Your Royal Hotness!
Your Royal Hotness!
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
First of all, I want to say HAPPY 21st BDAY to my little sister Jackelyn!!!!!
If you have no idea what the PS is talking about, watch the end of this vid 🙂
I’d love it if you could tweet @Jackelynho and wish her a happy bday. Maybe it will make her come home sooner 🙂
I truly apologize for the lateness of this video! I got caught up attending some events and things and fell asleep editing 2 days in a row. I let my eyelids win and didn’t try to oppose them.
Anyway, here is the much anticipated YOUR ROYAL HOTNESS workout!!!!
I am filming right in front of Buckingham Palace! I am wearing a fuschia fascinator (my hat) that I bought for 20 pounds, and will wear this for all of the workouts that I film in London. Don’t you love it? I mean when else would I wear one of these?! I like to torment my friends who film me and wear it with my gym clothes when we’re walking from location to location 🙂 They get so embarrassed. Muahahhahahhaha! But I could care less. If you wear it like you mean it, then no one’s gonna bother you.
That was my mentality for filming in public. These mini crowds would form around me while I did the workout and stare (yes it was kinda weird, but cool – I felt like a street performer) but I’d pretend I was a horse with blinders on and just focus on the camera. It did the trick!!!
This is a total body workout! How should you pair this with everything else? Well you can get a good idea of how you can workout effectively by printing the current Workout Calendar here, or if you prefer freestylin’ your exercise routines, just do any of my POP Pilates, POP Sculpt, Bikini Blasters for about 45 min back to back and then for the last 15 min go high intensity, so pick from my POP HIITS or POP Cardio etc. If you’re looking to burn serious calories, do one Pilates vid, then one cardio, then one Pilates, the one Cardio etc etc. Alternate to keep the heart rate up. Workout for one full hour 5-6x a week if you can. If you want to substitute your cardio for something else, running, jogging, dancing, elliptical etc. are just fine. Just make sure you’re going hard.
Good luck and have fun!
<3 Cassey
PS – I can’t believe I leave London on the 13th. So sad!
23 thoughts on “Your Royal Hotness!”
There are 23 comments posted by our users.
ahh your sister is awesome! plus we have almost the same name 🙂
I think your reaction to her falling was funnier than the fall itself 😀 I’ve never seen such uncontrollable laughter like that before!! 😀
I L-O-V-E-D this workout! (as usual) you’ve totally out-done yourself, Cassey!
On 8/5/12, I rushed my dad to the hospital. Fast forward to today (8/14) & things are not good. He’s been in ICU for a week, unconscious, hooked up to a ventilator to breathe. We have only 10 DAYS LEFT before the Dr.’s perform a Tracheotomy, then he’ll be transfered to a full-care facility to be forever hooked up on machines or my younger brother, sister & I have to pull the plug. (which is what my dad wants)
PLEASE SEND THOUGHTS & PRAYERS to a fellow Blogilates-addict. #prayersforpap on twitter or follow me @MizzKatieS for updates. My mom passed 5yrs ago & he is all we have left!
wut a TOTALLY amazing outfit u had on in ur royal workout!! made me smile! 😀 AWESOME work out as well!!!!! U should TOTALLY do something for the hamstrings…i have this STUBBORN fat on the backs of my upper legs! :S ugh…makes me SO mad! no matter wut i do…i have wut i call “flabby thighs” lol. its like rite below my butt so like upper back part of my leg. dunno if theres any work outs FOR that area or not…but if there is…u should do THAT! lol THANX!!! <3
Cassey, my friend and I love you to pieces. I have recently gotten her to into POPpilates and she is doing your 90 day challenge! I think for your next challenge you should do some kind of arm workout to either Demi Lovato’s “Give Your Heart a Break” or Usher’s “Scream”. Thanks 🙂
Happy Birthday Jackelyn!
I love the videos you did with Cassey. Hope you do more in the future. Maybe we can hear about your adventures in Australia.
Your Royal Hotness is a fun workout! Nice outfit especially the hat. I love the background. I’m dreaming of traveling the world someday . More stretching and cardio videos in general would be good. I need to stronger shoulders and knees. Videos that focus on those areas are helpful.
great workout! love your blog 🙂
you make exercise fun !!
check out 😀
Cassey, your happy personality is absolutely infectious! Great video, as always. You’re an inspiration to those of us in the fitness industry!
I’d say your next one should be about working the triceps/underarm area so that we can all do the “queen’s wave” well into our old age (without the underarm waddle swinging around too much). 😉 That’s my two cents (or… Shilling? Do they still have shillings in England?)
Love the royal hotness workout. Definitely adding it as a favorite!
I think you should have people you meet join you in the videos and this way we can see different difficulty levels! Love your videos…. And that hat!
I LOVE this workout, Cassey! And I also really love the themed element of it! I think you should travel around and give us workouts in front of tons of landmarks (Cairo pyramids, Eiffel tower, etc) while wearing national gear! 🙂 So fun!
royal hotness was FUN! Did it couple of times it was so fun! <3
Hey Cassey!
You ‘Royal Hotness’ video is fantastic, I love it 🙂
I had to try not to giggle though at the site of a crowd of boys in the background walking by and checking you out but I guess that’s why this video has it’s title! 😉
Good stuff, xx
Love the accent and the hat! 😀 Happy Birthday to Jackelyn!
happy birthday Jackelyn!!!
p.s. 21 yeah! now you can take your first beer! 🙂
Thank you Cassey, that was great and entertaining lol xoxo
Yaaaay little sister birthdays! 21 is a big one! I can’t wait till my sis is 21! Man I miss her…
And omg I laughed so hard because of your reaction! Seeing you almost fall over from laughing so hard and being tired makes me want to go home and do this video!
Cassey how are you so incredible! You are a daily inspiration for me and my pursuit of fitness <3
I love this videos, they are puuurrfect for days like these, when I can’t get myself to go to the gym. Thanks for sharing, it’s super!! 🙂
Love your spirit! I want brutal plyometrics next!!
I really loved this workout! I didn’t want it to end.
Hi Cassey! I was wondering.. if I do the exercise routine for 45 minutes in the morning and then do the cardio (like the pop cardios or even running for example) for about 30 minutes at night.. would it still be effective?
I love that you are so willing to wear your hat and just ignore gawkers while filming… I get self conscious about stuff like that! can’t wait to try the workout…also random question,what is your sister doing in Australia? School or something? I’ve always wanted to visit there!
Wow, between your hat and jacket – you look amazing!