30 Day Butt Lift Challenge!
Hey guys!
Today I’m releasing your new 30 Day Challenge. This time we are focusing on your BOOTY (by popular demand!) I would love it if you could invite all of your friends, family, and co-workers to do this with you. It’s an easy way to get some extra movement into your day and it’s super effective, and dare I say…FUN!!??
Here are the moves you will be doing on the #30daybuttlift. Please use this hashtag whenever you post about your workouts! Oh and I wanna see your selfie with the printed calendar!

Keep your feet hip-width apart and squat down like you’re about to sit down in a chair. Push into the floor with your heels and keep your chest lifted, back tall.
On all fours, lift your right leg into the air at a 90 degree angle, straight up behind you. Keep your toes pointed and pulse up! Also keep your eyes looking forward. Do both legs.
On all fours, lift your left outer thigh up to the ceiling while keeping your leg at a 90 degree angle. Do both legs.
Bring your forearms down to the floor and kneel. Then straighten your right leg and flex your foot. Kick your heel up into the air while keeping your leg super straight. Keep your hips aligned (facing the floor) and don’t open up. This is how you will effectively get your lifted booty! Do both legs.
Lie down on your back. Relax your arms and place your feet hip-width apart. Then raise your pelvis up to the ceiling and then touch your butt back down to the floor.
429 thoughts on “30 Day Butt Lift Challenge!”
There are 429 comments posted by our users.
Thank you for sharing. Quick question, for the heel kicks, fire hydrants and pointed butt lift. Will I be altercating my legs as I’m counting?
I’m way behind the game and just found these printable sheets and demonstrations. I love them; thank you so much for sharing.
Wow very helpful
I’m starting today. The third of the month is good as three is my lucky number. Thank for the correct potions and movement, very helpful. Wish me luck as I never really stick to anything but I want to see if I do I will in fact see some type of results. I’m due time!!?!
I want to lift my butt an have a flat tummy an a slimmer arm
I like help to on work outs to lift my butt & make my stomach smaller In 30 days without losing weight.
Do we just do one round of these or 3?
I’ll try this ❤️The comments are so encouraging 🥺❤️
These butt lifting exercises are great! I’m almost 60 years young, lol and I’ve recently lost 17 pounds and most of it appear to be in my butt. Today is day five of the 30 day Butt Lift challenge and although it has not been easy, but not too difficult and maybe my eyes are fooling me, but I can already see changes in the tone of my buttocks. I have to also admit that I’ve regained seven pounds and I’m very pleased with results seen thus far.
Trying this for back to school!
I’m on the final week of the Butt Lift and Thigh Slimming challenges. I am so pleased with my results so far. When I finish
day 30 can I start the challenge over again? I thought maybe I’d try it with light ankle weights.
I’ll try this today!!
This is my first day in almost a year of working out since my health issues flared up but I’m fighting and getting back in shape. I broke out in a sweat and already feeling sore so this tells me that I’m doing a great job so far. If I don’t feel the soreness then I’m not doing something right. I feel awesome. Can’t wait to see a difference in my buns in 30 days.
i just started but i felt the sweat and i loved it
I just started this challenge today, but I have added a few exercises of my own to it. All of the days include squats, bridges, and single leg bridges. Additionally to the 3 exercises above I do one that focuses on the glute minimus and Medius (clamshells or fire hydrants) and glute maximus (donkey kicks or prone hip extension).
Example: Day 1- 15 squats 15 bridges 15 single leg bridges 15 donkey kicks 15 fire hydrants
Also on 12 of the days I added single leg squats and I give myself a rest day after 4 days worth of workouts.
Thank you so much for posting this!
I’m starting the 30 day butt lifting challenge. Here it goes
6days and I’m already seeing the changes. I’m gng to work with the six days and rest on Sunday so that my muscles rest and grow. Actually loving the challenge, thank u so much. much love.
hi how many calories does this burn more or less (day 31)
Hi! For the Heel kicks, Fire Hdyrants, and Pointed Butt lifts – how many should we do for each leg for example for Day 2 which is 16 – do you mean 16 in total (8 right, 8 left), or 16 for each leg? 🙂 Look forward to hearing from you!
It’s for each. The “ea” next to the move means “each”
Hi Cassie! I’m trying to *reduce* booty fat instead of making it more round/pronounced. Are there specific exercises you’d recommend for reduction of booty fat instead?
Cardio and diet. You can’t spot reduce body fat
My third challenge with you! Love it!
Hi! how many reps should I do of each exercise?
The reps are listed right before the move! 15 of each move on day 1, 16 on day 2, etc.
Started this today! I always have a hard time staying motivated and committed to 30 days programs. Determine to make this the one that I complete!
I’ll try my best 😌
You got it!!!
hey ! just started this challenge. does anyone know what “ea” means ? thank you !!
ea stands for each, or each side!
Do you have options without knees or squats? I love these, but my knees aren’t good. Thank you!!
Hello! You got this! I’m almost 60 years old and my first comment is to CONSULT WITH YOUR MD BEFORE ATTEMPTING. With that said, I’m almost 60 and my knees and back are not great. Today is day six and I’m pressing my way, my knees have actually stopped squeaking during the squats and I already see results. The pain I’m experiencing is probably due to a lack of any exercise routine and is most soreness.
Loved it! Did everything it was supposed to. But what next?? How do I maintain it? Is there a part 2? lol
I thought it was super easy- and not going to do anything. By the end of week 2 I noticed significant changes. The days got harder in week 3 with all the reps. I was hardly sore the next day but it burned so much as I did them.
Its really helpful
This is one of the most boring challenges I’ve done.
Can I do challenges together? Like butt lift and thigh slimming?
Can I do some challenges together? For example, butt lift and thigh slimming?
