30 Days & 30 Stretches to Splits! #JourneytoSplits

30 Days & 30 Stretches to Splits! #JourneytoSplits

Hey guys!

Introducing your 30-day stretching challenge, #JourneytoSplits!!ย I’m going to teach you how to get into the side splits in just 1 month. This will be a VERY REWARDINGย journey, however, youย will need to show me that you areย DEDICATED. Increasing your flexibility at this level TAKES TIME. A little every day. ย You will need to stretch for at least 10 min a day if you’re serious about getting into the splits in 1 month. But let me assure you right now that this feat is not impossible! Get excited because we’re going to get there together ๐Ÿ™‚


1. First of all I want to know that you’re IN! Post this graphic to Instagram and make sure that you hashtag #JourneytoSplits and #Blogilates. Follow @blogilates and @poppilatesofficial!

2. Stick to the 30 days. Do not skip a single day. Promise? That’s how you’ll get into the splits. Every day I want you to post a picture of the pose of the dayย as a sign that you did your stretches. Hashtag #JourneytoSplits and #Blogilates.

3. Every dayย I will need you to do stretches 1-5, your foundational stretches. You may not skip them. So, the first 5 days, you are doing the first 5 stretches! Then beginning day 6, you willย just add one move on. So on day 6, you will do 1-5 and 6. On day 30, you will do 1-5 andย 30. Get it? So you will do 6 moves a day beginning day 6.

4. How long to hold? I want you to hold each stretch for around 30 sec to 1 min per side. Total, each day you shouldย spend around 10 min. stretching.

Yes, this is dedication! But, just like how I felt when I got into the headstand for the first time, it was PURE BLISS. You will feel so happy, accomplished, and just VICTORIOUS! Unlike losing weight or getting slimmer thighs, your goal is not driven by fitting into skinny jeans, societal pressures or vanity. It is genuinelyย for yourself regardless of what anyone else thinks. There’s freedom in knowing that.

Need some new gear to get you motivated during your splits journey? Check out our latest collection from POPFLEX!

Here are your stretches for the month!

  1. Forward Fold with Clasped Hands
  2. Pyramid Pose
  3. Half Splits
  4. Low Lunge
  5. Supine Hamstring & Hip Stretch with strap (bring the leg out to the side)
  6. Supported Splits
  7. Deep Squat with Reach
  8. Seated Hamstring Stretch with Side Body Reach
  9. Deep Squat
  10. Supine Hamstring Stretch (keep leg centered)
  11. Seated Hamstring Stretch with Forward Fold
  12. Side Lying Hip Opener
  13. Seated Forward Fold/Pike
  14. Supine Straddle (you can do this with a wall)
  15. Pigeon Pose
  16. Triangle Pose
  17. Revolved Triangle Pose
  18. 3-Legged Dog
  19. Straddle with Reach
  20. Runner’s Lunge
  21. Reclined Single-Leg Hero Pose
  22. Supine Hamstring & Hip Stretch
  23. Double Pigeon with a Forward Fold
  24. Low Lunge Quad Stretch
  25. Quad Stretch
  26. Pliรฉ Squat
  27. Middle Splits
  28. Splits (make sure to do both legs!)
  29. Dancer’s Pose
  30. Straight Leg Scale


Are you excited!!??? I am!! Let’s get this party started! Just post the pic and tag as many friends as you can. Let’s get everyone to get more bendy!

679 thoughts on “30 Days & 30 Stretches to Splits! #JourneytoSplits”

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  1. Scott McElroy says:

    This program works phenomenally! Iโ€™m a 58 year old male and was extremely inflexible!! I started this program over a year ago with great results!! It actually took me 8 weeks to get completely down with no airspace! I have kept the splits and can now do them cold, anytime I want. I did continue with the routine once I was done. I just keep repeating it. Here are some tips I learned along the way.
    1. Start with a warm up like walking for 5-10 minutes each day before you begin.
    2. The first 5 days stick to 30 second holds each side. On day six when you start adding a stretch each day, ease into the stretch for the first 30 seconds, then stop and shake out your leg and do another 30 seconds holding the stretch deeper. So 1 minute hold total for each stretch on each side.
    3. If you are not sweating by the end of the routine each day you are not pushing it hard enough. It should be uncomfortable just not painful. Breathe through the stretch! Lamaze breathing, also known in Yoga as breath of fire, worked the best for me. Plenty of videos online for this!!!!
    4. Make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals and drink half your weight in ounces of water each day! (This is a big help!!)
    5. Everyone is different!!!!!! Iโ€™m sure there are many who have achieved the splits in 30 days! It took me twice that but I did it and am so glad I did!! Just stick with it and you will get there eventually!

    This stretch routine is perfect for the end of a workout! Thatโ€™s when I do mine.
    If you have low back issues this is the cure! Iโ€™m now 59 and have never been in better shape!

  2. Polly says:

    Wow, I am so excited to try this !!! I am pretty flexible already, but my sister who is much younger than me can already do it, so I am NOT giving up.

  3. Kaima says:

    It worked for me

  4. Shine says:

    I have some flexibility but never did the splits before. Day 6, looking more flexible and I keep pushing myself further down the stretch as well. Hopefully I can find my comment again later to update anyone interested in the results.

    1. Shine says:

      Well, I didn’t keep up with the schedule but I’m definitely more flexible the more I do stretch, I can see myself doing the splits within a year at least hopefully.

  5. CJ says:

    hopefully i can achieve that side and middle split iโ€™ve been CRAVING to reach again ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.

  6. Breezy baby says:

    Day 1 , let’s go baby

  7. RAB says:

    LETโ€™S DO THIS!! Day 1/30 ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

  8. Har says:

    Absolutely love this already seeing improvement on day 3!!! I could barely touch my toes now I can do it no problem!!! Thx!!

  9. Har says:

    What if you donโ€™t have a block for #6?

    1. CJ says:

      try using a surface like a ball, towels, blankets, a few stacked books or a cardboard box!

  10. Violet says:

    Absolutely love โค๏ธ! I wanted my splits in 2 weeks, Iโ€™ve been doing it for 1 weeks and am inches off the ground! I did it differently, (doing it all in one big routine), but itโ€™s been awesome with no soreness!

  11. Charlotte says:

    Does this work for complete beginners??

  12. Claire says:

    Do i do one stretch a day or do I do one stretch and add the others

    1. Elsa says:

      Yes Claire but it is pretty hard ro so it every day, believe me!!

  13. Emily says:

    I sure hope I can do this.๐Ÿฅฐ

  14. Elsa says:

    What do you do after the 30 days are over to keep your splits?

    1. Claire says:

      Probably just do the splits every day to keep those muscles stretched

      1. Wam says:

        Do you do all at once everyday?? or one a day and add extra one everyday??

  15. Gyda says:

    Omg! I am going to try guys! Hope this worksโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ชYOU CAN DO THIS! btw is this possible for someone that have never tried split?

    1. Violet says:

      100 percent! Iโ€™ve never tried, and Iโ€™ve been doing it twice a day for one weeks and Iโ€™m almost there!

  16. Deborah Hammett says:

    I was on day 16 and accidentally skipped one day, just had a crazy busy day. Do I have to start all over? Or will I get it if I keep going?

    1. MonicaM says:

      I dont think so. Just go on. Your legs doesnt mind, i suppose. Haha. And guys, follow my channel on whatsapp, the gossip channel! And follow my blog…๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿ‘

      1. Charlotte says:

        Can I have the link?

  17. Ryan says:

    Started this 3 days ago, I broke my knee 5 years ago so this is going to be a challenge, I can get pretty far down but the leg I had my broken knee on shakes like CRAZY when I do these stretches, letโ€™s hope in time I can get my splits because itโ€™s always been a dream of mine!!

  18. Rein says:

    Good morning! Fifty-year-old brazilian jiu jitsu practitioner here (plain-jane blue belt). Iโ€™ve had hip issues (labral tears on both sides) for about five months now. Iโ€™m starting the 30-day challenge today! Iโ€™m looking forward to following through with this program and hopefully achieve a split – or at least – improve my range of motion on both hips while eliminating (pr greatly reducing) pain in that area. My ultimate goal is fluid flexibility. The full split will probably take more than thirty daysโ€ฆ maybe sixtyโ€ฆ. ninety(?). Point is, it can be done, and i intend on doing it, or coming as close to the ground as my body will allow me. Thank you for sharing this program!

  19. Jo Williamsom says:

    Iโ€™m on stretch 18 now. Definitely noticing the better flexibility! Really hope I can do the plots at the end of this! Been hashtagging on Instagram! People come and follow me! Jojo_williamson2018

  20. tristan says:

    Starting the fitness and hoping i get flexible, not scammed

  21. Victoria says:

    I’m restarting this! I got off work yesterday afternoon and my hip flexors hurt so bad, so I decided “Let’s go look through Google to find a stretching routine.” This popped up and I was so excited bc I have tried it before. So I’m recommitting to this and we’ll see what happens!

  22. Eva says:

    I’ve just started this, I can’t even put my hands on my ankles when my legs are straight so the only way from here is up!

    1. Glory says:

      Same! Letโ€™s see how this goes

  23. erin says:

    i love this website i did this all last month and i can do side and front split thank you

  24. Julie says:

    Hi, just started this stretches, but I found some that really impossible for me to do, like no. 2 and 3, in the picture head should be touching the leg and knee but I can’t do that.

    1. erin says:

      just go as low as you can thats what she told me

  25. JPRATT says:

    Cant wait to get started

    1. Emme says:

      What does 1-5 mean?

      1. erin says:

        stretch 12345 and 30

  26. Jenifer says:


  27. Riona says:

    I am fairly flexible and didnโ€™t read the instructions properly the first time and ended up doing all the stretches. But by the 2nd day I had already nearly got the splits and am super happy about myself.

  28. Rach says:

    This does not work. Iโ€™ve done the stretches regularly for 30 days and started as a fairly flexible person. I have seen some improvement but you will not reach splits in 30 days if this is the only thing you do.

    1. Meghan Silva says:

      I was able to do it with just these stretches so itโ€™s definitely possible! Iโ€™m sorry it didnโ€™t work for you!

  29. Brawn says:

    Super stoked about this #JourneytoSplits challenge! ๐ŸŽ‰ 30 days of stretching might be a bit intense, but hey, if it gets me doing the splits, count me in! Let’s rock those daily pics and flex those stretchy muscles! ๐Ÿคธโ€โ™‚๏ธ #Blogilates

    1. Marie Cรดncorde says:

      What if i dont have any social media

  30. Whit says:

    Iโ€™ve wanted the splits my entire life and my bsf did the splits in literally 1 day and sheโ€™s extremely flexible so maybe this could boost my confidence in aerials who knows. Anyways starting this on 1/8/24 and hopefully will have splits and middles splits before my next show.

    1. Whit says:

      Itโ€™s been like 2 months and I quit.. yeah this program probably wouldโ€™ve worked if I felt motivated but I genuinely feel like Iโ€™m hopeless. Did it for 7 days and quit because of school and I just got too busy, I donโ€™t recommend trying this unless your 1000% motivated to do it (I was 85% now Iโ€™m 2%)

  31. Paulina says:

    Hey my name is Paulina and I am a dancer and about a block away from the ground even though I have not started. Plus I have tried so many things to get my splits for the passed year I hope this works.

  32. Estellaris says:

    Hey everyone!! I am a teenager who isnโ€™t at all flexible, but I wish to learn ballet in the future! Letโ€™s do this!

  33. Jess says:

    Hi, I’m Jess today is my first day of the challenge (04/01/24). Hopefully I will be attending dance college in september! However, I don’t have my splits yet due to injuries through overstretching. And as any dancer knows you need your splits. I’m excited to give this 30 day challenge ago! A big thank you to Cassey for making a free,online, easy challenge that will prevent me from overstretching while still achieving my goals. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

    1. Greta says:

      Hi Jess! I am from Norway, and I am dancing a lot. It isnt my carreer, but I could have thought of a future as a dancer. Good luckโค๏ธ Its a though way, I know. And btw… YEAH YPU REALLY NEED YOUR SPLITS! Just trying this program… on day 2 now…๐Ÿ’ชโค๏ธ

  34. Bhanu says:

    Im 14 yrs old and Im on day 13 so far and im almost at the ground already! This really works and cant wait for day 30:)

  35. Sophie says:

    Cassey, am I the youngest here ?

