Glazed doughnut as an ice cream flavor? Sign me up!

  499. Elle says:

    love you Cassey

  500. Elle says:

    Sounds delicious!

  501. Sabrina says:

    I an ice cream ADDICT!!!!!!! My guilty pleasure!!!!!!

  502. Emily says:

    Ooo cookies and cream, please! My favorite! ๐Ÿ˜

  503. Sammi says:

    If you say french toast is your favorite that is definitely the one I want to try first ๐Ÿ˜

  504. Sammi says:

    Omg french toast sounds AMAZING! I want to try it so badly!!!

  505. HT says:

    Glazed donut please!!!

  506. Michelle says:


  507. Sara Driscoll says:

    A healthified cookies & cream ice cream? Sign me up!

  508. Olivia Hagerty says:

    I would love to try some sโ€™mores!!

  509. Adria Alexander says:

    I want to try the glazed donut flavor!

  510. Marissa Porcayo says:

    French Toast! Breakfast & dessert! Itโ€™s the best of both worlds!!

  511. Marissa Porcayo says:

    Glazed Donut

  512. Noa says:

    Cookies and cream, hell yeah!

  513. Bridgette Cyboran says:

    Iโ€™d LOVE to try all of them!! Lol but mostly movie night!!

  514. Neha says:

    Cookie and cream would be my go to flavour!

  515. Maryam B says:

    I think I would want to try cookies and cream!

  516. Fini says:

    I’ve tried other ice creams that are lower calorie but they have all tasted bland and the texture is just awful so I’m still looking for something that would be a good alternative! The glazed donut sounds interesting and the cookies and cream also sounds super yummy

  517. Marlene Lara says:

    Cookies n cream

  518. Melinda Attinger says:

    Cookies and Cream all the way

  519. Marissa says:


  520. Dheera says:

    Bring on the icecream

  521. Carmen says:

    I want to try glazed donut

  522. Hillary myers says:

    French toast!!! ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž๐Ÿ˜‹

  523. Yolanda says:

    Totally wanna try the Movie Night flavor!! Because that sounds so mysterious…like what do you mean? Is it popcorn flavored? (That would be so cool.) If so, is it still sweet? I donโ€™t know, guess Iโ€™ll have to find out…Iโ€™m actually so excited!!

  524. Christiana Craw says:

    Cookies and Cream!

  525. gabriela simball says:

    i want icecream ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›

  526. Mylene M says:

    EXCITED for cookies n cream or french toast! yum!

  527. gabriela simball says:

    i scream for icecream ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿคฃ

  528. gabriela simball says:

    i want free icecream ๐Ÿ˜›

  529. Louie Roberts says:

    Cookies and cream… mmmmmm

  530. Constanza says:

    FRENCH TOAST!! ๐Ÿ˜Truthfully I want to win this for my mom. She loves ice cream and maybe this will be better for her health.

  531. Natalie says:

    Omg gimme all the glazed donut!!

  532. Ashley says:

    I have been loving the monthly calendars and been following them each month. It really helps me stay motivated and active! Thank you

  533. Tiffany says:

    Cookies and cream or the Smores ones sound amazing…but also all of the above! I just really love ice cream

  534. Kenna Rys says:

    Movie night ice cream looks so delicious!!! Ugh, to bad I can’t find it where I live….

  535. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Melting ice cream, yuck.

  536. Zainab says:

    That’s cool! I’ve never tried French Toast Ice Cream before!

  537. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Cookies and cream *cue early 2000s song*

  538. Mary Papetti says:

    glazed donut!

  539. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ice cream you sceam giveme that give me that ice cream *cue red velvets song* KPOP!

  540. Kate Klingensmith says:

    Cookies and cream sounds super tasty too!

  541. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Lol my nephew is too cute. He wants to watch zootopia since he didnt finish watching it last night.

  542. Kate says:

    I would LOVE glazed doughnut๐Ÿฉ !

