30 Day Flat Abs Challenge!
Hey guys!
I am sooooo excited to share with you the first ever Blogilates 30 Day Flat Abs Challenge! To complete the challenge, all you have to do is check mark the moves after you complete them each day. That’s it!
It starts off pretty simple on day 1 but by day 30 you will be an abs master! My goal here is that I wanted to constantly challenge you by increasing the reps every single day. Result? You get stronger and fitter.

Here are all the moves in detail:
The Roll-Up.
Did you know 6 crunches equals one of these? Yup. Do them.
The Criss-Cross.
Bring your shoulder towards your knee, not your elbow. And be sure to lift your shoulder blades high off the mat!
The Double Leg Lift.
Press your heels together, press your lower back into the mat and lower your legs down and back up. Inhale as you go down and exhale when you go up.
Ankle Reaches.
Keeping your legs straight and your toes pointed, reach your fingers toward your ankles! Use your abs, not your neck!
The Reverse Crunch.
Cross your ankles and lift your bottom off the floor. Total core control here!
Please invite your friends, co-workers, and family members to join in on this challenge! I wanted to create something that was simple enough to do and squeeze into your day. I know that sometimes doing the monthly workout calendars can be intimidating and requires time and major commitment.
For those of you doing the #JanYOUary calendar with me, yes you can do the 30 Day Flat Abs Challenge alongside the regular calendar or the beginner’s calendar. Oh by the way, I am working on Beginner’s 2 for you guys! So watch out for that coming soon too.
Ok now go print it! I PURPOSEFULLY made the background white so that you guys don’t have to waste ink. Take a pic and show me using the hashtag #30dayflatabs!
RECORD EVERYTHING! It’s your own fit journey and you should take credit for everything you do to get you to where you want.
627 thoughts on “30 Day Flat Abs Challenge!”
There are 627 comments posted by our users.
How many calories are burned during this workout?
Different for everyone, I would assume!
Great challenge! I’m looking forward to seeing the results and trying out some new workouts.
Heyy i am doing this and eating greek yogurt and im no joke losing fat everyday. Im so thankful i found this workout because im tryin get abs before my christmas party yo.
I am 11 and doing this
OMG!!! I’m loving it, it helps, and it is low key kind of tough but it’s worth it after like 3 days, well to me at least.
I’m loving the 30 Day Flat Abs Challenge! I’m already seeing results!
commenting for my own accountability, will reply to my own comment until i finish
day one done. that was not easy… The pain is there, hope it means I’m bracing my core properly
Should we see visible results in 30 days?
Hey I know this may be a stupid question but after doing the 30 day flat abs challenge are you able to actually see results?
Depend on how much belly fat you have, but don’t be discouraged you will eventually see results!
It it the 15 reps each just once? or do we do each of the daily reps in 3 sets?
same question
You shd do these 5 days in a day and as much as you can in 60 seconds each exercise
Hi I’m a beginner to following the calendar although I have been viewing and using your videos for home work outs just to keep my body moving.
I’d like to ask though… If I want to do the 21 day challenge, should I only use those exercises or should I follow April Calendar workouts and do the 21 day challenge on top of that? Thank you!
Luv what you do, btw.
I started this workout yesterday and I have extreme soreness in my abdomen today. Is it safe to workout with the pain today or should I skip a day?
if youre in pain or discomfort its ok to take a break!
I don’t see the cups of water on the graphic!!
Ahh sorry about that! I updated the post – don’t worry about tracking water (but do remember to drink water!! haha)
are you going to respond if i dm you on instagram because i really need help please
I don’t understand why it says “15 double leg lifts ea”? The legs are being lifted tgthr, not separately, so does it just mean “lift both ur legs 15 times” or smthng else?
Ah, good catch!! Just 15 total. Updated the graphic!!
Cassey, you fixed it in the main image, but the link below the image still links to the version that says “ea.” (I just printed it, whoops!) Not only that, but the first link in the article links to a completely different “flat abs challenge” printable! (I printed that one first! haha) I’m guessing it was the original version, which looks too easy for current Cassey. 😉
OMG THANK YOU!!!! Okay that is fixed!!!!! Thank you so much for cathing this!!!!!
Hey Cassey, for the 100 days abs challenge, do I need to do anything else? (I find the monthly calender too hard. Haha. Is it most effective with another over-all monthly calender?)
You can def pair up a calendar with the ab challenge or keep it as is! Just depends what you have time for and what your goals are!
Where does it mention the # of glasses of water to drink each day?
The # of glasses is on the other version of the 30-day ab challenge. It is the one that is linked on the page, not the actual image shown on the page. Just click the hyperlink and you will be provided with the water amounts and the workouts. Hope this helps 🙂
I have been eating clean for the last 2 years trying to get in a healthier place, it worked but I have not reached my goal. So my question was, when I am in a Plateau how do I get out?
Starting today!!
How many reps per exercise
it literally says right there how many reps per day
I am In !
I’m looking forward to start
will this help me lose belly fat and get a flatter tummy because i really want to flatten out my tummy and need to know if this will help ?
What are the numbers infront the workouts. So for example if its 5, just do the roll ups 5times??? Or 5sets? how many is in 1 set?
The numbers count for the amount of reps per set. So the number infront of each workout is the equivalent of one set.
So how many sets should we do? 1 set per day?
I just finished this calendar and I gotta say that I do see results! I see little baby abs now when I look in the mirror and I feel a lot stronger. I also lost 3,5kg (about 7 lbs, 69 kg –> 65.5 kg) in these 30 days by watching what I eat and doing some cardio, but this calendar definitely helped as well!
I need some Exercises to boe taller ❤️
How many Rounds do we need to do this?
Does anyone know how to maintain the abs after you get them
Also, what is the best drink to drink that’s not water or a smoothie? Waters fine but I want to try something different.
has this actually worked for anyone?
This worked so well for me I have a six pack now
Hello, I am half way through this challenge and am just wondering how I maintain the abs work once I finish the challenge. Thanks!
Hi, How many circuits should I do?
I am starting tomorrow wish me luck
I have a doubt.. is it necessary to do warm up exercises before doin any of the exercises u showed to us?? Please do tell me
Warm up is always good before any work out!
I’m about to start this 30 days challenge calendar! Wish me luck! I’ll be back in 30 days with pictures and results! I’ll start it tomorrow 09/13. 😀 so excited!
So what happened? where is the update and pic?
I had my beautiful baby girl 6 weeks a go and want to loose my mum tum, so starting some new challenges to achieve this!!
Nobody cares about your baby.
Then why comment. Leave her alone.
No need to be rude.
Shush with the mean-ness
Amazing article! Very informative! Thank you so much for posting it. I’ve had success with this method as well: http://bit.ly/2Z95IC9
Van Rijn
Hi! I’m on day 18 of the flat abs challenge with a bunch of my friends. We love and and are seeing results! We are wondering what we should do afterwards to maintain it. Do we do day 30 a few days a week? Thank you! Absolutely love your challenges!
Try the #100GluteChallenge!!
No, that’s minimum, she wrote it, it’s unhealthy to just drink one glass, of course you drink more but for ones that “forget” to drink after some time glasses grow on 6 so that you don’t dehydrate
How many sets equal one ?
Hai,are we just need to drInk how many cups that had showed in the pictures perday?just asking..
I understand that this seems like it will work but say you are not skinny and more wide does this challenge help to loose weight and get fitter and stronger? Thanks
I am a CA. had to spend hours on chair, obviously junk food n other stuff too. During audits, only hotel food which made me 80 from 55 I visited Arogyam. Doctors are extremely intelligent . Staff is also good. their medicines are very good, easy to take, small dose n cost effective. I lost 10 kg in three months and still on it. Thanks to Arogyam team & medicines
Alka, so you are saying that one should not exercise?
Hi, I just started one of the challenges, and I´m wondering why there aren´t any resting days for the muscles in most of the challenges, from what I understand that´s something important. Help, please!
I have stubborn love handles! Any challenge for them! I enjoy challenges. Yes I’m out of shape. Trying get back in to shape. Help!
There are many aspects of this article on which I concur with you. You have generated synapses in my brain not used often. Thank you for getting my neurons jumping.
Visit us: https://www.elizabethsoulosfitness.com.au/
Wanted to ask how much ml is one cup bcz i have a bottle that is 800ml and i have one that is 500ml which one should i use
One cup is 250mL 🙂
Hi Cassey,
I just need an advice, I am already following November calendar.Can i follow November calendar and flat abb challenge simultaneously ?
Hi Cassey,
Wanted your advice on this challenge, as i am already on the PIIT28 calendar, can i follow both the workouts simultaneously? Or one calendar at a time?
Thank you Cassey…
And cant wait to see your wedding photographs…!!
Hiya,! I am on my day 28 of the challenge and I love waking up and doing this challenge first thing in the morning!!
I was wondering, do you have any advice on what to do after the 30th day?? I wanted to keep the rhythm and I thought maybe I can continue with it but maybe combine it with the other 30-day challenge? But should I increase the reps or keep it the same?
If you have any advice on how to keep it going after the 30-day challenge is done that will be great! Thank you so much for all your hard work! I started working out with your youtube channel 5 years ago and I just love working out with your awesome videos!! Thank you Cassey!
I was wondering same thing
Hello, how did the challenge go for you? Are you dieting as well?
hi,is this 30 day program for girls or anyone can do it?
is there like, a particular time to do the challenges? like before breakfast, or after dinner?
Hello! Interested in trying this challenge – just curious, is day 1 only 5 roll ups, 5 ankle reaches and 5 leg lifts or is it meant to be done in sets?
it’s meant to be done like that. As far as I understand, the challenges are meant to slowly but steadily help you build the habit of working out while helping you gain some strength. I hope this helps
Will this affect my breast size? I really don’t wanna loose my breast size
started the challenge today my stomach is killing me hopefully it will be well worth it my daughter is three now and i cant seem to get the baby weight off very inspirational to hear how the progress has been so far. also started the 100 squat a day challenge my body is killing me but beauty is pain right?
