February 2017 Workout Calendar

Hey guys!

AHHHH! How is Jan basically over? I don’t know. I really don’t.

But I am TRULY so proud of everyone who experienced and CONQUERED the #28DayReset Challenge! Be sure to share your before and afters – whether it’s a face skin transformation or a full body shot transformation…I want to hear your story! I will be collecting inspirational stories and posting them on the blog later this week!

Oh and I am doing a 2nd round of the Reset for myself in Feb beginning Feb 1, so if you wanna join, please do! I’ll be posting some Reset recipes on the blog from time time but if you want the entire cookbook with over 150 recipes and a meal plan, then head over to 28dayreset.com. There’s an omnivore version and a vegan version!

And now…for your February Blogilates Workout Calendar! All linked up and ready to go!

Download Linkable PDF | Download hi-res JPEG

Have fun and GO HARD! As usual though, right?!

59 thoughts on “February 2017 Workout Calendar”

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  1. Courtney says:

    Hey Everyone! I’m new to the calendars, are we supposed to do every suggestion on each day? Or just pick a few each day?

  2. Melita Hayton says:

    Cassy!!! Tomorrow is the 1st of March here in Aus! I need my calendar so I can be prepared please post it!!!

  3. Jennifer Lo says:

    On the calendar, are we supposed to complete 1 video each or we should repeat the videos? If so, how many times?

    1. Reni says:

      You’re to complete each video on the calendar only once. Unless you need an even tougher workout?

  4. CoilySue86 says:

    For the ones that say “New Video”, which ones is she referring to?

    1. Nina Blackwell says:

      I believe its the newest one posted on the blogilates YouTube channel…I started late with the February calendar so I did the newest one she posted 2 days ago.

      1. CoilySue86 says:

        I started late, too. That’s the one I ended up doing.
        Thanks so much! ☺

  5. Ratessa says:

    I’m doing the begginer’s calendar now, but I consider doing normal one in March, but I have a question:

    I’m rock climbing for more than an hour (including warmup) on Mondays, so it’s like full workout by itself. What workout day can I cross out due to that? Arm day or smth else?

  6. Chingfei Hsiung says:

    Hello Cassey!!!
    I found your calendar so cute and so colorful!!! I wonder if you can use the same design onto bligilates app ?~ It will be wonderful if the workout app is as cute as the calendar which makes me want to open it everyday :p just asking.
    Love you!!! <3

  7. Hannah B says:

    Sooo excited to start this!!! I know I’m late, but I’ve really been wanting to try it out and find a different exercise plan that’s fun and challenging! Thanks for creating this, Cassey! ❤️

  8. Tori Tarantino says:

    Question: I know the playlist for each individual day disappears after a couple of days, but I like to have a couple more rest days so sometimes I bunch up two days of videos in one (usually one set in the morning, the other in the afternoon/early evening). If I “save” the playlist on YouTube, will it still work after Cassey has taken the playlist off? Or do I have to search for the videos individually?

  9. Nikki says:

    OMG love this month’s calendar! So pretty 🙂 Also, how is the new darkbloom collection? I am thinking of getting a few pieces as soon as i save some money

  10. Míra .N says:

    I’m starting to train again monthly plans, so I want to ask how it is every day authored several videos, so it exercises all or just some?

  11. Gil says:

    Hi! I’m new to these monthly calendars and I was wondering if I needed to do any stretching or warm-ups before and/or after I do the videos for the day, or if I can just do the videos.

    1. Tori Tarantino says:

      I usually don’t if the first video is titled as a “warm-up” or a “stretching” video, but if not then I find one of those to do first just to be safe. You can do some serious damage to your body if you’re not warmed up and stretched before doing some of the exercises!

      1. Gil says:

        ohhh thank you!

  12. Kelly D says:

    I decided to start tracking this calendar again for Feb, but I am kinda bummed that the Playlists are removed after a couple of days from YouTube. I typically do long runs on Saturdays and need to move other days around during the week, so I’m not always doing THAT days particular set, and then they disappear 🙁 Oh well…I guess I can put it together myself!!

    1. Tori Tarantino says:

      Me too. I like mashing a couple days together every once in a while so I can get an extra rest day or two. Some days I just want to relax the whole day lol.

    2. Orly M says:

      I actually sit down at my computer as soon as cass posts the calendar and create the playlists. it takes me about an hour, but then i have the rest of the month ready to go and i can access it whenever I want

  13. Keyla Mary Ferreras Feliz says:

    I started this calendar yesterday and woow. just woow!

  14. Andra says:

    Finished the beginners’ calendar in January and switched to the regular one Feb 1st, and wow these are really challenging! Doing Sat today because I want to have my rest day on a different day and omg…. Had to take quite a few pauses in between, but I did finish all videos!

