Let’s be in a flash mob!!!!!

Hey POPsters!

Could you answer this survey for me? I’d love to be in a flash mob with y’alls – let’s see if it is possible! This would be epic!!!! And all depends on your responses…thank you! LOVE YOU!!!!

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5 thoughts on “Let’s be in a flash mob!!!!!”

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  1. I says:

    Hi Cassey,

    Thought you’d like to see this – Gangnam Style flash mob in Bangkok last week. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3I4W6JsCVo&feature=related

  2. L says:

    Dang, I live in Canada but doing a “live” flash mob would solve that =]

  3. Mercedes says:

    With the amount of people in different states/countries that watch your videos or subscribe to your news letter, maybe you should consider something like a flash mob over facebook or youtube, something of the like, or have people send you the video of them doing the dance in places like the mall with as many people as they find and edit it into one video – a sort of chain – flash mob?

    1. C. says:

      now THAT would be awesome!

  4. Carmen says:

    i don’t even live in america 🙁 but i hope it happens, i’d love to see it on youtube:)