Thanks the exercise really worked for me.
Started this today, but had a question…Is it just the one set of each exercise or multiple? Thanks!
I had the same question but have not received and answer yet. Did u end up finding out??
Where did you get your journal?
love this thanks for sharing I completed it 3 times now
The link is broken for me. Can you send me the abs challenge calendar? Thanks!
Hi!! I’m already finishing this challenge (and I’ve been loving it), and I’ve had an idea. Could you make a challenge in order to get more flexible, for total beginers? I have no flexability, and I don’t know how long and what kind of stretches I have to do to gain general flexability.
Sending you a big hug from Barcelona!
I’m starting today, I hav to thank Cassey for all she is doing for us… I can’t believe I have discovered her only now!!!
Gonna try this for march, looks like fun!
I’m doing this one, the thigh slimming one, and beside that I’m doing 100 days of push-ups. I am already on day 9 today, I can see results on my abs, I think I lost around a cm! 🙂 But my thighs are getting a bit bigger. I’m not going to worry yet since I’m with my period and that might make me feel a bit inflated. Looking forward to measuring myself next weekend! 🙂 You can follow my progress if you want: http://neophytejournal.blogspot.no/
I know this is an old challenge now, but I am not sure i get it? Do i do 5 reps the first day or just 5 moves? And if it is reps then how many times do you do it each rep? Can anyone help
With one cup do you mean 0,5 dl or 2,5 dl?
Hi. I am starting the challenge today. I wanted to know if the # mentioned are the only number of times the exercise is to be done or are we supposed to do sets of the exercise mentioned. Kindly help. 😊
i never even knew this existed until now lol
When it comes to water how much does the cup symbolise is it a litre or 500 ml??
I’m starting this today! I have also been doing the waist trainer challenge for a few days now. I’m a healthy weight but I have some stomach fat that I would like to get rid of before high school next year. I also want to become fitter so I don’t die in PE 🙂
Anyway, I just want to thank you Cassey for being so inspirational, and cheerful, and for always brightening up my day, whether it’s through one of your delicious recipes, or through an awesome workout! I have tried, and failed several times to eat clean and workout regularly, but this time, I’m actually enjoying it and I think that I can see it through! Thanks again!
Day 3 of the ab challenge and feeling great! For anyone who is thinking of starting this, DO IT. I can already feel myself getting stronger in my core. Day 1, the leg lifts were awful, Day 3 they weren’t as bad. I see results so quickly and am very excited and motivated to continue! Good luck popsters! Btw- Dont forget the water part. It is so important and if you dont like water, add some lemon or fruit!
any results?
Hey! Just started with your amazing workout plan and I really enjoy it, Cassey! I wanted to ask if it is cool/ advisable to combine 30 days Abs & 30 days Arms Challenges together? Or will it become too hectic?
Should I drink the water before or after?
How many times and how many minutes do I have to do this on a day?
Would it be okay to do this and other challenges in the same month??
It’s leg lift or double leg lift?
It’s leg lift or double leg lift?
I’ll begin the challenge today ^-^
I saw your Youtube account and was impressed with the vid tutorial of Plie Squats. It’s very entertaining as well as encouraging. <3 I'm currently starting the Thigh 30-day challenge, and I was wondering if I can do two 30-day challenge (Thigh Challenge and Abs Challenge) at the same time? Also for this challenge, what time period should I drink the water? Before, after or during the exercise? Thank you!
How many times do I have to do this on a day? Only once? 🙂
Is it possible to continue the 5th step during the following month ? Because if I used to entertain my body with these exercices. Is it benefit to start it one month later ? Because I don’t want to start this challenge from the beginning, no more 🙁 !
If I’m gonna be honest, it probably wouldn’t be as effective since you weren’t consistent, if you really want to get the complete results I would do the whole thing consistently.
Hi there Cassey!
I am fitness blogger who is just starting out! I was wondering if I could link the 30-day flat abs challenge to my page. Love your stuff!
I really hope I get abs!?
I’m actually a 9 year old doing this which is kinda weird.?
Same here
I think that’s cool, I’m 13, we might as well start our fitness journey now rather than later.
What do I do once I finish the challenge? Do I keep increasing my reps or do I keep the same amount to maintain the flat tummy?
Day 3 of this challenge and I am holding my own. Its tough but this baby belly has got to go.
Nine months after having my fourth baby, I started this challange. I gained 50 lbs during pregnancy, I had almost lost all 50. I didn’t look like I thought I should after losing the weight. I was still being asked if I was pregnant. I did the challenge and people started noticing and telling me how great I looked. Even my husband started to comment about the change, which is huge! Thank You!
when she said to do for example five ankle reaches does that mean I go up and down just five times pls ans 🙂
does it really work and how many inches do you lose?please tell me thanks .
I’d recommend you to do The Complete 90 Day Challenge in the Food section, drink 1 liter of water for every 20 kgs you weigh. Follow the monthly calendar or the beginner’s calendar if you’re new to Blogilates. I’m losing an inch a week doing just The Complete 90 Day Challenge and the beginner’s calendar. I’ll add this challenge too to my routine and see how it goes. If you wanna lose those inches faster I’d recommend you to go out for a run before working your muscles and add weighs. Sleep 8 hours daily.
i am in and just printed will post
I’ll finish this challenge in three days and I can see (and feel) an incredible difference (I should mention that I paired it with the waist training challenge, which works more or less the same area, so that probably helped too). I totally recommend it, especially to complete beginners because it builds gradually and you have time to adapt. My only suggestion is to be careful and execute the exercises well. Especially at the beginning when there are so few of them, take your time to really master the technique, that will make them much more effective and prevent injuries. Of course, some things will get better only with time (it took me a while before I could “peel” my back off the mat in the roll-ups) but try to take care of details from the beginning. Good luck guys! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d22f07cd5d5b22e06d6959d6a7779213dbdedbd5f9ee2af7ec324540846ac208.jpg
my abs are stronger then my dad’s (no need to braag) i can do five min. plank easily
This Challenge is incredible…. Today is Day 12 and i really can see a difference ????…good Job cassey
This is simply amazing! <3
How can i get some beginners workout
DVD for Pilates?
I’m looking for advice please. I had a c section 12 weeks ago and was cleared for exercise at week 6. I wasn’t given any help from the doc who said no crunches but definitely start Pilate’s again. I made sure to tell her my exercise plans. I have a very small abdominal separation (!less than 3 fingers). I’m looking to the mommas on here. Are there exercises on here safe for me? What should I stay away from? Please help me I really Want to lose the weight. Also I was they didn’t cut any muscle but instead pulled it apart.
How many are in a rep?
i did this a while ago but well i was doing it i got super bloated to the point where i went to a doctor. i didn’t even realize how important the water thing was i already have like 8 cups of water a day so i thought i didn’t need it i never read the top. yikes don’t ignore the water guy you will regret it
Hi, I was wondering after you finish this month what is the best way to keep up the same level of fitness, as I know you need consistency for a more permanent shift.
Would you recommend repeating the number of the last day, or continue increasing reps daily?
Thanks to anyone who helps me out 🙂
I would recommend increasing. Push yourself a little bit more everyday to increase your strength.
I’ve started the first day today and I’m trying to cut out the bad foods from my diet, but living in a hispanic household with my grandma currently staying with us, it’s super hard trying to stay away from food (since she’s trying to spoon feed me rice and beans 24/7) But I’ll figure it out 😛
Hi yaay me im on my 3rd week 2nd day n im feeling soo gd
yet to come wish me luck ^^
im on my week 2 3rd day n im starting to feet it
hope i’ll be able to hit the goel 😀
Hi im working on this challenge and i just want to know if it’s bad to have starbucks while doing the 30-day ab challenge? pls help (im a huge fan of starbucks lol)
Coffee has a LOT of added sugar and dairy (NOT good for losing weight) So I would recommend cutting back, having it once or twice a week.
Alright. Thank you so much!
You could also just have plain coffee (they do that at starbucks) and ask for a dietary milk and no sugar 🙂 coffee alone is not terrible, it’s just all the sweet stuff they put in it!
drink soy lattes from starbucks (vanilla soy latte is SOOOO yummy, but there’s syrup in it sadly) or make your coffee at home with plant milk
is there a video that has these exercises in them?
there are videos hat contain all of these moves but they are spread out. Try the beginners Pilates video (day 1 of the beginner calendar video) since it has almost all of these moves
should I do cardio workouts before this everyday??
It’s not mandatory to do cardio before it every day, but you should definitely incorporate it into your regular workout routine to help burn extra fat 🙂
I’ve completed the third line. I just realized I’ve been doing the leg lifts wrong. I was doing them as alternating, not as double. No wonder it’s felt so brutal! As I said on the Thigh challenge, I didn’t understand why there was 12 days of doing exercises 1-3 ten times, and 6 days doing exercise 4 ten times. Now that I’ve completed Day 18, it makes perfect sense. My abdominal area is getting stronger, which is helping with my belly fat. Today after doing all five exercises 10 times I thought “I’m supposed to do these 22 times?!” My next thought was “No, I’m supposed to increase these five exercises by a count of 1 over the next 11 days and finish up with 22 times.
Hi All, I also have the same problem.. Wenever i do ABS workout my lower back is paining very badly. I try to keep the abs in but i fail everytim i tru. Any help?? Thank you 🙂
u should try some stretching exercices after doing the abs workout that will make feel way better
Try putting a pillow under your lower back just to support. If it still hurts, you’re doing something wrong. Try changing the way you do some of the exercises? Maybe you’re accidentally hitting something you’re not supposed to be hitting.
I always hurt my neck and my lower spine while doing ab exercises. I try to concentrate on my core but my neck still feels strained. Any good solutions? thanks!
Maybe go to a chiropractor or physio
I found that by laying on my arm and having a slight angle to my legs when doing the laying down ones, it prevents neck strain.
i don’t get the water thing
I think she meant to say that the number of cups of water indicated in the challenge should be additional to what you usually drink a day (:
If it says “5 roll ups” does this mean we only do 5 of those roll ups?
or we do it 25 times?