    1. erin says:

      not realy im 11 so where close to each other

  36. Sophie says:

    hello ,my name is Sophie I am 10 years old and I want to become a gymnast when I am older but I can’t do the splits and I have a floor routine for my competition and it includes a spilt so I really hope this journey is going to help me .

  37. Tamara says:

    Ok. Iโ€™m 43 and even though I used to do gymnastics back in the day (20yrs ago) my body completely forgot !! So Iโ€™m excited to get some flexibility back to feel and look healthier. Im doubtful 30 days will be enough .. but I really want to stick to this challenge to get the most .. Today Dec 26 will be day 1 .. LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!!

    1. Lissa says:

      How is it going? (the process)

  38. TorontoLady says:

    Day 1 Dec 5, doubtful if 30 days is enough, but will see where it will take me

  39. Nadege says:

    Iโ€™m on day 27 and I canโ€™t believe I made it this far. I canโ€™t do some of the stretches perfectly but I am getting better. I will start another round soon. I wonโ€™t be able to do the splits fully on day 30, but I will keep trying until I get it.

  40. Julie Demers says:


    1. Salik Khan says:

      I am starting it from tomorrow. 4 months back, I have started training kickboxing at the age of 33 but it has become a challenge for me to get full splits. I am hopeful that this will work.

  41. Martin says:

    Hi thank you for having this information available to us but I have a question Iโ€™m 58 male trying to achieve middle and side splits will this exercise will help me or you recommend one on one classes thank you

  42. Mira says:

    Hi guys I’m basically on day 5 I just started on the 1 November 2023 and I can really feel the burn it’s great,I’m really love this movements

  43. Mira says:

    Hi guys I’m basically on day 5 I just started on the 1 November 2023 and I can really feel the burn it’s great.

  44. Eyitayo Kareena kayode says:

    Hey guys when I started this I wasn’t flexible but now I’m almost flexible and I am just in the 24 day

    1. Eliana says:

      how long did you spend on the splits?

  45. Laeyla says:

    Is it safe to do the stretching exercises .im 50 years old.

    1. Tom says:

      Yes, but you need to be carefulll. As you age you`re get less flexible, so make sure to be well prepared to stretch.

  46. Christine Kim says:

    is it 1 stretch per day or all of them everyday

    1. Jen says:

      Every day I will need you to do stretches 1-5, your foundational stretches.
      the first 5 days, you are doing the first 5 stretches! Then beginning day 6, you will just add one move on. So on day 6, you will do 1-5 and 6. On day 30, you will do 1-5 and 30. Get it? So you will do 6 moves a day beginning day 6.

  47. Edinam says:

    I’m so exicited

  48. Esenam says:

    She means it’s her first day.

  49. Edinam says:

    it hurts, but it’s healthy! and i’ll do anything to stay healthy. i just want to do the splits though.

  50. Maimai says:

    28 July 2023 my first day and I am barely able to do 1-5 movements BUT looking forward to the small improvements

  51. Kinley says:

    I’m so excited for the journey!!

  52. Crystal says:

    My Day 1. June 2023. ๐Ÿ˜

  53. Jenna says:

    This is a great website to learn how to do the splits.

  54. Elena Parella says:

    Day one for me as Iโ€™ll update back on June 20th ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. Ana says:

    I mean, guysโ€ฆ Obviously if you are starting on a โ€œzeroโ€ level, you will notice the increase of flexibility in one month, and THATโ€™S THE POINT! If you already reached your 30 days, just start over again until you make it! (I suggest you to google the correct form for each stretch). Iโ€™m on an intermediate level and I can feel myself getting better every week, for me that is the point, to be consistent and to celebrate those small victories.

  56. Sarah says:

    Thank you for these ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. Nick says:

    Has anyone been able to do the splits within 30 days? Iโ€™m on the second to last stretch and Iโ€™ve noticed increased flexibility overall but Iโ€™m nowhere near close to the splits. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    1. Lindsay says:

      Keep going for More that thirty day repeating stretches or restart and don day 6 and go form there till you can gat your splits

  58. Judy Lishman says:

    54 and relative inflexible. Here goesโ€ฆ

  59. Mrs Edwards says:

    Starting Day 1

  60. Robbin says:

    My son (7) asked me if I could do the splits. Well, yes, when I was a cheerleader…40 years ago, lol. So he has challenged me to do this with him: Here goes!

  61. Charmaine says:

    Hey there Cassey.
    I recently started with my fitness journey. I live in South Africa and on a farm at that, so challenges are quite a few. But there is no excuse in living a healthier more fit lifestyle, but I have added another goal… To do the split. I could never in my 41 years of life do it. And I have decided to use you as my guide. I do extra stretches since my hips and body are very stiff for that. Unfortunately I don’t have instagram, but if you want I can mail you pictures when ever I can. I am totally going for it, despite my age.

  62. Suzanne Randall says:

    Oh the joy of getting my body to do some of these moves are exciting! Iโ€™m 60 years old and my only activity is my garden.

  63. 30 Days & 30 Stretches to Splits! Thank you very much for telling me about this I have done it initially I had to face a lot of troubles. But now I enjoy doing Stretches and it has many benefits which I can’t even count.

  64. Burrito ๐ŸŒฏ says:

    When does it end? IM SI CLOSE TO DOING FULL SPLITS ๐Ÿ™Œ

  65. Jordan says:

    Has any one completed the month?

    1. Cat says:

      Just did, still can’t do the splits. Will keep stretching, found Anna Mcnulty videos on yt so I’ll probably just follow her routine from here on. She’s really bendy, in a rather uncomfortable way too but hey more power to her.

  66. ImagineNotBeingFlexible๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘ says:

    Am I late for thisโ€ฆ relearning how to do splits day 5 ๐Ÿ˜€

  67. Sabrina says:

    Iโ€™m starting first thing in the morning!!! Super excited!

  68. Sarah Jane Banahan says:

    Iโ€™m in!!!!

    I start TODAY



  69. Tashia says:

    I’m in! ๐Ÿ˜ณ We can do it everyone! Remember stay dedicated and focused and set an โฐ everyday as a gentle reminder to get it ๐Ÿ‘ done!

  70. Jackie says:

    Iโ€™m dying to do the splits . Canโ€™t wait.

  71. Zea says:

    Cool I canโ€™t wait to try ๐Ÿ’—

  72. Dan F. says:

    I’m new to this, but want to try. What is the ideal length of holding a stretch?

    1. I’m also new at it and I also want to try?

    2. Kinley says:

      well start with 30 sec then go in to 1min

  73. Jim says:

    So the idea is that we only use exercises 6 thru 30 one time all month?

    1. Lee says:

      Yeah exactly

    2. elisa says:

      the first 5 days you do stretch 1-5 every day. on day 6 you do stretch 1-6. day 7 you do 1-7, day 8 you do 1-8 and so on untill day 30.
      hope this helps!

      1. bb says:

        Should be 6 stretch only beginning day 6. so on day 6 you do stretch 1-5 + 6, day 7 (1-5 + 7) , day 8 (1-5 +8) so on until day 30 (1-5 +30)

  74. Ashlyn Thomas says:

    What if you don’t have social media to follow and post pics and hashtag, but want to be in cheerleading?

  75. Adria McFarlane says:

    I reach up to day 23 but I couldn’t fully do 21-23. Flexibility increased but not to that level.

  76. Jamie says:

    Yes please

  77. Natalie says:

    hey cassey, i am a young gymnast that is comming back from a few years, do you think if i do the stretch on both leggs or for longer eash day will help? for example doing 5 minutes eash stretch for the 30 days? thx! ๐Ÿ™‚

  78. Gaby says:

    Do you think i can actually get the splits? i am 12 and have no experience whatsoever. i am so far. would you think this would actually help?

    1. Sophie says:

      Yeah probably- Iโ€™m a dancer and was able to at twelve by stretching often (not all of these but some of them and other similar ones) it might take more than a month but it is definitely possible

  79. Ari says:

    OMG, I have never been flexible before, it’s only day 5 and I am so close to splits, no stopping till day 30 and I hit the ground, this stuff works!!!

  80. A question about timing. So I understand stretches one through five could take up to five minutes a day and then on day six you add the sixth stretch so by the end of the 30 days are you stretching for 30 minutes, or up to 30 minutes? Each day? says:

    I have A question about timing. So I understand stretches one through five could take up to five minutes a day and then on day six you add the sixth stretch so by the end of the 30 days are you stretching for 30 minutes, or up to 30 minutes? Each day? Excited to get started this has been a lifelong goal of mine!

    1. blogilates says:

      YAY! So excited you’re gonna do this!! Here is how I explained it in the blog post:

      Every dayย I will need you to do stretches 1-5, your foundational stretches. You may not skip them. So, the first 5 days, you are doing the first 5 stretches! Then beginning day 6, you willย just add one move on. So on day 6, you will do 1-5 and 6. On day 30, you will do 1-5 andย 30. Get it? So you will do 6 moves a day beginning day 6. I want you to hold each stretch for around 30 sec to 1 min per side. Total, each day you shouldย spend around 10 min. stretching.

      Hope that helps!

  81. CB says:

    Just completed round 9 of the challenge. Calves on the front leg now on the ground both sides. Inches away from the split. Letโ€™s go Round 10. Not stopping until I hit the ground ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

    1. blogilates says:

      You got thissss!!!!

  82. ... says:

    I did this for 125 days… I still didn’t have the splits so I gave up ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ข

    1. blogilates says:

      Oh no!!! Don’t give up!! I’m sure you’ve seen improvement in flexibility! Sometimes it just takes a little longer. You got this!! <3

    2. Marรญa Angels says:

      Splits aren’t difficult. There are good to keep in form. Thank you for sharing this post.

  83. Priscilla says:

    Hi cassey, can I just do all 30 stretches for 30 days? Thanks.

    1. Sarah Wooley says:

      that’s what I’m doing..or at least 20 a day. Im guessing the 1-5 then only 1 more on day 6 then adding a different one in replacement the next day is why alot of reviews are saying they couldnt do the split by day 30. Pretty much 25 of these stretches are tp be done for only one day and that’s it on this schedule and that doesn’t make sense to me. If anything, it seems like when you add one, you keep doing that one also for the rest of the days.

  84. Stephan says:

    Hi Cassy,
    First of all, love to you and everything you do. I love your app and it is so easy to use. But is it possible to get like a challenge video of you streching with us. Soblike the 30 journey to splits? Like forexample hotgirlaummwr challenge.

  85. megan says:

    iโ€™m a dancer and quit jazz, ballet, and lyrical when covid hit and am now starting them
    up again soon. i used to be able to do a split and just started this 30 day challenge two days ago, do you think itโ€™s realistic for me to have my split at the end of this month?

  86. C says:

    Is anyone else doing this for the long haul!? About to start Round 7 and can now get my splits to a bit like Image 6. Even though I still have a way to go yet I love these stretches and how much more mobility I now have from doing them.

    1. blogilates says:

      That’s awesome!!! Keep me posted on your progress!!

    2. Darcy says:

      Me! Iโ€™m in it for the long haul! Iโ€™m on day 6 and was surprised already at how far I was able get on supported splits. Iโ€™ve always been pretty flexible in my youth, but am way out of shape and an obese woman in her mid forties, so Iโ€™m surprised by how quickly the flexibility has come back by doing these stretches daily. Keep at it! I will and will follow up.

  87. Brook says:

    day 1/30 ๐Ÿ™‚ going good so far

  88. Nursel says:

    Hello dear Cassey Ho!๐ŸŒบ
    I have completed your 30- day #journeytosplit program. But, unfortunately I can not do splits. Now, already in my 31, 32, 33 days I am doing first 5 movements, additionally day 28′ s movements. Is it correct? Or should I repeat like 6, 7, 8 days? Moreover, everyday I am doing monthly program for fitness without tools and yoga from Nike Training app. That training helps me gain muscles and keeps my body in a shape. Would that training prevent me from splitting? And when I am doing movements for 28 day from your program, in the upper part of leg there is awful pain and I can not stand more than 15 seconds.
    What would you recommend me for complete splitting? Thanks in advance for your reply and recomendations.

