Shocked. 💔 RIP Kobe.
Complete shock. 💔Today Kobe Bryant passed away in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, CA along with his 13 year old daughter and 7 other people. Literally was just in Calabasas last weekend buying fruits and flowers.
When Sam and I started dating in college, he brought his love and enthusiasm for basketball, the Lakers and Kobe Bryant into my life. I was never into sports, but Sam’s spirit for the game was so cute (he literally changes from the chillest person in the room to the most outrageous, passionate sports fan in the arena), so – I became intrigued. Sam often updates me with game stats, quizzes me on players, tells me how his fantasy basketball team is doing, shows me clips of cool plays on House of Highlights, and tells me about things I don’t really understand. I’m not a b-ball fan myself, but I am a super fan of Sam being a super DUPER fan of the Lakers!
Today’s tragedy reminds me that we don’t know how long we have on this earth, so we must not waste our time holding grudges…we must not waste our time with toxic people…and we must not waste our time being unhappy. Seriously, stop doing things that don’t being your joy. Go be with the people you love. Go travel to the places you dream about. Do it. Because the clock keeps ticking. But we don’t know when our time runs out.
With a heavy heart, I leave you with this Kobe quote that struck me deeply.
This is why I hate competing against others. It’s better to just go, and go hard – regardless of what other people are doing or saying. Focusing on your journey, not someone else’s is the key to success. That’s what Kobe did, and that’s why he will forever be remembered as a legend.
Sending my love and strength to his family. What a sad, sad day.
Love you guys.
3 thoughts on “Shocked. 💔 RIP Kobe.”
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I don’t really pay attention to any sporty other than soccer but I some of my friends really like him!
Its amazing to see how one man influenced so many people . I hope everyone remembers to spread a little extra positivity during this time.
I was never into sports and didn’t really know him until I searched him up. I’ve heard his name here and there, and I take it that he was an American basketball player.
I love that quote so much, I’m going to keep it close to my heart.
Rest in peace, Kobe!