It means on day 1 you do 5, day 2 you do 6, day 3 you do 7, day 4 you do 8, Day 5 you do 9, Day 6 you do 10……
Does this work ? I am very fat it makes me cry every day i dunnoe wht to do
Yes, It does. But I recommend you to do the begginers callendar first because It will teach you to do many of the movement you see in here and in the right way, also for not just workout your abs, the rest of your body its immportant too. I hope this helps! Good luck!
If I do the arm, waist, thigh, stomach and butt 30 day challenges as well as burning around 100 calories by walking my dogs every day, will I see and feel results? I heard you’re supposed to do these 30 day challenges with the calendar but I’m not, will I still see results even though I’m not doing the calendar?
I did exactly what you wrote, +30-90 minutes of cardio depending on my time constraints and lost 10 pounds. I walked my dog around the neighborhood but my area is hilly.
so i completed 30 days of the arms, flat abs, waist trainer and butt lift…..but what do i do now. so far i have contied to day 30 of them (not the arms cos i didnt like the arms…i do pulls ups instaed lol )
day 1 to day 30
Hey there! seeing your comment with the pics of before/after got me motivated 😀 I hope I can get the same results by the end of the month ^^
I’m also thinking about doing the split challenge :/ I don’t know if anyone has tried it n got results from it
oh wow amazing! where do i find the rest of the challanges?
ok nvm found them 😀 so excited to start!
did u eat clean? how many times a day and per week u do this work out ?
I ate clean for the first two weeks (i confess i lapsed after that)
first two weeks I lived on fish, seafood, eggs.
I cut milk out of my diet. High protein low carbs. No alcohol.
I followed it daily every morning, didnt miss one.
Since I finished I dropped thea rm one and now do three sets of ten reps of each the excersises everymorning, I have abs starting to show now, the excersises are alot easier now, so may need to up my reps but I am telling everyoen to do these challenges cos its a brilliant kick start
hiii Cassey
it’s 25/04 nd im srating from today 😉 wish me luck ^_^
how was it ? effective?
i did stop cuz i got besy ” study ” -_-
but i starting again n im on my 3rd week not big results but im feeling gd already 😉
not that much i started another programme a harder one cuz i wanted i quick results .. gd luck to u
Those extra glasses of water, is that in addition to what you normally drink or what you should drink in a day? Lets say, you should drink 2 L water a day, do you have to drink on day one 2 L + 1 glass of water? Or what you normally drink (I drink way less than 2 litres of water) + 1 glass…
What you normally drink + 1 glass of water 🙂
Ok blonde question the blue numbers on each square are they the day number or the rep number?
If you read the article it says those are the numbers of glasses of water to drink.
many reps do i do? Does it go by the day number ?? Like on day thirty you do thirty reps ??
It says on the calendar
so does that mean 5 sets of 5 reps?
No. Day 1 is 3 exercises, each done 5 times, Day 2 is 3 exercises, each done 6 times. When you get to Day 7, do 3 exercise 10 times and add the 4th exercise done 5 times, you (or at least I stopped thinking it was easy, LOL!).
eeeeeep! I want to try tthis but i have a question: would it be okay if i do this challenge by itself or should i add another challenge to it? willl i see results if i do this by itself T^T stubborn belly fat is the worstttttt!
Not sure where i came across this. But I decided to add it to my November goals (NOT that I expect “flat abs” by the end of it.)
I’m not sure I’ve ever made a more strained “hrrrnnnggg” noise as that 5th roll-up.
Got it all done though. *\o/*
Ciao…Well I am ready to start this challenge and I would find it helpful if smn tells me what to do exactly…so does it work, or what happends if I make the max moves everyday . Grazie
its great
Will it be fine to just do the max reps every day for thirty days?
I don’t think it’s the best idea – pretty sure you’ll overwork your muscles if you do the same exercises every day. Take rest days and try new exercises, maybe try doing some cardio as well?
Will you get results faster if you do the workout multiple times per day?
hey i need help on how to get started i have been trying so hard on trying to eat healthy and do the 30 day challenge but i cant how do you guys do it
Hi Alondra,
What helps me is thinking in little step, always follow the calendar or the fitness plan you’re doing and if you feel like eating a little bit more or a nice meal every ow and then it’s not the end of the world.
The results will be slow, sure, but they will come! And if you can, try not to blame yourself, I used to do that ad I felt awful, I try to just accept myself now.
If I am not wrong, Cassey advices to have a buddy too.
Good Luck
I use an app called lose it so i can track my calorie intake. The app also takes uouronfo like weight height n again to determine hiw many calories yiu need per day. You can eat what you want but you have to portion yourself. Today i start the 30 day challenge. First day was pretty easy for me!
What’s working for me is dividing it into lines. I tell myself it’s only five lines. I also change up the music I listen to while doing the exercises.
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to thank you Cassey so much! You’re my inspiration to become strong and healthier.
I am doing the beginner calendar with this challenge and I already feel stronger, I am only on day 4!
Keep up the amazing work!
I completed this challenge 2 months ago and it was great because my lower belly pooch disappeared and I had really flat abs. Now my belly pooch is back so should I start this challenge over again from the beginning? Any advice?
If you dont keep up some sort of workout, then of course all your work will be undone. But if you didn’t want to do the whole challenge, I think it would be enough to just keep up a bit of exercise, to keep everything the same. That said, the challenge is obviously the faster option. Don’t overdo it though, or you’ll just get fed up. X
Hey guys! I just started working out today but i feel motivated to do this! I moved to Spain 2 days ago and the food is amazing! I living with a host family but I find it hardand a bit unkind to reject their food, but its not a 100% healthy. Are these workouts really working? Please give me some guidance!! <3
could you explain in more detail about “5 times” ? im new 🙂
…you do the move five times
I started with day 30 of this and after I was done I didn’t feel anything in my abs. I thought that by the next day I would be really sore, but I continued the exercise routine adding 1 more rep a day for 7 days plus holding a plank for 2 min everyday. I am not making anymore progress and I am not sure what to do. Do I just have really strong abs or am I doing something wrong? Should I keep going with this for the 30 days adding an extra rep everyday?
If you dont keep up some sort of workout, then of course all your work will be undone. But if you didn’t want to do the whole challenge, I think it would be enough to just keep up a bit of exercise, to keep everything the same. That said, the challenge is obviously the faster option. Don’t overdo it though, or you’ll just get fed up. X
Sorry, that was meant for another person. I’d say make sure you were doing the exercises right, and make sure you’re eating healthily (but still eating)
How many reps should I do
just look at the calender at each day
If I will do the 30 days abs challenge do I need to do some other cardio exercise? and how many times in a week of cardio if i will combine it in this challenge? thanks…
That depends. It doesn’t matter how hard you train your abs if you have fat lying on top. Cardio gets rid of that fat, but if you’re already thin with a low body fat percentage and/or have a fast metabolism it’s unlikely that you will need it. If you do have fat and want to do cardio, first decide what kind of cardio you’d like to do (steady state vs. HIIT). For steady state I’d recommend something like 5 times a week, but for HIIT I’d recommend no more than 4 times a week (every other day). If your HIIT workouts are under 12 minutes then feel free to do them more times a week.
Also, keep in mind that you cannot spot reduce, so if you lose fat you will lose fat everywhere. Furthermore, if you gain more muscle it will be easier for your body to burn fat, and this is best done by working out your other muscle groups like your arms and your legs which cover much more area than your abs.
hai…how to use this calendar???for example day1 is 5 rool up…5 the mean is 5minutes or 5 times or 5 reps roll up…??please anybody help me…
it means 5 times 🙂
could you explain in more detail about 5 times is it? im new 🙂
1 time= just up, and back (so 2 times= up, back, up, back. etc)
Hi Shasha! So for your example, the number 5 will be 5 reps, and each day the number of reps increases as you get stronger! After day 6, more exercises are added! The number beside those exercises are the number of reps as well 🙂
I have completed 26 days of the 30 day challenge but then took 4 days off. Should I continue to reach the 30 and will this impact my results.
I have completed 27 days of this challenge but then stopped for 4 days. Should I continue on for the 30 and will this change my results?
Have you seen results so far?? (:
Hey I’m 15 and doing this abb challenge at the moment, I’m adverage size not skinny skinny and people are doubting it’s going to work, I’m on my 12th day. Am I suposed to be doing heaps of other excersise on top of this and eating very healthy for it to work?
Abs are made in the gym (or on a yoga mat) but revealed in the kitchen! Even if your muscles get developed, you won’t be able to see them have a flat stomach if it’s hidden by fat. Be sure to count your calories and eat plenty of protein.
Hi there.. I did the routine for 15-days, it felt amazing! I fell ill thereafter and stopped the challenge.. qurdtion, where do I resume now, from day 1 onwards or continue where i had stopped? Hear from you soon. Thank you
Hi Daisy. I think it depends on how long you took a break from the workout. If it was just a few days, I think you can resume from where you left off. If it’s been, like, 4-5 weeks, you may want to start from closer to the beginning. Otherwise, your body won’t be used to the workout, and you may hurt yourself. Stay motivated! Hope you reach your goal!
hi. I have started with this challenge. But i have read that when you do ab exercises you do not do them everyday. Its recommended that you it 4 times a week and rest for 3, otherwise it results in bloating.
In this challenge you do these exercises everyday.
Will this cause bloating or should i follow your calendar exactly?
It depends on yourself. I’ve done Ab exercises before that have rest days. What ended up happening is I never resumed. This one I like because the increments are only by 1 each day, and there are no rest days. I’ve never heard of daily ab exercises causing bloating.
Hey guys.. 🙂
This abs challenge has worked wonders. You just have to think of the end result. AND NEVER GIVE UP.
Awesome Motivation!!(:
Is there any way to upload photos on here? I’m on day 15 of the 30 day flatter tummy challenge and I wanted to share some photos to show that it works! I have a long way to go but I have a muffin top and big tummy with no definition after having a baby and c section and I can see results already. My muffin top is getting smaller and I can begin to see my waist and hips nicely. This has been so easy to do and I’m so pleased I started it!