I don’t have time to join gym. I wish to Reshape myself. Don’t want to loose or Gain weights, just want to workout in room.
does this work if you just follow the calender? and how long will it take to notice a difference?
only on day two, didnt realise how unfit i was haha. obviously havent seen any physical results yet but being stuck inside during quarteen this workout is helping me stay sane and still stay active. after doing it i feel so much better. great workout i can tell i will get results by the end
How many reps are we supposed to do?
I feel the burn when I’m doing the movements but I’m never sore the next day. Does that mean I’m not doing the moves properly?
WOW!!! I love this sooooo much. Iv’e always been insecure about my butt, cause I be seeing all the other girls at my school with nice butts, and guys always talk to them. So i decided to do this along with another butt workout video. IT DEFINANTLEY WORKS!! Now all the guys are lookin at my butt and wanting to talk to me. Thank You So Much. I even have a special someone right now.. and he is always grabbing and slapping my butt, so I think that means it worked!!
Did you do the full month?
It’s unfortunate you feel this way!!!! Stick to boys wanting you for your brains not the way your butt looks!!!!
WOW!! this challenge is gonna be so freaking hard, But still i will complete it in 30 days for sure and come back with results. Keep us motivated.
OMG I was thinking the exact thing…but only 5 days into the challenge it was too much!!!!
Oh wow this gives you serious DOMS 2 days after! Great article!
Butt lift challenge is so difficult for me of my age well I’m 46 and I’ve seen my booty lift and get firmer with Dermalmd Butt Lift Serum without doing any extra efforts. Of course, I really needed this serum because I’m shaped like an old pear.
30 Days
I started this challenge 3 days ago! Hoping to finish all the way through day 30!!! I changed it a little. Started with 10 reps of each exercise and increasing by 1 each day for the first week and I’m doing 3 sets instead of just doing each move for one set of reps. Will be changing week two as well! Maybe adding 20 lbs kettlebell while doing the squats and possibly adding a resistance band during the “pointed butt lifts” etc. I can’t wait to actually complete the entire challenge!
So after the 30 days if it all works what do I do to keep the lift ?
You have to continue working those muscle groups in order to maintain. Keep finding ways to challenge the muscle groups in your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Switching it up and keeping them engaged and active will help you maintain and continue to see progress.
Hope that helps.
When doing the exercises is the number the amount done or number of reps…. Ex. 6 or 6 reps of 12.
Can I add this to my routine that I’m doing ? I’m doing Chalean Extreme from Beachbody
I usually look at the comment section to see what people have to say about the results so since I actually done it I’d like to share. I started with 20 and then 5 more each week (but my job includes a lot of movement and I like to jog every now and then ). Soo after 4 weeks my bum looks amazing, I have a bigger ass but now it’s lifted got a nicer shape and got rid of some “dimples” overall just great and takes just few minutes. i highly recommend x
Thank you, I do the same; I look into the comments and I decided to do the same thing as you. I’m on day 3! Let see how it works. I also do some cardio throughout the day.
How many times a day did you do this workout.
22 Fri
Hi, so I’m really confused. on day 1, it says 5 squats. so do we do just 5 squats and we’re done? or are they in reps? or how does the number work?
I like to join this challenge
Hi, so I’m really confused. on day 1, it says 5 squats. so do we do just 5 squats and we’re done? or are they in reps? or how does the number work?
I believe the first days is just to the body get used to it. Kinda like an warm up (and it probably prevents the extreme sore muscles situation when you start exercising out of the blue)
very confused too. I would think they are sets and reps. So day 1 is 5 sets of 5 reps, right?
hi, i think it’s the number of reps per day like louise said. if it would be sets + reps you’d end up doing each move 484 times on the last day ahah
5 reps
hi, I have done this but it doesn’t help, do you know why?
is there a number of reps to do each day? or are you just working your way up?
since I moved house, I lost plenty of weight and my butt too my cosmetician had me try the dermalmd glute booster serum and with exercise, it basically transformed the way my butt looks. It’s thick, easy to apply and gets you fast results even in your pajamas (giggle)
helpfully dear .. hopefully i can consistent doing this workout
Ready for a new me
How many times I have to do the sets of 5 squeets and other exercices every day?
I would love to try a new butt challenge
I would love to join this group. I can start at the beginning and do two a day until I catch up.
So with this challenge am I understanding that by day 30 I’d be doing 21 reps of 21?
love this challenge have done it many times!
Did you see noticeable results after the first time?
Hi how many of each do I do 😩 I want fast results
I am going to be doing this challenge with my clients and adding some workouts.
But I would do the workout probably 3 or 4 times over !
As well you wont get fast results, focus on the move not how many you’re doing.
You will get better results focusing on the move.
After research, I am bringing my old big butt back, and sexy too. Dermalmd glute booster serum works. I lost weight very quickly and didn’t tone my butt at the same time so it became somewhat flabby but it is filling with fat daily and looking better. I have only used this stuff for about two weeks.
I wasnt consistant and saw the results in 2 months! is amazing i took before and after pics and can really see how my booty perked up, didnt got huge just lifted which is perfect! now im going to try the flat abs! <3 Thanks Casey!
If I do this exercise four times a day, will I be able to see results within a week?
How do I know if my buttocks are big?
I am on day 3 and I can already tell a difference! I am doing this along with the 30 Day Sleek arm challenge. The only change I have made is that I do each day twice. I also have been eating in moderation, drinking more water and getting 7-8 hours of sleep. I like how this is easy but I still feeling like I am working out! I am going to try and do the workout 2 sets morning and night ( we will see, don’t want to burn out.)
Ok I’m 11 days into this challenge and the results are already incredible! My butt looks so lifted! Only change I made is I’ve been doing all 5 exercises the whole
time instead of waiting until day 7 and 13 to start heel kicks and bridges. I’ve also been doing blogilates videos 4-5 days a week too and following the 28 day reset eating plan. I’m planning to do the flat abs challenge when this one is over. Cassey comes out with the most effective workout and clean eating plans ever!
can’t wait to try!