    Best regards,
    Nursel Yagubova

    1. Luca says:

      The problem is, realistically you cant learn the splits by stretching 10 mins a day over the course of a month. It will take much more than that especially if you have little to no athletic experience prior to attempting. Don’t be disheartened though, the dedication you have shown thus far is the dedication present in the people who do achieve the splits, just keep going and look up some longer (maybe 30 min) splits dedicated stretching routines and follow them daily. You will be in the splits in no time

  89. Zainab says:

    I am 13. does this mean i will get the splits faster then an adult? i can touch the floor with my hands without bending my legs.

    1. teagan says:

      if youre already that flexible, you should get the splits really quick!! i suggest a different routine, maybe do stretches 1-6 daily and pick 2 or 3 other stretches. this is coming from a former dancer, cheerleader, and gymnast btw ๐Ÿ™‚

  90. Zainab says:

    I am 13. does this mean i will get the splits faster then an adult? i can touch the floor with my hands without bending my knees.

  91. ton says:

    it day 2 for me im a kid this really help my now ik were to go if need help wit flexbilty

  92. Peyton says:

    Day 49/60!!!!

  93. Maria says:

    I did it for 30 days, 60 sec per stretch – Iโ€™m still about 23cm off the ground. Oh well!

    1. Shawnell says:

      Maria that is fantastic. Keep up the good work.

  94. Tarah says:

    I am already on day 2 and I wanna be a mojorette so I wanna push my self

  95. Jamie says:

    I see you have a 30 day journey to split calandar. Do you have a stretch challenge program or can you do the split journey as a video challenge? I am way more dedicated when I have a video to follow. I would love to just be able to touch my toes with straight legs or even sit with a straight back with straight legs. Thank you for all that you do! You make me laugh during the workouts.

  96. Jamie says:

    I see you have a 30 day journey to split calandar. Do you have a stretch challenge program or can you do the split journey as a video challenge? I am way more dedicated when I have a video to follow. Thank you for all that you do! You make me laugh during the workouts.

  97. Peyton says:

    I got SO much closer to the splits! Day 30 in the books. Thanks!

  98. Peyton says:

    Day 30!!!!!!! I’m going to repeat this again since I didn’t get my splits yet (I feel and see a bit more flexiblity now though) to make it a 60 day journey! Thank you!

    1. blogilates says:

      YESSSSS you got this!!!!

  99. Peyton says:

    Iโ€™m on day 28!!!

    1. blogilates says:


      1. Peyton says:

        Day 31/60!!!

  100. someone says:

    this is my first day doing this but i can seem to be able to do stretch 2 & 3

  101. Ivan says:

    Hi I am having problems doing the 5th stretch, is there any substitute exercise i can do for it, or what should i do?

    1. blogilates says:

      What’s the issue that you are having? That’ll help me understand!

  102. Claire says:

    Do you have any tips on getting the back leg straight when in splits? Really struggling with this atm and canโ€™t seem to do it without bending the back leg. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  103. Ffi says:

    How do I maintain this for a couple of months afterwards? Iโ€™m learning this for a sshow

    1. EAB says:

      Just repeat the calendar until then of just hold your splits for 1 minute a day all sides. I did this for a show and thatโ€™s how I maintained them Good Luck๐Ÿ˜Š

  104. JJ says:

    Hi, I started doing this challenge to improve my flexibility and I am really enjoying it. However since day 8 I started to get some pain where my hamstrings and my hips join as well as where my hamstrings and knees join. This started hurting when I do regular things like getting something from the floor or even walking. Iโ€™m wondering if Iโ€™m doing something wrong? And should I keep doing the stretches (Iโ€™m now on day 13) and hope the tendon pain will disappear like stiff muscles pain does, or should I perhaps stop doing the stretches? Thanks!

    1. EAB says:

      Stretches will always kinda leave you sore but I recommend warming up before you start stretching that way you wonโ€™t pull a muscle

  105. Lulu says:

    Should I do this after my regular workout?

    1. blogilates says:

      Yes, you definitely can!

  106. Francis says:

    Question: Do you have to do a stretch a day or do you have to do the stretches everyday.
    Example: on day 5 you have to do day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, on day 6 you have to do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

    1. blogilates says:

      The first 5 days, you are doing the first 5 stretches! Then keep going with stretches 1-5 every day. Beginning day 6, you willย just add one move on. So on day 6, you will do 1-5 and 6. On day 30, you will do 1-5 andย 30. So you will do 6 moves a day beginning day 6.

  107. Aaron says:

    Is there a video series for this one? My friends and I have been doing your 100 challenges for the past couple of months and we started this one today, but we were all doing the stretches differently

  108. Emily says:

    Im on day 21 and somehow iโ€™m even further away from the splits than i was at the start ๐Ÿ™ why ๐Ÿ™

  109. Claire says:

    Iโ€™m back with a Day 30 update. Whilst I didnโ€™t quite get the splits, I got closer to getting them than ever before. Yay. Iโ€™ve gone from being 60cm+ off the ground and unable to touch my toes to being around 10cm from hitting the splits. Whilst some of the poses were a little beyond my flexibility level, I just pushed it as far as I could go, even if it wasnโ€™t exactly the same level as the image. My legs feel so much more flexible overall and as a dancer who has never been able to split Iโ€™m pretty proud of my progress. Even my turn out is better than ever.I have no regrets about taking the challenge. Iโ€™m going to go back to Day 6 and work through them all again to see what happens in another month. Iโ€™m excited to see how I progress so I guess Iโ€™ll write another update then. Happy Split Challeng-ing everyone.

    1. blogilates says:

      That’s awesome!!! Keep working on it – it’ll be there in no time!!

  110. Samantha Kievning says:

    When I showed my little brother (he is 7 years old) that I could do the splits because I did this 30 day challenge, he wanted to do it to! right now, he is showing me that he can do stretch number 25. He is sruggling to do the stretch, but he is almost to the splits!

  111. Astrid C. says:

    Is there a video for this?

  112. bob says:

    i am an ultimate beginner and cant do the supported split-do you have an alternative pose for day 6? i was so excited and now im losing my momentum

  113. Trinity says:

    Day 9 in the books… I just looked ahead tomorrow and realized stretch #5 is supposed to take the leg to the side.

    Yup, been doing it wrong all along.

    1. Claire says:

      Iโ€™m on day 11 and just realised Iโ€™ve been doing the exact same!

    2. Leonard says:

      OMG Same thing happened to me! I’m on day 5 now.

  114. Tamara says:

    Heyy! Learning to do the splits is something I’d always love to do but I am not flexible… at all. I am all for this process taking longer than a month if needs be but I’m basically and iron rod and I’m wondering if I should take any extra steps to make up for that.

  115. Sad in AK says:

    Struggling (depression? Burnout? 2020 circumstances?) This would be a superficial thing that would give me a sense of control in my life again. 30 days of motivation is do-able. I feel hopeful for the first time in a while. Let’s do this. I hope you’re right.

  116. Carolina says:

    Should I do any tile of warmup before this stretch? What tile of warmup should I do?

  117. Susan says:

    Loving doing this already and Iโ€™m on day one!

    1. blogilates says:

      Awesome!!! Make sure to take some progress pics!!

  118. Belle says:

    what should i do if iโ€™ve lost my thera and and canโ€™t do number 5

    1. blogilates says:

      You can use a towel!

  119. Emely says:

    Hey! I got injured working out and missed 2 days, what should I do?

    1. blogilates says:

      Start back up when you feel ready! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you’re doing ok!

  120. Natilynn says:

    Yes, you should be practicing the splits after each stretches each day.

  121. Cierra says:

    Should I be practicing the splits additionally after the stretches each day?

  122. larry l baldwin says:

    Ooooops, I have been doing 1-5 and then day 6 do all six, day seven do all 7 etc….I’m on day ten and stretching now 20 mins a day! Day 30 would have been an hour ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Rileigh says:

      This is amazing info. My sister, at 14 was able to do it after this, and she was not that flexible as I am at all! now I will try it.

      1. blogilates says:

        WOW that’s exciting!!!!

    2. michelle says:

      6 exercises a day 1-5 + 6 on day 6, 1-5 + 10 on day 10 (total 6 exercises a day after day 5.

  123. Samantha Kievning says:

    Thank you so much! I’m finally able to do the splits in 30 days!

  124. Shannah Davis says:

    Is it a bad thing to stretch everyday or stretch everyday and take a rest like maybe on the weekend ?

  125. Janelle says:

    Hi everyone! I just want to remind you that everyone is different and you might not get to your splits in 30 days but you will definitely get closer and more flexible with practice

  126. Luvu2bits says:

    Do I need to switch legs for each stretch or do it just like the picture shows?

    1. blogilates says:

      30 sec – 1 min per side!

  127. Jeshannah Davis says:

    how can I get the middle part of my body deeper into my splits, I have it I just want to go lower?

    1. blogilates says:

      It’ll take time but just breathe and keep practicing!! All these stretches will help.

  128. Mariam says:

    For how long do you have to stay in position, for each one?

    1. blogilates says:

      30 sec – 1 min per side

    2. Abby says:

      30 sec for each exercize

  129. Anonymous says:

    I have been doing each stretch (2 min cause I am not flexible) and was doing on day 30 each stretch so I spent 60 min stretching and I am not there yet but I am much closer then I was so I will keep doing all the stretches (probably not all 30) I hope I get there soon!

  130. Abigail Marie Smith says:

    what happens if I am not flexible enough yet to complete some of these exercises like the picture.

    1. blogilates says:

      Just keep working at it and take it at your own pace! The pics are a sample of the full expression, but do your best!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  131. Norellysrodriguez says:


  132. PE says:

    I’m sorry but this series is a joke. It assumes a LOT of flexibility at the very beginning. I mean, if I could do the sixth exercise on day 6, why would I need a 30-day challenge at all? Nevertheless, I decided to give it a try, just to see. Not only did I do the routine as prescribed (every stretch for 45 seconds), I did extra stretches for myself. I also always did EVERY stretch leading up to day 10 (1-5, 1-6, 1-7, etc.), and even after day 10 I always did at LEAST 10 stretches, including days 1-5 and whichever day I was supposed to be at. And I didn’t start from scratch. I’m not that flexible, but I do a lot of yoga, I could already touch the floor with my palms in a forward bend. By the end I was…maybe 2 or 3 inches lower than where I started. Without question, I was more flexible than when I started. I did notice a difference. But not even close to a split. Now, maybe getting to a split in 30 days is just not possible, and that’s okay. But at least with this series, it’s not possible.

  133. Terri says:

    Is there a video that shows how to do each stretch?

  134. Yurany Guzman says:

    Me pare e una buena pรกgina

  135. Alissa says:

    It didnโ€™t work. I was already in a almost split but Iโ€™m not in a split yet. I did each number one minute and Iโ€™m maybe 2 cm better.

  136. AAs India says:

    Hey, your article is amazing. I read your article and you will not believe I donโ€™t understand. In these 30 days, you will only use the stretches 1-6?

    1. Hermela says:

      I can help! For days 1-5 you ONLY do the first 5 stretches. Once its day 6, you will do stretches 1-5 + 6 . For day 7 you will do stretches 1-5 + 7 ( not stretch 6). For day 8 you will do stretches 1-5 + 8 ( not stretch 6 or 7) and this continues until day 30. But don’t assume you will get it in one month! I finished the 30 day challenge and right now I’ve been doing the basic 1-5 stretches for 4 months and I am almost their. It tales patience and dedication! You can do it!!

      1. Janelle says:

        Thank you I can understand it much better now!

    2. Liya says:

      hi! No, so on day 1- day 5 you do 1 stretch each day. Then, on day 6 you do stretches 1-5 and 6, then day 7 you do 1-5 and 7 and so on
      Hope this helps!! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Rose says:

        Thanks so much LIYA

  137. Stephanie says:

    The downloadable content is much appreciated. My only suggestion is if it would be possible to remove the light blue background in the JPEG or PDFs for printing purposes (more contrast). Thank you for the challenge — it looks like fun!

  138. L i y a says:

    hi! on stretch number 5 it says in the short description hip stretch bring leg to the side, what does that mean? cause the picture shows the leg up in front? iโ€™m just confused ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ can anyone please help me? thanks!

    1. Angelie says:

      If you pretend you are a clock, you want your leg to go to the 3 or 9 (depending on the side) rather than just up and down to the sky (or to noon, if you’re flexible) Hope that helps!