I love pilates! It is the best! Simple as that.
However I am looking for something to do for my abs while sitting down. I’m working as a secretary at a hospital and I sit at the computer alot. And I can’t really lay down on the floor in the reception and to the hundreds, even if I want to. 😛 Do you Cassey or anyone else have any tips to what I could do sitting by my desk?
Thank you!
you could just practice pulling in your stomach and holding it while breathing out, that is considered an exercise all by itself.
Hi there. This challenges are cool ! i was just wondering maybe we can get a 30 day muffin top challenge
3 days been doing all the challenges and my body feels great alrdy !
what do i do if i missed a day?? do i continue the calendar ignoring the day i missed or do i do the exercises of the day i missed the next day or…????
what do i do if i missed a day? do i do the exercises the next day or ignore it or…???
I added the ones I missed to the next day. You could also just keep yourself on that day. Like if you missed day five, you could do day five on day six and day six on day seven so it’ll takes 31 days instead.
I completed 26 days of this challenge and it worked very well. I stopped for 5 days and I don’t know if is should continue with the last 4 days to complete the challenge. Also what do you do when the challenge is completed?
wow this is amazing.. guess ill start today n rite away.. al the love cassey xoxo
Can I do 3 challenges from you at the same time?
I do 4 challenges at the same time and its ok 🙂 I also do Beginners Calendar 2.0. Just keep going, eat healthy things and you can do it too! 🙂
How much calories can you burn each day?
Awsomely Amazing, it even works for a 62 year old man, thanks !
i really appreciate the little film clips showing the exercises in motion !
Hey! I just started doing this challenge – I am already pretty skinny, so this is only to tone up, NOT to lose weight. I feel like it would be good to do some other workouts along with this, which ones do you guys recommend (that won’t make me lose weight)? x
If you’re looking to tone, you might have fun with the 30 day Thigh Challenge. It nicely compliments this one.
I’m in day 9 and I wanted to know from when I’ll be able to see the change in my body.. Just a little curious 😛
Hi everyone! Just wanted to share that I am currently on day 27 and I definitely see the results. I’m not sporting a six pack by any means but I feel slimmer and haven’t had any bloating since starting this challenge. My tummy is looking flat now and I had a very slight muffin top before starting. It’s great!
Is this challenge the only thing you were doing to see those results??
You might want to keep a good diet- it will make you feel happier + you will be slimmer faster….
hope that helps 🙂
I am going to start this today!!!!!!!!!!!
Started today, but didn’t feel pain or stress at any of the exercisesof first day, and I had never done anything like this before (not in shape, lets just say..).Am I doing anything wrong or is it supposed to be this way? And does this actually work? (:
Hi! I started this challenge 2 days ago and I have a question… I need to do reps? For example in day 2: 6 roll ups x 2 or just 6 roll ups???
Thanks! 🙂
You only have to do the number of reps thats in the calenfar. F.i: day 2: 6 rol ups
Can I do the 30 day flat abs challenge together with the 30 day tight slimming challenge?
my exact thoughts
yes you can do it \(^_^)/
Do you have to do 3 sets of these each day?
My personal opinion from research and working out the past few months. You do not have to do three sets. Because technically each exercise is one set when it comes to abs. BUT, when working out you need to push yourself! If you do not feel it after, which I can see being possible the first week with such low amount of reps, then you do it again! If you are pushing yourself, then no matter what you do, you’re doing it right.
OH my gosh… I’ve just finished day 11 of this, and I was so startled to realise I could lift my shoulders off the mat without straining my neck!!!!! I’ve never been able to do this before! I’ve been doing blogilates videos on and off for a while now, and I always struggled with core workouts because I was always straining my neck, and couldn’t understand how anyone could “lift their shoulders” Without all the strain. This is ace! Ive recently started doing all the combined 30 day challenges because I suffered a foot injury last year that has really hampered any kind of exercise I’ve tried since (for a month, I couldn’t even walk). This seemed like a way of working out that would slowly develop muscles without putting too much strain on my foot. The fact that I’m already seeing progress gives me hope! Thank you Cassey 🙂 x
I just injuried my foot too! I am thinking to start this to maintain my fitness!! Good to know you saw the benefit!
I have just finished this 30 day challenge and I have lost 2 inches off my waist and my lower belly pooch is completely gone. Anyone that needs a quick tone up with great results should give this a try.
hi stephanie i wanted to know did you do any other exercise like cardio during 30 days flat abs challenge
Hi everyone, I just started doing the 30 day flat abb challenge because I want to have bikini ready abbs when I go to Cali this summer! It’s been 2 days since I started and I still have my muffin top belly, so if anyone has suggestions on what to do to speed up the process, please reply!!!!!! Thanks
Cardio really burns off fat. do something that is active and will make you sweat, thats whats helping me! good luck!!!!!!!
Hey Tara,
Oh my, two days isn’t long enough to even begin to start seeing results! After the complete challenge you’ll start seeing something change. Your body hasn’t even had a chance to start losing it yet. Also, don’t just rely on this challenge and include other exercise into your daily routine also. Cardio workouts on Cassey’s youtube channel are fantastic as well as many other body sculpting videos. Also control your food intake and track everything you eat and drink! My personal trainer told me it takes up to 6 weeks to fully see results as we all know nothing will make fat drop off over night, or two nights in this instance. Patience and perseverance is key i’m afraid. Stick at the challenge and look in the mirror when it’s finished!
Hi everyone! I just started the 30 day flat abb challenge(it’s been 2 days) and I started because I want flat beach ready abbs cause I’m going to California this summer! So far I have been doing the roll ups, ankle reaches and leg lifts, but I really don’t see a difference? I still have my muffin top, and I really need to get rid of it! If anyone has any suggestions to make the process go faster, please reply to this comment!!!!
Oh come on Tara. Seriously. 2 days. How long did it takes you to get that muffin top?? Don’t expect it to vanish in a blink. Get on with the challenge. Stay focus. See the result on day 31.
I feel that your question shouldn’t even be a question. Your muffin belly top isn’t going to go away in 2 days. Put in the work. It takes time. Things don’t just magically get better in 2 days.
Hi Ladies!
I just started doing these workouts and just need someone to keep me motivated and be friends!
If you need support or help, contact me! Would love to get to know more ladies in the same situation as me!
I started today still searching for someone?
I’ll do it with you! I’m also doing it by myself! We can all do it together! 🙂
i wanna start it too! still searchin some freinds?
I wanna start it too! still searchin some friends?
Hi Cassey,
I have started my weightloss journey two months back with PiYo.
I somehow came across your blog and now i think i’m going to start with your 30-day challenges( a combination of each challenge).
My tummy is my problem area, hope to get great results out of it 🙂
you’re great!! thank you for helping so many people out here. <3
This challenge looks really well planned and it’s just AMAZING!!! i’m new to the website but subscribed your Youtube channel since last year. I wish i had followed your blog earlier so i could start work out earlier jajajaja. I gonna also start the beginners calender 2.0, holp to lose some fat of my abs and look a little skinner at the end!!.
i’d like to buy one your new book but i live in Spain and the cost of shipping is just unbelieveble.. so what a pitty! Still wish you a brisk sell of “hot body year round”!
Hey Tinging!
I’m living in Spain too, and I would love to get her book. I also saw the shipping, and I’m thinking of ordering it, and then having a friend bring it to me when they come.
it’s pretty good that you get a friend in US!! Don’t you think that they should sell more original version of english books in Spain so we would possibly get the access to the book easily!!
Is it possible to not feel anything during the roll-ups, or am i just doing it wrong? I tried imaginig all those zombies pulling me, but it didn’t work at all…
Hi Cassey 🙂
I have one question before I’ll do this 30 days flat abs exercise. Do I need to do whole body exercise before I proceed to this exercise ?
thank you 🙂
Hi! I want to do the flat abs calendar but i’m still a beginner, is it possible?
Thank you so much!
Couple of weeks into the challenge. muffin top has started to reduce a bit in size. Only problem i have is the reverse crunches. started off ok but as the number of crunches go up each day, i am struggling to do them. I will keep on doing them but can’t seem to do them very well at all 🙁 The other exercises i am finding ok and feel like i am getting better each day. Just over 15 days left to go though 🙂
I had the same problem and went exploring on Youtube. There are many ways to do a reverse crunch, but I found out that with this type, you don’t have necessarily to move your butt so high, just a little off the floor is just fine, and trust me it hurts the same, though it doesn’t involve cardio and super muscular strength to do it. I also keep my shoulders a little off the floor with my hands under my head so I don’t push the floor with my hands and it works different parts at the same time. Hope this helps !
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new here! Gonna challenge myself starting today! ~Love, Nathalie from Japan
I have backpain. I have lessened space in L3-L4 discs. Can I still do these crunches and roll ups?
Found this site via google. Been going to the gym and all i have managed to do is start toning up my legs. Going to start from tomorrow the 30 day flat abs challenge. I just want to start getting rid of my muffin top. That and the exercises looks quite easy to do. Looking forward to starting tomorrow and sticking at it 🙂
Love Cassie’s printable workout challenge. Anyhow, I tried roll-up, and I am having difficulty with even doing one. Any suggestions, anyone? Also, having hard time with reverse crunch. I am thinking of replacing that with regular crunch and sit ups. Not sure if it will work the same though. :/
If you have trouble at first put your feet under your bed or couch because it’ll help hold them down! Don’t rely too much on them, and after a few try it without the bed. But in classes we had people hold our feet until we were strong enough
Hi Meghan,
Thanks for your tips! Actually, I can come up, but the problem is I can’t form that 45 degrees move like she has in the picture.