I plan to start this challenge on tomorrow, I’m looking fwd to good results
Does this challenge make your butt ”bigger” or make it look smaller? because i have a smaller flatter butt and was wondering if it would make it more like a ”bubble butt”
does this challenge help me to make my butt smaller in size
Hey, everyone! I am so excited to start this challenge. I was just wondering what everyone’s results are, do you find that this challenge gives you results quickly? Thanks!
Don’t we need at least a day of rest for our muscles so they can grow?
I started this challenge on 20 exercise on each leg. Tomorrow I will finish the complete challenge on 50 exercises each leg and the results are amazing! I’m so excited how it works well.. can’t say anything else but THANKS!
I love my new butt! But now that I’ve finished the challenge what’s next? What do I need to do to maintain?
Always struggled with bum exercises but this really gets you used to them. I’m on my second week and already I can see the difference, thank you Cassie!!! Can’t wait to start the flat abs challenge and feel good again!
Hey I have a question for you, as you say that being on week 2 you can see a difference. Are you doing the challenge exactly as it is on the calender or are you doing more reps than whats indicated for each day? I just started 4 days ago and i’d like to know , Thanks 🙂
This instructor HAS NO ASS how is this supposed to inspire people?
There are a lot of body shape, we don’t look all the same, we can’t all have Nicki Minaj’s booty. You don’t need to have “an ass” to be fitness/pilates’ instructor.
got to try this ,,,,
im on my 2nd week 3rd day n im doing both flat abs + butt lift challenge
i know it gonna be harder but challenge still a challenge !!
To be honest, this is far too easy for me, and I don’t even work out regularly. I can do like 60 reps for each exercise on day 1. How can that even be?? Anyways if you want a harder version try this:
-Instead of regular squats: Jumping Squats, where you jump from a narrow squat position in a wide squat position and back.
-Instead of regular lunges: Put your behind foot on a chair, so that your whole weight rests on the standing leg
-Instead of regular bridges: One-legged bridges. Just put one leg in the air.
This did the job for me 🙂
What if I want to skip squat because it really bulks up my quads
Do a plie squat. Toes facing outwards and knead aligned It works the inner thighs and glutes. I’m modifying the kicks to a rainbow to work more of my glutes.
Instead of doing one thing per day, im doing two, so its a 15 day challenge for me. I think this will give faster results??? maybe?? we will see.
did it work? doing two of them per day?
If I do the arm, waist, thigh, stomach and butt 30 day challenges as well as burning around 100 calories by walking my dogs every day, will I see and feel results? I heard you’re supposed to do these 30 day challenges with the calendar but I’m not, will I still see results even though I’m not doing the calendar??
2 weeks into this, i can’t see any results.
I’m seeing a lot of confused people on here. Reps means the number of times you do that exercise. For example 1 squat= 1 rep. The calendar days mean nothing other than day 1 day 2 ect. I think what everyone is confusing is reps vs. Sets. Sets (which aren’t mentioned here) would be how many times you do 5 squats with a short rest period in between. Each of the exercises listed is reps only. However that wasn’t enough for me so I did 3 sets of each exercise. So on day one I would do each exercise 5 times then start over. Total 15 of each exercise.
Thank you! I too did 3 sets each day. Starting over today with some Sistahs July 1 : )
Thank you Crystal! I see alot of us on here had the SAME question but there was NO answer! I’m new to working out PERIOD so basically ANY terminology is foreign to me, LOL! Again thank you so much! 😄
I have been doing the 30 day squat challenge and my butt is now uneven and it is so obvious. What can I do? It is very urgent!!
Just exercise one side for a while. Google it I’m sure you’ll find something to help.
I used to work out regularly and have fallen off the wagon. So decided Nov 1 to start again with the #30daybuttliftchallenge. It is day 3 and oh my gosh I am sore. How can this be? I used to do about 30 minutes of toning and ran 4 km almost everyday now I am aching doing 21 reps. Looking forward to the beginning
Great article, I also found some great videos of butt exercises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkeHRz82dOw
While doing the butt lift challenge, is there a meal plan you would recommend to increase the results?
Sorry, I’m new and a little confused. On day 2, would I do 6 each and 2 reps?
So, from what I understood this would mean doing 30 reps of 22 squats on the last day? Isn’t that too much?
Nooooo. It says “do the number of reps listed for each day”. It doesn’t say anything about multiplying those reps by the day you’re on. That would be overkill to say the least lol.
I’m on day 4 of the butt lift challenge and was wondering which video I should use for the quickest result. I see there are a lot of booty videos and I’m short on time. Should I just use the kickoff butt challenge video only? Or should I also use the other videos for best results?
You could always do 2 days at a time it juts means it might be a bit harder. If you are considering doing more workout videos I suggest doing something that doesn’t just do your butt such as abs or even legs which still incorporates your butt this means you will look fit overall and doesn’t put as much stress on one part of your body. Good luck jmj777! Hope this helped.
Guys, i know this challenge LIFTS your butt, but does it also make it tighter as well?
I feel like it would! When you build the muscle in your butt, It lifts *because* it’s becoming tighter. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think that’s how it works 🙂
Love that this is realistic- not like 170 squats in one day!
AH I’m new to this and I’m so excited to start! Does this mean 5 times? or is it 5 reps of whatever number I choose?
Amount of reps = The day you are on 5=amount of times you do the exercise
For example day one you would do one rep of 5 squats, 5 pointed butt lift and 5 fire hydrants. Day two, two reps of each exercise and so on until you reach day 30 which would be 22 of everything 30 times. It won’t seem as daunting once you get through the rest. Good luck Jamie!
Are you sure because I’m on day 5 and doing 8 reps 5 times is already really hard and I am in decent shape. I can’t imagine doing 660 of everything on day 30…
You only have to do one set of the number of reps listed for whatever day you’re on, not the day you’re on multiplied by the number of reps
30 times of 22 of squats is 660 of each!! When you do each leg, its 660 of each leg. 1320 times?? I don’t think this is right! Too much isn’t it?
