My first booth ever!
My first booth ever!
Oh my goodness. Is that what I think it is?
No it’s actually ________ the new official Blogilates Mannequin! (Any suggestions for names?) I just got her today as I was setting up our booth at the IDEA World Health and Fitness Conference at the LA Convention Center! It was always my dream to have a mannequin and a booth at a real big show like this! I always thought having a mannequin would you know, make me legit. And girl, when I got ________ today, I felt all sorts of legit.
A few years ago when I was in college and had just started my yoga bag company oGorgeous, I told myself that one day my bags would be at IDEA. Obviously the booths were way too expensive for me and there was no way I could justify it through the number of sales I was getting at the time. Fast forward to last summer…one day I get an email from a rep of IDEA asking if I’d like to do a talk at their show. I was like what!!??? Are you kidding?
(FYI…IDEA is kinda like a HUGE educational meet-up for fitness instructors, trainers, and all people and things exercise and health related. It happens once a year in Southern CA.)
Anyway! I was like ummm yes yes yes! Please! I felt so honored to have the opportunity to share my knowledge with other fitness professionals in the industry. I’m currently preparing for my talk on “How to be a Social Media Star” on Saturday. Well I mean, I guess I’ve prepared the past couple years already! What I mean is that now I have to take all of that and put it into a powerpoint presentation. An entertaining one. OMG, I think the last time I did that was in college! I was actually going to start outlining some of it now but somehow I ended up here and started writing to you guys 🙂
So along with the chance to speak, I now get this booth to showcase all what Blogilates and oGorgeous are all about! I was literally walking around today as all these other vendors and huge companies like Reebok, Zumba, TRX, Stott Pilates etc. were setting up and just got the chills in my body. The good kind of chills though…the one that resonates through your heart too. I couldn’t stop smiling. I finally have a booth! Clothes are hanging on racks, rainbow-color coordinated, by size, by style, on hangers! AND THERE’S A MANNEQUIN!!!! AHHH!!!! SO LEGIT!!!!!
My hope is that gym owners, other fitness trainers, and exercise enthusiasts like yourself will like the clothes and bags they see! I really really hope we’re able to sell most of it so I don’t have to take it back home 🙂 It’s kinda scary though because honestly, you never know. You just never know how the public will receive you or your designs. So fingers and toes crossed. Tomorrow is the first day of the expo. We will see what happens then.
Ok it’s 4:30am. What am I doing. I need to go to sleep. Too excited.
K love you so much and I’ll letcha know what’s up tomorrow through Instagram and Twitter!
<3 Cassey
73 thoughts on “My first booth ever!”
There are 73 comments posted by our users.
Howdy are using WordPress for your blog platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and create my own.
Do you require any coding knowledge to make your
own blog? Any help would be really appreciated!
Suggestion for mannequin’s name: POPpy! (:
I love it!!! POPpy is a great name.
Lady! You didn’t tell me you were going to be there! I was there on Saturday. I would have definitely sported some of your gear!
Cassey that is so awesome. Hope you were very successful!
You know I just recently started my Blog about making healthy life choices and overcoming daily obstacles to get there (; and watching your progress is so much motivation.
Keep up the good work.
Congratulations!! That’s so awesome! I’m pretty sure everyone loved your clothes, they are os cute amd inspirational 🙂 <3
I wish I could be there!! That is so awesome though, I am so happy for you!
That’s so great! Congratulations! 🙂
So right! It can be so nerve recking to do expo shows (or any sales show). I’ve done two with my new business and they were total loses. You never know how a crowd will take to your designs (though you’re are already known which totally works in your benefit!).
You should do a ‘Business’ series for those of us who are starting out with our own business. How did you get started with your line of o’gorgeous bags? How did you advertise? Those kinds of topics. I think you have so much to teach and give from all of your experiences these past few years!
Consider it?
Go Cassey!! You’re so amazing!!
So So Happy for you !!! You came from so far and here you are now ! CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you will receive all the happiness you give to people like me ! <3
Hey I just want to share some information with all of you. If you’re interested in being healthier, not only should you consider exercise, but did you also know that we expose ourselves to hundreds of harsh chemicals and toxins every day? I know of an online store where you can buy products for your house that have little to no chemicals and toxins in them and aren’t tested on animals. This store has everything from granola bars to cleaning solutions. If you’re interested in safer, environmentally friendly products anyone is welcome to get ahold of me. I will answer any questions and provide you with the research needed to make better decisions. My name is Cierra Thurston and you can email me at
I’m very happy for you, Cassey! Congrats!
Hi guys, I’m trying to access the August calendar and the password isn’t working! Someone help please 🙁
Guys, someone has been reuploading Cassey’s videos on youtube.
The channel’s name is Yusuf Altin, please lets do something about it? It really pissed me off.
I just checked it I’m soo mad at this person for stealing Cassey’s videos ! Grrrrr !
I am so proud of you and are a great model for success! Awesome!
Hey Cassey! I just wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you/inspired by you. I pray that you will go very far in both your career and your clothing business. God Bless! 😀 <3
P.S. : You should definitely name your mannequin either Boquisha or Poppy the Popster. LOL.
I’m so glad for ya Cassey! gorgeous booth you got there <3 wish I could be there to give you my support! plus I want those Blogilates gear so badly. hahaha. loads of love from Singapore! xx
Hey Cassey! I hope everything went well yesterday! Good luck on your presentation today you’re gonna do great! Give us an update on how everything went whent you’re all done. Good luck! 😀
Ah, it’s all so colourful – gorgeous!! Good luck x
I’m so incredibly proud of you. You’ve actually encouraged me to create my own line of fitness gear for people in theatre arts, so thank you! Never stop shining.