Ooh, nvm, the bed helps a lot. I should have done it before posting that previous post. Sorry, sorry! Thank you for your help! 🙂
You can also bend your knees a little or hold your thighs as you come up. Might help a little.
cant wait to try this after having a baby my abs are horrible and I have a belly pouch that I wish I could make disappear i have to make a commitment to eat better and clean and love my body, and exercise consistently and not be afraid of challenging myself 🙂
Dear Rosio,
yes you can achieve this after your kids. Kepp pictureing yourself in the body you want to see when you are done. Try not to see what is now. Babies are worth it and the work you put into it afterward is worth it too. Ihave three kids and am 45 years old now. I fit into my pre kids clothing with is a siye six. Even though I always was a sport enthusiast, I still have to to coninually work at it. Yes I am self motivated and I dont stick my achivements to what if. What if the weather isnt as nice as hoped for what if I don’t have a work out buddy…and so on. You have to find the motivation within yourself then it will be easy to stick with it. I have learned not to make excuses. So what if the waether isn’t perfect. It never is. So get your correct gear etc. It does not take much. Not being able to go running because of the weather is never the weathers problem its a clothing problem. Not being able to afford a gym is not a problem. There are a hundred thousand free workout videos on you tube, that you can do and get in excellent shape without leaving the home. That is how I started getting back into sports after my kids. I do like blogilates and among other I do all of them. Cassie is so cheerful without being corny. I just love her personality. And dont get discuraged, there will always be good days and bad days. Just dont let the bad days lower your goals.
Can you do more challenges !? I already did the ab and butt challenges, I’d like to do the arm and butt challenge again with new challenges -so I’d be combing the challenges
Im doing this and your beginner calendar starting today..how much will I loose and also how skinnier will I look? I want to look and loose weight in 30 days thanks! please respond
Unfortunately, working out won’t make you lose weight, you could actually gain some because muscle is heavier than fat. However, you will look ‘skinnier’ because it will flatten your belly and tone your whole body ! Remember, you can only lose weight if you BOTH work out AND eat clean 🙂
Hey ! In your 30 days challenges you there are no days off and mos of the trainers say that you need at leat 1 day off a week. So do we have to take our days off by ourself or we dont take no days off ?
I was told by a trainer at the gym you can work your core every day!
I think they mean for intense workouts. On her workout calender we get Friday off for stretching but I guess because this really isn’t an intense thing she didn’t include one
Does this challenge really working?
Sooo, its been about a year since I last worked out and I decided I wanted to start eating healthy and get into shape. I have been doing a different variety of casseys workouts, starting sundayy im going to start the ab challage? But I had a few questions what should I eat to lose my body fat and to get skinnier? Should I do additional workouts of casseys? Any advice would be great thank you:)
I went vegetarian 9 months ago, and I’ve lost body fat. I have just started working out, but that’s also something you should do. I do recommend doing more of Cassey’s workouts, like the monthly printable calendars. Also, if you do decide to go vegetarian MAKE SURE TO GET ENOUGH PROTEIN!!!! You need 50 grams of protein a day, so going to a website that will get you a meal plan is a fantastic idea.
Hope I helped <3
I am new to your website and YouTube channel but to be honest I love it and I want to keep up. It has been 2 years since I have an eating disorder, I am afraid of eating and most of all getting fat. Few days ago I realized that it wouldn’t take me anywhere so I started watching some YouTube videos on how to keep fit, some ab workouts, legs workouts and healthy meals. I really like your 30 day abs challenge but I have a simple question. Should I stick with one and only ab challenge or can I do more than one at the same time? I am really looking forward to your answer. I think you are amazing and a really inspiring person that I would like to follow through my process. Thank you, Matilde
Hi Cassey,
I am going on a cruise in 4 days do you have any tips for me to get a flatter stomach??
Hi Casey, warm regards from Indonesia
I wanna ask you something, I am a beginner here, and I am doing your 4 weeks for Beginner 2.0, is it okay if I combine your workout with fasting? FYI, I am a moeslim, and I wanna do my fasting and also your workout so that I could get a nice body shape like yours.
Thanks Casey, <3
Just be careful. You should be drinking water to stay hydrated while working out. Don’t over do it. 🙂
During fasting, I’m not sure I’m not Muslim, but I believe they eat during nightfall and drink water during they day so I guess it depends. But make share this doesn’t turn into a eating disorder with intense workouts and no meals to nourish your body afterward
Actually they break their fast at sundown,, so no water during the day.
Hello Cassey! Do you think it is possible for me to have abs(visible) while there’s a layer of fats(not that much) at my abdomen area?
Hey Cassey!
I was asking if you could do a arm challenge or a challege where you have to do cardio
one question do we raise our leg from the mat during the criss cross excercise n i am a bigginer so do i need to the same type of exercise
owhhh cassey i love ur vids & blog.
really inspiring me!!
hopefully it will help me gettin my fit and healthy body on my wedding day. 😀
Great calendar!! Thanks !!
Absolutely loved the ab challenge, pleeeeaase do a 30 day arm toning challenge!!! Thanks cassey
Hey can you make a contest to loose arm fat and get skinny and exercises too thanks blogilates
Did the entire challenge ! Hehe
Please make a new one for february! Maybe a butt challenge, I would love that 😀 thks Cassey <3
Did it really work? 🙂 I want to try it out since I really want some flat abs for this summer
I am planning to do the 30 day challenge but will i have to change my diet if i do this challenge?
Just registered. Can’t wait to try all these workouts!
Me,too 🙂
I wasn’t sure where to make a request but it see a few people are requesting here so I’d like to put in my vote for a push-up / arms challenge ! Thanks !!
Hi, I don’t understand how much reps I need to do?
Sorry for my English
Somebody can help me please
hey Yesenia
it is your choice how many reps you want to do. Cassey challenges you to increase your reps with the days, so you get stronger in these 4 weeks. i’d go with 3 reps per day in the first week, as it’s pretty light. from then on, you can choose 🙂 good luck!
Hi Cassy,
I was just woundering if you could do 30 day challenges but with but/legs instead or maybe release a new one of these each month with different body parts.
Thanks x
Hi Cassey!
I was wondering if you could do a 30 day arm challenge, leg/butt challenge?! I am loving this 30 day ab challenge idea! I just thought it would be really cool to do the legs, butt and arms as well!
I agree!! It’s a little extra something and I’m loving it!
Thank you SO much Cassy!
You are the best. I have been trying for ages to get all the flab off my belly because I’m going on holidays in the summer and on my last holiday I could not wear a bikini, and now finally my belly is tin.Last year my bikinis were just sitting in my suitcase waiting to come out ( even though they weren’t going to come out), but this year there going to be the first thing out of my suitcase.
Thank you Cassy, I really don’t know what to do without you right now.
– Maddiexoxo
Did this challenge really help? I plan on doing this and incorporating an hour of cardio each day. Was this the only ab workout you did or did you use some of Casseys’ videos.
Can we do a push-up challenge next month?
hey cassey i’m doing this challenge and I can feel that my abs are already amazing and so i was wondering, why don’t keep on with this challenge every month adding always more and more moves? it would be crazy and we could all arrive at summer with a flat belly!
it would be fantastic to also have this type of daily challenge for every part of the body, cause it really pushes to do some exercises every day, it’s so wonderful!!
you know, everytime that I started to do some exercise I always stopped and gave in but now with this challenge I’m so into and so excited so please keep on with this type of exercise. thank you so much
Hi Cassey!
I’m doing the ab challenge this month and am loving it. I was wondering if we couldn’t do a challenge next month as well, but maybe one for the back… I’m just worried that all this crunching will make me look like a banana 😛 Though actually, a lot of guys in my class look like bananas because of working only abs, really… Or maybe you could just suggest some good back moves, and I’ll do that for myself.
Hugs, Lolo
Hi Casssy,
One week into the abs challenge and I sadly missed two day in a row. How do I catch up? Do twice as more or drink more water…
I’m starting from today! Thanks cassey xD
YOU ARE SO AWESOME, CASSEY! I love this challenge! I hope next month we get a bubble butt challenge next LOL But seriously, I love this one! My back is so much stronger now because of the roll-ups! <3 La la la love you 🙂
I actually started January 1st. I have not missed a day. I can feel the burn in my abs. I didn’t know whose website the calendar was from. I saw it on Facebook and screen shot it to my phone. I’m excited about getting fit and losing weight. Thanks Cassy!
I’m starting today and I’ll try to motivate a friend to do it with me. Your so great and so motivating Cassey !! I love you !!! Thanks for all you do for us it’s really great <3
Its really nice to see that Cassey is not all about money…of course we all have to make a living somehow but she puts fitness first…..many website and internet instructors would be charging at least a fee for the monthly calendar….thanks Cassey for making fitness available to us all no matter if we can afford it or not….never change…your great…xoxoxo
Quick question for Cassie. I’m LOVING my results from this abs challenge but I’m wondering how I maintain or continue my progress after the challenge is over. Should I find another ab challenge for the month, repeat the challenge or just continue on with next month’s calendar and continue eating clean to maintain my results? Any feedback you could give would be so helpful! Thank you again! Xoxo
Hey Cassey!
I LOVE this challenge. And you know what i love even more? Seeing the results. It’s so awesome what can happen in 23 days.
Maybe you could do something similar for next month, only with different kinds of squats? I’d like to tone my thighs and booty, and there is nothing like a challenge to motivate me!
Dear Cassey,
Thank you so much for your efforts, I have one favor to ask for: in regards to people with knee injuries, what would you recommend for a warmup and exercises ?
Am sooo in-love with your videos, I actually exercise as much as possible, but I had to stop due to an unfortunate accident, do you have any recommendations??? am zoo keen to get back in the loop.
Thanks xoxo
I’m starting today with my bestfriend…we’re portuguese!! We’re also very excited 🙂 hope this will gives us abs… 😀
Hi Cassey!
I just wanted to take a moment and say THANK YOU! I really feel this abs challenge changing my body. I haven’t missed a day and have found new determination for a stronger body and a healthier lifestyle. Thank you! (:
thank you so much Cassey,,soon I will become like you..I will do this flatabs challenge.I want you to know that I really like your Detox bottle and one of your shirt design..Hope 1 day to get it IDOL….
