2012 POP Mashup Workout!
2012 POP Mashup Workout!
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
Whoa a double whammy blog post – what!!???
I just uploaded the last workout of the year! Can you believe 2012 is almost over!!???
This is a really cool workout because the only piece of workout equipment that you will need is your wall! Go ahead and click play! The workout is super fun, challenging, and like nothing we’ve done before! Give it a shot and let me know how you do! The music playing is the 2012 Pop Danthology by Daniel Kim. Click here to check out his YouTube channel!
This move below, the Single Legged Wall Thrust is a killer butt and quad move! Give it a shot!
Also quick update, I just wanted to let you know that anyone who pre-ordered the DVD, it will be shipped out Jan 4, 2013. This is an update to the old date. I apologize but there was an issue with the printing of the cover so we had to stop the presses and do it over again! So I really hope you do not mind…too badly? Also the discount price for the DVD when using the code “OMGFINALLY” at checkout is valid until 12/31! So hurry and reserve your copy now! Click here.
Alrighty guys! Can’t wait to film your new videos from LA. Are you ready for a new change in scenery?
Oh! And be sure to enter my giveaway on BlogilatesTV! I need to pick 3 POPsters to win $200 cash EACH along with an insanely huge box of yummy premier protein shakes and bars! All you have to do is comment on the video (click here) and tell me what motivates you to keep going! That’s it! I’ll announce the 3 winners in January!
Alrighty POPsters – if you have any suggestions for crazy workouts you wanna see from me, let me know in the comments below!
<3 Cassey
22 thoughts on “2012 POP Mashup Workout!”
There are 22 comments posted by our users.
Love this one. Wished it was a bit longer actually, but its a nice short workout that still gets your heart pumping. This is probably one of my favorite vids of yours, this one and the one you did with Coach Nicole. Keep those vids coming. 🙂
like it! thanks alot cassey!
So I really liked the Wall Workout but I struggled on the wall plank cuz my feet where sweaty 🙁
I am always motivated by your loyalty to the fan base and the website! The blogilates community is also such a great motivation! I am seriously looking forward to 2013 🙂
Hey Cassey! I’m so in love with your vids and have been doing them since September! I have been sick since Christmas Day and have only been able to work out once or twice when normally I work out four to five times a week! Once I start to feel better how much should I exercise and for how long?? Thanks 🙂
This is such a cool and innovative workout Cassey! I’m a sucker for unconventional moves that work “weird” muscles that no one’s ever even thought of, haha.
Hey cassey. Ive been doing the pop pilates and the pop cardio workouts for a little while now, and with AMAZING results! I never felt good about my own body, i was lazy and i ate everything what was in the fridge. I didnt know my condition was that bad. Right this moment i cant wait to put on my excersice clothing and get sweaty again. I love your workouts. I feel so good about my body right now, and i feel so much fitter and healthier now i started to eat clean. You should do a ab challenge with the song ‘you make me happy’ by DJ renzel ft denzel. Its a really catchy song 🙂 i love you cassey! Thanks for all the effort you put in your video’s.
Hey Cassey!! I totally love you cuz you inspired me a LOT!!
Your workouts are so challenging but they’re Amazing!
No word to describe how awesome you are.. 😀
You’ve changed my life and even my body.. 🙂
I used to be so plump and chubby and lost my self esteem because of that but now not anymore.. 😀
Would you make more Printables?? Because whenever Im stuck into no Internet connection area,, I couldn’t log in to Youtube so I usually bring along the Printables.. 🙂
Please, please make more printables.. <3
And thanks so much for being such an inspiration and keep motivating me..
Love ya Cassey!! :)x
Hi Cassey- repost of my question in another blog entry I probably missed: Will you by any chance be bringing back the lace workout cami to your shop? I really love it and unfortunately I’m too late!
I have been working a lot the past month so my daily routine with pop pilates got pushed around. This work out was definitely crazy and difficult (in a good way!) Now I know I really need to work on my wall sits. On that note…. maybe a quad or leg work out??
This mash up reminded me of a potentially cool idea… a 90’s pop mix ?!
Cannot wait for the DVD, new videos in your apartment, and of course the calendar!
Happy New Year!!! 🙂
Hi! I love you videos! But now that I am pregnant I find I can’t manage o do what I used to! Ever consider doing a lower intensity prenatal vid?
Just ordered the DVD! So excited for you! (and for ME ‘cuz that means i get a whole ‘nother hour of pop pilates and i don’t have to worry about my college’s crappy internet failing every 2 mins) Also I am so glad you made it affordable… unlike some I know who charge like $40 for a DVD?! Sorry, but nope not happening. Haha anyways have a great new year!
Cassey I can’t wait to do the wall workout today. It looks scary but you’re so motivating and encouraging I am sure it will be great! I starting working out with you in November and love everything A
about Cassey Ho my personal trainer. I hope to get my hubby hooked in January.
Could you do a workout that you can do while traveling?
That sounds weird, but I am thinking about some exercises you could do while sitting on a plane or a train, which are not too obvious so nobody will stare at you. I know that you can like flex and point your toes to work your calves or tug your bellybutton, but do you know more effective exercises?
It would be amazing and really useful!
I love you, you have helped me really much during the last few month! Thanks ♥
ok, when i saw that off-the-wall plank thing, i was like, there’s NO way that’s gonna work, like, that’s just impossible gravity wise and everything, and i’m probably gonna die while trying to do that move…
then i gave it a shot and omg it totally worked! i couldn’t believe it!
you should’ve seen me.. planking off that wall, squealing with the sheer delight that it worked, having crazy sore shoulders after 10 seconds and feeling like a nutcase all the way (who else would be planking off a wall!!) hahaha 🙂
love it!
p.s.: i can now totally relate to your experience w/ the box that your sister once made you jump on.. feels so great when you can surprise yourself by doing something that you thought was impossible. 🙂
Awesome workout!!!! And so much fun, too! Please, please, please, pretty please….printable of the wall workout? Love it!
What keeps me motivated is fun workouts set to music I love! Thank you for all your hard work plus your free work outs!
Just love Your’s simple (without equipment) room workouts !! But unfortunately as I live in dormitory a’ve problem with lack of space ;( So bye bye wall climber s and planks (in addition i must take use wardrobe against wall :D)
Even if the DVD will be released late, I don’t mind either, especially after you mentioned there were printing problems. I’m excited about how the printable will look. So scared to do the wall workout, =\ would it be ok to use socks, that would make things more slippery?
You could have told me that the DVD would be dispatched till then end of January and I wouldn’t have cared. I’m just happy enough that there’s one coming my way. Happy New Year Cassey
Thanks for being such an inspiration 🙂