      1. Angelie says:

        I’m going to start up and down and then also bring it to the side.

  139. Brieann Gonczy says:

    Iโ€™m so excited for this! I was just thinking how I wanted to learn to do the splits and this popped up in my search for stretches! Just in the nick of time to start July 1st. Here goes nothing.

  140. Rebecca u says:

    To everyone who is asking: for the first 5 days do stretches 1-5 then starting point n day 6 you do stretches 1-5 and then 6. So on day 7 youโ€™ll do stretches 1-5 and then stretch #7 and so on….does that make sense?? Also Iโ€™m going to be trying this and posting in my insta to keep myself accountable

  141. Emma says:

    I don’t understand. In these 30 days you will only use the stretches 1-6? where for are all the other stretches then?

    1. Mackensey says:

      The first 5 days you are doing stretches 1-5 everyday, then on day 6, you do stretches 1-5 AND stretch 6. on day 7, you do stretches 1-5 AND stretch 7. on day 8, you do stretches 1-5 AND 8. all the way until 30!

    2. C says:

      You will do the first 5 everyday. Then on day 6 do 1-5 and 6. Then on day 7 you will do 1-5 and 7. Keep going for the rest of the days. (The first 5 days you will only do 5 stretches and on days 6-30 you will do 6 stretches.)

  142. Lรญa Cuรฉllar says:

    Hey I don understand de 30 DAYS & 30 STRETCHES TO SPLITS! Can you explain me

  143. Isabella says:

    So weโ€™re supposed to be able to do the splits on Day 28?

  144. janie says:

    i have wanted to become more flexible for a while now but i was never sure how to so thank you this will help me so much!

  145. Blair says:

    My goal for this summer is to do the splits! I didnโ€™t know where to start but this will certainly help! Thank you!

  146. M says:

    Gonna start the 30 days tomorrow morning. Not too familiar with Instagram yet so I haven’t posted it there.

  147. Amelie says:

    Omg thank you so much I did all these stretches in one day ( I didnโ€™t realise it was 30 days then๐Ÿ˜‚) and got my left legged front splits. I have been trying to get them for like a year.

  148. Joy says:

    Hey Casey, thank so much for making this 30 day splits guide. I find that one of my legs is more flexible than the other, any tips on how I can even them out? Should I stretch one side longer than the other?
    Thanks a bunch hope youโ€™re happy and healthy!

  149. Jaylah says:

    Thank you Izzy! I haven’t started yet, but I’m hoping I’ll get into the splits soon.

    1. Izzy says:

      No problem. Good luck!

  150. Izzy says:

    I have completed the 30 days and unfortunately I did not get into the splits but I did see an improvement. I decided to just keep repeating the days and I am on my third round of the 30 days (70 days in total now) and I am so close on my right side! Try to be patient. Unless you are a flexible person to begin with you arenโ€™t likely to see results for a good few months. Donโ€™t give up!

  151. Jaylah says:

    I look through a lot of the comments and no one has posted that they finished the challenge.

  152. Jaylah says:

    So has anyone really finished this thing. I don’t doubt it works, but I was just hoping that the 30 days is worth the time because I don’t plan on sprawling out my legs for no reason.

  153. maria says:

    you could put a pillow instead of the box and use your arm to pull your leg down instead of the rubber thing. :))

    1. Surah says:


  154. Ella says:

    Very pumped about this! Just finished day five and Iโ€™m feeling a lot better than I did at the start of day one. Splits have always been my dream since I was a little kid but I never really knew how to get them, since Iโ€™m not a dancer or anything I never had anyone teach me how to get more flexible. This seems to be helping! Very excited to see how it goes!!

  155. LBell says:

    this looks great in theory for lengthening hamstrings and opening hip flexors but i doubt your average middle aged non yoga practising human will even get close to splits. im open giving it a go but i dont expect dramatic results .

    also i genuinely have yet to find a workout, especially a yoga based one that was truly designed with accessibility for the overweight/unfit in mind

  156. Sophea Hani says:

    I hope it will work for me as well

  157. Fernanda says:


  158. Charlotte says:

    Hi, I don’t have the equipment for 5 or 6, what can I do?

    1. maria says:

      you could put a pillow instead of the box and use your arm to pull your leg down instead of the rubber thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. SK says:

      Fold a blanket up for number 5

    3. L i y a says:

      you can use a towel or blanket for 5 and wrap it around ur foot, I didnโ€™t have anything for 6 either so i just stacked pillows ๐Ÿ™‚

  159. akrar husain says:

    I am interested to find your site, thank you for kickstarting my journey ๐ŸŒป
    Iโ€™m a 53 year old woman, reasonably fit but have definitely noticed a decline in mobility/flexibility over the past few years. I asked myself a couple of questions for 2020. I used this website to get help. now i am a little bit confused either this will give benifit for me or not. https://bit.ly/2zr5VcF

  160. akrar husain says:

    Such great work out. I accidentally did every move every day for 20 seconds and im on day like 5. should i stop and do it the right way? or is this better for me or not. I also did such work out by visiting this website. https://letsfindoubt.com/if-default-google-analytics-tracking-code-is-installed-on-pages-with-different-domains-analytics-will-count-these-users-and-sessions-separately/

  161. Tali says:

    Hey Cassie, Iโ€™m 8 days in and am super sore/actually farther from. A split than when I started. Iโ€™m pretty sure I just overstretched at the beginning, and now am feeling it. What do you think I should do, take a day or two off or just keep going but donโ€™t push myself as far? Thank you!

  162. Kat says:

    I would LOVE to understand how you go from day 27 to day 28 within…. well, a day. I understand how it’s possible but I don’t understand how it’s possible to go from 27 – 28 safely without ending up in emerg with a serious injury.

    For anyone looking at this and thinking its a great way to get into the splits, I don’t suggest you attempt to force your body into these positions within the timeframe given. While they are good stretches, you should never force your body into a stretch that hurts. Take your time!

  163. Ruth says:

    I was wondering if you do the excersise for each leg?

  164. Mia says:

    Donโ€™t u technically already have the splits by day 28?

  165. Anna says:

    Hi ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you for this calendar. I have a technical question: what am I supposed to do in day 21? Thatโ€™s not completely clear to me ๐Ÿ˜…

    1. Sara says:

      I thought the same thing! I think itโ€™s a single leg quad stretch. Her left leg is bent with her foot just outside her hip.


    Add a comment…Won’t there be muscle pull or maybe strain while during the stretches

  167. Kare says:

    Would you be able to do a journey to pull-up challenge? It’s been my dream for years.

  168. Madhushankar Madhu says:

    I’m interested in joining

  169. Tiffany Wiltsher says:

    What should I do after the 30 days to maintain my flexibility and ability to do the splits?

  170. bel says:

    i accidentally did every move every day for 20 seconds and im on day like 5. should i stop and do it the right way? or is this better

  171. Ishika G says:

    I hope this works.

  172. Noa says:

    I want to do the split flexibility challenge ๐Ÿ˜

  173. Gabikaella says:

    I did not start the journey for this reason, but on the 6.th day my back, neck and lower back pain was gone…. <3 thx for this

  174. Adora says:


  175. Jayne says:

    What do we do for number 6? Do we need a stool?

    1. Erica Forsyth says:

      Try a yoga block or pillow

  176. Michelle Ocampo says:

    Pretty Nice & Beautiful

  177. Reid Gantzer says:

    How do I get the plans

  178. sasha says:

    what if i just do all 30 of the stretches every day?

  179. Jackie Dooley says:

    I am Interested in becoming able to do a split.

  180. Amie says:

    What if you’re old (like me) and don’t instagram? I’m a former figure skater and I need to limber up again!

    1. Mia says:

      OMG Iโ€™m a figure skater right now!

  181. Andy says:

    I’m on Day 11 and I can see significant difference from how flexible I was on Day 1. Thank you for the amazing 30 Day Challenge list!

    PS: As seen in the image, I know this is for front splits. However, in the article side split (on line 2) is mentioned….

  182. Inan says:

    I really want to get a split

  183. Alison says:

    HOW are you supposed to even practice #12 or #28 if you can’t do the splits yet?

    1. Hannah says:

      You can just go into the split as much as you can, then hold it where you feel the stretch.

  184. Tami says:

    Just started today! Excited for this journey

  185. Hi I’m Brigid, and I’m 14 years old
    I’ve been training for the splits for a little over a month now and I’m not making the best progress; is it bad to feel pain when actually doing splits? Thank you I will be really existed to try your challenge.

    1. XOXO, Gossip Girl says:

      It should feel uncomfortable, but not painful. You will be able to tell if it isn’t just uncomfortable, but it hurts.

  186. Annie says:

    Iโ€™m excited to find your site, thank you for kickstarting my journey ๐ŸŒป
    Iโ€™m a 53 year old woman, reasonably fit but have definitely noticed a decline in mobility/flexibility over the past few years. I asked myself a couple of questions for 2020, one of them being โ€˜can Annie age backwards this year?โ€™ and โ€˜can Annie do the splits by the end of the year?โ€™
    This is SO much fun to see what might arise simply by asking the questions and enquiring through action. Iโ€™ll keep you posted.
    Love, Annie

  187. ioana1986 says:

    Hi Casey, can you also do a 30 days journey to headstand? ๐Ÿ™‚ ty

  188. Gab says:

    Iโ€™m doing this to increase flexibility and Blood flow in my legs. Honestly have seen an improvement only being on day 5. I know this page probably doesnโ€™t get too many comments now, but thank you for providing structure with the visuals! Iโ€™m really pushing myself.

  189. Giorgia Woodman says:

    I’m on day 7, and I’m doubting that I’m doing the stretches correctly. I mean I can feel my hamstrings opening. Any advice

    1. Maria says:

      I am also on the splits challenge, I used to be able to to the front splits about 10 years ago as a result of doing a lot of yoga. I achieved that level of flexibility after years of practice. I think that the stretches are good but some are in the wrong order, for instance, I would start with 1 but then go 4, 3, 2. It is a better sequence imo. I would also finish a session with stretch 5. I feel that you probably need to do all the stretches every day to get anywhere. I also think that looking at yoga stretch sequences is the way to go,

      1. Giorgia Woodman says:

        Hey! I’m in Day 13 now and I’m actually so much closer to doing the splits than I was at the start. Thank you for your advice:)

  190. valerie says:

    i wanna know if i can get some of those items up top

  191. PopCheer says:

    Day 1

  192. Jo says:

    Hamstrings are probably one of my least flexible body parts but they’re improving after only a week! <3

    1. Jo says:

      Upped by game this week with stretching for 1 minute per stretch! Loving the improvements!!

      1. Jo says:

        Stopped doing 1 minute per stretch because I fell off the exercise wagon but back again! And already my hammys are better than they’ve ever been! I’m really looking forward to the splits but considering I was told to work on my hammys for my back, I am so STOKED they’re getting better. I can’t wait to be able to touch my face with my legs hehe!

        1. Jo says:

          Going onto the extra daily stretch now because I think I’ve done days 1-5 enough over the course of my on & off stretching. Day 6 was the splits. I always used to think it was my crutch flexibility holding me back but I think it’s actually my hamstrings. Those are what hurt the most and as my physio said, I really need to work on them. I love the progress they are making and although they’re not great, they are miles better than they were! I could barely hold them straight up in the air and now they are definitely pulling towards my face.

  193. Lottie says:

    I love this just started

  194. Rai says:

    is this for front splits or middle splits?

    1. Anna says:

      front splits… This stretches shown in the image suggests that.

  195. Lady-J says:

    Where do I get the video and bands above?

  196. GYMNAST says:

    will it matter if i take a break for 3 days if i am busy???

    1. REEEE says:


      1. GYMNAST says:

        Well it didn’t Hahahhahahahah lol

  197. Gymnast says:

    this is alright though if you aren’t flexible then this wont work this fast. 1 stretch 1 hour every day and after have got the splits in 20 days.

  198. Lady-J says:

    Even though it October Iโ€™m doing this

  199. Brianna Cantu says:

    Would love to try this challenge!

  200. Chase Mute says:

    This would also depend on how old you are, your gender, if you have scoliosis or kyphosis it may take longer for you to achieve it. This would depend on a lot of stuff. I can definitely try this, but I’m not guaranteeing that it’s gonna work, considering I was born with cerebral pulsey and I have both scoliosis and kyphosis.