This is one of the most fantastic challenges I’ve ever done! I totally love it! Everyday I can’t wait untill I find a little time for me for this workout! AMAZING! Cassey, I know that you’ve got a lot of work to do and that maaaaaany girls are writing to you, but please – consider to do such challenge for butt and legs! It would be totally excellent!!! I’m crazy about your exercises – you’re such a cheerful person and when I watch your videos I just have to move on and do the exercises! Keep doing this and don’t you ever stop!!!!
Have a nice, sunny day! (((:
Nooooo… the fit planner is sold out!
Day 19 done!! ouch!! After day 19 on the beginners calender 2.0 was mainly ab work this is a killer. x
I am on day 18! And I feel amazing! Thanks Cassey, your one of a kind!
I pulled my intercostal muscle so I had to stop doing ab work. Instead, I’m going to develop my own substitution for the ab calendar and replace it with leg work!
..it got really quiet around here..anyone on day 18? 🙂 thanks for making this challenge, cassey..
just finished day 18 🙂 and day 17 because I skipped yesterday
I work in a specialty running store in Maryland. I took the job because I love running and I love my boss. I tell you this because this month, Caitlin and I have been using your 30 day ab challenge and we have had so much fun. We are looking to continue it through the year though and would love your suggestions for do that. I am not sure just doing this one over and over is the best plan.
You’re not the one in Annapolis, are you??
I’m really liking the 30 day ab challenge. Are you going to be making any other challenges like this? Like a 30 day arm or leg challenge? That would be amazing!
Soooooo, I just saw this and the beginning calender 2.0 today…. It’s it too late to start? Any advise?
No you can start them whenever you want! Go for it, you can do this!
Hey Cassey! I LOVE this calendar. Also, I was expecting a second updated beginners calendar bcs I am one of those who used to be a very strong popster, but then stopped working out for a good deal of time. So, beginning again thanks to these two amazing calendars! Hoping to see some good results both on my body and my mind.
Love you!
I am starting this challenge today, now let;s see what happens in 30 days, I am excited 🙂
Just completed day 12. I can’t do the double leg lift properly as my hip clicks every time so i just go half way. I still really feel it though so its obviously still working and it’s definitely getting harder every day but i can already see a major improvement. If i jumped into day 12 from the start there is noway i could of completed it. x
Hi, can you tell me how many reps should be done in one series? Thank you 🙂
All you have to do is reach your elbow to your opposite knee 🙂
Question! When I do double leg lift and my legs go down my hips both click! Anyone know why it does it for most exercise involving my legs? Any circle anything?!
mine does it too, i have heard that it can be damaging so i just go down to just before it clicks and then go back up, hoping that it will stretch it out and eventually it will stop clicking but who knows. It still works your abs going half way. x
I really don’t understand the criss-cross. ¿Is there any video where Cassey does it?
They’re more popularly known as bicycle crunches. Just search into youtube 🙂
I’m currently struggling with the reverse crunches. I’m on my second day and I don’t seem to be doing it right.
Me too, can’t really seem to do the reverse crunches properly, anyone has any advice/tips?
I have a question on doing the Double Leg Lifts. I’m about to start Day 7. Ever since day one whenever I try to do the DLLs, moving my legs down, I get this arch in my back. When I get this arch unless I’m holding onto something as a kind of counterweight I can’t lift my legs back up. I still use my core to bring my legs back up, but it seems impossible without holding onto something like a door frame.
Now I will admit, I have a bit of a booty and have always had a bit of an arch in my back right above my butt (I can feel an opening between my back and the floor when I just lay down). Am I doing the DLLs wrong? Is my funny back arch the issue? Is there a technique that might make it easier?
Any advice at all would be grateful, as I don’t want to ruin a perfectly good exercise routine.
I posted nearly the exact same thing as you, it’s been a real problem for me and preventing me from completing the workout! But I’ve tried putting my hands behind my head and lifting my shoulders off the floor which helps as it is bending my back the other way, preventing it happening, although it makes it really hard! I’m not sure if that’s the correct thing to do, though, I hope we can get an answer!
You can prevent the arch in your back when you use our hands under your tailbone as a support. It should be easier then and your core gets stronger with time so that you can eventually hold your legs up without this support. Don’t do DLL if your back is building this little arch – it’s very unhealthy and will only bring you bad back pain!
Hope that helped, love, Ilvie 🙂
i try to keep my shoulders off the ground and out my hands under to help with the lower back issue … keep shoulder blades off ground took me a few tries and i got it…don’t strain ur neck to keep it elongated and look straight up not at ur legs
Hi there!
I think it’s totally normal. It’s just because your abs are not strong enough yet, so the rest of your body tends to compensate for it. It does the same for me, though maybe not as much as you said. But I think it’s still perfectly normal! Just keep going and one day you’ll notice that you arch less. Also, I think everyone has a space between the floor and their back when they’re lying, depending on your butt’s form 🙂
Just sink in your belly button (like Cassey always says) and give the best you can. Also, she sometimes says you can put your hands as a triangle just below your tailbone. It prevents from arching. Lifting you shoulder and supporting your neck with your hands is also good (she does it on the double leg lifts demonstration’s gif on this page!).
We can do this 😀
i try to keep my shoulders off the ground and put my hands under to help with the lower back issue … keep shoulder blades off ground took me a few tries and i got it…don’t strain ur neck.. so keep it elongated and look straight up not at ur legs
I put a folded dish towel right above my tailbone and that helps keep the arch out.
I have the exact same problem! I’m new at blogilates, and going to start some of the challenges, but try and keep your back a little off the ground, but try without anything and just practise, its what i do 🙂
I put my hands under my butt, not sure if i’m supposed to but I feel more support than under my tailbone 🙂 Hope I helped. Also, you could put your hands behind your head just don’t go down so far <— with that, tuck your tailbone before and during the exercise 🙂
OMG! I love it ! Really
Hi Cassey, I’ve done every day of the challenge so far, but I really struggle with double leg lifts, I just can’t keep my back flat, every time my legs go down it really strains my hip muscles! I’ve been trying single leg lifts instead as they are a bit easier but I don’t want to miss out on the challenge! Any tips?! Thank you xxx
i try to keep my shoulders off the ground and put my hands under to help with the lower back issue … keep shoulder blades off ground took me a few tries and i got it…don’t strain ur neck.. so keep it elongated and look straight up not at ur legs
Can anyone answer?..do you do each 3x or just exactly whats on the sheet
I am wondering the same thing. Just now starting with my niece, so I’ll be finishing this challenge early February. Hope we get an answer soon!
Exactly what it says on the sheet. Don’t forget to drink extra water too!
I Do exactly what the calendar says, but I’ve also paired this with the beginners 2.0 calendar.
Is it enough to just do the flat abs challenge or should I do additional training?
I’m also doing the Beginners 2.0 calender as well, but i think it will be okay to just do that, any excercise is better than none!
You read my mind. This is just what I was looking for. Starting it today (better late than never, right?). Can’t wait to see the results!
Hey just wanted to ask if youll see any changes after the 30 days?
Day 8 complete! It feels soo great!!
Wish you post 30 days challege to slim our legs and make our booties rounder too!
I agree, every month, there should be a new challenge for a different part of the body! 🙂
I super duper agree on this… Thank you Cassey =)
That is a great idea! Maybe each month could focus on a different body part?
I totally agree to plz do a 30 day to slimer legs challenge
I’m a pear shap so my thuder thighs r crying to be whipped
into shape….
n I’m on day 5 totally loving this ab challenge thanks a million xoxo
hey do you do exactly whats on the sheet or do u do each of them 3x each so 10 reps nut 3 sets?
Can you tell me how many reps to do???? please? thanks 🙂
Hye Cassey,
Thank you for this amazing workout for starting my new year!! I will start to do it now (I wish it is not too late). Thanks cassey! Love you so much!! <3
l love it! I hope to look for more monthly challenges for other parts of the body.
Day 3 is complete. Leg lifts are almost impossible – horrible thigh cramps in one leg. Is there anything else to do in its place? Day 3 on arms too. I enjoy the video too. Got to be able to hold the new grand babies. Amazing how out of shape I really am.
I’m in also for the 30 days Butt Challenge!! Would love it.
I used to be in a shape and am still very happy with my body. Just need to be toned up again and build more muscles, but I have almost NO AB STRENGTH
I could barely do a roll up, and had to use my bed to hold my feet down in attempts to do it. Does it still count?
Love it, it’s great! <3 It would be best New Year's gift if you'd like to do 30 days Butt Challenge. Greetings from Poland! <3
Help me !
I have a question: is it also effective if I would do this 30 day abs challenge with the first beginners calendar?
Yes, for sure!!! 🙂
Done Day 1!
Although my form was horrible, so I am not sure if it even counted T_____T
This is the happiest day of my life
Please I’ve registered but is still waiting to confirm my password….
Could you plzzzz do a 30 day challenge for lower body I’m a pear shape n I would do anything to get rid of it so pweety pweez casey make next month a FebrPeary(horrible name but hope u see hw badly I need it)…
N omg I absolutely loveeee ur 30 ab challenge it is sexy lool (n painful but as they say no pain no gain) Dawn
Hi! Do i need or what warm up to started?
This is it! Since my gym just closed, I’m dedicated to doing my workouts at home. I almost died trying extreme abs with Cassey; guess I have a goal to work for. Time to print the calendar. Thanks for being with me, all!
Love this so far! Are you gonna make other challenges?
Done with Day 3 = ]
Hi Cassey! I already LOVE this 30 day ab challenge! Question–how does drinking extra water prevent bloating, and do these exercises cause bloating? Thanks!
I believe its because if you dont drink enough water you will have water weight. Its where your body doesnt feel like its getting enough water daily so it retains the water. But if you keep up with drinking the right amount of water (8 cups a day is whats recommended) daily your body wont need to hold on to all that extra water. In fact, if you drink 8 cups a day(like 4 bottles of water) for a week you will lose 5 pounds in water weight 🙂
Hey fellow POPster,
No the exercises don’t cause bloating. The reason that Cassie asks us to drink water is so that our body can flush out all the unnecessary garbage, like sodium for example, in our body that causes bloating. When our bodies hold on to these things and bloat up, (also known as water weight) the abs still exist but we cant see them because of all the bloating.
