June 2012 Workout Calendar (get the password if you’re a newsletter subscriber)
Just click on the calendar, it’ll open up big, then right click and save! Print and post on your wall! Tweet or facebook me a pic once you do! Yay! Do you like the pretty ikat colors? I am all into it right now.
Have fun!
<3 Cassey
62 thoughts on “June 2012 Workout Calendar (get the password if you’re a newsletter subscriber)”
There are 62 comments posted by our users.
Hi! First, I love Bloilates.
Now the question: Could you maybe do a diet plan to follow while doing the July training calendar? 🙂 That would be amazing <3 x
She already has a ton of diet plans on here. They are all pretty similar so I’m not sure what she could put on to make it better than it is already. Its under the meal plan tab one the menu at the top.
Please disregard that message! I just read that this was from a year ago.
Will you make a workout calendar for August? That would be awesome! And could you put it up by the end of July so that we could have it for the whole month?<3 xoxo
i am wishing for a July Calendar. Will my wish come true?
Are you going to make a calendar for July? That would be awesomeee!
Hey Cassey, your workouts are amazing! I have been incorporating at least two of them a day in my workout plan. I was wondering whether they was going to be a July calendar coming out?
THANK YOU for the calendar! I just got on board and this is exactly what I needed! 🙂
I got it thanks!!
It’s so helpful Cassey! 🙂
Have a great and nice day!!
Hi! (:
On the calendar when you say to pick a 10 min pop cardio or HIIT vid, do we still have to do them 4 times, or just for 10 minutes?
Thank you so much! (:
TOO AWESOME CASSEY!! Thanks for helping outlaying the workouts. Absolutely eggcited to try it out! 😀
Cassey, thanks for all you do! I’m obsessed with this website and in the best shape of my life because of it! Love your positive energy and can’t wait until tomorrow morning when I know you’ll be there to motivate me through a tough workout. =)
Hi Cassey!
I just recently started the subscription and came across this workout, is it too late to start this workout or should I wait for the july & August 2012 workout?
Start it! That way you’ll be ready for July’s calendar when it comes out.
Cassey you’re the best! This calender is just what I needed!
Will there be one for July and August too?
I cant see the calendar to click & save it ):
I was wondering if you can do some short videos? I would love to do all the videos like ‘Bikini blast’ but because I pay for my useage and what I watch/save online etc, I cant view most of them or follow them ):
Hi cassey i’m really going to do this!
But can we sometimes change and go running instead of cardio, or just going jogging for one day just to change some things?
And if you only do this can we get your PERFECT body!
Also what about bike riding? I definitely prefer that over running, less stress, more fun. What do you all think?
Hi Cassie i’m new here. i’m try to be sportive and more active now and i hope to get this life style forever! I like too much your vid you make me motivated and i don’t give up! thank you sooo much for everithing. i like your way to do sport and i like you..you’re beautiful…hope to be just like you one day! sorry for my “english” i’m italian!! xoxo Alice
Hi Cassey! Thank you SO SO much for this workout calendar. I’m not trying seriously to lose weight but am looking to be more active this summer. This calendar has already helped me workout way more than I would have otherwise. Keep them coming!
heey…thank u so much for this :DD
Absolutely LOVE this calendar! I have never felt so sore in my life after the 30 minutes of butt videos!!
Should we supplement this to our regular cardio workout schedule such as the treadmill or elliptical, or can I use this calendar as a substitute to my regular workout?
Got it thanks!
Hey Cassey! I was wondering if you could provide the link on weighttraining.com to see how many calories we burn with bikini blasters, because I’m having trouble finding it. Thanks so much!
Thanks for the help! But unfortunately, it still doesn’t seem to list the calories that you burn. Am i doing something wrong? It doesn’t seem to say it anywhere.
are these calendars going to be a regular thing? would love that!
Great idea, really helpfull. Please do this for every single month <3
Love the calendar! Fits with my first challenge, check it out if you want on my new blog! http://allchallenges.wordpress.com/2012/05/10/fitchallenge1/ (take it easy on me, I’m new to this!)
thank you cassey :*
I absolutely LOVE this! I often don’t know how to combine exercises to make my workout more affective, and this is perfect! Could you make more in the future please? (:
Hey Cassey,
Thanks for the amazing calendar, very useful!
With: streeeetch, do you mean a video?
And with: Choose I POP Song Challenge,
do you mean a random video of your youtubeaccount?
Can’t wait to hear from you, so i can start with the calendar this evening!
xx Fenna
She has specific POP Song Challenges!
To elaborate (lol I forgot), there are videos such as “call me maybe mighty squat challenge,” “what makes you bootyful challenge,” “brokenhearted ab challenge.”
Thanks, Cassey! I am forever trying to get on board with pop pilates and never trying HARD ENOUGH so I set the June calendar to be my laptop background and now I’m going to get off the computer and go work out!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Gives me so much less to think about 🙂 You are AMAZING Cassey!
Love it! Thanks so much for making this for us!
Oh Cassey that’s perfect. the Calendar is what I needed!!!
no more excuses about ‘don’t know wich workout to do today’ 🙂
Love it! 🙂
This is the best thing ever Cassey! But when you say to do Bikini Blaster 1 does that mean once or all 4 rounds?
I’m wondering the same thing…..I think we just do 1 round.
You are the best! Thank you!!
Thank you so much…this is really cool.
Will you post a Workout Calendar EVERY MONTH for, like, FOREVER?? LOL
I am super excited about this!!! Now I have no reason not to work out!!!
Love it Cassey <3
Dear cassey, i would like to know if your Newsletter is totally for Free or do we have to Pay for it? Please answer , thanks
This is just what I needed to get motivated for the month! I looove the colors of the calendar and I’m already hoping that you will make one for July too!
This is just what I need to get back in shape.
This is great! im starting your 90 day challenge, im afraid because i always lose motivation so fast..but i’ll try to stay on track.
I wanted to ask, if i run at least 3 times a week should i still do your cardio vids the days i run?
i love you Cassey, you are a great inspiration i love how positive & happy you always look & how you open up to us, its really meaningful, i hope the best for you, you are a successful person ♥
Love it! Just printed it off & I can’t wait to do it tomorrow morning! (:
Thank you so much Cassey! I discovered you right after this past X-mas & I absolutely LOVE you! You keep me motivated & make me want to workout! (Even though I can’t do the moves quite like you haha.) I still feel it burn & feel extra sore the next day! I am working my way up there though! I’m so happy that you made this workout calendar & I know a lot of your other fans are too! Can’t get enough of you & your motivation! (:
Thanks again! <3
YAY!! totally changing my big calendar to this now!! woot woot! thanks cassey!
This is AMAZING Cassey!!