POP Pilates: Come and Get Fit
POP Pilates: Come and Get Fit
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
How y’alls doing? Did you discover the new workout for today yet? Muahahahahahaha if you did. And MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA if you did not!
This one will leave your butt feeling…NEVER THE SAME.
It’s an intense total body routine to some of my fave songs of the moment:
“Come and Get It” – Selena Gomez
“Daylight” – Maroon 5
“#ThatPower” – will.i.am and Justin Bieber
“Can’t Hold Us” – Macklemore
I swear to you…after filming this one late Sunday, my butt started firing pain signals within the next few hours. Today, I just. Can’t even.
I really can’t believe I did those bootyful planks for all of “Come and Get It” plus some. My shoulders were blazing, core shaking, and butt BURRRNINNNGG! I hope you feel the same sensations too 🙂
Have fun and lemme know what you think!
<3 Cassey
28 thoughts on “POP Pilates: Come and Get Fit”
There are 28 comments posted by our users.
Thanx cassy for every thing but I wanted to ask you a question? I am 12 and my hight is 153 cm and my wieght is 52 am I overweight. And if so may you help me cuz I was 47 kg now I am 52 so I am getting ready for doing anything to recover plz guz I need gour help .Thanks again lv ya Cassy
Killer Workout! I’m sweating like crazy! But I’m determined!<3 but I had a little trouble doing the "side squeezers", couldn't really figure it out haha. Thanks for doing a great job!:)
Can you do a video to a Cher Lloyd!? Say,….. SWAGGER JAGGER!? 🙂
Thank you!
Hi Cassey,
Great workout! Can’t wait to do it!
He Cassie!
Your workouts rock! If anyone is looking to lose weight by doing Pilates, your workouts are sure to do the trick. I love how you make them so fun too! Keep up the awesome work 😉
Cassey, I LOVE the music on this vid! Really helped me to get through this crazy tough workout! Thanks so much for such fab workouts!
oh my gosh,, i love your workouts.. they are amazing and target every muscle, but i just cant stand and can not take the torture of how much you talk and yell during a workout.. Its so hard for me to focus and be in pain all while you are talking.. something I could never adjust to when i workout is for people to be talking or disrupting me as I focus. I have however learned to watch your video, takes notes and do it on my own because I’m so sorry, its tooo much talking.. i literally drop to my knees and just mute my T.V. nothing personal,,, I have a gym at home for the same reason 🙂 Keep sharing the vids.. and again,,, nothing personal.
Oh! Good Lord!!!! Cassey!!!
What great TORTURE!!!! You are heartless!!!!! And I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Can’t wait to do this workout with you soon! I still have osteoporosis but my calcium levels have normalized now! Soon! Soon! I’ll be able to follow your workouts again!
Can’t wait!! I LOVE your workouts!!!!! You are CRAZY!!! (but a good kind of crazy)!!!!
Just came up with a great name for the May calendar; May You Be Fit. Get it? What do you think?
I like it!
Great website and workouts! great motivation but…(and I meant to write it many, many times before, finally decided you might (?) consider this a useful feedback) your music choices….makes me wanna scream: they are so many great artists out there and you are in position to share (via your website) their names with so many fitness freaks: WHY do you choose such commercial (and mostly no talent, big production company supported) entertainers?…why not to discover something new, a bit more ambitious (lyrics…!!!) and less commercial? I know this music is popular with teens but are you not 16 anymore (in a good way) and I truly believe you can influence music taste of others ….at least show them that there is sth more out there…I hope i am not offending anyone with my opinion, I know workout music is often about the rhythm and beat and “De gustibus non est disputandum” but it just sad to hear that this is your music taste for real…you would be missing out big time 🙁
I watch the videos, take notes of each exercise and then play my own music and do the workout on my own only because I honestly cannot workout with people talking as I am in pain and trying to stay focused on the workout..Cassey you are so amazing but a little too much enthusiasm for me. TOO MUCH TALKING AND YELLING :(,, TOO MANY SOUNDS HUN .. BUT YOUR AWESOME…I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND SOME PEOPLE NEED THIS TYPE OF MOTIVATION.. SO I HAVE FOUND WHAT WORKS FOR ME..
yes, for me too…way to much yelling and “enthusiasm” which I find very different from what would be seen as “normal” in my culture/area…and which seems VERY fake for me, great most of the time but not every day in every video.. so annoying….but this is a cultural difference ….just something to think about for Casey…if you care to attract a bit more “grown up” viewers…Blogilates is a business after all and you do have GREAT success so why not to think about how it can reach even more people and improve something? Please do not take it as useless complaining just as a hint from outsider’s point of view.
Hi Cassey,
Your videos are awesome but I would love to have more beginner videos and a modification box for more difficult videos(like in “Waist Slimming POP Pilates to Wings by Little Mix”).
Have a wonderful day and Thank You,
I am so glad you put Macklemore into the routine! I love his song Gold too!
Pilates are a great way to remain in shape! How often do you do Pilates/Yoga in a week?
bahaha people stared at me in the subway because i couldn’t get down the stairs
I love anything that works the booty!! Thank You!
When my butt is burning so bad and im screaming at Cassie you go girl! lol my life!
Thank you Cassey also for sharing with us your favourite music for workout!
Love this: Fall Down -Will.I.Am feat. Miley Cyrus
….Hugs and greetings from Italy, ciaooooo!!!!!! 🙂
EEEEEE can’t wait to try this!
Daaaang, Cass! You weren’t joking about that butt pain!! This definitely just became one of my new favorites 🙂
Hi! I have just found your blog and its amazing!! I am currently doing the 30 day shred and blogging about my experience. I have been looking for what to do next and I will def be doing your videos they are so much fun! Would you mind if I blog about them?
Many thanks
I had already finished my workouts yesterday before you posted this new one, so I started with it today. WoW!
Now I have to go do todays’ videos. But I’m already sweating so much! It’s ok – I’ll do it anyway.
HI ! 🙂
Can someone please tell me how to start out with Blogilates !
I absolutely love the videos, Cassey your amazing ! 🙂 I have already done the beginner videos but I am wondering how to incorporate this in to my daily life to see results ?
I am not super fit, I don’t exercise much but I am slim and I really just want to tone up lose that last bit of fat and muffintops and be lean and trim ! How do I do this ?
What have you guys done to get results ? Like an hour of Blogilates 3 times a week with 10 mins of cardio before each …. or what I am a bit confused the website doesn’t make it super clear !
Thanks guys !!!! xoxo
Hi! I would recommend the Workout Calender! You work out 1h a day, 6 days a week. But if you need more rest days I think you can easily include them and do less workout a week. As you get stronger you can work out more 😀
the leg chopper thing… oh man!!
after the first side, when we had to switch to the other and do the crunch moves, i could barely do those bc my butt cheek (the one from the first side, on which i was now lying) hurt so much, hahaha.
Ooooh! That was KILLER but so good. My butt really died 🙂 An amazing total body workout. It’s one oft my new favorites! 🙂