  543. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ice cream and cake *cue song*

  544. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Do you ever look inside your fridge and say I have nothing to eat? Lol that’s me. I hate cooking

  545. Maddi Eary says:

    Have you tried Halo Top? Itโ€™s a similar concept and sooo yummy

  546. Cheyenne says:

    Oh man.. I want to try all of the flavors, but I think I want to try S’mores the most. I wonder if it’s like halo top ice cream?

  547. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ice cream in the winter is the best๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿ˜

  548. Manasa says:

    French Toast sounds amazing!!!!

  549. Vanessa says:

    The glazed donut sounds so good!

  550. Vanessa says:

    The glazed donut sounds so good!

  551. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I commented on the wrong post again ๐Ÿ˜…

  552. Maria-Eduarda DaSilva says:

    I really want to try French toast because I never had anything French toast flavored! ๐Ÿ’—

  553. Meg S. says:

    I have been struggling to loose weight because of sugar cravings! I would love to win!!

  554. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ice cream is life

  555. Rochelle Gomez says:

    How long have you been eating enlightened ice cream Cassey?

  556. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Question, is it vegan friendly? The ice cream that is

  557. Theresa says:

    COOKIES and cream and smores!!

  558. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Ice cream is on my mind now

  559. Rochelle Gomez says:

    When does the giveaway end?

  560. Rochelle Gomez says:

    I’ve never been to the cheese cake factory. I heard it’s good

  561. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Oh is there a pumpkin enlightened flavor???

  562. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Oh is there green tea ice cream, enlightened green tea ice cream????

  563. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Before I used to not like to sweat but now I kinda like it. I like to push myself . To be stronger and be a better me

  564. Rochelle Gomez says:

    Lol i was commenting on the wrong post.

  565. Jessica says:

    Cookies and cream for sure! Loved this post Cassey ๐Ÿ’œ

  566. Anna Garabajiu says:

    Omg, they must be delicious๐Ÿ˜ญ I want to try the glazed donut one๐Ÿ˜—

  567. Richa says:

    Movies night sound nice!

  568. Hannah says:

    Give me s’more of them s’mores….cheesy much? I wanna try s’more flavor!

  569. Anna Garabajiu says:

    OMG, they must be delicious๐Ÿ˜

  570. Emma01 says:

    Cookies and Cream!

  571. Rochelle says:

    Ice cream Ice cream is so good. ๐Ÿ˜

  572. Rochelle G says:

    I went to sleep and there was only 515 comments now there is over 900 comments. People love themselves some ice cream! โœ‹๐Ÿคš

  573. Casandra says:

    Omg French toast has been my favorite food since i was a child, i have never seen it in ice cream form!! I would LOVE to try this!! ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿจ

  574. Marissa Childers says:

    ok think French toast sounds interesting o.o actually all of them sound good!

  575. Madison Pullins says:

    Agh! The s’mores looks amazing!

  576. Sydney Jackson says:

    Glazed donut!

  577. Quiana says:

    I would definitely be interested in trying movie night. It seems like such a creative flavor!

  578. Omg. Eating Movie Night ice cream on movie night with friends sounds like all the cute!! Yum!

  579. Caitlin Davis says:

    Thank you for sharing this brand with us!

  580. Ashley says:

    Oh Iโ€™d totally want to try Movie Night- that is SUCH a cool-sounding flavor! PS AWESOME giveaway!!!

  581. Allison Gilman says:

    Glazed donut sounds good too…Iโ€™ve never tried enlightened icecream just halo top!

  582. Sarah Panza says:

    I would love to try the glazed donut flavor looks so good!! I love the protein and calcium content!

  583. Allison Gilman says:

    Cookies and cream!!

  584. Annie Yuan says:


  585. Tina says:

    I would like Cookies & Creamโค๏ธ

  586. Samantha says:

    I would like to try cookies and creme!

  587. Gina says:

    Oh my goodness. I have to say I am SO Intrigued by the S’mores (a personal favorite guilty pleasure but in ice cream form?!), French Toast, and Glazed Donut. This seems like an amazing alternative to regular sugar loaded ice cream!

  588. Breanna says:

    I just want to share them all though!