Congratulations!!!! You have worked hard and inspire so many people, I am sure you will sell everything and your talk will be awesome!!!! I work at a cancer center and we are all becoming properties!!!:)
Oops I mean popsters darn autocorrect
Congrats Cassey!! Lovely booth you got there!
And I know you’ll be doing awesome on your presentation XD
Two thumbs up! You are starting to reach your dreams. What an inspiration to many. 🙂
Hey Cassey! Congrats on realizing your dream! I love when that happens; you tell yourself early on that you want to do achieve a certain goal, file it away in your brain. And then BOOM, you did it! You deserve all of the good stuff that come with this. Plus, I’m pretty positive your stuff will sell well. If I could come to this conference, I would definitely help. Tee hee!
I’m very happy for you Cassey! You deserve your sucess and happiness =) And honestly I would not stress too much about whether or not they will love your designs or yourself hahaha! Only fools would dislike such colorful inspirational outfits or their creator! Have fun at IDEA!
Congrats! You’ve earned this! I hope you do a great job with your presentation. ^_^
HAHAHA. When I saw the title of this I got really excited for you and looked down at the first photo and thought for a second that you were making trash bag pants!
The Blogilates mannequin looks beautiful 🙂
And congratulations, you must be so excited.
Goooood Luck!
The owner of the fitness studio i go to from time to time is out there too!!! I sent her a message saying that she has to find you and meet you because I am KIND OF obsessed with blogilates in the past few weeks since I started lol!! And she is an awesome trainer, and from the East coast!
OMG Congratz Cassey! I’m sure they are gonna love your stuff! ♥
congrats cassey! so proud of you <3
Congratulations, Cassey!
Awesome!! Congratulations! If I was there and had enough money, I’d buy all of your products! 🙂 They’re so fun!
So happy for you Cassey:) it’s so cool that you get this amazing opportunity:) ik everyone will love your product there! Who wouldn’t?!:) love you so much hope and pray everything goes well and that it’s everything you dreamed! Love you <3
I know your talk and your expo will be a success!
Her name should be Hope. You have had a lot of hope you get to where you are today – she has been with you a long time! Congrats!
Big big congrats Cassey!! I love you fr making me love my body!
Haha love it!!!! How about Shirley for the Mannequin 🙂
I immediately thought Belle, because of Train like a Beast Look like a Beauty! LoL!!! 25 years old and still Disney obsessed!
I thought the same thing! Or LaFonda.
Congrats Cassey! I’m sure you’ll sell out and even wish you brought more to sell! 😉
her name should be Hope. You had lots of hope to get where you are today – she has been with you a long time! Congrats!
I like poppy for popsters too! Good luck and congrats! You have worked hard and you should enjoy the results!
Im so happy for you and wish you the best of luck 😀 But you should do a Prezi instead of a power point like a Prezi is more fun and creative. You should name it blog girl 🙂
Congratulations cassey!!your booth luks fab 🙂
That is awesome! I am so happy for you Cassey. Your booth looks great. 🙂
BlogiLady, obviously 😛
OMG, congrats! You won’t need to bring any of your products home, I’m sure 🙂
Congratulations Cassey! So proud of you!
Go get them, Cassey! I’m sure everything will go! It’s so exciting to have a dream come true! You deserve it! You’ve worked hard for it and you are just a sweet, charming personality, you are destined for success! And such an inspiration you are, girl! All the best of luck!
Hey Cassey!
Congrats on the talk. I know nerve racking they could be. I have done a couple for my professional organization as well. Any chance you’d be willing to share your powerpoint after you are done? I’d love to see your ideas!! Thanks so much
This is so exciting!!!! I’m excited for you! Lol
How about Chrome! Because that’s what color she is…and I feel like chrome is a pretty indestructible element, so there you go!
wow, I’m so happy for you! I hope you’ll sell everything ’til the last tiny booty shorts! I wish I could go there but it’s faaaaar far away (like, thousands of miles far away).
Good luck on your presentation too! own the place 🙂
I think the name for her should be Mannelates because since your youtube channel name is blogilates and then there’s POP pilates why not name her Mannelates you know? :DD She’s a mannequin so. XD
I think the mannequins name should be very sassy like ayva, Sabrina, Sabra? Hmm.. Monica??
Monica would be a good choice… well, that’s my name… 😀
name her Mandy! Mandy the Mannequin =)
It’s Poppy the Popster, right? 🙂
Great booth! Enjoy! Live long and prosper! Etc.!
I vote “Poppy” too! Clever 🙂
I like Poppy as well…or how about Ma’ma Poppy! Congrats, have a blast and keep smiling:)
I’m so excited for you! I’m sure your booth will be the most popular there, especially after your talk! You just have a magnetic personality like that. 😀
Love the booth! Good luck with the talk and the expo!! You can do it!
You should name your mannequin Clara! Cuz thats my name;)
Yay Cassey, good luck and have so much fun <3
Your booth looks really colorful and inviting! I’m sure you’ll do fine 🙂
Good luck Cassey!! I wish I could be there!! <3
All d very best cassey fr the moment u wished…….u will definetly rock 🙂
That’s a huge deal so big fat congrats on getting invited to speak and having your line on display. I’m sure everything will fly off the racks!!! Good luck. 🙂
Any reasonable person would find it hard to walk past that booth without stopping to check out those tops!