Its 5 min or 5 x? The firts day?
she is a pro at every thing
i love her videos
I’m on day 13 and my butt is already taking shape and I couldn’t be happier. Since I lost around 30 pounds long ago, I had lost my round butt (it sorta flattened) and my thick thighs but with these rut (and the daily wos from the calendar) they’re getting firmer and nicer (and this is w/o protein!) Can’t wait to reach day 30!
How many reps did you do ?
Would this make you have a firm butt or a bubble butt? 🙂 x
I have slim thighs and small butts. I really want to have bigger thighs and lifted butts. Will this exercise work for me?
Thank you
As Cassey says, no exercise will make your butt “bigger” per se, but this will help to LIFT your butt and that will help you achieve your goal of having a bigger butt. You’ll be working out those muscles and lifting up all the muscles to add oomph to your butt. Hope this helps!!
I have slim thighs and small butts. I really want to have bigger thighs and butts. Will this exercise work for me?
I’d appreciate any reply. Thank you
thank you so much !! i love you !
So for the first day I would do 5 reps of 5 squats? And so on..
Amount of reps = The day you are on
For example day one you would do one rep, day two, two reps and so on until you reach day 30 which would be 22 of everything 30x. It won’t seem as daunting once you get through the rest. Good luck Katy!
How many reps of these exercises r we supposed to do or is it just one rep
Amount of reps = The day you are on
For example day one you would do one rep, day two, two reps and so on until you reach day 30 which would be 22 of everything 30x. It won’t seem as daunting once you get through the rest. Good luck!
Hello, I like your 30 days challenges, but I have my doubts about this one, cuz i want a bigger butt (just a little XD), my doubt is: when we work this part we have to rest the next day, (thats what I’ve benn told if i wanna increase muscle mass), if I make this challenge, will I lose muscle mass for that part? cuz that is the first thing to burn when we exersice or how this challenge works? Thanks! My english its awful, sorry u.u,
My butt is big I want lose fat from but and thigh plz link mw which excersise should I do please help me I want to lose my lower body plz help me which workout shoud I do and what dieght
same problem i wish there was somthing on that.. i wanna make my huge butt to a nice bubble one
Can someone please link me one calendar or workout of Cassey’s that makes your but grow? Please!
Doesn’t help her!
Here is the link to the video that goes along with this challenge! You could also check out her playlists for butt workouts and/or butt day workouts! Hope this helped!
Just finished this challenge today and the beginner calendar two days ago! I really feel a difference and my butt looks SOOO much better! I think I’m going to keep up the 30th day reps to maintain the progress I’ve gotten. Thank you so much, Cassey! I have never felt better and stronger.
hey 🙂 how many reps of this exercises did you everyday?
Hello! I just finished today and I was planning on doing the same thing as you to maintain. Do you know f any other challenges that we could start to keep lifting and perhaps make bigger?
Hello just a question, do i have to make every side 10 times as example odr i have to make every side 10 min. of the moving?
Thanks for the answer 🙂
You have to do the workout ten times on each side.
So do you do each work out once? I’m sorry I’m am confused
I can already do 20 squats in a row no problem… 5 is too easy for me. Can I start with 20 then increase by one everyday?
Does this work out get rid of cellulite?
Bria, It has helped with mine!
Awesome work out! Super easy and effective. I’m on day 13 and not to sore but the results are everything! Thank you so much:-) how can this booth be maintained after the 30th day?
is this for a bigger butt or a thighter butt ? i dont know it , my englisch is bad . please can one give me an anwser ?
these workouts LIFT your booty.
Cassey said that herself, your butt is not gonna be bigger or smaller, it’ll be lifted.
in my opinion if your butt is small, it’s gonna look firmer and more lifted
Hope that helps 🙂
OH MY GOSH, just finished day 30 AND WOOOOWWW. I have my dream butt!! Not only did I do the required challenge butt workout for each day, but I added on one butt workout video, one thigh workout video and one calf workout video to each day of the above exercise and I am one happy lady. Head’s are gonna turn when I start school again 🙂
Thats amazing to know.
Can you please tell me how much time in total you gave to these workouts? like half an hour a day?
Would you do any warm up or cardio in beginning. ?
I just have flat butts.. its kinda inherited.. but I dont like them.. I want to make them rounded and lifted. Please give me some hope and best guidelines.
Really thanks in advance
What butt, thigh and calf videos did you see to use?
I am on day 22 and has made a HUGE difference (made my butt fit, i am thin already)
Hi, I wanna start this 30 day challenge. But I’m confused. On day one do I only do 5 squats etc.. Or do I do 5 sets of like 20 squats? Someone please help so I can start today! TIA
You do just 5 squats the first day
I am on day 22 and has DEFINITELY made a difference, a HUGE difference!!!
What does the number infront of the exercise mean?!
It’s how many reps you do. So on the first day, you do 5 squats and 5 of everything else it says and like on the last day it says 22 squats. It’s not minutes or anything. and the number on the top right corner of each exercise is the day you do it on. Like the white 1 on the blue backgrounded circle, that just means “this is the exercise for day one”
Okay i understand that the number infront of each excersise is the reps but how many of each do you do to complete just one set?! If that makes sense
Someone help
Are the numbers meant to be minutes or?
Yes i guess so
No, they are reps.
Do you need to squeeze on top of every squad?
No just how much you need to do
I just got done with 12 days and I couldn’t be happier!!! Just amazing! Now I’m going to try the legs challenge.
I love all your workouts!
What does the numbers infront of the excersises mean?! Can u plz get back to me?!
Can a pregnant women do these exercises. Of course with car!!?