  589. Brandee says:

    I’m on day 10 of the beginners calender and I’m in love! I can’t quite tell a difference in my body yet but my muscles can definitely feel it..ha! I’m so excited to keep up with this journey!

  590. Jonathan says:

    Thanks for the inspiring blog post. I would want to try French toast because I like the French toast cereal.

  591. Breanna says:

    Glazed Donut!? Oh my Goodness. I would love that. Thanks for being the best, and always a great influence.

  592. Tracy Ly says:

    Glazed Donuts!

  593. Adriana La Madrid says:

    Omg i looove ice cream sooo much but i never eat it because of how many calories there are in just one scoop and knowing there is an ice cream that i would not hate myself after eating it is such good news i would be so happy to win. Mmm.. i really wanna try the S’mores ice cream it sounds soooooo goood ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

  594. Milly says:

    Mmmm.. I’ve never actually had French toast, weird I know๐Ÿ˜ƒ. the French toast one sounds incredible! Much like what you’ve just said about having a healthy relationship with food, everything you said explains pretty much what I’ve thought about food and my bod (though I am only in my early teens) .
    It’s thanks to amazing, intelligent women like yourself that I didn’t fall down the rabbit hole as it were. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Šxx

  595. Princess Jennifer Santos says:

    I would LOVE to try sโ€™mores! I went on a camp recently but it was toooo cold and windy to have some sโ€™mores by a campfire so this would be perfect! I always have space for ice cream!!

  596. Allison says:

    Oh man cookies and cream sounds like heaven!! Iโ€™ve been making my own healthy ice cream with a frozen banana and whatever I add to it (which can be vegan if people are interested!), but itโ€™s never quite as satisfying as the real deal!

  597. Allison Bordini says:

    Oh man cookies and cream sounds like heaven!! Iโ€™ve been making my own healthy ice cream with a frozen banana and whatever I add to it (which can be vegan if people are interested!), but itโ€™s never quite as satisfying as the real deal!

  598. Haylie says:

    Of course French toast!

  599. Lakiah says:

    I would live to try Movie Night, because it sounds so different. Never thought of Movie theater anything with ice cream before! Loved this blog! โค I’m in need of learning to moderate what I eat, especially when I get stressed and crave sweets.

  600. Cianelle says:

    Cookies and cream! Ice cream is my most favorite food on earth, especially the flavor.

  601. Karolina says:

    Iโ€™m from Germany but Iโ€™d really like to try French Toast๐Ÿ˜ It even sounds great so it has to taste good๐Ÿ˜‡ love you Cassey

  602. Camille says:

    Eating a lot of sugar or carbs has always made me feel bad about myself after, no matter how much I love them. It just always made me feel so guilty. Itโ€™s really amazing how far youโ€™ve come on your food journey and how happy youโ€™ve become with yourself.

  603. Autumn Stephens says:

    I’ve tried Halo Top and it’s really good, but the flavors aren’t my favorite. I would love to try this brand and find a new staple!!

  604. Naddadi says:

    Just a question, are they really light? Because every time I try something light I end up getting like 10 pounds the next week, but if it really is I would like to have the cookies, I think they are tasty, love you Cassey โ™ฅ ๐Ÿ˜ love you ๐Ÿ˜˜

  605. Naddadi says:

    Can we still win if we don’t live in America??? Please tell me yes ๐Ÿ˜Œ I like cookies, love you Cassey โ™ฅ โ™ฅ โ™ฅ ๐Ÿ˜ love you ๐Ÿ˜˜

  606. Naddadi says:

    Can we comment as much as we can, like 100 times ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ I like cookies, love you Cassey โ™ฅ โ™ฅ โ™ฅ

  607. Irina says:

    I would love to try cookies and cream๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

  608. Naddadi says:

    I’m exactly like you Cassey, I tried to starve myself but at the end that didn’t changed something ๐Ÿ˜” my favorite ice cream flavor is cookies ๐Ÿช it so good, but I never tried the light one. Love you ๐Ÿ˜˜ ๐Ÿ˜

  609. Sabrina says:

    I would love love to try Cookies and Cream!

