3 Min Muffintop Melting Oblique Workout!
3 Min Muffintop Melting Oblique Workout!
Hey guys!
I hope you had a lovely and relaxing Labor Day Weekend! I was in Palm Springs with my high school girlfriends for a Bachelorette party! As a part of the festivities, I forced everyone to listen to Taylor Swift and dance to “Cool for the Summer” by Demi Lovato. Haha I am such a dork, but we all had so much fun being us! In addition, no party with Cassey goes without an attempt at a plank stack! Let’s just say, everyone gave their best, but sometimes, the reality is the reality 🙂
Hahaha. Oh man. I’ve been at the top and bottom of a plank stack collapse and let me tell you…the more you fall, you more you learn how to be graceful when you topple. It doesn’t hurt as much as you would think. The important thing is to get back up and try again 🙂
ALSO! I designed some new tops for you guys! Check it out. I think you’ll love how these soft tops hug your body.
Passion. Purpose. POP Pilates. The back of this tank is everything. $22, blogilatesdesigns.com
The Sweat Life is The Sweet Life. $22, blogilatesdesigns.com
New crystal timer bottles! Stay hydrated throughout the day. These are 34 oz each…try to drink at least 2 of them! Often times when you plateau, it may be because you’re not drinking enough water. $20, blogilatesdesigns.com
17 thoughts on “3 Min Muffintop Melting Oblique Workout!”
There are 17 comments posted by our users.
Pleaseeeee Casey have videos on hips…I know many women who load on in the hips…a 30 day challenge perhaps?
YES CASSIE! Gosh, my hips are the my biggest problem area (literally, too xD)
I just got my Passion*Purpose*Popilates tank in the mail this morning and I LOVE IT!!! That along with these three minute turbo workouts have really gotten me excited about exercising again after a long, hot, and lazy summer. Thank you so much, Cassey! You make me a stronger person. <3
Haha love the expectations vs. reality pictures. Will definitely be trying these exercises out. We both freaking love your 1000 abs challenge too! It’s a killer.
Anna and Katie x
Hahahaha that photo made me laugh so hard!
I love the failed stack! 😀 Nice to see that not everything is perfect always but that the perfect shot – for experts and pro’s – too, sometimes takes 20 other failed shots before! 😀
Cassey, I’m dying. My butt burns like crazy. I’m just getting back into workout with a mix of old calenders and next month I join the regular calender 😉
I also try hard to eat clean. I ate far too much sugary stuff last month without having enough strength to workout (thank you illness and medication. you ruined my poo body) and my booty grew a lot and now I really want to take care of my body because I only have this one and I want to life a happy life with it!
Hey Cassey! WHERE are your floral leggings from?? They are so cute!!
Thanks, Cassey! The Turbo workout series has been pretty fun, and I was just thinking I need more obliques workouts. You must have ESPN or something. <3
Haha, funny photo 😀 I love your workout videos as well 🙂
I’m following the Bikini Body Workout that i linked below while also doing your workouts, it helps me shed the fat away and I’m feeling so fit!
<3 Jamie
5 ladies one room sleeping in shifts?
hahaha I love the reality photo – and – those water bottles are so cute!!
Love the new tanks Cassey, especially the ‘Sweat Life’ one, that’s going on my wish list! 🙂 Loving the turbo series too, just as you get tired its over, brilliant! Keep up the fab work x o x o
I loved this one so much fun. Me and my friends are going to attempt the plank stack on the University field after class ????
LOVE this workout!! Personally, there is nothing that hits my obliques harder than moves involving planks, and this was no exception. Feeling my waist already – now for cardio!! 🙂
PS. love the stack collapse – I have been in many a beach pyramid collapse with boys landing on me…haha
xx Jill
Latest Post – Opinion of a Fit Girl Part Part 3: Group Fitness Apps, Skipped Food Diaries, and Protein Bars
My obliques are STILL sore from Saturday! You’re cray, cassey.