Hello everyone. I started d 30days challenge xterday. A bit confused dou, do I do 5squats nd d rest of dem jst once? I mean after doin 5 squats 1 2 3 4 5, jst up nd down 5times, den I move 2d next exercise? Is dat it? Hw many seconds do u rest in between d 5squats? It seems too easy, nd I’m lyk, wud dis do any gud cos it feels lyk am playin, don’t feel nothin yet. Pls can som1 explain 2me beta. I rili wanna do dis. Don’t have moni 2go do BBL, cos I hrd dat’s d next safest thing 2do 2achieve ur desired look Lolz!
The first couple of days should be very easy, however, the next ones should get harder. You are just supposed to do the number of each activity it says without a rest in between. If you want to rest in between activities, is your own choice.
Hope i helped!
I am on day 10 and think I just found out I was doing this all wrong.
As you go on do you do each exercise multiple times a day depending what day you’re on?
ex. if I was on day 3 would I do 7 squats, 7 pointed butt lifts, and 7 fire hydrants THREE times?
Or do I just do it once a day 7 times?
You would just do the 7 squats, etc. once.
Hope I helped!
OMG! That works! Today is my last day with that challange <3 I've got nice butt hahah 😀 thank you soooo much Cassey
Can i do this at the same time with 30 days thigh slimmig challenge?
On day 30 do I have to do 30 sets of each exercise?
Hi Cassie! I’m a huge fan of yours and I started this challenge late, but I finished it!
I have a super important question. After working the butt for 30 days, I probably need to do more challenging butt exercises than before, right? How do I maintain the results of the challenge AFTER the challenge???!!! Would really love to hear back from you on this! Thanks very much!
Hey! I’ve been doing this all month and I’m really seeing a difference. Anyway you could make a 2.0 version? Maybe with couple new moves?
how many reps of each do you do?
Just look towards the top of the page and there is a 30 day calender made up with all the reps
Where is that? I can’t seem to find it and I would really like to start this challenge soon! Could you possibly write them down or are they like that that on day 1 I do one rep and day 2 two and so on?
It’s just above the description of the exercices. You can also find it on her pinterest (https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/209839663864327160/)
If you don’t find them, I’ll write them down ^^
I’ll write the firsts days now, like that even if you don’t find it you can start ^^
Day 1 : 5 Squats, 5 Pointed Butt Lifts, 5 Fire Hydrants
Day 2 : 6 of these three movements (you’ll only do these movements the firsts 6 days)
Day 3 : 7 of each
Day 4 : 8 of each
Day 5 : 9 of each
Day 6 : 10 of each
Are those numbers referring to sets or reps? If its reps it doesn’t seem like very many…
They’re referring to reps (it’s writen on the calendar). But I think it’s because you are supposed to do the monthly calendar at the same time.
Am I the only one who doesn’t really feel anything in their butt while doing these exercises? The only thing I feel is my arms, for keeping my weight up…
You’re supposed to SQUEEZE your butt 🙂 Then, you’ll feel everything.
Also, it will get harder the farther you go along. You won’t really feel anything near the beginning but further along you will start to feel it more.
Nice challenge..I am doing it ..today day 8..and already I am toned!!
I am on day 7. Loving it so far. Can reallybfeel it in my hips.
Hello guys!
Has anyone done this challenge and seen any difference?
I have notice a big difference and I am two weeks in. Started late. Love these 30 day challenges that aren’t so many repetition that you are so sore you stop after the 3rd day.
Absolutely! Intense exercises ..really effective
I love it 🙂 it’s what I been waiting for when u have an animation of some u can follow to do it correctly
Love you cassey! Thanku.. il post a pic soon..can we have a thigh challenge or arm challenge next month? Thanku love.!♡♥
I agree an arm challenge would be awesome! That’s the area that I neglect most.
Hey Cassie!! Please could we have an arms calendar for next month?! Love you!! P.S. I have found other Popsters at my school in this past week! I saw a girl with one of your detox water bottles and I was LITERALLY jumping with joy! We all love you here in Australia! Hope you can visit us sometime??
I also would love an arms challenge. Need to get rid of bingo wings!
Same here!
Can you make a 30 days waist challenge please
Okay! I may be a little late but I will do this anyway!
P.S. Cassey, you are such a great inspiration! Thank you for being with us <3
Is it too late to start this?
I don’t think it’s too late to start anything fitness-related. Better late than never!
LOVE this month’s challenge. I vote for the next one to be ARMS! My arms are the most underdeveloped. I want warrior arms! 😀
I totally agree. My arms are definitely underdeveloped (and I have a bet that I will beat my friend in an arm wrestle by May 🙂 Arms for next month would be fabulous!
The images are so cool. 🙂
Will the Butt Challenge give me a bigger bum because my bum is pretty lifted already ?
It only makes your butt more lifted and firm. It won’t get smaller or bigger.
For things like pointed but kicks, heel kicks and hydrants, on the #30daybuttlift calendar when you say 10, 15 20 per day, does that mean per side?
cassey flat stomach challenge would be just amazing , i love you so much cassey keep up the good work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would absolutely love a 30 day arms challenge!!! This month’s challenge was fantastic!!!!
Hey cassey I did the 30daysbuttlifchallenge and #february workouts but i have’nt the *all about that butt app how can i do to suscrib , thank you for inspirations and your energy . Love you
hello souky,
have you seen any difference in your butt after the 30daysbuttliftchallenge?
thanks 🙂
Inner thigh challenge would be great for next month !! 🙂
Does the butt challenge help with the inner thighs? Also I want the arms challenge please???
The squats will for sure, and the fire hydrants most likely will as well.
Thank you so much for these challenges!! I am doing the ab and butt challenge concurrently. I would LOVE arm and leg challenges next!!
Next month do legs (specifically thighs but a full leg workout would be nice) or arms please!!
So sad. This month i didn’t get any password to the monthly workout calendar
The password is: luvbug
Thank you!