  15. Robot says:

    Dang this calendar seems hard! Has anyone done a monthly calendar without doing the beginners one or anything first? I really want to do one of the monthly calendars and this is my birth month!

    1. Alina says:

      If you are willing to push yourself then you should definitely try it! I consider myself athletic I’ve seen these calendars (never did the beginner’s calendar either, just watched her videos) up for a while and finally decided to try it (after I ate an entire bag of spicy chips haha). Day 1 was ‘cardio burn’ and I am most definitely felt and am currently still feeling the burn lol. It was difficult but honestly I’ve never felt better and want to keep going and it’s only been one day! If you are really set on pushing yourself to your max I highly suggest it. If you are worried do the beginners one and then do the March calendar. Hope this helps!

      P.S. I did her ab videos on my own time and she gave me abs so I have complete faith in that all of this effort is definetly worth it

    2. Kelly D says:

      You can just do modifications for the moves.

  16. Marta says:

    I can’t find my calendar in the app

    1. Tori Tarantino says:

      The downside about the app is that in order to access the workouts on the calendar, you have to pay 99 cents a month through the app whether you already have an account on the website or not. If you still want to use it though, tap the “tools” icon that looks like a timer on the lower left part of the app. Tap the smiley face to make sure you’re signed in to the app and then go back and tap the “workout calendar”, tap “Cassey’s recommendation”, and it’ll give you the option to subscribe to the app for calendar access.

  17. Giulia Merlo says:

    why i can’t find the first day playlist on youtube? 🙁

  18. Steph says:


    Is anyone else having trouble with accessing the workout calendar on the app? I’ve tried deleting and re-installing it but it’s still coming up as blank for February 🙁

    1. Samantha says:

      I’m having the same problem! I tried reinstalling and restoring through the app, but nothing is coming up for February.

    2. PC says:

      I’m having the same issue! So looks like I’m not the only one, wonder what’s wrong?

  19. Katie says:

    hello all! I am going to do this calendar and am excited! I have done with Piit28 a couple of times, so I wanted to try something different before I do Piit28 2.0….but I am having a hard time finding the videos on YouTube. I went under blogilates and clicked on playlist. but then after that I am lost….can anyone help me?? am I just missing something easy?

    1. sara says:

      Each day is listed as a playlist – for example, day one is there as “February 1st – CARDIO BURN”

      1. Katie says:

        thank you, I saw the video’s in the afternoon. for some reason they were not up in the morning.

    2. Ratessa says:

      I’d do piit28 if I had money, sob xD

  20. Larissa says:

    Hey Cassey! I just wanted to let you know that you are by far my favourite Fitness-Blogger and -YouTuber! Your blog posts and videos are so motivating and inspiring! I love every single workout-video on your channel. And also the videos where you just talk about your thoughts. Oh, and your recipes of course! They are so yummy! So basically, I love all of your videos. 🙂 I am starting the 28 day reset challenge for February today. I am really excited and I hope I am going to make it! I am fifteen years old and hope that the #28dayresetchallenge will help me to live a healthier and happier life! Xoxo, Larissa 🙂

  21. HollyHig says:

    Hey everyone,
    I am new to blogilaties and recently finished the beginners calendar. I have a hard time with the motivation aspect. I am very busy with juggling a masters, work, and exercise. I need advice on how to stay motivated to workout during the week. My boyfriend is very encouraging, but when I am with him I don’t want to workout either since we don’t get very much time together.

    Does anyone have any advice on how to stay motivated though this process?

    1. Annie says:

      You can do it. When you more and more exercise, you’ve getting more energy, so you can do more thngs.
      And the other is, that you dont need to do it evry single day. You maight skip a day, when you are free to do two days in one. The important is to enjoy doing it, otherwise its no working.

    2. Denise Parker says:

      I’m in the same boat. I just finished the calendar on 01/28 and just did the last 3 days of the January one but almost didn’t do it today because ended up doing it really late. I’ve noticed that the later in the day I wait to do it, the harder it is to motivate myself. When I do it earlier I have this huge relief and pride that its done and I don’t have to think about it any more. That boosts me and makes me want to do it the next day because it’s been a long time since the last workout by then. I keep the calendar on as my desktop backround and literally check the boxes so I see it getting more filled in as I good which also motivates me. Plus I always remember that the time will pass whether I do it or not and I would rather feel happy that I filled in the calendar by the end of the month than sad. I really hope that helps 🙂

    3. Julie Stroobants says:

      Hi HollyHig,

      I really understand the feeling!! I started with blogilates in november and first I did random workouts because I don’t have much time. Some days (mostly int he weekends) I had the time to do three video’s but throughout the week it was one video, but often it was NONE video…
      But then Christmas came, and I gained weight… Waaaay toooo much!! So in January I did the 28resetchallenge combined with the beginnerscalender.
      I have found the perfect combination of work, exercise, boyfriend-time and social activities. On sundaynight I look in my agenda to see what the week wil bring and I adopt my exercise-scheme. When I had social or work-related activities in the night, I did the videos in the morning (and yes, I have to wake up a half hour earlier, but it’s worth it). My boyfriend and I live together so that not a big problem for me, but we tried to do exercise things together like JUST DANCE on the WII (that’s also a real cardio workout for sure) and we made sure that after that a good movie and some healthy snacks are ready for us.