    1. Gymnast says:

      You are right!!!!!

  201. mills1776 says:

    I can’t get the explanations for the stretches here… is it possible to still get access to it? Or am I looking in the wrong place? I couldn’t see anything under Calendar like others have indicated…

  202. Aundrei Jenious says:

    65 not very flexible

  203. SiddhiYoga says:

    A review from someone trying to get their splits within months:

    If you are very close to getting splits, you will probably get them at the end of thirty days. If you are not very flexible or close to getting splits, there is a very good chance that you will not get them, but you will definitely be much closer to them. Any stretching is better than no stretching! If you want faster results, hang on for longer periods of time, adding more poses, be sure to warm up your body before stretching and stretch for 5-6 days a week.

  204. Rebecca says:

    Here we go!

  205. Nikki says:

    Day 1 โœ…

  206. Ghoham says:

    Always been a dream to do the splits. Let’s go!!!

  207. SANIAAAAAAA says:

    Yaaas I started on June 25 but it will be much more rewarding for me as I used to be a former level 8 gymnast, but I stopped for a year… CANT WAIT TO GET BACK!!!

  208. Bre says:

    I can’t wait to start! I’m OFFICIALLY starting on July 1st, but am going to do some warm up attempts starting today! LET’S GO!

  209. Joy Gwar says:

    Its day 18 already am just seeing this challenge. I will begin late, but my 30 days starts now! Love it thanks. Am dying to do the splits!

    1. Alexandra says:

      i’m just 11 and i cant do the splits! Help me! list 1-5 tips on how to do da splits, left, middle, and right!

      1. Gymnast says:

        It takes lots of practice and determination. hold the stretches for 45-60 secs. You will get there! Believe in yourself!

  210. N/A says:

    So I’m on day 6 and I can’t even get down that far let alone half that what should I do? Also yes I’m late but it works supposedly so I’m trying it. Also I’m a male if that helps

  211. Kerry Mccorkell says:

    Love this idea

  212. Courtney Cole says:

    Is number 5 moving the leg out to the side or straight up and down?

    1. Gymnast says:

      Straight up is the correct stretch

  213. Kynyata says:

    Hey is it to late???!! I really want to join!!

  214. ashleigh connor says:

    Letโ€™s do this

  215. Valencia Arguelles says:


  216. Maha says:

    Iโ€™m exited when can I get started

  217. Maha says:

    Iโ€™m exited

  218. Tamara Caroline Jeronimo says:

    I did 30day and I loved the results! Thanks a lot!! <3

  219. mike gayle says:

    my daughter ruby and olivia both tried these also both of them go to edgbaston high school for girls which means that they have to do splits but none of these seemed to help

  220. kamilah pasha says:

    no those are the days you do the stretch

  221. Sam says:

    Iโ€™m just coming across this in 2019. Iโ€™m confused, are the stretches youโ€™re recommending the ones the top labelled 1-30? Like, that picture?

    1. Ketutar says:

      Well… the stretches on top labelled 1-30 are the stretches you are supposed to be doing. You’ll stretch every day at least for 10 minutes. On day 1 you’ll do stretches 1-5. Day 2 – stretches 1-5. Day 3 – 1-5, Day 4 1-5, day 5 1-5, day 6 1-5 + 6, day 7 1-5 + 7, day 8 1-5 + 8 and so on. You’ll be doing all of them but not all of them the same day. You’ll be doing 5 of those stretches 5 days and 6 for the rest of the days.

  222. chanelle says:

    does this really work?

    1. Deborah A says:

      It will take some people longer than 30 days, but keep at these stretches with good form and you will get your splits.

  223. yo says:

    nyeah eh feel the burn

  224. Janne says:

    Is it supost to hurt

      1. Janne Berdiin Andersen says:

        Then i might have a problem

    1. yo says:

      nyeah eh feel the burn

  225. Ophelia says:

    Wow! This is amazing! Thank you! In the begging I was 16 inches away from the floor, now in only half way thru the month and i’m down to 8 inches from the floor. Thank you so much!

  226. Hope says:

    This is amazing! In the begging I was 18 inches away from the splits and now i’m only half way thru and only 8 inches away from the floor. Thank you so much!

  227. Nadine says:

    Love it!!! I’m so excited and will start today.
    But question, after doing the daily stretches, do I do the splits and post a photo with hashtag #JourneytoSplits and #Blogilates?

  228. Jayna says:

    I’m confused in the picture it shows the splits as a stretch, aren’t we supposed to be learning to do the splits

  229. Pingback: Polka dot fun! -
  230. Sheyanne says:

    Hi im sheyanne i would like to know if this app can make me skinnyrr

    1. Alys says:

      There is no app that can make you skinnier, this app can help you learn good habits that can lead to you being skinnier if you work hard.

  231. BROOKE ELKINS says:

    I would like to this do you have a list of all 30 stretches I am suppose to do

  232. Angel says:

    I’m just seeing this
    How do I see the stretches now?

  233. Charlotte says:

    It’s not one move per day, it’s every move (or as close as you can get) every day for 30 days. It says it in the description.

    1. novegirl says:

      The way I understood it is you always do 1-5 but than your adding on the one additional move for whatever day it is. So if it day 20 you will do stretches 1-5 plus the day 20 stretch so only doing 6 stretches total.

      1. Alys says:

        3. Ok but hereโ€™s how this monthโ€™s challenge is different than The Stretch Project. Everyday I will need you to do stretches 1-5, your foundational stretches. You may not skip them. So, the first 5 days, you are doing the first 5 stretches! Then beginning day 6, you will just add one move on. So on day 6, you will do 1-5 and 6. On day 30, you will do 1-5 and 30. Get it? So you will do 6 moves a day beginning day 6.

        I also read this as 5 stretches each of the first 5 days and then 6 on all the other days

  234. Liza says:

    Thanks for this! I stumbled across one of your beginner Pilates videos which I loved! I am keen to try this out to eventually work into the splits. Can you please tell me if stretch #5 I should holding the leg off to the side? Is the goal to get the leg to the floor to the side, or up towards the head? Also, during that stretch are we meant to keep the back flat to the ground? Thanks Iโ€™m advance!

  235. Amy says:

    Jas this worked for anyone yet? X

  236. Vielda says:


  237. A. Popster says:

    so I have tried this before you don’t even want to know how young I am but when I started using blogilates I started to see some improvements.
    Thnks Cassey and hv fun on your wedding day.
    kisses popster

  238. chacha says:

    anyone know what move 21 is? Like what does your leg on the ground look like?

    1. Indira says:

      Your left leg goes on the ground and you bend it to the side, while your right leg goes over past your left leg.

  239. WHAT!? says:

    Girl by day six that’s a split! How about those of us who can’t even straighten out our legs to get that far down?!

    1. Chacha says:

      keep stretching it girl! even if you can’t straighten your legs, you’ll be able to if you continue to stretch. I did a yoga class for 30days one time and I was super surprised as to how flexible I became. Push yourself, but don’t make it painful either.

  240. Diane says:

    Just started yesterday. Have always wanted to do a split. Tried about 3 years ago but never could.

  241. Nina says:

    I am so ready

  242. Glee says:

    Should I already be able to do front and back splits before starting this? Day 6 seems a little over optimistic.

  243. Clara Silva says:


  244. Lucy James says:

    I’m trying to get the solitary and ihave been since I was 9 now im13 and I am no where near

  245. Mikeyah says:

    I’m still a little confused can someone explain this a little more me please

  246. Lee says:

    My 7 year old is trying to learn how to do the splits. Are these exercises appropriate for her too? Thanks!

    1. Gymnast says:

      Yes they are great for all ages as long as you don’t over stretch and just stay in your comfort zone.

  247. Lilty says:

    Ooooh!!! I’m sooo exited to begin the stretches, I’ve never been able to do a split ^^
    I’ll start right now

  248. Rita says:

    I’m a little late from the party and I can’t commit for 30 days because I will go for a vacation far away from wifi. I hope you will repeat this challenge in September.

  249. Start says:

    Iโ€™m totally doing this already. I started a week ago. Now that I have found this site, I wonโ€™t be alone on my journey.

  250. jacqueline791023 says:

    Woohoo!! I think I’m gonna do this ๐Ÿ™‚ I have never done a split in my life and i’m in my late 20s, yes? haha

  251. Karen says:

    This is cool! Iโ€™m going to do it!

  252. Tina says:

    I love BLOGILATES its literally the best . CASSY I LOVE you sooo much and im sooo inspired by you , you are funny at the same time as helpful

  253. Jo says:

    Starting today! Haven’t been motivated to exercise except a fortnightly pole class. Excited to do five minutes of cardio and ten minutes of stretching to hopefully achieve – or at least get better – at my splits. Hopefully, it’ll motivate me and I’ll do more goals like this!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  254. Brooklynn says:

    Just starting I can go pretty far but not all the way!

  255. Leah says:

    Yayyyy! Just starting this today!

  256. Kylah says:

    I am waaayy late to start ๐Ÿ˜‚ but im excited!!!

  257. Amii says:

    Canโ€™t wait to start

  258. stardust says:

    im gonna start tomorrow, hopefully that wont be my statement everyday after >.<

  259. Nicole Halajian says:

    I wish there was a video i could follow along with. I’m horrible at following things by myself

    1. Ro Se says:

      That’s what Ive been thinking as well! I even tried searching on youtube but Ive only seen pictures for progresses so far. Like it’s not helpful at all LOL

    2. G says:

      I know right?! some of these poses require some know how before we can jump right into them.

  260. Anna Julia says:

    Should I warm up my muscles before I do these stretches? I’ve heard it’s not very good for you to stretch cold muscles, is that true? And if I do need to warm up, what should I do? Help please!

    1. August says:

      It never hurts. Iโ€™ve been doing yoga for a while, and some instructors start with warming moves, others donโ€™t. I like Fitness Blenders 5min warmup. It gets the upper and lower muscles ready.

  261. Starlight00001 says:

    I’m doing this, the stretch project, flat abs, butt lift and sleek arms this week instead of the monthly/beginner calendar. My motivitation died completely so I can’t do the calendar, but at least I’m trying to do this. If I don’t get the split this month I think I will try again next months. Anyone that knows how to achieve the front split too?

    1. Sam Jonsson says:

      From what I’ve read here in the comments some succeed in 30 days and some need more time. I think it all depends on what level you are in and how much effort you give to it.
      I’ve just started the challange, hopefully I’ll succeed in 30 days. You can follow my progress on Instagram ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Starlight00001 says:

        Okay, thanks, I gave it up, because it became boring repeating the same thing over and over, hope you do better.

        1. In order to find success on the guitar, it is important to start with simple songs in the beginning. While they may seem silly and immature, they will teach you the basics that you can build on later. If you try to tackle something too complicated, you are likely to become frustrated.

  262. Tara Aziz says:

    I’m really not flexible at all and I’m gonna start trying this today. Fingers crossed!

  263. Lily says:

    It has been 23 days since I have started this. I still cannot do a lot of the poses perfectly, but I am definitely a lot more flexible than before I started!

  264. beyourselfstayhealthy says:

    Hey cassey, I’m not sure about the 5th stretch. Are you turning your leg outwards? When I try to do that I’m turning over to the side ๐Ÿ˜€ And it’s more work in my arms to hold the strap/leg, haha.

  265. Bilge Dogrucuoglu says:

    Hi, I am from Turkey and live in Turkey. I am not very flexible. Do you think two moths would be enough?or 3 months. I have my dance video recorded. I would like to do better one now. Do you think this is likely. Any response will be highly appreciated.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t02fNF9rBE This is the video.
    Thank you.

  266. Hannah Winnagle says:

    Cassey I can’t do number 6!!!! I think that’s bad……

  267. Yasmeen says:

    This works!! i got my splits ???? XD I’m so happy ?? You should try it out, you have nothing to lose โ˜บ

  268. AmberOne says:

    Dear Cassey, I’m technically supposed to be on day 29 but since I am still about another month of this challenge away from going into he splits, I’ve just been redoing previous stretches. Will this work? Do I actually have to do stretches 28,29 & 30 even though I sort of can’t? And once I have completed the 30 days, should I just do it all over again until I can do the splits? Should I wait? I’m so confused! Help me Cassey!