Hi Cassie, luv your videos!… pls make the next challenge be on getting back the waist line… i want my muffins bye bye!
My vote for the next challenge is arms.
I didn’t see a reply from Cassie as to how many sets to do of each of these exercise groups. Only doing 5-10 squats a day (first week) doesn’t seem like a workout.
Yikes, I’m on day 18 and doing 10 of each move was tough, especially after the regular workout.
I believe this is intended to be in combination with the usual monthly calendar, if your personal difficulty level and diet will allow.
Hello! I have been loving these workouts, and I honestly think all of the challenges and calendars are amazing!! i will definitely be sharing this with my family and friends :))
30 day butt-lift challenge, for day one is it 5 squats total etc. or 5 sets?
Do you have to do multiple reps? 10 squats etc doesn’t seem that much.. Can someone please explain?
The 30 day challenge is supposed to be done along with the calendar workout – Which already includes your butt exercises so this calendar is just extra reps to do. Hope that helps 🙂
How awesome would a 30 day arm toning challenge be!?
Can someone help me out with the reps. Only 5 squats a day? That seems like a small amount even if it’s the first day.
The 30 day challenge is supposed to be done along with the calendar workout – Which already includes your butt exercises so this calendar is just extra reps to do. Hope that helps 🙂
Hey! Starting this today, but I was wondering how many times through you do each it each day? Just once through?
Hi there, wonderful workout challenge. May I ask if we are supposed to do it every other day And not everyday? I have read many pages suggesting that so the muscles can rest. Your opinion? Thanks!
I would think everyday. It makes sense to want to give the muscles a chance to rest however within the first few days there aren’t that many reps so you shouldn’t need to rest in between. However if you start to feel sore then yes rest for a day or two. Otherwise I would say everyday. Hope that helps
Hello Cassey, I love your workouts!
I have knee problems so I can’t do the squats ans bridges. Are there any other moves you could suggest to replace these?
Thank you very much!
Please please please make an arms challenge next! 😀
I am LOVING this 30 day butt challenge! I hope you do inner thighs or legs next! 🙂
Me too, I hope you do the inner thights and legs . . . . Next 🙂
As much as my arms need TLC my muffintop is much need of love
I do everything as it’s shown, but my booty after workout doesn’t hurt at all, only legs. Is it normal?
Plz Cassy I really trust you and your suggestions, I need tighten boobs exercises ;
Thank you very much my friend ()xoxo
I would love a thigh challenge that’s my main area I want to slim
Flexibility Challenge,Please 🙂
Hi Cassey,
I did sin up here but I didn’t get a password and cant get the calenders either. Please help!
weight challenge please
Is this really going to work ? Seems a little too easy to be efficient, to be honest. I’m going to do it anyway and hope for the best.
same here.
have you done it? have you seen results?
I am loving these challenges! I think there should be a cardio or arm challenge next! Or back challenge! I def need to workout my back
back challenge 😉 thaaaaanks
Totally a back challenge!
Great idea!
Definitely! A back challenge would be perfect!
Hey Cassey!
I vote for arms challange next month!!
vote for arms next month
I hope you gonna do arms challenge next,cuz this is amazing!
My butt doesn’t need any lifting but hopefully this will help tighten it up! Yay for big booties!
I vote arms next! I want big guns 🙂
I’m loving this month and would love arms for march even more!
I am currently sick and can´t do much 🙁 … but a few exercises without extra weights are the perfect challenge for my body between lying in bed and ehhhh lying in bed.
I really would love some exercises/a challenge for the gluteus minimus and medius – as I like my butt muscles, but underneath on the back-outside of my upper thighs…
Hey!! love these 30 day challenge things. should do like…. thigh and arms!!!!
xxx love you
thanks a lot! also, an 30 day thinner waist challenge would be great ^.^
Love this challenge 🙂
How about a 30 Day Thigh Challenge next? 😀
Yes! Cassey should totally do a 30 day thigh challenge for March! Especially with Spring Break coming up!
I love this and a thighs challenge would be awesome!
I’m wondering about the number also….is if 5 as in five squats; 5 lifts etc? Or 5 as in 5 reps?
Also yes a thigh challenge would be fantastic!!!! Please thanks😊🙂
I vote arms next!! Thanks for all your great calendars and motivation!! 😀
lost d feb calendar password mail..sombdy puhleez helpp!!!
Yeah day 5! 😀 I’m practising a monthly workout calendar the first time and I really like this challenge and the #FABRUARY Calendar :D. I practise every exercise and I have a lot of fun during this. Cassey I love your workouts you have inspired me to workout in my freetime! <3 Thank you so much!
It would be nice when the next Workout Calendar is about endurance 😉 because I think when you want to be fit you have to be also conditionally good.
Thank you very much!! <3
I am so amped!! I cant wait to start. Thanks Cassie!!
I personally don’t consider squats as the best opion for lifting the butt, but the other ones are perfect. I do them a lot as well. Very effective! 😉
Why dont you considere squats as a good option for lifting the butt? I think its the better option!
I really want arms next month :)))
So excited to do this! just did day one and i can’t wait for the rest!
Cassie, can you make a challenge for slim thighs? <3
Can next month be slim waist challenge??
by mistake deleted my February calendar password mail !
wat shud I do to view d calendar! can somebdy help !!!! puhleeez
Arms next month please! Gotta have those sexy arms for formal 🙂
Hi Cassie, I would like to ask how many reps do I have to do everyday? Thanks
Hey, all the daily rep counts are right on the printout! 🙂
so like one rep for the first day? or like five reps for the first day? If its five reps how many are in each rep? thats what I want to know. My ex trainer would always say its five to a rep. Just wondering
The number on the calendar is the number of reps. So for the first day you’ll do 5 squats (down then up is one rep), 5 pointed toe lifts on each side, and same for the fire hydrants. Typically the number of reps is the basic number of times you do the move, I think you’re trainer had a different way of doing things.