      I think that if you WANT it real bad, you have to make adjustmensts to your life.. My turningpoint came after the holidays, because I was sooo insecure.. I think everyone needs that turningpoint to make adjustments. So don’t be bothered if that’s not arrived yet. If YOU are happy with the person you are and all the things you do in your life, then it’s okay to not do the whole calender from beginning to the end and to skip a day or two. You always have to keep in mind that you are doing it because it makes YOU happy! Who cares that you don’t do the whole calender our video or skip a whole week of training.. BUT if you WANT to change and you feel like your in a bad mindset, unhappy, insecure,.. well the only advice I can give is that you have to make adjustments (for me it was waking up earlier and eating healthier). Your boyfriend will understand that, if you have the possibility to arrive later on your work, try to the exercise before you go to work. If you have a girlsnight, do some videos together (or play JUST DANCE :p)

      Good luck!! You can do it!!

      1. HollyHig says:

        Thank you so much!! I loved your advice. Thank you for the positivity!

  22. Heena Karir says:

    Hey Cassey,
    I stared pilates last month. I am on my beginner plan 3rd week now. I will finish the beginner calendar by mid of feb. So can I start feb calendar in the middle of the month?
    Can anyone help me with this?

    1. Emma says:

      I started the January calendar in the middle of the month after doing the beginner calendar and it was great! Difficult, but great 🙂

      1. Heena Karir says:

        Thank you Emma !! Its great motivation to have someone who faced same issues and tried things you are reluctant about.

  23. Emma says:

    After finishing the beginner’s calendar and the last part of the January calendar, I am SO EXCITED to start February off right! Thanks so much for making these workout plans free, Cassie!! As a college student who already spends way too much money on school, I really really appreciate it. YOU’RE THE BEST!

  24. Sophia says:

    Day 1 done and feeling great sore but fit <3 Love this

  25. Saskia says:

    Haha, I was super excited to do the calendar as I’ve been slacking for a month or two in 2016… But I became pregnant! So instead I’ve been even worse this month. Hoping to start some light pilates workouts in February 😀

  26. Germana says:

    Super cool, the linkable videos on the calendar. I usually save the daily videos on my youtube account, and this just make my work easy. Thanks!

  27. Rose says:

    I’m super excited but I hope I can do it, I have been doing the calendars religiously about 6 months but got sick for about a month and I finally feel better now but idk should I start this new calendar or do i have to go back to beginners :/

  28. Who else stuck through the entire January 2017 workout calendar??! 🙂 It was awesome! I even threw in a few runs here and there.

  29. Renee Pearson says:

    Hi Cassey!
    Thank you for this! I just finished the 28 day reset and feel soooo awesome! I’m looking forward to clean eating and getting toned in February!
    I love how everything is spelled out right for me with no guesswork involved. So NO EXCUSES! 🙂
    Thanks again,

  30. Rebekah says:

    Tomorrow starts our family’s 28 Day Reset Challenge. Our daughter asked us to join her in this. Here we go…………

  31. Lex says:

    Thank you so much for another wonderful month plan Cassey! Love you <3

    I'd be thankful for anyone who can answer me to this question cL

    I was wondering, I've been doing continuously (apart from some sick days) for the last 2 months and I've noticed that my biceps are starting to peek through – which is good news – but I'm also seeing new stretch marks along my arm. Is that something I should be concerned about? I have stretch marks all over my body and getting new stretch marks is not something I'm exactly happy about.. has anyone experienced this?

    1. annie says:

      You cant really do something. Its your type of skin. I also have a lot of stretch marks.
      But you can use olive oil, or wheet oil, almond oil, its not going to fade it, but will help.

  32. Léa says:

    Your calendars are getting better and better. You keep improving in everything you do, which is a great inspiration for all of us. This is amazing ! I’m gonna do the calendar and join the 28days reset as well ! Can’t wait ! <3

  33. Emma Murray says:

    I’m going to give this a go this February and really try to get through it! I remember I did a previous months one and lasted eight days but my headspace was all over the place with university that I stopped 🙁 but not this time! I’m looking forward to the challenge and can’t wait to see what happens!! Em xx

  34. Bree Stevens says:

    Hey Cassey! You’re so amazing!! I took part in the 28 Day Reset, and although it was hard some days, I had my goal in mind, and kept it up (mostly) But thank you Cassey for always being an awesome inspiring role model and coach!!!! You rock xxxxx