  269. Morgan Desroches says:

    Review from someone trying to get their splits for months:

    If you are very close to getting your splits, you’ll probably get them at the end of the thirty days. If you’re not very flexible or you aren’t close to getting your splits, there’s a very good chance that you won’t get them, but you’ll definitely be much closer to getting them. Any stretching is better than no stretching! If you want faster results, stretch for longer periods of time by adding on more poses, make sure to warm up your body before stretching, and stretch for 5-6 days a week (listen to your body if this is too much for you.) Don’t get discouraged! Flexibility progress comes in millimetres. Enjoy the journey ๐Ÿ™‚

  270. CocoKei says:

    Hi, I’m really late but I am determined to be in shape by my 40. I am definitely going to do 2 of ur challenges, do u have a challenge for a front split?

  271. Euge Sky says:

    OK, I’m going to do it ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  272. Yasmeen says:

    I am starting this today but I’m already pretty close to splits.. Wish me luck!!

  273. Susan says:

    I was feeling really dispirited at day 9, didn’t feel like anything had improved at all… then my rest day rolled around and I felt like my joints had turned to rubber. Massive improvement on day 10. I don’t know if I’ll get all the way to splits but I feel great about my progress already.

  274. #AwesomeSauce1051 says:

    Hey Cassey, I have a younger sister who is interested in this challenge but I’d like to know if it actually works. Thanks for your time, BTW, I always turn to your workouts before anyone else’s.

    1. RJ Cash says:

      Try it out! Everyone is different!

  275. Sukirti says:

    I am starting this today… ?…. Let’s see if it works..

  276. aksemoran says:

    Hi guys, I have question. My body is super stiff, for example, I can only reach slightly above my ankle on stretching move number 2. Should I:

    – Leave my hands hanging/touch above my ankle with leg straight?
    – Or can I bend my knee a bit so I can touch the ground?


    1. Barbara says:

      This is similar to triangle pose in yoga. Look up some variations online and do those. See what feels good for you and progress further. =] I hope that helps.
      Here is a link

      Also, as for placement of the hand you can rest your hand on you shin of your front leg to start out or you can use something like a block.

  277. Rachel says:

    Has anyone completed this successfull?

  278. steph says:

    after the 30 days consistently doing my stretches I will be able to do a full split????

  279. Muffinita says:

    Hey guys, I just started out two days ago with the challenge but i have problems with the first move. My left shoulder (and all the way down under the scapula) hurts really bad while doing it, i can’t extend my arms. I did it nontheless the first day, but yesterday i just simply couldn’t, and did some other back/hamstring stretches instead. Does anyone else has this problem, or maybe some of you know what i did wrong? Thanks for the help in advance (:

    1. LadyRei says:

      Based on my own past painful experiences, it sounds like either a)
      you are particularly tight in your arm/shoulder area, or b ) you tried
      to over extend yourself.

      If it is a case of option A: I would
      recommend doing additional shoulder and arm strengtheners and
      stretches.There several yoga poses which can help you with this or you
      could do exercises like the ones shown in this link

      If it is a case of option B:
      Remember each person starts at a different level. If you want to focus on the
      hamstrings do an alternative positioning for your arms. eg.on your hips,
      or stretched out in front of you towards the floor (focus on keeping
      your spine straight). If you want to do the pose as shown, then maybe go
      at a slower pace and move gradually into the pose. You may have tried
      to imitate Cassey’s level of flexibility instead of sticking to your
      own comfort zone. Try it again slowly. Try keep your shoulders down away
      from your ears, and keep your shoulder blades flat against your ribs
      and transition forward slowly. Do not take your arms further that 90
      degrees to your shoulders (i.e don’t try to go further than Cassey in
      the picture.) If its becomes uncomfortable stop or transition back to
      the point just before it became uncomfortable. It may take you a few
      sessions but you should gradually feel more comfortable and flexible as
      you continue to practice.

      I hope this helps. Enjoy your journey to the splits ๐Ÿ™‚ I am also trying to achieve this goal ๐Ÿ˜€

    2. LadyRei says:

      Hi ๐Ÿ˜€

      Based on my own past painful experiences, it sounds like either a)
      you are particularly tight in your arm/shoulder area, or b ) you tried
      to over extend yourself.

      If it is a case of option A: I would
      recommend doing additional shoulder and arm strengtheners and
      stretches.There several yoga poses which can help you with this or you
      could do exercises like the ones shown in this link

      If it is a case of option B:
      Remember each person starts at a different level. If you want to focus on the
      hamstrings do an alternative positioning for your arms. eg.on your hips,
      or stretched out in front of you towards the floor (focus on keeping
      your spine straight). If you want to do the pose as shown, then maybe go
      at a slower pace and move gradually into the pose. You may have tried
      to imitate Cassey’s level of flexibility instead of sticking to your
      own comfort zone. Try it again slowly. Try keep your shoulders down away
      from your ears, and keep your shoulder blades flat against your ribs
      and transition forward slowly. Do not take your arms further that 90
      degrees to your shoulders (i.e don’t try to go further than Cassey in
      the picture.) If its becomes uncomfortable stop or transition back to
      the point just before it became uncomfortable. It may take you a few
      sessions but you should gradually feel more comfortable and flexible as
      you continue to practice.

      I hope this helps. Enjoy your journey to the splits ๐Ÿ™‚ I am also trying to achieve this goal ๐Ÿ˜€

      1. Muffinita says:

        Thank you so much for answering! Maybe it was a bit of both… I’ll try and work on my shoulders and later add to the repertoire. Gosh I love this community, it’s so supportive! So thanks, and i hope we both get there someday ๐Ÿ˜€

  280. Shayleen says:

    Is anyone else having issues with accessing the may calendar?

    1. Hanya says:

      Yes, I can’t. When I try signing up it says it will send me an email to confirm, but it never does.

      1. shay says:

        Hmm..cuz what happened to me was I had forgotten to confirm my email and once I did that it sent me the password, you have to make sure you do the steps to confirm your email

    2. Muffinita says:

      I have gmail and I found it days later in the “promotions” section, you should check there if you haven’t already (:

  281. Erica says:

    So the first day, you do only stretch 1, and the second day you only do stretch 2, until day 6, then you do all 5, including 6? I’m confused, could somebody just tell me what you do each day, up till day 6? Please?

    1. Oluwadupe says:

      You do stretches 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5 on Day 1. Repeat for Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 5. On Day 6, you do stretches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND add in 6. Day 7 you do stretches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 7.

      And in Stretch 6, she has blocks on either side to help lower her into the splits, but clearly Cassey can do the splits and doesn’t need the blocks. You, however, WILL need blocks to help ease the tension off your hip joints.

      Hope that helps a little, lovely!

  282. Erica says:

    Im confused, on day 6, she is already in the splits…

    1. shay says:

      Well, that’s cuz she can do the splits, in our case we just do our best

  283. Erica says:

    I’m confused, on day 6, she is already doing the splits technically…

  284. marie says:

    is there a way to get it faster? like starting with more stretches on the first day?

  285. Emberiss says:

    I did the whole thing, exactly as said, held each stretch a minute each side, didn’t miss a single day, and my flexibility is so much better, but actually, I feel like my splits are worse. I did only the stretches on here and stopped doing my regular ones to try to achieve it. Did I do something wrong? Any times to try to make my second try actually work? I can do 1-5 so well they hardly feel like stretches anymore.

    1. Rebeca says:

      I’m no expert on this but you probably gained muscle during this time and that made it harder to stretch like before.

  286. Zoe says:

    Hi there, I am currently in my seventh day and I don’t understand this stretch. How should I do it and which muscle should be stretched?

    1. Verรณnica says:

      You should read all the instructions. Everything is well explained below the calendar.

  287. Amber-May says:

    I a bit confused on how to do this challenge/journey. I know how to do the stretches, but are you meant to hold them for a certain amount of time?.. And do you just do one stretch a day? like for day 1 do you do stretch 1 and day 2 you do stretch 2 and so on?


    1. Amber-May says:

      dont worry!!! i just watched her video on it.

    2. Deanna says:

      She tells you how you’re supposed to proceed above:

      3. Ok but hereโ€™s how this monthโ€™s challenge is different than The Stretch Project. Everyday I will need you to do stretches 1-5, your foundational stretches. You may not skip them. So, the first 5 days, you are doing the first 5 stretches! Then beginning day 6, you will just add one move on. So on day 6, you will do 1-5 and 6. On day 30, you will do 1-5 and 30. Get it? So you will do 6 moves a day beginning day 6.
      Read more at https://www.blogilates.com/blog/2015/06/28/30-days-30-stretches-to-splits-journeytosplits/#9pwzA1GZPY461aRP.99

  288. morgan says:

    i am a 9 year-old and i need to know how to do splits in 10 munites

    1. Mallely Liliana Rivero says:

      It is not possible

  289. zeina says:

    hi, i would love to start the journey to split but i dont know how to watch your videos and what should i do so i will be thankful if you help me..

    1. anonymous says:

      you don’t have to watch videos, the first five days, you do the streches with numbers 1-5, from day six, you do 1-5 and the number of the day you are (for example: day 22: streches 1-5 + 22).

      1. zeina says:

        thank you…

  290. Carla says:

    Hey! I have a question, it is necessary doing The Stretch Project before my Journey To Splits?

    1. anonymous says:

      no its not necessary, you can do this from every level of flexability, my grandma is 79 and she started it about 26 days ago, she is not fully in the splits, but almost.

  291. I’ve always wanted to be able to do the splits! Defo going totry and give this a go!

    I’ll try my best not to miss a day!!

    Clare | http://www.clare-without-an-i.com


  292. Isabella says:

    Can you make the app for windows phones??please Cassey

    1. anonymous says:

      I have a windows Phone, and I have it

  293. Caroline says:

    I’m not flexible enough to do Day 6… it looks like you have to be pretty flexible already to do it, like almost at the splits. Am i just doing it wrong? I tried it by going as far into the splits as i can, with a block or something under my leg like where she has it in the picture. but I’m not flexible enough to even touch the block… Someone help me…

    1. Annie says:

      just place a large enough blocker you to complete day 6!

    2. Marta says:

      Hi Caroline! I think Cassey’s idea was to demonstrate the stretch for a visual guide. She is obviously much more flexible than you or me and therefore can go lower. This is probably how we would be supposed to look if we did the stretch on day 30. Don’t give up! While I’m doing this challenge I will just go as far into each stretch as I can without worrying about whether or not I am as deep into the stretch as the picture.

      1. Nikki says:

        Hi I just used a rolled up yoga mat and a pillow on top of it to do day 6:)Hope this helps and God Bless!

  294. Completed, documented in my blog and proud that took the part in the challenge! As for newbie in yoga/pilates was not easy but made huge improvements during the challenge! Thank you Cassey for challenge, and hope to see some new ones soon – I am intrigued!

    Miss Athlรฉtique

  295. veronica says:

    Voglio provarci!!!! Ma inizio domani: 1ยฐ agosto ๐Ÿ™‚

  296. dillon says:

    Guys, what is she doing in Day 6?

    1. Popster says:

      She is putting a block below her legs to balance herself to doing the splits. In her video 9 Steps to doing the Splits skip to 4:00, and you’ll get an idea of what she means.

  297. Ruadh Kelly-Harrington says:

    Guys, what is she doing in Day 5??? I can’t figure it out!

    1. Hannah says:

      She is laying down on her back with one leg down and pulling the other leg up. I also have a question. Is she doing the splits on Day 6?

    2. Christine says:

      Check out the video Cassey did for Streching (Stretching for Leg Flexibility! Swimsuit Slimdown Series – at “6:13”). She explains some of the streches. I think the leg just goes straight up in the air while the foot is flat (not pointed). I hope that helps ๐Ÿ™‚

  298. Renelle says:

    hey Cassie Im loving this 30 days to splits….can you do a 30 Day Challenge for the Front Splits plzzzzzzz

  299. This is exactly what I needed!! I’ve just started back at Ballet after many many (many) years off and my flexibility isn’t what it used to be!! Can’t wait to get stuck into this and get my splits back! x

  300. Eydรญs says:

    Could you do #journeytoadownwarddog next? That would be really helpful ????

  301. Felicitasz says:

    Found this today. I have a left split, an “almost there” right split, and I want a six-o-clock arabesque penchรฉe. I will definitely try this. Thank you!