AHH! I’m so glad to see another 30 Day challenge this month! I loved the ab challenge last month. I could really feel myself making progress. I hope this will become a regular monthly feature! Starting this today. Thanks so much!
Dub quite get it.. So is it number of squats,etc or the number of reps..? If it is reps then how many ,say squats, per rep?
It’s the number of squats. You start with 5 squats, 5 butt lift, 5 fire hydrants and do one more each day.
Are you kidding me? Just 5 squats,…. Wow thats gonna be a really hard workout… -.-
I will have to triple it.
Well you don’t need to, because if you also do the february calender this will be like a bonus workout in a way. But i understand you ^^’ 5 squats it’s not a lot…
Got it! Thanks 🙂
How many are in a rep?
Hey there! A rep is just 1.
ex.: 5 reps of squats just means you squat 5 times.
A “set” is the number of reps.
There could be 1 set, 2 set, 3 set, and so on and it would include however many reps you want to do.
ex.: 3 sets of 10 reps or 5 sets of 12 reps or 6 sets of 15 reps and so on
You pretty much just break up the amount of reps you’re going to do before continuing onto the next set.
Sets are there to break up your workout and to give you a rest in between each sets.
So if you’re doing 3 sets of 8 reps of squat it would look like this:
1) Does 8 squats
**rest for 30 seconds
2) Does 8 squats again
**rest for 30 seconds
3) Does the last set of 8 squats
and for the legs??? T_T pleaseee…it’s urgent!!!T_T
Challenge Accepted! Started Today 🙂
Thank you for this Cassey 🙂 Starting today!
with sandbags on the ankles!
These look like great booty exercises! Thanks! 🙂
Cassie! I love how you’re so fit and yet your body still looks soft and delicate and not all crazy muscley! You’re so beautiful! 🙂
All that “soft and delicate” looks like pure muscle 🙂
Wow, this workout is awesome. It will hurt when you do 15 fire hydrants and squats. But we love it.
Great challenge! I really wanna start it now, that’s what I need!
I have just one question, I’m new in “Blogilates” so I hope someone can help me: do I need some warm-up or stretching before and after these exercises? Can I find something here?
Thank you very much!!!
I do these challenges without any kind of warm-up, but you can use one if you want to. Cassey has some great warm-ups out on youtube if you search for “blogilates warm-up”. She recommends doing these challenges in addition to the daily workout on the workout calendar, but if you are a beginner it’s a great way to get you going without the calendar as well 🙂 Hope this answered your questions!
there are a couple warmup videos on the blogilates youtube channel. Just search ‘warmup’ and you will find them!
Hey Cassey,
Day 7 on the butt challenge says 5 of each of the 3 first workouts, I think you meant 10 right? :*
Totally looking forward to this month! I really want to buy cassey’s yoga mat that is pink and has blogilates written across it in blue.?i also want the ‘train like a beast look like a beauty’ detox water bottle. How’s fever I love in the Uk and the shipping is very expensive. Does anyone know a coupon that still works for a yoga mat or free shipping. It would really help me. Thank you! Lily xxx
30 day arm challenge next maybe? Would be amazing❤️
I agree!!
I know a lot of people prefer the abs and butt but I think it would be awesome to build up the arms/back next!
i really love this. i want to get the perfect lifted butt.
Hey cassey,
I’m gonna start this challenge today cassey…. This is so exciting. Looking forward to the end of fab and a fab butt. Muah!!
Hi Cassey!
I love the monthly challenge workout.
thank you
Imma start this challenge tonight! But I wish you could of inclued what each exercise is working what muscle in the butt. So when I’m doing it I can concentrate more on that part you know..?
ohhh, I hope there’s a 30 day arm challenge coming up! I love challenges like these, they keep things fresh and help motivate me for my short term fitness goals while letting me achieve my long term ones too!
This is awesome! I was just wondering about the correct form for the squat and if you pulsed the pointed butt lifts. This took care of my questions. Yay!
Can’t wait to try this out:):)
Cassey, February only has 28 days. Haha. But love the new challenge~
I thought the same thing so I did Day 1 today and will do Day 30 on March 1st so if she does another 30 day challenge in March I’ll be able to do it March 2-March 31 🙂
Do the reps include both legs?! Or is it five squats and five fire hydrants EACH leg?! Thanks 🙂
If you see right a little up from where you see the bridges, you can see that she put to repeat on each leg. So it’s gonna be 5 of the fire hydrants for each leg. 🙂
It should be each leg i think.
You can’t do 2 and a half fire hydrants.
Lol didn’t really think about it that way you’re right 🙂
Yes! This is exactly what I was hoping for! Thanks Cassey!!
Yes I’m down!!
ahhh thanks Cassey! I loved the flat ab challenge and can’t wait to start this one tomorrow! These are some of my favorite moves too!
Do we follow how much cups of water we drink everyday from the flat ab challenge one?
Great challenge :D. I am very excited to get started. You should do 30 days arm challenge next 😀
Will do this this month february!
You are awsome! I’m from Barcelona and I am addicted to your workouts! Thanks a mill! You are great!!
I can’t wait to start !
Omg yes!! When is the Ferbruary calender out? So excited!
Omg thank you so so much for this I am so happy you made this ♡♡♡
I can’t wait to start this workout! I was wanting to start a butt workout so this is perfect!
thank u . butt and thighs and abs are my favorite
thank u cassey
i did all the days of calender. well done
Challenge accepted! So excited!
Challenge accepted!!!! I love the donkey kick move – I honestly credit this for the shape of my butt! Such fun exercises to do as well – equipment free, way to be and hello body weight moves!!! =P
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So excited! I hope there are going to be other challenges as well! Thank you, Cassey <3
Arm challenge next month? 🙂
I’ve mentioned this before, and second your statement. My arms are so week, so even moves that are arm centered, but still require strong arms get me really down, because I just can’t do them because of my lack of arm strength.