Dear Cassey,
I just what to say that i love your website! i found your videos last summer when you did the video on Meredith Fosters channel, but i had never been on your site till now. Your website is so easy to navigate and the people on here are so supportive! I was a little afraid at first to join because i didn’t want to have to deal with people being rude, but i was shocked when i looked through the comments and did not see one rude comment! Thank you so much for creating this website were i can get fit and be able to ask questions without being judged. i cant wait to do day 4!!!!!!
Much Love,
I shared this challenge with the mummies in whatsapp group .. i encourge them to do every morning .. we hope to have a flat abb even if we need some over weight … hope that we complete it
Hi people!
I really want to try this because I always dreamed about awsome abs. Not seeing on pictures but my own abs that I deserve after that hard work. I’m gonna try it and see what’s gonna happen! So excited to start! 🙂
i’m gonna do this and film it so i can inspire the people from my country to do this 🙂
When you’re used to The calendar, The first days feel like nothing… Let’s see afterwards especially the last week
Day 2 and my legs were shaking like mad! :s
is there any video about this calender?
Nope I guess, the moves are explained so we have to do it on our own this time ^^
Hey guys! So excited to start this but I was wondering, do I do other exercises/videos in conjunction with this 30 day challenge? If so, what ones?
I’m 18 and never really thought I was out of shape because I always maintained a weight around 105-110 with my height of 5’3 but recently felt like i could use some toning and this open my eyes to how out of shape i am.. i couldnt even lift my legs all the way for the leg lifts and it was shocking so i’m definitely going to stick to this and the beginners routine
I’m doing the same!! Good luck 🙂
I’ve always been curious about when people take pictures of their flat bellies. Are they pulling their abs in to look flat or is the stomach relaxed? I’ve been working my abs for over a year now and have increased strength with a four pack if you want to call it that. I am skinny (5’7″ 128 lbs) but have lower belly not completely flat. Sticks out a little bit. Is this normal or do I have to work my abs harder?
Did day one, trying to drink that extra water.. have to say, even 5 of the double leg lifts feels like a lot! I was pretty surprised.
just did day one of the Abs challenge, yeah !!!
For the criss-crosses, is one rep one on each side? Or is each side one rep? Thanks 🙂
hey cassie! ive been IN LOVE with your workouts since about 2 or 3 years now and i cant ever get enough! just wanted to say this (: hope you have an amazing 2015!
I found blogilates about a month now. I’m moving straight up to her janYOUary and 30days abs challenge.good luck to us
I’m joining in! Thanks for the challenge. I need some motivation and accountability when it comes to working out – especially jump starting after the holidays. Should there be any stretching before starting?
I’m sooooo outta shape. I did it though!!!
Hey cassey!! I absolutely love this. I got my boyfriend to do it with me since I don’t have any friends ( I know not something I should readily admit) but maybe I will make some on here. Happy new year!!
haha, this post made me laugh out loud for real, because it reminded me of myself! and hey its good to be honest 😉 happy new year!
Same here 🙂
Hey cassey, i am really looking foward to do this and i already made my own notebook and i am puting what i am eating doing and working out. I love you so much and mu goal us to be like you.
I think that this is a great idea. In the future I would love to see other focuses for the month. This was a great idea Cassey. Love it.
Hello Cassey = ]
This is the first time leaving a comment here, but I have been following on and off for maybe a year now? Recently I did not work out at all and well, gained some weight in the aftermath. However, your e-mail newsletter keeps reminded me of getting my guts together and just do it = ]
It’s 23:59 in Korea now where I live and I finished Day 1, so I managed to do Day 1 in time and I am looking forward to the results (feelingwise more than optical) after 30 days = ]
Thank you so much for dragging be back into this!
Lots of love from Germany and Korean!
just did day one of the Abs challenge hope yo continue,, yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Cassie,
I love this challenge! Can I do both this and your 8-minute abs workout together daily? Or should I just follow this one?
Thank you! Anh Happy new year to you and your loved ones xx
I’m almost 70 years of age and I have the beginning of osteoarthirits in my lower back. My question is should I be doing this type of exercise. I did try day one but as I’m soo out of condition all I managed was to get my head off the floor!!! trying to do the roll ups. Please advise me if I should continue or not, as I would like to get a thinner healthier body.
If you have any concerns or doubts about these exercises, you should definitely consult with your doctor before you start. Just to be on the safe side. 🙂
Thank you so much! I printed it and started yesterday. Hope to see results soon (-:
Hopefully 30 Day Butt or Leg challenges will be in the near future. I love the monthly calendars, but I also like the 30 day challenges, so having different types would be great!
Hey Cassey. I’ve been doing Pilates for 4 years and now it’s been a year that I teach it. after i found ur website, i started to use ur workout videos in my classes and put them in my own daily workouts. to have a really flat abs is my dream. so it’s been three months, that i’m doing ur bikini blaster and other abs workouts seriously. I’ve lost 3 Kilograms during this time and reaching to my dream is just one more step ahead, which I think it now easily possible with ur new 30 days abs workout . I just want to thank u for every thing u do and wish u the best of the best,
please make it possible to use google+ account in ur app.
I love this idea! I would love to see like 30 days to slimmer thighs and maybe like 30 days to toner arms. So do you just drink the water before or after or during?
I think the water is daily, as long as you do it during the day. I would love to see more in these series! Especially slim thighs 🙂
Throughout the day. You need to drink whatever you normally drink PLUS the amount of glasses indicated in the calendar
An arm one would be awesome!
So where does it say how many reps we have to do? Is it just like, Day 1, I rep for each exercise, then Day 2, 2 reps for each exercise, etc.
on the calendar it says first day 5 of each and so on, at the top of the screen.
“The cups indicate the amount BEYOND what you normally drink.”
Sooo….drink water: gotcha.
This is actually good for me because I’m horrible at drinking water so if I do this calendar for two months, I’ll be drinking want I’m suppose to be drinking anyways! Thanks Cassey 😀
Hello, I’m French and I follow you from this summer. I challenge this.
I love your motivation, your exercises, your food… But drink too much water is bad, before I have eating disorder and I drank 4-5 liters of water by day. This is potomania. It’s dangerous for the health. I do not speak English very well I hope you understood what I meant and good luck.
Most people need around 1.5-2.5 litres of water per day, depending on your size and how active you are – more if you are very active or working out in heat. Of course 4-5 litres of water per day is not healthy, especially if you are also eating enough food! Cassey’s recommendations on this calendar are not unhealthy if you already drink a healthy amount of water – at most she’s recommending to drink 5 cups more than you would normally (1 US cup is – I think – about 250 ml or a quarter of a litre). I normally drink 2 litres of water a day, so following this calendar I would be drinking at most just over 3 litres. That’s not unhealthy.
That should’ve said “Especially if you are NOT eating enough food”, oops
Guys, do you think it’d be too hard for me as a beginner to do the 30 days to flat abs challenge and the beginner’s workout all at once?
I don’t think so! In fact, I think it’s a great idea.
Ok!! Thank you! 🙂
Hey Andrea, I am doing the beginners calender and the 30 day flat ab challenge too, and I’m a total beginner to Pilates. We can do this!! 😀
I’m going to be doing both all at once as well! Let’s do this! 😀 It’s going to be great!
I think I’m ready for it, good luck! Let’s do this! 🙂
Hey guys! That’s great! I am too 😀
hey so am i! lets do this 🙂
hi! im doing the beginnier 2.0 and this one as well! =) lets do it together!!
i wanted to ask about the amount of water mentioned! so the water should be chugged down before the workout or post workout? Sorry i am just not getting it!
I believe it is probably throughout the day. Just because 5 glasses of water would be hard to drink before/after a work out (for me anyway)
I think just throughout the day in general!
I accept this challenge! 🙂
Day 1 – Done!
Day 2 – Done!
When it says 5 reps, how many is in a rep?
5 reps means you gotta do it 5 times. Reps could be mistaken for sets
A rep is a repetition! So it is individual. 5 reps of a crunch is the same as 5 crunches.
Hi Cassey,
Love, love blogilates. Quick question about ab work. When doing the double leg lift and other exercises such as boat crunches my hip pops. Do you know why? And do you know any modifications?
Thanks in advance!! xo Kristina
This happens to me too. It turns out that I have a tight/overstrained hip flexors. My physiotherapist told me that I need to make my hips stronger to be able to bear the stress of the exercise that I put it through. Exercises such as pilates clamshells are one way to do this. Also, using a foam roller to roll out the tight hip muscles really helps.
I just do the leg lifts with bent legs when it hurts/until my hips get better.
Good luck!
Do you do this along side or instead of your monthly workout calendar?
In the email you receive when you subscribe to the newsletter, she wrote “Pick one workout calendar to do and then pair it with the 30 Day Flat Abs Challenge.”
About the water, I normally only drink water (carbonated drinks/tea/milk make me feel really sick or feel weird and i only drink high sugared juices on rare occasions). I normally drink several glasses a water a day already including a large bottle roughly around 16oz in the morning and night. Should I just add onto what I normally drink already or just keep doing what I already do?
Hi !
I first started doing blogilates year ago in decembre, lost 5kg in 4 months (gained 1 back in this Christmas :S) , so it’s nice to restart my fitness journey again with this challenge .
Most of all i liked beginners calendar. For me, unlike monthly calendars, it was doable. I wish Cassey would refresh it, video and sound quality is not that great, compared to those new super high quality videos.
So in! Love this idea and I’m so excited! Love it! And excited for Begginer’s 2!!!
wow!!I love it!!! can’t wait to start it!!! I wish to do “30 day challenge for thin inner thigh” too
Thank you, this is so great!!
I’m absolutly going to do this challenge! 🙂
You are amazing Cassey <3
I´m so in!!! Can’t wait to start this on Thursday! What you do is amazing. You inspire so much people, including me, to get fit and healthy. Thank you!!!