  302. jini says:

    Today was my first day starting back working out and I absolutely loved it…. Love what you’re doing Cassy… Keep up the Great Work!!!!!!!!!

  303. anonymus says:

    Back end or head stand next month please

  304. maggiewild says:

    i dont know if i got it right, on the day 30 im gonna do moves 1-5 and 30, not 1-5 and every move to 30?

    1. jiturka says:

      On day 30 you’ll make all of them.

    2. Sierra Graziano says:

      Yea thats right, you are only doing 6 moves in total every day
      on day 30 you would only be doing moves 1-5 AND 30 thats it ๐Ÿ˜€

  305. Laura says:

    I would like to know how to improve my “spagat”. Are there any routine like this to get it in a few time?
    Thank you


    1. Signe says:

      “Splits” means Spagat in English. So just follow this routine and youll be fine ๐Ÿ™‚

  306. hi cassey.
    well uh I really don’t know where to start…… uhm okay well ive daughts about the spilt thingi… for starts iam not one bit flexible I can’t even reach my toes. can’t I possibly get something easier?

  307. Liz says:

    I never stretched myself but yesterday was my first day and it was fun but hard, I will keep going, thanks Caseey for this challenge.

  308. Eva says:

    loving this forgot the last too days but am back on track can’t wait to keep going! my muscles wiretapping from stretch 6 today but i loved it! had to have the yoga block on its side as couldn’t go so low!

  309. B says:

    It would be very helpful if you made a video of the poses so we know if we’re doing them right.

    1. Jamie says:

      I agree. I was literally just on youtube checking to see if there was one. lol

  310. Gabi says:

    What if I can’t keep my leg straight on top? It hurts too much.. (on day 5)

    1. Annika says:

      In the picture, she’s using a theraband but even a towel or a scarf should help to keep it in a position where it stretches, but not too much. You don’t have to start with your leg straight up.

      1. Sadie says:

        You can try placing the theraband/scarf/towel lower on your leg. Put the band around your ankle or mid calf instead. If needed, you could even slide it down to your knee. Nothing wrong with going at your own pace! Once doing this your leg will be farther from your body and you should be able to straighten it. Everyday just move it slightly higher up your leg and you’ll get it in no time! Just remember don’t rush yourself too fast or you could overstretch your muscles and then not be able to stretch again for several days!

  311. Kathrine says:

    Is it okay to stretch when you are sore from your previous day of stretching? Can it slow down the prosess of the muscles rebuilding themself? Or can it hurt your muscles?

  312. Milda says:


    It’s really great to see everyone working out to feel good and be healthy and pretty ๐Ÿ™‚ and I have to say I love the positivity and energy in Blogilates videos. The colorful and light-filled interiors inspire me, too. Thank you for that.

    I have thought about this for some time now while trying to stretch and have a question that maybe some other people have, too… When I lean forward (for example, in the stretches 1, 2, 3) – I have to keep my back straight, right? At least, the lower part of it? The question popped in my head because if I try to bend further without consciously keeping my back straight, it bends in the lower part so that my spine is kinda visible. I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s right. Maybe it has something to do with strengthening the core muscles and remembering to use them while stretching, too?
    Thank you in advance!!

    Have a nice weekend, everyone!

    1. Brittany says:

      Hey ๐Ÿ™‚

      You should try to keep your back straight while you stretch forward so that you feel the full stretch right through your hamstring ๐Ÿ™‚ I find it helps (as long as you have good balance – maybe try beside a wall) to put your hands straight forward and try to reach past your toe rather than putting your hands on your leg. Like hover your hands instead of placing them on your leg and reach further and further ๐Ÿ™‚

      If you bend your back and hold your leg you aren’t stretching as far as you can. It’s not bad for you but it is bad for progress ๐Ÿ˜›

      I like to roll on my back forward and backwards holding my knees after stretching to help my lower back limber up a little too ๐Ÿ™‚
      Hope this helped!

  313. Joyce says:

    Anyone has trouble doing this month #JourneytoSplits? ๐Ÿ™
    The first 2 days were fine for me, but I did the stretches 1 to 5 for the 3rd time last night and I being woken up in the middle of the night cus my thighs are hurting so bad. They are literally killing me and I have such a hard time just to sit out or stand up. It doesn’t feel comfortable just walking around too.
    Is this normal reaction? Should I do today’s stretches too or just stop for a while? Anyone has any advices? ๐Ÿ™

    1. Angie says:

      Oh wow! I think you should stop. I know that you may not want to but if it’s not sore “pains” and it’s actually hurting you in a bad way, you should stop. Relax for a couple of days and if it doesn’t go away/gets worse, you should see a doctor or someone.
      Hope you feel better! โ™ฅ

  314. Janfi says:

    Hi! I really wanna know if you have resistance band workouts. If that’s so could you please tell me the names ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you so much!!

  315. Jean says:

    Cassie this is the 3rd month I don’t recieve calendar password. Can you tell me why? Or can someone pass the password x July.

    1. jill says:


    2. Anonymous says:

      The password is banansplit

    3. The password is bananasplit;)

    4. tamia says:

      hey! The password is bananasplit…:p

  316. amy says:

    you’re the purtiest.

  317. Jey says:

    Hi Friends

    I am at the beginner level and completed 10 days and yesterday I started Journey to Splits. I am feeling extremely sore and tired since I started it. Should I add some stretches.
    Also I started working out last month – 9 months after my baby. I was idle for1.5 years. I started running then I found Cassey which is very motivating. i try to run 3 times a week for about 2-3 miles each time. So what should I do for the soreness. I feel really lazy to run after the day exercise.
    I could not even climb stairs. I feel my body is getting tighten though I have not lost weight. Again losing weight is not my goal. Being fit and happy is my goal.

    1. Angie says:

      Honestly, I would do super simple stretches. Example: stretch your arms above your head and arch your back (kind of when you sit down for a while and then then you do the “stand stretch”), just reach down to touch your toes, widen you legs and reach for each side and down the middle, etc.
      I usually do these, their simple and they don’t hurt too much. I actually feel better than not doing any stretches at all.
      If not these, I’m sure you can research some other stretches you may find more useful ๐Ÿ™‚
      Hope this helps at least a little ๐Ÿ™‚

  318. hajer says:

    hi cassey i love your workouts !!!
    I have just a little question for this challange because I am very engaged and in but personally i can not maked the same position than you in the poster !!! it is my first day can you help me and perhaps other girls who have the same problem

  319. Hanna says:

    On number 5 can you hold your foot with your hand if you don’t have a stretch band?

    1. Jey says:

      I have the same question

    2. Vendela says:

      I’m not one to say anything, but I don’t see why it should be a problem. If ur flexible enough and won’t bend ur leg then why not. Otherwise u can use a rope (like a jumping rope) or anything similar and walk ur way up with ur hands and pull so that u get that stretch. Ur rope just won’t give way. Hope that helps ๐Ÿ˜‰

    3. Poppy says:

      sure, or you can use a belt, towel,..

    4. Andra says:

      Surely you have a scarf, a belt, or a towel you can wrap?

    5. zina says:

      you cn use any fabric you have..I use a long t shirt for it

    6. Nienke says:

      I think you can just use any kind of band, doesn’t have to be a stretch band. I used a towel ๐Ÿ˜›
      I guess you do have to be careful with the pressure you’re putting on your leg, don’t pull it too far!

      1. Sadie says:

        Try putting the band around your ankle, mid calf, or knee instead. Then it will hurt a lot less and you should be able to straighten it. Hope this helped!

  320. michelle says:

    J’ai bien aimรฉ votre article et j’ai appris plusieurs choses. J’ai une amie qui pratique le Pilates et qui constate plusieurs des bienfaits que vous dรฉcrivez sur votre blog. Que me recommendez-vous? Pilates ou plutรดt des exercices ABC?

    1. cailloo says:

      qu’appelles-tu les exercices ABC?

  321. Debbie says:

    I’m super inflexible I can’t even touch my toes properly, so I’m excited to try this and see where it goes! But I’m confused about move 5. Are we supposed to move our legs straight up or to the left and right as well?

    1. Amber says:

      Both legs should be as straight as possible, and you’ll try and pull your leg to your chest. It looks like these stretches are to get right and/or left splits, not middle (sometimes called straddle) splits.

      1. Jey says:

        I am not able to do any of the stretched properly. I am not able to stretch the leg straight. If I try to do, my head is not reaching where it should be in the postures (2 and 3). I am trying though! This is making me totally tired along with Beginner’s workout. But loving it though

    2. Paty says:

      I get the struggle… I can’t touch my toes either and I just hope I’ll gain some flexibility with this ๐Ÿ™‚

  322. Elise says:

    Just finish day one!
    I know I Will feel it….
    Thank you for the chalenge !

  323. Amal says:

    I’m so excited , I’m new here and I’ll do my best to keep in task every day . I’m afraid , I won’t be able to post pictures on instagram ๐Ÿ™

  324. Eunice says:

    Do we need to do the pose for both legs or just as shown?

    1. Sarah says:

      both legs. (to get both spilts- left and right)

  325. Suzette says:

    To split or not to split, that is the question. I am going to give it my all, I need all the help I can get and this will be a good challenge. #Split’sat46.

  326. Little_Monkey says:


    I’m wanting to do the split challenge alongside the June Stretch challenge (only just found out about these, so excited!) does anyone know what you did for the Stretch Project? I can’t tell if it’s one stretch a say, or all of them each day!! HELP!!!


  327. Mirac says:

    The password is bananasplit

  328. Lorena says:

    Hi Cassey!!
    Just wanted to say THANK YOU! Because if it wasn’t for you i would still be an insecure woman (i’m 26 now) i felt so bad about my entire self and now omg i’m completely different! I’m not going to say that i have the most perfect body but i definetely feel more comfortable! All my insecurities are fading away and this is all thank you!
    I can’t wait to start this project! I want to do splits like i used to when i was younger.

    Thanks again! I love you!!
    Greetings from Lima, Peru.
    Lorena ๐Ÿ™‚

  329. Ronda says:

    I am soo excited about this challenge! Very often I dream that I am doing the splits. I will start in a right split then turn into a center split & on to a left split. I can never remember why I am doing this in my dream, but I love when it happens! Now I feel that it will happen for real!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  330. Pia from Denmark says:

    I’m so glad you made this. I so want to be more flexible

  331. Ashley says:

    Is there not a workout calendar this month?

  332. Silvia M says:

    OMG!! Thank you so much Cassey, I’ve always wanted to do a “perfect” split but I’m always betrayed by my body even though I’m a flexible person, I can do many things excepting a proper split, so lately I’ve been thinking: what if I’m actually doing the wrong streching excercises? And now you appear with this lovely calendar and I can’t help it to be nothing else appart from thankful. I’m so excited for it!!

  333. Alice says:

    I’m really excited about it! :))

  334. amoeba97 says:

    Thank you so much for this challenge! I love it!

  335. Erica says:

    I would love to be able to do the splits, I am quite flexible but I am not able to at the moment… I am 22, and I’ve heard so many people saying you can’t learn to do the splits if you are not a child… I hope it’s not true, and I hope I will be able to do the splits someday… And if I will be able thanks to your journey, well… I will be thanking you for my whole life!! Sorry if I made some mistakes in writing this, but I am italian ๐Ÿ™‚

  336. Molly says:

    How will you be notified if your a winner of the stretch bands? Super excited to start this tomorrow!! I’m so close to getting the splits so hopefully this will push me to finally being able to do them! :0) Thank you Cassey xx <3

  337. claudia-cipi says:

    I love this challenge!
    I’d like to follow it, even if i don’t care about prizes (the best prize for me will be the ability to make a split as i did when i was 6, 30 years ago) and i cannot take pictures about myself (i think my cell phone doesn’t have self portrait function). BUT i don’t understand how to make some of the exercises. Can i find instructions anywhere? Anything in the app? (i have android version). Thank you :*

  338. Emily says:

    Hi Cassey! Thank you so much for this. I’ve been trying to get my splits for a while now. I saw the Stretch Project today and literally searched to see if you had something similar for splits when I see that this was just posted. You read my mind! Can’t wait to participate.