I’m the same. I sometimes have to quit halfway through exercises that require my arms to exercise another body part. I’d love to get them stronger, they are really weak.
Love this, will be printing it off and taking part in Feb!
Kelly’s Journal
I am yet to try a 30 day challenge of any sorts. But this one looks so great, I have printed it out ready!!x
Thank you so much, Cassey!!! This is exactly what I wanted!! So excited for february!!
Perfect! I’m going on a cruise in March so I need my booty to be bikini ready 🙂 I’m going to push myself to complete this. I gave up on the flat abs challenge about halfway through. I think that’s because I hate ab workouts lol.
I loved the abs challenge, my abs definetly feel a lot tighter now !! I have a question, does anyone have some good alternatives for squats? My knees mess up whenever I do them, and I end up hurting a lot. Please?
You could always try wall sits instead of doing squats, because then it will be more pressure on your back than on your knees. 🙂
Just lean against a wall and slowly slide down it until you are in a sitting position. If this doesn’t help I’m not sure what will but I hope it does x
Yay!! I just LOVED 30 day flat abs, & I was hoping for another challenge. Thank you so much Cassey! 🙂
Can’t wait to start this butt challenge and febyouary workout calendar at the same time! I love your videos and they don’t make me bored like other boring workout videos. But I have a wide hipline and it’s annoying 🙁 So I wonder; this challenge will make my hipline wider?
OMG! Thank you! So excited for February now! LOL Love ya Cassey!
(P.S. Arm exercises for March? LOL)
Love these challenges, Cassey! I think I’ll continue with flat abs challenge. This keeps me motivated, really. Also I’m looking for February calendar. Can’t wait already! And cardio and legs challenges would be awesome! 🙂
Can´t wait for the February Calendar!!!
So happy for another challenge!!! I’m the type of person that gets bored easily but these make me so motivated!
I’m really excited about this! I’m really hoping to see results at the end haha
I kind of want to start today!
omG Cassey!!!! That’s exactly the challenge I need!!! I will so do this together with the ab challenge cause I had to stop it after 13 days thanks to getting flu again. I’m still recovering and will give my body some days more though it’s hard because I really want to work out.
I can’t wait to start!!!!! Thankfully you can do these 30-day-challenges every time. 😀
Yaaaay that’s what I wanted !! Thank you so much !
Btw, I think there is a mistake day #7 : there should be 10 reps of each right ? Just like the abs challenge
Oh yes, I think so. There should be 10 squats, pointed butt lifts, fire hydrants and 5 heel kicks right?
SO EXCITED! The ab challenge was so much fun and this is going to be too! 🙂
Great! This is just what I needed 🙂
Hey guys, loved the abs challenge and completed it today! What music did you choose to play while doing it? I just can’t find something that would really give me that energy. Any ideas?
I listened to the “Blogilates” songs BODYPOP and Tasty and the album 1989 by Taylor Swift and few other songs (Ellie Goulding – Anything Could Happen, Charice – Louder, Ariana Grande – Problem/Break Free and other pop songs!) 🙂
Thanks, will try! 🙂
You can try with David Guetta – Dangerous,Tylor Swift – Style,Red, The Script – Hall of fame, BVB – Fallen Angels and Hollywood Undead – Believe. This are some of my fav,hope i helped 😀
That’s so great, Cassey, thank you! 🙂 I loved the 30 day flat ab challenge, it was so much fun doing those moves because I could always do the reps even if I came home late and didn’t have much time.
Thank you so much Cassey for your videos! You absolutely saved my life! Nowdays, I really enjoy to workout, because your videos are so fun and also really hard!
So thank you <3
I also want to know, that would it be possible to do a 30-day cardio challenge? 🙂 I'm a runner, so I just looovee cardio! (yep, you read right: I looovee cardio) 😉
xoxo: Liisa
I’ve been wanting a cardio one too!
YES YES YEEESSSS!!! This is just what I wanted after the 30 day AB challenge 😀
Pretty please with sugar on top can march me muffin top melter 30 day challenge. It’s my birth month and it would mean a lot. Thank you for the butt and abs challenge calender. I’m currently on my 16th day with the abs challenge.
Thank you so much! I loved the abb challenge! An was wondering if we will have another one this month. So excited about the butt one:)
I already have a butt. What if it makes my butt look bigger!!!!
Printing now. Selfie tomorrow. My goal butt is Candice Swanepoel’s. Will I get there? Who knows. But I’m going to work as hard as I can to do so!
Any chance thered be a cardio challenge month some time?
I’m so exited! I’m finishing 30 day abs tomorrow and I plan to do 20 of each move each day (or almost every day)!
Ditto the above comment! Thank you! I follow the calendar every month and love it! I am really looking forward to this new challenge I love sneaking in exercises through out the day! I have a request for cheap clean eats….tiramasu! Congratulations on your book…so exciting!
This is so great Cassey!
I loved the 30 days to flat abs calendar (completed it yesterday) and I am already looking forward to pushing myself with this.
Thank you for all the hard work and dedication you have to us Popsters.
I am just about to pre-order your hot body year round book. So excited.
<3 Joely
Joely, for the 30 day to flat abs challenge, do you feel like your abs really are flatter? I didn’t do it, but I’m thinking if it really works, then I should!
I’m at day 22 and mine are still burning every day. Definitely see a change!
Can’t wait to start doing something about my butt. Will be a lot tougher and more painful and continue the ab exercises.
I definitely, 100%, think that my abs are flatter after the 30 day challenge. Some days were harder than others but it definitely kicked my abs into high gear 🙂
I only did 13 days of the ab challenge but already saw a difference. It burned wonderful every day 🙂 I even got better drinking habits thanks to being reminded every day. Sadly I will have to start again because flu caught me again. Gonna be so sore when starting again XD abs can burn for so long, it’s fascinating!