I wish you Happy New Year from Czech Republic!!!! Love youuuuuu <3
Excited, but I hope you made a little more room on the calendar at the end! I really have to stick to the hour otherwise I get to bed SUPER later after work! The commuter life haha. 🙂 I LOVE the progress I’ve made though. After a year and a half of blogilates I’m truly amazed at how far I’ve come; plus, I finally understand that other people always see the end results (how I am looking now gets lots of attention) but they don’t see the time it took OR the changes in my attitude and life which are twice as rewarding. I feel so capable and able to set my mind to any challenge. 🙂
My friend who I introduced blogilates too actually saw this challenge before I did (keeping up with facebook and instragram is kinda difficult in China), so ofc I will do it, and do it every single day. Gonna be soo awesome!
After this you should reallly make a challenge for the arms and shoulders. After doing blogilates for 10 months (ofc being sick a total of 2 of them), I still had a lot of difficulties doing the arm workout the other day that contained a “beginners workout” with some arm workouts. And I still can’t go up in a “bridge”, so please Cassey, make some more arm-workouts that are easy, but effective, with different degrees of difficulty so I can choose an easier one- and follow through (I kinda just sacked together on the last arm workout).
Thanks for this challenge! And have a Happy New Year!
I’m so in! This is great, hopefully I can keep it up though! All the best for the new year Cassey x http://www.justsavxnnah.com
Hey, I’m visiting your blog for the first time today, though I have been following (and doing) your Youtube-workouts for a while now! I love your style, you are so motivating without being irritating! I even bought your DVD…
About this challenge though…is it really okay to do abs every day? Shouldn’t one rest at some days too, to let the muscles recover? Or are these moves different from, say, working out at the gym?
It’s supposed to be ok to work abs everyday because they are such a large muscle group.
I love this. Thank you so much. I wonder how much water 1 glass contain. Would you please comment how much ml one glass contain.
Hi Cassey,
Thanks so much for this challenge! I’m excited to see my abs transform! Quick question: does 1 criss-cross mean one side or both sides? Wouldn’t wanna cheat myself out of half the excercise 😉
Can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated following your monthly calendars. I feel like I have the perfect personal trainer for free. Thank you for helping this twenty-something get great workouts from her own living room!
Hey Cassey,
thanks for that! But I’m just wondering… don’t my muscles need time for regeneration? Minimum one day in a week to grow?
Happy New Year from Germany!
thank you so much for this !
I find it really hard to follow the monthly calendar because sometimes I just can’t find time do follow the exercises everyday and this is perfect because these exercises don’t demand so much time!
So thank you so much again hahha 😀
love you Cassey ♥
kisses from Croatia !
OMG you are from Croatia too?? 😀
IT WOULD BE AWESOME TO HAVE MONTHLY CHALLENGES! 😀 Cassey thank you for that and happy new year
love you:)
Cassey, I love you for these! Will there be something like that every month now?
A friend of mine want to work on her abs and get more toned so I can do it with her but she can’t do everything since she hit her tail bone really bad a few years ago and it hurts till now a little bit so these move are just perfect 😀 and thank god no planking
I love this idea! <3
Happy New Year :*
Hey Cassey!
This is a great plan and I am definitely going to try this challenge. But maybe for later, can you please do a 30 day booty challenge or something? I really wanna lift up my butt and want to do it as a challenge. Thanks so much. You’re a great inspiration!
Cassey i love your commitment 😀
I’ll do this 30 days with pleasure. Thanks to you i want to work out. Before i was training with FB but your smile makes me happy and give me strength to work harder and be better :3
Hi Cassey! I’m desperately hoping you’ll see this! I would love to get on the forum but do not have a facebook/Twitter! I really want to join the forum so please make it available to Google+ users also. Please?
Thanks Cassey!! I’m so excited!!!! I would also like to suggest one for the legs as well! I love your posts and videos!!!! Can’t wait!!!!! *jumping up and down *
You are just Awesome! I can’t wait to start doing all these moves! U r wonderful!
Tks so much!
have a beautiful New Year!
you too my dear!
Cassey, thanks to you and your awesome workout calendar that I have followed for over a year and a half, I am certain I could stop, drop and complete the final day of the flat ab challenge RIGHT NOW! Not to brag or anything…. 😉 THANK YOU for doing all that you do for us (FOR FREE!!) You are amazing and wonderful!!!! Love you!!!!!
Super stoked!!! I am so ready to take on 2015! There are a few days I won’t be able to exercise though 🙁
Very excited to start the 30 day Ab challenge along with the January calendar. Thank you Cassey can’t wait to receive my 2015 Fit Journal.
Thanks again Cassey you really are an inspiration not only to me but to so many people.
finishing up the #8weekhotbodychallenge and I will definitely be doing this in January!! I have my fit journal to log everything in and cant wait for the new year!
Happy new year!!
This is awesome! Thanks so much for making this! I just have one question… How much water = one glass? Is it 8 oz? 6 oz? 12 oz? Can someone please help me on this?
Happy New Year!
Hi Emma, the standard is 8oz in one glass 🙂
I am wondering the same thing! There are a lot of possible cup sizes…
Typically 8 ounces or roughly a quarter of a liter.
I love this! It will be perfect for busy schedules! Could you do one of these each month?
Yeah! And it could focus on a different area each month! One month it could be legs, the next month it could be booty, the next month arms… It would be awesome!
Dear Cassey,
Thank you so very much! This is amazing! Please make challenges for other months like leg challenges, butt challenges, arm challenges and etc., if you can! That would be so awesome! Thank you again 🙂
Hi Cassey! Thank you sooo much! This is awesome and I’m so excited to start off 2015 with this awesome challenge! I have a problem though! I am able to do all of these moves however unfortunately, I can’t even do one full roll up without lifting my legs up and using my hands to push myself up! What should I do?
Try boo! There is no amazing secret behind it. Try, work hard, and you WILL get better!
Will do! haha. Hopefully I will have a stronger core by the end of January 🙂 Thank you ^.^
i’m not cassey but….i used to do that as well but the more you do it the stronger you get so hopefully by the end you will be able to lift yourself up without using your hands or legs, just keep trying 🙂
Thanks Cassey! You know pretty well what I need right now haha
Hello! ^.^ Can anyone help? Does that mean that for day 1 i have to do 1 set of the exercise and on day 30 i have to do 30 sets of the exercises? Because if it just means 1 set everyday then wouldn’t it be too easy??
Don’t be afraid! If you read the calendar, you’ll find that you do, for example, 5 roll ups on day one, and 22 roll ups on day thirty. It’s meant to be easy in the beginning, but as it progresses you gradually build up strength and are able to handle more. 🙂 Good luck!
Shernice, yes just do one set of the given workouts each day. It may seem like Day 30 would be too easy for you (I can already do it too), but the point is that you’ll be working your abs EVERYDAY on top of your regular workout. I usually only have one dedicated ab day each week, but incorporating more ab exercises in our daily life will make them stronger by the end of the month. Do the challenge, focus on good form, and have fun! 🙂
this is brilliant!
I was just last night trying to find easy pictures of ab workouts to do. This is even better! Thanks Cassey for being a mind reader and for all you do for us popsters!
I fell off the fitness wagon this year and cannot wait to start my year off right with this calender!! Like others mentioned, you should make this a monthly challenge thing with different parts of the body. I’d also love to see another Bikini Blaster series and more 6/7 minute exercises. Thanks Cassie!!
Thank you Cassey!! I think I’ll do this challenge! I appreciate that you made a chart with how many glasses of water to drink and left the background white so that we won’t waste the ink!! I just got my 2015 Fit Journal in the mail, too!! What a perfect timing! Love you 🙂
Omg plz plz plz do a leg, butt and arm one.
Yes!!! I NEED a 30 day legs-themed (that sounded weird) calendar. Please make it happen Cassey!
This definitely fits into one of the new years resolutions! Which is to start yoga and get toned!
I’m a beginner at these kind of stuff but I’ve tried these kind of workouts in the past (but never really stuck to them) and I don’t seem to have the large of problems as a beginner would have, like struggling really hard with things like this… so could I still do this workout? Or should I wait for your beginners calender?
(Does this comment make sense? xD)
Thanks Cassey! You are fan-freaking-tastic for this! I really needed it :))
Yay!!! Totally excited!!!! Can’t wait to start this!!! 🙂
Thank you Cassey!! Can’t wait to start this! Hopefully this will help me to complete extreme abs 2! Can’t wait for the new beginners calendar two!!! You just keep on making my day better! 😀
I like how there are little reminders to drink your water at the end. Thanks, Cassey!
Cassey! I really love this concept. I can squeeze it in through my day. I’m sure I’d be able to fully accomplish this one. I just hope that after the 30th day, I have something to turn to. I wouldn’t want to go back to my old tummy and to maintain my end product.
Thank you so much for this! Have a happy new year!
Looks great Cassey! Maybe have a 30 day challenge every couple months or so targeting different areas so people don’t fall off the wagon throughout the year as you’re constantly challenging us! Same format with arms, legs etc 🙂
Thank you Cassey, Happy new year and lots of love from the UK x
Cassey, thank you soooo much for all your hard work. What you do, is amazing. You inspire so much people, including me, to get fit and healthy in an original and entertaining way. I’m so happy to start this challenge. Happy new year!
I am so excited!!!! Can’t wait to start this on Thursday! Love you, Cassey and Happy New Year <3
Great work Cassey! Per usual!
I have been stalking your site all day waiting for this! I can’t wait to see bricks!
Really excited for this 30 day challenge in addition to the calendar. You could even make this a monthly or quarterly challenge, with a different body focus each time.
Would love to see a new Bikini Blaster series for 2015!
Happy early New Year! Thank you for all your hard work, you are inspiring and greatly appreciated!
Dear Cassey
Thank you so much. I always wanted to do an ab challenge.. But the most of them are either just with one move or start at too many reps. This is just perfect. I love all your stuff.
I wish you a happy new year all the way from Switzerland..