  339. Estibaliz says:

    I’m not flexible at all, I’m never be able before on doing an split, but F** yes, I’m in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  340. Kathy says:

    I miss blogilates so much o__o it looks wonderful Cassey, everything and I would so love doing it.
    sadly I have to work on an archeological excavation and trust me guys, it’s no fun at all. You have to work like a slave from morning till evening, lifting everything you never imagined you ever would have to do so. It’s hot, dirty and we don’t have a toilet yet. When you come home your are too tired physically to do anything. So I spend the little of my freetime to get a quick shower because a longer one is to exhausting and then I go to bed. Right now I don’t even know how to get up. My arms, hands and back is in pain. I wish to go back doing blogilates next month. Your positivty is something the teachers there should spread but they don’t. They only say things like “You think that’s bad? it’s not even the beginning!” <- very motivating right?
    Guys, enjoy the workouts, don't think they are bad, there are far more nasty things out there!! good luck with this new month coming up!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  341. Ingrid says:

    Can’t wait to start training !

    Thanks Cassey ๐Ÿ™‚

  342. Victoria says:

    FINALLY!!! I haven’t been able to do the splits since I was real little. Now that I’m 30 I want to be able to do them again. I’m totally in! And I already have the stretching bands too ^_^

  343. Samantha says:

    Im sooooo in but I just to do it. Too shy for instagram postings. But is there gonna be informational videos or pics explaining how to get into some of these postions?

  344. Kathe says:

    I’m not flexible at all, but I’m so gonna try it, I’M IN! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Quayla says:

      I wasn’t either for the stretch project but it will change believe me.

  345. libby says:

    I can’t wait!!!!!!!! I really want to get my splits!!!!!!! Great challenge

  346. kavya says:

    This is the best one challenge for a flexible body.i m in n have taken it serious.lets do it

  347. apphex. says:

    hey there, i am super unflexible… like not being able to touch my toes. shoukd i do this challenge? i dong expect to be able to do the splits after this but i am very stiff.can stretching too much suddenly hurt you?

  348. Vivi says:

    Question! Do you have to do each move (on their respective days) for 10 mins? Like, stay still for 10 mins?? I’m sorry, but I’m confused ๐Ÿ™

    1. Silvia M says:

      No, you have to do each move and hold it for 30 sec to 1 minute, and the longest you will be streching would 10 mins because some of the moves are for both sides of the body. Don’t worry, you won’t have to stay still 10 mins. Xx

    2. Ashley says:

      You do 1 through 5 the first 5 days holding each exercise for 30 seconds to a minute on each side. Then on day 6 you will do 1 through 5 and #6, on day 7 you do 1 through 5 and #7, and so on and so forth so you only do 6 stretches a day

    3. Florence says:

      Nope, you have to do each move for 30 secs to 1min. Doing every move for 10 minutes would be a torture hahaha. Hope I helped you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  349. Kim C says:

    I’m ready for takeoff!!โœˆโœˆโœˆ

  350. Luisa says:

    This sounds so amazing! I am so IN hopefully all the hard will pay off and I’ll be able to do the splits by the end of the month! Super excited!

  351. Eira says:

    I have always wished to get down in split and I’ve actually started to strech every week now, to finally make it happen this summer! This couldn’t have showed up in a better time. I AM SO IN!

    1. Rebekah says:

      me too! i hope i can do it, i am soooooo pumped!!!!

  352. jackie says:

    Am I the only one confused by what #21 is?

    1. Larry says:

      Looks like a half hero pose?

  353. Kashish says:

    I surely taking up this challenge!!! Others taking this challenge too add me on instagram @kashishsingh_
    Let’s do this Girls!

  354. Tova J says:

    I’ve never visited your blog before but I’m happy I found this via bloglovin! I’ve been dancing for years now but I’m still not able to split… But now I’m super excited to do this challenge!

  355. Moni says:

    Im so excited!you are amzong

  356. Steph says:

    I am super excited for this challenge. I’ve only just completed my first week of the beginners calendar, but this challenge is right up my alley. I did dance for 10 years and I’m naturally flexible. But since it’s been over 10 years since I last did any form of dance, I realized that the splits are not so easy for me anymore. I can still do both side splits, but I actually feel the stretching and slight pain. This challenge is exactly what I need. I want to get back to the way I was a decade ago and better. Discovering Blogilates and Cassey’s videos has been the best thing for me. Nothing has motivated me like she has.

    Also, I created a new IG account just for this. I’m @kluztypopster if you want to follow my progress.

  357. Marine says:

    Hello everyone,
    I am new to this. Quick question please.
    Do I need to do cardio before working on the stretches or splits?
    Thanks ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Rachel says:

      I don’t think you have to in order to participate in the challenge, but I’ve heard that it’s best to stretch after cardio when your muscles are warm and more flexible. it’s a good way to cool down!

  358. I am SO excited for this routine – as a total fitness freak, the one thing I am ashamed of is my horrible flexibility. I have never been able to do the splits, and it’s an absolute dream of mine!! My mom said when I was young she was worried about how stiff I was hahaha….like a stick!

    xx Jill
    Latest Post – In the Red Zone – From Weddings to Cocktail Hour

  359. Kathleen says:

    I’ve never been that flexible growing up and being a dancer a split was something I was just never able to do so this will be a nice new change for me. I would love to be able to do a full split:). I am SO IN!!!

  360. ellie says:

    nwe are soooooo in me and my 3 besties… now we are old schooland we dont have instagram
    or any of that… can we still join you and get free bands???please email back

    1. Maliah says:

      I thought I was the only one I still wanna try to send pictures but I need another way to do it

  361. Maliah says:

    Im soo doing this challenge im going to be doing cheerleading for the first time in highschool and I desperately need to learn how to do the splits I am so glad that we get to do this challenge I know im going to love it thank you so much cassey and ……bring it on

    1. Maliah says:

      And another thing is there another way to send you the pictures besides instagram because im not entirely sure if I can get a account

  362. Lydia says:

    Loooove love …..I am deff creating second Insta account for only food fitness and fashion and I will definitely be joining…

  363. mariankog says:

    I really wanna do the splits..hope that this challenge will help me achieve that.

  364. Sarah says:

    Cassey – thank you so much for all you do for us!!! I am loving the fitness challenges – been getting caught up with those.

    Quick question – should we have completed the Stretch Project before we get into the Journey to Splits?

    1. Ella says:

      Yep, the Journey to Splits technically begins on July 1. You can always preview the stretches though and try them out!

  365. Rukmani says:

    I’m in this. At least i can try this . so let’s go crazy with Cassy and begin our journey to splits together .

  366. Kim Wedlock says:

    I love this! I work out for myself and ONLY myself, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like to show off. I don’t see the splits ever doing anything for me in day to day life, but I NEED to learn how to do them so that I can impress people. The same goes with handstand!
    So you can TOTALLY count me in!!

    But, though I really hate to complain, especially because I know I’m in the severe minority here who doesn’t have a smart phone or anything remotely similar, it kind of makes me sad when participation and/or competitions are limited to Instagram users. I just wish you could include twitter as a viable entry platform ๐Ÿ™
    But, like I said, I know I’m in the minority so it’s no big deal, but I thought I’d say something on behalf of the three other readers who probably don’t have access to instagram ;P

    And, by the way, I also wanted to say that I’m confident in the results of this 30 day split challenge.
    I never used to be able to do shoulder stands. I’d panic and fall backwards and I felt I’d have no hope of doing it. Any time the move popped up in a routine, I’d skip it – I’m a full-time carer so I have no choice but to work out at home with magazines, the internet or DVDs, and so with no instructor or class, it makes it a little too easy to skip things. Then, when I got your POP Pilates DVD, ALL OF A SUDDEN I could do them. I’m certain it was because of your instruction and the fact that you combined it with the roll-over, which in turn gave me not only greater core strength, but a means of recovery if I did start tipping backwards and lose my balance. But after a week of using the DVD I wasn’t tipping back any more, and that is a grand victory! So thank you for setting me on the path to my first show-off move! ๐Ÿ˜€

  367. Oh, this is what I needed to start this week right – a new challenge! thanks! Count me in! Sharing on my blog too to involve more fit sisters! ^_^
    thanks for the challenge and great tips!
    Good luck to everyone!

    xo xo
    Miss Athlรฉtique

  368. Venla says:

    Heyyy! Can i do this, if i haven’t done the stretch project? I would like to do it, but im not sure can i.. Beacuse im maybe not as flexible as you guys

    1. sofi says:

      I think you can do both, you need to stretch before doing this kind of movements, so you can do them together ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Larissa says:

      Of course you can do this! Just follow Cassey’s instructions on doing the foundation stretches and do your best!

  369. samaneh says:

    hi cassey
    when do you publish June program? I m waiting for it ๐Ÿ™‚
    love <3

  370. Charlotte says:

    If you say I can,I will try.i never were able to a split ever in my life.

  371. Anne says:

    Love this.It is a fun goal and I am so excited to start !

  372. Julie says:

    This is the perfect challenge for July! I can’t wait to get started. Let’s do this fit girls!

  373. Kayley says:

    I am in!! This sounds like so much fun! My username is ‘Kayley.Gymnastics’ . I have flexible legs, and I used to be able to do the splits, so I think this will be very fun!

  374. Isis says:

    OMG I cant wait to do this ๐Ÿ™‚
    I don’t have a instagram account, but will do one right know ๐Ÿ™‚

  375. Lindsay says:

    I’m in! I can’t wait to start! I made an Instagram account just for it! Follow me: funkypop13
    I haven’t been able to do the splits in years so I’m really excited to get it down again!

  376. Hilary says:

    It’s been a long time for me…but it’d be so cool to be able to do splits again! I’m in ๐Ÿ™‚

  377. Emily says:

    I have been DYING for you to do this! I loved the stretch project and I’ve been wanting to do the splits for so long and I’m so glad you did this. Please, more flexibility/stretching videos and printables!

  378. Katie says:

    Does this start on July 1st?

  379. Marine says:

    I really want to do the stretches this month. Do I need to do some cardio before? Thanks for your replies

  380. Olivia says:

    Oh Cassey! Thank you! I was just rewatching all your stretch videos because lately I feel so old and immovable. I had come up with the idea, I want to be able to do the splits, at least close enough to that flexibility in my legs. I used to do tae kwon do and fencing, but my flexibility isn’t at those levels any more. And then this! Thanks so much, I will be starting the journey tonight.

  381. Kim says:

    Im all in as well! I have been stretching here and there. I want to have my splits before the end of year….

  382. Paula says:

    Super excited to participate in this challenge!

  383. Sarah Anne says:

    Oh my gosh! I am sooooo physched!

  384. Leah says:

    I am soooooooooo in!!

  385. Alexandria says:

    This is great. I have never done a split in my life so this would be a special challenge for me. Thank you so much for the the challenge ๐Ÿ˜‰

  386. Ericka says:

    Thanks for the invite and I accept the challenge. Splits has been something Ive always wanted to do.I made an instagram. @popstermommy6 I really want to see if it works ๐Ÿ™‚

  387. Joyce says:

    Yesssss!!! I really like this! Even my boyfriend likes this. He is always laughing at me that I do my workouts. He thinks it looks silly. But I said to him, if I like it I do it and you cannot do anything about it. But now with the splits he is very happy and can’t wait until I can do the split.

  388. EmilyNZ says:

    Cant wait to get started on this, its something a lot of women have always wanted to do or have’nt done for a long time. Thanks so much for this great routine ๐Ÿ™‚

  389. Ingrid says:

    I’m so ready for this! ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you Cassey for creating this challenge, just what I need! Have to admit that I had to cheat-try some of the poses, love it! Can’t wait to follow your guys #journeytosplits on insta, my username is @pinupgoespopster, so please follow me too ๐Ÿ™‚

  390. Lien says:

    Im really excited to do this project! Cassey! can you please make a video for each project on how to do the poses and stuff because it’s hard to interpret what to do for some just by looking at the poster. please and thank you!!!

  391. Carol says:

    I need to work on my flexibility so this is a great idea

  392. Ally says:

    Looking forward to doing the splits… this is something I am working because I used to do them all the time when I was in high school ๐Ÿ˜€

  393. Mariah says:

    I am sooo glad you’re doing this challenge. I used to be able to do a split, but I stopped practicing and I am way less flexible than I used to be. I know it’s possible to gain back that flexibility, and I think this challenge is just what I need to give me that push to really do it. Thanks, Cassey! You’re awesome. May God bless you! ๐Ÿ™‚