  610. Qian says:

    OMGG YESSS โค๏ธโค๏ธ

  611. Naddadi says:

    I’ll keep commenting as much as I can to win this giveaway ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ my favorite is cookies. Love you Cassey โ™ฅ โ™ฅ โ™ฅ

  612. Naddadi says:

    I love ice cream but I’m so fat that I can eat from it, so when I red about this ice cream I was so happy. My favorite flavor is cookies. Love you Cassey โ™ฅ

  613. Hanna says:

    I would love to try cokies and cream!๐Ÿ˜

  614. Naddadi says:

    I love all kinds of ice cream, and I’ll love it even more if it comes from my favorite YouTube and personal ever: Cassey!!! โ™ฅ โ™ฅ โ™ฅ

  615. Naddadi says:

    Hi cassey , love you so much ๐Ÿ˜. Thanks to you, I started dieting and doing workout everyday and I lost some weight. That’s amazing for me. I really love you and think that you are an amazing woman. I hope I’ll get the ice cream because I love it and also because my dad don’t want to buy me some ๐Ÿ˜”. So I hope I’ll win, thanks for all your attention and love to your fans and subscribers. Oh yeah, and my favorite flavor is cookies, but I never tried it, I love everything so it’s OK for me ๐Ÿ˜Š

  616. Miriam says:

    Movie night sounds interesting!!

  617. Adriana says:

    Oh my goodness sโ€™mores ๐Ÿ˜
    Also, so much truth to this blog post. I relate to it SO much! Thanks for sharing whatโ€™s on your heart with all of us(:

  618. Ellen Allen says:

    Movie Night sounds really weird, but Iโ€™m super curious to know how it tastes!

  619. Emily says:

    Sโ€™mores sounds delicious ^_^

  620. Kristi says:

    Cookies and Cream!!! *drools*

  621. Valerie says:

    Glazed Donut!! That sounds like a yummy flavor!

  622. Maya says:

    French toast!

  623. Hayley says:

    Cookies and cream ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  624. Ana says:

    French toast ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

  625. Nicoleta says:

    You are such an amazing lady and a constant source of inspiration for me… I dare to ask a very personal question, how did you manage to overcome this food guilt you were filling? Did you get help from a professional, or just a very strong will to overcome this? Thank you

  626. paige o says:

    I would want to try the cookies and cream first, I have the s’mores in my freezer already!

  627. Grachelle says:

    Omg, they all sound so delicious! I’m really curious about what the Movie Night one would taste!

  628. Megan says:

    Awesome! French toast sounds delish~

  629. Kayla says:

    I LOVE THIS. Good on you for finding your peace with food, Cassey! And you gotta love healthy dessert! The cookies n cream sounds delish.

  630. Laura says:

    Cookies & Cream all the way!

  631. Briana says:

    Smoressss I really need to try them cause they sound amazing and I love icecream so much so please let me winnnnn ! I LOVE ICECREAM ๐Ÿฆ

  632. Jen says:

    Cookies and cream all the way!! Love ice cream!

  633. Micayla says:

    I want to see what glazed donut ice cream taste like

  634. Sierra says:

    Sโ€™mores sounds so good!

  635. Jesh says:


  636. Micayla says:

    Cookies and Cream is an all time favorite.

  637. Sarah N says:


  638. Emily :) says:

    I scream for cookies and cream ice cream!!! (Enlightened ice cream, of course)

  639. Wendy b says:

    Cookies and cream!

  640. Natalia says:


  641. Lisa says:

    Movie Night sounds fantastic! I am all for that sweet and savory!

  642. Sarah says:

    I would go for the cookies in creme

  643. Katie Hopkins says:

    Definitely want to try the cookies and cream!

  644. Emily :) says:

    Cookies and cream for only 70 calories and 5 grams of sugar? Iโ€™m in!

  645. Becca Shepard says:

    Mhmmm…. french toast!!

  646. Duyen says:

    Cookies & Cream sounds bombalishus!